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SESSION – 6 Application 3

If the car had gone from A to B at 50 km/h and returned from B

to A at 60 km/h, what would be the average speed?
Let d be the A – B distance.
If distance D is covered in time T, the speed S is given by
Then the average speed = (d + d)/{(d/50) + (d/60)}
S = D/T = 2/(11/300)

= 54 km/h [Answer]

From this, we get T = D/S Alternatively, again as a time saver the AM–HM rule can be

In application 2, time is constant and hence the average speed

and D=ST
= (50 + 60)/2
D and S are directly proportional, but T and S are inversely  55 km / h
In application 3, distance is constant and hence the average speed
Application 1 2  50  60

A car and a bike start from the same point at 9 a.m. and reach 50  60
the same destination at 10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. respectively. If
= 54 km/h
the average speed of the car is 60 km/h, what is the average
speed of the bike? Relative Speed
If d is the distance covered, d = 60 km since the car took 1 hour Relative speed is the rate at which the distance between two
to cover the distance at 60 km/h. The bike took 1.5 hours to moving particles increase or decrease and depends on the
cover the same distance. direction in which the particles are moving.

So, its speed = 60/1.5 = 40 km/h [Answer]

Relative speed = sum of speeds, if the particles move in
Alternatively, as against this conventional method, the above opposite directions
result can be used to get the answer faster as shown below. = difference in speeds, if the particles move in
The time taken by the car and the bike are in the ratio 1:1.5 or the same direction
2:3. So, the speed will be in the reverse ratio 3:2. Since
The relative speed concept can be applied only if both particles
3 represents 60 km/h, 2 must represent 40 km/h.
are moving. If the particles start moving at different points of
Average Speed time, the given data needs to be restructured to the time when
both particles move simultaneously.
Average Speed = Total Distance/Total Time
Steps involved in applying relative speed to solve problems:
1. Determine the initial distance between the particles.
If the time is constant, the average speed is the arithmetic
If both particles move simultaneously, the distance
mean of the speeds and if the distance is constant, the
average speed is the harmonic mean of the speeds. between them is the initial distance and if they do not
start at the same time, calculate the distance between
[Given two numbers a and b, their arithmetic mean (AM) = (a + them when the late starter begins to move and take that
b)/2, the harmonic mean (HM) = 2ab/(a + b) and AM  HM.] as the initial distance.

Application 2 2. Evaluate the relative speed.

3. Calculate the time taken for the two particles to meet or
If a car goes at 50 km/h and 60 km/h for 5 hours each, what is
cross each other as the ratio of initial distance to the
its average speed?
relative speed.
Average speed = total distance/total time
The relative speed concept can also be employed to determine the
= {(5  50) + (5  60)}/(5 + 5) distance between two moving particles at any given time by the
following rule.
= 550/10
Required distance = initial distance  (time lapse  relative
= 55 km/h [Answer] speed)

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Application 4 Since they are moving in the same direction the relative speed is
the difference in speeds, viz 30 – 20 = 10 km/h.
Three persons – P, Q and R start from one of the points A and B
and move in their cars towards the other point. The distance The time taken for meeting is 10/10 or 1 hour from 8:30 a.m. or
between A and B is 450 km. P and Q start at 9 a.m. from A and B at 9:30 a.m. [Answer]
respectively whereas R starts from A at 10 a.m.. P, Q and R
Application 6
maintain constant speed of 50 km/h, 40 km/h and 60 km/h
respectively. Which pair PQ, QR or PR would meet first? Two cyclists start at the same time from two points which are 5
km apart. If one moves West at 10 km/h and the other moves
Since P and Q start at the same time, the initial distance between
East at 12 km/h, what will be the distance between them after 1
them is the distance AB = 450 km.
hour 30 minutes?
They are moving towards each other, i.e. in opposite directions
Initial distance = 5 km
and hence the relative speed = sum of the speeds
Relative speed = sum of the speeds
= 40 + 50
= 10 + 12
= 90 km/h
= 22 km/h
So, the time taken for meeting = 450/90
Time lapse = 1.5 hours
= 5 hours
Final distance = 5 + (1.5  22)
i.e. P and Q would meet 5 hours from 9 a.m. or at 2 p.m..
= 38 km [Answer]
P and R though starting from the same point begin their travel at
different points of time. Since R is the late starter, the initial Train Problems
distance between them is the distance between them when R
Train problems broadly centre around the following three types:
starts, namely 10 a.m..
1. Time taken by a train to cross a stationary point
At 9 a.m. there is zero distance between them. From 9 a.m. to
10 a.m. P would have travelled 50 km and hence the distance 2. Time taken by a train to cross a stationary length
between them at 10 a.m. is 50 km.
3. Time taken by a train to cross a moving length
Since they are moving in the same direction the relative speed is
the difference between the speeds or 60 – 50 = 10 km/h. “A train takes 20 seconds to cross or go past a man” implies that
to start with the man was in line with the front of the train and
Hence, time taken for meeting = 50/10 = 5 hours. This implies after 20 seconds he was in line with the rear of the train. Thus,
that P and R would meet 5 hours after 10 a.m. i.e. 3 p.m.. the distance travelled by a train to cross a man or a tree or a
lamp post or for that matter any stationary point is its length
Q and R start from opposite points at different points of time.
itself and hence the time taken can be obtained once the train
At 9 a.m. the distance between them is 450 km. From 9 a.m. to speed is known.
10 a.m. Q would have travelled 40 km and so the distance
between them at 10 a.m. would be 450 – 40 = 410 km. Time taken by a train to cross a stationary point
= train length/train speed
Since they are moving in opposite directions, the relative speed
is 60 + 40 = 100 km/h If the train has to cross a platform, it has to cover an additional
distance equal to the platform length. The same logic applies to
The time taken for meeting = 410/100 = 4.1 hours from 10 a.m.
tunnel or bridge or any stationary length.
i.e. 2:06 p.m.

Thus, PQ meet first at 2 p.m., followed by QR at 2:06 p.m. and the Time taken by a train to cross a stationary length
last pair to meet is PR at 3 p.m.. [Answer] = (train length + stationary length)/ train speed

Application 5 If the train is to cross another train which is stationary, the

distance to be covered is the sum of the length of the two trains
A boy leaves home at 8 a.m. for school in his cycle pedalling
and the speed would be governed by the speed of the moving
20 km/h. At 8:30 a.m., his mother finds the boy has left behind
train. But if the other train is also moving, the distance to be
his History book and chases him in her scooter at 30 km/h. At
covered remains the same, but the speed would be governed by
what time would the mother catch up with her son?
the relative speed since both trains are moving.
When the mother starts, the son has already travelled 10 km at
20 km/h for 30 minutes. This means that at 8:30 a.m. when the Time taken by a train to cross another train moving in the
mother starts, the distance between the mother and the son is same direction = sum of length of the two trains/difference
10 km. in their speeds

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Boat and Stream Problems

Time taken by a train to cross another train moving towards
it = sum of length of the two trains/sum of their speeds These problems are governed by the following results.

The above rules are applicable if the front of one train is in line Downstream (along the current) speed (D) = Boat speed (B)
with the front of the other in the second case and in line with + current (stream) speed (C)
rear of the other train in the first case.
Upstream (against the current) speed (U) = Boat speed – current
If the two trains are apart to start with, that distance needs to be (stream) speed
added to the numerator of above results to get the time. Speed of the boat = average of downstream and upstream speeds.
In train problem, it is more likely that the length would be in Speed of the current = half the difference of downstream and
metres and the speeds would be in km/h. The following upstream speeds.
conversion factor is useful in such cases.
Or as formulae,
1 km/h = m/s and 1 m/s = 3.6 km/h D=B+C
Application 7 B = (D + U)/2

If a train going at 90 km/h takes 28 seconds to go past a lamp C = (D – U)/2

post, but 80 seconds to cross a platform, what is the length of
Application 9
(a) the train and (b) the platform?
A boat takes 5 hours to go from A to B and 8 hours to return to
A. If AB distance is 40 km, find the speed of
90 km/h = (90  ) (a) the boat and (b) the current.

= 25 m/s Since B to A takes more time, it is upstream and hence AB is

Given the time to cross the lamp post as 28 seconds,
Downstream speed = 40/5
train length/25 = 28 or
= 8 km/h
train length = 700 m [Answer for (a)]
Upstream speed = 40/8
Given the time to cross the platform as 80 seconds, = 5 km/h

(train length + platform length)/25 = 80 or Boat speed = (8 + 5)/2

(train length + platform length) = 2000 m = 6.5 km/h [Answer for (a)]

Since train length is 700 m, platform length Current speed = (8 – 5)/2

= 1.5 km/h [Answer for (b)]
= 1300 m or 1.3 km [Answer for (b)]
Problems on Escalators
Application 8
The escalator problem is identical to the boat stream problem,
How long does it take for a train of length 800 m moving at 80 escalator replacing the stream and person replacing the boat.
km/h to cross a train of length 1200 m coming at a speed of 100 The speed and distance are expressed in terms of the number of
km/h from the opposite direction? steps of the escalator.
The relative speed = 80 + 100 Application 10

= 180 km/h A couple and their son get into an escalator going up. The father
reaches the top in 15 seconds taking 4 steps, but the son reaches 5
= 50 m/s
seconds ahead of his father. The mother who did not take any step
The distance to be covered = 800 + 1200 of her own reaches the top 5 seconds after her husband reached.

= 2000 m Determine
(a) the number of steps taken by the son,
Time taken for crossing = 2000/50
(b) the distance between the two points and
= 40 seconds [Answer]
(c) the speed of the escalator.

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Let e be the speed of the escalator in steps per second, s the 2. If two runners start at the same time and from the same
number of steps climbed by the son and n the number of steps point, the time taken for them to meet at the starting point
between two the points. for the first time is the LCM of the time taken by each to
complete one round.
Father takes 15 seconds to reach the top and during this time he
climbs taking 4 steps and the escalator moves by 15e steps. So, 3. When three runners start from the same point at the same
the total number of steps is (4 + 15e) which by the above time, the time taken for their first meeting is the LCM of
assumption is n. the time taken by the fastest runner to get a lead of one
Thus n = 4 + 15e … (1) complete round over each of the other two.
By the same logic for the son, n = s + 10e … (2) [Result 1 above can be used to determine these times.]
Since the mother does not take any steps of her own,
Application 11
n = 20e … (3)
From (2) and (3), s = 10e … (4) In a 100 m race, A beats B by 5 seconds. What is the ratio of A’s
From (1) and (2), s = 5e + 4 … (5) speed to B’s speed?

From (4) and (5), 5e = 4 or Let A take t seconds to complete 100 m.

e = 0.8 … (6) Then B would take (t + 5) seconds to complete 100 m.
(6) in (4): s = 10  0.8
Their respective speeds are 100/t and 100/(t + 5) and hence the
= 8 and
required ratio = (t + 5)/t.
(6) in (3): n = 20  0.8
This can be evaluated only if the value of t is known or
= 16 alternatively A’s or B’s speed is known.

Thus, Application 12
the number of steps taken by the son = 8 [Answer for (a)]
In Application 11, if A’s speed is 5 m/s, what is the ratio of A’s
the distance between the two points = 16 [Answer for (b)] speed to that of B?
and the speed of the escalator = 0.8 step per second
[Answer for (c)] Speed of 5 m/s  time taken to cover 100 m = 100/5
= 20 seconds
Substituting the result obtained in Application 11, the ratio
The understanding of the following terminologies is essential to
= (20 + 5)/20
solve problems involving races:
= 25/20
1. A beats B by 10 seconds in 100 m race  B takes = 5:4 [Answer]
10 seconds more than A to cover 100 m.
Application 13
2. A beats B by 10 metres in 100 m race  B covers only 90
metres when A covers 100 m. Using the data given in Application 11 and 12, determine the
head start, both in terms of time and distance, A should give to B
3. A gives a head start or simply start of 10 seconds to B  B in a 200 m race, assuming the same speeds.
can start 10 seconds ahead of A.
Since B lags behind by 5 seconds in 100 m race he would lag by
4. A gives a head start or simply start of 10 metres to B  B 10 seconds in 200 m race and hence he should be given a head
can start from a point 10 metres ahead of the point from start of 10 seconds. [First answer]
where A would start.
Ratio of A’s speed to B’s speed is 5:4.
5. Dead heat implies all runners reach the finishing line at the
same time. A’s speed is 5 m/s.

 B’s speed is 4 m/s.

In races involving circular tracks, the following results are
useful. Time taken by A to cover 200 m = 200/5 = 40 seconds

1. If two runners start at the same time and from the same In those 40 seconds, the distance covered by B = 40  4 = 160 m
point, when they meet for the first time, the faster runner
 B is lagging behind by 40 metres.
would have a lead of one complete round over the other.
The time taken for the first meeting = track length/relative So, the required head start is 40 m. [Second answer]

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Alternatively 5. Asmi travels at 20 km/h and reaches the office 4 minutes

late. Next time, she goes at 25 km/h and reaches the office 2
Head start for B is 10 seconds.
minutes earlier than the scheduled time. What is the
B’s speed 4 m/s  head start in terms of distance distance of her office from home?

= 10  4 (a) 5 km (b) 10 km (c) 15 km (d) 20 km

= 40 m Directions for Q6 and Q7: Use the following information to

answer the questions.
Application 14
Starting from the same point at the same time, Sachin, Sajith and
P, Q and R run at speeds of 4 m/s, 5 m/s and 6 m/s respectively
Survesh run on a circular path at the speed of 20 m/s, 30 m/s
around a circular track of length 50 m. If they start from the same and 50 m/s respectively in the same direction. The
point and at the same time, after how many seconds would they circumference of the track (or path) is 600 m.
meet for the first time?
6. After how many seconds from the start would they meet for
R is the fastest runner. the first time?
Considering P and R, the time taken for their first meeting (a) 60 (b) 40 (c) 30 (d) 90
= track length/relative speed 7. When will they meet for the first time at the starting
= 50/(6 – 4) point? (counting time from the start)
= 25 seconds (a) 30 sec (b) 60 sec (c) 90 sec (d) 12 sec

Considering Q and R, the time taken for their first meeting 8. A motor boat takes 2 hours to travel a distance of 9 km
= track length/relative speed downstream and it takes 6 hours to travel the same
distance against the current. The speed of the boat and
= 50/(6 – 5)
that of the current (in km/h) respectively are
= 50 seconds (a) 3 and 1.5 (b) 4 and 2

The time taken for the three to meet together for the first time (c) 3 and 6 (d) 1 and 2

= LCM of 25 and 50 9. A gets down from a moving escalator stepping down

= 50 seconds [Answer] 15 steps. If B gets down from another escalator with a
speed of 2 steps less than twice that of A and reaches
1. A man travels the first part of his journey at 30 km/h and down in the same time, find the number of steps moved
the remaining part at 90 km/h, and he covers the entire by the escalator given that the total number of steps is 50.
journey at an average speed of 50 km/h. What is the ratio (a) 30 (b) 28 (c) 25 (d) 22
of the distance he covered at 30 km/h to that he covered
at 90 km/h? 10. Nimitz, a famous ship went on a voyage. After it had
(a) 1:2 (b) 1:3 (c) 2:3 (d) 3:4 travelled 330 miles, a war plane started with 12 times the
speed of the ship. Find the distance from the starting point
2. Winslet starts from Coimbatore at 6 a.m. at a constant at which the plane is vertically above the ship.
speed of 40 km/h. She halts at Mettupalayam for half an (a) 350 miles (b) 360 miles
hour and then drives at 70 km/h. She reaches Ooty at (c) 375 miles (d) 400 miles
9:30 a.m. which is 180 km away from Coimbatore. What is
the distance between Mettupalayam and Ooty? Directions for Q11 and Q12: Each problem consists of a question
(a) 120 km (b) 140 km and two statements, labelled (I) and (II), in which certain data are
given. You have to decide whether the data given in the
(c) 100 km (d) 130 km
statements are sufficient for answering the question.
3. A train crosses a man coming from the opposite direction Mark (a) if statement (I) alone is sufficient, but statement (II)
in 8 seconds. If the speed of the man and the train are 5 alone is not sufficient to answer the question;
m/s and 25 m/s respectively, find the length of the train. (b) if statement (II) alone is sufficient, but statement (I)
(a) 200 m (b) 160 m alone is not sufficient to answer the question;
(c) 240 m (d) 300 m (c) if both statements (I) and (II) together are sufficient
to answer the question but neither statement alone is
4. A super fast express overtakes a passenger train in 20
seconds. The speed of the faster train is 72 km/h and
(d) if each statement alone is sufficient to answer the
speed of the slower train is 27 km/h. If the length of the
faster train is 100 m, find the length of the slower train.
(Both the trains are moving in the same direction.) (e) if both statements (I) and (II) together are not
sufficient to answer the question and additional data
(a) 125 m (b) 150 m (c) 175 m (d) 200 m
specific to the problem is needed.

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11. Two cars A and B are 15 km apart. When will they meet 19. Prem starts at 2 p.m. from city A travelling towards city B,
each other? at a speed of 20 km/h. John leaves city B at 5 p.m.,
I: Car A moves at a speed of 50 km/h. travelling towards city A at a speed of 15 km/h. If they
II: Car B moves at a speed of 40 km/h. meet at 6:00 p.m., what is the distance between A and B?
(a) 75 km (b) 95 km (c) 80 km (d) 90 km
12. A man drives a car from Chennai to Pondicherry going
through Mahabalipuram. What is the total distance 20. Dr.Stephen Raj, a famous heart specialist starts from
travelled by the man from Chennai to Pondicherry? home at 5 p.m. for an evening walk. He walks at a speed of
I: The distance from Chennai to Mahabalipuram is 3/5th 4 km/h on level ground, at a speed of 3 km/h uphill, then
of the entire distance. downhill at a speed of 6 km/h to the level ground and
II: The distance from Mahabalipuram to Pondicherry is then at a speed of 4 km/h to reach home at 9 p.m. What is
160 km. the distance covered during onward journey?
(a) 5 km (b) 8 km (c) 11 km (d) 7 km
13. A person P is at X and another person Q is at Y. The
distance between X and Y is 100 km. The speed of P is 21. There is a hill in between the village and the town. A person
20 km/h, while the speed of Q is 60 km/h. Starting at the wants to go to the town from his village. He travels by bike 9
same time and moving towards each other if they meet at km uphill and 27 km downhill to reach the town. It took him
point Z, somewhere between X and Y, then the distance 2 hours 50 minutes. While he returns, it took him 4 hours
between X and Z is and 30 minutes to reach the village. Find his down hill speed.
(a) 25 km (b) 30 km (c) 35 km (d) 40 km (a) 12 km/h (b) 16 km/h
14. A train of length 100 m takes 1/6th of a minute to cross (c) 20 km/h (d) 18 km/h
another train 150 m long coming from the opposite
22. A train crosses two bridges of length 200 m and 100 m in
direction. If the speed of the first train is 60 km/h, then
25 seconds and 15 seconds respectively. Find the speed of
the speed of the second train is
the train.
(a) 20 km/h (b) 25 km/h
(a) 15 m/s (b) 10 m/s (c) 20 m/s (d) 25 m/s
(c) 35 km/h (d) 30 km/h
Directions for Q23 and Q24: Each problem consists of a question
15. Rangeela takes 3 hours more than Ragesh, who drives his
and two statements, labelled (I) and (II), in which certain data are
car 5 km/h faster than Rangeela, to cover a distance of
given. You have to decide whether the data given in the
180 km. What is the speed of Rangeela?
statements are sufficient for answering the question.
(a) 8 km/h (b) 10 km/h
Mark (a) if statement (I) alone is sufficient, but statement (II)
(c) 15 km/h (d) 20 km/h
alone is not sufficient to answer the question;
16. A boat covers 48 km upstream and 72 km downstream in (b) if statement (II) alone is sufficient, but statement (I)
12 hours, while it covers 72 km upstream and 48 km alone is not sufficient to answer the question;
downstream in 13 hours. The speed of the stream is (c) if statements (I) and (II) together are sufficient to
(a) 1.5 km/h (b) 3 km/h answer the question but neither statement alone is
(c) 2 km/h (d) 4 km/h sufficient;

17. While driving from Chennai to Bangalore, I covered half of (d) if each statement alone is sufficient to answer the
the journey at an average speed of 80 km/h, half of the 2 nd question;
half of the journey at an average speed of 40 km/h and the (e) if both statements (I) and (II) together are not
rest at 60 km/h. It took 5 hours and 30 minutes to reach sufficient to answer the question and additional data
Bangalore. How far is Bangalore from Chennai? specific to the problem is needed.
(a) 310 km (b) 350 km (c) 330 km (d) 360 km
23. Find the speed of the train.
18. Anil and Vinay want to go from Coimbatore to Ooty. There I: Length of the train is 120 m.
are two ways to do this. First way is to hire a two wheeler, II: It passes a bird flying in the same direction at 18 m/s
second is to go by bus. Vinay started immediately to Ooty in 12 seconds.
in a non stop bus. After sometime Anil hired a Yamaha
bike and started towards Ooty. Anil overtook Vinay at 24. What will be the ratio of the downstream speed to the
10:00 a.m. Anil reached Ooty at 12:30 p.m. and spent an upstream speed?
hour. While returning from Ooty, he met the bus at 2:00 I: Ratio of the speed of the boat in still water to the
p.m.. When will the bus reach Ooty? speed of the current is 7:1.
(a) 2:30 p.m. (b) 3:00 p.m. II: Distance covered is 3 km during upstream and 5 km
(c) 3:30 p.m. (d) 4:00 p.m. during downstream.

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Directions for Q25: Each question has a statement. Verify the 30. What will be the distance between Chennai and Goa? I
validity of the given statement and choose the appropriate option. took one hour more, when I travelled at 80 km/h than at
90 km/h.
25. When a person walks around a park in the shape of an
(a) 600 km (b) 660 km (c) 720 km (d) 780 km
equilateral triangle of edge 100 m, with a speed of 3 km/h,
2 km/h and 1 km/h respectively over each side, his Directions for Q31: Each problem consists of a question and
average speed is 2 km/h. two statements, labelled (I) and (II), in which certain data are
(a) Valid (b) Invalid (c) Cannot say given. You have to decide whether the data given in the
statements are sufficient for answering the question.
SESSION – 7 Mark (a) if statement (I) alone is sufficient, but statement (II)
alone is not sufficient to answer the question;
(b) if statement (II) alone is sufficient, but statement (I)
26. There are 20 poles with a constant distance between each alone is not sufficient to answer the question;
pole. A car takes 22 seconds to reach the 12th pole. How
(c) if both statements (I) and (II) together are sufficient
much time will it take to reach the last pole?
to answer the question but neither statement alone is
(a) 36 seconds (b) 38 seconds sufficient;
(c) 40 seconds (d) 42 seconds (d) if each statement alone is sufficient to answer the
27. B is 50% faster than A. A starts at 9 a.m. and B starts at
10 a.m. A travels at a speed of 50 km/h. If A and B are 300 (e) if both statements (I) and (II) together are not
km apart, at what time will they meet when they travel sufficient to answer the question and additional data
towards each other? specific to the problem is needed.
(a) 12:00 noon (b) 1 p.m. 31. The length of two trains are 100 m and 120 m
(c) 1:30 p.m. (d) 2 p.m. respectively. What is the sum of the speeds of the longer
train and the shorter train?
Directions for Q28: Each problem consists of a question and
I: The trains take 10 seconds to cross each other, when
two statement, labelled (I) and (II), in which certain data are
they travel in opposite direction.
given. You have to decide whether the data given in the
statements are sufficient for answering the question. II: The faster train takes 50 seconds to overtake the
slower train moving at 50 km/h.
Mark (a) if statement (I) alone is sufficient, but statement (II)
alone is not sufficient to answer the question; 32. Walking at the rate of 4 kmph a man cover certain
(b) if statement (II) alone is sufficient, but statement (I) distance in 2hr 45 min. Running at a speed of 16.5 kmph
alone is not sufficient to answer the question; the man will cover the same distance in.
(c) if both statements (I) and (II) together are sufficient (a) 12 min (b) 25 min (c) 40 min
to answer the question but neither statement alone is (d) 60 min (e) 30 min
33. Two boys starting from the same place walk at a rate of
(d) if each statement alone is sufficient to answer the
5kmph and 5.5kmph respectively. What time will they
question; take to be 8.5km apart, if they walk in the same direction?
(e) if both statements (I) and (II) together are not (a) 17 hrs (b) 25 hrs (c) 31 hrs
sufficient to answer the question and additional data
(d) 45 hrs (e) 40 hrs
specific to the problem is needed.
34. A car during its journey travels 40 minutes at a speed of
28. What is the average speed of Popeye?
30 km/h, another 50 minutes at a speed of 60 km/h, and
I: First one hour he travels at 30 km/h and the next one 1 hour at a speed of 30 km/h. Find the average speed of
hour at 50 km/h. the car.
II: He travels at a speed of 50 km/h from his home to the (a) 45 km/hr (b) 40 km/hr (c) 36 km/hr
harbour and at a speed of 60 km/h while returning.
(d) 48 km/ hr (e) None of these
29. A was travelling in a bus. After going 2/3rd of the total
35. Two trains are running in opposite direction with the same
distance, the bus broke down. So he hired an auto and speed. If the length of each train is 135 meters and they
completed the rest of the journey. He found that the auto cross each other in 18 seconds, the speed of each train is
took twice the time the bus took. Find the ratio of the (a) 29 km/h (b) 35 km/h (c) 27 km/h
speed of the bus to that of the auto.
(d) 28 km/h (e) None of these
(a) 1:2 (b) 2:1 (c) 4:1 (d) 3:1

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36. In a kilometer race, A beats B by 50 meters and B beats C 44. The different between downstream speed and upstream
by 75 meters. By how many meters does A beat C in the speed is 3 km/h and the total time taken during upstream
same race? and downstream is 3 hours. What is the downstream
(a) 135 m (b) 121.25 m (c) 142.5 m speed, if the downstream and upstream distances are
(d) 125 m (e) 130 m 3 km each?
(a) 2.5 km/h (b) 4.3 km/h (c) 4 km/h
37. A motor boat whose speed is 15 km/h in still water goes
(d) 3.3 km/h (e) 2 km/h
30 km downstream and comes back in four and a half
hours. The speed of the stream is Direction for Q45 and Q46: A train started at 9.00 a.m. from
(a) 4 km/h (b) 6 km/h (c) 7 km/h station X with a speed of 72 km/h. after two hours, another train
(d) 5 km/h (e) 5.5 km/h started from station Y towards X with a speed 90 km/h. the two
trains are expected to cross each other at 1.30 p.m. owing to a
38. A boat sails 15 km of a river towards upstream in 5 hours.
signal problem arising at 12 noon, the speed of each of them was
How long will it take to cover the same distance
reduced by the same quantity and they crossed each other at
downstream, if the speed of current is one-fourth the
4.30 pm.
speed of the boat in still water:
(a) 1.8 h (b) 3 h (c) 4 h 45. What is the new speed of the train that started from
(d) 5 h (e) None of these station X?
(a) 18 km/h (b) 36 km/h (c) 45 km/h
39. A thief steals a car at 2.30 p.m. and drives it at 60 kmph.
(d) 54 km/h (e) Cannot be Determined
The theft is discovered at 3 p.m. and the owner of the
stolen starts in another car at 75 kmph. At what time will 46. If the signal problem had occurred at 1.00 p.m. instead of 12
he overtake the thief? noon, at what time would the two trains cross each other?
(a) 5 p.m. (b) 6 p.m. (c) 5.30 p.m. (a) 2.30 p.m. (b) 3.00 p.m. (c) 2.00 p.m.
(d) 4 p.m. (e) None of these (d) 2.30 p.m. (e) None of these

40. Excluding stoppages, the speed of the bus is 54 kmph and 47. A lives on 9th floor and B lives on 44th floor. A goes up at a
including stoppages it is 45 kmph, for how many min does rate of 34 floors per minute and B comes down at a rate of
the bus stop per hr? 36 floors per minute. At which floor they will meet?
(a) 10 min (b) 15 min (c) 12 min (a) 27 (b) 26 (c) 18 (d) 32 (e) 28
(d) 11 min (e) 13 min
48. A man swimming in a stream which flows 1 km/h finds
41. A man takes 5 hr 45 min in walking to certain place and
that in a given time he can swim twice as far with the
riding back. He would have gained 2 hrs by riding both
stream as he can against it. At what rate does he swim?
ways. The time he would take to walk both ways is?
(a) 8 hr 45 min (b) 7 hr 45 min (a) 4 km/h (b) 5 km/h (c) 7 km/h

(c) 7 hr 40 min (d) 8 hr 30 min (d) 5 km/h (e) 4 km/h

(e) None of these 49. In a race of 600 m, A can beat B by 60 m and in a race of
42. A and B are two stations. A train goes from A to B at 500 m, B can beat C by how many meters will A
64 km/h and returns to A at a slower speed. If its average beat C in a race of 400 m?
speed for the whole journey is 56 km/h, at what speed did (a) 78 m (b) 56 m (c) 76 m
it return? (d) 86 m (e) 70 m
(a) 48 km/h (b) 49.77 km/h (c) 30 km/h
50. Anjali fires two bullets from the same place at an interval
(d) 47.46 km/h (e) None of these
of 6 minutes but Bhagwat sitting in a car approaching the
43. In a flight of 3000 km, an aircraft was slowed down by bad place of firing hears the second fire 5 minute 32 seconds
weather. Its average speed for the trip was reduced by after the first firing. What is the speed of car, if the speed
100 km/hour and the time increased by one hour. Find of sound is 332 m/s?
the original duration of the flight. (a) 50 m/s (b) 102 m/s (c) 28 m/s
(a) 5 hours (b) 6 hours (c) 4 hours (d) 32 m/s (e) 56 m/s
(d) 10 hours (e) 9 hours

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SESSION – 8 59. A can beat B by 20 yards in a race of 200 yards. B can beat
C by 10 yards in a race of 250 yards. By how many yards
TIME, SPEED & DISTANCE – III can A beat C in a race of 100 yards?
51. A man can walk up in a moving escalator (upwards) in 30 (a) 13.6 (b) 13
s. The same man can walk down this moving ‘up’ escalator (c) 14 (d) None of these
in 90 s. Assume that this walking speed is the same both
60. In a stream running at 2 km/h, a motor boat goes 10 km
upwards and downwards. How much time will he take to
upstream and returns to the starting point in 55 minutes.
walk up the escalator when it is not moving?
Find the speed (all in km/h) of the motor boat in still water.
(a) 20 s (b) 35 s (c) 45 s
(a) 2 (b) 11
(d) 22 s (e) 25 s
(c) 22 (d) None of these
52. A boat covers 24 km upstream and 36 km downstream in
61. On a river, B is between A and C and is equidistant from A
6 hrs. It covers 36 km upstream and 24 km downstream
and C. A boat goes from A to B and back in 5 hours 15
in 6 1 hrs. Find the speed of the current. minutes and from A to C in 7 hours. How long will it take

(a) 1 km/hr (b) 1.5 km/hr to go from C to A, if the river flows from C to A (all in
(c) 2 km/hr (d) 2.5 km/hr hours)?
(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 3
53. Ravi starts walking from point A at an uniform speed of
4 km/hr. Fortyfive minutes later, Kunal starts walking in 62. A man keeps on walking at constant speed in the moving
the same direction as Ravi from the same point. Kunal escalator. It takes him 30 seconds to reach the top and 90
overtakes Ravi after 36 minutes. Find the speed of Kunal. seconds to come back. If his walking speed is constant in
(a) 4 km/hr (b) 5 km/hr both the directions, find out the time taken by the man to
(c) 4.5 km/hr (d) 9 km/hr walk up when the escalator is stationary (in seconds)

54. It takes 8 hrs for a 600 km journey, if 120 km is done by (a) 40 (b) 45 (c) 54 (d) 60
train and the rest by car. It takes 20 mins more, if 200 km 63. A man starts from A to B at 12 noon travelling at 16 km/h.
is done by train and the rest by car. The ratio of the speed Another man leaves from B to A at 3 p.m. at 14 km/h. If
of the train to the speed of the car is they meet at 4 p.m., what is the distance (all in km)
(a) 4:3 (b) 3:4 (c) 3:2 (d) 2:3 between A and B?
55. Two men start travelling in the opposite directions up to a (a) 64 (b) 78
point where the other started. If they take 13 minutes and (c) 96 (d) Cannot say
52 minutes respectively to reach the other end, after how
64. A car travelling in fog passed a man walking at 3 km/h in
much time (all in minutes) would they have met?
the same direction. The man could see the car for 4
(a) 39 (b) 10.4
minutes and up to a distance of 100 m. What is the speed
(c) 26 (d) Cannot say
of the car (all in km/h)?
56. Two buses travel to a place at 45 km/h and 60 km/h (a) 40.5 (b) 4.5 (c) 1.5 (d) 15
respectively. If the second bus takes 5 hours less than the
65. Two trains of length 115 m and 110 m respectively run on
first for the journey, the length (all in km) of the journey is
parallel rails. When running in the same direction, the
(a) 900 (b) 945 (c) 990 (d) 1350
faster train passes the slower one in 25 seconds, but when
57. City B is located between the cities A and C, dividing the they are running in opposite directions with the same
distance in the ratio 2:3. Raju travels from A to B at speeds as earlier, they pass each other in 5 seconds. Find
20 km/h and B to C at 30 km/h. When he comes back the speed of the faster train.
from C, he reaches B at an average speed of 20 km/h and (a) 27 m/s (b) 18 m/s
then A at 30 km/h. Then the average speed of his journey (c) 36 m/s (d) None ofthese
is (all in km/h)
(a) 24 (b) 25 (c) 27 (d) 22.5 66. The speed of a boat when it travels downstream is 5 times
the speed when it travels upstream. The speed of the current
58. A train travelling at 42 km/h passes a runner in 9 seconds
is what percent of the speed of the boat in still water?
running in same direction and took 5 seconds in the
opposite direction. Find the length of the train. (a) 33 % (b) 50%
(a) 75 m (b) 100 m (c) 66 % (d) Cannot be determined
(c) 84 m (d) 90 m

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67. A train passes a standing pole on the platform in 5 SESSION – 9

seconds and passes the platform completely in 20 seconds.
If the length of the platform is 225 metres, find the length TIME, SPEED & DISTANCE – IV
of the train (in metres). 76. Twenty six men 1, 2, 3, ..., 25 and 26 participate in 10 km
(a) 125 (b) 80 (c) 75 (d) 150 running race on a circular track of length 100 m. All of
them start at the same time, from the same point and run in
68. In a kilometre race, A can give B a start of 100 m or 15
the same direction. Their speeds, taken in the order, are
seconds. How long does A take to complete the race (all in
in increasing A.P. The time taken by 26 to meet 1, for the
seconds)? first time after they start, is 20 sec and the time taken by 13
(a) 120 (b) 135 (c) 155 (d) 150 to complete the race is 52 minutes and 5 seconds. Find the
time taken (in seconds) for all the twenty six men to meet
69. Anitha drivers from home to office at a speed of 30 km/hr
for the first time at the starting point.
on the 1st day and at 40 km/hr on the 2nd day. Find the
(a) 1000 (b) 500 (c) 625 (d) 400
ratio of the time she has taken in these two days?
(a) 4:3 (b) 3:2 (c) 5:4 (d) 5:3 77. In a particular race, the time durations taken by 3 contestants
is in the ratio 8:3:6. Find the ratio of their speeds.
70. Train A crosses a pole in 20 seconds and train B crosses it in
(a) 6:3:8 (b) 3:8:4 (c) 1:2:3 (d) 3:8:6
60 seconds. If the length of train A is half the length of train
B, then the ratio of their speed is 78. Two champion swimmers start a two-length swimming
(a) 4:3 (b) 6:5 race at the same time but from opposite ends of the pool.
They swim in line and at constant but different speeds.
(c) 3:2 (d) None of these
They first pass at a point 18.5 m from the deep end and
71. A policeman starts chasing a thief who is 250 metres having completed one length, each swimmer is allowed to
ahead of the policeman. If the policeman was able to catch rest on the edge of the pool for 45 s. After setting off on
the thief in 15 minutes and the speed of the thief is 8 the return length, the swimmers pass for the second time
km/h, find the distance travelled (in kilometres) by the just 10.5 m from the shallow end. Thus, the length of the
policeman in 15 minutes. pool is
(a) 3 km (b) 2.25 km (c) 2.5 km (d) 3.5 km (a) 90 m (b) 45 m
(c) 26 m (d) 52 m
72. A walks around a circular field at the rate of one round
per hour while B runs around it at the rate of six rounds 79. A racecourse is 400 m long. A and B run a race and A wins
per hour. They start at the same point at 7:30 a.m. When by 5 m, B and C run over the same course and B wins by
will they first cross each other? 4 m. C and D run over it and D wins by 16 m. If A and D
run over it, then who would win and by how much?
(a) 8:00 a.m. (b) 7:45 a.m.
(a) A by 8.4 m (b) D by 8.4 m
(c) 7:00 a.m. (d) 7:50 a.m.
(c) D by 7.2 m (d) A by 7.2 m
73. Starting from the same point at the same time on a
80. A and B start simultaneously from the same end of a 50 m
circular track of 624 m, x moves in clockwise direction
long swimming pool. The ratio of their speeds was 2:1,
whereas y and z move in anticlockwise direction. x meets
respectively. If the race was one of 1000 m, how many
y every 39 seconds while x meets z every 48 seconds. After
times after the start would they have met at the end of the
how much time does y meet z (all in seconds)?
(a) 208 (b) 200 (c) 108 (d) 172 (a) 19 (b) 18 (c) 16 (d) 15
74. A can beat B by 20 yards in a race of 200 yards. B can beat 81. In a kilometre race, A beats B by 100 m and B beats C
C by 10 yards in a race of 250 yards. By how many yards by 150 m. In the same race, by how many metres does A
can A beat C in a race of 100 yards? beat C?
(a) 13.6 (b) 13 (a) 250 m (b) 240 m (c) 225 m (d) 235 m
(c) 14 (d) None of these
82. Abha beats Mansi in a kilometre race by 50 seconds and
75. In a kilometre race, A can give B a start of 100 m or 15 Mansi beats Lata by 40 seconds in the same race. If Abha
seconds. How long does A take to complete the race (all in beats Lata by 450 m in a race of a 1 kilometre. How much
seconds)? time Lata takes to run a kilometre?
(a) 200 s (b) 150 s (c) 110 s (d) 120 s
(a) 120 (b) 135 (c) 155 (d) 150

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83. In a race, Guninder was not the first. Joginder came in 89. Hari and Ravi started a race from opposite ends of the
after Harinder. Inderjeet was not ahead of Maninder. pool. After a minute and a half, they passed each other in
Guninder was not in front of Joginder. Inderjeet was not the centre of the pool. If they lost no time in turning and
fourth or fifth. Maninder was not the first. Who finished maintained their respective speeds, how many minutes
first and second in the race? after starting did they pass each other the second time?
(a) Harinder followed by Maninder
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 7
(b) Harinder followed by Joginder
(c) Harinder followed by Guninder 90. Four runners started running simultaneously from a point
(d) Cannot be determined on a circular track. They took 200 s, 300 s, 360 s and 450 s
Directions for Q84 to Q86: Answer the questions based on the to complete one round. After how much time do they meet
following information. at the starting point for the first time?
(a) 1800 s (b) 3600 s (c) 2400 s (d) 4800 s
A certain race is made up of three stretches: A, B and C, each 2 km
long, and to be covered by certain mode of transport. The table 91. In a 1000 m long race, Karun gives Varun a head start of
given further gives these modes of transport for the stretches, and 40 m, and still beats Varun by 10 m. Find the distance by
the minimum and the maximum possible speeds (in km/h) over which Karun will beat Varun, if Varun gives a start of 40 m
these stretches. The speed over a particular stretch is assumed to to Karun.
be constant. The previous record for the race is 10 min.
(a) 88 m (b) 52 m (c) 40 m (d) 50 m
A Car 40 60
92. A and B run a 1760 m race ending in a dead heat. At first A
B Motorcycle 30 50
runs 20% faster than B. B then quickens his pace, and for
C Bicycle 10 20
the remaining distance runs 20% faster than A. When B
84. Anshuman travels at minimum speed by car over A and quickens his pace. A has already run ________.
completes stretch B at the faster speed. At what speed (a) 800 m (b) 1000 m (c) 790 m (d) 960 m
should he cover stretch C in order to break the previous
record? 93. In a running race, A gives a head start of 350 m to B. If the
(a) Maximum speed for C (b) Minimum speed for C ratio of speeds of A and B is 20:13, how far must the
(c) Cannot be determined (d) None of these winning post be so that A and B finish the race at the same
85. Mr.Hare completes the first stretch at the minimum speed
(a) 1 km (b) 2 km
and takes the same time for stretch B. He takes 50% more
time than the previous record to complete the race. What (c) 3 km (d) None of these
is Mr.Hare’s speed for the stretch C?
94. A beats B by 100 m in a race of 1200 m and B beats C by
(a) 10.9 km/h (b) 13.3 km/h
200 m in a race of 1600 m. Approximately by how many
(c) 17.1 km/h (d) None of these
metres can A beat C in a race of 9600 m?
86. Mr.Tortoise completes the race at an average speed of (a) 1600 m (b) 1800 m (c) 1900 m (d) 2400 m
20 km/h. His average speed for the first two stretches is
4 times that for the last stretch. Find the speed over 95. In an 800 m race around a stadium having the
stretch C. circumference of 200 m, the top runner meets the last
(a) 15 km/h (b) 12 km/h runner on the 5th minute of the race. If the top runner runs
(c) 10 km/h (d) Cannot be determined at twice the speed of the last runner, what is the time
taken by the top runner to finish the race?
87. A and B run a 5 km race on a round course of 400 m. If
their speeds be in the ratio 5:4, how often does the winner (a) 20 mins (b) 15 mins
pass the other? (c) 10 mins (d) 5 mins
(a) 4 times (b) 2 times 96. In a race of 600 m, A can beat B by 60 m and in a race of
(c) 3 times (d) 2 times 500 m, B can beat C by 25 m. By how many metres will A
beat C in a 400 m race?
88. A long distance runner runs 9 laps of a 400 m track every (a) 56 m (b) 60 m (c) 58 m (d) 54 m
day. His timings (in min) for four consecutive days are 88,
96, 89 and 87 respectively. On an average, how many 97. A can give B a start of 20 m and C a start of 39 m in a
m/min does the runner cover? walking race of 400 m. How much start can B given C?
(a) 17.78 m (b) 90 m (a) 22 m (b) 20 m (c) 15 m (d) 16 m
(c) 40 m (d) None of these

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98. There are two concentric circular tracks of radii 100 m

and 102 m respectively. A runs on the inner track and
goes once round the track in 1 min 30 s, while B runs on
the other track in 1 min 32 s. Who runs faster?
In a 100 storey building, a person A on the 19th floor
(a) Both A and B are equal boards an elevator going towards the topmost floor at a
(b) A rate of 24 floors per minute. At the same time B boards
(c) B an elevator on the 49th floor, which travels at 36 floors
per minute and is heading towards the ground floor. At
(d) None of these
which floor do the elevators cross each other?
99. A can run 22.5 m while B runs 25 m. In kilometre race B
105. Laila drives to the station each day to pick up her husband
beats A by _______. Majnu, who usually arrives by a train at 6 o’clock. Last
(a) 100 m (b) 111 m (c) 25 m (d) 50 m Monday, Majnu finished the work earlier, caught an
earlier train and arrived at the station at 5 ‘o clock. He
100. A runs 1 times as fast as B. If A gives B a start of 120 m started to walk home and eventually met Laila on the way
who drove him the rest of the way, getting home 20
and they reach the goal at the same time, the goal is at a
minutes earlier than usual. On Tuesday, he again finished
distance of _______. early and found himself at the station at 5:30. Again he
(a) 360 m (b) 440 m (c) 460 m (d) 380 m started to walk home, again he met Laila on the way and
she drove him home the rest of the way. Assume constant
SESSION – 10 speed throughout with no wasted time for waiting,
backing of the car etc. How earlier than the usual time
TIME, SPEED & DISTANCE – V were they at home on Tuesday?
(a) 6 min (b) 8 min (c) 10 min (d) 12 min
101. The ratio of the speed of the boat in still water to the
106. Two guns were fired from the same place at an interval of
speed of the current is 4:1. What is the ratio of the 13 minutes but a person in a train approaching the place
downstream speed of the boat to the upstream speed? hears the second shot 12 minutes 30 seconds after the
(a) 2:1 (b) 1:1 first. Find the speed of the train in m/s, supposing that
sound travels 330 metres per second?
(c) 5:3 (d) None of these
(a) 12 m/s (b) 13 m/s
102. The distance between two stations is 425 km. Two trains (c) 14 m/s (d) 13.2 m/s
start simultaneously from the stations on parallel tracks
107. Two men are going along a track rail in the opposite
to cross each other. The speed of one of them is greater directions. One goods train crosses the first person in 20
than that of the other by 5 km/h. If the distance between sec. After 10 mins the train crosses the other person who
the two trains after 3 hours of their start is 20 km, find the is coming from the opposite direction in 18 sec. When will
speed of each train (all in km/h). the two persons meet, after the train has passed?
(a) 90 min (b) 72 min (c) 10 min (d) 19 min
(a) 80, 85 (b) 70, 75 (c) 60, 65 (d) 65, 70
108. Two boats go downstream from A to B. The faster one
103. A man standing on a railway platform notices that a train covers the distance 1.5 times as fast as the slower one.
going in one direction takes 10 seconds to pass him and other The slower one lags 8 km for every hour. However, if they
train of the same length takes 15 seconds to pass him. Find go upstream, the faster boat covers the distance from B to
the time taken by the two trains to cross each other when A in half the time of the slower one. Find the speed of the
faster boat in still water.
they are running in the opposite directions (all in seconds).
(a) 12 km/h (b) 20 km/h
(a) 12 (b) 14 (c) 13.5 (d) 15
(c) 24 km/h (d) 25 km/h
104. Stephen walks down to the bottom of an escalator that is 109. A man travels from A to B at a speed of x km/h. Then he
moving up and he counts 300 steps. Mervin walks up to rests at B for x hours. He then travels from B to C at a
the top of the same escalator and counts 150 steps. If speed of 2x km/h and rests at C for 2x hrs. He moves
Stephen’s speed of walking (in steps per unit time) is further to D at a speed twice as that between B and C. He
then reaches D in a total off 16 hours. If the distances A to
three times Mervin's walking speed, how many steps are
B, B to C and C to D are equal to 12 km each, the time for
visible on the escalator at a given time? which he rested at B could be (all in hours)
(a) 240 (b) 120 (c) 150 (d) 225 (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 4

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110. Alok is climbing on a moving escalator that is going up (c) if statements (I) and (II) together are sufficient to
and takes 30 steps to reach the top. Vikas on the other answer the question but neither statement alone is
hand is coming down on the same escalator. For every 5 sufficient to answer the question;
steps that Vikas takes, Alok takes only 3 steps. Both of (d) if each statement alone is sufficient to answer the
them take the same amount of time to reach the other question;
end. What is the total number of steps in the escalator? (e) if both statements (I) and (II) together are not
(a) 40 (b) 60 (c) 30 (d) 80 sufficient to answer the question and additional data
specific to the problem are needed.
Directions for Q111 to Q113: Each problem consists of a
question and two statements, labelled (I) and (II), in which certain 114. Plane X flies at r miles per hour from A to B. Plane Y flies
data are given. You have to decide whether the data given in the at S miles per hour from B to A. Both planes take off at the
statements are sufficient for answering the question. Mark same time. Which plane flies at a faster rate? (Town C is
(a) if statement (I) alone is sufficient to answer the between A and B.)
question but statement (II) alone is not sufficient to I. C is closer to A than it is to B.
answer the question; II. Plane X flies over C before plane Y.
(b) if statement (II) alone is sufficient to answer the
115. If Vinoth runs a race at a constant speed, at what time did
question but statement (I) alone is not sufficient to
he finish the race?
answer the question;
I. Vinoth started the race at 9:00 a.m.
(c) if statements (I) and (II) together are sufficient to
answer the question but neither statement alone is II. At 10:30 a.m., Vinoth was halfway through the race and
sufficient to answer the question; at 11:00 a.m., he was 2/3 of the way through the race.

(d) if each statement alone is sufficient to answer the

(e) if both statements (I) and (II) together are not
sufficient to answer the question and additional data Two persons stand facing each other. Both make whistle
specific to the problem are needed. sound. First one can hear the whistle sound of the other
after 5 seconds whereas the other hears after 7 seconds.
111. Two cars pass each other in opposite directions. How long Find out the velocity of the wind if the velocity of the
would they take to be 500 km apart? sound is 92.5 m/s.
I. The sum of their speeds is 135 km/h.
II. The difference of their speeds is 25 km/h. 3 1
116. Walking of his usual speed, a person is 1 hour late to
4 2
112. How much time did x take to reach the destination?
I. The ratio between the speed of x and y is 3:4. his office. It he walks at 1 of his usual speed, how many
II. y takes 36 minutes to reach the same destination. hours earlier will he reach his office?

113. How many hours will it take for a boat to travel against 1 3
(a) hour (b) hour
the stream to reach one end of the river from the other 2 4
end? 1
(c) 1 hour (d) 1 hour
I. Speed of the boat in still water is 8 km/h. 4
II. Ratio of speed of the boat in upstream to speed of the 117. Ram and Shyam walk from A to B, a distance of 21 km at a
boat in downstream is 3:5. speed 3 and 4 km per hour respectively. Shyam reaches B,
returns immediately and meets Ram at C but proceeds
Directions for Q114 and Q115: Each problem consists of a
further to A, returns and meets Ram again at D. What is
question and two statements, labelled (I) and (II), in which certain
the distance between the two meeting points C and D?
data are given. You have to decide whether the data given in the
statements are sufficient for answering the question. Mark (a) 15 km (b) 12 km (c) 13 km (d) 16 km

(a) if statement (I) alone is sufficient to answer the 118. David and Paul start at the same time from A and B to B
question but statement (II) alone is not sufficient to and A at 4 and 3½ km per hour respectively meet at C.
answer the question; They reach B and A respectively, return immediately and
(b) if statement (II) alone is sufficient to answer the meet again at D. Find the distance between C and D. The
question but statement (I) alone is not sufficient to distance between A and B is 60 km.
answer the question; (a) 10 km (b) 7 km (c) 4 km (d) 8 km

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119. A train after travelling 50 km meets with an accident and 125. A freight train of 180 metres long leaves station A two
then proceeds at 4/5th of its usual speed to arrive at the hours earlier than a passenger train of 120 m long both
terminus 45 minutes late. Had the accident happened 20 moving in the same direction, the latter at a speed of 60
km further down, how many minutes sooner would it kmph. After travelling four hours the passenger train
have arrived at the terminus, if the normal speed of the overtakes the freight train, find the time taken for the
train is 25 kmph? passenger train to cross the other train.
(a) 12 min (b) 15 min (c) 10 min (d) 18 min (a) 54 sec (b) 48 sec

120. A police man runs after a thief who is 250 m away from (c) 58 sec (d) 42 sec
him. If the policeman runs at a speed of 12 kmph and the
thief at 10 kmph, when and where will the policeman SESSION – 11
catch the thief?
(a) 10 min, 2 km (b) 7 min 1.5 km
2 126. A and B drive separately to a conference. A’s speed on an
average is half greater than B’s and A also drives two and
(c) 5 min, 1 km (d) 6 min, 1.2 km
quarter times as many miles as B. If the time taken by A
121. The route from x to y in a mountain terrain is 45 km long driving to the conference is 9 hours, what is the time
consisting of 4 km uphill, 6 km level, 8 km again uphill, 9 taken by B driving to the conference?
km again level and finally 18 km downhill. If a person (a) 6 hours (b) 8 hours
walks at 2 kmph uphill, 5 kmph on level and 6 kmph
(c) 9 hours (d) 5 hours
downhill, what is the difference in the time he takes for
working from x to y and then back from y to x? 127. A person walks from the town T1 to the town T2 at the
(a) 2 hours (b) 3 hours rate of 5 kmph and after doing some business operation
1 1 which engaged him for 63 minutes, he returns to the town
(c) 2 hours (d) 3 hours
2 2 T1 by tram car running at 8 kmph. He realises that he has
been away from T1 for 3 hours. What is the distance
122. Rashmi was going to her destination by car and after she
between the towns T1 and T2?
covered 5/8th of the total distance, she stopped to rest a
while. She again stopped after covering 1/4th of the (a) 8 km (b) 5 km (c) 6 km (d) 4 km
remaining distance. However, she had to stop again to
128. A worker walks to the factory at a speed of 3½ km/hr and
repair the car after covering 1/2 of the last distance and
reaches 5 minutes late. It he walks at a speed of 4 km/hr,
then drove the remaining distance of 67.5 km to reach her
he would reach the factory 10 minutes earlier. What is the
destination. What was the total distance from Rashmi’s
distance to the factory?
starting point to her destination?
(a) 5 km (b) 8 km (c) 6 km (d) 7 km
(a) 320 km (b) 380 km
(c) 420 km (d) 480 km 129. A lamb is hounded by a tiger but is 60 of its own leaps
ahead of the latter. While the lamb takes 5 leaps, the tiger
123. Two cars started from the same place A and travelled takes 3 leaps. In one leap, the tiger covers 2½ metres and
straight in opposite directions for exactly 3 hours when the lamb 1¼ metres. In how many leaps will the tiger be
the two cars were 228 km apart. Now if the two cars able to catch the lamb?
started travelling towards the starting point, what would
(a) 190 (b) 220 (c) 180 (d) 215
be the distance between them after one hour, assuming
that the speed of one car is 6 km more than the other? 130. A person started cycling from home to the office 10 km
(a) 152 km (b) 182 km away at a speed of 6 kmph so as to reach in time. After
(c) 135 km (d) 142 km cycling for 10 minutes, he had to return home to collect an
important file he left back. But he increased the cycling
124. A car left at 10.00 am on a long journey at a speed of 72 speed to collect the file and then return to the office in
kmph. Exactly 10 minutes later, another car left from the time. What was his increased speed?
same place and followed the same route. At what speed
1 7
the second car was going if it overtook the first car at (a) 7 kmph (b) 6 kmph
3 8
11.30 am?
1 2
(a) 63 kmph (b) 90 kmph (c) 6 kmph (d) 7 kmph
2 3
(c) 81 kmph (d) 99 kmph

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131. A car travelled a distance of 600 km in 6 hours. The first 139. Two boats, travelling at 5 km/h and 10 km/h respectively,
part of the journey was covered with a speed of 70 km/h head directly towards each other. They start at a distance
and the rest of the journey was covered with a speed of of 20 km from each other. How far apart are they (in km)
120 km/h. The distance covered in the first part of the one minute before they collide?
journey is 1 1 1 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(a) 240 km (b) 120 km 12 6 4 3
(c) 168 km (d) None of these
140. Two towns A and B are 160 km apart. A bus starts from
132. A boy walks to his school at a speed of 3 km an hour and A to B at 7 a.m. at a speed of 50 km/h. Another bus starts
returns with a speed of 2 km/h. If he has taken 5 hours in from B to A at 8 a.m. at a speed of 60 km/h. The time at
all, find the distance in km between his home and the which they will meet is
school. (a) 9:00 a.m. (b) 9:30 a.m.
(a) 4 km (b) 5 km (c) 10:00 a.m. (d) None of these
(c) 7 km (d) None of these
141. Without stoppages a train travels certain distance with an
133. Two trains 110 m and 100 m in length respectively are average speed of 80 km/h and with stoppages, it covers
running in the same direction, one at the rate of 100 km/h the same distance with an average speed of 60 km/h. How
and the other at the rate of 64 km/h. In what time many minutes per hour does the train stop?
(in seconds) the faster train will cross the other train from (a) 12 min (b) 18 min
the moment it meets the rear of the other train?
(c) 15 min (d) 14 min
(a) 32 (b) 54 (c) 28 (d) 21
142. Two cyclists do the same journey by travelling
134. Ramesh, Suresh and Ganesh start jogging around a respectively at the rates of 9 and 10 km an hour. Find the
circular field and complete a single round in 20 seconds, length of the journey when one takes 32 minutes longer
24 seconds and 36 seconds respectively. In how much than the other.
time will they meet again at the starting point?
(a) 48 km (b) 42 km
(a) 8 min (b) 6 min
(c) 38 km (d) None of these
(c) 5 min (d) None of these
143. A thief steals a car at 1:30 p.m. and drives it at 40 km/h.
135. Reeta walks a distance of 54 km in 9 hours. Geeta’s speed The theft is discovered at 2 p.m. and the owner sets off in
is twice that of Reeta. Seeta’s speed is 2/3rd the speed of another car at 50 km/h. He will overtake the thief at
(a) 3:30 p.m. (b) 4 p.m.
What is the distance covered by Seeta in 5 hours?
(c) 4:30 p.m. (d) None of these
(a) 45 km (b) 56 km
(c) 40 km (d) None of these 144. A man takes twice as long to row a distance against the
stream as to row the same distance along the stream. The
136. A boatman rows to a place at a distance 45 km and comes ratio of the speed of the boat (in still water) and of the
back in 20 hours. He finds that he can row 12 km with the stream is
stream in the same time as 4 km against the stream. Find
(a) 2:1 (b) 3:1 (c) 3:2 (d) 4:3
the speed of the stream.
(a) 3 km/h (b) 2.5 km/h 145. A train crosses a pole in 15 seconds while it crosses 100 m
(c) 4 km/h (d) 3.5 km/h long platform in 25 seconds. The length of the train is
(a) 125 m (b) 135 m
137. Sanjay takes 60 seconds to reach the bottom on an
(c) 150 m (d) None of these
escalator which is moving down when he walks down but
takes 40 seconds when he runs down. He takes 20 steps Directions for Q146 and Q147: This problem consists of a
when he is walking whereas he takes 30 steps when he is question and two statements, labelled (I) and (II), in which
running. Find the total number of steps in the escalator. certain data are given. You have to decide whether the data
(a) 40 (b) 50 given in the statements are sufficient for answering the
(c) 60 (d) None of these question. Mark
(a) if statement (I) alone is sufficient to answer the
138. A car went 52 km in the first hour, 60 km in the second question but statement (II) alone is not sufficient to
hour and 54 km in the third hour. There was trouble in answer the question;
the fourth hour with the result that its speed was
(b) if statement (II) alone is sufficient to answer the
26 km/h. Its average speed was
question but statement (I) alone is not sufficient to
(a) 48 km/h (b) 47 km/h answer the question;
(c) 45 km/h (d) None of these

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