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Tiếng Anh Văn Phòng () 5

Secretary ( L): Good morning, Mr YAN . Is there anything I can help you with?

Owner ( D): I need to send out invitations for the NEW BRANCH OPENING next month. Will you write
them for me?

Secretary ( L): Do we send invitations to shareholders and VIP customers?

Owner ( D): Of course.

Secretary (L ): I will take down the details. Okay, I’m ready.

Owner ( D): Please put my name in the position of the representative of the party.

Secretary ( L): What kind of event is it?

Owner ( D): It’s going to be a cocktail party, very fashionable. There’ll be a buffet and an EDM band.
(EDM: Electronic Dance Music: Nhạc nhảy điện tử)

Secretary ( L): That’s great! Please tell me time and place of the event.

Owner ( D): It’s the main function at the Tigerclub, on Ha Hoang Ho Street .

Secretary ( L): Do you want to include a map?

Owner ( D): That would be interesting! And don’t forget to remind them to wear a luxurious costume.

Secretary ( L): Got it. When would you like the replies by?

Owner ( D): Ask them to RSVP within two week from today. My phone number is 12345.

Secretary ( L): Is there anything else?

Owner ( D): That’s all

Secretary ( L): Ok. I’ll complete it ASAP. Have a good day.

Owner ( D): Thank you.

Topic 6:
L: Good morning, Daisy. How are you?

D: Good morning, Peter. I’m good, thanks. What can do for you?

L: I noticed we are running low on CDs. We need to order some DVDs and other things, too. Can you
place an order for office supplies?

D: Sure. What do we need?

L: Okay. We need five boxes of CDs and four boxes of DVDs.

D: Do you want to check the box with how many CDs inside?

L: Type 19 CDs is a good choice.

D: OK. Anything else?

L: Yes, please order five stacks of folders and three packs of pens in black.

D: No problem. Is that everything?

L: Um… do we need anything in the stationery department?

D: Let me check. Yes, we run out of paper. I think we need to order six reams of paper.

L: OK. Add that to the order. Do their prices change?

D: They are still the same price. Moreover, the store offers 20 discounts for orders that customers buy
more than three products.

L: That’s great. Tell them deliver these office suppiles to my company.

D: Yes, so we need to order 6 boxes of 15 CDs, 4 boxes of DVDs, 5 stacks of folders,2 packs of pens in
black and 5 reams of paper. Is it right?

L: Exactly.

D: All right. I’ll place the order this afternoon.


L: Good morning, Daisy. How are you today?

D: Hi, Peter. I’m good, thanks

L: Are you busy with anything? I have some problem to ask you.
D: Yes, I’m free. How can I help you?

L: Can I use the petty cash ledger to record an amount of money that I used to pay for some office
supplies ?

D: Yes, but you need to write it down in the ledger.

L: How do I do that? Can you instruct me?

D: Of course. In the first column, write date of use of money and here write the purpose of using petty

L: I got it. So just the date and purpose? Do I need to write anything more?

D: Not only should you date and purpose, but you must also keep receipts, remember receipt numbers,
and place receipts in the storage box. Then you write the receipt's code as the cross-reference. Are you
keeping up with me?

L: Not yet. Can you give me an example?

D: Yes, You can find the code in the index, for example, the code for stationery is STT- 3. Are you clear

L: Yes, I got it.

D: Do you have any questions?

L: I’m curious. Why don’t we use a computer spreadsheet? I find it more convenient and faster.

D: Because keeping it on a computer spreadsheet is not as secure as a ledger. Although they are
convenient because we can use them quickly and work out faster, they are not safe for long-term

L: Ok, I understand. In general, computers are not safe to store data.  If the computer is damaged or
infected with a virus, our data will disappear.

D: Exactly

L: Thanks for your help. Have a good day. Goodbye

D: You’re welcome. Have a nice day. Bye

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