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MARP0L Norne

oie _

MARPOL 73/78 Ado pkd io 1913

Modilicd o i978

1983 ANNEx 4 Regulato o n Pneventon o fblluhion by O

Chap 47 Rea
CauseS= O perahon Cause Accidunts
Cleaninq el congo nesidwu Collision
Dallasia e canjo tanles nodiny
ane cleaninq
Bil ckeening

Spesil Anea O Speciol Akears

O Meditevaneso Ses
oic Sea
Red Sea
Pesiao Gul Ama
lacle Sea

Aotanetic Ana
Nonth weat Eumopeao Watea
OOman aaea elp Anabisa Sea
Sovtheo South Alnicen Wakkn

Ofsehey Cniteia Machiaen Space Bilae Tana


Congo Aneas Su Tanls

Slop Tanka ooMCS
Rewinement en MachigSAces o AlLShies 40o0GRT&be
2 Oil mxtune heescd fnouh O1 OutsileSpec A
Sihenin evipmnt. Ln Special Apis

Ocontnt o ellucnt wihoot

dilutio 0oES o T L&cEGD
Antandi c Ants- Phohibicd |

Oily _mìxtw does not oni9nak

fnom C ango pump room bilgs on 0 tsid Sçceinl Ar
oil tan lkey a Speui As
Oil mt xhune , i n casc ol ol

foneeN not mixed wih oill

Canjo nasidues

Rawinemuat hen Cang Spaces olOitTanku

S 0 NM_n°m st lanc
tono uk
Rak o dischanje not.
xeed 30 tn/ NM
Qvaoty os 011 Oischange Outsid
Isp oo o Tot Canja - Onl8hora 31De11 Spesi
30,00 o Totl Cengo Aht 31Dec,u
ooMCS (Oi Dshsa Moaitening å Cnthel Sysk)
Slep Tonk Annenuat

A n dischea o of oil nom canjo Tn Sret Ax

anea e l O l aoken RoMIBLTED

OfRacond Boolc< Even shie e 40on abve-1

OiLTonken (5oGRT abo - 2

Pont 1 - Machiury Spce Oçensten

Pant 2 CanBilsr ounatin

Paeencd bon 3 yeau


SOrEP Shipsond Oil Polluen Emna Plaa

Oi Taaltu ol So abov

Consi sts es
Ahen t be talfen b1 pensoo enbson d
nocedlun e pont oil pollots on
stal authoniha. H be con t a t a 2
nocedu and point o l confaet eq shie }
oc athonihy
Shp Pond a c s o wh neiona

20Ppc ntennatieo 0i eolLwtion nenhien Cotile

VLidihN-5 e s

ICSOP Laanahon Cod hen Shigs Qpeaina in Polan-eken_

SoPEP Eqvipoaeots -

Absonbent Rds
-O: Bava Coil
bben Quots, glovcs
Oil Spil Diseessant
Totey oetional Pollutien Pneention

Centiicae on Caniar ol Noxious

Liid SUbstnce în
Bs\|/NLS Cene-t)
4S1- ANNEX 2 Kequlahion Jon Ppeentyn polloñen b oxis
LiiSubstenccs ia Builc
3 C h p , 22 Reg9

Camias ol ehamia ta bull Sols Chap VL IKC Code.

Cateong e NLS _ O Cahtgon ,IMajon la3and

Categsn Y Hajand e Edible o:

-Minon laend e Acchore

Catao n
Ohn Sustsnse No anm

01scha Standande Eo noutk at spced el attest 7knon.

0ischa belou a t a l i nn o ush

ndenakks disthanj outtt

Oist not *leis heo (2 NM faom nnest

land a a dkpth' al Loate o nt
lessn so 2S mene
a x qanth oly noxiDs bs pe fane fto
bedschensid in

Speciel Anea Aotanch c Anta itotd tonm

&AMonve Pnoseduan Amsaztomat Manul

uiculi.nes &_procecduaea o be cohicd oo
danle cdeanin slop
nespect o Cngs handlin
ballaia and de-ballsh
henellia and cengo taale

3 ens
Congo Recond Bool Pnesenucd on

Monin Psllution tnenganeflan)

SMPEe (Shipbond
So R & aboue
bc ship e
contnol disihaj
Achons to be k e n b e e n s o n onboen d to
in tae idaot
2 Chap, l Rej Eote

92 ANNEX 3 Ragutoaten aneneventsn D_polloton by

Mamul 3obstance Anpeckagud m

eamu Sbstance Manin pollutans (p) in TMO6 o o

LMO Cod Volum 1-Aael PnovisionA

Volo 2 0C. List

Suppemeat MEA G A Repondn ioceduea

0ischeny Cnitea& Pnohibikd except necesang en thipapeas

o Sagey o ship_onsaey or ile

Catn iis : ) Ezhtan

2flammalecwel tou ga
3 flamnahi: amd texi Lgud
)flanmalle 00Ld
SChudung go puhatunnesy ond ouaizes Perudu
6) Tey ublats
Roduoas dubTUs
8) Coveu tubstae
8 Koelouhon Dote

9093 ANNEX4 Regulahen hen thi pnaNentisn a} polluton bj

SeasR nom ships


Colle Toilets unins
Cabo Shasa Medical pispeyq
Iashbain- CH o liginj aninals
Laundhq Dnainagk-
A c Condeosate

4O0qRT &above Cagagd jn Tnttnaion VogR_

Appies to
less Fheo 4O0 CRT Cekhed o ca q mee fhan

LS pensons

Eaptpentnbs Seoag I a t a t Plant (STe)

Comminusay a DisialectiagSskm.
Sesag Mslsding lane
Standanel Oischex Cennextien
Discha v Cntfenis Dischan ta ALL AREAS. exap

Less thao 3 NM fnoca Nenest andd
Comminu ttn on STP_
3 o 2 NM fhem Neanest lend
Land 0ischan Acecpkd
Mone fhan 12NM fnom Necneat
Speed aot les thsn 4 kts
&at Modnett Ratr

Speiel Anet - attie Sea

Ao othan s e a deiqnekd bg onanisaßaa,
STP- Somplin Ammagemnk

ISfe- Tneanehionel Sewag Pollution f'mveatten (enfii tate

Tssued on behlro
Validih S Jeos Fl 8ta.

Caicd onm
aneun (5 ) 3 mans a exeiny due ah_ceaifi

Racephon Frilih

2i0 Lnduoimm
3 chephu


88 ANNEX S-Kequlatn (en tha pnevention

aaba nom ships

Aeelies te Al Sh:os
Cattgonis ( 0
Speci Anes -0 Medi tUaan Sea
alie Sea Ana Fool
Blccic Ses Anes Damushc ste
RadSes Ana Cooki Ooi
htinunehon Ash
Npnth Anca Sa) Dpeneien
widn Coninbeso Resian Anim (nasse
Antahit An fishi Dua
Cega Residue)
CA Gag Gaba Msnyement Plo
AI shles o (00 GRT above
tveyship ceailicd to CaM LS on mo pejon
tve e d on flosha li{panm

onba Ricond ool EsnyChieg Mk Peat 1 ALLShipb

A l shis ol 4Oo )RT A above len 2 Shs hr

Even Axed Soltd but k

brtnies Dt Ti, fosiisn, tegon. Amout
b a y dischenycd at Sea
Kecepti* faci l+t
Oisene Tocinste d
Orsid Sestad Ansa Jnsl Speuil An
otn dischnse
Fosd (comnu=23nm Fo oa esht
focd ska 2 12nm
Conyo nesduesh 22nm
ClesnimAns Cleeningxrb
Nox Tcehnicl Crcl 200
2100 G T

2005 ANNEx G Rexutation kon Pvcotion ely Ain P o l l i n fe Sh

NOx tmsion ontno Anea (NE CA2
Nonth Armutcsa Emission ontneLArne
v s CnibbenSen E CA
8a Sc EA
Nonth Sec ECA 3si

SOx Enissen Contnel Ae SEcA) 2

Nonh Amenicen bcA ting
0.S. Ccnibbecn Sea GcA VsSoruboen

e Se E CAA
Onth Ses EcA

S APP Intnniin Ain Poluhon Pcnian Cetshirtr

EEOI Ewyx Etkiucng Desijnndaz 0o deplei-

EKI Eung tblsciene bxish &hig Lnduz Sobsten
SEEMP Ship t y Eln eieng Manetrent Plen Valen-lered
e h chla bnm

TEEC=Lntnionk mg ElLSeicny(ehitscsr ODS Recond Bak

Vlidit Leho

PSSA- An Aa thei ntess speial_prettetion

yreef nic) e r
Sohe Cupa
Fuel oi deliod is cempl Ant i t n d
foel Oi Sample
nen 0eXivey Note VOCs
ECAAna whee adoption a Speci mandatay meaawa yon
Sissions tnon ships is nupinud to pvent, nudure and *
ain polvhen: fnon NOx on Sox and pantieu etto

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