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An introduction into crucial

leadership character traits

This is no easy job!

First of all, congratulations for wanting to become your best possible self as a leader!

Chances are, you are reading this document in the context of the Blue Horizon Training Leadership
Self-Assessment. Perhaps you have been wondering about some of the character traits that are part of
the assessment, so we have put together this small compendium to give you a brief introduction into
each of the character traits of a great leader.

We hope this provides you with some inspiration to learn more.

1. Courage performance. They are also better able to
ask for help than their charismatic
Courageous leaders are people who are counterparts. What’s more is that humble
able to push through uncomfortable leaders help to foster a culture of
situations. They are willing to make difficult development with their employees by
decisions and do not back down when legitimizing learning and personal
things get too hard. development. Humility also encourages
cultures of openness, trust, and recognition,
Contrary to popular belief, courage is a which are important precursors to success.
teachable and learnable skill, and most
everyone has the capacity to be Humility in leadership does not imply the
courageous. Moreover, nearly all absence of ego or ambition. Rather, humble
courageous acts represent one or more of leaders are better able to channel their
three types of courage: ambition back into the organization, rather
than use it for personal gain.
● TRY Courage: The courage of
initiative and action— making first
attempts, pursuing pioneering 3. Integrity
efforts and stepping up to the plate.
● TRUST Courage: The courage of
confidence in others— letting go of Having  integrity is a positive character trait,
the need to control situations or where you are regarded as being honest and
outcomes, having faith in people and truthful in your actions. It is the opposite of
being open to direction and change. hypocrisy, where you may claim to have
● SPEAK UP Courage: The courage of certain values but then deceive other in your
voice— raising difficult issues, actions.
providing tough feedback and
sharing unpopular opinions. Integrity in leaders refers to being honest,
trustworthy, and reliable. 
The good news is everyone has the capacity Leaders with integrity act in accordance
for being courageous. with their words (i.e. they practice what they
preach) and own up to their mistakes, as
opposed to hiding them, blaming their team,
2. Humility or making excuses

Humility is broadly defined as: Leaders who demonstrate integrity garner

trust among their colleagues. They aren't
● self-awareness afraid of the truth, and they stand up for
● appreciating others’ strengths and what they believe in. This, in turn, leads to
contribution loyal customers, increased profits, and a
● openness to new ideas and better world for all.
feedback regarding one’s
4. Empathy
Leaders who are humble have a better grasp
on organizational needs and make better An empathetic leader is one who has
informed decisions about task genuine interest in his/her team members'
lives, the challenges they face, and their

overall feelings. This kind of leader makes higher employee morale and satisfaction
an effort to understand their situations and with the work.
what they are going through, in order to
offer support and help.
6. Creativity
Empathy encourages  leaders to understand
the root cause behind poor performance. Creativity is one of the most important
Being empathetic allows  leaders to help characteristics of an effective leader and
struggling employees improve and excel.  fosters a successful and healthy workplace
Empathy  allows  leaders  to build and environment. Creativity opens up
develop relationships with those they lead opportunities in problem-solving, achieving
goals, and inspiring teams to
By understanding and providing employees be creative and find unlikely perspectives.
with what they need to succeed, leaders can
build a sense of trust, thereby strengthening According to a survey of 1,500 chief
the relationships they have with their executives around the world, creativity is the
employees and consequently, the most sough-after trait in leaders today.
relationships employees have with one Traditionally, creativity was associated with
another, leading to greater collaboration and people in artistic professions such as
improved productivity. writers, painters or musicians. In today’s
VUCA environment, the need for creativity
Empathy plays a critical role in one’s ability has transitioned into the business world. It
to be a successful leader. is those “Out of the Box” ideas that help
differentiate organizations and therefore
organizations increasingly must rely on
5. Accountability creative thinking, in their effort to
distinguish themselves from competitors
Accountable leaders lay a path for teams to
follow and are defined by being held
answerable for accomplishing a goal or
assignment. Accountable doesn't mean 7. Curiosity
blaming people. It means that as leader,
you own what you need to do and what you Much like empathy and self-awareness, 
need to get other people to do. curiosity is a proven and useful 
leadership skill that is a struggle for many
Accountability eliminates the time and to integrate into their leadership  approach. 
effort you spend on distracting activities Curiosity is merely asking questions. You
and other unproductive behavior. When you use smart, strategic, thoughtful and
make people accountable for their actions, targeted questions to get information to use
you're effectively teaching them to value how you see fit.
their work. When done right, 
accountability can increase your team Questions open our minds, connect us to
members' skills and confidence. each other, and bring about innovation.
  Great leaders ask questions, because
The positive results of accountability are great leaders are curious. They want to hear
increased feelings of competency, other people's perspectives and consider
increased employee commitment to the them before they make decisions that have
work, more creativity and innovation, and

an impact. Curiosity is key for success – no Decisive leaders are those who seek out the
matter your leadership style. appropriate information that is necessary to
make a good decision and they
Admitting you don't know everything can be demonstrate an understanding of the
difficult. But the search for new paths--new knowledge held by their colleagues, direct
products, new revenue streams, new talent, reports and leaders. In the
new efficient ways of building, creating, and workplace, decisiveness is key for
getting things done--is part of a leader's job. effectively executing plans and achieving
set goals

8. Authenticity This inherent fear of making a mistake is

one of the most common reasons that lead
Authentic leadership is a style of  to "risk aversion," or the inability to move
leadership  that emphasizes a leader's  forward with decisions. Another common
transparency, genuineness and honesty setback is that many leaders get caught up
within the workplace. With these in "analysis paralysis." This plays out in the
behaviors, authentic leaders can build form of incessant information gathering:
strong and honest relationships in which statistics, surveys and the like that can
the team members trust and follow prolong the decision-making process.
the leader.
Don't let "analysis paralysis" keep you from
Authentic leadership is an approach making good decisions.
to leadership that emphasizes building the
leader's legitimacy through honest In the workplace, decisiveness is key for
relationships with followers which value effectively executing plans and achieving
their input and are built on an ethical set goals. Decisive leaders have the ability
foundation. Generally, authentic leaders are to balance the costs of continuing to gather
positive people with truthful self-concepts information, deliberate and delay a decision
who promote openness. versus the costs of making poor choices.
They are aware of competing costs, and
Ultimately, an authentic leader inspires they weigh them carefully, but most
trust, loyalty, and confidence within their importantly, a decisive leader makes
workforce which drives optimal results, decisions that are clear and final.
mission success, and personal growth.

9. Decisiveness
10. Vulnerability
Making decisions that are well-informed and
time-sensitive is a crucial part of being a In the past, vulnerability was not considered
successful leader. Decisive leaders seek out a valuable  leadership trait. Instead, it was
the appropriate information they need to viewed as a liability.  Leaders  were
make good decisions. Decisiveness is the generally not encouraged to
ability to make clear-cut and timely embrace vulnerability, but businesses
decisions with the appropriate amount of acknowledged vulnerability as a leadership
information. trait and shift their mindsets in order to be
successful in this changing culture,
incorporating vulnerability.

According to a Deloitte study,
Great leaders recognize the importance of highly inclusive leaders should demonstrate
bringing  vulnerability to work because it is the following six signature traits (six C’s)
the foundation for open and non-judgmental
communications.  Vulnerability  fuels the 1 Commitment
strongest relationships, and ultimately, 2 Courage
helps bring even more success to the 3 Cognizance of bias
organization. 4 Curiosity
5 Culturally intelligent
Being upfront and open with vulnerability is 6 Collaborative
an important leadership trait. Being able to
admit and share times of weakness, even in
a public setting, is a way for leaders to earn 12. Confidence
trust from those they lead. Showing
weakness and not hiding from imperfection Generally, when a leader  exhibits 
lets others know that you as a leader are confidence, it makes it easier to trust
human. that leader, and people want to work
with leaders they trust. When leaders 
Vulnerability is a power tool in an exhibit confidence, they typically feel
emotionally intelligent leader’s toolkit. positive about their ability to lead people
Courageous leaders leverage their and deal with daily challenges.
“woundedness” into genuine
connections, innovation and learning. They A lack of self-esteem and self-confidence is
embrace moments of vulnerability by very problematic for a leader. When these
acknowledging their current state, taking traits are lacking, doubts arise and
responsibility for their emotions and asking insecurities plague a leader’s activities. The
for help. leader tends to be confident that his beliefs,
plans, and actions are correct (hopefully
with good reason). This confidence is
11. Inclusivity important in that it enables the leader to
persist steadfastly in the right course even
Inclusive leadership means that leaders  when there are obstacles and doubts from
commit to ensuring all team members are: others.
treated equitably, feel a sense of belonging
and value, and have the resources and Self-confidence is necessary for leaders to
support they need to achieve their full take risks and accomplish high
potential. goals. Leaders who are self-confident tend
to deal immediately and directly with
Inclusive leadership is essential for making problems and conflicts, rather than
sure diverse thinking is respected, managed, procrastinating, ignoring, or passing
heard and applied. And inclusive problems to others
leaders who understand how different
thinkers react to change are uniquely
prepared to communicate and influence in a
way that gets everyone on board with new
ideas and new ways of doing things.

13. Resilience
14. Positivity / Optimism

Resilient leaders have the ability to sustain Positive leaders foster feelings of support

their energy level under pressure, to cope and safety and have the greatest success
with disruptive changes and adapt. They maintaining energy and member retention in
bounce back from setbacks. Resilience is a their organizations. Positive leaders often
crucial characteristic of high- have these qualities:
performing leaders. Leaders must cultivate ● kindness: they are patient with
it in themselves in order to advance and others, and refrain from “venting” by
thrive. saying negative things about others
● effective in leading their projects and
Resilience is a crucial characteristic of high- teams to success, they can create a
performing leaders. Leaders must cultivate culture of positivity leadership in
it in themselves in order to advance and their co-workers
thrive. They also carry the responsibility for ● capacity to identify individuals who
helping to protect the energy of the people contribute positive energy to others
in their teams. Leadership is sustainable around them, and they enable these
only if individuals and teams are able to people to infuse the organization
consistently recover high energy levels.  with this energy

Resilience is an essential element of the Positivity is a commitment to a consistent

human quality known as grit. Gritty positive attitude. It is ultimately better for
individuals work hard and persevere to your mental health, and it will have a marked
achieve their goals. They are unyielding in influence on your team.
the face of hardship. They are also
extremely focused and loyal in their Leaders lead people. So by definition, no
passions. They commit to their area of leader is successful on their own. Their
interest for the long term–they are achievement is contingent upon their
marathoners as opposed to sprinters. relationships. You can have all the
leadership skills in the world, but if you are
How well leaders cope with stress helps to demanding and abrasive, you will have to
determine how resilient they are overall. work twice as hard to get half as far. You
will have to pour much more energy into
A resilient leader is a person who sees convincing people to follow you.
failures as temporary setbacks they can
recover from quickly. They maintain a Positive people are like magnets.
positive attitude and a strong sense of Good-natured, confident leaders are not
opportunity during periods of turbulence. struggling to attract others to their vision.
When faced with ambiguity, a resilient Others are happy to be on their team
leader finds ways to move forward and because they engender trust and
avoids getting stuck. Many studies have confidence. When you are positive, it is
indicated the importance of resilience as easier to build a network of advocates and
both an individual and leadership trait. champions.

Your door is always open to staff. Although
15. Open Mindedness you are still in charge, you do not "lay down
the law." Instead, you make decisions based
When you have an open-minded on a careful consideration of your own
management style, you focus on ideas, as well as those of others. This is
empowering your employees by listening participative management -- in which
and responding to their ideas, issues, ways employees take a more active role in the
of thinking and approaches to their work. business.



An introductions into crucial

leadership behaviors

Twenty-four essential leadership behaviors!

In this section, we’ll have a closer look at the leadership behaviors every great leader has learned to
adopt over the course of their career.

We hope this provides you with some inspiration to learn more.

1. Cultural intelligence primary driver of these feelings of
Cultural Intelligence is the capability to
relate and work effectively across cultures. So, relationships really matter. They are not
It's a skill that could be the key to an optional take it or leave it factor. They are
enabling leaders to do more than merely a fundamental enabler of you and your
avoid conflict and misunderstanding, but organization’s ability to attract, keep and get
become more successful the very best out of your people. Effective
despite cultural differences. leaders know that leadership is relationship,
and leaders and managers with poor or
90 percent of business leaders from almost toxic relationships with their teams will see
70 countries named Culturally Intelligent performance suffer.
leadership as the leading priority for the rest
of the century.
3. Self-reflection
Why? Because organizations are
increasingly operating across borders of all Self-reflection in leadership means carving
kinds and encountering people from diverse out time to review yourself as a leader and
backgrounds. Leaders with high Cultural is critical for your leadership development. It
Intelligence are consistently more effective involves examining your current level
personally and professionally. This is of skills, your strengths, weaknesses,
perhaps because they possess a behavioral patterns and how you seek to
fundamental awareness. It helps them to influence others.
tell whether a person’s behavior can be
explained by a cultural value, or simply by a Areas for self-reflection: self-reflection can
personal idiosyncrasy. and should take place all throughout your
leadership journey, and across all aspects of
your leadership role. Let’s break down those
2. Relationship building different areas of self-knowledge:
1. Personal ambitions, passions,
A leader may be able to provide shared intentions, goals
vision and supervision; 2. Individual and organizational values
however leaders must develop 3. Personality types
a relationship with the people they inspire to 4. Thinking styles
follow them. Successful leadership 5. Emotional Intelligence
relationship inspires people to become 6. Reflective learning – what to do and
more than they imagined they could be and how to do it
achieve more than they ever thought they

When employees have high levels of

engagement this has a significant,
measurable and transformational impact on
organizational performance.
Research shows that it is the quality of the
relationship people feel they have with their
immediate leader or manager that is the

4. Organizational Intelligence example helps other people see what lies
ahead and act swiftly to counter any
Organizational intelligence - as a leadership challenges along the way. If a group is led
behavior - includes developing an by a person with poor leadership skills, the
understanding and a deep connection with group will experience frequent conflicts as
organizational structures, culture, each person wants to do things their way.
stakeholder relationships, knowledge assets
and strategic processes. Being able to One of the responsibilities of a leader is to
successfully navigate an organization inspire other people to do the best that they
including it’s bureaucracy, processes and can do for the benefit of the organization.
org chart is a must-have enabler for any To achieve this, the leader must show them
leader to assert their influence in pursuance the way by getting involved in the process –
of important goals and change initiatives. leading by example. 
Leaders who operate and think just within
their own departmental bubble have little
chance to make an impact 7. Cognizance of bias

5. Give Recognition Cognizance of bias means being aware of

your own behavior, how you land on others,
As a leader, your recognition goes a long and the ability to self-regulate. A good
way. Whether it's celebrating a milestone or leader is aware and understands
giving a simple thank you note, every personal biases that enables him/her to
recognition has the power to impact make fair and merit-based decisions about
employee engagement and morale. talent.
Recognition and Rewards (R&R) deserves a
place at the top of any leader's priority list. Highly inclusive leaders are mindful of
How can you start becoming a recognition personal and organizational blind spots, and
champion? When employers think of R&R, self-regulate to help ensure “fair play.” The
their mind immediately goes to monetary leaders that are inclusive do a couple of
recognition. While beneficial, that's far from things:
the only way to recognize employees. ● At the individual level, they are very
self-aware, and they act on that
Employee recognition provides additional self-awareness.
benefits as well: Forbes reports that over ● They acknowledge that their
80% of employees are more motivated when organizations, despite best
they feel appreciated, 71% of highly intentions, have unconscious bias,
engaged employees work at organizations and they put in place policies,
where peers are recognized at least processes, and structures in order to
monthly, and that engaged employees are mitigate the unconscious bias that
proven to be 31% more productive. exists.

Examples of subtle biases that can

6. Lead by example negatively impact the way we see others
and the decisions we make
Leadership is a process in which an ● Implicit stereotypes -occurs when
individual influences the behavior and people judge others according to
attitudes of other people. Leading by unconscious stereotypes

● Similarity-attraction bias: the
tendency to more easily and deeply Organizational innovation always lies in
connect with people who “look and asking questions and listening to the
feel” like ourselves responses. Innovative leaders don’t need to
● In-group favoritism: a tendency to be the person who generates the idea
favor members of in-groups and behind an innovation. They simply recognize
neglect members of out-groups a great idea and envisages the path that
● Attribution error: occurs when the leads to that idea of becoming a reality.
wrong reason is used to explain
someone’s behavior; coupled with
in-group favoritism, this results in a 9. Grant Trust
positive attribution for in-group
members and a negative attribution Companies that foster a trusting culture will
for out-group members have an advantage in the war for talent:
● Confirmation bias: seeking or Who would choose to stay in a stressful,
interpreting information that is divisive atmosphere if offered a productive,
partial to existing beliefs supportive one?
● Groupthink: when the desire for
group harmony overrides rational It is crucial, then, for managers to develop a
decision making better understanding of trust and of how to
manage it.
Biases are a leader’s Achilles’ heel,
potentially resulting in decisions that are Trust is granted, not earned.
unfair and irrational. Inclusive leaders are
deeply aware that biases can narrow their Trust allows leaders, employees,
field of vision and prevent them from relationships, and organizations to flourish
making objective decisions. and grow. It is fundamental to most
everything in life. Lack of trust can lead to
damaging relationships and a hostile
8. Encourage Innovation environment. It creates stress and lowers
energy. When there is a strong foundation of
Innovation leadership is a philosophy and trust in an organization, it can enhance and
technique that combines different improve the workplace environment through
leadership styles to influence employees to collaboration, teamwork, and honest and
produce creative ideas, products, and open communication.
services. The key role in the practice of As Albert Einstein so brilliantly stated, “The
innovation leadership is the innovation most important decision we make is
leader. whether we believe we live in a friendly or
hostile universe.”

Innovative leaders must be willing to grow

and move forward to enable innovation in
the organization. Accepting
forward-thinking employees and processes
aren’t enough to establish a baseline for
innovation, it requires leadership that has to
take a more active role.

10. Knowledge sharing leaders can adapt to changes as they come.
They can revise their plans to incorporate
new innovations and overcome challenges,
Perceptions of leaders being supportive and while still achieving their goals.
encouraging of knowledge exchange have a
positive impact on their followers. Such To enhance your flexible leadership skills,
types of leaders encourage their followers be open to experiences and seek the
to share their ideas with others, are open learning opportunities that each situation
to knowledge sharing in discussion presents. As you become more flexible,
meetings, and motivate others to you will become more effective. Remember
collaborate by acting as role models that becoming a flexible leader takes time
and patience.

As a subject matter expert with scarce skills There are several leadership styles which
or knowledge, you are certainly important. lead to different results. We invite you to
Your colleagues come to you for explore some of the most used ones in
information and advice. When you transition business.
to your first manager role, there is a new
challenge associated with knowledge. Leadership styles can be grouped into eight
True leaders work with others to translate different categories, all built on a leader’s
their knowledge into initiatives that benefit imagination, creativity, strategies,
their organization. They show the way confidence, and personal boundaries. And,
through their actions and behavior the characteristics of being a dynamic and
Knowledge sharing enables organizations to effective leader are based on their individual
develop skills and strengths, ambition, persistence, and
competencies, increase value and sustain behavioral courage. Leaders have preferred
their competitive leadership styles, yet are able to move to a
advantage. Knowledge embodies intangible different style based on the situation and
assets, routines and creative processes challenges. So, the selected style is driven
that are difficult to imitate and as such is a by acquired attributes and comfort, and by
firm's most valuable resource. the real world that the leader is operating
within, specific to their organization. 
The price of being good at what you do is
that your colleagues and your organization
● Pacesetting, Autocratic Style
will increasingly call upon you to help them
● Democratic, Participative Style
succeed.  When that time comes, you can
play it safe in your comfort zone as an ● People-Focused, Affiliative Style
expert, or you can become a leader. By ● Authoritative, Command and Control
making others more powerful you’ll be Style
demonstrating greatness.  ● Excellence Focused, Coercive Style
● Innovative, Transformational Style
● Charismatic, Persuasive Influencer
11. Flexible leader styles Style
● Coaching, Development-Oriented
Flexible leaders are those who can modify
their style or approach to leadership in
response to uncertain or unpredictable
circumstances. In addition, flexible

12. Articulate a vision 14. Giving Feedback

A vision is an end towards which leader can Encouraging feedback helps your team

spend and direct his energy and resources. members open up and voice their opinions
Leaders  share a dream and a path which about your leadership. It gives them the
the employees want to share and follow.  opportunity to convey what works for them
Leadership vision is not restricted to and what doesn't work, in terms of
organizational written mission statement your leadership
and vision statement.
Feedback is critical when in
A visionary leader who clearly and a leadership position because it enables
passionately communicates his or supervisors and managers to identify
her vision can motivate employees to act potential conflict between employees or
with passion and purpose, thereby ensuring conflict that leaders have with their
that everyone is working toward a common employees.
goal. The end result is that everyone
contributes to the organization's forward
momentum. Constructive feedback in the workplace is
extremely important: workplaces need
Leaders share a dream and a path which the effective communication to succeed and
employees want to share and follow. thrive. As well as increasing staff morale,
Leaders who lack vision cannot succeed in feedback helps us learn more about
life and they work in a standard and ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses,
monotonous manner. our behaviors, and how our actions affect
others. It also increases our self-awareness
and encourages personal development.
13. Delegation
Feedback doesn’t always have to be
positive. Negative feedback highlights areas
A delegating leadership style is a low task where we need to improve and helps make
and relationship behavior approach our work much better in the long run.
to leadership where a leader empowers an However, it’s important that you give
individual to exercise autonomy. Employing feedback skillfully and productively,
this approach entails providing the otherwise it provides no basis for
individual with the big picture, then trusting development.
them to deliver agreed-upon results.

A delegating leadership style is most

effective with a person that is both
confident and competent to perform. Even a
moderate level of input from the leader here
(e.g. offering suggestions) can be
off-putting and, as such, interpreted as a
lack of trust. This might result in regression
of both their task-related ability and

15. Receiving Feedback productivity and profitability. Knowing that
their leader cares about and appreciates
Great leaders are great learners. Their them makes each team member feel valued
never-ending pursuit of information pushes as an individual, and is an important factor
them to constantly improve and sets them in driving employee engagement.
apart from the rest. Feedback serves a
crucial role in this process, but getting and
learning from it isn’t always easy.
Receiving feedback, as a leader can be 17. Prioritization
challenging because you are more used to
giving feedback. Being in a power position Great leaders are highly focused, but they
makes leaders feel uncomfortable when also focus resolutely on the right things.
they have to internalize feedback They're skilled at the art of triage; they
themselves. can prioritize many demands, and always
ensure they spend their limited time on
Where do you start from? Be receptive: be those issues that are central to the
willing to hear what the other person has to enterprise's needs.
say. Also, focus on being present rather than
preparing what you want to say: Give Evaluating and acting on priorities is
yourself time to consider the feedback if perhaps the most basic, essential task of
you find yourself taking it personally or feel our workplace lives. It must ensure that
too emotionally charged in the moment. team members participate and learn from
this function—evaluating priorities provides
a coaching moment for the leader and his
16. Active Listening
Prioritization is a key skill that you need to
When you speak, you repeat what you know. make the best use of your own efforts and
When you listen, you learn something new.” those of your team. Most
people prioritize what they need to do based
 – Dalai Lama - on each task's urgency and importance –
they focus on the most pressing, important
jobs first, and do the others once these are
What differentiates an average manager Effective prioritization comes from
from a great leader? The answer often understanding the full scope of what you
encompasses soft skills — such as active need to get done—even the most mundane
listening — which facilitate a leader’s ability tasks should be written down and
to connect with employees. considered.

Healthy communication between leaders While leaders are often held accountable, as
and team members establishes a they should be, for how they spend other
foundation for trust. When your team people’s money, leaders also spend other
members know that they will be heard, they people’s time. Every decision, every meeting,
are more apt to openly share their ideas and every new direction requires time and
provide honest feedback. This, in turn, energy from the people leaders lead.
drives employee engagement and positive Leaders steward an incredible amount of
business outcomes including innovation, other people’s time and energy. When

leaders prioritize well, they serve the people take control of your life's direction; it also
they lead well as their time and energy is provides you a benchmark for determining
stewarded with wisdom. When leaders fail whether you are actually succeeding.
to prioritize well, they waste other people’s
time, not merely their own.
20. Connect with purpose

18. Coaching & Mentoring Connecting to our purpose is what makes

us better leaders. It engages us with
The first difference between coaching and ourselves and with our colleagues and the
mentoring is in time scale; coaching tends greater community. When there is a shared
to be short-term while mentoring is a mission or something big that truly inspires
longer-term process. Coaching tends to others, it can be contagious.
focus on specific skills and is more
operational and task-oriented. By It energizes us to take risks to move beyond
contrast, mentoring tends to focus on our fears. Purpose calls us to grow, to be
relationship building and is more bigger, stronger, more resilient than we
development driven thought was possible. The ability to take
risks is a key attribute required of leaders.
As the objective of coaching is to guide
people to reach their own conclusions and They simply manage to bring people
find their own solutions, each team together for a common cause. It is the job
member will gradually build their of the organization and its leaders to
self-confidence to the point of provide the employees with meaning and in
independence. Your team will depend less this context purpose can be a driving force
on you, thus freeing up your time to deal to achieve the intended results.
with your other duties.

19. Goal setting

Setting goals help leaders stay focused on

what truly matters. Being a leader, setting
goals equals having a bigger picture, a
vision that he or she wants to get to. When
you set the SMART goals, you have a
bulls-eye that they know to focus and
prioritize, keeping your world in order.
For leadership goals to be effective, they
need to meet the standards set
by S.M.A.R.T. criteria, meaning they are
specific, measurable, attainable, relevant
and time-bound.

If you want to succeed, you need to set

goals. Without goals you lack focus and
direction. Goal setting not only allows you to

21. Engage Team and the ability to position yourself to
compete and win in the future.

Engaging leaders step up, opting to New leaders at any level must be able to
proactively own solutions where others mobilize and focus resources and energy on
cannot or do not. They energize others, the priorities that will ensure future
keeping people focused on purpose and business success. The problem that leaders
vision with contagious positivity. They face in becoming more strategic is that
connect and stabilize groups by listening, society, in general, is addicted to short-term
staying calm, and unifying people. thinking.

Leaders need to let go and guide their Routine activities seduce leaders into a very
employees to mature within new and tactical state of mind. They worry about
expansive roles and responsibilities. managing to-do lists, reaching short-term
Employees want to feel valued and goals, and meeting today’s production
challenged; they want to be trusted and schedule. When they see sales numbers
given the freedom to explore and learn drop, they react with a short-term, patch-up
within the job.   Employees that stretch solution. They put out the urgent fires and
themselves to grow and take on more fail to think long term. They simply overlook
advanced assignments especially should be opportunities to see their situation from a
given the opportunity to further accelerate strategic perspective. Too often, they focus
their advancement. The bottom line is that on making it through the current crisis,
leaders must continuously create new managing today’s demands at the expense
opportunities for their employees – or their of the future.
workforce will not be innovative enough.
How else can you determine if an employee
23. Taking responsibility
is capable of performing and stepping-up
their game if you are not continuously
With subordinates, leaders manifest the
finding new ways to engage them? If you are
quality of responsible behavior through a
not engaging your employees to create
willingness to take charge and not shirk
great teams, you are being irresponsible to
from decisions. It means giving up being
the organization and the people you serve. 
“one of the group” and
instead, accepting the role of the leader. It
means having a results-based view of
22. Strategic Thinking the leader's role and a responsible
When leaders are able to consider strategic
thinking, they gain an important skill. They It is the mindset that says, “I am the person
are able to work through unknown who must make this happen.”
situations, and gain abilities to reason, learn,
and make decisions that enable employees The responsible leader exhibits this
to push forward in the face of setbacks. behavior in multiple directions. It influences
how the leader behaves with subordinates;
Strategic thinking is a long term thought but is equally strong in the relationship with
process to achieve a successful team or an immediate boss and with other
company. This means having the capacity departments in the organization. Finally, it
to anticipate, the discipline to prepare now,

encompasses an overall set of values and interpersonal relationships and cross
attitudes. functional collaborations for organizational
These individuals are able to facilitate
24. Collaboration interactions between employees and
business partners of different levels and
Collaborative leadership is a management have the patience to deal with very high
practice that aims to bring managers, levels of frustration.
executives and staff out of silos to work
together. In collaborative workplaces,
information is shared organically and
everyone takes responsibility for the whole.

Collaborative leadership is a style practiced

by leaders who recognize the importance of

Blue Horizon Training is your leadership consulting,

coaching and training partner.
The company is based near Bucharest and we work
with our clients globally.

Our coaches, trainers and facilitators all have a

professional background as leaders, which
differentiates and enables us to connect with our
clients on eye level.

Contact us anytime!

Email: Our Leadership Readiness Self-Assessment Tool is used on many occasions, including our high-impact
Phone / Whatsapp: +40219724503 First-Time Manager Program, that you can read about
Web: here.


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