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Media Contact: Christian Reyes: (703)789-6820 – reyesce@dukes,jmu.


Burns & McDonell Rock the Parkway raises money and

brings awareness for Children’s Mercy

How Burns & McDonell has helped raise over $165,000 for children across

the world

KANSAS CITY – 9 April, 2022. Burns & McDonell’s emphasis on giving

back to the community was on fully display after they have hosted their annual

13th annual Burns & McDonell Rock the Parkway half-marathon and 5-K in

support for Children’s Mercy Kansas City.

Children’s Mercy is a health organization in the Kansas City area

dedicated to keeping children healthy. This year’s race brought in over 5,000

participants to support the cause and to help raise money for Children’s Mercy.

The importance of this race is to raise awareness for the work that Children’s

Mercy is doing to provide a better life for the over 500,000 patients that have to

see them annually. The Burns & McDonell Rock the Parkway helps the

Children’s Mercy significantly with funding as it donations and support from the

community to continue helping the children that have to go and seek treatment.

When interviewed, the director of the Burns & McDonell Foundation,

Julee Koncak stated “The medical team and staff provide the highest level of

(more) care to every child who comes through their doors, and many of the

runners in todays race chose to participate to show how thankful we are to have

Children’s Mercy.” Burns & McDonell emphasis on helping the community and

the future generations helps shine a light in Kansas City and creates an event

where individuals supporting the same cause can come together and bring

awareness and raise money.

The race itself has become a very popular one since its beginning in 2010.

The course goes through many scenic and historic monuments in the Kansas City

area, which helps add to the attraction for the runners. The safety measures that

are in place also help the race run efficiently with the police monitoring the track

to ensure the safety of all runners, spectators, and drivers in the surrounding areas.

With this race going on its 13th year, the Burns and McDonell Rock the Parkway

has seen over 78,000 participants run the course and help raise awareness for

Children’s Mercy.

Burns & McDonell’s contributions also cannot go unnoticed. Over the

time of their involvement with Children’s Mercy, the employee-owned company

has donated more than $165,000 to the Children’s Mercy, as well as the Girls on

the Run and the Science City. Burns & McDonell show no signs of stopping the

progress they have been able to make with the race and their ability to (more)

get an attendance of 5,000 participants coming off a year halted by COVID-19,

there is no reason why their future races cant draw larger crowds in the future.


Burns & McDonell is an employee owned company which is made up of a

team of engineers, construction and craft specialists, architects, and more to

design and build infrastructure. They were founded in 1898, and have since grown

to 10,000 employees, working in over 60 offices worldwide.

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