A. G. Bell, F. W. Baldwin, J. A. D. Mccurdy, G. H. Curtiss & T. E. Selfridge

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1,011,106. Patented Dec. 5, 1911.

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1,011,106. . . Patented Dec. 5, 1911.
1,011, 106. Patented Dec. 5, 1911.

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1,011, 106. . Patented Dec. 5, 1911.

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1,011,106. APPLICATION FILED APR. 3, 1999
Patented Dec. 5, 1911.

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1,011,106. . Specification of Letters Patent. Patented Dec. 5, 1911.
- Application filed April 8, 1909, Serial No. 488,779.

To all whom it may concern: .. . . . . . the machine toward that side presenting the 50
Be it known that ALEXANDER GRAHAM greater angle of incidence, and to overcome
BELL, of Washington, District of Columbia, this and cause the machine to move in a
FREDERICK W. BALDw1N, of Toronto, Can straight line forward, it has been found
ada, now residing at Baddeck, in the Prov necessary to employ a vertical steering rud
ince of Nova Scotia, Canada, JoHN ALEX der in combination with the flexible sup 55
ANDER. Dougi,As. McCURDY, of Baddeck porting surfaces. In contradistinction to
aforesaid, GLENN H. CURTIss, of Ham this construction, the machine of the present
mondsport, New York, and THOMAS E. invention is provided with rigid non-flexible
10 SELFRIDGE, deceased, have invented a new supporting surfaces, and means distinct .60
and useful Improvement in Flying-Ma from the supporting surfaces themselves are
chines, which invention is fully set forth in provided, in combination with said rigid
the following specification. ... supporting surfaces, for causing the lower
This invention relates to flying machines, side of the machine to rise and the higher
15 and more particularly to that class of flying side of the machine to descend for the pur 65.
machines ordinarily known as “aeroplanes” pose of restoring the lateral balance thereof '
but which we prefer to call “aerodromes”, when the same has been disturbed.
and has for its object to produce a machine Any suitable form of rigid non-flexible
of this character which shall combine maxi supporting surfaces may be employed, and
20 mum strength and minimum weight; shall there may be one or a plurality of such sur
be readily steered; caused to rise or descend faces arranged in any desired relation to 70
at the will of the operator, and shall possess each other, the essential, however, being that
means for maintaining its lateral balance or the supporting surfaces shall be substan
equilibrium, or for restoring said balance or tially rigid and shall not be constructed to
25 equilibrium if the same becomes disturbed, be warped or flexed for the purpose of re
and shall be capable of rising at the com storing the lateral balance of the structure
mencement of a flight without the use of when the same has become disturbed. Pref
any launching apparatus, platform or simi erably, we employ a plurality, as two, rigid
lar device. It has heretofore been proposed non-flexible supporting surfaces arranged
30 to construct machines of this character in one above the other, said surfaces being of 80
which the supporting surfaces are made a concavo-convex form with their concave
sides toward each other so that their central
flexible and the marginal portions thereof
are warped or flexed so that the different portions are farther apart than their mar
ends of the supporting surfaces on the oppo ginal portions, the two surfaces being com
35 site sides of the longitudinal medial line of posed of suitable frames covered with a
the machine present different angles of in proper fabric, preferably impervious to air, 85
cidence; that is, the marginal portion of the and the whole united into a strong, rigid, .
supporting surface on one side présents a non-flexible truss-like structure by means of
suitable struts or compression members and
greater angle of incidence than does the properly arranged guy-wires... While such 90
40 marginal portion on the opposite side of the
machine, for the purpose of restoring the concavo-convex rigid supporting surfaces
are preferred, the same do not fºrm an eS
disturbed lateral balance or equilibrium of sehtial part of the present invention, since
the machine as a whole. This is open to
any rigid non-flexible
the objection that the side of the machine supporting supporting surface or
surfaces may be employed with
45 presenting the lesser angle of incidence will
advance in the forward line of movement out departing from the limits of the inven 95
more rapidly" than the side of the machine Any suitable means distinct from the sup
tion. -
presenting the greater angle of incidence,
thereby imparting a turning movement to porting surfaces themselves, and capable of
* *
2 1,011,106
acting in combination with said surfaces to ; sions,
one of which, for the purpose of illus
the invention, is shown in the ac
cause the lower side of the machine to rise . drawings; but it is to be ex
and the higher side of the machine to de pressly. understood. that said drawings and
scend for- - - restoring
the particular construction shown therein 70
the lateral balance.
s thereof when the same has been disturbed,
may be employed. As here shown, said and described in the specification are em
means consist of lateral balancing rudders “ployed simply for the purpose of facilitat
located on opposite sides of the longitudinal ing the description of the invention as a
medial line of the machine, and preferably whole the
and ofnottheforinvention,
the purpose of defining
reference being 75
io ing
the lateralThese
extremities of the support had to the claims for this
lateral balancing rud Referring to the drawings, in which like purpose.
ders, form no part of the supporting sur: reference,
faces and may be located between the rigid Figure 1 isnumerals indicate like parts
supporting surfaces or just beyond the mar of the machine with theview a top plan of one form 80
lateral balancing
15 ginal edges of the surfaces, or otherwise, rudders placed outside of the lateral margi
as desired, suitable operating wires or other nal lines of the rigid supporting surfaces;
connections. extending therefrom to an op Fig. 2 is a front elevation of the machine
erating lever controlled by the aviator, and with the forward steering rudder removed,
preferably arranged so as to be automati and with the lateral balancing rudders 85
20 cally operated by the movements of the avia: placed between the lateral marginal por
tor's body whenever the lateral balance of
the machine is disturbed. While one of the 3 is a plan tions of the rigid supporting surfaces; Fig.
main functions of these lateral. rudders is flexible supporting view of one of the rigid non
that of balancing the machine or restoring spective detail showing surfaces; Fig. 4 is a per 90
25 the equilibrium when the samé has become mounting the lateral balancing the manner of
disturbed, they may also be employed for yond the lateral marginal lines ofrudders the
other purposes, since they may, if desired,
be so manipulated as to assist in steering supporting surfaces, and Fig. 5 is a like
the machine, as well as contribute to an ap view showing the manner of mounting the
30 preciable extent in causing the machine to lateral balancing rudders between the sup 95
rise or descend. It will be understood, there porting surfacés; Fig. 6 is a vertical section
fore, that while these eléments are herein on the line 6–6 of Fig. 2, looking in the di
rection of the arrows, and Fig. 7 is a per
referred to as “lateral balancing rudders” spective
their function is not limited to the control and its ofsupporting the forward or horizontal rudder . . 100
35 of the equilibrium of the machine, but they mechanism. . . frame and operating
are also capable of performing other func In said drawings, 1,. 2,. indicate non-flexi -
tions. - . . . . . . ..
The rigid, non-flexible supporting sur ble concavo-convex supporting surfaces
united into a rigid structure by means of 105
faces united into a rigid structure and pro suitable
so vided with the lateral balancing rudders 4, 4, andspacing struts 3, 3, and guy-wires
tension wires 5, 5, the said non- .
above referred to, are mounted, according flexible supporting surfaces, being united
to the present invention, upon a suitable with their concave sides
chassis or framework, preferably supported as clearly shown in Fig. 2.toward each other,
As the particu 110
on wheels, one of which serves as a steering lar construction of the rigid supporting
45 wheel to control the forward line of move faces and the specific manner of unitingsur the
ment of the machine when it is on the
ground. The machine is also provided with same form no essential part of the present
invention, it only being essential that a
aingsuitable vertical steering rudder for giv
direction to the line of flight when it is, ºrigid non-flexible structure should be em 115
50 in the air, and preferably the steering wheel ployed, it will not be necessary to describe
above mentioned and said vertical steering is a plan ofmore
the same fully and in detail. Fig. 3
these rigid supporting surfaces,
rudder are connected to a single operatin which are rigid and non-flexible clear out to
mechanism, whereby the steering j àIn
vertical rudder are simultaneously operated, the rigid
lateral marginal lines 7, and 8. The 120
non-flexible supporting surfaces thus
55 to the end that the rudder may be placed in superimposed one above the other and united
a proper position to continue the machine in together, are mounted on a º: chassis
the same direction when in the air that it or frame 9, Fig. 6, which frame is prefer
has at the instant it leaves the ground.
There are various other specific features âbly 12,
supported on three wheels 10, 11 and 125
the forward wheel 10 being mounted in
60 of improvement which will be described any suitable steering head 13, such as that
more in detail hereinafter and then pointed of the ordinary bicycle or motorcycle con
out in the claims. - -
. . The inventive idea involved in the ma struction, for example, which steering head
chine of the present invention is capable of is Extending controlled by a steering lever 14, Fig. 6. 130
rearward from the central por
65 receiving a variety of mechanical expres
1,011,106 3
tion of the machine is a frame 15 preferably wheel 10 on the chassis. It therefore follows
made of any light material, as bamboo, that if the machine is controlled by the front
which at its rear supports a vertical rudder steering wheel 10, so as to move in any given
16, and, if desired, a steadying tail-piece 17,direction while on the ground, the vertical
the latter being in the form of a rectangular steering rudder 16 will be in the proper posi 70
cell whose upper and lower surfaces are tion to have the machine continue in the
covered with a suitable fabric, the cell be same line of flight when it rises from the
tween said surfaces, however, being open ground; and vice versa, if the machine is in
from front to rear. The vertical rudder the air and the vertical rudder 16 is ad
10 may be supported in any suitable position, justed to direct it in any given line of flight,
but preferably, and as herein shown, is sup the front steering wheel 10 will be adjusted 75
ported to the rear of the steadying tail-piece precisely the same, with the result that when
17, and is mounted on vertical pivots and the machine alights it will continue to move
provided with means for turning it about forward in the same direction in which it
15 said pivots. Said means, as here shown,
was moving in the air at the instant before 30
are in the form of wires or cables 18, 18, it touched the ground.
extending from opposite sides of the vertical One of the most important features of the
rudder to a steering wheel 19 secured to and present invention is that provided for re
mounted to turn on a shaft 20. This shaft storing the lateral equilibrium of the ma
is supported on a framework 21 extending chine when, for any reason, the same has 35
forward from the front portion of the ma become disturbed. In the present invention
chine and supports the horizontal rudder this is accomplished by providing a plu
22, pivotally mounted at the forward end of rality of lateral balancing rudders placed
the frame 21, so as to turn about a hori-
25 zontal axis and provided with an operating on opposite sides of the longitudinal medial
line of the machine. In some forms of the
lever 23, pivotally connected at 24, to the invention there are two such rudders, one 90
shaft 20 of the steering wheel 19, said shaft on each side of the longitudinal medial line,
20 being mounted in its bearings 25, 25, to which rudders are preferably of equal area
slide longitudinally therein. By the turn
30 ing movement of said wheel 19 the steering and are mounted to turn on normally hori
Zontal axes extending by preference paral
wires or cables 18 are controlled to operate lel with the front line of the machine. 95
the vertical steering rudder 16, and by slid These lateral balancing rudders may be
ing the rod 20 in its bearings 25, the lever placed in any suitable position with respect
23 may be operated to adjust the horizontal
35 steering' rudder 22 to any angle desired. to the supporting surfaces 1 and 2, and have
as one of their main functions the mainte 100
If placed at a positive angle of incidence it nance or restoration of the lateral equilib
will have a tendency to lift the forward rium, since they are entirely distinct from
portion of the machine, and, therefore, to and do not in any sense constitute a part of
cause it to rise. If placed at a negative the supporting surface of the machine.
angle of incidence it will cause the machine Said rudders may be placed above the sup 105
to descend, and, if placed at a neutral angle, porting surfaces or below them, or other
will act to hold the machine on any given wise. As shown in Figs. 2 and 5, they are
horizontal course. placed between the supporting surfaces. In
The operator sits grasping the wheel 19 said figures, 27 indicates the lateral balanc
and by pushing the wheel from him, and ing rudders, which consist of a suitable 110
thus sliding the rod or shaft 20 in its bear framework 28 covered by a proper fabric and
ings he can operate the horizontal rudder 21 pivoted at its forward margin at 29, 29, to
in one direction through the lever 23, and a part of the framework of the machine, here
by pulling the wheel toward him and with shown in the form of a horizontal bar 30
it the shaft 20, he can operate the horizontal extending between two of the forward series 115
rudder in the opposite direction. It will of struts 3, 3. It will be understood that
be seen, therefore, that the aviator controls there are at least two of these balancing
the vertical rudder which gives the line of rudders 27, one on each side of the longi
direction and the horizontal rudder which
determines the rise or descent of the ma tudinal medial line of the machine, as shown
in Fig. 2, and that normally when the ma 120
chine through the single wheel 19. In addi chine is in a state of lateral equilibrium,
tion to this, the wires or cables 18 leading to these balancing rudders are maintained hori
the vertical rudder 16 are also connected zontal to, that is, within the plane of the
30 on either side to the wires 26, 26, (Fig. 7) line of flight of the machine, and, since the
attached to the steering lever 14 which con pressure of the air above and below said 125
trols the front steering wheel 10 on the i lateral rudders is the same (owing to the
steering sowheel
chassis, that19atisthe same time
operated that the fact that normally said rudders incline to
for adjusting neither a positive nor a negative angle of
the vertical steering rudder, it also operates, incidence) they constitute no part of the
and to the same degree, the front steering supporting surface of the machine as a 130
4. r 1,011,106

whole. When, however, the lateral equi of incidence is neutralized by the depressing
effect of the other pair of rudders inclined
librium of the machine has become disturbed
that rudder on the lower side of the ma at a negative angle of incidence, so that the
chine is inclined to a positive angle and that lifting effect of the two pairs of rudders 70
5 rudder on the higher side of the machine is combined, is zero. It will thus be seen that
inclined to a negative angle of incidence, so whatever may be the form or the position
that the one tends to lift the lower side of of the lateral balancing rudders employed,
the machine and the other to depress the they perform the function of restoring the
higher side of the machine, thereby acting lateral equilibrium of the machine, and that 75
10 to again bring the machine into a state of they do not constitute any part of the sup
lateral equilibrium or on an even keel. porting surface. For the purpose of con
Even when so operated these rudders do not trolling these lateral balancing rudders,
constitute a part of the supporting surface whether the same are mounted between the
of the machine, since the rudders are of supporting surfaces or beyond the lateral
15 the same area and one being inclined at a margins of said supporting surfaces, or 80
negative and the other to an equal but posi 34, otherwise, suitable operating wires or cables
tive angle of incidence, the lifting action of led 34, are Secured to said rudders and are
through suitable pulleys 35, 35, (Figs.
one is neutralized by the depressing action
of the other. 4 and 5) to a lever 36 (Fig. 1) pivoted at
20 In the construction just described but two its rear end 38 to any suitable part of the 85
lateral balancing rudders are employed. If machine, as, for example, one of the rear
preferred, however, more than two may be provided withtheany
members of framework. This lever is
suitable means whereby
employed, as, for example, four such rud
.ders may be used and may be mounted in the aviator may shift the same on its pivot
any suitable manner, preferably beyond or or fulcrum 38. Preferably, and as There 90
outside of the lateral marginal lines of the shown, the lever is provided with forwardly
supporting surfaces. For the purpose of extending arms 39, which together constitute
thus mounting these lateral balancing rud approximately a semi-circle and are so posi
ders outside of or beyond the lateral margi tioned that when the aviator is sitting on
30 mal lines of the supporting surfaces, the for the seat 40 they embrace his body below his 95
ward members of the frame of each sup arms. When the lateral equilibrium of the
porting surface are extended outward be machine is disturbed and one side, for ex
yond said lateral marginal lines, as shown ample the right hand side of Fig. 1, is de
at 31, 31 (Fig. 4), and to these extensions pressed, and the other side, as the left hand
35 the lateral balancing rudders 32, 32 (here side of Fig. 1, is raised, the instinctive 100.
shown as triangular in form) are pivoted as lean movement of the aviator will cause him to
at 33, 33. Preferably and as here shown, the left toward the higher side, that is, toward
there are two pairs of these lateral balancing therefore,hand side of Fig. 1, and he will,
shift the lever 36 from right to 105
rudders, one pair on each side of the ma
40 chine, each of the rudders being mounted to left in Fig. 1. This shifting of the lever
turn on horizontal axes outside of the lateral acts to effect a pull on the rudder controlling
marginal lines of the supporting surfaces. wire or cable 34 leading to the balancing
Like the rudders 27 shown in Figs. 2 and rudder on the lower side of the machine,
5, these rudders normally lie in a horizontal thereby drawing the rear portion of the rud
45 plane, that is, they are inclined neither at der downward and inclining the rudder at a 110
a positive nor a negative angle of incidence, positive angle of incidence; and at the same
and, hence, do not constitute any part of time said movement of the lever operates to
the supporting surfaces of the machine. If, produce a slack in the wire or cable 34 lead
however, the lateral equilibrium of the ma ing to the balancing rudder on the higher 115
50 chine is disturbed, that pair of rudders on side of the machine so that it may be moved
the lower side of the machine is inclined at upward at its rear portion, thus inclining
a positive angle of incidence and that pair ring it at a negative angle of incidence. Refer
on the higher side of the machine is in to Fig. 5, there is a controlling wire or
clined at a negative angle of incidence pre cable 34’ attached to the rear portion of the I 20
cisely as described in connection with the rudder 27 and extending through suitable
lateral balancing rudders 27, 27, shown in guy-pulleys 35’ to the upper side of the bal
Figs. 2 and 5; and, since the area of the ancing rudder on the opposite side of the
balancing rudders on one side of the ma machine, so that when the controlling lever
36 is operated to incline the rudder on the 125
chine is the same as the area on the-opposite
60 side of the machine, and since each pair of lower side of the machine to a positive angle,
rudders is inclined (for the purpose of re awhich pull is effected on the wire or cable 34'
operates to incline the balancing rud
storing equilibrium) at the same angle of
incidence, (the one, however, being positive der on the opposite or upper side of the ma
and the other negative,) the lifting effect of chine to a corresponding negative angle.
65 those rudders inclined at the positive angle Referring to Fig. 4, the wire or cable 34'
1,011,106 ... Fº

extending from the balancing rudders on ing a single propeller 43, at the rear of the
one side to the balancing rudders on the op machine, but, as the specific construction of
posite side of the machine, as well as the motor and mounting of the propeller form
cables 34 extending directly to the lever 36, no part of the present invention, it will be 70
are preferably attached respectively to the unnecessary to describe the same more in
bottom and top portions of a strut 41 ex detail. - - -

tending between the two rudders 32, 32, as To launch the machine at the beginning
shown in Fig. 4, so that a pull on the cable of a flight, the same is placed upon the
or wire 34' and a corresponding slack on ground, as shown in Fig. 6. The aviator 75
10 the cable 34 operates to set the rudders 32,32, takes his position on the seat 40 (Fig. 1),
at a negative angle of incidence, whereas with the fork 39 embracing his body, and
a pull on the wire or cable 34, and a corre his hands grasping the wheel 19, and the
sponding slack on the wire or cable 34’ op horizontal forward rudder in substantially
erates to move the rudders in the reverse a horizontal plane. The engine being
15 direction. started, the machine is driven along the 80
While it is deemed preferable, when the ground, and is controlled by the aviator
balancing rudders are employed solely for through the wheel 19 and the forward steer
maintaining or restoring the equilibrium of ing wheel 10 on the chassis. When the ma
the machine, to so, connect them that they chine has reached the desired speed on the 85
20 are simultaneously operated in reverse direc ground, the aviator pulls the steering wheel
tions, it will, of course, be understood that 19 toward him and thus inclines the horizon
this is not at all necessary, since each rudder tal, steering rudder to a positive angle of
or each set of rudders on the opposite sides incidence, as, for example, that shown in .
of the medial line of the machine may each Fig. 6, thereby elevating the forward por 90
be provided with an operating lever or tion of the machine slightly and inclining
mechanism entirely independent of the oper the supporting surfaces 1 and 2 at a positive
ating lever or mechanism connected to the angle of incidence, and thus causing the
rudder or rudders on the other side, so that machine to rise, from the ground. At the
the rudders on opposite sides of the medial instant when this occurs, the steering rud
30 line of the machine may be independently. der 16 will be set in exactly the same vertical 95
operated. When this is done these lateral plane as the steering wheel 10, thereby caus
rudders could be employed not only for ing the machine to continue in the same for
maintaining or restoring the equilibrium of ward line of flight as its forward line of
the machine, but might be used in place of movement while on the ground. -
35 the forward or elevating and depressing it, will be understood that the structure 100
rudder to cause the machine to rise or de thus hereinbefore specifically described may
scend. This can be accomplished by simply be varied in a great number of details, and
setting the two rudders or sets of ridders at that certain features thereof may be used
the same angle of incidence, placing them in the absénce of others without departing 105
40 both at a positive angle to cause the machine from the spirit of the invention, and such
to rise and a negative anglé to cause them changes in detail of construction, and such
to descend. Moreover, if the two lateral uses of some of the features in the absence
rudders or two sets of lateral rudders are of others, are intended to be within the
thus independently operable they can be scope of the claims hereto appended. -
. 110
45 used in place of or in addition to the vertical What we claim is:— -
1. In a flying machine, the
steering rudder for steering the machine. of a supporting surface having a positivecombination
It will be apparent if the jaer or rudders
on one side of the machine are placed at an angle of incidence, a pair of lateral balanc
ing rudders, one on each side of the medial
angle of incidence whether positive or nega fore and aft line of the structure and each 115
50 tive to the line of flight while the rudders |
on the other side remain neutral, the ma-. of said rudders normally having a zero angle
chine will turn to that side on which the of incidence and connections between said
rudder is placed at an angle of incidence. rudders. - •
In view of the foregoing it is to be dis of2.a Insupporting
a flying machine, the combination
surface having a positive 120
55 tinctly understood that the invention is not
limited to the employement of lateral rud angle of incidence, a pair of lateral balanc:
ders for maintaining or restoring the equi ing rudders, one on each side of the medial
librium, since said rudders are claimed here fore and aft line of the structure, and each
in as constituting a part of this invention of said rudders normally having, a zero
60. for whatever use they may be employed. angle of incidence, and connections between 125
said rudders whereby one is adjusted to a
...Any suitable means may be employed for positive
propelling the machine, and, as here shown, incidence.and. the other to a negative angle of
such means consist of a motor 42, mounted - . . • .
3. In a flying
in the middle portion of the machine and a supporting surface having a positive angle 130. .
machine, the combination of
65 suitably geared to a proper shaft for driv
* .

of incidence, a pair of lateral balancing rud structure and each mounted outside of the
ders, one on each side of the medial fore lateral marginal extremities of said support
said aft
and line of
rudders the structure,
normally having aandzeroeach of ing surfaces, and having normally a zero
angle angle of incidence. - -
of incidence, and means for simultaneously 10. In a flying machine, the combination 70'
adjusting said rudders, the one to a positive of a pair of suitably spaced supporting sur
and the other to a negative angle of inci faces having a positive angle of incidence,
4. In a flying machine, the combination of means uniting said supporting surfaces, and
dence. . .
a pair of horizontal balancing rudders nor
10 a pair of suitably spaced supporting sur mally having a zero angle of incidence, one 75
faces having a positive angle of incidence,
means uniting said supporting surfaces, and on of
each side of the medial fore and aft line
the structure, and each of said rudders
a pair of horizontal balancing rudders nor being mounted outside of thesurfaces
lateral and
mally having a zero angle of incidence and ñal lines of said supporting on
15 arranged one on each side of the medial fore an axis transverse to the line of flight. 80
and aft line of the structure
tions between said rudders. and connec 11. In a flying machine, the combination
of a pair of suitably spaced supporting sur
5. In a flying machine, the combination of faces having a positive angle of incidence,
a pair of suitably spaced supporting sur means uniting said supporting surfaces, a
20 faces having a positive angle of incidence, lateral balancing rudder normally having a 85
means uniting said supporting surfaces, a zero angle of incidence and mounted on an
pair of horizontal balancing rudders nor axis transverse to the line of flight on each
mally having a zero angle of incidence and side of the medial fore and aft line of the
arranged one on each side of the medial fore structure, and means inclining the said rud
25. and aft line of the structure, and connections der on one side of the structure at a positive 90.
between said rudders whereby one is ad angle of incidence and the rudder on the
justed to a positive and the other to a mega opposite side of the structure at a negative
tive angle of incidence. - .. angle of incidence. - -
6. In a flying machine, the combination 12. In a flying machine, the combination
30 of a supporting surface having a positive of a plurality of suitably späced supporting 95
angle of incidence, a pair of lateral balanc surfaces having a positive angle of inci
ing rudders, one arranged on either side of dence, means uniting said supporting sur
the medial fore and aft line of the machine, faces, a pair of lateral balancing rudders,
means normally supporting said lateral bal one on each side of the medial fore and aft
35 ancing rudders at a zero angle of incidence, line of the structure, and each of said rud- 100
and means operating to shift said balancing ders normally having a zero angle of inci
rudders to equal and opposite angles of inci dence, and a single controlling lever opera
dence. • ‘ -

7. In a flying machine, the combination tively connected to both of said rudders.

40 of a supporting surface having a positive
13. In a flying machine, the combination
of a plurality of suitably spaced supporting 105
angle of incidence, a pair of lateral balanc surfaces having a positive angle of inci
ing rudders, one arranged on either side of dence, means uniting said supporting Sur
the medial fore and aft line of the machine, faces, a pair of lateral balancing rudders,
means normally supporting said lateral-bal one on each side of the medial fore and aft
45 ancing rudders at a zero angle of incidence, line of the structure and outside of the 110
and means operating to simultaneously shift
said balancing rudders to equal and oppo marginal
faces and
extremities of said supporting sur
each of said, rudders normally
site angles o incidence. . . . - having a zero, angle of incidence, and a
8. In a flying machine, the combination single controlling lever , operatively con
50 of a supporting surface having a positive nected to both of said rudders. 115
angle of incidence, a pair of lateral balanc 14. In a flying machine, the combination
ing rudders, one arranged on either side. of a plurality of suitably spaced supporting
of the medial fore and aft line of the ma surfaces having a positive angle of inci
chine, connections between said balancing dence, means uniting said supporting Sur
55 rudders, means, normally supporting said faces, a pair of lateral balancing rudders, 120
lateral rudders at a zero angle of incidence, one on each side of the medial fore and aft
and means operating to shift said balancing line of the structure and each of said rud
rudders to equal and opposite angles of in ders normally having a zero angle of inci
cidence. - . .
dence, and a single controlling lever opera
60 9. In a flying machine, the combination tively connected to both of said rudders and 125
of a plurality of supporting surfaces hav having a part in operative relation with the
ing a positive angle of incidence, means person of the aviator.
uniting said supporting surfaces, and a pair 15. In a flying machine, the combination
65 sidehorizontal
of balancing rudders, one on each of a plurality of suitably spaced supporting ...
of the medial fore and aft line of the 'surfaces having a positive angle of inci- 130
1,011,106 *7
dence, means uniting said supporting sur ing surfaces, means connecting said rudders
faces, a pair of lateral balancing rudders, together whereby a movement of one im
one on each side of the medial fore and aft parts a reverse movement to the other, and
line of the structure and outside of the operating means connected to both of said
5 marginal extremities of said supporting sur rudders.
faces and each of said rudders normally 21. In a flying machine, the combination 70
having a zero angle of incidence, and a of a pair of suitably spaced supporting sur
single controlling lever operatively con faces having a positive angle of incidence
nected to both of said rudders and having and means uniting the same, a pair of lateral
a part in operative relation with the person balancing rudders normally having a zero 75
of the aviator. - angle of incidence, one on each side of the
16. In a flying machine, the combination medial fore and aft line of the structure,
of a plurality of suitably spaced support
ing Surfaces having a positive angle of inci means for operating said lateral rudders, an
elevating and depressing device, and means
dence, means uniting said supporting sur for operating said device.
faces, a pair of lateral balancing rudders, 22. In a flying machine, the combination 30
one on each side of the medial fore and aft of a supporting surface, a pair of lateral bal
line of the structure and each of said rud ancing rudders, one on each side of the me
ders normally having a zero angle of inci dial fore and aft line of the structure, an
20 dence, and a controlling lever operatively elevating and depressing device, a steering 35
connected to both of said rudders and having rudder, a shaft mounted to move longitudi
a part embracing the body of the aviator. nally and operatively connected to said ele
of 17. In a flying
a plurality machine,spaced
of suitably the combination wating and depressing device, a member
supporting mounted on said shaft and connected to said
surfaces having a positive angle of inci steering rudder, and means for operating 90
dence, means uniting said supporting sur said balancing rudders. -
faces, a pair of lateral balancing rudders, 23. In a flying machine, the combination
one on each side of the medial fore and aft of a chassis mounted on wheels one of which
line of the structure and outside of the is a steering wheel, an aerodrome mounted
30marginal extremities of said supporting sur on said chassis, a steering rudder, an ele. 95
faces, and each of said rudders, normally vating and depressing device, a longitudi
having a zero angle of incidence, and a nally movable shaft, a steering element
controlling lever operatively connected to mounted on said shaft and means operatively
both of said rudders and having a part connecting said element to said steering rud
35 embracing the body of the aviator. der and steering wheel, and operative con 100
18. In a flying machine, the combination nections between said shaft and said ele
of a plurality of suitably spaced supporting vating, and depressing device.
surfaces having a positive angle of inci 24. In a flying machine, the combination
dence, a member projecting outside of the
40 lateral marginal line of said surfaces, a rud
of an aerodrome having a positive angle of
incidence and two lateral balancing rudders 105
der fulcrumed to each of said projecting normally having a zero angle of incidence,
members and normally having a zero angle one on each side of the medial fore and aft
of incidence, and means for operating said line of the machine and pivotally supported
rudders. - - -
on the outside of the lateral marginal lines
45 19. In a flying machine, the combination thereof, and means automatically operated 110
of a pair of superposed supporting surfaces by the body movements of the aviator and
having a positive angle of incidence, means operatively connected to said balancing rud
uniting said supporting surfaces into a rigid ders. -
non-flexing structure, a pair of lateral bal 25. In a flying machine, the combination
ancing rudders normally having a zero angle of a pair of superposed supporting surfaces 115
of incidence and one on each side of the having a positive angle of incidence, means
medial fore and aft line of the structure, uniting said supporting surfaces into a rigid
means connecting said rudders together non-flexing structure, a lateral balancing
whereby a movement of one imparts a re
55 verse movement to the other, and operating
rudder normally having a zero angle of inci
dence on each side of the medial fore and 120
means connected to both of said rudders. aft line of the structure and mounted to turn
20. In a flying machine, the combination on an axis substantially parallel to the lon
of a pair of superposed supporting surfaces gitudinal axis of the machine, and means
haying a positive angle of incidence, means
uniting said Šupporting surfaces into a rigid
connecting said rudders whereby a move
ment of one imparts a reverse movement to 125
non-flexing structure, a pair of lateral bal the other, and operating means connected
ancing rudders normally having a zero angle to both of said rudders. -
of incidence, one on each side of the medial 26. In a flying machine, the combination
fore and aft line of the structure and outside of a plurality of suitably spaced supporting
65 of the marginal extremities of said support surfaces having a positive angle of incidence, 130
3 1,011,106

a member projecting outside of the lateral rudders the one to a positive and the other
marginal extremities of each of said sur to a negative angle of incidence. -
faces and in line with the front marginal In testimony whereof we have signed this
edge thereof, a rudder fulcrumed to each of specification in the presence of two subscrib 30
said projecting members, and means for op ing witnesses.
erating said rudders. - - ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL.
27. In a flying machine, the combination FREDERICK. W. BALDWIN,
of a plurality of suitably spaced supporting J. A. DOUGLAS McCURDY.
surfaces having a positive angle of incidence, GLENN H., CURTISS.
10 means uniting said supporting surfaces, a
pair of lateral balancing rudders, one on EDWARD A. SELFRIDGE,
Administrator of the estate of Thomas E.
each side of the medial fore and aft line of Selfridge, deceased,
the structure, and each of said rudders nor
mally * a Zero angle of incidence, and Witnesses as to the signatures of Alexan
15 connections between said rudders whereby der Graham Bell, Frederick W. Baldwin,
one is adjusted to a positive and the othe and J. A. Douglas McCurdy:
to a negative angle of incidence. - CHARLEs R. Cox.
28. In a flying machine, the combination EDW. GEOFF. STAIRS.
of a plurality of suitably spaced supporting Witnesses as to the signature of Glenn H.
20 surfaces having a positive angle of incidence, Curtiss: -
means uniting, said supporting surfaces, a L. G. HoRTON,
pair of lateral balancing rudders, one on F. D. STELLER. -
each side of the medial fore and aft line of Witnesses as to the signature of Edward
the structure, and each of said rudders nor A. Selfridge: ~
25 mally having a zero angle of incidence, and E. A. SELFRIDGE, Jr., -
means for simultaneously adjusting said ALEXANDER F. McMoRE.

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