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BUS 5112

Operation Management
Term 7, 2021-2022
Renewable Energy: Wind power turbines for

local farmers in three south Asian countries

INSTRUCTOR: Dr. TokunboOsinubi
1. Lim Dalis

2. Muhammad W. Siddiqui

3. Konan R. Kouakou

4. Anzelika Melnikova
• Climate Change and shortage of renewable

• In late 20
th century - Revolutionary in wind

• Role of wind energy - green energy, low cost,

and leverage farmers from poverty.

• Barriers : geographical, technology, and

energy market.

Figure1: The First Commercial Wind Power Generation is Build in Indonesia

(Rifka, 2018)
• Text in key bullet points with APA citations:
- Product or service:what product or service has the team has chosen?
- Market and customer: what is the estimated size of the market/customer base
for your product/service market and what are the customer drivers (order
winning and qualifying factors)?
- Process Type: what type of manufacturing or service process do you consider
most appropriate?
•Layout Type:what type of layout do you consider most appropriate?
•Facility Location:what location do you consider adequate for the facilities where the
product or service is performed?

• Figure (please add if possible)

Contextual Construct
•Process Technology:what process technologies do
you consider adequate for your product/service?
•Product / Service and Process Design
: what elements
of the design process do you think are more relevant
given your product/service?
•Work and Job Design: what elements do you consider
Wind Energy and Process Design important to the design of the job and work required
to manufacture your product or offer your service?
• Figure (please add if possible)
•time horizon, planning policy, market
requirements, activity scheduling and

Planning and Control

• Inventory can be a major cost to the organization (James,

• S everal elections in terms of inventory management

c entralization level, classification, models, and

Local operation offices

Inventory Management

Indonesia Bangladesh Philippines

Local communities

Figure2: Centralization to manage operations and inventory

❖ Capacity management processes
(James, 2011,
selection and
Demand Capacity demand vs decision

• Demand- Influence factors and key focus

including forecasting.
• Capacity-Storage space, human resource,
Capacity Management
equipment and transportation facilities (James,
• Reconciliation-capacity level, demand
matching, and demand management.
• Solutions selection& decision making- level
capacity plan, cumulative count of inventory,
trade-off between the amount of capacity and
level of demand, and customer satisfaction vs
waiting time.
•What considerations in terms of lean
operations (waste minimization, people
involvement, continuous improvement, push
vs. pull systems, set up reduction and total
Lean Operations
productive maintenance) do you consider
relevant for the product or service chosen?
•What considerations in terms of Business
Process Re-engineering do you consider
relevant for enabling significant improvements
for the product or service chosen?
Business Process Re - engineering
•What considerations in terms of agile
operations (waste minimization, people
involvement, continuous improvement, push
vs. pull systems, set up reduction and total
Agile Operations
productive maintenance) do you consider
relevant for the product or service chosen?
•What considerations in terms of Enterprise
Resource Planning do you consider relevant for
the product or service chosen?

Enterprise Resource Planning

Rifka, A. (November 25, 2018). Chemical Engineering Portal. The First Commercial Wind Power
Generation is Built in Indonesia. Retrieved from
Fagiano, L. (2009). Control of tethered airfoils for high-altitude wind energy generation.
Politecnico di Torino.

Schmidt, T. S., Blum, N. U., & Wakeling, R. S. (2013). Attracting private investments into rural
electrification—A case study on renewable energy based village grids in Indonesia. Energy for
Sustainable Development, 17(6), 581-595.
Martosaputro, S., & Murti, N. (2014). Blowing the wind energy in Indonesia. Energy
Procedia, 47, 273-282.
Rosly, N., & Ohya, Y. (2011). Wind energy potential in asean countries–special attention to
Malaysia. In Conference on East Asian Environmental Problems, Fukuoka, Japan (pp. 1-6).

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