75 Ways To Politely Interrupt A Conversation

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75 Ways to Politely Interrupt a

A good rule of thumb when you’re not 100% confident is to observe others around
you and listen to the words, phrases, or sounds they are using to interrupt a
Good places to interrupt a conversation are:
§ When the speaker is pausing to breathe
§ When the speaker is finishing a phrase or sentence
§ When you have a good point to make that would contribute positively to the
discussion (be sure to measure your timing carefully, so as to not appear
It is also important to be prepared! Don’t interrupt if you have nothing to say. Give
your interruption a purpose and form your comment in your mind before
interrupting. You will feel very satisfied as an English speaker when you can
successfully interrupt a conversation and make your own contribution, thus
appreciating the natural ebb and flow of American English.


Here is a comprehensive list of ways to interrupt a conversation that will allow you
to interject and make your point while still being polite to the other members of the

These are a category of words that don’t have any meaning but that we often use to
get people’s attention.
1.Clearing your throat
2. Uhm…
3. Hmm…
4. Ah…
5. Oh…
6. Well…
7. So…
8. Hey… (Note that this one is a bit casual, so only use it with people you are good
friends with.)
9. Using the other person’s name (eg. “James, that’s a great idea!”)
10. Guys… (Can be used in a group of men or women, or a mix of both!)
11. Ladies and Gentlemen… (This would be the formal version of “Guys,” should
be used in formal situations or when you’re trying to be funny in a casual
12. Everyone… (eg. “Everyone, I think that’s a great idea!)

Would you like to contribute extra information to someone else’s thought or
argument? Try these!
13. I need to add something here…
14. Can I just say something here? (When using this phrase, you do not need to
wait for others to respond to your question, and you may continue with the
comment you’d like to make.)
15. May I add…
16. I’d like to add…
17. Let me add something…
18. That reminds me… (For this one, you’d want to tell a connected or related
story or piece of information. For example, “That reminds me, we need to prepare
the report for next week.”)

Can’t wait any longer? Are other speakers not allowing others to speak? Use these
19. Let me interrupt a second…
20. I’m sorry to interrupt, but…
21. I don’t mean to interrupt, but… (Although you technically DO mean to
interrupt, this is simply a polite way of interrupting that works best when you have
a point to make quickly before the conversation changes, or when other members
of the conversation are deep in a discussion but you’d still like your point to be
22. Sorry for interrupting, but…
23. Can I stop you there for a moment?
24. Can I just butt in for a second? (Yes, it is spelled like a word used to reference
a person’s back end, but in this instance it literally means ‘to interrupt’!)
25. Can I just mention something?
26. Excuse me for interrupting, but…
27. Excuse me, I’d like to say something.
28. Excuse me for butting in, but…
29. Just a moment, I’d like to…
Assert yourself! Don’t be afraid to jump into the conversation.
30. Let me jump in…
31. Do you mind if I jump in here?
32. Can I jump in here?
33. Do you mind if I come in here?
34. I don’t mean to intrude, but… (Similarly to #19, this one works best when you
are trying to contribute to a conversation you’re not already a part of, like when
you overhear something and you want to join their conversation.)
35. I don’t mean to be rude, but…
36. May I interject?

Need a less casual way of interrupting? Try using these.

37. Before we move on to the next point, may I add…?

38. Before you move on, I’d like to say something.
39. Before you go on, I’d like to say something.
40. Pardon me (This leans more toward the formal ways to interrupt, but it can also
be used as a nice way to say “Excuse me” in both conversational situations or even
when you’re on the street and need someone to move out of your way.)


Are you still unsure or not clear enough on someone else’s point? Take a look at
these examples. They are excellent phrases to try in a class setting!

41. Could you clarify that?

42. Sorry, could you explain that a little more?
43. Do you mean that…? (When using this phrase, you will need to continue by
summarizing what the person has already said to make sure your understanding is
correct. For example, “Do you mean that you think that’s a great a idea?”)
44. Would you tell us/me a little bit more about that?
45. Could you clarify that last point before we move on?
46. Would you mind explaining that a little more?
47. Could you explain that more fully?


American English speakers are known for being fast speakers. If you’re having a
hard time keeping up or gathering your thoughts, you should feel free to ask the
other speakers for more time. You want to be polite, but you also want to have
enough time to formulate a cohesive argument!
48. Hold on…
49. Just a minute…
50. Wait, what about…
51. Can we just pause a second?
52. Let’s see…
53. One quick thing…
54. Just one thing…
55. Just let me say…
56. Listen…


Be confident in your opinion! If you feel strongly one way or another, don’t be shy
and share with your conversation partners.
57. I think…
58. I agree…

59. I disagree…

60. I don’t agree.

61. I’m not sure about that.

62. That’s great!

63. That’s interesting! (Be mindful that your tone matches your intention with this
one. The way you intonate can be seen as a genuine feeling of appreciation, or
instead as a sarcastic comment that means that opposite!)

Do other members of the conversation seem shy or too quiet, or are others not
letting them get a word in edgewise? Use these phrases to politely turn the
conversation, so that everyone gets their say!
64. What’s your opinion, James? (Don’t forget to replace James with the actual
name of the person you are speaking to!)
65. What do you think, James?
66. James, do you agree?


Do you still need to assert your opinion further? Try these!
67. As far as I’m concerned…
68. Personally, I believe…
69. The way I see it…
70. That’s right.
71. That’s correct.
72. Actually…

Offering suggestions is a polite way to wrap up a conversation or a point of
thought, or allow for other points to be explored. Use these if you need to add
some creativity or action plans to the conversation!
73. It would be interesting to…
74. Why don’t we…
75. How about…


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