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5 – Unit 5: Business and work

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Lesson 2 Topic: Business and work WID: IELTS5.5_02_W

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Writing skills: Linking expressions ...... pts/10

Skills IELTS Writing skills:

- ideas planning, paragraph development and
...... pts/10
IELTS essay structure
- advantage and disadvantage essay

Exercise 1. [Linking expressions] Choose the correct linking words to complete the sentences.
1. Although/However/It is certain that children are spending more time playing computer
2. Sport should be fun. However/In addition/While, the pressure can make it unpleasant.
3. Firstly/On the other hand/While sports remain popular as entertainment; fewer people are
actually taking part.
4. Young people don’t always have the time to play sports although/furthermore/in addition to
their school work.
5. On the one hand, sports are good for your body. Also/although/on the other hand, they can
take up a lot of time.
6. Spending time playing games can be fun, but it can also/furthermore/in addition be a
problem if you do it too much.
7. Computer games can be educational, although/and/while more often they are not.
8. I believe computer games are boring. But/Furthermore/On the other hand, they are harmful.

Exercise 2. [Linking expressions] Rewrite the following pairs of sentences, linking the ideas
with a transition word or phrase. Try to write each sentence in many ways.
E.g. Exercise is important for maintaining health.
Many people don't exercise regularly.
à Exercise is important for maintaining health, but many people don't exercise regularly.
or Even though exercise is important for maintaining health, many people don't exercise
IELTS 5.5 – Unit 5: Business and work

1. Too many private cars on the roads lead to frequent traffic jams.

Too many private cars on the roads create high levels of air pollution.

2. Some people feel that it is cruel to keep animas in zoos.

Other people believe that zoos provide important opportunities for research and education.


3. Smoking is popular among teenagers.

Teenagers don't understand the heath consequences of smoking.


4. Many websites contain information that isn't suitable for children.

Parents should control how their children use the Internet.


5. Telecommuting means that people don't have to spend time and money traveling between
work and home.

Telecommuting gives people more time to devote to family responsibilities such as cooking,
cleaning, and child care.

IELTS 5.5 – Unit 5: Business and work

Exercise 3. [Writing: Idea development] Read each thesis statement in italic and the main
ideas that follow. Choose the main idea that does NOT belong.

1. In my opinion, laws against smoking in public places will do a lot to discourage this
unpleasant and unhealthy habit, and I don't believe any further measures are needed.

A. Laws can do a great deal to reduce smoking.

B. Laws against smoking are more effective than education, taxes, or anything else.

C. Smoking leads to many diseases in addition to cancer.

2. Sending children to school at an early age has both advantages and disadvantages.

A. In many places there are few or no preschools available.

B. Children can learn a lot by being around other children.

C. Young children feel insecure when they are away from their parents.

3. The Internet is crucial to modern life, and parents and schools can do a lot to make sure
children use the Internet safely.

A. Although the Internet is widely available, there are still people who don't use it.

B. Many schools have developed systems that limit the websites children can access.

C. Parents often limit how and when their children can use the Internet.

4. I agree that modern technology has made our lives better in many ways.

A. Cell phones have greatly improved communication in both our private and professional

B. There have always been people who protest any technological change.

C. Cars are now much easier and much safer to drive.

5. Although many products are tested on animals for safety and efficacy, I believe this is a cruel
practice as well as being completely unnecessary.

A. Laboratory animals suffer a great deal of pain and discomfort.

B. There are other ways to test products besides using animals.

C. Both drug and cosmetic companies test their products on animals.

IELTS 5.5 – Unit 5: Business and work

Choose one topic above and think of two or three details to support each main idea. Write 1
paragraph using the idea development methods in this lesson.

IELTS 5.5 – Unit 5: Business and work

Exercise 4. [Advantages and disadvantages essay planning] Read the essay. Then, complete
the missing parts of the outline.

Topic: Some parents send their children to preschool when they are three or four years old.
Other parents wait until their children are old enough for primary school before they send them
to school.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sending children to preschool at a young age.

While many children start preschool when they are only three or four years old, there are both
advantages and disadvantages to this situation. Preschool gives children the chance to develop
important skills. It also provides a safe place for children while their parents are at work. On the
other hand, it takes them away from their parents at a young age.

Preschool gives children an opportunity to develop important skills. They develop social skills
when they play with the other children at school. They learn to share, to negotiate
disagreements, and to do things as a group. They also learn skills that will prepare them for
primary school. They learn about colors, numbers, and letters. They learn to sit and listen to the
teacher. These things will help them later when they start first grade.

Preschool also provides a safe place for children while their parents are working. At preschool,
children are cared for by trained teachers who understand children and their needs. They also
know how to handle emergencies. Parents can feel confident that their children are well cared
for at preschool.

There are, however, some disadvantages to sending children to preschool. The biggest one is
that it separates them from their parents for a large part of the day. Many children at the age of
three or four are not yet ready to spend so much time away from their parents. It can cause
them to feel unhappy and insecure. It is often better for young children to be cared for by
relatives, if this is possible.

Preschool can be a good experience for many children, but others aren't ready for school at an
early age. Parents need to make the decision about preschool based on the personality of each
individual child and the family situation.
IELTS 5.5 – Unit 5: Business and work

Thesis: Advantages and disadvantages of preschool

Paragraph Main idea Chance to develop important skills

Supporting details 1_______________________________________


Paragraph Main idea 3_______________________________________

Supporting details Teachers understand children


Paragraph Main idea 5_______________________________________

Supporting details 6_______________________________________


Better to be cared for by relatives

Exercise 5. [IELTS Writing: Advantages and disadvantages] Plan and write the essay for the
topics below.

1. In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between
finishing high school and starting university studies.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decided to do this.

A. Understand the topic and brainstorm the ideas

IELTS 5.5 – Unit 5: Business and work

B. Arrange the ideas

Plan your essay. Include the main ideas and supporting ideas for each part.

a. Introduction

 _________________________________

b. Main Body Paragraph 1

 _________________________________

 _________________________________

 _________________________________

 _________________________________

c. Main Body Paragraph 2

 _________________________________

 _________________________________

 _________________________________

 _________________________________

d. Conclusion

 _________________________________

C. Write your essay

Based on the ideas that you have brainstormed, write an essay for the topic.

IELTS 5.5 – Unit 5: Business and work


2. In order to solve traffic problems, governments should tax private car owners heavily and use
the money to improve public transportation.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution?

A. Understand the topic and brainstorm the ideas

IELTS 5.5 – Unit 5: Business and work

B. Arrange the ideas

Plan your essay. Include the main ideas and supporting ideas for each part.

e. Introduction

 _________________________________

f. Main Body Paragraph 1

 _________________________________

 _________________________________

 _________________________________

 _________________________________

g. Main Body Paragraph 2

 _________________________________

 _________________________________

 _________________________________

 _________________________________

h. Conclusion

 _________________________________

C. Write your essay

Based on the ideas that you have brainstormed, write an essay for the topic.

IELTS 5.5 – Unit 5: Business and work


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