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Waste management is a process involving the treatment, storage, recycling,collection and

disposal of waste which requires proper disposal. It can be used tominimize usage and wastage
of production in a healthy and effective manner.
Evaluate the Waste
. To manage waste properly, identify fi rst if the waste isdangerous or not, and it should be
governed by law. That is also referred to as wasteclassification or categorization.2.
Pack the Waste
. Place the hazardous waste according to its characteristics. Itshould be contained in a robust, leak-
proof container which is kept closed when thewasteisnotaddedorremoved.RequirementsforHandlingWaste• Manage
container access.• Containers are safe from foreign elements.• Stack liquid waste containers on a curbed,
impermeable surface.3.
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information:• Warning: HAZARDOUS WASTE• Name, address,telephone number, packing date, name and surname
of the person qualifiedto carry out the work• Physical properties of waste: powder, firm, viscous liquids, pastes,
sludge,liquid liquids4.
- the person who is responsibleforthetransportationofhazardouswasteshouldtransportanddisposeitproperly.
•Has identification number•Mustsecureapprovaltomovehazardouswastefromlocalauthorities

Educationalrequirements• Carries ample liability insurance• Emergency plan. Provide emergency plan to mitigate
unusual incident to happen. Getting Emergency Response Ways:• Maintain spill equipment and necessary
emergency response servicesinan accessible environment.•Trainworkersonemergencyresponseprotocolswhichare
:a. Basic waste management procedures.b. Threats of malpractice to persons and
environment.c. Catastrophe precautionary measures, andd. Accountability to government.23
. The purpose of record keeping is to provide proof that the wastesarehandled in compliance with the
3 R’s
 These 3 Rs are often called the "hierarchy of waste." These are actions to be done
ino r d e r   t o   r e d u c e   t h e   a m o u n t   o f   w a s t e   p r o d u c e d .   E n h a n c e m e n t   o f   o v e r a l l  
w a s t e management system and services is the order of priority. The hierarchy of
wasteconsists of 3 Rs.
* Reduce * Reuse * Recycle
 The concept of reducing what is produced and what is consumed is veryessential. If there is
less waste, then less recycling or reusing is required.
REDUCE.Here are some points to remember to reduce the wastes:
1. Minimize paper wastage. Print on both sides of the page.2. Instead of sending paper mail,
use the electronic mail to reach people.3. Remove your name from the mailing lists you do not
wish to receive anymore.4. Use fabric serviette instead of table napkins.5. Do not use plastic
tiles, spoons, bottles, cups, and serviettes.6. Stop purchasing packaged products of foil, paper,
and plastics.7. Purchase products that are robust and have long warranties.
In waste hierarchy, learning to reuse objects, or re-using them for adifferent use than what they
are intended for, is important. One of the bestexamples is the modular design of homes and
office buildings created from recycledcontainers of shipping.
Here are few things you can do to recycle the wastes:
1. Old jars and pots to store kitchen products and to keep loose items like computer
wires.2. Tires for tire-swinging, landscaping and decorating.3. Used timber as firewood, or wood
crafts.4. Newspaper for wrapping or packaging of items.5. Envelopes for short notes.6. Waste
paper to make notes and drawings.
Recycling is the last step of the waste hierarchy. The waste are usedas raw materials to develop
new object.
Some ways to recycle waste materials:
 Be creative and innovative. Create new things out of spared materials in your home like old
clothes.2. Recycle used papers in handicrafts making.24
1. Bed Preparation 
 Prepare the bed by selecting the site that is shaded, free from predators and nearto the
water source. Arrange the hollow blocks making a bed of 1m x 3m and putbamboo
stakes to strengthen the bed used sacks and nylon net could be used a matting. Other
materials maybe needed in the stocking of the bed are:

Water and water sprinkler

Plastic sheets to cover the bed
2. Size of the materials 
 The smaller the materials being composted, the faster the process. Whileshredding is not
absolutely necessary, it is a vital factor in speeding up the process.Aft er gathering the raw
materials, mix well and shred. Wet the mixture so it feels like a damp sponge.
3. Raw Materials and Sample Combinations 


Worm bin


Manure + Ipil-Ipil/ Kakawate Leaves (2:1)

Rice straw + manure (1:1)

Grasses + chicken manure (3:1)

Sawdust + Ipil-Ipil (3:1)

Compost/ rice straw + corn bran (1:1)

Cardboard and paper pulp
4. Source and Quality 
In sourcing raw materials, care should be taken that one is sure of the quality
of r a w   m a t e r i a l s .   I f   u s i n g   a n i m a l   m a n u r e ,   b e   s u r e   t h a t   t h e   a
n i m a l s   w e r e   n o t dewormed as this would also deworm your project. On the
other hand, the plantsource should free from harmful insecti cide, fungicide
herbicide, which may alsodecimate your worm population.
FARM WASTE DISPOSAL A. Waste from the General Farm
General farm waste are garbage and waste materials produced by normal production
processes, including vegetable culls, broken eggs and wash water fromvegetables and barns.
a. Storage.

Locate farm waste storage areas away from food processing, input
storage and livestock housing areas to prevent cross-contamination, andprevent pest

Ensure that farm waste storage areas and containers are suffi cient for the quantity of
waste produced between the time of disposal.

Clean agricultural waste storage areas oft en enough to avoid creati ng conditions that
could cause cross-contamination or attract pests.

Using containers with lids, whenever possible, to store farm waste beforeremoval.
b. Disposal

Regularly eliminate waste from agriculture to prevent 
c r o s s - contamination and reduce pest attraction.

D i s p o s e   a l l   p r o d u c t s   i n   c o m p l i a n c e   w i t h   m u n i c i p a l   a n d   p r o v i n c i a l st
If other industries will use farm waste, store and ship it so as not to posea food safety threat.
Vehicles used to transport agricultural waste shouldnot be used to transport food
products and agricultural inputs unlessproperly sanitized.
Medical Wastes.
E x a m p l e s   o f   m e d i c a l   w a s t e s   a r e   m e d i c a l   d e v i c e s   s u c h a s needles and syringes,
expired medicines and unused animal health products storedfor a long period of time.
. Storage
Store used needles, syringes, empty medicine containers and unused
ore x p i r e d   a n i m a l   h e a l t h   i t e m s   i n   s e c u r e ,   l e a k - p r o o f   c o n t a i n e r s   a n d  
markNON-HAZARDOUS WASTE (medicine bottles) or BIOMEDICAL 
W A S T E (needles, scalpels, and other "clean" equipment).
. Disposal

Follow directions of retailers or manufacturers for the disposal of syringes,medications and
other products as well as overdue medical supplies.

Do not dispose on your land or in burn barrels.
Ensure the disposal of medicated feed and water in a manner that does notcontaminate the
C. Fatality -
Sources of deadstock involve all mortality from livestock on-farm.
 . a. Storage

Remove, compost or bury any dead animals regulated by provincia
l regulations.

Locate burial pit for deadstock and
c o m p o s ti n g   s i t e   a w a y   f r o m   a n i m a l s h e l t e r ,   a r e a s   o f   f r u i t   a n d   v e g e t a b l e s   p r
o d u c ti o n ,   h i g h - f a r m   o r   h u m a n t r a ffi c k i n g   a r e a s ,   a n d   w a t e r   s o u r c e s .  
P r o t e c t   a l l   s t o r e d   l i t t e r   f r o m   o t h e r livestock , poultry and predators and from public
 b. Disposal
Put up compost area at least 15 m from any watercourse, and 30 m from any
domestic water source.
Dig grave, at least 30 m from every source of water and pits.
Always follow the manufacturer's directions for proper han
d l i n g   o f   chemicals. Rinse empty containers and puncture holes in order to avoid
furtherreuse. Return empty containers to the retailer or check correct disposal
methods.a n d   r e g u l a r l y   i n s p e c t   t h e   s t o r e d   c h e m i c a l s .   D i s p o s e   a n y   u n
u s e d   o r   e x p i r e d chemicals in the correct manner.26

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