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Engineering Physics


Dr. B. Ajitha
Assistant Professor
Division of Physics
VIT University
Chennai, India
Module-4: Laser Principles and Engineering Application Dr. Ajitha

• Laser Characteristics,
• Spatial and Temporal Coherence,
• Einstein Coefficient & its significance,
• Population inversion,
• Two, three & four level systems,
• Pumping schemes,
• Threshold gain coefficient,
• Components of laser,
• Nd-YAG, He-Ne, CO2 and their engineering applications
 William Silfvast, Laser Fundamentals, 2008, Cambridge University
Problem 1 BPHY101L
Dr. Ajitha

Q) Find the ratio of population of the two states in He-Ne laser that
produces light of wavelength 6328 Å at 27oC.

Problem 2 BPHY101L
Dr. Ajitha

Q) The CO2 laser is one of the most powerful lasers. The energy
difference between the two lasers is 0.117 eV. Determine the frequency
and wavelength of radiation.

Problem 3 BPHY101L
Dr. Ajitha

Q) A He-Ne laser produces an output power of 5 mW. If it emits light of

wavelength 632.8 nm, calculate the number of photons emitted by the
laser in one second.

Problem 4 BPHY101L
Dr. Ajitha

Q) Calculate the relative population of the energy levels N1 and N2 at

300K, λ=500 nm.

Problem 5 BPHY101L
Dr. Ajitha

(a) The He-Ne system is capable of lasing at several different IR

wavelengths, the prominent one being 3.3913 µm. Determine the
energy difference (in eV) between upper and lower levels for this

Problem 6 BPHY101L
Dr. Ajitha

(b) Calculate the efficiency of a He-Ne laser, if it produces an output

power of 5 mW and if it is operated with a current of 10 mA at 3 kV.

Problem 7 BPHY101L
Dr. Ajitha

Q) A transition between the energy level E2 and E1 produces a light of

wavelength 632.8 nm, calculate the energy of the emitted photons..

Problem 8 BPHY101L
Dr. Ajitha

Q) A system has three energy levels E1, E2 and E3. The energy levels E1
and E2 are at 0 eV and 1.4 eV respectively. If the lasing action takes
place from the energy level E3 to E2, and emits a light of wavelength
1.15 µm, find the value of E3?

Problem 8 BPHY101L
Dr. Ajitha

Problem 9 BPHY101L
Dr. Ajitha

Problem 10 BPHY101L
Dr. Ajitha

Problem 11 BPHY101L
Dr. Ajitha


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