Empower Minutes of The Meeting: Date: May 11 Time: 1pm-1:30pm Venue: Zoom Attendance

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Minutes of the Meeting

Date: May 11th, 2022

Time: 1pm-1:30pm

Venue: Zoom


 Mr. Qaiser Ali

 Ms. Hamdia Bukhari
 Ms. Ayesha Khan
 Mr. Bilal Shams


Finalizing Questionnaire for Interviews

Add the heading: Discussion

Meeting started with the general discussion about the questions. Present team members sent their
question on WhatsApp group. Ms. Hamdia Bukhari suggested the question, how do you say No
to a client? And Ms. Ayesha Khan suggested, describe a time when you failed in serving your
customers? We decided to merge these questions. The final Question was decided as, how do
you say No to a client? Describe a time when you failed in serving your customers?*

Mr. Qaiser suggested a question, when a customer ask for lower price, lower than your set prices
and you make deal because he/she may be your old customer, do you compromise on product
(quality, weight etc.) Or bear the loss? Similarly, same situation again but you know the
customer is temporary/ one time buyer, what will be your decision? Ms. Ayesha and Ms. Hamdia
said that this question does not apply on all the shop owners, so it was not selected.

Team moved on discussing the next question. For that Mr. Bilal suggested, how you try to
engage new customers? And Ms. Hamdia suggested, how do you gain loyal customers? Team
members were agreeing so we decided to merge these questions and the final question is, how do
you gain loyal customers? How do you engage new customers?*

*note you have mentioned final question is…but you still present two questions. This was
Mr. Qaiser suggested the question, how do you deal with angry customers? All team members
agreed on this question. Next Ms. Ayesha Khan suggested, describe a time when you failed in
serving your customer? Team members also agreed on this question.

On mutual discussion Ms. Ayesha, Ms. Hamdia, Mr. Qaiser and Mr. Bilal are suggested to add a
question regarding feedback so the last question that was decided is, do you ask your customers
for feedback? (Ms. Hamdia)

After discussing interview questions for Shop Owner, we started discussing Interview for
Clients. Firstly, we read all the questions that we sent in the group. Hamdia suggested that we
should asked the client what type of customer service they expect. Then Ayesha added that her
question was similar to that, so we merged both the questions. Bilal & Qaiser agreed to it. The
final question was “What are your Customer Service expectations?”. Qaiser and Hamdia shared
their questions related to frustrated customer. We finalized the question that was “What makes
you frustrated to leave a Shop Owner?”. Bilal shared a question “Why do you visit a same shop?
So, Ayesha said that we should ask such question through communication perspective. Excellent
flow of discussion! Qaiser added that we should not ask general question, we should be specific.
So, Hamdia said we should ask him that “What make you trust the shop owner & his services?”.
Everyone agreed on it. Ayesha suggested that we should also ask a situational question like “You
buy a product & later you find out that it was defected, but the Shop Owner refuses to return the
product. What would you do in such situation?”. Everyone agreed on that. After that we shifted
from Zoom to WhatsApp group because our meeting ended.

For opening and ending questions Mr. Bilal suggested, how many years have you worked in this
business/shop? How many hours you work in a day and how many days a week? If you have to
go somewhere who look after the shop? All team members agreed on these. I’m not sure why
there is no mention of how this is related to communication. For ending, what can you suggest
how to maintain a profitable relationship with a client? Everyone also agreed on this question.
(Ms. Ayesha)

Which parts were written by Bilal and Qaiser? Kindly respond to this in the email.

I was very happy to hear how some of you made sure everyone remained focused on the topic,
how some of you defended your points when these did not seem to be relevant (e.g. feedback),
how you candidly asked each other for clarification if you did not understand the question etc.
This discussion was a good example of a focused analysis that was carried out systematically
with good team spirit e.g. if there was some difference, there was emphasis on modifying or
improving it as opposed to projecting a defensive attitude. You were learning from each other.
You also reminded each other of the time limit (some because of Mam and one because of a
wedding ). Great coordination! You mentioned Mam quite a number of times which showed
you ensured everyone remained on track in terms of instructions. Audio discussion grading is
Considering the time limit, I am giving you an A because the concept of minutes has been quite
well presented here. Each member’s contribution is specifically stated although more details
could have been given if you had more time. More details on some of the questions you had
disagreements on would have truly shown the spirit with which you carried out this discussion
(which was very impressive in the audio). In the midterm more details would be expected. For
example, at one point Ayesha referred to an article she read and was explaining the connection
between the question and what she learned. Similarly Hamdia supported Bilal about the angry
question by referring to a point she had read about. At another point, Qaiser was insisting that
shopkeepers do behave in a certain way while the other group members felt no shopkeepers
behave in such a nice way. Qaiser said he had personal experience. Similarly some of you gave
very specific examples to defend yourselves and at the same time, you also worked on how to
structure the question in a way that the interviewee would understand. So you kept the target
audience in mind. Excellent work! Well done! 9/10

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