Seminar Report For Bie 2074 Batch

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A seminar paper on "Use of Failure Analysis to Improve Machine performance: A

case study on injections moulding machine"


Sujan Nepal









June 2022

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Department of Industrial Engineering

Thapathali Campus, Institute of Engineering

Kathmandu, Nepal




It is hereby certified that this report, entitled

A seminar paper on " Use of Failure Analysis to Improve Machine performance: A

case study on injections moulding machine "

prepared by sujan nepal

is an outcome of the research conducted under

“Department of Industrial Engineering”

The facts and ideas presented in this paper are an outcome of the student’s hard work and
dedication to the project, undertaken as a partial fulfillment for requirements for degree of

Bachelor in Industrial Engineering.

The outcome of this project has been highly appriciated.

External Evaluator
Er. krishna prasad pandey
Er. Rajan Panthi
IOE, Thapathali campus
Ministry of Education, science

Head of Department
Er. Bishworam Parajuli
Department of Industrial
IOE, Thapathali Campus

Failure analysis is known as a quality control tool to inquire the root cause of a problem. In
this seminar paper Failure analysis is referring to Toyota Production System (TPS) and being
used to improve the performance of injection moulding machine. Failure analysis is
effectively used in factories adopted TPS, for a machine dependent company every minute of
unplanned machine stops during production run is a cost and time lost. This seminar paper
was focus on application and methodology for maintenance base on the “mean time to failure
statistic” to reduce the number of productions loses due to machine break-down. The Failure
analysis method is used in order to know the machine condition and main issues. By using
Failure analysis, the main cause of machine shutdown was found out which is machine
overheat. with the help of pareto chart the machine shutdown time period was found out. From
the analysis, the result showed after changing the new PCB board, the overheating problem
was encountered and at the same time the number of production loss also decrease from the
previous. The objective of this seminar paper has been successfully achieved whereas the
number of production loss due to overheat problem was reduced by 79% which is more than
the expected by using Failure analysis. With the purpose to apply the Failure analysis in
maintenance strategy at injection moulding machine this paper was performed as a case study.

Keywords/Phrase: Tool and Die, Mould, Failure analysis, predictive maintenance,

Manufacturing Industry

I am very thankful to the department of industrial engineering, thapathali campus especially
to Er. Bishworam Parajuli, head of department for providing the prospect of carrying out the
seminar paper writing. Also, with immense pleasure I express my deep sense of gratitude and
respect to Er. Krishna prasad Pandey who guided us by giving valuable suggestion,
constructive criticism and encouragement which helped me to keep up sprit high and to deal
with problem thought the project work. His meticulous methodology critical assessment and
warm encouragement made it possible for me to bring the work in present shape.

I am sincerely thankful to all member of the facility of industrial engineering thapathali

campus for giving us timely support in writing the seminar paper. I express word of thanks to
my friend for their constant support, suggestion and encouraging during seminar paper

COPYRIGHT ......................................................................................................................... ii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................... v

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. viii

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................. ix

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background ............................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Objectives ................................................................................................................. 2

1.2.1 General objectives: ................................................................................................ 2

1.2.2 Specific objectives ................................................................................................. 2

1.3 Significance of study ................................................................................................ 3

1.4 Limitations ................................................................................................................ 3

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................... 4

CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................... 6

3.1 Theoretical/Conceptual framework .......................................................................... 6

3.2 Study Design............................................................................................................. 6

3.2.1 Secondary Data ...................................................................................................... 6

3.2.2 Literature Review and Internet Research .............................................................. 8

CHAPTER FOUR: CASE STUDY ...................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER FIVE: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ........................................................ 13

5.1 Results .................................................................................................................... 13

5.2 Discussion ............................................................................................................... 13

CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................. 17

6.1 Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 17

6.2 Recommendation .................................................................................................... 17

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... 18


Table 4.1 Why analysis on Men…………………………………………………………10

Table 4.2 Why analysis on Material…………………………………………………….10

Table 4.3 Why Analysis on Machine…………………………………………………...11

Table 4.4 Why Analysis on Method………………………………………………….....11

Figure 3. 1 Study Design……………………………………………………………….….7

Figure 4.1 Type of Machine shutdown……………………………………………………8

Figure 4.2 Ishikawa Diagram for Machine Overheats…………………………………….9

Figure 5.1 Production Loss at Ananda Plastic Pvt. Ltd. From Dec-Feb………………….13

Figure 5.2 Production Loss at Ananda Plastic Pvt. Ltd. From March-May……………...13

Figure 5.3 Percentage of Production Loss Dec-Feb……………………………………....14

Figure 5.4 Percentage of Production Loss March-May…………………………………..15


PDM Predictive Maintenance

IOE Institute Of Engineering
PCB Printed Circuit Board
SSR Solid State Relay

1.1 Background

Technological development resulted in increased complexity in both industrial

machinery and production systems. The modern industry is constantly demanding for
work at high reliability, low environmental risks, and human safety while operating their
processes at maximum yield. Therefore, prevention of failures and early detection of
incipient machine and systems problems increase the useful operating life of
manufacturing plant.

The competitive pressure on the market is forcing companies to explore every possible
competitive advantage with the goal to find the potential in every single process. A high
performing production system is not only dependent on an operational design but also on
the processes of taking care of the system. This includes maintenance that aims to keep
the system in an operational condition or bring it back to an operational condition after a
break down.

Blending the Failure analysis with maintenance this research produced a method of
questioning that leads to the identification of the root causes of a problem. A failure
analysis is conducted to identify solutions to a problem that address its root causes. Rather
than taking actions that are merely Band-Aids, a Failure analysis helps to identify how to
prevent the issue from happening again. The root cause guides us to establish measures
to protect organizations including the project from the same problems in the future.

There are six categories of maintenance such as perfective, corrective, preventive,

predictive, prevention and adaptive. As much as one third of the maintenance cost is
estimated to exist due to bad planning, badly performed preventive maintenance and
overtime costs which lead to unnecessary increased production costs. With a correct
maintenance strategy, the downtime and the maintenance cost can be radically decreased.
Until recently, middle and corporate level management have ignored the impact of the
maintenance operation on product quality, production costs, and more important, on
bottom-line profit.

In this seminar paper, the maintenance was selected and embedded with “5-why” analysis
to encounter the problem occur in the injection molding machine. To understand a
maintenance management program, traditional management techniques should first be
considered. Industrial and process plants typically employ two types of maintenance
management which is run to failure or predictive maintenance.

Run-to-Failure Management is the logic of run-to-failure management is simple and

straightforward. When a machine breaks down, fix it and “If it isn't broke, don’t fix it”.
A plant using run-to-failure management does not spend any money on maintenance until
a machine or system fails to operate. However, it is actually a “no maintenance” approach
of management. It is also the most expensive method of maintenance management.

Predictive Maintenance is that regular monitoring of the actual mechanical condition,

operating efficiency, and other indicators of the operating condition of machine-trains
and process systems will provide the data required to ensure the maximum interval
between repairs and minimize the number and cost of unscheduled outages created by
machine-train failures.

Failure analysis is much more, however. It is the means of improving productivity,

product quality, and overall effectiveness of manufacturing and production plants through
a unique data set that assists the maintenance in determining the actual need for

1.2 Objectives
1.2.1 General objectives:

To study Failure Analysis to Improve Maintenance Strategy for Injection Moulding


1.2.2 Specific objectives

• To find root cause of machine failure.
• To find and analyze productions losses.
• To find effective ways to operate machine for optimum level of production.
• To find safety compliance, preemptive corrective actions, and increased asset life

1.3 Significance of study

During my OJT time, the injection molding machine is not operating in an optimal way.
As machine shutdown has been increasing. Due to overheat problem in injections
molding machines give the high impact of time that influence towards machine shut down
which is 2690 minutes loss in 3 months compared to the others. The second-high impacts
that contribute towards machine shut down are changing the product which is 720-minute
loss in 3 months. The third type of machine shut down are minor maintenance which is
480 minutes loss in 3 month and this type of machine shut down are done because of
following the preventive maintenance schedule weekly. Product defect was the last types
that contribute towards machine shut down which is losses of 230 minutes in 3 months.
This type is rarely happened because the number of product defect is low and if the defect
occurs, the operator will counter the problem at that moment. So, data has to be gathered,
analyzed and countermeasure need to be done on injection molding machine to make
optimum production and to reduce machine failure.

1.4 Limitations
To gather data is a very difficult task. There is always a question raised about the validity
and reliability of the data taken. These problems and errors are natural and can be
minimized but not eliminated. Each and every study has its own boundaries. It isn't
possible to compile all the subject materials in one single study. So, I try to incorporate
and make results. Further this study is for the partial fulfilment required for the bachelors
in industrial engineering. so, it is impossible to keep each and every thing in this work.
However, care has been given to keep as much as things and cover as much area as
possible. These limitations are normal one and further researches, comment, suggestion
about this topic will be always welcomed in future.


Predictive maintenance (PDM) is a type of condition-based maintenance that monitors

the condition of assets through sensor devices. These sensor devices supply data in real-
time, which is then used to predict when the asset will require maintenance and thus,
prevent equipment failure. (Yadav, 2005)

Predictive maintenance is the most advanced type of maintenance currently available.

With time-based maintenance, organizations run the risk of performing too much
maintenance or not enough. And with reactive maintenance, maintenance is performed
when needed, but at the cost of unscheduled downtime. Predictive maintenance solves
these issues. With PDM, maintenance is only scheduled when specific conditions are met
and before the asset breaks down. (yadav, 2007)

An Ishikawa diagram is a diagram that shows the causes of an event and is often used in
manufacturing and product development to outline the different steps in a process,
demonstrate where quality control issues might arise, and determine which resources are
required at specific times. The Ishikawa diagram was developed by Kaoru Ishikawa
during the 1960s as a way of measuring quality control processes in the shipbuilding
industry. (Koo zhang, 2007)

They resemble a fish skeleton, with the "ribs" representing the causes of an event and the
final outcome appearing at the head of the skeleton. The purpose of the Ishikawa diagram
is to allow management to determine which issues have to be addressed in order to gain
or avoid a particular event. Other common uses of the Ishikawa diagram include using it
as a methodology for creating product designs that solve practical problems. It can also
be used in quality defect prevention to identify potential factors causing an overall effect.
Each cause or reason for imperfection is a source of variation. Causes are usually grouped
into major categories to identify and classify these sources of variation. (Koo zhang,

Injection moulding is a manufacturing process that allows for parts to be produced in

large volumes. It works by injecting molten materials into a mould. It is typically used as
a mass production process to manufacture thousands of identical items. Injection
moulding materials include metals, glasses, elastomers and confections, although it is

most commonly used with thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers. Injection moulding
is used to make a range of widely used products, including common plastic items like
bottle tops as well as remote control casings, syringes and more. It is also commonly used
for manufacturing larger items such as car body panels. (Rinne, 2008)

A Pareto chart is a bar graph or the combination of bar and line graphs. The purpose of
using this chart is to represent a set of data in a bar graph chart. The individual values are
represented by the length of the bars and the line shows the combined total. The values
are expressed from the longest bar to the shortest bar in the graph. These charts are also
created using the excel sheets. Basically, these graphs give statistical information on a
bulk of information for each category. Hence, it is a part of Mathematical statistics. Pareto
charts are the best chart to do the analysis of the bulk of data. In business industries, these
charts are used very often. Used For the analysis of the revenue growth of the organisation
with respect to the time period. To choose for any specific data and work on it, in a broad
set of data available. To explain to other people the set of data you have. (Ghimire, 2015)

Five whys (5 whys) is a problem-solving method that explores the underlying cause-and-
effect of particular problems. The primary goal is to determine the root cause of a defect
or a problem by successively asking the question “Why?”. The number ‘5’ here comes
from the anecdotal observation that five iterations of asking why is usually sufficient
enough to reveal the root cause. In some cases, it may take more or fewer whys,
depending on the depth of the root cause. It Helps identify the root cause of a problem
Understand how one process can cause a chain of problems Determine the relationship
between different root causes Highly effective without complicated evaluation
techniques. (wansley, 2008)

A printed circuit board (PCB) or printed wiring board (PWB) is a laminated sandwich
structure of conductive and insulating layers. PCBs have two complementary functions.
The first is to affix electronic components in designated locations on the outer layers by
means of soldering. The second is to provide reliable electrical connections (and also
reliable open circuits) between the component's terminals in a controlled manner often
referred to as PCB design. Each of the conductive layers is designed with an artwork
pattern of conductors (similar to wires on a flat surface) that provides electrical
connections on that conductive layer. Another manufacturing process adds via, plated-
through holes that allow interconnections between layers. (Rinne, 2008)
3.1 Theoretical/Conceptual framework

Failure analysis is known as a quality control tool to inquire the root cause of a problem.
In this research “5-Why” analysis is referring to Toyota Production System (TPS) and
being used to improve the maintenance strategy in a molding company. "5-Why" analysis
is effectively used in factories adopted TPS, for a machine dependent company every
minute of unplanned machine stops during production run is a cost and time lost. This
paper was focus on application and methodology for predictive maintenance base on the
“mean time to failure statistic” to reduce the number of productions loses due to machine
break-down. The "5-Why" analysis method is used in order to know the machine
condition and main issues

3.2 Study Design

The study design involves data collection, measurement and analysis of data to support
the research. The data was collected to study machine shutdown period and to construct
pareto chart and histogram diagram to find root cause of machine failure and to optimize
the production rate.
3.2.1 Secondary Data
Secondary data were collected from various reports, academic paper, books, internet etc.
which are cited in reference.

Literature review and internet


Redefining problem


Study different technique

being used

Analysis of data and made

pareto chart, Fishbone

Conclusion of study

Figure 3. 2 Study Design

3.2.2 Literature Review and Internet Research
Literature review is the major source of information and data while doing this research
paper. Collection of information regarding the root cause finding and decreasing
production losses is heavily relies on literature review and internet research.


The method of Failure analysis has been used to find out the main possibility that
contribute towards machine become overheat. From both of the problem findings method,
the analysis and countermeasure were made by using the predictive maintenance strategy
in order to get the actual result. The impact from the machine problem was affected the
number of production loss, thus analyzing of the number of production loss also has been
shown through a Trend Chart, Histogram, and Pie Chart.

Figure 4.1 below shows the types of machine shutdown occur on the injection molding
machine. Based on the result, the overheat problem give the high impact of time that
influence towards machine shut down which is 2690 minutes loss in 3 months compared
to the others. The second-high impacts that contribute towards machine shut down are
changing the product which is 720-minute loss in 3 months. Changing the product means
the producing of the new part after the previous parts are completed to produce and it
include the changing of the new mold.


3000 120%
2500 100%
2000 80%


1500 60%

1000 40%

500 20%

0 0%
overheat change product minor maintainance product defect

Figure 4.1 Type of Machine shutdown

The third type of machine shut down are minor maintenance which is 480 minutes loss
in 3 month and this type of machine shut down are done because of following the
preventive maintenance schedule weekly. Product defect was the last types that
contribute towards machine shut down which is losses of 230 minutes in 3 months. This
type is rarely happened because the number of product defect is low and if the defect
occurs, the operator will counter the problem at the moment.

Figure 4.2 Ishikawa Diagram for Machine Overheats

Figure 4.2 above shows the Ishikawa Diagram of injection moulding machine at Ananda
plastic company. Based on this figure, there are four causes that contribute to the machine
become overheating which is machine, man, material, and method. Each of these
elements needs to be check and analyse deeply in order to know the main causes that
influence of this problem.

The table 4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4 below shows the “5-Why” Analysis of injection moulding
machine at Ananda plastic company. Based on the result obtain in the “5-Why” Analysis
below, it shows that the main problem comes from the machine rather than others
element. The production stop because of the temperature reading in a heater band is out
of the range from the actual temperature setup in proportional-integral derivative (PID)
controller. In that case, the machine become overheats and to counter this problem, future
action needs to be plan.

Table 4.1 Why analysis on Men


problem 5 CAUSE KS
only experience
lack of and skills
operator new
awarenes FALSE operator are
overlook operator
s allowed to set the
employee cannot
no be release to
lack of
wrong evaluation control the
compreh FALSE
setting after machine unless
training they pass during

Table 4.2 Why analysis on Material

what is VERIFY
the WHY 1 WHY 2 WHY 3 TRUE
problem CAUSE
only experience and
skills operator are
machine high operator new allowed to set the
overheat humidity overlook operator FALSE temperature

Table 4.3 Why Analysis on Machine

what FY
is the WH WH TRU
proble Y4 Y5 E
replace with
SSR electronic
heater new heater
over switch
element TRUE element and SSR
heating components
machi damage but still machine
ne overheat
overhe replace with
thermocou incorrect
at internal short new
ple reading reading
circuit in the TRUE thermocouple
inconsiste detached
thermocouple but still machine
nt by


delay on internal PID
cont replace new PID
SSR delay off signal setting
rolle controller but
in on and coming computation TRUE
r still machine
off from PID not in sync
fault overheat
controller with heater
PCB board sends by replace with
fuse burn in
fail to PCB board TRUE new PCB board.
PCB board
functional to OK

Table 4.4 Why Analysis on Method

what is verify
why why countermeasure/
the why 1 why 2 why 3 true
4 5 remarks
problem causes
temperature controller
every material
setting is not only shows
wrong in has a specific
based on actual FALS
temperatu different
material temperature E
re setting temperature
requirement at main
machine spec display
overheat temperature
all the changing
frequent improper changing not
in temperature is
temperatu changing follow the FALS
based in the
re temperature desired E
changing procedure actual

Based on the table 4.3 above, the main problem was detected on the heater barrel. Heater
barrel is functional to heat the material at a present temperature and the machine overheat
problem was occur because of the temperature reading in heater barrel is over limit from
the actual present temperature. The countermeasure on the heater barrel should be taken
in order to maintain the productivity.

5.1 Results

With the help of pareto chart, time vs machine shut down at injection molding machine
for December to February is analyzed. The maximum shutdown period is found due to
machine overheat. Different bar chart is made and analyzed the production loss during 3
months found to be 2.02%,3.55%, and 2.08%. Overheating problem was detected through
the heating process cycle between the main four components which is SSR, Heater
element, Thermocouple, and PCB board. Further analysis towards these 4 components
was performed to get a solution for the machine problem. From the analysis, the result
showed after changing the new PCB board, the overheating problem was encountered
and at the same time the number of production loss also decrease from the previous. The
loss due to overheat problem was reduced by 79% which is more than the expected by
using “5-Why” analysis.

5.2 Discussion

Figure 5.1 below shows that the number of production loss for three months after
countermeasure was made at the injection machine. The numbers of production loss are
due to the machine shutdown and it is due to the same reason cause by overheating, mold
change, setting part, and minor maintenance during the production. Based on the result
Obtained, after changing the “Heater Element” on December 2021, the production team
loss their product for 820 parts and on March, they still lost about 1323 parts after
changing the “Thermocouple”. It shows that the increasing number of production loss
occur after changing the thermocouple.

Then, the changing of “Solid State Relay” (SSR) on February 2022 shows the production
loss still occur whereas they loss about 848 parts. This countermeasure can be assumed
as not successful and the next countermeasure was taken.

Number of production at injection molding machine in 2021-2022
40647 40799
Number of production 41000 39951
38000 37216
December January February
Axis Title

plan actual

Figure 5.1 Production Loss at Ananda Plastic Pvt. Ltd. From Dec-Feb

Number of production at injection molding machine in

40800 40612
40600 40434
Number of production

39800 39599
March April May

plan actual

Figure 5.2 Production Loss at Ananda Plastic Pvt. Ltd. From March-May
Based on the result obtained on figure 5.2 above, the machine overheat problem has been
encountered by changing a new PCB board on the injection molding machine. The result
shown that on March, April, and May, the number of production loss is 235 parts, 259
parts, and 157 parts. It shows that on these three months, the number of production loss
was decrease to below 300 parts of losses compared to the previous result on December
until February which is above 800 parts of losses. The changing of new PCB board gives
the high impact towards the machine problem whereas at the same time it reduces a large
number of production losses that due to the overheating problem.

Percentage of Production Loss Percentage of Production
on December 2021 Loss on January 2022
2.02% 3.55%

97.98% 96.45%

Percentage of Production Loss on February 2022



profit loss

Figure 5.3 Percentage of Production Loss Dec-Feb

Based on figure 5.3 above, result shows the percentage of production loss before
countermeasure of overheating problem. From the result obtained, the percentage number
of product produce on February, March, and April 2014 are 97.98%, 96.45%, and
97.92%. Instead, the total production loss occurs on these three months are 2.02%, 3.55%,
and 2.08%. It shows that on every month, the production facing with the same problem
and the existing of production loss even in a small scale, it can totally affect the company

Percentage of Production Loss Percentage of Productions Loss
on March 2022 in April
0.58% 0.64%

99.42% 99.36%

Percentage of Production Loss on May



Figure 5.4 Percentage of Production Loss March-May

Figure 5.4 above shows the percentage of production loss after countermeasure of
overheating problem was done. Based on the result obtained, after countermeasure of
overheating problem the percentage number of production loss on March, April, and May
2022 was decreasing to 0.58%, 0.64%, and 0.39% compared to the 3-month previous. It
shows that overheating problem occur on machine give a high impact towards the

6.1 Conclusion

Injection molding machine is one of the machines that has been used in Ananda Plastic
Pvt. Ltd. and this machine are facing with the serious machine shut down problem during
the production. As mentioned above, due to this it will affect the machine condition and
production as well. From the observation, the application of maintenance strategy will
use on this machine in order to analyze where the problem comes from and the further
countermeasure will be taken. By implementation of pareto chart, ishikawa diagram, and
“5-why” analysis methods, the overheating problem was detected. Overheating problem
can be detected through the heating process cycle between the main four components
which is SSR, Heater element, Thermocouple, and PCB board. Further analysis towards
these 4 components should be done in order to get a solution for the machine problem.
From the analysis, the result showed after changing the new PCB board, the overheating
problem was encountered and at the same time the number of production loss also
decrease from the previous. The objective of this paper has been successfully achieved
whereas the number of production loss due to overheat problem was reduced by 79%
which is more than the expected by using “5-Why” analysis.

6.2 Recommendation
From the data that has been gathered, analysis and countermeasure can be done to
maintain the machine health. By using this method also, it has a high potential to detect
problems that will be missed using the other predictive maintenance technique. Routine
visual inspection towards machine itself will augment the other techniques and ensure
that potential problems are detected before serious damage can occur. In production line,
machine can be defined as the backbone of the production because it is the main process
that can generate profit or loss for company. The experience and knowledgeable PIC are
important in order to understand the machine behavior and can solve the machine
problem in a short time. Unpredictable machine breakdown during production is a normal
situation in a production line. A better analyzing from the PIC towards machine health
can give a better result for machine condition in order to maintain the production even it
has been used for a many year


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Table A. 1 Temperature to be set for Pallet Machine to Run
plastic Barrel Zone
Feeding Zone (C°) nozzle zone (C°)
type (C°)
PP 190 200 200
PS 200 210 210
HDPE 190 200 200
LDPE 190 200 200

Source: Ananda Plastic Pvt. Ltd.

Table A. 2 1500 tones injection molding machine specification

screw diameter 130

screw L/D ratio 23.7
injection capacity 8627 𝑐𝑚3
injection pressure 164 Mpa
injection rate 1134 g/s
plasticizing capacity 140 g/s
screw speed 90
clamping force 15000 KN
hydraulic ejector force 318 KN
hydraulic ejector stroke 400 mm
ejector number 25
pump pressure 16 Mpa
motor power 37 * 4 KW
heating capacity 103.5 kw
machine dimension 14 *3.3 *4
machine weight 87.5 tonne
oil tank capacity 2000 L

Source: Ananda Plastic Pvt. Ltd.

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