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Koleen Tea’ C.


Activities Environmental Aspect Environmental Impact

Operations Toxic chemicals in iPhone can Toxic chemical
pose a threat to humans and
environmental nearby.
Outbound logistics iPhones are shipped using Larges polluting
mostly FedEx Boeing from transportation cause of
China and distribute to all carbon emissions.
around the world.
Marketing and sales Features of iPhone is the Demand of iPhone will be
important that’s why the increase.
buyer will buy a latest one on
the market.
Service Lifespan of iPhone is short Natural resources will be
because of fast changing increase.
updates so the buyer will buy
a new latest iPhone on the

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Activities Environmental Aspect Environmental Impact

Mineral Extraction Apple previously sourced Congo stopped due to a
minerals form Democratic lawsuit because of child labor
Republic of Congo for mining.
Impact of Extraction Mining supports global The hazardous waste can go
economy growth and global into the land and affect the
GDP growth and supplies animals and plants
high amount of high paying negatively. It also displaces
jobs. people from their homes in
mining areas.
Transportation Plane is used to transport Carbon emissions
Disposal, Recycling and The other iPhone that did not Improper disposal can be
Repurposing of an iPhone already use, they get a parts harmful for humans’ cause of
of that and put in the brand toxic chemicals also in
new iPhone. environment.

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Issue by Issue

Activities Environmental Environmental Control Measures

Aspect Impact
Mineral Extraction Apple previously Congo stopped due Minimum levels of
sourced minerals to a lawsuit because sourcing or
form Democratic of child labor for production.
Republic of Congo mining.
Impact of Extraction Mining supports The hazardous waste Planting a new trees
global economy can go into the land so animals can live
growth and global and affect the naturally.
GDP growth and animals and plants
supplies high amount negatively. It also
of high paying jobs. displaces people
from their homes in
mining areas.
Transportation Plane is used to Carbon emissions Minimum the parts
transport Pollution or the products in
the plane.
Disposal, Recycling The other iPhone Improper disposal Don’t use the parts
and Repurposing of that did not already can be harmful for that already use.
an iPhone use, they get a parts humans’ cause of
of that and put in the toxic chemicals also
brand new iPhone. in environment.

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