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Narrative Writing (Hero)

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Thats just the way it is. The past can not be changed: its just the way life is. It all started when mother gave Brendons mum a job. We were the best of friends until the tragedy. Me and Brendon that is. Our parents were also friends for a good 4 years, but it seems like those 4 years were just yesterday. Time passes so quickly when you enjoy it. Brendon and I used to do everything together; there were no boundaries, and no barriers - not yet anyway. All I used to wish was that it was just the 2 of us in the whole world, and that we could live happily together with no one or thing trying to separate us: but that, unfortunately was not the case. All was well until there was an unsettled dispute between my and Brendons mum; the woman after which I never again saw. Both mums insisted that we do not go near each other again; but our relationship did not end. They tried very hard to separate us; and initially it did work. Therefore, I wished - every night since then that Brendon and I would once again be reconciled, but my wish was never granteduntil the day my prayers were at long last answered. Now there is a proverb in the Bible that says Be careful what you wish for, because you will get it, and I never really understood it until now. By the time the things I had asked for were given, life was not the same as it used to be - no - life was significantly different. You see, where I lived, people of Brendon colour were discriminated. It was forbidden for a person like me to have a relationship with such a person. By the time I was just 16, my mother was both an alcoholic and drug addict, and my dad? Never around. I had just simply had enough. I thus decided to go somewhere. Anywhere. At least for a couple of years. I did not think I could do it in person, so a few days before my planes departure wrote a letter to Brendon; urging him to come with me - so we could go away - and never again come back: but only now do I know that he did not receive the letter and so did never get to respond. It was the failure of that transaction which ruined our lives. When I came back; I heard that Brendon had gone down the complete wrong path. I thus sent him a letter, requesting that he meets me in a weeks time at a place we used to reside when we were younger. At first, I thought he was not going to reply; but he responded with a yes. When we met, I was amazed by the extent at Word Count - 1211 McIntosh Aaron

Narrative Writing (Hero)

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which his face and physique had changed - in fact it made me wonder - have we really not seen each other for that long? After discussion; my smiles and joy were a thing of the past: I realised that Brendon had wanted to come with me but never got the letter. All that could have been - but now never will. Oh how that made me cry my eyes out for a prolonged period of time. We went back to my house to discuss our lives in further detail. Next thing I knew, I was awake with Brendon in my bed - naked. What a coincidence that none of my parents had noticed. I mean - granted no one was in the house when we entered, but for no one to notice us together, wow. The days following my and Brendons little mishap, I woke up extensively sick every morning. I would collapse with my head over the toilet before bringing up the hydrochloric acid in my stomach. How could I be sick on a totally empty stomach I mean, I had just woken up? My sister suggested that I had the symptoms of a pregnant woman; and that - unfortunately - turned out to be the case. My pregnancy was made evident when I took the test according to my sisters words. After I did so, the 2 minute wait was undoubtedly the longest of my life. I slowly opened my eyes, but did not even have to pick the indicator up. I could see the colour very clearly. So that was it - I was pregnant - with Brendons baby. As already specified, the area around which my house is situated opposes African American people very much. Thus, father was absolutely furious when he found out. In fact, he disowned me, and from then on referred to me as a Niggers Slut. That all I was to him now: A Niggers Slut. I closed my eyes and wept all night after hearing that. He gave me a distinct choice. I could either get an abortion and Brendon live, or let the baby live and Brendon die. I tried so hard to persuade him. I would do anything. Anything he asked me. Nonetheless, no alternative was given. So that was it then. Brendons life or our childs. But after long thought I knew what I was going to do, God help me I knew. Our last encounter was at a secret location. I told him that it was not safe to come here, but he in reply told me that he had to come and ask me - in person - if it was true. He told me that there were so many things he wanted me to know. But at the instant those words were uttered out of his mouth, heavily armed men raced towards us. I screamed with all my heart and soul, pleading of them not to Word Count - 1211 McIntosh Aaron

Narrative Writing (Hero)

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hurt Brendon, but something hit my head; I was knocked straight to the ground, and all of the lights in the world went out. I awoke at my house; with a very sore head. Immediately, I was told to put on my best clothes, because I and the people I once could call family were going to an unspecified location. We sped down the motorway, and before I knew it we were ata stadium? I did not know why we were here. We entered, and took our seats. 10 minutes after, a man - with a black hood over his face - was being led to what looked like an execution platform. Once he was onto the platform, the hood was removed; and it was only then that it struck me: we were at Brendons execution. I at once shouted at the top of my voice I love you Brendon, and our child will love you too. We will always lo And then the blade dropped. Whether or not he heard me is unknown to this moment in time, but the fundamental point is that Brendon Hernandez died for our child on the 31st of May, 1961. Can you see now? Brendon was always there for me. He even sacrificed his life so that his child and I did not have to undergo a lethal abortion. Undoubtedly, Brendon is, always has been; and always will be: my hero.

Word Count - 1211 McIntosh


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