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Both experience and study have me realise that the secret to success in any enterprise is good
financial management, and this involves proper planning, organisation, directing and controlling
of the resources of the enterprise. According to statistics, as many as 60 per cent of start-up
businesses fail within their first five years; the figure is significantly higher for Nigeria with as
high as 80 per cent of start-up failure in the first three years. Interestingly, studies attribute many
of such failure, at least in part, to poor financial management. It is obvious then that the services
of expert financial managers are crucial for the survival and optimal performance of businesses.
Since this reality became clear to me during my undergraduate days, I decided that I would direct
my abilities and passion to filling the need in indigenous companies. Specifically, it is my target
to become a top financial manager in Innoson Motors Ltd in Nigeria. In view of this target, I
have chosen to do MSc in Business Management at University of Plymouth. Going through the
programme specifications, I was particularly captivated by the modules on Operations and
Project Management, Leading, Managing and Developing People, Data Analytics and Finance
and Capstone Project. With these in perspective, I am convinced that this master’s programme
will deliver my expectations of achieving expertise in business management. In addition, the
overall attention to business will equip me with transferrable skills I will need for high-level
performance in business or any organisation for that matter.

For my proposal to undertake this programme, I have the talents, motivation and suitable
academic background. I have good analytical and mathematical skills, and derive great
satisfaction from utilising these strengths to achieve optimal running of any project I get
involved in. My specific interest in Innoson is explained by my desire to see bold local
industrialists succeed in building a more robust economy for Nigeria. Furthermore, I understand
that getting a place in Innoson is every bit competitive. In this regard, relevant additional skills
will help me stand out among many other job-seekers, and will give me the advantage of higher
remuneration. On the side of academic background, I did a B.Sc. in Economics at Enugu State
University of Science and Technology (ESUT), a course that took me through principles of
production and distribution of goods and services and growth of wealth in both macro and micro
contexts. As part of the programme, I was taught accounting, business management, economic
statistics, monetary economics and finance, labour economics and lots more. Given this
background, a master’s in business management is, for me, a path to specialising on a specific
area of interest in the versatile world of economics.

I have carefully chosen the country and university for my studies – the United Kingdom and the
University of Plymouth respectively. The United Kingdom is known for a very high standard of
education that makes it one of the most preferred destinations for international students. With the
quality of education obtainable in the UK, I will have sufficient leverage to reach my target at the
end of my studies. In addition to this, the peacefulness of the United Kingdom is a strong
attraction for me. I am convinced that the level of political and economic stability and security in
the UK will guarantee a safe environment for studies. Similarly, the cultural diversity and
atmosphere of equality and welcome assures me that the United Kingdom is a correct choice.

On the other hand, my choice of University of Plymouth is informed by the university’s

reputation for quality studies. In particular, Plymouth Business School’s ‘Bloomberg Lab’ ranks
among the best in the world when it comes to business is a force to reckon with.

Furthermore, I have chosen to study in University of Plymouth. I am drawn to this prestigious

city because of the prospects it holds out to me. To begin with, it is known for its maritime
heritage. Studying there will bring me in closer contact with successful businesses. On another
note, the assortment of academic institutions in the city makes it ideal for me given that I will
have the opportunity of mixing with other students from all over the world, and have the
advantage of the city’s many academic resources such as libraries and student spaces.

From what I have seen, my programme will last not more than a year. At the end of this period,
I will return to Nigeria to pursue my dreams of working with Innoson Nigeria. It is my hope that
I will be granted admission into the University of Plymouth to pursue this programme, and I am
certain that with such opportunity, I will be well positioned to use my talents more fully and thus
attain more of my high potentials.


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