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Analysis of Sustainable Electricity based on
current trends


Dr. Richa Sharma
Dr. Kavita Choudhary


Chitra Lakhani (2020BTechCSE024)
Hardika Kumar (2020BTechCSE033)
Isha Gupta (2020BTechCSE035)
Somprabha Kashyap (2020BTechCSE075)

Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET)


February 2021


List of Figures 3

List of Tables 5

Abstract 6

Introduction 7

Literature Survey 12

Objectives 14

Methodology 16

Result and Discussions 24

● Objective-1 (Isha Gupta)
● Objective-2 (Chitra Lakhani)
● Objective-3 (Hardika Kumar)
● Objective-4 (Somprabha Kashyap)

Conclusion 74

References 83

Appendices 84
● Appendix-1
● Appendix-2
● Appendix-3
● Appendix-4


Figure Description

Figure 1 Sustainable Development Goals

Figure 2 SDG 7- Affordable and Clean Energy

Figure 3 Average electricity per year over two decades (2000-2019)

Figure 4.1 Average electricity production in different areas of world for decade 1
Figure 4.2 Average electricity production in different areas of the world for decade 2

Figure 5 Scatter plot for production of electricity per year for 20 years (2000-2019)

Figure 6 Graph depicting the predicted future values of electricity production for
next 10 years (2020-2030)

Figure 7 Comparison of the total electricity consumption between decade 1 (2000-

09) & decade 2 (2010-2019)

Figure 8 Scatter plot for consumption of electricity per year for 20 years (2000-19)

Figure 9 Plot for the predicted future values of electricity consumption for over 10
years (2020-2030)

Figure 10 Comparison of the total consumption of electricity of different areas of

world for 20 years (2000-19)

Figure 11 Correlation between production and consumption of electricity (2019)

Figure 12 Comparison of average percentage share of Solar & Wind in the total
electricity production of a random sample of 44 countries for two decades

Figure 13 Scatter plot showing % shares of solar & wind in the total electricity
production from 2000-19

Figure 14 Plot for predicted future values for over 10 years (2020-2030)

Figure 15.1 Comparison of percentage shares of solar and wind in total electricity
production for 8 Asian countries (Decade 1 2000-2009)
Comparison of percentage shares of solar and wind in total electricity
Figure 15.2 production for 8 Asian countries (Decade 2 2010-2019)

Figure 16 Comparison of shares of renewable in total electricity production between

decade 1 and decade 2

Figure 17 Scatter plot showing shares of renewables in the total electricity production
from 2000-19

Figure 18 Plot for predicted future values for over 10 years (2020-2030)

Figure 19 Graphical representation of average shares of renewables in 44 countries

over 20 years (2000-19)

Figure 20 Correlation between production and consumption of electricity (2019)

Figure 21 Correlation between all four objectives (2019)

Table Description
Table 1.1 Electricity Production in Decade 1 (2000-2009)
Table 1.2 Electricity Production in Decade 2 (2010-2019)
Table 2 Matrix formed by the data (Objective 1.3)
Table 3.1 Electricity Consumption in Decade 1 (2000-2009)
Table 3.2 Electricity Consumption in Decade 2 (2010-2019)
Table 4 Average consumption of electricity by major areas of world for over 20
years (2000-19)
Table 5 Matrix formed by the data (Objective 2.3)
Table 6.1 Percentage shares of Solar & Wind in production of electricity in different
countries for Decade 1 (2000-2009)
Table 6.2 Percentage shares of Solar & Wind in production of electricity in different
countries for Decade 1 (2010-2019)
Table 7.1 Percentage shares of Solar & Wind in total production of electricity in 8
randomly chosen Asian Countries in Decade 1 (2000-2009)
Table 7.2 Percentage shares of Solar & Wind in total production of electricity in 8
randomly chosen Asian Countries in Decade 2 (2010-2019)
Table 8 Matrix formed by the data (Objective 3.3)
Table 9.1 Shares of Renewables in the total electricity production of different
countries (TWh) for Decade I (2000-2009)
Table 9.2 Shares of Renewables in the total electricity production of different
countries (TWh) for Decade II (2010-2019)
Table 10.1 Shares of Renewables in total production of electricity in 8 randomly
chosen Asian Countries in Decade 1 (2000-2009)
Table 10.2 Shares of renewables in total production of electricity in 8 randomly
chosen Asian Countries in Decade 2 (2010-2019)
Table 11 Matrix formed by the data (Objective 4.3)

The main objective of this report is to analyse the production and consumption of electricity in
major areas of the world and the share of renewable and solar & wind in the production of
electricity on global level. We use the descriptive and inferential statistics to achieve our
objectives. Mean, standard deviation, statistical test - single mean, difference of means, linear
regression and linear equation are some of the methodologies used. One of the underlying
objectives of the report is to spread awareness regarding the consumption of electricity and
promoting the use of renewable sources of energy. From the hypothesis, it was concluded that
Asia consumed the highest amount of electricity in 2019 compared to which production is not
optimal. Also the share of renewable sources of electricity like solar and wind is quite low.
Excessive usage of electricity might not deplete it, but it is affecting other things. Many
electrical appliances, when in use, release harmful greenhouse gases which are toxic for the
environment and living beings. From the discussion, it was also seen that there are many areas
like North America, Latin America, etc. who, on an average, consumed more electricity than
they produced.


What are Sustainable Development Goals?

Sustainable development goals consist of 17 inter-related goals which were set by the members
of the UN in 2015 and are aimed to be fulfilled by 2030. These goals have a common motive
in the form of ensuring a sustainable future for the planet and upcoming generations.

Figure 1: Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 SDGs and their main target:

● No Poverty: To ensure the end of poverty everywhere considering all things together
in its structure.
● Zero Hunger: To achieve food availability and improved nutrition along with
advanced practical horticulture. Thus, ending hunger.
● Good Health and Well-Being: To ensure complete hygiene and advance security and
comfort for everyone at any age.
● Quality Education: Ensuring thorough and fair standard training and deep-rooted
schooling openings for all.
● Gender Equality: To ensure gender non-discrimination and women’s entitlement to

● Clean Water and Sanitation: Assuring practical conduct of water and its accessibility
and decontamination for everyone and everything.
● Affordable and Clean Energy: To guarantee admittance for reasonable, dependable,
feasible and modern energy for all.
● Decent work and Economic growth: To ensure advanced, supported, complete and
feasible monetary growth, entire, beneficial business for all.
● Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: Assembling strong foundations, advance
global and maintainable industrialization and to motivate establishment.
● Reduced Inequalities: Diminishing imbalance within and amidst nations.
● Sustainable cities and Communities: Making suburban areas and population
inclusive, protected, flexible and reasonable.
● Responsible consumption and Production: Guaranteeing manageable utilization and
production ideas.
● Climate Action: Making a pressing move to engage in climate change and its effects.
● Life below Water: Monitoring and suitably utilizing the assets from waterbodies for
manageable outcomes.
● Life on Land: Secure re-establish and advance reasonable utilization of environmental
resources, economically oversee woodlands, battle desertification, and stop and
converse land debasement and end biodiversity misfortune.
● Justice, Peace and Strong Institutions: To give admittance to integrity to all and
construct effective, supervised and extensive establishments at all levels.
● Association for the goals: Reinforcement of the ways for usage and refresh the global
union for reasonable turn of events.


Figure 2: SDG 7 - Affordable & Clean Energy

Affordable and Clean Energy impact on Forest

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and clean modern energy for all.

As known, broadly energy resources can be classified into two areas namely renewable and
non-renewable, and these can be further sectionalized into the types of energies present. Now,
the problems related to this can range from the issue of availability to pollution created due to
these. With the changing environment and present lifestyle, constant supply of the energy is a
must. But, along with this, quality of these resources should also be kept in mind along with
the availability and source. Our topic for this project is SDG – 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy).
We will be reviewing data based on tests conducted on the data, a conclusion will be given
regarding the future scenario and the sustainable development goal and the factor concerned.
SDG 7 aims at universal access to modest, well-founded, feasible, and modern energy services.
It focuses on access to electricity, clean cooking solutions, increasing the portion of renewable
energy in the total energy produced globally and to spread awareness for usage of technology
and funding clean energy.

Affordable Electricity and clean cooking solutions:

A lot of progress has been seen in the areas where SDG 7 is concerned. In 2010, there were
around 1.2 billion pupils who could not access electricity. While this number decreased to 789
million, it was still not enough to reach the goals of SDG 7. Moreover, the intrusion of COVID-
19 pandemic makes the process even more slow and the goals hard to achieve. As we all can

agree, COVID-19 has slowed the economy of every country and state which will not help the
situation. Therefore, it is important to keep the amount of success we have achieved so far, safe
and not let it deplete because of the pandemic. We have been successful in providing electricity
to more than a billion people in approximately 8 years, therefore, we should be positive about
achieving the SDG 7’s goal, as planned.

By distinction, the world population having no access to clean cooking solutions remained
almost constant from 2016 to 2018, standing at close to 3 billion. There’s a broad inequality
among different sections of the society for gaining the advantage of clean cooking solutions.
Dominating section of society enjoy greater access because of presence of better infrastructure,
technologies & cleaner fuels. Access rate in 2018 was 83 % in metropolitan areas and 37% in
rural areas. Much efforts are required to guarantee global access for clean cooking & electricity,
in line with SDG 7.

Affordable Electricity provided in 2020 & connecting SDGs:

The article, ‘The Tracking SDG 7 Report’, encompasses the brief of the achievements and
drawbacks of the year 2020. Apart from the information on electricity, the article also gives a
concise report about the other factors of SDG 7 like, clean cooking, renewable energy, energy
efficiency and international financial flows. Clean resources and technologies for cooking in
the household have been very less. A total of three billion people cook without these resources,
mostly in Asia and Sub-Saharan. Progress has been static on a larger scale over the years. With
the pandemic, people living inside the house and cooking using coal, kerosene and other
resources for cooking, is not helping either. Though the use of renewable energy has increased
because of the usage of wind and solar energy, still there are some areas like transport where it
is required and still not used. Overall, the usage of energy has increased 1.7% in 2017, but it
also has not reached the SDG goal of 2.6%. Adding to it, the money which was to be used to
help with the same was $21.4 billion, but only 12% percent of that reached the developing

India & UN SDG 7:

Even though the Indian society is progressing, there still remains a huge gap between rural and
urban areas. There is a vast difference between the two components of society, not only in
terms of education but in other aspects as well. One of the factors being Energy. On a deeper
inspection, we find that the basic energy sources for the two are very different.
In rural areas, biofuels such as wood, dung, and agricultural residue; kerosene oil, etc. are used
mainly for the purpose of cooking. Apart from this, coal is also used specifically in winters for

the heating purpose. Whereas electricity and LPG are most commonly used in the urban areas
followed by petrol and diesel. Nearly 84,5% of Indian citizens are able to use electricity, but
there remains some part of the population who are struggling to avail this benefit. Many
industries and households can also be found using renewable energy for electricity generation.
One of the countries to produce the largest amount of electricity using renewable resources is
India. It has also committed to INDC by 2030 for achieving 40% of entire electricity production
by renewable resources. But the country aims to achieve a targeted 57% energy production by
renewable resources by 2027.

Ghosh et al. (2000) analysed the data for the consumption of electricity per unit population and
the GDP per head for the time period 1950-51 and 1996-97. He investigated for the Granger
causality between the two data series. This was done in three stages. First, he applied the test
for Phillips-Perron to check that both the series are individually integrated of order 1. The null
hypothesis taken by him was not rejected under this test and gave the conclusion that both the
datasets were integrated by order of 1.In stage 2, he applies the Johansen–Juselius likelihood
cointegration tests to check whether the given data were cointegrated or not. For this, he applied
two tests: Maximum eigenvalue test and trace test, both of which return as null hypothesis not
rejected, with 0.01 level of significance. In the third stage, he applies the Granger causality test
on the bivariate of both the data. For this, he used the chi square variate with degree of freedom
1. There was a statistical significance found in the test which indicated that there was a relation
between the GDP and the electricity consumption in India. Therefore, the conclusion would be
that with the increasing GDP there is an increase in electricity consumption. (Ghosh, 2000)

The World Health Organisation (2020) stated that on a global level we’ve made a striking
progress over the past decade but still if the current rate is maintained, we would not be able to
reach our target of 100% access to electricity by 2030. They’ve applied the model for all
countries with more than one data point. To use the maximum amount of real knowledge as
attainable, outcomes were supported by the survey of real data as reported in their initial form
for all years accessible. According to them the key goals for access to electricity shouldn’t only
focus on the amount of users getting advantage from enhanced access of energy but should also
focus on degree of enhancement & on nature across various elements. (World Health
Organisation, 2020)

Kroll et al. (2019) mentioned that the Plan 2030 with its 17 Global Goals (SDGs) gives the
system that every Assembled Country (UN) part states has promised to satisfy. The
accomplishment of this plan urgently relies upon whether humanity will actually want to
amplify collaborations and rectify prevailing compromises between the SDGs. They have
given the principal investigation of future communications for the predicted SDG patterns until
2030 among objectives. They have then broken down how compromises and cooperative
energies developed in the past, universally. For specific objectives, the team has discovered
positive improvements with remarkable collaborations in their projections particularly for
goals 1, 3, 7, 8 and 9: neediness lightening and reinforcing the economy which is established
in development, and present day framework, subsequently keep on being the premise where
large numbers of the other SDGs can be accomplished. In any case, particularly SDGs 11, 13,
14, 16, and 17 will keep on having remarkable compromises, just as non-relationship with
different objectives later on, which stresses the need to encourage developments and
arrangements that can make our urban areas and networks more maintainable, just as reinforce
organizations and spike environment activity. They have shown instances for an effective
change of compromises into cooperative energies that ought to be copied in different territories
to make a temperate pattern of SDG progress. The disturbing failure to defeat certain steady
compromises they found, and in fact the decay for some SDGs, can genuinely undermine the
accomplishment of the Plan 2030. (Kroll, 2019)

P. Jagger et al. (2019) discussed the impacts that promoting SDG7 have on forests and forest-
based livelihoods. Forests are one of the major sources that contribute to SDG7 through
different pathways like using processed & traditional wood fuels, bio-power & liquid biofuels,
thereby providing access to clean, affordable and modern energy to all. These forest products
have become vital components beside wind & solar, and hydro energy resources to increase
the contribution of renewable energy. But, using these forest products in large scale are
impacting our forests in a harsh way. For example, most of the liquid biofuels produced from
agricultural crops and residues have an adverse effect on forests due to deforestation for
establishing plantations. Thus, in this paper the author describes these forest-based problems
and are suggesting the ways by which SDG7 could be attained without providing any harm to
our forest and forest-based livelihoods by 2030. (P. Jagger, 2019)

Objective 1: To analyse the production of electricity in the last two decades, 2000-
2009 and 2010-2019 to evaluate the progress around the world.

Objective 1.1: To test the hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the
mean production of electricity in the decade 2010-2019 and 2000-2009.

Objective 1.2: To predict the mean of total energy production in the next decade, 2020-
2029, based on the current stats.

Objective 1.3: To determine the rank of different areas in the world based on their total
electricity production in the year 2019.

Objective 2: To analyse the consumption of electricity in the last two decades,

2000-2009 and 2010-2019 to monitor the growing needs around the world.

Objective 2.1: To test the hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the
mean consumption of electricity in the decade 2010-2019 and 2000-2009
Objective 2.2: To predict the mean of total energy consumption in the next decade, 2020-
2029, based on the current stats.
Objective 2.3: To determine the rank of different areas in the world based on their total
electricity consumption in the year 2019.

Objective 3: To analyse the share of wind & solar in the total electricity production
in the last two decades 2000-09 & 2010-19 to study the advancements in new

Objective 3.1: To analyse if the average increment in the share of solar and wind in the
electricity production for the decade 2010-19 is greater than the decade 2000-09.

Objective 3.2: To predict the share of solar and wind in the global electricity production
for the decade 2020-30, based on the current trends.

Objective 3.3: To determine the rank of different regions in the world based on their
mean share of solar and wind in the total electricity production over two decades.

Objective 4: To analyse the average increase in the contribution of renewable
resources in the total electricity production in the last two decades to examine the
awareness among the people.

Objective 4.1: To test the hypothesis that average increase of contribution of renewables
in Decade II is more than that of Decade I, in a sample of 44 countries.
Objective 4.2: To predict the mean of total contribution of renewables in the electricity
production in the next decade, 2020-2029, based on the current stats.

Objective 4.3: To determine the rank of different areas in the world based on
their average increase in contribution of renewables in the total electricity production, in
year 2019.


Statistics can be defined as a branch of mathematics which transforms data into useful
information for the decision makers.

Involves collecting, summarizing, presenting and analysing data in summary as well as
graphical forms. There are various methods to calculate the measurements of data using
descriptive statistics. The first one that is Measures of central tendency includes Mean, Median,
Mode. The second one that is Measures of variability includes Range, variance and standard
deviation. Here is the list of methods that we used in our project:

1) MEAN: It is the sum of all observations divided by the number of observations.

Xi = Ith observation
N = number of observations

2) STANDARD DEVIATION: It is also equal to the square root of variance. It tells us how
far each score lies from the mean. Larger the standard deviation, more will be the variation in
our dataset.
Steps for finding standard deviation:
● List the values of data and find the mean by dividing the sum of data with sample size
● Subtract the required mean from each score in order to get the deviation from the mean.
● Square each of the deviations calculated.
● Sum up all the calculated square deviations.
● Divide the sum by Sample size(N) - 1.
● Find the square root of the number formed.

Involves using sample data to make an inference or draw a conclusion of the population.
It uses probability to determine how confident we can be that the conclusions we make
are correct.

Hypothesis Testing:
It is the method used in making statistical decisions using experimental data. It is basically
an assumption which we generally make about population parameters. We use Hypothesis
testing whenever we are trying to draw some inferences on the complete dataset
by considering only a sample of the whole population. Null hypothesis and alternate
hypothesis are the two main attributes for hypothesis testing. We validate our assumption as
statistically effective or not, using the null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis

There are three types of hypothesis

● One-tailed test
● Left tailed
● Right tailed
● Two-tailed test

The type of test depends on the region of the sampling distribution that favours a rejection
of H0. That region is indicated by the alternative hypothesis.

Left Tailed

If the alternative hypothesis contains the less-than inequality symbol (<), the hypothesis test
is a left-tailed test.

H0: μ ≥ k
Ha: μ < k

Right Tailed

If the alternative hypothesis contains the greater-than symbol (>), the hypothesis test is a
right-tailed test.

H0: μ ≤ k
Ha: μ > k

Two Tailed

If the alternative hypothesis contains the not-equal-to symbol, the hypothesis test is a two-
tailed test. In a two-tailed test, each tail has an area of P.

H0: μ= k
Ha: μ ≠ k

Test of Hypothesis concerning single mean (Single Population)

Step1: Consider null hypothesis H0: µ = µ0

Consider Alternative Hypothesis Ha:
● µ > µ0 (In case of Right tailed)
● µ < µ0 (In case of Left tailed)
● µ ≠ µ0 (In case of Two tailed)

Level of significance as α
Sample size = n (let)

Step 2: Test Statistic

● Case 1: If population variance is known:

● Case 2: If population variance in unknown and n < 30:

Step 3: Criteria of Rejection

Reject the null hypothesis

● Case 1: z > zα (In case of Right Tailed)

z < -zα (In case of Left Tailed)

|z|> zα/2 (In case of Two Tailed)

● Case 2: t > tα, n - 1 (In case of Right Tailed)

t < -tα, n - 1 (In case of Left Tailed)

|t|> tα/2, n - 1 (In case of Two Tailed)

Test of Hypothesis concerning difference of means (Two Populations)

Step 1: Null Hypothesis H0: µ1 - µ2 = ğ

Alternative Hypothesis: µ1 - µ2 > ğ (Right tailed)

µ1 - µ2 < ğ (Left tailed)

µ1 - µ2 ≠ ğ (Two tailed)

Level of Significance: α

Sample Size: Sample 1 - n1 and Sample 2 – n2

Step 2: Test Statistic

Case 1: If population variance is known:

Case 2: If population variance in unknown and n < 30:


s12 and s22 are the sample variances of sample 1 and 2 respectively

Here, if n1 = n2

Step 3: Criteria of Rejection

Reject the null hypothesis if -

Case 1: z > zα (Right Tailed)

z < -zα (Left Tailed); |z |> zα/2 (Two Tailed)

Case 2: t > tα, n1 + n2 - 2 (In case of Right Tailed)

t < -tα, n1 + n1 - 2 (In case of Left Tailed)

|t |> tα/2, n1 + n2 - 2 (In case of Two Tailed)

Linear Regression:

A statistical method to predict data based on the present data after realizing a relation between
it. The data can be plotted in form of a scatter plot. Initially it is checked to see if there is a
relation in the plotted points, on finding the relation, further data is predicted in the form of
points plotted further on the graph. This is done with minimum error.

Typically, the points representing the data are in a straight line, along with some variations
which can be due to several different factors. The condition where values of ‘y’ are predicted
on the basis of the known values of ‘x’ is known as ‘y on x’ line whose equation is determined
on the minimization of the value of total of the distance of the points from the line as small as
possible. Equation of this line will be,

In this project, Linear Regression is being used to predict the data up to the year 2030, starting
from 2020, as per the available data from 2000-2019.


Correlation refers to the degree of similarity or the type of connection or relation between the
given variables. For example, the number of papers printed, and the amount of ink used. This
will have a strong positive correlation.

Correlation between the variables is found using the correlation coefficient, r. The value of this
coefficient is then measured on the scale of -1 to 1 and the result can be found as follows:

Using this scale, we can find out the relation between the two variables. The value of r, though,
can be found in two ways.

1. Pearson correlation coefficient:

The formula for finding Pearson’s correlation coefficient is:

Using the formulas given above, we can find the value of correlation coefficient and
compare it with the scale.

2. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient:

For Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, the formula is different but the procedure
to get the result is the same. The given values for the variables are first ranked, x and y
respectively, and that rank is used to find the coefficient. The formula for it is as

After finding this, similar to the Pearson’s method, we find the relation with the help of
the scale.

If we see from the mathematical point of view, these are the ways that can be used to find out
the correlation between the given variables. Although, for our project we have used python
code to directly find out the correlation using the corrcoef() function of NumPy library in
Jupyter notebook. This function gives the value of correlation coefficient, which is internally
found using the formula of Pearson’s correlation coefficient, which can be used to get the final


POWER METHOD: This method is used to find the dominant eigenvalue and a
corresponding eigenvector.

To apply this method on a square matrix S, start with the initial guess for the eigenvector of
dominant eigenvalue. Multiply the obtained vector on the left by S, bring this result in standard
form, then repeat this process until the desired eigenvector is not found or until the results are
not similar. If it occurs, then the norm of that eigenvector will be considered as the absolute
value of the dominant eigenvalue.


● First, we form the matrix of 1,2 and 3 according to the collected data.
● To find the rank of a matrix, first we must find the dominant eigenvalue of the matrix.
This can be done using the power method (described above).
● Since the matrix is of higher order (more than 10 * 10 in our case), it will be difficult
for us to calculate manually. Therefore, we use python for getting the answer.
● After we get the dominant eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector, we can use it
to find the rank based on our respective data. For example, in the dominant eigenvector,
the country with highest value will be ranked 1, the value lesser than that will be ranked
2 and so on. This way we will achieve our objective.


Objective 1
To analyse the global average production of electricity in the past two decades, based on the
10 important regions of the world:

Data Collection:

The data that we collected, had countries, different continents and few major regions in the
world, for the years 1990-2019. From this, we filter out the 10 important regions that
approximately divide the world, for the years 2000-2019. The table is as follows:

Table 1.1: Electricity Production in Decade 1 (2000-2009)

CONTINENTS 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Europe 1238 1235 1245 1238 1226 1191 1168 1145 1153 1112

CIS 1260 1302 1352 1441 1510 1555 1602 1643 1679 1589

North America 2038 2063 2043 2023 2047 2034 2074 2091 2112 2080

Latin America 845 853 864 888 949 974 1002 976 982 977

Asia 2183 2252 2329 2505 2726 2917 3086 3228 3314 3469

Pacific 254 269 273 270 272 283 288 305 306 315

Africa 868 879 887 948 1005 1068 1085 1114 1128 1101

Middle East 1325 1315 1261 1360 1452 1378 1552 1554 1625 1548

European Union 3036 3036 3036 3036 3036 3036 3036 3036 3036 3036

Brics 3363 3363 3363 3363 3363 3363 3363 3363 3363 3363

World 15491 15608 16219 16219 16813 19054 19054 19884 20283 20217

Table 1.2: Electricity Production in Decade 2 (2010-2019)

CONTINENTS 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Europe 1117 1077 1073 1059 1042 1047 1044 1046 1040 1011

CIS 1692 1737 1759 1786 1765 1768 1795 1861 1921 1954

North America 2124 2201 2249 2327 2486 2501 2402 2509 2707 2833

Latin America 1006 1029 1029 1032 1035 1021 999 972 927 906

Asia 3723 3893 3909 4001 4063 4059 3946 4050 4262 4392

Pacific 343 331 340 366 391 410 416 433 446 471

Africa 1136 1063 1125 1084 1074 1073 1061 1111 1142 1163

Middle East 1629 1768 1792 1811 1836 1898 2057 2045 2060 1985

European Union 3036 3036 3036 3036 3036 3036 3036 3036 3036 3036

Brics 3363 3363 3363 3363 3363 3363 3363 3363 3363 3363

World 21589 22300 22800 23480 23922 24381 25077 25719 26650 26913

Objective 1.1 [Test of hypothesis]

Claim: There is no significant difference between the mean production of electricity in the
decade 2010-2019 and 2000-2009.

From the two data, we will form the hypothesis and then do the further calculations.

Step 1: Formation of hypothesis

● find the mean production for the decade 2000-2009 and 2010-2019.
● Let µ1 and µ2 be the mean production for the decade 2000-2009 and 2010-2019
● Let s1 and s2 be the standard deviation of mean production of decade 2000-09 and
2010-19 respectively.
● Null hypothesis H0: µ2−µ1=0
● Alternative hypothesis Ha: μ2−μ1≠0

Step 2: Test statistics

● Here µ2=µ1, therefore we will use two tailed tests.

● Level of significance(α) = 0.05
● Degree of freedom(df) = n -1 = 9
● Now as our sample size i.e., n < 30 and the population variance is unknown, so we
will use t test in order to find the difference of mean

● On calculating through t distribution table for the given value of α and df, the value tα
is found to be 2.26

Here x1 and x2 are the mean of sample of total electricity production for the last two
decades in different continents of the world

n1 and n2 be the sample size of both the decades, in this case both the decades have

sample size 10, thus, we will use this formula to calculate standard deviation-

Step 3: Calculation

Calculating the mean and standard deviation

x1 = 1762.18
s1 = 84.33

x2 = 2010.37
s2 = 57.03

Sp = 71.99

t = 7.71

Step 4: Rejecting or accepting null hypothesis:


Since, the null hypothesis is rejected, through the criteria of right-tailed test, and the
alternative hypothesis is accepted.

STEP 5- Conclusion

From the test, we can conclude that our null hypothesis is rejected, and therefore our
claim, that there is a significant difference between the mean production of electricity
in the last two decades i.e., the mean production of electricity has been increased. In
other words, the amount of electricity produced in the decade 2010-2019, was notably
higher than the amount produced in the decade 2000-2009.

Figure 3: Average electricity production per year over two decades (2000-2019)

Figure 4.1: Average electricity production in different areas of world for decade 1 (2000-09)

Figure 4.2: Average electricity production in different areas of world for decade 1 (2010-19)

Objective 1.2 [Application of linear regression]

Linear Regression is applied to predict the average electricity production in the next decade,
2020-2030, based on the data available for 2000-19.

Figure 5: Scatter plot for Production of electricity per year for 20 years (2000-19)

Least square method is used for forming a best fitting straight line to the scatter diagram and
then to form a regression equation as:

b = 626.03

Figure 6: Graph depicting the predicted future values for next 10 years (2020-2030)

Objective 1.3 [Application of Linear Algebra]

To determine the rank of different areas in the world based on their total electricity production
in the year 2019.

Table 2: Matrix formed by the data

Continents Europe CIS North Latin Asia Pacific Africa Middle European BRICS
America America East union

Europe 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1
CIS 3 2 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 1
North 3 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 1 1

Latin 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1

Asia 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3
Pacific 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
Africa 3 1 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 1
Middle East 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 2 1 1
European 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 2 1

BRICS 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 2

● In order to determine the rank, we first formed the matrix containing elements 1, 2 &
● Based on our total Energy Production data of 2019, we are comparing continent by
continent data values of 2019.
-If both the values are same, we consider the element as 2
-If the first value is less than second value, we consider element as 1
-If the first value is greater than second value, we consider the element as 3
● We store the values in an excel sheet and then import it in Jupyter notebook

Now through Power Method using Python code, we found the dominant eigenvalue and

Finding the rank based on values of eigenvectors

Now based on these Eigenvectors we are finally finding the rank of different continents.
RANK 1 – Asia [1.000]
RANK2 – BRICS [0.8971]
RANK3 – European Union [0.8049]
RANK4 - North America [0.7221]
RANK5 – Middle East [0.7221]
RANK6 - CIS [0.5735]
RANK7 - Africa [0.5146]
RANK8 - Europe [0.4616]
RANK9 – Latin America [0.4142]
RANK10 – Pacific [0.3716]

CONCLUSION: From the above-mentioned data we can draw the conclusion that Asia ranked
highest in the total production of electricity in 2019 and Pacific continent ranked the lowest in
the total production of electricity in 2019. It shows that Asia produced the highest amount of
Electricity in the year 2019.

Objective 2
Data Collection:

The data that was given, had countries and a dozen major regions in the world, for the years
1990-2019. From this, we filter out the 10 important regions that approximately divide the
world, for the years 2000-2019. The table is as follows:

Table 3.1: Electricity Consumption in Decade 1 (2000-2009)

Continent 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
BRICS 2486 2538 2626 2849 3092 3280 3496 3705 3832 3992

Europe 1853 1887 1889 1936 1955 1965 1985 1960 1959 1855

European 1699 1735 1734 1773 1789 1796 1802 1771 1765 1663

CIS 902 908 916 949 961 964 991 1003 1020 941

North America 2523 2476 2507 2526 2579 2593 2576 2616 2549 2425

Latin America 598 604 615 632 660 681 712 726 752 742

Asia 2886 2945 3071 3285 3568 3761 3970 4179 4269 4466

Pacific 129 127 131 132 134 135 139 144 149 149

Africa 480 492 499 523 551 568 587 609 634 646

Middle East 372 401 418 426 455 487 520 547 595 617

Table 3.2: Electricity Consumption in Decade 2 (2010-2019)

Continent 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

BRICS 4324 4573 4726 4819 4935 4946 4961 5106 5275 5400

Europe 1926 1869 1858 1840 1778 1808 1826 1858 1840 1810

European 1728 1665 1652 1633 1572 1591 1601 1621 1604 1574

CIS 1008 1043 1059 1031 1019 987 1007 1027 1072 1090

North 2478 2458 2422 2464 2497 2475 2452 2451 2533 2509

Latin 788 805 833 851 854 846 838 830 822 811

Asia 4824 5011 5166 5305 5426 5478 5518 5671 5847 5988

Pacific 150 151 151 152 152 152 154 153 154 162

Africa 664 691 707 718 754 748 766 791 814 829

Middle East 646 649 701 703 751 761 765 778 787 776

*[The amount of consumption given, has a unit Mtoe, Million tonne of oil equivalent, where:

1𝑡𝑜𝑒 = 11630 𝑘𝑊ℎ

1𝑀𝑡𝑜𝑒 = 11630 ∗ 106 𝑘𝑊ℎ]

Objective 2.1 [Test of hypothesis]

Claim: There is no significant difference between the mean consumption of electricity in the
decade 2010-2019 and 2000-2009.

Step 1: Formation of hypothesis

First, the mean and standard deviation of the given data is found.

For this, using python, we first find the mean consumption in the given year, for the areas. This
will give us 20 values of mean consumption in the years 2000-2019. This is the main data for
our hypothesis.

Now we will find the mean consumption for the decade 2000-2009 and 2010-2019.

𝜇1 = 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑑𝑒 2000 − 2009

𝜇2 = 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑑𝑒 2010 − 2019

𝜎1 = 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑑𝑒 2000 − 2009

𝜎2 = 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑑𝑒 2010 − 2019

𝑁𝑢𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑦𝑝𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠 𝐻0 : µ2 − µ1 = 0

𝐴𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 ℎ𝑦𝑝𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠 𝐻𝑎 : 𝜇2 − 𝜇1 > 0

Step 2: Test statistics

1. t-test, right-tailed, for concerning difference of means:

𝜇2 − 𝜇1
1 1
𝑠𝑝 √𝑛 + 𝑛
2 1

𝜎1 2 + 𝜎2 2
𝑠𝑝 =
2. Finding the value of 𝑡𝛼 .
𝛼 = 0.05
𝑑𝑓 = 𝑛1 + 𝑛2 − 2
𝑑𝑓 = 10 + 10 − 2 = 18

Value of 𝑡𝛼 , from the table, for given 𝛼 and 𝑑𝑓 is:

𝑡𝛼 = 1.734

Step 3: Calculation

1. Calculating mean and standard deviation:

𝑠𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒
𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 =
𝑛𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠
𝜇1 = 3710.220

𝜇2 = 4740.540

∑(𝑥𝑖 − 𝜇)
𝜎(𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛) = √

𝜎1 = 311.702

𝜎2 = 262.672

2. For finding t, we have to find sp:

311.7022 + 262.6722
𝑠𝑝 2 =
𝑠𝑝 2 = 83077.358

𝑠𝑝 = 288.231
Applying this value to the formula of t given above, we get:
4740.540 − 3710.22
1 1
288.231√ 2+
10 102
𝑡 = 7.993

Step 4: Rejecting or accepting null hypothesis:


Python calculations:

Since, 𝑡 > 𝑡𝛼 The null hypothesis is rejected, through the criteria of right-tailed test, and the
alternative hypothesis is accepted.

Step 5: Conclusion:

From the test, we can conclude that our null hypothesis, and therefore our claim, that there is
no significant difference between the mean consumption of electricity in the last two decades
is not zero. In other words, the amount of electricity consumed in the decade 2010-2019, was
notably higher than the amount consumed in the decade 2000-2009.

Figure 7: Comparison of the total electricity consumption between Decade 1 (2000-09) & Decade 2 (2010-19)

Objective 2.2 [Application of Linear Regression]

To predict the mean of total energy consumption in the next decade, 2020-2030,
based on the current stats.

Figure 8: Scatter plot for Consumption of electricity per year for 20 years (2000-19)

For drawing the best fit line, the data required is:

From this we calculate the value of b:

Therefore, the regression equation is;

𝑦 = 18145.3 + 544.83(𝑥 − 10.5)
𝑦 = 12424.585 +544.83x
From this equation, we can predict the electricity consumption for the next decade which is as

The line of best fit is given below. The orange dots are for the data given and the blue dots
symbolise the predicted data.

Figure 9: Plot for the predicted future values for over 10 years (2020-2030)

Objective 2.3 [Application of Linear Algebra]

To determine the rank of different areas in the world based on their total electricity
consumption in the year 2019.

Figure 10: Comparison of the total consumption of electricity of different areas of world for 20 years

The data for attaining this objective can be filtered from the table with the data for 20 years.
The following table shows the amount of electricity consumed in the year 2019, in 10 major
areas of the world:

Table 4: Average consumption of electricity by major areas of world for over 20 years (2000-19)

Area Consumption (Mtoe)

Africa 829

Asia 5988

BRICS 5400

CIS 1090

Europe 1810

European Union 1574

Latin America 811

Middle East 776

North America 2509

Pacific 162

Formation of matrix:

The given table is used to form a 10x10 matrix, with the areas as the head row and column.
The matrix is filled such that, any area having electricity consumption more than the given area
is marked as 3, area having electricity consumption equal to the given area is marked 2 and
area having electricity less than the given area is marked 1.

After doing this, the final matrix is as follows:

Table 5: Matrix formed by the data

Continents Africa Asia BRICS CIS Europe European Latin Middle- North Pacific
Union America East America

Africa 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 3

Asia 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

BRICS 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

CIS 3 1 1 2 3 1 3 3 1 3

Europe 3 1 1 3 2 3 3 3 1 3

European 3 1 1 3 1 2 3 3 1 3

Latin 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3

Middle - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3

North 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 3

Pacific 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

Finding the dominant eigenvalue and eigenvector:

To find the rank of the matrix, it is important to find the dominant eigenvalue and its
corresponding vector. To find the latter, NumPy library of python in jupyter notebook. The
following image shows the calculation for finding the rank, in python:

The result we get from python is after the 8th iteration. The dominant eigenvector for that
iteration is as follows:

The table below shows the value of each area:

Area Value
Africa 0.5142
Asia 1.0000
BRICS 0.8973
CIS 0.6558
Europe 0.7224
European Union 0.6482
Latin America 0.4614

Middle-East 0.4140
North America 0.8051

Pacific 0.3715

From above calculations, the rank of the given regions is represented in the pie chart below as

Rank 1: Asia
Rank 2: BRICS
Rank 3: North America
Rank 4: Europe
Rank 5: CIS
Rank 6: European Union
Rank 7: Africa
Rank 8: Latin America
Rank 9: Middle-East
Rank 10: Pacific

Correlation between objective-1 & objective-2

Figure 11: Correlation between

production and consumption of
electricity (2019)

Correlation Coefficient 𝑟 = 0.999

It is positive and close to 1 which indicates that there exists a very strong positive correlation
between production and consumption of electricity.

Objective 3:
To analyse the share of solar and wind in the total electricity production in the last two decades
2000-09 & 2010-19.

Data Collection

The data contains the global percentage share of solar and wind in the electricity production
from 2000-19 for 44 countries.

Table 6.1: Percentage shares of Solar & Wind in production of electricity in different
countries for Decade 1 (2000-2009)

Countries 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

World 0.69 0.73 0.8 0.87 0.98 1.08 1.19 1.35 1.6 1.94

Belgium 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.1 0.17 0.26 0.43 0.56 0.8 1.28

Czech Republic 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.14 0.31 0.46

France 0.1 0.11 0.14 0.16 0.19 0.25 0.46 0.85 1.12 1.64

Germany 1.63 1.8 2.73 3.47 4.56 5.1 5.74 7.05 7.37 7.95

Italy 2.19 2.34 2.4 2.62 2.72 2.9 3.04 3.4 3.6 4.5

Netherlands 1.21 1.15 1.24 1.62 2.08 2.37 2.95 3.47 4.14 4.18

Poland 0 0.01 0.04 0.08 0.23 0.24 0.31 0.44 0.54 0.72

Portugal 0.57 0.78 1 1.26 2 3.97 6.15 9.02 13.03 15.78

Romania 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.02

Spain 2.11 2.87 3.82 4.64 6.67 8.92 7.93 9.31 11.42 15.11

Sweden 0.32 0.3 0.42 0.5 0.57 0.59 0.69 0.96 1.33 1.83

United 0.25 0.25 0.33 0.32 0.49 0.73 1.07 1.33 1.84 2.47

Norway 0.04 0.08 0.08 0.24 0.26 0.4 0.56 0.69 0.67 0.75

Turkey 0.12 0.16 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.14 0.17 0.32 0.54 1.03

Kazakhstan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Russia 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

Ukraine 0 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

Uzbekistan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Canada 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.15 0.17 0.26 0.41 0.49 0.61 1.43

United States 0.52 0.56 0.66 0.69 0.75 0.85 1.06 1.25 1.73 2.25

Argentina 0.04 0.05 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.03 0.03

Brazil 0 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.14 0.18 0.27

Chile 0 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.29

Colombia 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.12 0.09 0.1 0.1

Mexico 2.88 2.61 2.49 2.67 2.78 2.92 2.62 2.89 2.73 2.75

Venezuela 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

China 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.14 0.18 0.44 0.74

India 0.3 0.38 0.44 0.55 0.66 0.87 1.26 1.44 1.64 2.06

Indonesia 5.22 5.96 5.76 5.57 5.54 5.18 5 4.94 5.56 5.93

Japan 2.23 2.32 2.31 2.48 2.4 2.44 2.54 2.54 2.46 2.63

Malaysia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

South Korea 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.17 0.29

Taiwan 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.12 0.18 0.25 0.35

Thailand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01

Australia 0.05 0.11 0.18 0.35 0.34 0.42 0.78 1.12 1.32 1.61

New Zealand 7.92 7.65 7.55 7.33 7.59 8.99 9.36 10.38 12.15 14.74

Algeria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Egypt 0.18 0.27 0.23 0.39 0.52 0.51 0.53 0.66 0.7 0.82

Nigeria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

South Africa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01

Iran 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.1

Kuwait 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Saudi Arabia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

United Arab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 6.2: Percentage shares of Solar & Wind in production of electricity in different
countries for Decade 1 (2010-2019)

Countries 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

World 2.2 2.71 3.21 3.82 4.3 4.97 5.64 6.61 7.41 8.47

Belgium 1.95 3.86 5.91 7.57 10.33 12.37 9.95 11.33 15.46 14.6

Czech Republic 1.21 3.04 3.02 2.98 3.11 3.48 3.25 3.3 3.45 3.53

France 1.96 2.71 3.61 3.89 4.37 5.24 5.54 6.34 6.96 8.51

Germany 8.19 11.55 12.56 13.24 15.22 18.53 18.3 22.48 24.67 28.92

Italy 5.69 8.96 12.9 14.8 15.75 15.75 16.16 16.56 16.11 17.34

Netherlands 3.52 4.7 5.15 6.06 6.45 7.98 8.6 11 12.16 13.32

Poland 1.06 1.96 2.93 3.65 4.84 6.62 7.63 8.85 7.71 9.63

Portugal 17.73 18.4 23.16 24.56 24.51 24.05 22.41 22.64 23.35 28.88

Romania 0.5 2.23 4.48 8.39 11.9 13.64 12.92 14.41 12.47 14.03

Spain 17.12 17.86 20.71 24.07 23.56 22.57 22.8 23.07 23.23 25.63

Sweden 2.35 4.07 4.31 6.45 7.34 10.13 10.01 10.86 10.5 13.32

United 2.7 4.4 5.83 8.49 10.65 14.11 14.05 18.19 21.09 23.89

Norway 0.71 1.01 1.05 1.4 1.56 1.74 1.41 1.91 2.64 4.11

Turkey 1.75 2.41 2.87 3.83 4.46 6.02 8.05 9.34 11.86 13.79

Kazakhstan 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.17 0.34 0.42 0.56 0.82

Russia 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.07 0.09 0.1 0.1 0.13 0.18

Ukraine 0.03 0.06 0.31 0.62 0.85 0.95 0.88 1.1 1.44 1.95

Uzbekistan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Canada 1.99 2.1 2.36 3.33 4.08 4.42 5.08 4.95 5.19 5.39

United States 2.75 3.43 4.06 4.84 5.36 5.86 7.03 8.22 8.81 9.79

Argentina 0.02 0.02 0.28 0.34 0.46 0.42 0.39 0.43 1.04 4.14

Brazil 0.42 0.51 0.91 1.15 2.07 3.73 5.8 7.33 8.64 10.07

Chile 0.73 0.51 0.59 0.77 2.72 4.48 6.42 9.44 10.99 14.26

Colombia 0.07 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.1 0.09 0.07 0.01 0.07 0.22

Mexico 2.86 2.71 3.12 3.48 4.19 4.93 5.3 5.43 5.92 10.13

Venezuela 0 0 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.1 0.11

China 1.08 1.55 2.05 2.88 3.27 3.94 5.03 6.42 7.76 8.7

India 2.02 2.42 2.88 3.13 3.33 3.79 4.36 5.03 6.19 6.88

Indonesia 5.52 5.11 4.71 4.36 4.41 4.3 4.31 5.02 5.32 5.57

Japan 2.65 2.99 3.18 3.84 4.82 6.01 7.07 7.9 8.82 10.64

Malaysia 0 0 0.03 0.1 0.15 0.18 0.2 0.2 0.24 0.39

South Korea 0.36 0.4 0.45 0.7 0.93 1.25 1.5 1.97 2.4 2.63

Taiwan 0.4 0.56 0.61 0.78 0.79 0.93 0.98 1.28 1.62 2.18

Thailand 0.01 0.06 0.38 0.81 0.98 1.53 1.95 3.03 3.3 4.48

Australia 2.15 2.95 3.7 4.59 5.76 6.56 7.17 8.01 9.61 12.13

New Zealand 16.91 18.33 18.8 19.68 21.99 23.3 23.57 23.01 23.05 23.49

Algeria 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.15 0.69 0.79 0.77

Egypt 1.16 1.11 0.91 0.86 0.97 1.19 1.49 1.48 1.99 3

Nigeria 0 0 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.09

South Africa 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.87 1.95 2.69 3.29 3.83 4

Iran 0.07 0.09 0.08 0.14 0.13 0.08 0.09 0.13 0.21 0.24

Kuwait 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01

Saudi Arabia 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.28

United Arab 0 0 0 0.09 0.26 0.23 0.27 0.59 1.04 3.24


Objective 3.1 [Test of hypothesis]

To analyse if the average increment in the percentage contribution of solar & wind in total
electricity production for decade 2010-19 is greater than decade 2000-09

Claim: As per the data it has been claimed that for the decade 2000-09, the average increment
of share of solar and wind in the global electricity production was 0.139%.

Building of the hypothesis

Sample mean: x̅ = 0.657

Null Hypothesis H0: µ = 0.139

Alternative hypothesis Ha: µ > 0.139 (Two tailed)

Standard Deviation: σ = 0.616

Level of Significance: α = 0.05

Sample Size: n = 44

√n = 6.633

Using the table of ‘Values of Zα‘

Zα=1.645 (since it is a right-tailed test)

Since our data is >30 so we would be applying Z-Test for single mean


Since, 5.58>1.645

|Z|> Zα

We have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis

Figure 12: Comparison of average percentage share of Solar & Wind in the total electricity
production of a random sample of 44 countries for two decades.

Objective 3.2 [Application of Linear Regression]

To predict the share of solar and wind in the global electricity production for the decade 2020-
30, based on the current trends.

Figure 13: Scatter plot showing % shares of solar & wind in the total electricity production from

Least square method is used for forming a best fitting straight line to the scatter diagram and
then to form a regression equation as:

𝑏 = 0.387
𝑦̂ = 3.0285 + 0.387(𝑥 − 10.5)

Figure 14: Plot for the predicted future values for over 10 years (2020-2030)

Objective 3.3 [Application of Linear Algebra]

To determine the rank of different regions in Asia based on their mean share of solar and
wind in the total electricity production over two decades.

Figure 15.1: Comparison of % shares of Solar & Wind in total electricity production for 8 Asian
countries (Decade I- 2000-2009)

Figure 15.2: Comparison of % shares of Solar & Wind in total electricity production for 8 Asian
countries (Decade II- 2010-2019)

Table 7.1: Percentage shares of Solar & Wind in total production of electricity in 8 randomly
chosen Asian Countries in Decade 1 (2000-2009)

Countries 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Asia 3993 4175 4453 4801 5233 5650 6135 6695 6910 7250

China 1356 1481 1654 1911 2204 2500 2866 3282 3467 3715

India 570 588 612 651 684 716 774 824 851 917

Indonesia 93 101 108 113 120 128 133 142 149 157

Japan 1068 1050 1068 1059 1088 1109 1113 1142 1108 1090

Malaysia 69 71 74 78 82 83 90 98 98 116

South Korea 290 311 332 345 368 389 404 427 446 455

Taiwan 185 189 200 210 219 228 236 244 239 230

Thailand 96 102 109 117 126 132 139 143 147 148

Table 7.2: Percentage shares of Solar & Wind in total production of electricity in 8 randomly
chosen Asian Countries in Decade 2 (2010-2019)

Countries 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Asia 8014 8619 9003 9586 9963 10257 10820 11378 12047 12391

China 4208 4716 4994 5447 5679 5860 6218 6635 7146 7482

India 982 1074 1125 1193 1295 1374 1457 1532 1610 1614

Indonesia 170 183 200 216 228 234 248 255 267 279

Japan 1171 1111 1099 1104 1076 1059 1061 1068 1048 1013

Malaysia 125 129 134 138 147 150 157 165 171 177

South Korea 500 523 535 542 551 553 563 567 584 576

Taiwan 248 253 251 253 261 259 265 268 274 272

Thailand 160 156 167 170 172 177 191 187 187 197

Table 8: Matrix formed from the data:


Eigenvector = [[1. ]

Countries Rank
China [1. ] 1
Japan [0.8717] 2
India [0.7598] 3
South Korea [0.6623] 4
Taiwan [0.5774] 5
Indonesia [0.5033] 6
Thailand [0.4387] 7
Malaysia [0.3824] 8

Objective 4:
Hypothesis Testing:

To analyse the average increment in contribution of renewable resources in the total electricity
production in the last two decades.  
Data Collection:
The collected data was of 44 randomly selected countries from different continents along with some
major areas and continents of the world for 3 decades (1990-2019). The information provided in this
data was of the percentage shares of renewables in the total electricity production. This data was later
converted to obtain the total contribution in Terra-Watt Hour (TWh).
Final data considered was:

Table 9.1: Shares of Renewables in the total electricity production of different countries (TWh)
for Decade I (2000-2009)

- 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

World 2911.60 2860.8 2962.76 3002.1 3208.95 3379.13 3529.15 3632.121 3829.43 3971.037

Belgium 2.283 2.278 2.268 2.261 2.787 3.422 4.221 4.78 5.765 6.868

Czech Republic 2.839 2.99 3.351 2.29 3.284 3.779 4.227 3.844 4.083 5.207

France 74.172 81.982 69.64 68.392 69.284 61.177 67.777 71.563 78.54 74.63

Germany 39.705 42.415 49.217 50.766 62.998 69.284 78.398 95.235 99.275 100.509

Italy 57.58 61.463 56.059 54.473 61.441 55.299 57.066 53.38 63.767 73.56

Netherlands 2.972 3.301 3.974 3.962 5.307 7.447 8.05 7.583 9.532 10.836

Poland 4.342 4.678 4.394 3.8720 4.816 5.424 5.269 6.017 7.20299 9.277

Portugal 13.26 16.082 10.19 18.034 12.592 8.647 16.187 16.575 15.141 19.016

Romania 14.778 14.923 16.049 13.262 16.517 20.213 18.36 16.004 17.224 15.826

Spain 38.041 52.271 38.216 59.176 53.493 46.902 56.027 61.503 64.923 76.831

Sweden 83.175 83.343 71.18 58.789 68.241 81.302 71.201 77.527 81.55 79.935

United Kingdom 12.664 11.971 13.779 13.352 16.786 19.868 21.959 23.548 25.936 28.93

Norway 142.576 121.308 130.162 106.63 109.902 137.284 120.753 136.014 141.291 127.281

Turkey 31.154 24.346 33.966 35.559 46.311 39.748 44.522 36.457 34.421 38.141

Kazakhstan 7.531 8.081 8.89 8.625 8.057 7.856 7.768 8.171 7.46 6.879

Russia 165.457 175.967 164.369 158.09 178.235 175.062 175.794 179.488 167.205 176.619

Ukraine 11.456 12.217 9.811 9.421 11.921 12.543 13.069 10.585 11.821 12.118

Uzbekistan 3.528 4.356 6.024 8.169 6.1 8.927 4.7 4.666 4.488 6.483

Canada 367.104 342.376 360.123 347.44 350.71 372.608 363.979 379.14 388.535 383.275

United States 357.146 286.902 372.858 387.54 384.763 391.686 421.029 387.741 416.303 451.516

Argentina 29.549 37.718 36.829 34.955 31.772 35.625 39.885 32.395 32.358 35.697

Brazil 312.249 276.891 296.372 317.57 333.334 351.141 363.765 392.685 390.21 414.828

Chile 19.457 23.078 24.216 23.488 24.017 28.28 30.567 25.835 27.314 29.649

Colombia 32.57 32.294 34.459 36.669 40.596 40.355 43.335 45.027 46.994 41.649

Mexico 40.732 36.604 32.855 28.643 34.327 38.11 39.532 37.378 47.246 34.667

Venezuela 62.886 60.441 59.534 60.532 70.075 77.229 81.6 83.059 86.841 85.962

China 225.588 280.766 291.441 287.32 357.48 404.451 446.882 500.911 614.99 663.651

India 77.426 77.68 74.598 87.811 99.238 119.146 135.986 147.628 142.239 143.837

Indonesia 14.891 17.694 16.182 15.408 16.35 17.351 16.313 18.343 19.884 20.746

Japan 110.462 107.487 105.944 119.55 119.609 107.063 118.649 106.76 105.729 106.24

Malaysia 6.966 7.058 5.305 5.056 5.831 5.192 6.443 6.491 7.461 8.127

South Korea 5.711 6.07899 5.51199 7.124 6.18099 5.56800 5.769 5.968002 6.86900 7.515001

Taiwan 9.926 10.403 7.62699 8.4499 8.42799 9.75900 10.17 10.991 10.381 9.816001

Thailand 6.537 6.797 8.15899 8.452 7.322 7.33 9.59700 9.913 9.72699 10.235

Australia 17.95 18.532 18.051 18.835 18.904 20.406 21.745 21.191 19.874 18.669

New Zealand 28.062 25.15 28.228 26.902 30.84 27.598 28.115 28.689 28.174 31.157

Algeria 0.054 0.069 0.057 0.265 0.251 0.555 0.218 0.226 0.283 0.306

Egypt 13.834 15.351 13.063 13.387 13.167 13.196 13.541 16.341 15.595 13.996

Nigeria 5.628 5.909 8.234 7.448 8.108 7.768 6.263 6.227 5.721 4.529

South Africa 4.241 4.21899 4.65300 3.947 4.89599 4.47 6.11599 4.118 4.25500 4.430999

Iran 3.701 5.111 8.115 11.125 10.674 16.171 18.391 18.13 5.19899 7.460001

Kuwait 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Saudi Arabia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

United Arab 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 9.2: Shares of Renewables in the total electricity production of different countries (TWh)
for Decade II (2010-2019)

- 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

World 4290.73 4506.66 4823.80 5154.3 5397.65 5623.65 6041.32 6383.186 6805.78 7164.358

Belgium 7.85 9.604 11.76 12.999 13.383 15.554 15.461 16.9581 18.3065 19.95087

Czech Republic 6.493 7.949 8.796 10.214 10.224 10.698 10.586 10.7913 10.4482 11.16852

France 83.008 71.132 89.904 104.06 99.577 96.439 104.019 97.74381 118.548 116.7535

Germany 111.209 129.613 149.552 158.15 168.37 193.287 193.93 222.341 233.159 253.642

Italy 80.256 84.897 94.202 113.91 122.39 110.337 109.848 105.7236 116.889 118.8734

Netherlands 11.196 12.319 12.481 12.106 11.647 13.686 14.777 17.43324 18.1175 20.83844

Poland 11.456 13.567 17.307 17.625 20.394 23.286 23.289 24.59645 21.9473 25.95394

Portugal 28.752 24.69 20.409 30.61 32.404 25.511 33.497 24.30788 31.2260 29.18956

Romania 20.66 16.533 15.197 20.5 27.602 26.576 27.477 24.64079 26.5978 24.65178

Spain 100.983 89.837 90.579 115.59 114.07 100.316 108.102 90.672 108.421 104.3853

Sweden 82.189 84.21 98.435 82.823 85.85 102.623 89.246 95.083 90.9064 92.1382

United Kingdom 29.332 38.119 44.216 56.119 67.406 86.104 86.088 102.2029 112.977 121.5864

Norway 118.375 123.175 144.684 130.97 138.66 141.221 146.354 146.086 143.574 131.5243

Turkey 55.712 58.098 65.216 69.22 52.629 83.658 90.245 87.23544 97.7429 134.4098

Kazakhstan 8.022 7.883 7.64 7.737 8.277 9.448 11.985 11.6433 10.9992 10.89105

Russia 168.942 168.17 167.846 183.14 177.884 170.884 187.728 188.3479 193.713 201.1776

Ukraine 13.391 11.2 11.749 15.782 11.01 8.67700 10.885 12.4512 14.4145 10.89953

Uzbekistan 8.192 5.703 6.653 5.704 6.075 7.069 7.327 8.427442 7.55953 7.234687

Canada 370.86 396.783 402.669 421.19 419.785 424.33 433.639 432.27 424.308 421.663

United States 464.744 551.79 532.598 561.07 580.711 588.55 659.519 740.9271 770.624 784.1017

Argentina 36.138 42.191 40.117 44.177 44.054 41.281 40.073 42.93795 43.7520 44.35467

Brazil 436.961 463.272 455.629 437.96 431.66 430.23 465.126 466.3663 494.817 505.9346

Chile 24.296 26.02 25.421 26.06 30.349 32.872 34.319 34.87642 37.4781 37.26216

Colombia 42.857 50.918 49.59 51.366 49.287 50.007 50.607 62.8646 62.2141 56.71832

Mexico 45.747 45.074 42.361 39.542 52.894 47.471 49.148 51.49962 54.0034 60.66612

Venezuela 76.782 83.672 82.065 83.637 64.381 74.994 63.054 64.94246 58.904 65.3873

China 792.427 799.518 1004.57 1114.0 1294.17 1413.67 1570.56 1695.115 1852.46 2018.842

India 159.242 185.622 178.911 208.29 211.355 214.818 243.988 263.4957 297.364 334.3659

Indonesia 26.913 21.997 22.477 26.506 26.149 24.922 31.156 31.96558 31.6174 33.12736

Japan 118.858 121.546 115.722 124.93 138.051 155.997 156.08 175.5446 182.726 182.7177

Malaysia 7.47799 8.68000 9.922 11.867 14.316 14.948 21.089 27.74395 27.5021 28.41575

South Korea 8.97599 10.712 10.776 12.888 13.621 14.292 19.671 22.80727 26.4579 27.4727

Taiwan 10.384 10.292 12.048 12.502 11.538 12.039 14.308 13.99295 14.1716 16.59494

Thailand 8.94900 12.554 13.794 13.838 14.399 14.897 28.76 30.6224 37.5828 39.56021

Australia 21.768 26.386 26.422 32.858 36.195 33.544 37.448 40.45563 44.6442 47.87368

New Zealand 32.857 33.811 31.792 32.123 34.466 35.399 36.772 35.8915 37.0451 36.63494

Algeria 0.174 0.502 0.622 0.33 0.254 0.222 0.334 0.635 0.783 0.830889

Egypt 14.75 14.681 14.618 14.798 15.51 15.771 15.63 16.17225 17.5020 19.53522

Nigeria 6.374 5.883 5.68 5.348 5.368 5.742 5.612 5.553358 5.49569 6.40762

South Africa 5.36300 5.315 4.507 4.355 6.52699 8.852 11.053 14.04764 16.0095 16.30189

Iran 9.69900 12.297 12.677 14.979 14.267 14.326 16.699 15.46687 16.6720 29.75063

Kuwait 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.002 0.00394 0.00394 0.008539

Saudi Arabia 0 0 0.024 0.0390 0.042 0.129 0.12899 0.155295 0.24254 0.982491

United Arab 0 0 0 0.1 0.301 0.296 0.356 0.792298 1.40918 4.470591


Objective 4.1 [Test of hypothesis]

Claim: It is claimed that the average increment of contribution of renewables in Decade 1 (2000-2009)
is less than the average increment of Decade 2 (2010-2019) at 0.05 level of significance.

Test of hypothesis concerning difference of means is used for testing the claimed hypotheses.


Null Hypothesis:

Verbal: Average increase of contribution of renewables in Decade II is more than that of Decade I.

Mathematical Expression: HO: m2 - m1 ≤ δ

Alternative Hypothesis:

Verbal: Average increase of contribution in Decade II is less than or equals to the average increase in
contribution of renewables in Decade I.

Mathematical Expression: Ha: m2 - m1 <δ

Figures 23.1 & 23.2: Descriptive statistics for Decade I (2000-09) & Decade (2010-19)


Level of Significance (a): 0.05

Critical Value (Za): 1.645

m1: 2.365457

m2: 6.531906

n1: 44
n2: 44

sd1: 7.638906

sd2: 21.023147

δ: 0

Calculation of test statistic:

Calculations was done with the assistance of python as:

Test statistic (z) so obtained is: 1.2356 » 1.24
Tabled value: 0.8962

Therefore, z < za

Figure 16: Comparison of shares of Renewables in total electricity production between Decade I & Decade II

Objective 4.2 [Application of Linear Regression]

Linear Regression is applied to predict the mean of total contribution of renewables in the electricity
production in the next decade, 2020-2030, based on the current statistics.

Current Statistics:

Figure 17: Data for 20 years (2000-19) of Total Shares of Renewables in the total electricity
production for different countries

Least Square Method:

This is the method which is used to obtain the equation of a straight line. Here, the table of values and
regression coefficient for the data of world (for years 2000-2019) obtained is:

Graph depicting the current and predicted values:

Figure 18: Plot for the predicted future values for over 10 years (2020-2030)

Figure 19: Graphical representation of average shares of Renewables in 44 countries over 20 years (2000-19)

Objective 4.3 [Application of Linear Algebra]

Linear Algebra is used to determine the ranks of Asian Countries based on their share of
renewables in the total electricity production over the course of 20 years (2000-2019). This is
done with the help of Power method as:

Table 10.1: Shares of Renewables in total production of electricity in 8 randomly chosen Asian
Countries in Decade 1 (2000-2009)

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

China 180.76 210.5 222.03 250.498 299.2 341.73 399.02 446.65 516.446 556.17

India 94.793 111.50 107.73 97.8887 110.9 115.79 120.69 125.78 150.864 163.89

Indonesia 12.683 13.37 13.201 15.2390 17.42 21.225 23.378 25.465 24.9725 24.577

Japan 170.38 183.5 159.71 144.416 148.5 150.86 136.40 147.34 147.576 144.30

Malaysia 7.164 7.275 7.3649 8.85928 9.041 7.9823 9.5788 9.1173 9.33021 11.301

South 29.182 30.87 23.712 22.2417 26.08 24.454 28.978 28.443 34.0568 31.841

Taiwan 3.651 3.702 3.3151 4.33921 3.683 3.2647 3.3715 3.4063 3.67815 3.8095

Thailand 5.135 5.626 4.1654 4.70144 4.829 5.6505 5.9758 6.4611 6.40213 6.3222

Table 10.2: Shares of renewables in total production of electricity in 8 randomly chosen Asian
Countries in Decade 2 (2010-2019)

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Avera

China 659.32 717.70 844.67 960.05 1079.7 1163.1 1305.6 1441.6 1607. 1771.6 748.68

India 184.83 182.10 226.35 243.92 295.05 331.50 368.10 391.46 417.2 435.58 213.8

Indonesia 27.541 31.698 31.803 37.727 37.198 36.580 41.507 43.829 49.40 57.890 29.33

Japan 185.63 133.20 123.48 135.49 123.47 112.76 133.33 133.98 123.9 120.01 142.8

Malaysia 12.667 14.146 14.151 15.652 18.919 22.119 23.046 27.030 29.77 31.874 14.81

South 29.933 35.135 39.473 46.490 53.483 55.032 75.735 95.606 94.08 92.636 44.8

Taiwan 4.4512 5.1734 5.0623 6.0232 6.4485 6.6943 9.2544 10.797 12.38 12.986 5.775

Thailand 6.6872 6.3526 7.9939 8.3977 7.6197 8.2533 10.325 9.7253 9.702 12.027 7.117

Table 11: Matrix formed by the data

Applying Power Method:

On applying power method, we get the result in 8 iterations as:

Correlation between objective-3 & objective-4

Figure 20: Correlation between production and consumption of electricity (2019)

Correlation Coefficient 𝑟 = 0.988

It is positive and close to 1 which indicates that there exists a very strong positive correlation
between production and consumption of electricity.

Correlation between all four objectives

Each cell contains the value of correlation coefficient between the two corresponding data

Figure 21: Correlation between all four objectives (2019)

Objective 1

Objective 1.1: From the test, it can be concluded that we failed to accept the null hypothesis,
and therefore our claim, that there is a significant difference between the mean production of
electricity in the last two decades i.e., the mean production of electricity has been increased. In
other words, the amount of electricity produced in the decade 2010-2019, was notably higher
than the amount produced in the decade 2000-2009.

Objective 1.2: On the basis of current stats of means of Electricity Production for the year
2000-2019, We formed the equation for the regression line and using that we formed the graph
that can be used to predict the electricity production rate in the coming decade.

Same as figure 6

Objective1.3: We can draw the conclusion that Asia ranked highest in the total production
of electricity in 2019 and Pacific ranked the lowest in the total production of electricity in 2019.
It shows that Asia produced the highest amount of Electricity in the year 2019.

RANK 1 -- Asia [1.000]

RANK2 -- BRICS [0.8971]
RANK3 -- European Union [0.8049]
RANK4 -- North America [0.7221]
RANK5 -- Middle East [0.7221]
RANK6 -- CIS [0.5735]
RANK7 -- Africa [0.5146]
RANK8 -- Europe [0.4616]
RANK9 -- Latin America [0.4142]
RANK10 -- Pacific [0.3716]

Objective 2

Objective 2.1: According to the test we conducted, it can be concluded that there was a
significant difference between the average amount of electricity consumption in the decade
2000-2009 and 2010-2019. This shows us that more amount of average electricity consumption
in 2000-09, which can be reasoned by the fact that with increasing years, there was an increase
in the population. Therefore, more usage of electricity. Not only this, new electric appliances
were also introduced in these years, causing the increase in consumption.

Objective 2.2: The equation we got for the regression line can be used to predict the
amount of electricity consumption in the upcoming decade. Although we can see in the graph
that there is a continuous increase in the value of electricity consumption, we can never be
completely sure. There are many factors that can affect the value. if there is a femine and
there is a decrease in the population, a situation like 2020 COVID-19 virus outbreak in the
whole world, we can say that there might be significantly less usage of electricity.
nevertheless, the fact that people stayed home 24x7 also increases the amount of
consumption. Therefore, just like this, there might be many factors that could affect the
electricity consumption. Therefore, these values are just the predictions.

Same as figure 9

Objective 2.3: From the above calculations and code, it can be concluded that Asia
consumes the highest amount of electricity in the year 2019.
Rank 1: Asia
Rank 2: BRICS
Rank 3: North America
Rank 4: Europe
Rank 5: CIS
Rank 6: European Union
Rank 7: Africa
Rank 8: Latin America
Rank 9: Middle East
Rank 10: Pacific

The main reason for this could be a large population, which requires more electrical
appliances. Higher consumption of energy has always been a problem and therefore, here
also it might be a problem. The electricity consumed in appliances such as ACs, refrigerators
and any other device for that matter, produces greenhouse gases as well as gases which are
harmful for the ozone layer. This is harmful for nature as well as the biodiversity, connecting
it to the other SDGs like SDG 13: Climate action, SDG 14: Life underwater and SDG 15:
Life on land. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to one area in order to not negatively
affect another.

Correlation between objective-1 & objective-2

Production of electricity and consumption of electricity are positively correlated where the
correlation coefficient is 𝑟 = 0.999.

Same as figure 11

Objective 3

Objective 3.1: We have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Hence, it can be
concluded that the increment in the contribution of solar and wind in the electricity
production for the decade 2010-19 is greater than the 0.139% of the share for the decade
2000-09. Through this we can say that more countries have now become aware and we’ve
been developing globally with a greater rate now compared to the last decade in the field of
sustainable electricity production.

Objective 3.2: Based on the trends for the years 2000-2019, these are the predicted global
percentage share of solar and wind in the electricity production

Same as figure 14

Objective 3.3: Deduced from the eigenvector calculated

Eigenvector = [[1. ]

Countries Rank
China [1. ] 1
Japan [0.8717] 2
India [0.7598] 3
South Korea [0.6623] 4
Taiwan [0.5774] 5
Indonesia [0.5033] 6
Thailand [0.4387] 7
Malaysia [0.3824] 8

These ranks are based on the average solar and wind electricity produced in TWh in 2000-19.
Through this we can say that in Asia, China has the maximum contribution of wind & solar in
electricity production whereas India stands at third place after Japan.

Objective 4:

Objective 4.1: Hypothesis Testing

From the test, it can be concluded that our null hypothesis was failed to be rejected, and
therefore our claim, that the average increment of contribution of renewables in Decade 1
(2000-2009) is less than the average increment of Decade 2 (2010-2019) at 0.05 level of
significance. In other words, the shares of renewables in the total electricity produced in the
decade 2010-2019, was notably higher than the shares of renewables in total energy production
in the decade 2000-2009. There is enough evidence at 0.05 level of significance to accept the
null hypothesis, Average increase of contribution of renewables in Decade II is more than that
of Decade I.

Objective 4.2: Linear Regression

Trends obtained for the next 10 years

Same as figure 18

Expected shares of Renewables in Terawatt hour (TWh)

Objective 4.3: Applications of Linear Algebra

Eigenvector and Eigenvalue so obtained for the asian countries in contribution of
Renewables in their Electricity production

Ranks of the countries obtained are:

Correlation between objective-3 & objective-4

Share of wind & solar in electricity production and share of renewables in electricity
production are positively correlated where the correlation coefficient is 𝑟 = 0.988.

Same as figure 20

Correlation between all the objectives

All our objectives have a very strong positive correlation among them which means
that if one factor increases, the other also increases and vice versa.

Same as figure 21


[1] World Health Organization. (2020). Tracking SDG 7.

[2] Kroll, C., Warchold, A. & Pradhan, P. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Are we successful in turning
trade-offs into synergies?. Palgrave Commun 5, 140 (2019).

[3] Ghosh, S. (2002). Electricity consumption and economic growth in India. Energy policy, 30(2), 125-129.

[4] P. Jagger, P. Katila, C.J.P. Colfer, Jong, W. de G. Galloway, P. Pacheco, G. Winkel, (eds).. 2019. Sustainable
Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People. 206-236

[5] Data: Kaggle: Your Machine Learning and Data Science Community. Retrieved 28 January 2021,


Objective 1.2

Objective 1.3


Python code:
Objective 2.1:

Objective 2.2:

Objective 2.3:


Objective 3.1

Objective 3.2

Objective 3.3


Objective 4.1

Objective 4.2




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