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Part 3 Leadership and Team Behaviors Column 1 Column 2 Columa 3 Column 4 Column 5 30) 2@) i@— 1) 20) 6) __ 4@) 5) 5) 5@ 8@) 70) __ 6@__ 40 8 90) 10) __ 7@) 1) 1@ 10@) Rw 9@ 1S@ 46) bo B@__ R@ 16@)_ 19@_ 4m) 180) 156) 18@) 20) 16) 20) ___ 17) __ 21@).__ 210) 7@__ 22). 19) 24) 230) 22.) 240) 23.0) 230) 260) 25 (2) 26) _ 27@)__ 27) 280) _ 28) 29) 290) 304@) 30) Tout Total Toul Toul Toul [Neat carry over the totels from the column totaly and then plot your ror scores on the following chart to show the profile of your conflct-handling styles. A total score of 36 0 45 for a style may indicate a strong preference and use Total ° 10 Column t (Forcing) Colon 2 (Compromising) Column 3 (voiding) Column 4 (Accommodating) Colman § (Collaborating) 10 Incerpretation ‘When used appropriately, each of these styles can be an effective approach co eonflic handling. Anty one style or 2 ‘uixtute of the five can he used during the course of a dis of thac style. A total scare of O ro 18 for a style may indi= cate litte preference and use of that style. A total score of, 19 co 35 for a style may indieate a moderate preference and tse of thar style, 0 so 20 30 40 20 pute. Are you sousfied with this profile? Why oF why not? Is ths profile culy represcntative of your natural and pri- inary conflict-hanling styles? 10. Chapter 9 a1 am most comforeable letting others take responsibilty for solving a problem. b. Rother than negovate differences, 1 stress those points for whicl agreement is obvious. a. pride myself on finding compromise soli bb Lexamine all che isues involved in any dis aT usually persist in pursuing my side of an b.T prefer to soothe others’ feelings and pre- serve relationships. a.1 pride myself in finding compromise solu- b.Lusoally sacrifice my wishes forthe wishes of a peer aT consinenly seek 2 peers help in finding solutions. b. Ido whatever is necessary to avoid tension, a Asa rule, [avoid dealing with conflict. b. defend my position and push my view a. postpone dealing with conflict until I have had some time co think ic over. b. Lam willing co give op some points if others give up some too. a. Luse my influence to have my views accepted DT areempt 10 get all concems and issues immediately out in the open. aT feel that most differences are not worth worrying about. b. make a strong effort to gee my way on issues Leare abot. a. Occasionally I use my authority or technical knowledge to get my way. }. T prefer compromise soluoons to problems. aL believe that a team can reach a better solu- tion than ax’ one person can working inde- pendently b.Tofien defer to the wishes of others a1 usually avoid raking positions that would create controversy. b.t'm willing to give elite if peer will give « litte, too I generally propose the middle ground as a solution. . consistently press to “sell” my viewpoine. a.T prefer to hear everyone’ side of an issue before making judgments b.L demonstrate the logic and benefits of my position. a, Lwoutd rather give in than argue about trivi- alities b. Lavoid being “pat on the spot.” a. Lrefuse to hurt 3 poet feelings. Lill defend my rights as a tcam member. a.Tam usually firm io pursuicg my point of Managing Conllict and Negotiating Effectively —— dF walk away from dissgreerenis. before someone gets hurt 18, ATE it makes peers happy. Twill agree with them. — b. Pbelieve char give-and-take is the best way to resolve any disagreements, 0 2.1 prefer to have everyone involved in a con flice generate alternatives together. . When the tain is diseussing a serious prob- lem, Casually keep quiet. 20.__ 2.1 would rather openly resolve cont chas conceal differences b.F seek ways to balance gains and loses for cquitable solutions 21.____ a. In problem solving, f am usually considerate of peers’ viewpoints, bi prefer a dizece and objective discussion of imy disagreement. 22,____ a. T eek solutions that meet some of everyone's needs bs T will argue as long as necessary t0 get my position heard. 23.____ arf like to assess the problem and identify a rmurually ageceable solution, , When people challenge my position, I simply ther. 24,__ a. If peers feel strongly shout # position, T defer toiteven if don't agree, b. Lam willing to settle for a compromise solu- ‘bon. 25.__ a. Lam very persuasive when T have to be €o wi ins confice situation, bi believe in the saying, “Kill your enemies with kindness.” 26.____ a. will bargain with peers in an effort to man age disagreement. b.E listen. atentively before expressing my n 2. Lavoid taking controversial positions _— b.f'm willing to give up my posiion for the benef ofthe group. 28.___ a. Teenjoy competitive situations and “play” hued vo win. _____b, Whenever possible, I seek our knowledgeable ‘peers to help resolve disagreements. 29... 2.1 will surrender some of my demands, but I have to get something in retuen. __. b I don ike to si diferences and usually keep my concerns to myself. 30.__ a Iyenerally avoid kurting a peer‘ feelings. “= b. When a peer and T disagree, I prefer 0 bring the issue out into the open so we ean diseuss it Scoring Record your responses (murnber of points) in the space next, to each statement number and then sum the points fn each column.

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