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ASM Handbook, Volume 18, Friction, Lubrication, and Wear Technology Copyright # 2017 ASM InternationalW

George E. Totten, editor All rights reserved

Friction, Lubrication, and Wear of Gears

and Wind-Turbine Components
Revised by Robert Errichello, Geartech

BECAUSE GEARS are common machine scuffing could cause gear teeth to deteriorate  Scuffing
components, they can be taken for granted. It and generate dynamic forces, which, in turn,  Hertzian fatigue (including macropitting and
is not generally appreciated that they are com- could cause the teeth to fail by bending fatigue. micropitting)
plex systems, and successful design requires In these cases, the bending failure is secondary
knowledge from all engineering disciplines. and not directly related to lubrication, whereas
Gear design is a process of synthesis in which macropitting and scuffing are the primary failure Wear
gear geometry, material, heat treatment, mode, both of which are influenced by lubrica-
manufacturing methods, and lubrication are tion. It is necessary to discern the difference Gearsets are susceptible to wear caused by
selected to meet the requirements of a given between primary and secondary failure modes adhesion, abrasion, polishing, fretting, and elec-
application. A gearset must be designed with so the right corrective action is recommended. tric discharge. AGMA 925-A03 (Ref 2) gives
adequate strength, wear resistance, and scuffing For example, increasing the size of gear teeth to methods for calculating the probability of wear
resistance. Lubricant choice and its application prevent reoccurrence of bending failure would and scuffing.
method are also important, as lubrication is make the situation worse by reducing macropit- Adhesion. Adhesive wear is classified as mild
used to reduce friction, dissipate heat, and min- ting and scuffing resistance. Cracking, fracture, if it is confined to oxide layers on gear tooth sur-
imize wear. The choice of lubricant and its bending fatigue, and subcase Hertzian fatigue faces. However, if oxide layers are disrupted
application are complex due to the interrela- are unrelated to lubrication and are not discussed exposing bare metal, a transition from mild wear
tionship of the following factors: further. Although corrosion, cavitation, and ero- to severe adhesive wear usually occurs. Severe
sion are influenced by lubrication, they are not adhesive wear is termed scuffing, and is discussed
 Gear tooth geometry in the section “Scuffing” in this article. In this sec-
discussed in this article, because they rarely occur
 Gear tooth motion (kinematics) tion, we assume that scuffing has been avoided
in gear teeth and wind-turbine components.
 Gear tooth forces (static and dynamic) through proper gear design, lubricant selection,
Therefore, the discussion is limited to:
 Gear tooth material and surface characteris- and control of the running-in process.
tics (physical and chemical)  Wear (including adhesion, abrasion, polish- When new gear units are first put into opera-
 Lubricant characteristics (physical and ing, fretting, and electrical discharge) tion, contact between gear teeth is not optimal
chemical) because of unavoidable manufacturing inac-
 Environmental characteristics (physical and curacies. If tribological conditions are favorable,
chemical) mild adhesive wear occurs during running-in
Table 1 Basic failure modes of gear teeth and usually subsides with time, resulting in satis-
Lubrication-related failures factory gear life. Wear that occurs during run-
ning-in is beneficial if it smoothes tooth surfaces
Gear Tooth Lubrication-Related Wear Adhesion Mild
(which increases the specific film thickness) and
Failure Modes Severe (see scuffing) increases the contact area by removing minor
Abrasion Mild imperfections through local wear. To ensure that
The gear designer must be aware of the Moderate the wear rate remains under control, new gearsets
intricate details of many competing failure Polishing Mild should be run-in by operating under a controlled
modes to obtain optimum minimum-weight Moderate load spectrum, or for at least the first ten hours
gearsets. American Gear Manufacturers Associ- Severe at one-half load.
ation (AGMA) classified over 40 modes of Fretting True brinelling The amount of wear considered tolerable
False brinelling
gear failure under broad categories of wear, Fretting corrosion depends on expected gear life and requirements
scuffing, plastic deformation, Hertzian fatigue, Electrical for control of noise and vibration. Wear is con-
cracking, fracture, and bending fatigue in its discharge sidered excessive when tooth profiles wear to
nomenclature publication ANSI/AGMA 1010- Scuffing Mild the extent that high dynamic loads occur, or
F14 (Ref 1). Categories discussed here are wear, Severe tooth thickness is reduced to the extent that
scuffing, and Hertzian fatigue (Table 1). Hertzian Macropitting Nonprogressive bending fatigue becomes possible.
This article is concerned with gear tooth fail- fatigue Progressive Many gears must operate under boundary-
ures influenced by friction, lubrication, and wear, Point-surface-origin lubrication conditions where some wear is inev-
and especially those failure modes that occur in Micropitting itable due to practical limits of lubricant viscos-
wind-turbine components. Macropitting and ity, speed, and temperature. Highly loaded,

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Robert Errichello, Geartech Software (020422)
Friction, Lubrication, and Wear of Gears and Wind-Turbine Components / 883

slow-speed (<0.5 m/s, or 1.5 ft/s), boundary- in new gearboxes. To remove built-in contami- lubricant should be changed frequently to
lubricated gears are especially prone to exces- nation, the gearbox lubricant should be drained remove contamination. Under normal operating
sive wear. Test results with slow-speed gears and flushed before start-up and again after the conditions, the lubricant should be changed at
(Ref 3) show that nitrided gears have good wear first 50 h of operation, refilled with the recom- least every 2500 h of operation, or every six
resistance, whereas carburized and through- mended lubricant, and a new oil-filter element months, whichever occurs first. Alternatively,
hardened gears have similar, but lower wear installed. an off-line filter can be used to filter the oil
resistance. Winter and Weiss (Ref 3) found that Internally generated particles are usually bath. For critical gearboxes, a regular program
lubricant viscosity has the greatest effect on wear debris from gears and bearings due to of lubricant monitoring can help prevent gear
slow-speed adhesive wear, that high-viscosity Hertzian fatigue pitting, adhesive wear, and failures by indicating when maintenance is
lubricants reduce the wear rate significantly, abrasive wear. Wear particles are especially required. Lubricant monitoring should include
and that sulfur-phosphorus antiscuff additives abrasive because they become work-hardened spectrographic and ferrographic analysis of
are detrimental with very slow-speed (<0.05 when trapped between gear teeth. Internally contamination, along with analysis of acid
m/s, or 2 in./s) gears, resulting in very high generated wear debris can be minimized by number, viscosity, and water content.
wear rates. using precise surface-hardened gear teeth (with Methods to Prevent Abrasive Wear. Guide-
Some gear units operate under ideal condi- high pitting resistance), smooth surfaces, and lines to mitigate and prevent abrasive wear
tions with smooth tooth surfaces, high pitch line high-viscosity lubricants. include:
speed, and thick lubricant films. For example, Breather vents are used on gearboxes to vent
steam-turbine gears operating almost continu- internal pressure, which can occur when air  Remove built-in contamination from new
ously at 150 m/s (492 ft/s) pitch-line speed still enters through seals and when air within the gearboxes by draining and flushing the lubri-
had original machining marks on their teeth gearbox expands (or contracts) during the nor- cant before start-up and again after the first
after operating for 20 years. However, most mal heating and cooling of the gear unit. The 50 h of operation, refill with filtered service
gears operate between boundary and full-film breather vent should be located in a clean, non- lubricant, and install a new filter element
lubrication regimes, under elastohydrodynamic pressurized area, and should have a filter to pre-  Minimize internally generated wear debris
(EHL) conditions. In the EHL regime, with vent ingress of airborne contaminants. In by using surface-hardened gear teeth,
the proper lubricant type and viscosity, the wear especially harsh environments, the gearbox smooth tooth surfaces, and high-viscosity
rate usually decreases during running-in, and can be completely sealed, and the pressure var- lubricants
adhesive wear virtually ceases after running-in iation can be accommodated by an expansion  Minimize ingested contamination by main-
is completed. The gearset should not suffer an chamber with a flexible diaphragm. taining oil-tight seals and using filtered
adhesive wear failure with properly maintained All maintenance procedures that involve breather vents located in clean, nonpressur-
(cool, clean, and dry) lubricant. opening any part of the gearbox or lubrication ized areas
Methods to Prevent Adhesive Wear. Guide- system must be carefully performed to prevent  Perform all maintenance that involves open-
lines to mitigate and prevent adhesive wear contamination of the gearbox system. ing the gearbox or lubrication system in a
include: Abrasive wear due to foreign contaminants, clean environment (if possible) and use good
such as sand or internally generated wear housekeeping procedures to avoid contami-
 Use smooth tooth surfaces debris, is called three-body abrasion, and is a nating the gearbox
 Run-in new gearsets by operating under a common occurrence. Two-body abrasion  Use fine filtration for circulating-oil systems,
controlled load spectrum, or for at least the occurs when embedded particles and asperities change or process lubricant to remove water,
first ten hours at one-half load on one gear tooth abrade the opposing tooth and include an off-line filter to remove small
 Drain and flush the lubricant after the first surface. Generally, two-body abrasion is much particles
50 h of operation to remove wear debris more damaging than three-body abrasion,  Change the lubricant at least every 2500 h or
from running-in, refill with filtered service because the abrasive is fixed in one body and every six months, whichever occurs first, for
lubricant, and install a new filter element abrades directly on the other body. Three-body oil-bath systems, or use an off-line filter to
 Use high speeds, otherwise, recognize that abrasion is generally much less severe because filter the oil bath
highly loaded, slow-speed gears are bound- the abrasive can roll, slide, and vary its  Monitor the lubricant with spectrographic
ary lubricated and are especially prone to approach angle. Unless tooth surfaces of a sur- and ferrographic analysis together with anal-
excessive wear; specify nitrided gears and face-hardened gear are smoothly finished, they ysis of acid number, viscosity, and water
the highest permissible lubricant viscosity function like files if the mating gear is apprecia- content
for these conditions bly softer. This is why a worm pinion is
 Avoid using lubricants with sulfur-phospho- polished after grinding before it is run with a
rus antiscuff additives for very slow-speed bronze worm wheel. Manufacturers of com- Polishing. Chemically reactive antiscuff
gears (<0.05 m/s) puter disk drives found that stainless-steel additives in the lubricant can cause polishing
 Use an adequate amount of cool, clean, and pinions mated with anodized-aluminum racks of gear tooth surfaces until they attain a bright
dry lubricant of the highest viscosity have excessively high wear rates. The anodized mirror finish. Although polished gear teeth
permissible layer is extremely thin and brittle, and breaks may look good, polishing wear is undesirable
 Improve cooling to lower gear mesh up and impregnates the relatively soft stain- because it generally reduces gear accuracy by
temperature less-steel pinion. The aluminum oxide particles wearing tooth profiles away from their ideal
then function like emery paper, and wear the form. Antiscuff additives, such as sulfur and
Abrasion. Abrasive wear on gear teeth is teeth of the rack very quickly. phosphorus, are used in lubricants to prevent
usually caused by contamination of the lubri- The lubrication system should be carefully scuffing. They function by forming iron-sulfide
cant by hard, sharp-edged particles. Contamina- maintained and monitored to ensure that the and iron-phosphate films on areas of the gear
tion in gearboxes are built-in, internally gears receive an adequate amount of cool, teeth where high temperatures occur. Ideally,
generated, ingested through breathers and seals, clean, and dry lubricant. For circulating-oil sys- the additives should react only at temperatures
and inadvertently added during maintenance. tems, fine filtration removes contamination. Fil- where there is a danger of welding. If the rate
Many gear manufacturers do not fully appre- ters as fine as 3 mm significantly increase gear of reaction is too high, and there is a continuous
ciate the significance of clean assembly; it is life. A 10-mm online filter and a 3-mm off-line removal of the surface films caused by a very
not uncommon to find sand, machining chips, filter are standard equipment for wind-turbine fine abrasives in the lubricant, polishing wear
grinding dust, weld splatter, and other debris gearboxes (Ref 4). For oil-bath gearboxes, the can be excessive (Ref 5).

Copyrighted content, licensed for the sole use of:

Robert Errichello, Geartech Software (020422)
884 / Friction and Wear of Machine Components

Polishing wear can be prevented by using lubricant surrounding the contact and forms a shared between multiple planet gears. The sun
less chemically active additives. As an alterna- black, greasy film. Damage during the incuba- pinion transmits its torque through a spline with
tive to sulfur-phosphorus additives, antiscuff tion period is false brinelling, and it has distinctly external teeth that engage a spline with internal
lubricants are available with dispersions of different morphology than true brinelling. False teeth in the hollow LS shaft. Typically, sun
potassium borate (Ref 6), which deposit anti- brinelling is characterized by dents that do not spline teeth are carburized and ground with a
scuff films without chemically reacting with have raised shoulders. Furthermore, original lengthwise crown to allow the sun to pivot
the metal. Furthermore, removing the abrasives machining marks within the dents are worn away about the spline as it moves radially to share
in the lubricant by using fine filtration and fre- by mild adhesive wear. Dents are created by the load with each planet gear. The LS shaft spline
quent oil changes is helpful. wearing off of pre-existing and continually has shaper-cut straight teeth, which are either
Methods to Prevent Polishing Wear. Guidelines reforming oxide films. Generally, the wear rate through hardened or nitrided. Generally, the
to mitigate and prevent polishing wear include: is low, and the damage caused by false brinelling best wear resistance is achieved with a carbur-
is negligible. False brinelling occurs on gear teeth ized-nitrided combination. Unlike gear teeth
 Use less chemically active antiscuff addi-
and bearing components when they are not rotat- with entraining velocity that builds relatively
tives (e.g. borate) ing but oscillating through extremely small high EHL film thickness, splines have zero
 Remove abrasives from the lubricant by
angles. entraining velocity, which makes splines diffi-
using fine filtration and frequent oil changes Fretting Corrosion. Wear debris from false cult to lubricate. Therefore, it is best to provide
brinelling accumulates in the oil meniscus sur- pressurized oil jets to direct oil into the sun
Fretting is localized wear of contacting gear, rounding the contact. If the amount is sufficient spline, and rely on the slewing action of the
spline, and bearing surfaces caused by minute to dam lubricant and prevent it from reaching sun-spline teeth to bring oil into the contact
vibratory motion. It occurs between contacting the contact, the lubricating regime changes between the sun-LS shaft spline connection.
surfaces that are pressed together and subjected from boundary lubrication to unlubricated. Spline teeth are susceptible to fretting corrosion
to cyclic, relative motion of extremely small When the lubricant within the contact is (the principal failure mode for splines) and
amplitude. Under these conditions, lubricant depleted by oxidation, the wear rate increases scuffing.
squeezes from between the surfaces, and dramatically until breaking through the natural Methods to Prevent Fretting. Guidelines to
motion of the surfaces is too small to replenish oxide layer, at which time strong welds form mitigate and prevent fretting include:
the lubricant. Natural oxide films that typically between the asperities of the parent iron com-
protect surfaces are disrupted, permitting ponents, and damage escalates to fretting corro-  Stop the vibration, rotate the components to
metal-to-metal contact and causing adhesion sion. Relative motion breaks strongly welded entrain fresh oil, or both
of surface asperities. Fretting commonly occurs asperities and generates extremely small wear  Ensure angular motion for reciprocating sys-
in joints that are bolted, keyed, and press-fitted, particles, which oxidize to form iron-oxide tems, such as yaw drives and actuators, is
and in splines and couplings. It could occur on hematite (a-Fe2O3), a fine nonmagnetic powder sufficient to wipe fresh lubricant into the
gear teeth and bearing raceways and rollers with a reddish-brown color of cocoa. The wear contact
under specific conditions where the gears and debris is hard and abrasive with the same com-  Avoid parking wind turbines for extended
bearings are not rotating and subjected to struc- position as jeweler’s rouge, and polishing wear periods
ture-borne vibrations such as those encountered (fine scale abrasion) (Ref 5) is frequently found  Avoid dithering of wind turbine blades; vary
during transport and in parked wind turbines. around the periphery of a fretting corrosion pitch angle enough to entrain fresh oil and
Two mechanisms of fretting are false brinelling scar. Hematite discolors the lubricant surround- pitch blades frequently
and fretting corrosion. For lubricated contacts ing the contact and forms rouge-colored paste.  Ensure adequate interference fit between
under fretting conditions, false brinelling starts Usually, the wear scar is discolored with black shafts and couplings, gears, bearing rings,
an incubation period of mild adhesive wear or reddish films. Fretting corrosion damages and other interference-fit components
under boundary lubrication. If the contact gear and bearing surfaces by forming ruts along  Use case hardening (nitriding is best), car-
becomes starved for lubrication, it can be sub- lines of contact. During operation, damaged burizing, and physical vapor deposition
jected to severe adhesive wear known as fret- gears and bearings could generate a sharp, ham- (PVD) hard coatings to obtain adhesion-
ting corrosion. mering noise as the wear scars pass through the resistant surfaces
True brinelling is a separate failure mode Hertzian contacts. Pits from fretting corrosion  Use cold work, case hardening, and shot
unrelated to false brinelling, but is discussed create local stress concentrations, leading to peening to induce compressive residual
here to contrast it with false brinelling. True macropitting and fatigue crack initiation, which, stresses
brinelling occurs in contacts subjected to Hert- if in high tensile stress areas, could propagate to  Use lubricant with antiwear additives
zian stress high enough to cause permanent failure. Generally, fretting corrosion significantly  Use oil rather than grease, and use a high-
plastic deformation of the contacting surfaces. reduces fatigue strength. If bearing fits are inade- pressure jet to flood the contact and flush
It is characterized by permanent deformation quate to stop relative motion between the inner away wear debris
(without loss of material or change of surface ring and shaft, and between the outer ring and  Store the gearbox in a vibration-free
texture), which can occur during a single load housing, fretting corrosion could develop at these environment
event. For example, true brinelling of a rolling interfaces. The best way to avoid false brinelling  Support the gearbox on vibration isolators
element bearing frequently occurs when the and fretting corrosion is to stop the vibration, or  Ship the gearbox with shafts locked to pre-
bearing is not rotating and subjected to an rotate the components to entrain fresh oil, or both. vent dithering motion
impact load great enough to plastically deform Each time components entrain fresh oil, the incu-  Ship the gearbox filled with oil
the raceway. Dents in the raceway occur at bation period restarts, and the wear regime shifts  Ship the gearbox on an air-ride truck
roller spacing, have raised shoulders, and the to mild adhesive wear. The length of the incuba-
original grinding marks are visible microscopi- tion period depends on lubricant type and how Electrical Discharge. Gear teeth and rolling-
cally in the bottoms of the dents. easily lubricant reaches the contact. For unlubri- element bearings could be damaged if faulty insu-
False Brinelling. Fretting begins with an cated contacts, there is no incubation period, lation, induction effects, and improper grounding
incubation period during which the wear mech- and fretting corrosion can start immediately with allows electric current to pass through the gears
anism is mild adhesion confined to the natural a high wear rate from the beginning. and bearings. Electrical discharge damage is
oxide layer that covers steel. Wear debris is The planetary stage of a wind turbine gear- caused by electric arc discharge across the oil film
iron oxide magnetite (Fe3O4), a highly mag- box has a sun pinion, which is free to float on between the active flanks of mating gear teeth and
netic black powder. Magnetite discolors the its mating planet gears to equalize the power between bearing rolling elements and raceways.

Copyrighted content, licensed for the sole use of:

Robert Errichello, Geartech Software (020422)
Friction, Lubrication, and Wear of Gears and Wind-Turbine Components / 885

Wind turbine-generator bearings are especially Scuffing conditions. A properly formulated gear lubri-
vulnerable to electrical discharge damage. Elec- cant contains additives that protect gear tooth
tric current can originate from many sources Scuffing is defined as localized damage surfaces at both low and high contact tempera-
including: caused by solid-phase welding between sliding tures. Mechanisms by which additives function
surfaces. It is accompanied by the transfer of include:
 Generators, especially wind-turbine generators metal from one surface to another due to weld-
 Electric motors, especially variable-frequency ing and tearing. It can occur in any sliding and  Physical adsorption
drives (VFDs) rolling contact where the oil film is not thick  Chemical adsorption
 Electric clutches and instrumentation enough to separate the surfaces. The symptoms  Chemical reaction
 Accumulation of static charge and subsequent of scuffing are rough, matte, and torn surfaces.
discharge Surface analysis that shows transfer of metal Physical Adsorption. Lubricants with polar
 During electric-resistance welding on, or from one surface to the other is proof of additives such as long-chain fatty acids adsorb
near, the gearbox if the path to ground is scuffing. to the oxide layers on metal surfaces to form a
not properly made around the gears rather Scuffing can occur in gear teeth when they layer of molecules, which reduce friction and
than through them operate in the boundary-lubrication regime. If wear. These additives are effective at low loads
 During lightning strikes on wind turbines the lubricant film is insufficient to prevent sig- and low contact temperatures, but lose their
nificant metal-to-metal contact, the contact can effectiveness at temperatures between 80 and
An electric arc produces temperatures high break through oxide layers that normally pro- 150  C (175 and 300  F) depending on the type
enough to melt the contacting surfaces of gear tect gear tooth surfaces, and the bare metal sur- of additive. They are called lubricity additives,
teeth and bearings. Microscopically, the dam- faces can weld together. Sliding that occurs and are often used in lubricants for worm gears.
age appears as small, hemispherical craters. between gear teeth results in tearing of the Chemical Adsorption. Lubricants with
Edges of the craters are smooth and might be welded junctions, metal transfer, and cata- additives, such as tricresylphosphate (TCP)
surrounded by burned and fused metal in the strophic damage. Scuffing can occur in rolling and zinc dialkydithiophosphate (ZnDTP), that
form of rounded particles, which were once element bearings if the rolling elements slide chemically bond to oxide layers and metal sur-
molten. A section taken transversely through rather than roll on the raceway. faces provide antiwear protection, which is
the craters and acid etched could reveal auste- In contrast to Hertzian fatigue and bending more durable than that provided by physical
nitized and rehardened areas in white, bor- fatigue, which only occur after a period of run- adsorption. They are effective at moderate
dered by tempered areas in black. Sometimes ning time, scuffing can occur immediately upon loads and moderate contact temperatures up to
microcracks are found near the craters. Over- start-up. New gears are most vulnerable to about 200  C (390  F). Beyond this tempera-
all, damage to gear teeth and bearings is pro- scuffing when their tooth surfaces have not yet ture, the chemically adsorbed films desorb, or
portional to the number and size of points of been smoothed by running-in. For this reason, are rubbed off, and have limited load capacity.
arcing. Depending on its extent, electrical dis- it is wise to run-in a new gearbox under one- Chemical Reaction. Lubricants with anti-
charge damage can be destructive to gear teeth half load for at least ten hours to reduce surface scuff additives are designed to react with the
and bearings. Associated microcracking can roughness of the teeth before applying full load. parent-metal surfaces to provide protection
lead to subsequent Hertzian fatigue and bend- Gear teeth can be coated with iron-manganese under severe loads and high temperatures where
ing fatigue. If electrical discharge damage is phosphate and plated with copper and silver to oxide layers and chemically adsorbed antiwear
found on gears, all associated bearings should protect them from scuffing during the critical films on metal surfaces are disrupted. Antiscuff
be examined for similar damage. Frequently, running-in period. additives contain at least one chemically reac-
electric discharge damage creates a periodic The basic mechanism of scuffing is not tive nonmetal such as sulfur or phosphorus,
pattern on bearing raceways called “fluting,” clearly understood, but is generally believed to which readily reacts with exposed metal sur-
which usually makes the bearing excessively be caused by intense frictional heating gener- faces to form a tribofilm with low shear
noisy. ated by the combination of high sliding velocity strength. These sacrificial films reduce friction
Wind turbine-generator bearings are suscep- and intense surface pressure. Blok’s (Ref 7) and wear and help prevent scuffing by forming
tible to electrical discharge damage caused by critical temperature theory is believed to be solid films on gear tooth surfaces and inhibiting
stray electrical currents, and either electrically the best criterion to predict scuffing. It states true metal-to-metal contact. Iron-sulfide and
insulated bearing rings or ceramic balls are that scuffing occurs in gear teeth sliding under iron-phosphate films have high melting points,
used to avoid damage. Blade-pitch bearings boundary-lubrication conditions when the max- enabling them to remain on the gear teeth even
and the rotor shaft main bearing are also sus- imum contact temperature of the teeth reaches a at high contact temperatures up to about 700  C
ceptible to electrical discharge damage caused critical magnitude. For mineral oils without (1290  F). Formation and loss of tribofilms are
by lightning strikes on the rotor blades. How- antiscuff additives, each combination of oil determined by competition between the oppos-
ever, blade-pitch bearings and rotor shaft main and rubbing materials has a constant critical ing processes of chemical reactivity with the
bearing are usually large double-row bearings, scuffing temperature, regardless of operating metallic surfaces and mechanical removal of
which makes it impractical to use insulated conditions (Ref 8). Critical scuffing tempera- the tribofilms caused by the sliding action of
bearing rings and ceramic rolling elements. tures are not constant for synthetic lubricants gear teeth. This constitutes a form of mild cor-
Therefore, grounding brushes and current and lubricants with antiscuff additives; they rosion, and if the additives are too chemically
straps are usually used to route electric current must be determined from tests that closely sim- reactive, they can promote chemical wear and
around blade-pitch bearings and the rotor shaft ulate the operating conditions of the gears and polishing. They can also react unfavorably with
main bearing, and direct it down to the with in-situ tests on actual gears. other gearbox components such as seals and
foundation. The natural oxide layer that forms on metals bearing cages. Therefore, lubricant and additive
Methods to Prevent Electrical Discharge. when exposed to the atmosphere provides natu- manufacturers are careful to limit additive reac-
Guidelines to mitigate and prevent electrical ral wear protection. Unfortunately, under tivity to avoid excessive corrosion.
discharge include: boundary lubrication, the oxide layer is easily Distinction between Antiwear and Anti-
removed under light load, resulting in the risk scuff Additives. Antiwear and antiscuff addi-
 Provide adequate electrical insulation of metal-to-metal contact. tives are designed to provide protection over a
 Provide adequate electrical grounding Antiwear and antiscuff additives affect lubri- broad spectrum of operating conditions and to
 Ensure proper welding procedures are cant performance by controlling wear and fric- protect against adhesive wear ranging from
enforced tion characteristics under boundary lubrication mild to severe. Mild adhesive wear is confined

Copyrighted content, licensed for the sole use of:

Robert Errichello, Geartech Software (020422)
886 / Friction and Wear of Machine Components

to oxide layers of gear tooth surfaces, and it exchanger can be used with a circulating-oil ends of the path. Profile shift is used to balance
always occurs with as-manufactured gear teeth. system to cool the lubricant before it is sprayed and minimize the temperature rise that occurs
Asperities are smoothed with properly run-in at the gears. in the addendum and dedendum of the gear
gears, and wear usually subsides with time Scuffing resistance is maximized by optimiz- teeth. The temperature rise can also be reduced
and is considered normal. At the other extreme, ing gear geometry; that is, make the gear teeth by modifying the tooth profiles with slight tip
scuffing is severe adhesive wear, and can cause as small as possible (and still meet bending relief, root relief, or both, to ease the load at
catastrophic damage. Because both antiwear strength requirements) to reduce the tempera- the start and end of the engagement path where
and antiscuff additives function in similar ways, ture rise caused by sliding. Figure 1 shows that sliding velocities are the greatest. Also, gear
they are classified in terms of their activation the rolling velocity of the pinion, Vr1, and the teeth must be accurate, held rigidly in good
temperature. Antiwear additives become effec- rolling velocity of the gear, Vr2, increase line- alignment, and have lead modification to com-
tive at relatively low temperatures, and become arly from zero at the interference points to a pensate for bending and torsional deflections
ineffective at moderate temperatures, whereas maximum at each end of the path of contact. to minimize tooth loading and temperature rise.
antiscuff additives become effective at moder- Sliding velocity is represented by the distance Gear materials should have good scuffing
ately high temperatures, and remain on gear between the Vr1 and Vr2 lines. The amount of resistance. Nitrided steels, such as Nitralloy
tooth surfaces until they are rubbed off or melt sliding is proportional to the distance from the 135M, have the highest scuffing resistance,
at relatively high temperatures. Therefore, the pitch point, P, and is zero when the gear teeth whereas stainless steels are prone to scuffing
choice between antiwear and antiscuff additives contact at the pitch point, and is largest at the even under near-zero loads. The thin oxide
depends on the gear application. Antiwear addi-
tives such TCP and ZnDTP might be adequate
Center of
for high-speed, lightly loaded gears that are gear
not subjected to shock loads, whereas slow-
speed, highly loaded gears subjected to shock
loads might require antiscuff additives such as
those containing sulfur and phosphorus, alone
or in combination. In many applications, lubri-
cants with both antiwear and antiscuff additives
are required to protect against the full range of
adhesive wear, but care should be taken to
avoid aggressive chemistry, which can result
in polishing wear, micropitting, and degrada-
tion of other components. w2
For mineral oils without antiscuff additives, End of
the critical scuffing temperature increases with active
increasing viscosity and ranges from 150 to profile
300  C (300 to 570  F). The increased scuffing
resistance of high-viscosity lubricants is
believed to be due to differences in chemical
composition rather than increases in viscosity.
However, a viscosity increase also helps to Pitch ces
reduce the risk of scuffing by increasing the point Re
lubricant EHL film thickness and reducing the
contact temperature generated by metal-to-
metal contact.
Scuffing is controlled by the total contact
temperature, yB, which is equal to the sum of ach
the gear tooth temperature, yM, and the flash Ap EA
temperature, yfl: Line of
yB ¼ yM þ yfl (Eq 1) Start of P
P V r2
Tooth temperature is the equilibrium temper- profile SA Sliding
ature of the surface of the gear teeth before they velocity
enter the meshing zone. Flash temperature is
V r1
the local, instantaneous temperature rise that
occurs on the gear teeth due to the frictional
heating as they pass through the meshing zone.
Anything that reduces either tooth temperature
or flash temperature reduces the total contact
temperature and lowers the risk of scuffing. w1
Higher viscosity lubricants and smoother tooth
surfaces help by increasing the specific film
thickness, which reduces frictional heat, and,
therefore, the flash temperature. Also, the lubri-
cant removes heat from the gear teeth. The Center of
lubricant must be supplied to the gear teeth in pinion
such a way that it removes heat rapidly and
maintains a low tooth temperature. A heat Fig. 1 Graphical representation of rolling velocities of pinion (Vr1) and gear (Vr2) in relation to sliding velocity

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Robert Errichello, Geartech Software (020422)
Friction, Lubrication, and Wear of Gears and Wind-Turbine Components / 887

layer on stainless steel is hard and brittle and Hertzian fatigue, and macropitting occurs even  Use an adequate amount of cool, clean, and
breaks up easily under sliding loads, exposing at low stresses if gears operate long enough. dry lubricant of adequate viscosity
bare metal, thus promoting scuffing. Anodized Because there is no endurance limit, gear teeth  Ensure adequate surface hardness and case
aluminum and titanium alloys have low scuffing must be designed for a suitable finite lifetime. depth after final processing for surface-hard-
resistance similar to stainless steel. Hardness is Hertzian stress must be kept low and material ened steels
not a reliable indication of scuffing resistance. strength and lubricant specific film thickness
Methods to Prevent Scuffing. Guidelines to high to extend macropitting life of a gearset. Micropitting. On relatively soft gear tooth
mitigate and prevent scuffing include: Several geometric variables, including diame- surfaces, such as those of through-hardened
ter, face width, number of teeth, pressure angle, gears, Hertzian fatigue forms large pits with
 Use smooth tooth surfaces produced by
and helix angle can be optimized to lower the dimensions on the order of millimeters. With
grinding, honing, and polishing Hertzian stress. Material and heat treatment surface-hardened gears (for example, carbur-
 Run-in new gearsets using a series of
are selected to obtain hard tooth surfaces with ized, nitrided, and induction and flame hard-
increasing loads and appropriate speed; as a high strength. Maximum macropitting resis- ened), pitting can occur on a much smaller
minimum, run-in new gearsets by operating tance is obtained with carburized gear teeth, scale, typically only 10 mm deep. To the naked
the first ten hours at one-half load because they have hard surfaces, and carburiz- eye, areas where micropitting occurred appear
 Protect gear teeth during the critical run- ing induces beneficial compressive residual frosted, and “frosting” is a popular term for
ning-in period by coating them with iron- stresses that effectively lower the load stresses. micropitting. Japanese researchers (Ref 11)
manganese phosphate or plating them with Drawbacks with carburized gear teeth are that refer to the failure mode as “gray staining,”
copper or silver they require strict manufacturing process con- because the light-scattering properties of micro-
 Use lubricants with adequate viscosity for trol and they must be finished by grinding to pitting give the gear teeth a gray appearance.
the operating conditions achieve high accuracy. Details for obtaining Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) shows
 Use lubricants with antiscuff additives, such high lubricant specific film thickness are that micropitting proceeds by the same fatigue
as sulfur, phosphorus, and borate explained in the section “Elastohydrodynamic process as classical macropitting, except the
 Cool the gear teeth by supplying an adequate Lubrication” in this article. However, it is gener- pits are extremely small. Errichello (Ref 12)
amount of cool lubricant; use a heat ally recommended to use an adequate supply of describes the morphology of micropitting and
exchanger to cool the lubricant for circulat- cool, clean, and dry lubricant with adequate vis- gives several examples of micropitting on wind
ing-oil systems cosity and a high pressure-viscosity coefficient. turbine gears and bearings.
 Optimize gear tooth geometry by using Macropitting can initiate at the surface and at In many cases, micropitting does not cause
small teeth, profile shift, and profile a subsurface defect, such as a nonmetallic catastrophic failure; it might occur only in
modification inclusion. With gear teeth, macropits are most patches and can arrest after the tribological con-
 Use accurate gear teeth, rigid gear mount- often of the surface-initiated type because the ditions improve after running-in. Mild polishing
ings, good helix alignment, and lead modifi- EHL film thickness is usually low, resulting in wear removes micropits and smooths tooth sur-
cation to obtain uniform load distribution relatively high degree of metal-to-metal con- faces. However, arrest is unpredictable, and
during operation tact. The interaction between asperities and micropitting generally reduces gear tooth accu-
 Avoid stainless steel and aluminum and tita- contacts at defects, such as nicks, furrows, and racy, increases noise, and can escalate to full-
nium alloys for gears, because they greatly dents, creates surface-initiated, rather than sub- scale macropitting and other failure modes such
increase the risk of scuffing surface-initiated cracks. Point-surface-origin as scuffing and bending fatigue (Ref 10–12).
 Use nitrided steels for maximum scuffing (PSO) macropitting is often caused by geomet- Specific film thickness is an important
resistance ric stress concentration, GSC (Ref 10). For parameter that influences micropitting. Damage
high-speed gears with smooth surface finishes, occurs most readily on gear teeth meshing with
Hertzian Fatigue EHL film thickness is greater and subsurface- teeth that have rough surfaces, especially when
initiated pitting, rather than surface-initiated, they are lubricated using low-viscosity lubri-
Two lubrication-related gear tooth failure could predominate. In these cases, macropitting cants. Surface roughness is the most important
modes caused by Hertzian fatigue are macropit- usually starts at a subsurface nonmetallic inclu- parameter, and it has a stronger influence than
ting and micropitting. sion, which serves as a point of stress concen- EHL film thickness. Gears finished using spe-
Macropitting is a common failure mode for tration. Cleaner steels, such as those produced cial grinding wheels to a mirror-like finish
gear teeth, because they are subjected to high by vacuum melting, prolong the macropitting (Ref 13) effectively eliminate micropitting.
Hertzian stresses and many stress cycles. For life by reducing the number of nonmetallic Slow-speed gears are prone to micropitting
example, through-hardened gears are typically inclusions. due to their low EHL film thickness. Therefore,
designed to withstand Hertzian stresses up to Contamination from water in the lubricant is to prevent micropitting, the specific film thick-
1.0 GPa (145 ksi), whereas carburized gears are believed to promote macropitting through ness should be maximized by using smooth
typically designed to withstand Hertzian stresses hydrogen embrittlement of the metal, and solid gear tooth surfaces, high-viscosity lubricants,
up to 1.9 GPa (275.5 ksi). In addition, a given particles in the lubricant promote macropitting and high speeds. Experiments (Ref 3) show that
tooth on a pinion revolving at 3600 rpm accumu- by indenting the tooth surfaces, causing stress flame-hardened and induction-hardened gears
lates over 5  106 stress cycles every 24 h. concentrations, and disrupting the lubricant have less resistance to micropitting than carbur-
Macropitting is a fatigue phenomenon film. Currently, the influence of lubricant addi- ized gears of the same hardness. This is proba-
(Ref 9) that occurs when a fatigue crack initi- tives on macropitting is unresolved. bly due to the lower carbon content of the
ates either at the surface of the gear tooth or Methods to Prevent Macropitting. Guidelines surface of flame-hardened and induction-hard-
at a small depth below the surface. The crack to mitigate and prevent macropitting include: ened gears.
usually propagates for a short distance in a Run-in is critical because it is the incubation
direction roughly parallel to the tooth surface  Reduce Hertzian stresses by reducing loads period for micropitting. During incubation, con-
before turning or branching to the surface. A and optimizing gear geometry tact between asperities on opposing surfaces
macropit forms when a crack grows to the  Use clean steel, properly heat treated to occurs frequently, causing plastic deformation
extent that it separates a piece of surface mate- 58 HRC minimum hardness, preferably by of asperities; the principle cause of micropit-
rial. If several macropits grow together, the carburizing ting. In addition, adhesion and abrasion at aspe-
resulting larger macropit is referred to as a  Use smooth tooth surfaces produced by rities generate wear debris. Using a series of
“spall.” There is no endurance limit for grinding, honing, and polishing increasing loads enables progressive reduction

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Robert Errichello, Geartech Software (020422)
888 / Friction and Wear of Machine Components

of roughness through the action of mild adhe-  Using a non-hunting gear ratio Hertzian pressure, except for a sharp spike in
sion and limited plastic deformation. Controlled  Using helical gears with axial contact ratio pressure just upstream from the constriction at
run-in minimizes plastic deformation while lim- mF 2.0 the outlet. Within the constriction, film pressure
iting adhesion and abrasion to the iron oxide  Using aspect ratio (face width to diameter drops rapidly to atmospheric pressure.
layer covering asperities. Mild adhesion con- ratio), ma, 1.0 for spur and single-helical The Inlet Region. The lubricant adsorbed on
sists of small junctions that generate wear parti- gears the pinion and wheel teeth surfaces is entrained
cles smaller than the surface roughness. If  Using aspect ratio (face width to diameter into the EHL contact by the rolling motion of
adhesion remains mild, asperities are eventually ratio), ma, 2.0 for double-helical gears the gear teeth. Lubricant entrainment is greatly
flattened by adhesion and plastic deformation,  Minimizing Hertzian stress by specifying facilitated by its viscosity increase because high
and subsequent deformation remains elastic high accuracy and optimizing center dis- viscosity resists flow, makes it more difficult to
for that particular load. When run-in is com- tance, face width, pressure angle, and helix squeeze the lubricant out, and viscous drag
plete, asperities carry load solely by elastic angle forces of the gear teeth cause it to move with
deformation. By comparison, if adhesion causes  Using profile shift to minimize specific the surfaces into the Hertzian region. As a
strong bonds that break through oxide layers, sliding result, the inlet pumps the film up to a thickness
adhesion escalates to scuffing generating large  Using proper profile and lead modification sufficient to separate the opposing gear teeth.
wear particles, and surfaces become rougher  Avoiding tip-to-root interference EHL film thickness is determined by the lubri-
rather than smoother. Because run-in properties cant viscosity and pressure-viscosity coefficient
are likely to depend on lubricant chemistry, Optimize metallurgy by: in the inlet region. For gears, lubricant
temperature, and sliding velocity, experiments  Maximizing pinion hardness entrained into the inlet is molecularly attached
on actual gears are necessary to determine a  Making pinion 2 HRC points harder than the to pinion and wheel teeth surfaces, and consists
good run-in lubricant. Experiments (Ref 14) of thin boundary layers that immediately take
show that zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZnDTP) wheel on the bulk surface temperatures of the pinion
 Using ffi 20% retained austenite
antiwear additives are detrimental to run-in. and wheel teeth. Consequently, EHL film thick-
Water contamination promotes micropitting in Optimize lubricant properties by: ness is determined by the equilibrium bulk sur-
gears and bearings, and significantly reduces face temperatures of the pinion and wheel teeth
the anticorrosion, EHL film formation, and fric-  Using oil with high micropitting resistance in the inlet region before the lubricant reaches
tion reducing properties of lubricants. as determined by tests on actual gears the Hertzian region.
Methods to Prevent Micropitting. Guidelines  Using oil with low traction coefficient Bulk Surface Temperature. When the pin-
to mitigate and prevent micropitting include  Using oil with high pressure-viscosity co- ion and wheel are running under a given load,
those involving oil film thickness, surface rough- efficient pinion and wheel teeth surfaces are heated by
ness, gear geometry, gear metallurgy, and lubri-  Avoiding oils with aggressive antiscuff ad- the sliding friction between the gear teeth, and
cant properties. Every measure might not be ditives they gradually increase in temperature until
achievable or applicable for a given application,  Avoiding oils with viscosity index improvers finally reaching the equilibrium bulk surface
but as many as possible should be implemented.  Keeping oil cool temperatures after many revolutions.
Increase oil film thickness by:  Keeping oil free of solid contaminants Inlet Shear Heating. In a fully flooded EHL
 Keeping oil dry contact, only a fraction of the lubricant can pass
 Using the highest practical oil viscosity through the contact. Therefore, some of the
 Running gears at high speed if possible lubricant is rejected and reverse flow occurs in
 Cooling gear teeth the inlet. Furthermore, if there is sliding in
 Using synthetic oil if gear tooth temperature Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication
is >80  C (>175  F)
Gear teeth, rolling element bearings, cams,
Reduce surface roughness by: and other nonconforming Hertzian contacts are
 Avoiding shot-peened flanks unless they are lubricated by the EHL mechanism. Figure 2
EHL pressure
polished after shot peening shows a lubricated Hertzian contact with film
 Honing and polishing gear teeth, and run- pressure and film thickness distribution
between two steel cylinders in rolling contact. Hertzian
ning gears against a hard, smooth master pressure
 Making the hardest gear as smooth as Figure 2 exaggerates the vertical distance and
possible shrinks the horizontal distance for purposes of
 illustration. An actual EHL contact is typically (a)
Coating teeth with iron-manganese phos-
phate, Cu, and Ag to limit adhesion and 1000 times wider than the film thickness. The vr2
contact starts with a slowly converging inlet hmin
scuffing risk
 Running-in with a special lubricant without region where the lubricant is entrained and hc

ZnDTP antiwear additives hydrodynamic pressure is generated. Film pres-

 Prefiltering lubricant and using a fine filter sure gradually increases in the inlet region until bH
(6 mm) during run-in it reaches the leading edge of the Hertzian
 Keeping oil cool during run-in region where the pressure quickly builds to
values that are essentially equal to the Hertzian Inlet Hertzian Exit
 Running-in gears using a series of increasing region region region
loads and appropriate speed contact stress. Under high pressure, lubricant (b)
 Draining lubricant and flushing gearbox after viscosity increases exponentially to the extent
run-in, changing the filter element, and filling that the lubricant cannot escape because its vis-
cosity is too high. Within the Hertzian region, Fig. 2 Regions of EHL contact between the mating
with filtered service lubricant gear teeth of a gearset: (a) plot of pressure
the bodies are separated by a nearly constant distribution within contact zone; and (b) schematic
film thickness. At the end of the Hertzian showing three distinct regions on pinion and gear tooth
Optimize gear geometry by: surfaces and key parameters determining oil film
region, there is a constriction near the outlet lubrication, where bH is semiwidth of Hertzian contact
 Using at least 20 teeth in the pinion for that forms the minimum film thickness. Within band, hc is central film thickness, and hmin is minimum
parallel-axis gears the Hertzian region, film pressure follows the film thickness

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Robert Errichello, Geartech Software (020422)
Friction, Lubrication, and Wear of Gears and Wind-Turbine Components / 889

addition to rolling, heat is generated by shear- of the gear, a particular point on the gear flank emerging from the wake of the outlet region is
ing of the lubricant. Churning and shearing gen- comes into engagement with essentially the indistinguishable from the lubricant that entered
erate heat that increases the lubricant same bulk temperature as the previous engage- the inlet region. The film forming capability of
temperature above the average bulk surface ment. Although frictional heating does not the hydrodynamic pressure generated in the
temperatures. Therefore, the temperature that directly alter the film thickness within the Hert- inlet region is governed by the local viscosity of
controls lubricant viscosity and EHL film thick- zian region, any increase of the bulk surface the lubricant in the inlet, which is controlled by
ness is the temperature of the lubricant in the temperatures due to frictional heating indirectly the bulk temperatures of the surfaces and inlet
inlet. Empirical equations (Ref 15) are available reduces film thickness by decreasing the viscos- shear heating. Consequently, the central film
to correct calculations of isothermal EHL film ity of the lubricant in the inlet region. The slid- thickness is established by the lubricant properties
thickness to account for inlet shear heating. ing is significant because it generates traction in the inlet region. Once in the Hertzian region, the
Starvation. To form full EHL film thickness, forces that result in energy losses. If the lubri- lubricant functions as a pseudo-solid where it
the inlet region must be fully flooded. However, cant behaved like a Newtonian fluid, the high influences the traction coefficient, boundary tribo-
the inlet region might be starved of lubricant if viscosity would lead to extremely high traction films, and bulk surface temperatures. Finally, the
the lubricant supply is inadequate, if very high force. However, when subjected to high shear outlet region adjusts the minimum film thickness
speed causes fling off of the lubricant, or both. stresses, the lubricant fortunately behaves like to maintain continuity of lubricant flow.
Under these conditions, EHL film thickness a plastic pseudo-solid with limited shear Probability of Wear. Gear tooth load capac-
could be reduced. Empirical equations strength characterized by its traction coeffi- ity based on the probability of wear is calcu-
(Ref 16) are available to correct calculations cient. Bulk surface temperatures are controlled lated in AGMA 925-A03 (Ref 2), which
of isothermal EHL film thickness to account by heat generated in the Hertzian region, and calculates wear risk based on EHL specific film
for lubricant starvation. temperatures can vary significantly depending thickness using the Dowson and Toyoda equa-
The Hertzian Region. Lubricant viscosity on the molecular structure of the lubricant base tion. Although specific film thickness is a major
increases by a factor of 1000 by the time it stock, which influences a lubricant’s solidifica- factor governing adhesive wear, the properties
enters the Hertzian region, and is trapped in tion pressure, shear strength, and traction coef- of the lubricant and its additives exert a strong
the contact. At maximum Hertzian pressures ficient. Furthermore, depending on antiwear influence. Therefore, to help prevent adhesive
typical in gears and rolling element bearings, and antiscuff additives that might be in the wear, the physical and chemical properties of the
the lubricant undergoes a phase transition into lubricant, sliding and heat generate boundary lubricant should conform to the requirements of
a solid glassy state. From this point on, the tribofilms on tooth surfaces that help prevent ANSI/AGMA 9005-F16 (Ref 17). It is especially
lubricant no longer behaves as a Newtonian adhesive wear. important that the lubricant have adequate anti-
fluid, and it can be considered a pseudo-solid. Shear Thinning. Lubricants containing high wear additives to ensure adequate wear resistance.
In the Hertzian region, the surfaces of the bod- molecular weight polymers, which are additives EHL Film Thickness Analysis. EHL film
ies are parallel and separated by the central film known as viscosity index (VI) improvers, could thickness is calculated in accordance with AGMA
thickness that has an essentially constant thick- lose viscosity under high shear rates that occur 925-A03 (Ref 2) using Eq 2 to 18:
ness. The film within the Hertzian region is in the Hertzian region and reduce EHL film 3
extremely stiff. Therefore, increasing load thickness, which is known as shear thinning. hc ¼ Hc rn  10 (Eq 2)
deforms the bodies more than the central film The Outlet Region. As the lubricant leaves
thickness decreases. Consequently, EHL con- the Hertzian zone, film pressure tends to boost G0:56 U0:69
Hc ¼ 3:06 (Eq 3)
tacts are relatively insensitive to changes in lubricant flow toward the outlet region. The W0:10
load, and the main effect of increasing load is amount of lubricant within the contact is con-
G ¼ aEr (Eq 4)
to deform the surfaces, which increases the area trolled by the inlet, and continuity of flow can
of the Hertzian region, but does little to alter only be maintained if there is a local restriction Figure 3 gives values of pressure-viscosity
the shape of the inlet zone where the EHL film in the outflow, which causes a constriction to coefficients (used in Eq 4) versus tooth temper-
is formed. Consequently, increasing load leaves form at the outlet. This is the position where ature for typical gear lubricants.
the film thickness virtually unchanged. the minimum film thickness occurs. A sharp
Sliding within the Hertzian Region. Slid- spike in film pressure is generated next to the ZM ve
U¼  106 (Eq 5)
ing friction within the EHL film increases the constriction on the upstream side. After the 2Er rn
bulk temperature of the gear teeth from a cold pressure spike, pressure drops abruptly to atmo-
Figure 4 gives values of dynamic viscosity
start by accumulating heat from each tooth spheric pressure downstream of the spike, and
(used in Eq 5) versus tooth temperature for
engagement. The bulk temperature of the gear lubricant viscosity returns to its atmospheric
teeth increases until the heat input is equal to viscosity. Consequently, the contact pressure mineral lubricants and ester-based gear
the heat loss to the surroundings. When the between the surfaces is negligible in the area
bulk temperature reaches equilibrium, there is of minimum film thickness. The divergent XG wn
no further change in gear tooth bulk surface region of the outlet generates negative pressure, W¼ (Eq 6)
Er rn
temperature unless the operating conditions which causes dissolved gases in the lubricant to
change. Heat input is confined to the immediate come out of solution. This ruptures the lubri-
hc Lx 1=2
area of the Hertzian region, and its duration is cant film, which cavitates and forms a wavy l¼ (Eq 7)
sx 2bH
only a fraction of a millisecond. Consequently, wake consisting of separate lubricant streamers
frictional heat within the EHL film is removed intermixed with air. 1=2
by conduction through the film into the tooth Significance of the Three Regions. The sx ¼ Ra1 2 þ Ra2 2 (Eq 8)
surfaces and by convection as the hot oil exits inlet region pumps the film up, the Hertzian
the outlet region. Due to the short contact time, region rides the film, and the outlet region dis- wn ¼ (Eq 9)
the heat penetrates only a shallow distance charges it. As the lubricant passes through the
into the gear teeth and is rapidly dissipated. three regions, its viscosity increases exponen-  1=2
8XG wn rn
Consequently, as the contact point moves on, tially, and the lubricant changes phase from a bH ¼ (Eq 10)
the heat input on a prior contact point disap- free-flowing fluid in the inlet region, to a pEr
pears immediately and the surface temperature pseudo-solid within the Hertzian region, and 1
1  n1 2 1  n2 2

of the gear teeth returns promptly to the equi- back to a free-flowing fluid in the outlet region, Er ¼ 2 þ (Eq 11)
librium bulk temperature. After one revolution all within a matter of milliseconds. Lubricant E1 E2

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Robert Errichello, Geartech Software (020422)
890 / Friction and Wear of Machine Components

Temperature, ºF where vr1 and vr2 are rolling velocities of pinion

32 68 104 140 176 212 248 284 320 356 and wheel in mm/s, o1 and o2 are angular velo-
cities of pinion and wheel in rad/s, and r1 and
ISO VG r2 are transverse profile radii of pinion and
3200 AGMA wheel in mm.
3.50E-02 Lube No.
2200 Entraining velocity, which draws oil
1500 between contacting gear teeth and increases
1000 EHL film thickness, is given by:
3.00E-02 680
Pressure-viscosity coefficient, mm2/N

460 8A
320 8 ve ¼ vr1 þ vr2 (Eq 15)
220 7
2.50E-02 150 6
100 5 Sliding velocity, is detrimental because it
68 4 generates heat, reduces efficiency, and increases
46 3 asperity distress. High sliding velocity generates
2.00E-02 32 2
1 frictional power loss by shearing the oil film and
shearing boundary films on contacting asperities.
1.50E-02 High sliding velocity also increases flash temper-
ature and risk of scuffing. Sliding velocities are
MIL-L-7808K Grade 4
given by:
1.00E-02 MIL-L-23699E
vs1 ¼ vr1  vr2 (Eq 16)
MIL-L-7808K Grade 3
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 vs2 ¼ vs1 (Eq 17)
Temperature, ºC
Wear Risk Analysis. AGMA 925-A03 uses
Fig. 3 Plot of pressure-viscosity coefficient versus bulk temperature for non-VI-improved mineral oil and ester-based empirical methods to relate calculated values
gear lubricants of minimum specific film thickness, lmin, to
empirical values of mean specific film thick-
Temperature, °F ness, mlmin, which uses a Gaussian distribution
32 68 104 140 176 212 248 284 320 356 to calculate the probability of wear, given by
104 the expression:
2200 lmin  ml min
1500 x¼ (Eq 18)
sl min
1000 AGMA
680 Lube No. As shown by the exponents in Eq 3, film
103 460 thickness is essentially determined by the
320 entraining velocity, lubricant viscosity, and
220 8 pressure-viscosity coefficient; the elastic
Dynamic viscosity, cP

150 7
6 properties of the gear teeth and the load have
5 relatively small influences. The relatively
102 4 high stiffness of the oil film makes it insensi-
46 3 tive to load, and an increase in load simply
32 2
1 increases the elastic deformation of the tooth
surfaces and widens the contact area, rather
than decreasing the film thickness.
MIL-L-23699E Load-sharing factor, XG, accounts for load
sharing between succeeding pairs of teeth as
MIL-L-7808K Grade 4 affected by profile modification (tip and root
MIL-L-7808K Grade 3
relief) and whether the pinion or wheel is the
driver. Figure 5 shows load-sharing factors ver-
sus pinion-roll angle for unmodified and modi-
1 fied tooth profiles.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Probability of Wear. Figure 6 is a guide to
Temperature, °C the probability of wear-related distress based
on specific film thickness, lmin, and the
Fig. 4 Plot of dynamic viscosity versus bulk temperature for non-VI-improved mineral oil and ester-based gear operating pitchline velocity, V.
Blok’s contact temperature theory states
r1 r2
that scuffing occurs in gear teeth sliding
rn ¼ (Eq 12) and reduces the number and severity of asperity under boundary-lubricated conditions when
r1 Þ cos bb contacts. Rolling velocities are given by: the maximum contact temperature of the gear
vr1 ¼ o1 r1 (Eq 13) teeth reaches a critical magnitude (Ref 7).
Rolling Velocities. Rolling velocity is ben- Contact temperature is equal to the sum
eficial because it entrains lubricant between and
of the bulk temperature and the flash
contacting teeth, increases oil film thickness, vr2 ¼ o2 r2 (Eq 14) temperature.

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Robert Errichello, Geartech Software (020422)
Friction, Lubrication, and Wear of Gears and Wind-Turbine Components / 891

Contact Temperature Analysis. Contact Scuffing temperature, yS, is the contact tem- or FZG (Technical Institute for the Study of Gears
temperature is calculated in accordance with perature at which scuffing is likely to occur with and Drive Mechanisms) test gears for mineral oils
AGMA 925-A03, and is given by: the chosen combination of lubricant and gear without antiscuff additives and with low concen-
materials. For mineral oils without antiscuff addi- trations of antiscuff additives can be extended to
yB ¼ yM þ yfl (Eq 19)
tives and with low concentrations of antiscuff different gear steels, heat treatments, and surface
and additives, the scuffing temperature is independent treatments by introducing an empirical welding
of the operating conditions for a fairly wide factor:
31:62 K mm XG wn jvr1  vr2 j range. For these oils, the scuffing temperature
yfl ¼   (Eq 20)
ðbH Þ1=2 BM1 ðvr1 Þ1=2 þ BM2 ðvr2 Þ1=2 can be correlated with the oil composition. The yS ¼ yM; test þ Xw yfl; test (Eq 24)
viscosity grade is a convenient index of the com-
Scuffing Risk Analysis. AGMA 925-A03 position, and, thus, of the scuffing temperature. where Xw is the welding factor (see Table 2),
uses empirical methods to relate calculated For non-antiscuff mineral oils, the mean yMtest is the bulk tooth temperature of the test
values of maximum contact temperature to scuffing temperature (50% chance of scuffing) gears, and yfltest is the maximum flash tempera-
empirical values of scuffing temperature, which in  C is given by: ture of the test gears.
uses a Gaussian distribution to calculate the yS ¼ 63 þ 33 ln v40 (Eq 22) Scuffing temperatures for synthetic lubricants
probability of scuffing, given by: typically used with carburized gears in the aero-
where v40 is the kinematic viscosity at 40  C space industry are shown in Table 3.

yBmax  yS
(Eq 21) (104  F) in mm2/s. For mineral oils with high concentrations of
sys For mineral oils with low concentrations of antiscuff additives (e.g., hypoid gear oils),
antiscuff additives, the mean scuffing tempera- research is still needed to determine whether
Gear tooth temperature, yM, is the equilib- ture in  C is given by:
rium temperature of the gear teeth before they the scuffing temperature is dependent on the
enter the meshing zone. In some cases, the tooth yS ¼ 118 þ 33 ln v40 (Eq 23) materials and operating conditions. Special
temperature can be significantly higher than the attention has to be given to the correlation
temperature of the oil supplied to the gear mesh. The scuffing temperature determined from between test conditions and actual and design
For example, in a test with ultrahigh-speed gears Forschungsstelle für Zahnräder und Getriebebau, conditions.
(Ref 18), the pinion tooth temperature was
135  C (275  F), which is 95  C (170  F) higher 3.0
than the oil inlet temperature. For turbine gears 5%
at lower speeds, the temperature rise of gear teeth
over the inlet oil temperature can range from 40%
11 C at 60 m/s (20  F at 197 ft/s) pitch line veloc- 1.0 80%
ity to 22  C at 80 m/s (40  F at 262 ft/s. At similar
speeds, the tooth temperature rise of aircraft gears
with less oil flow can range from 22 to 33  C (40 0.5
Specific film thickness, λ

Probability of wear
to 60  F). related distress

XΓ 0.2

1 0.1
Load-sharing factor

3 0.05


ε1 ε2 ε4 ε5 0.01
0.25 0.5 2.5 5.0 25.0 50.0 250.0
(a) Pinion roll angle
Pitch line velocity, m/s

Fig. 6 Probability of wear distress as a function of specific film thickness and pitch line velocity (m/s). Source: Ref 2
Pinion driving
Load-sharing factor

1 Table 3 Mean scuffing temperature for

7 Table 2 Welding factor for select gear synthetic lubricants typically used for
Gear driving
steels carburized gears in aerospace applications
Mean scuffing temperature
Material Welding factor (Xw) Lubricant (uS),  C ( F)
Through-hardened steel 1.00 MIL-L-6081, grade 1005 129 (265)
Phosphated steel 1.25 MIL-L-7808 205 (400)
7 Copper-plated steel 1.50 MIL-L-23699 220 (430)
0 Nitrided steel 1.50 DERD2487 225 (440)
ε1 ε2 ε4 ε5 Carburized steel DERD2497 240 (465)
Retained austenite content <20% 1.15 DOD-L-85734 260 (500)
(b) Pinion roll angle Retained austenite content 20 to 30% 1.00 ISO VG 32 PAO 280 (535)
Retained austenite contente >30% 0.85 Dexron II(a) 290 (555)
Stainless steel 0.45
Fig. 5 Plot of load-sharing factor (XG) versus pinion
(a) Dexron is a registered trademark of General Motors Co. Source:
roll angle: (a) unmodified tooth profiles, and Source: Ref 2 Ref 2
(b) modified tooth profiles

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892 / Friction and Wear of Machine Components

Lubricant Selection and cement mills, antenna drives, bridge inhibited (R & O) mineral oils. Low-viscosity
drives, cranes, and so on. Gears in these appli- R & O oils, commonly called turbine oils, are
The choice of lubricant depends on the type cations run slowly, and, therefore, are bound- used in many high-speed gear units where gear
of gearing and enclosure, operating speed and ary lubricated. The lubricant must bond tooth loads are relatively low. Mineral oils
load, ambient temperature, and method of lubri- strongly to resist being thrown off the gear without antiscuff additives are suitable for
cant application. Lubricants used for most gears teeth. However, the squeezing and sliding high-speed lightly loaded gears where the high
are oil, grease, adhesive open gear lubricant, action of gear teeth tends to push the lubricant entraining velocity of the gear teeth develops
and solid lubricant. into the roots of the gear teeth where it is rela- thick EHL oil films. In these cases, the most
The optimum lubricant is the product that tively ineffective. These lubricants are applied important property of the lubricant is viscosity.
meets application requirements and is least by hand brushing and by automatic systems, Antiscuff additives are unnecessary because the
expensive, considering both initial cost and which deliver an intermittent spray. Some gear teeth are separated, eliminating metal-to-
maintenance costs. open-gear lubricants are thinned with a metal contact and the scuffing mode of failure.
Oil is the most widely used lubricant, quick-evaporating solvent/diluent to make Slower speed gears, especially carburized gears
because it is readily distributed to gears and them easier to apply. Open-gear lubricants tend to be more heavily loaded. These gears
bearings and has both good lubricating and share the disadvantages of grease lubrication, generally require higher viscosity lubricants
cooling properties. In addition, contamination and they are especially costly (in addition to with antiscuff additives.
is readily removed by filtering periodically being messy) to maintain. For these reasons, Hypoid gears, such as those used for automo-
and draining and replacing the oil. However, it the trend is away from open gears and toward tive axles, are especially prone to scuffing
requires an oil-tight enclosure provided with the use of enclosed oil-lubricated gearboxes because they are heavily loaded and have high
adequate shaft seals. when possible. sliding velocities. For these reasons, hypoid
Synthetic lubricants are used in applications Solid lubricants are used when one or more gear oils have the higher concentrations of anti-
(e.g., aircraft gas turbines) where the oil must conditions are encountered: scuff additives.
operate over a wide temperature range and have In critical applications, the contact tempera-
 Temperature is too high or too low for oil or
good oxidation stability at high temperatures. ture should be calculated using Eq 19 and com-
grease pared with the scuffing temperature of the
Ester and hydrocarbon synthetic lubricants have  Leakage cannot be tolerated
high viscosity indices, giving them good fluid- lubricant. This quantitative method is effective
 Gears must operate in a vacuum or inert
ity and low viscosities at very low tempera- for selecting a lubricant with adequate scuffing
atmosphere resistance.
tures, and acceptable viscosities at high
temperatures. The volatility of esters is lower Worm gears have high sliding velocity,
Solid lubricants include: which generates significant frictional losses.
than that of mineral oils of the same viscosity,
thus reducing oil loss at high temperature.  Bonded coatings in which lubricant powders Fortunately, their tooth loads are relatively
Despite their long service life, the extra cost such as molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), light, and they are successfully lubricated using
of synthetic lubricants generally cannot be justi- graphite, and polymide are contained in a mineral oils compounded with lubricity
fied for oil-bath systems unless there are extreme inorganic binder, which is applied to the additives. These oils contain 3 to 10% fatty
temperatures involved, because the oil must be gear teeth and cured to form a solid film oil or low-acid tallow. The polar molecules of
changed frequently to remove contamination. coating the additive form surface films by physical
Grease is suitable only for low-speed,  Ion-plated soft metallic films such as Au, adsorption and by reaction with the surface
low-load applications because it does not circu- Ag, Cu, and Pb oxide to form a metallic soap, which serves as
late well, and it is a relatively poor coolant.  Diamondlike carbon coatings (DLC) applied a low shear strength film, improving the lubric-
Grease-lubricated gears are generally boundary by physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemi- ity, or friction-reducing property. Polyalphaole-
lubricated, because the grease is either pushed cal vapor deposition (CVD), and ion fin (PAO) and especially polyalkyleneglycol
aside or thrown from the gear teeth. Contamina- implantation (PAG) synthetic oils have the advantage of
tion from wear particles and other debris is usu- increasing efficiency significantly.
ally trapped in the grease and requires costly Solid lubricants are expensive to apply and have
maintenance to eliminate. Grease is often used limited wear lives. However, in many applica-
to avoid leakage from enclosures that are not tions, such as spacecraft, they are the only alter- Selection of Gear Lubricant
oil tight. Considering all factors, an oil lubri- native and can provide excellent service. Viscosity
cant is usually more economical and reliable
than a grease lubricant for gear lubrication. The recommendations of AGMA 9005-F16
However, it is impractical to use oil lubrication Oil-Lubricant Applications (Ref 17) should be followed when selecting
in some applications. For example, grease is lubricants and lubricant viscosity for enclosed
used for wind-turbine yaw gears, and gears in Of the lubricants mentioned previously, only gear drives that operate at pitch line velocities
blade-pitch mechanisms. The limited motion oil is discussed in greater detail in this article. 35 m/s (115 ft/s). ANSI/AGMA 6011-J14
of these components makes them susceptible Oil should be used as the lubricant unless (Ref 19) should be consulted for high-speed
to fretting corrosion, and they must be operating conditions preclude its use. Gener- drives (>35 m/s). ANSI/AGMA/AWEA 6006-
inspected regularly and the grease must replen- ally, the simplest and least expensive lubrica- A03 (Ref 20) provide comprehensive guide-
ished or replaced to avoid fretting damage. tion system for gears is a totally enclosed oil lines for lubricant selection, condition monitor-
Grease is also used for wind turbine-generator bath of mineral oil. ing, and maintenance of wind turbine-gearbox
bearings, blade-pitch bearings, yaw bearings, Spur, Helical, and Bevel Gears. Lubrica- lubricants.
and the rotor shaft main bearing. These bear- tion requirements for spur, helical, straight- As discussed previously in the section “Gear
ings require stringent maintenance of the grease bevel, and spiral-bevel gears are essentially Tooth Lubrication-Related Failure Modes,” in
including initial fill, replenishment fill, and the same. For this class of gears, the magni- this article, viscosity is one of the most impor-
replenishment interval. Both manual and auto- tudes of the loads and sliding speeds are simi- tant lubricant properties, and the higher the
matic regreasing systems are used. lar, and requirements for viscosity and viscosity, the greater the protection against
Adhesive open-gear lubricants are viscous antiscuff properties are virtually identical. the various gear tooth failures. However, vis-
adhesive semifluids used on large low-speed Many industrial spur- and helical-gear units cosity must be limited to avoid excessive heat
open gears, such as those used in iron ore are lubricated using rust- and oxidation- generation and power loss from churning and

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Friction, Lubrication, and Wear of Gears and Wind-Turbine Components / 893

shearing of the lubricant by high-speed gears velocities >15 m/s, it is usually necessary to pro- higher flow rate to ensure uniform cooling and
and bearings. The gear-drive operating tem- vide auxiliary cooling with fans and improve heat full-face coverage.
perature determines the operating viscosity of transfer by adding fins to the housing. The proper jet size, feed pressure, and num-
the lubricant. A lubricant that is too viscous Pressure-Fed Systems. Above 30 m/s, most ber of jets must be determined to maintain the
generates excessive heat, which raises the gears are lubricated using a pressure-fed sys- proper flow rate, jet velocity, and full-face
lubricant temperature and reduces its viscos- tem. For gearboxes with rolling-element bear- coverage.
ity. This eventually reaches a point of dimin- ings, spraying oil at the gear mesh only and Jet Size. The diameter of a jet can be calcu-
ishing returns where increasing the starting relying on splash to lubricate the bearings is lated for a given flow rate and pressure based
viscosity of the lubricant leads to a higher permissible up to a maximum pitch line veloc- on the viscosity of the oil at the operating
operating temperature and a higher oxidation ity of 35 m/s (115 ft/s). Above this speed and temperature (Ref 21). There are practical
rate, without a significant gain in operating for gear drives with journal bearings, both the limitations on jet size, and the minimum recom-
viscosity. gears and bearings should be pressure-fed. mended size is 0.8 mm (0.03 in.). Contaminants
Gear drives operating in cold climates must Oil jets should be placed on the incoming in the oil can clog a smaller sized jet. Typical
have a lubricant that circulates freely and does side of the gear mesh for pitch line velocities jet diameters range from 0.8 to 3.0 mm (0.3 to
not cause high starting torques. A candidate 40 m/s (130 ft/s). Above 40 m/s, more oil 0.12 in.).
gear lubricant should have a pour point at least is needed for cooling than for lubricating, Feed pressure determines jet velocity, which,
5  C (9  F) lower than the expected minimum and oil flow removes heat best when directed in turn, determines the amount of oil that pene-
ambient start-up temperature. Typical pour at the outgoing side of the gear mesh where trates the gear mesh. Typical feed pressures
points for mineral gear oils are 7  C the oil jets can strike the hot drive-side of the range from 1 to 7 bar. Industrial application
(+20  F), whereas synthetic gear lubricants gear teeth. However, for very high-speed gears feed pressures are typically 1 to 2 bar, and
have significantly lower pour points of about (Ref 18) (>80 m/s, or >260 ft/s), there is a high-speed aerospace applications are typically
40  C (40  F). Pour point depressants are danger that the amount of oil carried to the about 7 bar. In general, the higher the pressure,
used to tailor pour points of mineral lubricants incoming side of the gear mesh could be inad- the greater the cooling (Ref 22), but the higher
for automotive hypoid gears to be as low as equate, and it is prudent to add a supplemen- the pressure, the smaller the jet diameter.
40  C. tary flow at the incoming side of the gear Therefore, pressure is limited by the minimum
The pitch line speed of the gears is a good mesh. Generally, about two-thirds of the oil recommended jet diameter of 0.8 mm.
index of the required viscosity. An empirical flow should be supplied to the outgoing Jet Quantity. The number of jets should be
equation for determining required viscosity is: side of the mesh for cooling, and one-third of sufficient to provide complete lubrication cov-
the flow directed at the incoming side for erage of the face width. More than one jet for
n40 ¼ 500=ðV Þ 0:5 (Eq 25) lubrication. Placement of the oil jets is crucial each gear mesh is advisable because of the pos-
when pitch line velocities are >100 m/s sibility of clogging. The upper limit on the
where v40 is the lubricant kinematic viscosity at (>330 ft/s). At speeds this high, experiments number of jets is determined by the flow rate
40  C, or 104  F (in cSt), and V is the operating are required to find the optimum number and and jet diameter; too many jets for a given flow
pitch line velocity (m/s) given by: location for the oil jets. rate will result in a jet diameter less than the
In pressure-fed systems, parameters that must minimum recommended.
V ¼ d n=19; 098 (Eq 26) be designed to ensure adequate lubrication and Minimized Lubrication. Improving effi-
cooling of the gear mesh include: ciency of splash-lubricated and pressure-fed
where d is the operating pitch diameter of pin- gearboxes by reducing no-load power losses
ion (mm) and n is the pinion speed (rpm).  Quantity of flow due to churning of the lubricant is gaining
In critical applications, the specific film  Jet size interest. This is accomplished by reducing
thickness, l, should be calculated using Eq 7.  Feed pressure

the oil level in splash-lubricated gearboxes
Specific film thickness is a useful measure of Number of jets and reducing the oil flow rate in pressure-
the lubrication regime. It can be used with lubricated gearboxes. However, experiments
Fig. 6 as an approximate guide to the probabil- General guidelines based on experience and
(Ref 23) show that although efficiency is
ity of wear-related surface distress. Fig 6 is experimentation are available for specifying
improved, gear tooth temperature is increased
based on the data in (Ref 2), which were these parameters, but each application must be
leading to thinner EHL film thickness and
obtained from several hundred laboratory tests evaluated independently based on its particular
increased risk of gear failures due to scuffing,
and field applications of gear drives. operating conditions and requirements.
macropitting, micropitting, and low-speed
Quantity of Flow. The required quantity of
adhesive wear. Therefore, to improve effi-
oil flow, q, is calculated by:
ciency using minimized lubrication, it is
Application of Gear Lubricants q ¼ P=c (Eq 27) imperative to first experimentally determine
the limits for possible reduction of lubricant
The method of applying the lubricant to the where q is oil flow rate (in L/min), P is trans- quantity that can be tolerated without detri-
gear teeth depends primarily on the pitch line mitted power (in kW), and c is a constant mental effects on load carrying capacity.
velocity. (Table 4).
Splash lubrication systems are the simplest, In a typical industrial application transmit-
but are limited to a pitch line velocity of ~15 ting 200 kW, where weight is not critical, a
m/s (~50 ft/s). The gears should dip into the value of c = 40 kW/(L/min) might be selected, Table 4 Recommended values of constant
oil bath for about twice the tooth depth to pro- resulting in a copious flow of 5 L/min c based on oil flow and gear mesh
vide adequate splash for pinions and bearings (1.3 gal/min). By comparison, for a high- specifications
and to reduce losses due to churning. The gear efficiency aviation application transmitting c, kW/(L/ Flow
housing should have troughs to capture oil 200 kW, where weight is critical, a value of c min) conditions Applications

flowing down the housing walls, and channel = 160 kW/(L/min) might be chosen, resulting 40 Copious General industrial
it to the bearings. in a lean flow of 1.25 L/min (0.3 gal/min). 80 Adequate Typical aviation
160 Lean Lightweight, high-efficiency
The range of splash lubrication can be Some applications may require different flow aviation
extended to ~30 m/s (~100 ft/s) by using baffles rates than those given in Table 4. For instance, 200 Starved Only for unusual conditions
and oil pans to reduce churning. However, at wide-face, high-speed gearing may require a

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Robert Errichello, Geartech Software (020422)
894 / Friction and Wear of Machine Components

Wind Turbine Failure Modes

Figures 7–16 show examples of failure

modes that commonly occur on gears and bear-
ings in wind turbine gearboxes.
Adhesion. Figure 7 shows moderate adhe-
sion on an intermediate (INT) pinion from a
modern wind turbine.
Abrasion. Figure 8 shows mild abrasion on a
sun pinion from an early wind turbine. The
lubricant was contaminated with fine abrasives,
which led to mild abrasion on the tips of the
pinion teeth in areas with high sliding velocity.
Polishing. Figure 9 shows severe polishing
Fig. 7 Moderate adhesion on an intermediate pinion
Fig. 11 False brinelling and fretting corrosion on
from a modern wind turbine. Source: Ref 1 outer raceway of a rolling-element bearing
on an INT pinion from an early wind turbine. from a modern wind turbine
The lubricant was a mineral oil with an aggres-
sive sulfur-phosphorus antiscuff additive. Fur-
thermore, there was no offline filter to remove
fine abrasives. The combination of aggressive
antiscuff additive and fine abrasives led to
severe polishing.
Fretting. Figure 10 shows the high-speed
(HS) pinion from a modern wind turbine. Dur-
ing parking, with the HS pinion stopped by
the brake, and the rotor buffeted by the wind,
the mating wheel rocks back and forth through
small amplitude motion. The four faint lines
in Fig. 10 are false brinelling that occurred when
the wind turbine was parked for a short time
under light winds. The three prominent red lines
are fretting corrosion that occurred when the Fig. 8 Mild abrasion on a sun pinion from an early
wind turbine was parked for an extended period wind turbine. Source: Ref 1 Fig. 12 Severe fretting corrosion on a yaw gear from a
modern wind turbine
under heavy winds. Figure 11 shows the outer
raceway of a rolling-element bearing, also from
a wind turbine, which suffered false brinelling
and fretting corrosion when the wind turbine
was parked.
Fretting corrosion can also occur when a
wind turbine is rotating. It occurs on compo-
nents such as splines or blade pitch bearings
subjected to small-amplitude, vibratory motion.
Splines are especially vulnerable to fretting cor-
rosion, because unlike gears, whose rotation
entrains lubricant between mating gear teeth,
splines have small sliding motion with essen-
tially no motion to entrain lubricant between
mating spline teeth. Blade pitch bearings are
susceptible to fretting wear if the blades remain Fig. 9 Severe polishing on an intermediate pinion Fig. 13 Electrical discharge damage (fluting) on an
at one pitch angle for too long, and the lubri- from an early wind turbine. Source: Ref 1 inner ring raceway of a wind turbine-
generator bearing
cant is not replenished by pitching of the blades
and movement of the rolling elements.
Wind-turbine yaw gears are susceptible to
fretting corrosion if the rotor is fixed in one
yaw position for an extended period under
heavy winds. Figure 12 shows the teeth of a
yaw gear with severe fretting corrosion.
Electrical Discharge Damage. Figure 13
shows an inner ring (IR) raceway of a wind tur-
bine generator bearing. Electric arcing between
the balls and IR raceway caused the periodic
pattern of damage (called “fluting”) on the IR
raceway. Vibration analysis detected high
vibration caused by the electrical discharge
Scuffing. Figure 14 shows scuffing on a wind Fig. 10 False brinelling and fretting corrosion on a
high-speed pinion from a modern wind Fig. 14 Scuffing on a wind turbine HS pinion caused
turbine HS pinion. An oil leak caused the HS turbine by oil starvation. Source: Ref 1

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Friction, Lubrication, and Wear of Gears and Wind-Turbine Components / 895

gearset to starve for oil and overheat, which Gear Life versus l as PT-C gears except they have a tooth sur-
resulted in scuffing. face roughness of Ra = 0.5 mm to promote
Macropitting. Figure 15 shows macropitting Gear life as a function of specific film thick- micropitting. The micropitting test protocol
on a wind turbine intermediate (INT) pinion. ness, l, in the boundary lubrication (BL) is specified in FVA 54/I-IV (Ref 27)
An INT bearing failed and allowed the INT pin- regime, the mixed lubrication (ML) regime,
ion to misalign and overload one end of the FZG Slow Speed Wear Test. The DGMK
and in the elastohydrodynamic lubrication
INT gear mesh, resulting in macropitting. 377 (Ref 28) slow speed wear test determines
(EHL) regime is shown in Fig. 17. Macropitting
Micropitting. Figure 16 shows micropitting the wear characteristics of gear lubricants
life increases with increasing specific film
on a wind turbine INT pinion. The gearbox under boundary and mixed lubrication. It uses
thickness, l, and other failure modes are
lubricant was contaminated with a high level PT-C test gears and a modified FZG test rig,
unlikely if l > 2, but macropitting can still
of water, which led to widespread micropitting which includes an additional gearbox to
occur even with thicker EHL films, because
on all gears and bearings. reduce the speed of the FZG test rig. Part 1
the EHL film is a pseudo-solid that transmits
Axial Cracks in Wind-Turbine Bearings. of the test runs at 0.05 m/s and 90  C (0.16
the full Hertzian pressure. In the ML regime,
Since the mid-1990s, wind turbine gearbox ft/s and 195  F) for 40 h. Part 2 of the test runs
the load is shared by both the lubricant film
rolling-element bearings have been failing pre- at 0.05 m/s and 120  C (250  F) for 40 h, and
and asperity contacts, and other failure modes
maturely after only 6 to 24 months of operation. an optional Part 3 of the test runs at 0.57 m/s
such as micropitting, adhesion, and scuffing
The failure mode consists of axial cracks in the (1.87 ft/s) for an additional 40 h. After each
become possible. One or more of these failure
bearing IR. Metallurgical analysis shows that test run, the weight loss of the pinion and
modes can preempt macropitting. In the BL
the failure mode is associated with microstruc- wheel are recorded.
regime, the load is increasingly carried by
tural alterations known as white-etching-areas CRC L-37 and L-42 Tests for Hypoid Gear
the asperities as l decreases, and for l 0,
(WEAs) and white-etching-cracks (WECs). Lubricants. Hypoid gear lubricants containing
scuffing is likely if load and sliding velocity
Several hypotheses proposed for possible root higher levels of antiscuff additives, such as
are high. Consequently, gear life can be essen-
causes (Ref 24) are: those meeting the requirements of API GL-4
tially zero if scuffing occurs at startup of the
and GL-5, generally exceed the maximum load
 Hydrogen Induced. Hydrogen in the micro- gearbox.
capacity of the FZG test rig. Therefore, hypoid
structure is a known source of embrittle- gear lubricants are tested in full-scale axle tests.
ment and accelerator of WECs. However, Standardized Gear Tests The CRC L-37 (ASTM D6161) (Ref 29) test is
there is clear evidence that hydrogen is a low-speed, high-torque test designed to simu-
not absolutely required for WECs to occur. late a vehicle pulling a heavy load such as a
Nevertheless, hydrogen from lubricants, FZG Test Rig. Figure 18 shows the FZG
trailer. The run-in phase consists of a high-
additives, and water continues to be pro- back-to-back, or 4-square, test rig used to test
speed/low-torque test for 100 minutes at
posed as a root cause for WECs and axial industrial gear lubricants intended to be used
440 rpm wheel speed. Next, the low-speed/
cracks. for lubricating spur and helical gears. Types of
high-torque test operates for 24 h at 80 rpm
 Electrothermal Stress Induced. Lightning FZG tests are:
wheel speed with a load that is near the bending
strikes, stray currents, and lubricant self-  FZG A gearset is a scuffing test that uses stress limit. The primary failure mode is ridging,
charging and discharging are proposed as “A” tooth profiles designed to have high or scuffing. The CRC L-42 (ASTM D7452)
sources for hydrogen generation and diffu- sliding velocity to promote scuffing. The (Ref 30) test is a high-speed shock load test
sion, and root causes for WECs and axial scuffing test protocol is specified in ASTM designed to simulate hard acceleration and
cracks. D5182 (Ref 25). deceleration in muscle cars (full throttle and
 Stress Induced. Transient loads during oper-  FZG PT-C is a macropitting test that uses quick back-off). The primary failure mode is
ation such as wind gusts, misalignment, roll- “C” tooth profiles designed to have balanced scuffing. The test is carried out in a “T” dynam-
ing-element slip, inertia forces, braking sliding velocity at each end of the path of ometer with a 5.7 L V8 engine and 4-speed
loads, grid engagement and disengagement, contact to suppress scuffing. Furthermore, manual transmission. The run-in phase equates
torque reversals, and severe vibrations are PT-C gears have a tooth surface roughness
proposed as root causes for WECs and axial of Ra = 0.3 mm to suppress micropitting.
cracks. The macropitting test protocol is specified BL ML EHL
These hypotheses are highly contested, and the in FVA 2/IV (Ref 26).
 FZG GF-C is a micropitting test that uses Gear
root cause and mechanism of axial cracks is life
“C” tooth profiles. The gears are the same
currently unresolved.



Specific film thickness, λ

Fig. 16 Micropitting on a wind turbine INT pinion. Fig. 17 Gear life as a function of specific film
Fig. 15 Macropitting on a wind turbine INT pinion The lubricant was contaminated with a high thickness (l) in the boundary lubrication (BL)
caused by misalignment of the gear mesh. level of water, which led to widespread micropitting. regime, the mixed lubrication (ML) regime, and in the
Source: Ref 1 Source: Ref 1 elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) regime

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Robert Errichello, Geartech Software (020422)
896 / Friction and Wear of Machine Components

quenching. Therefore, it is essentially a distor-

7 tion-free process. The hardness of nitrided
low-alloy steels such as AISI 4140 and AISI
3 4340 is about 500 HV, whereas the hardness
of nitrided 2.5% Cr alloy steels and special
nitriding alloys is about 700 HV. Consequently,
nitrided gears are especially adhesion and abra-
sion resistant. This gives nitrided gears about a
50% greater scuffing load capacity than carbur-
ized and induction-hardened gears. However, a
significant disadvantage of nitrided gears is that
they are sensitive to shock loads because a sub-
surface layer of iron nitrides are easily cracked.
2 Consequently, a single impact load can initiate
an undetectable subsurface crack that can grow
1 by fatigue by subsequent cyclic loading. Further-
more, nitride case depth is typically only 0.3 to
8 5 4 6 0.6 mm (0.012 to 0.024 in.) deep, which makes
nitrided gears vulnerable to subcase fatigue.
1 Pinion 5 Locking pin Through-hardened gears are limited to a
2 Gear wheel 6 Lever arm with weight pieces machinable hardness typically ranging from
3 Drive gears
180 to 400 HB. Consequently, they have less
7 Torque measuring clutch
load capacity than carburized, induction-hard-
4 Load clutch 8 Temperature sensor ened, and nitrided gears, and must be made
larger to obtain similar load capacity. A princi-
ta for FZG test gears
Data pal advantage is that they are easier to manu-
Item Symbol Unit FZG A FZG PT-C FZG GF-C facture and are heat treated before machining,
eliminating distortion associated with heat
Center distance a mm 91.5 91.5 91.5
Number of pinion teeth z1 ... 16 16 16 treatment after machining. Macropitting is the
Number of gear teeth z2 ... 24 24 24 primary failure mode for the relatively low sur-
Normal module mn mm 4.5 4.5 4.5 face hardness of through-hardened gears.
Normal pressure angle αn deg 20 20 20
Helix angle β deg 0 0 0
AGMA 923 (Ref 31) provides the metallurgi-
Face width b mm 20 14 14 cal requirements for the material quality grades
Pinion profile shift coefficient x1 ... 0.8532 0.1817 0.1817 and ANSI/AGMA 2101 (Ref 32) provides
Gear profile shift coefficient x2 ... –0.5103 0.1715 0.1715 allowable stresses for gear materials (Table 5).
Pinion tip diameter da1 mm 88.8 82.46 82.46
Gear tip diameter da2 mm 112.5 118.36 118.36
... ...
Material alloy
Heat treatment ... ...
20MnCr5 16MnCr5
16MnCr5 Surface Roughness and Topography
Flank surface roughness Ra µm 0.5 ± 0.2 0.3 ± 0.1 0.5 ± 0.1
Surface roughness and topography has been
studied by tribologists since the 1970s. Early
Fig. 18 Schematic of an FZG test rig studies were based on 2-D stochastic models
using a few statistical parameters to describe
the rough surface characteristics, such as aver-
age roughness Ra, root-mean-square roughness
to a vehicle accelerating from 40 to 50 mph (64 significant distortion, which requires grinding Rq, and average maximum peak-to-valley
to 80 kph) up to 100 mph (160 kph) and decel- of the gear teeth to restore high accuracy. roughness Rz. Advancements in computer tech-
erating. The test phase acceleration-decelera- Induction-hardened gears have lower sur- nology led to the development of 3-D determin-
tion sequence is carried out over a more face hardness and less load capacity than car- istic models since the 1990s (Ref 33). The
narrow speed range. burized gears. Induction hardening is often models use digitized real-surface topography
used for large gears that are too large for fur- to study entire lubrication regimes from bound-
nace carburizing. Distortion due to induction ary lubrication, to mixed EHL, to full EHL.
Gear Steels and Heat Treatment hardening is generally much less than that Zhu (Ref 33) reports typical results from deter-
associated with carburizing, because only the ministic analyses for five example surfaces
Among the various heat treated gear condi- case is heated while the core remains cold. (Table 6). The results are for a heavily loaded
tions, carburized gears have the maximum load Large gears are usually heat treated using the EHL line contact in which the maximum Hert-
capacity. Therefore, if the gear application tooth-to-tooth induction hardening process. zian pressure is 2.9 GPa (420 ksi) and the central
requires minimum size or minimum-weight Generally, induction-hardened gears are not film thickness of the smooth surface solution is
gears, a carburized gear is the logical choice. as reliable as carburized gears because there about 0.1 mm. In each case, two machined sur-
The high load capacity of carburized gears is are many more parameters that are difficult faces of the same finishing method were run at a
attributed to high surface hardness, beneficial to control. Therefore, it is prudent to section large slide-to-roll ratio of 114.3%. The contact
compressive-residual stresses developed within some prototype gears to verify that the induc- load ratio, Wc, is the load supported by asperity
the hardened case, and the toughness provided tion hardening process produces the required contacts divided by the total load. A Wc = 100%
by the ductile core. However, the carburizing metallurgical properties. represents dry contact without any hydrodynamic
process requires strict quality procedures to Nitriding produces a hard surface with bene- lubrication, and Wc = 0 represents full EHL with
obtain optimum results. One disadvantage of ficial compressive-residual stresses. It is done at no asperity contacts. The range 0 < Wc < 51%
carburizing is that it generally causes low temperature, and does not require indicates operation in the mixed EHL regime

Copyrighted content, licensed for the sole use of:

Robert Errichello, Geartech Software (020422)
Friction, Lubrication, and Wear of Gears and Wind-Turbine Components / 897

Table 5 Allowable stresses for steel gears Table 6 Effect of surface finishing method on mixed EHL characteristics
from ANSI/AGMA 2101-D04 Surface
finishing Composite surface Specific film Contact load Coefficient of von Mises stress Relative
method roughness (s) thickness (l) ratio (Wc), % friction, m (sv), GPa, max Hertzian life, %
stress limit Bending stress limit
Grade Hardness (sHP), MPa (sFP), MPa Shaved 1.30 0.08 51 0.079 4.70 5
Carburized and hardened Ground 0.94 0.11 41 0.069 4.40 12
Honed 0.51 0.20 28 0.058 2.82 49
3 58–64 HRC 1895 515 Polished 0.40 0.25 15 0.050 2.61 65
2 58–64 HRC 1550 450 or 485(a) Smooth 0.00 1 0 0.040 0.59 100
1 55–64 HRC 1240 380
Source: Ref 33
Induction hardened
2 50 HRC 1310 380(b)
2 54 HRC 1345 150(c)
1 50 HRC 1170 310(b) ideal superfinished surface has no asperity Surface-Hardened Gears,” Paper No. 80-
1 54 HRC 1205 150(c) peaks and a nondirectional surface texture. It C2/DET-89, Amer. Soc. of Mech. Engrs.,
Nitrided, through-hardened is produced using chemically accelerated vibra- 1980, p 1–7
tory finishing, which imparts a smooth surface 4. R.L. Errichello and J. Muller, Oil Cleanli-
3 83.5 HR15N 1205 ...
2 83.5 HR15N 1125 0.749 HB + 110(d) with Ra <0.1 mm and an isotropic surface tex- ness in Wind Turbine Gearboxes, Machin-
1 83.5 HR15N 1035 0.568 HB + 83.8(d) ture. While an absolutely smooth mirror-like ery Lubrication, Vol 2, (No. 4), Jul/Aug
3 84.5 HR15N 1240 ... finish without scratches of any kind is the opti- 2002, p 34–40
2 84.5 HR15N 1160 0.749 HB + 110(d) mum surface for preventing micropitting, such 5. A. Milburn, R. Errichello, and D. Godfrey,
1 84.5 HR15N 1070 0.568 HB + 83.8(d)
a surface does not have optimum scuffing resis- “Polishing Wear,” Paper No. 90FTM5,
Nitrided alloy 2.5% Cr tance. Experience shows that the optimum sur- AGMA, 1990, p 1–13
3 87.5 HR15N 1305 0.7255 HB + 201.91(d) face finish for both micropitting resistance and 6. J.H. Adams and D. Godfrey, Borate Gear
2 87.5 HR15N 1185 0.7255 HB + 153.63(d) scuffing resistance is a smooth surface without Lubricant-EP Film Analysis and Perfor-
1 87.5 HR15N 1070 0.7255 HB + 63.98(d)
3 90.0 HR15N 1490 0.7255 HB + 201.91(d) directionality that has slight dings and scratches mance, Lubr. Eng., Vol 37 (No. 1), Jan
2 90.0 HR15N 1350 0.7255 HB + 153.63(d) as produced by isotropic superfinishing. Fur- 1981, p 16–21
1 90.0 HR15N 1215 0.7255 HB + 63.98(d) thermore, superfinished gears have significantly 7. H. Blok, Les Temperatures de Surface dans
Nitralloy 135M reduced friction, temperature, and wear. For les Conditions de Graissage sons Pression
3 90.0 HR15N 1345 ... these reasons, some high-performance applica- Extreme, Second World Petrol. Congr.
2 90.0 HR15N 1260 0.7848 HB + 114.81(d) tions such as aerospace, racing, and wind-tur- (Paris), June 1937, p 151–182
1 90.0 HR15N 1170 0.594 HB + 87.76(d) bine gearboxes use superfinishing to improve 8. H. Blok, The Postulate about the Con-
Nitralloy N performance. stancy of Scoring Temperatures, Interdisci-
3 90.0 HR15N 1415 ... plinary Approach to the Lubrication of
2 90.0 HR15N 1300 0.7848 HB + 114.81(d) Nomenclature Concentrated Contacts, SP-237, National
1 90.0 HR15N 1185 0.594 HB + 87.76(d) Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Through-hardened 1970, p 153–248
Table 7 lists the parameters and units required 9. W.E. Littman, The Mechanism of Contact
2 180–400 HB 2.41 HB + 0.703 HB + 113(f) to calculate Eq 1 to 27 in this article.
237(e) Fatigue, Interdisciplinary Approach to the
1 180–400 HB 2.22 HB + 0.533 HB + 88.3(f) Lubrication of Concentrated Contacts, SP-
200(e) 237, National Aeronautics and Space
(a) Use 485 MPa (70.3 ksi) if bainite and microcracks are limited to Administration, 1970, p 309–377
Grade 3 levels. (b) For type A hardness pattern (flanks and roots hard- This article is revised from R. Errichello,
ened); see Fig. 12 in standard for hardness patterns. (c) For type B hard-
10. R.L. Errichello, et al., “Point-Surface-Ori-
ness pattern (only flanks hardened); see Fig. 12 in standard for hardness Friction, Lubrication, and Wear of Gears, Fric- gin, PSO, Macropitting Caused by Geomet-
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tooth space and face width. Source: Ref 32
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Copyrighted content, licensed for the sole use of:

Robert Errichello, Geartech Software (020422)
898 / Friction and Wear of Machine Components

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yB Contact temperature C

yB max Maximum contact temperature C

yfl Flash temperature C

yfl, test Maximum flash temperature of test C

yM Bulk tooth temperature C

yM, test Tooth temperature of test gears C

yS Mean scuffing temperature C
l Specific film thickness ...
lmin Minimum specific film thickness ...
mm Mean coefficient of friction ...
ml min Mean minimum specific film ...
v1 Poisson’s ratio of pinion ...
v2 Poisson’s ratio of wheel ...
v40 Kinematic viscosity at 40  C mm2/s
(105  F)
r1 Transverse radius of curvature of mm
r2 Transverse radius of curvature of mm
rn Normal relative radius of mm
sx Composite surface roughness for mm
filter cutoff wavelength

syS Std. dev. of mean scuffing C
sl min Std. dev. of mean minimum . . .
specific film thickness
o1 Angular velocity of pinion rad/s
o2 Angular velocity of wheel rad/s

Copyrighted content, licensed for the sole use of:

Robert Errichello, Geartech Software (020422)

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