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Software Requirements


Hospital Management System

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by

1. Dagim Birhanu(436/08)

2. Weyinishet Buzalm(1630/07)

3. Edile Tsegaye(1393/07)

4. Sena Mulugeta(480/08)

5. Dureti Banti(1386/07)

Haramaya University, Ethiopia

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

It is a great pleasure for us to acknowledge the assistance and contributions of many individuals
in making this dissertation a success The accomplishment of this SRS benefits of the help and
direction from our dear supervisor—Mr. Hagazi .Mr. Hagazi is always happy and willing to help
as to solve the confusions and direct me approach to the final result of the SRS. On top of that,
Mr. Hagazi is an easy-going and open-minded person, whom is also a good friend to as. Without
his encouragement, we would not finish this final. Thank you very much! Furthermore, we
would like to show thanks to our Family for support as form the first day of this until know We
wish to express my sincere gratitude to our family for their encouragement and moral support.

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

This main objective of the Hospital Management System is to computerize the maintenance of the
patient details and appointment section in the hospital. This system has been developed to form
whole management system including Employees, Doctors, patients, and appointments etc. it also
includes the details about the laboratory equipment’s. Our project Hospital Management system
includes registration of patients, storing their details into the system, and also computerized
billing in the pharmacy, and labs. Our software has the facility to give a unique id for every
patient and stores the details of every patient and the staff automatically. It includes a search
facility to know the current status of each room. The Hospital Management System can be
entered using a username and password. It is accessible either by an administrator or
receptionist. Only they can add data into the database. The data can be retrieved easily.  The
interface is very user-friendly.  The data are well protected for personal use and makes the data
processing very fast. Using the system is as simple as using the personal computer. Since end
user computing is developing in our country. "It is beneficial to both hospital and the patients.
Every step is clearly defined and help is provided throughout the application to the user. Even
the exceptions are handled well to avoid confusion.

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

Table of Contents
Revision History..........................................................................................................................................iv
Chapter one.................................................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Purpose.............................................................................................................................................1
1.2. Document Conventions....................................................................................................................2
1.3. Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions...................................................................................2
1.5. References........................................................................................................................................3
Chapter Two................................................................................................................................................4
2. Overall Description.................................................................................................................................4
2.1. Product Perspective..........................................................................................................................4
2.2. Product Function..............................................................................................................................4
2.3. User Classes and Characteristics......................................................................................................5
2.4. Operating Environment....................................................................................................................6
2.5. Design and Implementation Constraints...........................................................................................6
2.6. User Documentation.........................................................................................................................6
2.7. Assumptions and Dependencies.......................................................................................................7
Chapter Four................................................................................................................................................8
3. External Interface Requirements.............................................................................................................8
3.1. User Interface...................................................................................................................................8
3.2. Hardware Interfaces........................................................................................................................15
3.3. Software Interfaces.........................................................................................................................15
3.4. Communications Interfaces............................................................................................................16
Chapter Four..............................................................................................................................................17
4. System Feature......................................................................................................................................17
4.1 Use case...........................................................................................................................................17
4.2 Activity diagram..............................................................................................................................19
4.3 Object Diagram...............................................................................................................................21
Chapter Five..............................................................................................................................................22
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements.......................................................................................................22

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

5.1 Performance Requirements..............................................................................................................22

5.2 Safety Requirements........................................................................................................................22
5.3 Security Requirements.....................................................................................................................22
5.4 Software Quality Attributes.............................................................................................................22
5.5 Business Rules.................................................................................................................................23
5.5 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................23

Revision History
Date Version Description Author
21/June/2018 1.0 Software Requirements Author
Specification Document Final

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

Chapter one

1. Introduction
A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment with specialized medical and
nursing staff and medical equipment. It is the essential part of our life, providing best medical
facility to people suffering from various ailments, which may be due to change in climatic
condition, increased work-load, emotional trauma stress etc. it is necessary for the hospital to
keep track of its day-to-day activity and records of its patients, doctors, nurses, ward boys and
other staff personal that keep the hospital running smoothly and successfully.

But Keeping track of all the activities and their records on paper is very cumbersome and error
prone. It also very inefficient and time-consuming process observing the continue increase in
population and number of people visiting the hospital. Recording and maintaining all this records
is highly unreliable, inefficient and error-prone. It is also not economically and technically
feasible to maintain this record on paper. Thus keeping the working of the manual system as the
basis of our project. We have developed an automated version of the manual system, named as
“Hospital management system”. Hospital Management System is designed for multispecialty
hospitals, to cover a wide range of hospital administration and management processes. It is an
integrated end-to-end Hospital Management System that provides relevant information across the
hospital to support effective decision making for patient care, hospital administration and critical
financial accounting, in a seamless flow.

The main aim of our project is to provide a paper-less hospital up to also aims to
providing low-cost reliable automation of the existing systems. The system also provides
excellent security of the data at every level of the user-system interaction and also provides
robust and reliable storage and backup facilities.

1.1. Purpose
The Software is for the automation of Hospital Management. It is the user friendly application
for Hospital which reduces the burden and helps to manage all sections of hospital like reception,
lab, inpatient/outpatient management and Billing etc., which improve the processing efficiency.
It deals with the automating tasks of maintaining of laboratory And Diagnosis.

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

It maintains two levels of users:-

 Administrator Level
 User Level

The Software includes:-

 Maintaining Patient details.

 Providing Prescription, Precautions and Diet advice.
 Providing and maintaining all kinds of tests for a patient.
 Billing and Report generation.

1.2. Document Conventions

This document follows the MLA Format. Bold-faced text has been used to emphasize section
and sub-section headings. Highlighting is to point out words in the glossary and italicized text is
used to label and recognize diagrams.

DB Database

ER Entity Relationship

MLA Modern Language Association

SQL Structure Query Language

HMS Hospital Management System

1.3. Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This software requirement document is intended for:

Developer who can review project capability and more easily understand where their effort
should be targeted to improve or add more features to (it design and code the application –it sets
the guidelines for the future development.) Project testers can also use this document as a base
for their testing strategy as some base easier to find using a requirements document. This way
testing becomes more methodically organized. End users of this application who wish to read
about what this project can do also read understand it.

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

1.4. Product Scope

The proposed software products are the Hospital management system (HMS). It can be used in
any Hospital, Clinic, Dispensary or Pathology labs to mention daily functions like patient
registration, monitoring blood bank, managing admission and overall management of various
departments can be easily performed with higher accuracy after the installation of hospital
software. It is powerful, flexible, and easy to use and is designed and developed to deliver real
conceivable benefits to hospitals.

The current system is use in paper-based system. It is too show and cannot provide update lists of
patient within a reasonable timeframe. The intentions of the system are to reduce over-time pay
and increase the number of patient that can be treated accurately. The modules of hospital
management software are user-friendly and easy to access. It has a common user friendly
interface having several modules. The officials can utilize these modules in their processes
without any hassle and make the best possible use of hospital management system.

1.5. References
The links contains the brief description of the project, tutorial, documentation, links and it gives
users the ability to download and contribute to the project in different ways.

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

Chapter Two

2. Overall Description

2.1. Product Perspective

This hospital management is self-contained system that manages activities of the hospital as
patient Info. Various stakeholders are involved in the hospital patient Info system. It also can do
providing low-cost reliable automation of the existing systems. The system also provides
excellent security of the data at every level of the user-system interaction and also provides
robust and reliable storage and backup facilities. The fully functional automated hospital
management system which will be developed through this project will eliminate the
disadvantages caused by the manual system by improving the reliability, efficiency and
performance. The usage of a database to store patient, employee, stock details etc. will
accommodate easy access, retrieval, search and manipulation of data. The access limitations
provided through access privilege levels will enhance the security of the system. The system will
facilitate concurrent access and convenient management of activities of the medical center.

2.2. Product Function

These system functions do as follow:

Registration: when the patient is admitted, the front-disk staff cheeks to see if the patient is
already registered with the hospital.

 If he/she is, his/her registration Number or Name is entered into the computer. Otherwise
a new registration number will be created with the hospital.
 The patient information such as full name, age, sex, address, phone number, date of birth
and other related information will be registered in the computer system.

Patient check out: if a patient checks out, the administrative staff shale deletes his/her
information from the system. Generally the system also track of the CRUD operation which is
create, retrieve, update and delete other the hospital operation.

Generation: The system generates reports the following information, list of detailed information
regarding the patient who has admitted in the hospital.

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

 Issuing numbers according to doctor channeled.

 Updating the record with medical prescription.
 Printing bill of doctor charges.

Lab Management

 Record sample collection details

 Lab resources management
 Lab report conclusion generation
 Bill calculation
 Lab equipment stock management

2.3. User Classes and Characteristics

Admin:-Admin has the full access to the system which means he is able to manage any activity
with regard to the system. He is the highest privileged user who can access to the system.

Key functions

 Manage employees, patients and equipment

 Allocate resources
 Administer the charges
 Generate reports
 Manage doctors

Employee:-Interacts with the systems most often to supply service to customers

Key functions

 Keep track of patient details

 Keep tract of test details
 Keep track of progress of patients
 Maintain bill details
 Manage inventory

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

2.4. Operating Environment

Software requirements

 Windows 7 or above operating system.

 Net Beans IDE 8.0.2.
 SQL server 2012.
 Microsoft word 2010 for documentation.

 Hardware Requirements

  Core i3 processor or above.

  4GB Ram or above.
  10GB of hard disk space for the System installation.
  500GB Hard disk space in Server Machine.

2.5. Design and Implementation Constraints

 System is wire networked.
 System is only accessible within the hospital premises only.
 Database is password protected.
 Should use less RAM and processing power.
 Each user should have individual ID and password.
 Only administrator can access the whole system.

2.6. User Documentation

As a part of the system itself user documentation is provided to the customer who gives an
overview of the system. It will include the full description about the product and complete
orderly followed steps to install the software. The users will get the opportunity to use the system
without having any trouble. The user manual will include the email addresses to contact us in
need. Tasks are listed alphabetically or logically grouped often using cross referenced indexes
which helps the users to know exactly what sort of information they are looking for.

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

2.7. Assumptions and Dependencies

Each user must have a valid user id and password
Server must be running for the system to function
Users must log in to the system to access any record.
Only the Administrator can delete records.

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

Chapter Four

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1. User Interface

1. Login Form

2. Home Page

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

3. Patient Entry Form

4. Prescription Entry Form

5. Patient Diagnosis History Form

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

6. Patient Injection Entry Form

7. Patient Receipt Entry Form

8. Accumulated Receipt Form

9. Patient Receipt Query Form

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

10. Gastroscopy Test Form

11. Biochemistry Test Form

12. Colonoscopy Test Form

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

13. Blood Test Form

14. Stool Test Form

15. Solography Test Form

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

16. X-Ray Form

17. Urine Test Form

18. Test Reports Form

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

19. Search By Name Form

20. Search By Date Form

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

3.2. Hardware Interfaces

 Laptop/Desktop PC
Core i3 processor or above.
4GB RAM or above.

Purpose of this pc is to give information when Patients ask information about doctors, medicine
available lab tests etc. To perform such Action it need very efficient computer otherwise due to
that reason patients have to wait for a long time to get what they ask for.

 Laser Printer (B/W)

Simply this device is for printing bills and view reports.

 Router

Router is used to for internetwork operations inside of a hospital and simply data transmission
from pc’s to sever.

3.3. Software Interfaces

Developing End

JDK 1.8 - Java is fast, secure, and reliable
Net Beans IDE 8.0.2 - IDE for Java developing.
SQL Server 2012 - Database connectivity and management
Adobe Photoshop cs4 - Logo and other designing such as User interfaces

Client End

OS Windows 7/8/8.1- Very user friendly and common OS

JRE 1.8 - JAVA Runtime Environment for run Java Application and System
SQL Server 2012 - Database connectivity.

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

3.4. Communications Interfaces

NIC (Network Interface Card) – It is a computer hardware component that allows a
computer to connect to a network. NICs may be used for both wired and wireless
CAT 5 network cable- for high signal integrity
TCP/IP protocol-Internet service provider to access and share information over the
Ethernet Communications Interface- Ethernet is a frame-based computer network
technology for local area networks (LANs)
Ubiquitous, easy to set up and easy to use. Low cost and high data transmission rates.

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

Chapter Four

4. System Feature

4.1 Data Dictionary

1. Doctor Details

Name-Doctor Details

Name Type Size Description

ID Integer ID of the Doctor

Name Varchar 50 Name of the Doctor

Address Varchar 150 Address of the Doctor

Phone Number Varchar 90 Contact number of the doctor

Qualification Varchar 100 Qualification of the Doctor

Gender Varchar 30 Gender of the doctor

Table No.2.3

Room Details

Name-Room Details

Name Type Size Description

Room_no Integer Id of the Room

Room Type Varchar 50 General or Private Room

Table No.2.4

Patient Details

Name- patient Details

Name Type Size Description

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

Patient_no Integer 20 ID of the Patient

Name Varchar 60 Name of the patient

Age Integer 20 Age of the Patient

Gender Varchar 30 Gender of the Patient
Address Varchar 90 Address of the Patient

Date Datetime 30 Date of admission

Contact Number Varchar 90 Contact number of the patient

Room No Varchar 50 Admitted patient room no.(in case of IP)

Table No.2.3

Bill Details

Name-Bill Details
Name Type Size Description

Bill_no Integer 20 Number of the Bill

Date Datetime 20 Date at which bill is generated

Patient Id Varchar 50 Id of the patient

Name Varchar 50 Name of the Patient

Age Varchar 50 Age of the patient

Gender Varchar 50 Gender of the Patient

Date of Admission Varchar 50 Date on which patient is admitted into

Date of Discharge Varchar 50 Date on which patient is Discharged from
the Hospital
Room Charges Varchar 50 Charges of the room

Pathology fees Varchar 50 Laboratory report Charges

Doctor Fees Varchar 50 Doctor Checkup Fees

Miscellaneous Varchar 50 Other Charges

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

Total Amount Varchar 100 Total amount of the bill

4.2 ER-Diagram

Address Address Name

Name Department Age


Doctor Patient Ph.No



Regis Issue
ter d



Name Address Department No




Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

4.1 Use case

The Actors and their use cases are identified as:-

 Receptionist--Interact with Visitors, Give appointments to Medical Representatives and

Handles Patient Registration.
 Doctors--Give prescription to Patient, Do Operation, and Review Patients health.
 Nurse--Give Medicine to Patient, Coordinate with Doctors in Operation, Report
to doctors, Monitors Patients health.
 Patient--Interact with Doctor, Follow Doctor Instructions, Pay Bills.

Hospital Reception 

Subsystem or module supports some of the many job duties of hospital receptionist. Receptionist
schedules patient's appointments and admission to the hospital, collects information from patient
upon patient's arrival by computer. For the patient that will stay in the hospital ("inpatient") she
or he should have a bed allotted in a ward. Receptionists might also receive patient's payments,
record them in a database and provide receipts, file insurance claims and medical reports.

Interact with Visitors,

receive payments

Give appointments to
Receptionist Medical

Handles Patient

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

Give prescription
to Patient Patients

Doctor Do Operation


Give Medicine to

with Doctors in


Report to doctors and

Monitors Patients health

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

Interact with Doctor

Patient Follow Doctor


Pay Bills

4.2 Activity diagram

A. Login
In the activity diagram of login, the registrar first has to be Login in the system to perform
her/his task. He/she should have a valid username and password to login in to the system. Here is
the activity diagram.
Invalid username and
Start password


Enter username Cheek Yes Registrar Login End

and password validit successfully

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

B. For the other Hospital Activity

Activity diagram for hospital management system, whenever the patient is admitted to hospital,
the patient is validated. If the patient is general patient then he /she will be admitted to general
ward, else he/she will be admitted to private room. The availability of room is checked. If the
room is available then the room is allocated to the patient and updating‚ are made. If the patient
requires the operation then the main doctor is assigned for operation. The assisting surgeons are
assigned, the operating theater is also assigned and operation is performed. If operation is not
required then patient is discharged.


Validate patient

Cheek availability Private patient General patient Cheek availability

of private room ward

Assigning patient
Assigning patient
to private room
Cheek if operation
is required

Discharge patient

Assign main surgery

Assign assisting Assign operation Perform

surgery theatre Operation

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

4.3 Object Diagram

Before drawing an object diagram, the following things should be remembered and understood
clearly −

 Object diagrams consist of objects.

 The link in object diagram is used to connect objects.

 Objects and links are the two elements used to construct an object diagram.

So as mention before we have declared and implement those object and the objects are linked
together to perform a basic and fundamental task.


W:Wards S:Staff
Number=16 M:Medical Name=Dagim Birhanu
Category=”ICU” Name=QWER Age=20
Contact_Number=0987054731 Salary=3000

R:Receptionsit D:Doctor
Name=weyinishet Buzalem Name=Elsabet Birhanu
Age=21 Salary=12000
Salary= Contact=09121614499
P:patient Diagnosis= general
Name =amir kahan

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

Chapter Five

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

 Response time-The system will give responses within 1 second after checking the patient
information and other information.
 Capacity-The system must support 1000 people at a time
 User interface - User interface screen will response within 5 seconds.
 Conformity – The system must conform to the Microsoft accessibility

 5.2 Safety Requirements

If there is extensive damage to a wide portion of the database due to catastrophic failure, such as
a disk crash, the recovery method restores a past copy of the database that was backed up to
archival storage and reconstructs a more current state by reapplying or redoing the operations of
committed transactions from the backed up log, up to the time of failure.

5.3 Security Requirements

All the administrative and data entry operators have unique logins so system can understand who
is login in to system right now no intruders allowed except system administrative nobody can
change record and valuable data.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

 Availability: The system shall be available all the time.
 Correctness: bug free software which fulfills the correct need/requirements of the client.
 Maintainability: The ability to maintain, modify information and update fix problems of
the system
 Usability: software can be used again and again without distortion.
 Accessibility: Administrator and many other users can access the system but the access
level is controlled for each user according to their work scope
 Accuracy: The reliability on the information/output. Can depend/be sure of the outcome.

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

 Stability: The system outcome/output won’t change time to time. Same output will be
given always for a given input.

5.5 Business Rules

 Want take the responsibility of failures due to hardware malfunctioning.
 Warranty period of maintaining the software would be one year.
 Additional payments will be analyzed and charged for further maintenance
 If any error occur due to a user’s improper use. Warranty will not be allocated to it.
 No money back returns for the software.
 Trust bond placement should be done before designing and coding. An advance or an

5.5 Conclusion
Hospital management software is software meant to computerize the day to day average small
hospital management activities and capable of providing easy and very effective storage
information including patient registration, patient medical records, doctors and nurses
information. Test reports, medication prescription details which include diet advice can also be
performed by the system. The billing facility of either inpatient or outpatient is also an attribute
of this software and most importantly, a backup facility is included in the software in case of
unexpected crash. Understanding the complexity of software development process and life circle
was quite challenging and demanding, therefore a lot of man power, coding and research were
done for this project to be completed.

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital management system

Hospital Management is a term very broad in scope and may be defined from different aspects. It
mainly relates to management of all aspects of a hospital; a coordination of all elements of
a hospital. This may range from patient care to record keeping to inventory of medicines and
cleanliness. Hospital information system. In many implementations, and HIS is a comprehensive,
integrated information system designed to manage all the aspects of a hospital's operation, such
as medical, administrative, financial, and legal issues and the corresponding processing of

A. The in-hospital management of COPD-exacerbation includes three core processes:

1. Diagnostic assessment

2. Pharmacological management

3. Non-Pharmacological management

Patient management software (PMS) is referred to as software that is regulated as a medical

device. It is software that is used to acquire medical information from a medical device to be
used in the treatment or diagnosis of a patient.


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