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Transformer VA Calculations


Method of Determining Secondary Current Ratings in D.C. Circuits

Half Wave Rectifier (HWR)
Full Wave Center Tap (FWCT)
Full Wave Bridge (FWB)
Dual Complementary Rectifies (DCR)
Adding A Regulator

Half Wave Rectifier (HWR)

Inefficient, DC flux component.

Use generally for 0.5 watt or less.


VAC = 2.2 x ( VDC + 1) VAC = .88 x ( VDC + 1 )
IAC = 1.6 x IDC IAC = 2.6 x IDC
WATTS = VDC x IDC (output) WATTS = VDC x IDC (output)
VA = 3.5 x ( WATTS + loc* ) VA = 2.3 x ( WATTS + loc* )

Example: Specify a transformer 5V, Example: Specify a transformer 5V,

100 ma DC output. 100 ma DC output.
VAC = 2.2 x ( 5 + 1) = 13.2 V VAC = .88 x ( 5 + 1 ) = 5.3 V
IAC = 1.6 x 0.1 = .16 A IAC = 2.6 x 0.1 = 0.26 A
WATTS = 5 x 0.1 = 0.5 WDC WATTS = 5 x 0.1 = 0.5 WDC
VA = 3.5 x ( 0.5 + 0.1 ) = 2.1 VA VA = 2.3 x ( 0.5 + 0.1 ) = 1.4 VA

Full Wave Center Tap (FWCT)

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Transformer VA Calculations

More Efficient, although secondary not fully utilized

Preferred in ver low voltage supplies where extra diode voltage drops unwanted


VAC = 2.2 x ( VDC + 1 ) VAC = 1.7 x ( VDC + 1 )
IAC = .8 x IDC IAC = 1.2 x IDC
WATTS = VDC x IDC ( output ) WATTS = VDC x IDC ( output )
** VA = 1.4 x ( WATTS + IDC* ) ** VA = 1.7 x ( WATTS + IDC* )
core core

Example: Specify a transformer 5V, Example: Specify a transformer 5V,

2 A DC output. 2 A DC output.
VAC = 2.2 x ( 5 + 1 ) = 13.2 V VAC = 1.7 x ( 5 + 1 ) = 10.2 V
IAC = .8 x 2 = 1.6 A IAC = 1.2 x 2 = 2.4 A
WATTS = 5 x 2 = 10 WDC WATTS = 5 x 2 = 10 WDC
** VA = 1.4 x ( 10 + 2 ) = 16.8 VA ** VA = 1.7 x ( 10 + 2 ) = 20.4 VA
core core

Full Wave Bridge (FWB)

Most Efficient, secondary is fully utilitzed

Preferred for smallest transformer size and cost at higher voltages


VAC = 1.1 x ( VDC + 2) VAC = 0.8 x ( VDC + 2 )
IAC = 1.1 x IDC IAC = 1.8 x IDC
WATTS = VDC x IDC (output) WATTS = VDC x IDC (output)
VA = 1.2 x ( WATTS + 2 IDC* ) VA = 1.4 x ( WATTS + 2 IDC* )

Example: Specify a transformer 5V, Example: Specify a transformer 5V,

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Transformer VA Calculations

2 A DC output. 2 A DC output.
VAC = 1.1 x ( 5 + 2) = 7.7 V VAC = 0.8 x ( 5 + 2 ) = 5.6 V
IAC = 1.1 x 2 = 2.2 A IAC = 1.8 x 2 = 3.6 A
WATTS = 5 x 2 = 10 WDC WATTS = 5 x 2 = 10 WDC
VA = 1.2 x ( 10 + 4 ) = 16.8 VA VA = 1.4 x ( 10 + 4 ) = 19.6 VA

Dual Complementary Rectifies (DCR)

Most Efficient, when load is balanced.

Provides a (+) and (-) suppl with a common ground.


VAC = 1.1 x ( VDC + 2) VAC = 0.8 x ( VDC + 2 )
IAC = 1.1 x IDC IAC = 1.8 x IDC
WATTS = VDC x IDC (output) WATTS = VDC x IDC (output)
VA = 1.2 x ( WATTS + 2 IDC* ) VA = 1.4 x ( WATTS + 2 IDC* )

Example: Specify a transformer for +/- 15V, Example: Specify a transformer +/- 15V,
(30V total) 2 A DC output. (30V total), 2 A DC output.
VAC = 1.1 x ( 30 + 2 ) = 35.2 V VAC = 0.8 x ( 30 + 2 ) = 25.6 V
IAC = 1.1 x 2 = 2.2 A IAC = 1.8 x 2 = 3.6 A
WATTS = 30 x 2 = 60 WDC WATTS = 30 x 2 = 60 WDC
VA = 1.2 x ( 60 + 4 ) = 76.8 VA VA = 1.4 x ( 60 + 4 ) = 89.6 VA

Adding A Regulator To The Circuit "With Capacitor" Above:

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Transformer VA Calculations

Adding a regulator will require higher VDC after the rectifier to, keep the ripple above the regulator
voltage, provide for a regulator voltage drop and provide for low line conditions.
The higher VDC will translate back to a higher VAC and higher transformer VA rating.
Note that VDC referred to is after the rectifier and not final Regulator output VOUT
The power supply designer should determine value of VDC after the rectifier suitable to his Regulator
Power Rating, Capacitor Size and Low Line Limit.
Typicals are: VREG >= 3 VRIPPLE = 10% x VDC peak.

- Formula Factors have been rounded off for convenience.

* Formula assume 1 drop per diode.
** In FWCT circuits, core VA can be less than secondary V x A if specially designed.
Typical resistive load. (Batteries are considered as a capacitor.)

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