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Analysis For Office Error Messages

Please add all error messages in AfO into this document.

Template: Please copy at end of the list (please start for each problem a new page)

1 Error “Example”

1.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time:
Report or Data Source:
BO Platform:
BW System:
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
Example I3S Incident number (if applicable):
KNOVA Solution ID:

1.2 Screenshots

1.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes / No
With different tester: Yes / No

1.4 Solution – Open or Closed

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Version history

Date Changes Changed by Service

05.03.2015 Updates various points Florian Schwaiger TA (Technical Architect)

18.03.2015 Added various KNOVA IDs Ilonka Harz PSI

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1 Error “Example”.............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).........................................................................................1
1.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Reproducible.................................................................................................................................. 1
1.4 Solution – Open or Closed............................................................................................................. 1

1 Search in Hierarchies sometimes not possible (Due to Too many Hierarchie elements):.......6
1.1 Description (who, when, what, where?)..........................................................................................6
1.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Reproducible.................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Solution – closed............................................................................................................................ 6

2 Option “No display” for Infoobject is not available, but report working with “no display”-option when
option was activated in Query Designer:......................................................................................7
2.1 Description (who, when, what, where?)..........................................................................................7
2.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Reproducible.................................................................................................................................. 7
2.4 Solution – Partially closed.............................................................................................................. 7

3 Handling Issue - Selektionsmaske wird nicht der gesamte Variablen-Namen angezeigt.........8

3.1 Description (who, when, where, what?)..........................................................................................8
3.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Reproducible.................................................................................................................................. 8
3.4 Solution – Closed........................................................................................................................... 8

4 Error “Scaling Factor Error”......................................................................................................... 10

4.1 Description (who, when, what, where?)........................................................................................ 10
4.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 10
4.3 Reproducible:............................................................................................................................... 10
4.4 Solution – partially Closed............................................................................................................ 10

5 Error “Error creating tmp table”.................................................................................................. 12

5.1 Description (who, when, what, where?)........................................................................................ 12
5.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 12
5.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 13
5.4 Solution – Closed......................................................................................................................... 13

6 Error “System Out of Memory”.................................................................................................... 14

6.1 Description (who, when, what, where?)........................................................................................ 14
6.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 14
6.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 14
6.4 Solution –Closed.......................................................................................................................... 14

7 Error “Analysis Add-In not found”............................................................................................... 16

7.1 Description (who, when, what, where?)........................................................................................ 16
7.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 16
7.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 16
7.4 Solution –Closed.......................................................................................................................... 16

8 Error “Search and recently used in BI Launchpad not possible for Analysis for Office elements” 17
8.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................17
8.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 17
8.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 17
8.4 Solution – partially closed............................................................................................................. 17

9 Problem “only a view elements are displayed in filter dialog for Year”...................................18
9.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................18
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9.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 18
9.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 18
9.4 Solution – Closed......................................................................................................................... 18

10 Error “Difference between Result rows on Bex and AfO”.........................................................20

10.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................20
10.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 20
10.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 21
10.4 Solution – Closed......................................................................................................................... 21

11 Error “Texts of #-values”.............................................................................................................. 22

11.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................22
11.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 22
11.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 23
11.4 Solution – Open............................................................................................................................ 23

12 Error “AfO cannot be opened when using HTTPS”....................................................................24

12.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................24
12.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 24
12.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 24
12.4 Solution – Solved......................................................................................................................... 24

13 Performance “Performance of Reports slow when using prequery with large result set” (see also #6) 25
13.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................25
13.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 25
13.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 25
13.4 Solution – partially solved (solved in next release).......................................................................25

14 Error “Input help for dates shown as list”..................................................................................26

14.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................26
14.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 26
14.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 26
14.4 Solution – Closed......................................................................................................................... 26

15 Handling “locally saved AfO cannot be opened”.......................................................................27

15.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................27
15.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 27
15.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 27
15.4 Solution – Closed......................................................................................................................... 27

16 Error message in standard selection screen..............................................................................28

16.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................28
16.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 28
16.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 28
16.4 Solution –Closed.......................................................................................................................... 28

17 Error in Hierarchy Level................................................................................................................ 29

17.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................29
17.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 29
17.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 29
17.4 Solution – closed.......................................................................................................................... 29

18 Error message in Filter and Variable........................................................................................... 30

18.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................30
18.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 30
18.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 30
18.4 Solution – Closed........................................................................................................................ 30

19 Error: Dimensionen und Datensätze........................................................................................... 32

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19.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................32
19.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 32
19.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 32
19.4 Solution – Closed........................................................................................................................ 32

20 Error message with Info Field Icon.............................................................................................. 33

20.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................33
20.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 33
20.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 33
20.4 Solution – Closed......................................................................................................................... 33

21 Error message in Filter “Dimension contain too many Members to be displayed”...............34

21.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................34
21.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 34
21.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 34
21.4 Solution – Closed......................................................................................................................... 34

22 BO workbooks have to be rebuild after modification of general settings of characteristics”35

22.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................35
22.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 35
22.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 37
22.4 Solution – Open............................................................................................................................ 37

23 Handling issue “No Enhancement of report possible when cells outside of AfO crosstab”. 38
23.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................38
23.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 38
23.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 39
23.4 Solution – Closed......................................................................................................................... 39

24 Problem / Handling note “Session timeout / internet Explorer pops always up”....................41
24.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................41
24.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 41
24.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 41
24.4 Solution –Closed.......................................................................................................................... 41

25 Error “Change of variant not possible”.......................................................................................42

25.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................42
25.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 42
25.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 42
25.4 Solution –Closed.......................................................................................................................... 42

26 Error “Sort legend of graph”........................................................................................................ 43

26.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................43
26.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 43
26.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 43
26.4 Solution – Open............................................................................................................................ 44

27 Error “When I tried to change Split Type”...................................................................................44

27.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................44
27.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 44
27.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 46
27.4 Solution – Closed......................................................................................................................... 46

28 Error/Handling Issue “Date format not correct”.........................................................................47

28.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................47
28.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 47
28.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 47
28.4 Solution –Closed.......................................................................................................................... 47

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29 Error “Hierarchy: Expand Node to Level 12”..............................................................................48
29.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................48
29.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 48
29.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 48
29.4 Solution –Closed.......................................................................................................................... 49

30 Error “No option for using * in selection mask (contains pattern)”..........................................50

30.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................50
30.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 50
30.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 50
30.4 Solution – Partially Closed........................................................................................................... 50

31 Error Values are not transferred correctly”................................................................................51

31.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................51
31.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 51
31.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 51
31.4 Solution – open............................................................................................................................ 51

32 Error “Single Sign on in Analysis is not working - logon screen is popping up”...................52
32.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................52
32.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 52
32.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 52
32.4 Solution – Closed......................................................................................................................... 52

33 Error “Analysis-Addin not started due to excel error message”..............................................53

33.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?).......................................................................................53
33.2 Screenshots................................................................................................................................. 53
33.3 Reproducible................................................................................................................................ 53
33.4 Solution – Closed......................................................................................................................... 53

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1 Search in Hierarchies sometimes not possible (Due to Too many
Hierarchie elements):

1.1 Description (who, when, what, where?)

Name, Date & Time: Bharath Kanakamadala, 20.10.2014 17:56
Report or Data Source : Summary Sheet based on Ultimate Comparison,
BO Platform: Q1R, Munich.
BW System: F72
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID:

1.2 Screenshots

1.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error ): Yes
With different tester: Yes

1.4 Solution – closed

See Note 1256547. Parameter RSR_HIER_CARD_THRESHOLD in RSADMIN has to be set to higher value

SAP Ticket 1033386 / 2014

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2 Option “No display” for Infoobject is not available, but report working
with “no display”-option when option was activated in Query Designer:

2.1 Description (who, when, what, where?)

Florian Schwaiger, 20.10.2014 13:06, Execution of Report : Summary Sheet based on Ultimate Comparison on
System Q1R, Munich
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
“hidden” characteristics (no display) cannot be shown, hiding is not available.
KNOVA Solution ID: 40584 - Info Object Market Partner should not be displayed / Info Objekt Market Partner soll
nicht angezeigt werden

2.2 Screenshots

2.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error ): Yes
With different tester: Yes

2.4 Solution – Partially closed

Partially closed: Right now there is no possibility to hide characteristic. Workaround: hide excel columns
SAP Ticket open (1033454 / 2014): may come in a later version

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3 Handling Issue - Selektionsmaske wird nicht der gesamte Variablen-
Namen angezeigt

3.1 Description (who, when, where, what?)

Klingl-Schlage Doris, 21.10.2014 13:06, Execution of Report : CAP Statistics Life on System Q1R, Munich
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40359 - Selection dialogue does not show whole name of variable /
Selektionsmaske zeigt nicht den gesamten Variablen-Namen

3.2 Screenshots

3.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): No
With different tester: No

3.4 Solution – Closed

Bharath Kanakamadala, 21.10.2014, 14:00, Execution of Report : CAP Statistics Life on System Q1R

1) In the Prompt dialog box, Expand the Prompt Summary Screen(left side).

2) Place the cursor on any variable (For example area) screen

3) Double click on any variable(For Ex: Area) on left side screen, the cursor will reflect on Variable Area on
right side screen.

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4 Error “Scaling Factor Error”

4.1 Description (who, when, what, where?)

Klingl-Schlage Doris, 21.10.2014 13:06, Execution of Report : CAP Statistics Life on System Q1R, Munich
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40587 - scaling factor not shown / Skalierungsfaktor wird nicht angezeigt.

4.2 Screenshots
Die Skalierung wird wohl gemacht, aber nicht wie in der Query auch mit der Skalierungseinheit angezeigt.
In der Query passt noch alles, aber AfO hat da wohl eine Macke, wenn die Einheiten in den Rows angezeigt
werden sollen,
und die Amounts befindet sich in den Columns. (wird wohl ein Thema für SAP werden)
Neu: Alt:

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4.3 Reproducible:
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

4.4 Solution – partially Closed

Partially Closed : Bharath Kanakamadala, 21.10.2014

The Scaling factor is displayed in the Column Tab (always at the key figures). If you want to display in Row wise
then you have to swap the Measure into Row. It is only displayed if there is no mixture between the scaling factors!

SAP Ticket open 1033494 / 2014 – answer: not possible

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5 Error “Error creating tmp table”

5.1 Description (who, when, what, where?)

Name, Date & Time: Bharath Kanakamadala, 27.10.2014 14:00,
Report or Data Source : Flexible report for a very detailed BS statement (opt1 ccy),
BO Platform: C1R, Munich.
BW System: E71
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40510 - ErrMsg: Error in BW: error creating tmp table

5.2 Screenshots

SAP BI Add-in has disconnected all data sourcs.If you want to restart, press the Restart button below. (ID-
Termination message sent ABEND RS_EXCEPTION (105): Error in BW: error creating tmp table MSGV1:
error creating tmp table
Error in BW: error creating tmp table (RS_EXCEPTION-105)
An error occurred when getting data from the processor. (BRAIN-670)
Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION (RSBOLAP-000)

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5.3 Reproducible

With same selection (and same error message): Yes

With different tester: No

5.4 Solution – Closed

Closed : Bharath Kanakamadala, 29.10.2014,

1) Run transaction SE38 with program SAP_DROP_TMPTABLES , Execute (choose F8)

Select Temporary Tables to be deleted (SAP Note 1139396)
2) And also Try to run report ANALYZE_RSZ_TABLES to see if there is an inconsistency that could affect
some query components in the section table RSZELTREF of the report's output.
After this please regenerate the queries affected. This can be done as follows: (RDRT)

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6 Error “System Out of Memory”

6.1 Description (who, when, what, where?)

Name, Date & Time: Bharath Kanakamadala, 27.10.2014 18:00,
Report or Data Source : GDWH_Result Responsibilities and Roles
BO Platform: Q1R, Munich.
BW System: F72
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40511- ErrMsg: An exception occurred in one of the data sources
Zeigt der Screenshot “Message” was der Anwender sieht?

6.2 Screenshots


With same selection (and same error message):
With different tester: Yes

6.4 Solution –Closed

Several notes helped:
1974921 - Too many members read during query initialization
1947948 - Optimization for queries with characteristic restrictions
1885089 - BICS: Performance problem for Pre-Query
2002435 - BICS: Optimization for queries with very large selections
1972798 - Long selection time for REPOLOAD / RFC cache

Especially yellow marked (pay attention for RSADMIN parameter)

Low frequency of dumps now

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7 Error “Analysis Add-In not found”

7.1 Description (who, when, what, where?)

To enable the Analysis Add-In after system crash:
Name, Date & Time: Bharath Kanakamadala, 29.10.2014 18:00,
Report or Data Source : GDWH_Result Responsibilities and Roles
BO Platform: Q1R, Munich.
BW System: F72
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40360 - Analysis Add-In not found / Add-In Analysis nicht vorhanden

7.2 Screenshots
After the system crash the Analysis Add-In is not visible in the menu

7.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): May Be
With different tester: No

7.4 Solution –Closed

Closed : Bharath Kanakamadala, 29.10.2014,

1) Open Analysis for Microsoft Excel or Microsoft PowerPoint.

After the system crash the Analysis Add-In is not visible in the menu.
2) Press the Microsoft Office Button in Microsoft Office 2007.
If it is 2010 then Choose File in Microsoft Office 2010.
3) In Microsoft Excel, press Excel Options. In Microsoft PowerPoint, press PowerPoint Options.
4) In the Excel Options dialog box and in the PowerPoint Options dialog box in the categories pane, select
5) In the Manage box, select Disabled Items.
6) Press Go....
7) In the Disabled Items dialog box, select the Analysis Add-In.
8) Press Enable.
9) In the Manage box, select COM Add-Ins.
10) Press Go....
11) In the COM Add-Ins dialog box, make sure that Analysis option is activated.
12) Press OK.

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8 Error “Search and recently used in BI Launchpad not possible for
Analysis for Office elements”

8.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Search for Analysis for office documents in Launchpad is not possible

Name, Date & Time: Florian Schwaiger, 03.11.2014

Report or Data Source : all Reports,
BO Platform: all Platforms, Munich.
BW System:
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40361 - Search and recently used in BI Launchpad not possible for Analysis for
Office elements

8.2 Screenshots

8.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

8.4 Solution – partially closed

Error in BO 4.1 – may be solved in SP5:

(probably spring 2015)

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9 Problem “only a view elements are displayed in filter dialog for Year”

9.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Florian Schwaiger, 07.11.2014: Only a view filter values are displayed for year-characteristics.
Every Report with year characteristic based on 0calyear.
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40515 - filter dialogue does not show all elements / im Filter werden nicht alle Elemente

9.2 Screenshots

9.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

9.4 Solution – Closed

SAP Message 1076544 / 2014

Change Value "Filter Value Selection at Query Execution" from MasterData to PostedValues. (shall be done in
Infoobject itself)

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Transaction RSRHIERARCHYVIRT --> Used time interval for display can be set

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10 Error “Difference between Result rows on Bex and AfO”

10.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Doris Klingl-Schlage, 6.11.2014
Report or Data Source : Manual Hard Linked Adjustments
BO Platform: Q1R
BW System: F72
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: at present no KNOVA entry needed

Bex / WAD interprets result rows in a different way than AfO. In Bex result row means “summarize all from lower
characteristic”, in AfO result rows means “summarize all from this characteristic”. Therefore there can be
differences in display of result rows between old and new solutions

10.2 Screenshots

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10.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

10.4 Solution – Closed

As mentioned above, result rows now summarize all different values above (in the AfO example Result on Entry Cd
AP 52798 and 62798 has to be switched on at characteristic Entry Cd AP itself). In Bex it has to be switched on the
left characteristic. Benefit AfO: Result also stays when changing drilldown (e.g. when inserting another
characteristic between “Potential Retro Contract” and “Entry Cd AP”

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11 Error “Texts of #-values”

11.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Rüdiger Neiens, 10.11.2014
Report or Data Source :

BO Platform: Q1R
BW System: F72 / C73
Texts of not assigned characteristics are handled in different ways (#) --> WAD --> „“.
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: at present no KNOVA entry needed

11.2 Screenshots

(lower one WAD, upper one AfO)

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11.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes / No
With different tester: Yes / No

11.4 Solution – Open

Still not clear how this works,

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12 Error “AfO cannot be opened when using HTTPS”

12.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Florian Schwaiger, October 2014
Report or Data Source : Each report
BO Platform: each
BW System: each
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40516 - ErrMsg: The launcher exited with error

12.2 Screenshots

12.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

12.4 Solution – Solved

SAP Ticket open 1023062 / 2014

Solved: Communication between loadbalancer and servers has to be in https

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13 Performance “Performance of Reports slow when using prequery with
large result set” (see also #6)

13.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Bharath Kanakamadala, 27.10.2014 18:00,
Report or Data Source : GDWH_Result Responsibilities and Roles
BO Platform: Q1R, Munich.
BW System: F72
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: DRAFT 40365 - Performance of Reports slow when using prequery with large result

13.2 Screenshots
Runtime for some functions very slow:

(especially BICS_PROV_SET_STATE)

13.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

13.4 Solution – partially solved (solved in next release)

SAP Ticket Open 1065115 / 2014

Error is due to many variables with prequery (400000 entries). Prequery will be removed in a further release

Solution: Not using a prequery will reduce load time extremely!

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14 Error “Input help for dates shown as list”

14.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Florian Schwaiger, November 2014
Report or Data Source : several (all with date variables)
BO Platform: each
BW System: each
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: HRZ: Kann der Fehler noch auftreten?

14.2 Screenshots

See also

14.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

14.4 Solution – Closed

the affected variable UOO_ARLD is type SelOpt, the working variable CSM_KQRS is type Single. In query
definition for char. /MRG/FREIG_DAT the access type is set to posted date, not masterdata. Please note the AO
F4 help calendar is only shown in case of 'single date selection' with access type masterdata. Regarding
this please review note 2002592.

(SAP Ticket 1077678 / 2014)

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15 Handling “locally saved AfO cannot be opened”

15.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

When opening a locally saved AfO document Analysis for Office is not started.

Name, Date & Time: Florian Schwaiger, 13.11.2014

Report or Data Source : each
BO Platform: each
BW System: each
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40366 - locally saved AfO file cannot be opened
Nur die beiden Lösungen 2 und 3 aufgenommen

15.2 Screenshots

15.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

15.4 Solution – Closed

There exists two workarounds:
1. (not recommended) Start Analysis for Office and afterwards open/start the Document. On refresh you have
to enter the connection string of the Server you want to connect to
2. Start any report from Launchpad to establish the connection in Analysis for office and afterwards open the
3. (recommended) There is a report under “GDWH Reports” “GDWH_start Analysis for Office” where only a
dummy report is included. This helps to establish the connection to the server. (after creating this
document this handling issue can be closed)

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16 Error message in standard selection screen

16.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Error message when executing standard selection mask of report “Renewal Report – Detail Treaty Listing”.

Name, Date & Time: Rüdiger Neiens, 17.11.2014

Report or Data Source : each
BO Platform: each
BW System: each
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level (maybe) / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40367 - ErrMsg: Not a valid selection for multiple Renewal Quarters

16.2 Screenshots

16.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

16.4 Solution –Closed

Clear the second “P4” (to value) and the report runs successfully.

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17 Error in Hierarchy Level

17.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Bharath Kanakamadala
Report or Data Source : 5.1 Core Financial report P & L FAP
BO Platform: Q1R
BW System: F72
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40368 - deselecting hierachiy level 10 not possible / Hierarchieebene 10 kann icht
abgewählt werden

17.2 Screenshots

When you change the Hierarchy Levels for e.g: level 1 and 2 . It is taking several minutes and showing all Entry
code.( Nun warte ich schon mehrere Minuten und ich erhalte dann zwei Ebenen plus alle EC’s (also die unterste
Ebene dazu). And also the level 10 is deactive (it is gray), unable to uncheck the level 10.
Wie kann ich den Haken vor Level 10 entfernen ???

17.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

17.4 Solution – closed

Lowest level can never be deselected (that’s the leaf) – otherwise there will be no result!

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18 Error message in Filter and Variable

18.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Minnecker Sabine
Report or Data Source : 5.1 Core Financial Report P & L FAP
BO Platform: Any
BW System: Any
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: at present no KNOVA entry needed

18.2 Screenshots
When you insert Eg: Data source name, Last update or variables, its showing below error messages.

18.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: No

18.4 Solution – Closed

Tested its working fine. Maybe timeout problem!

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19 Error: Dimensionen und Datensätze

19.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Kanakamadala Bharath Kumar, 17-11-2014
Report or Data Source : Any
BO Platform: Any
BW System: Any
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40775 Funktion Hinzufügen Dimensionen oder Datensätze
HRZ: Haben wir dazu auch einen englischsprachigen Screenshot?

19.2 Screenshots
Name: Sabine Minnecker
Hier eine Frage zur BO Funktion „Hinzufügen“. Hab ich selber noch nie ausprobiert, kann man da Daten eines
anderen Reports hinzufügen?

19.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

19.4 Solution – Closed

The Dimensionen und Datensätze. We are not using this function, it is to create a Composite provider add
measure data to a query if it is on same Multiprovider.

Composite Provider: it is created in the workspace. You can insert it as a Data source into a workbook and
analyze the data. You can also add new dimension or data records to the composite provider.

Analysis Authorizations: In a Composite Provider scenario it can happen that analysis authorizations are defined
on the contained MultiProvider, the Providers contained in the MultiProvider as well as on the Composite Provider

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20 Error message with Info Field Icon

20.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Bharath Kanakamadala
Report or Data Source : Any
BO Platform: Any
BW System: Any
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40579 - ErrMsg: Component xxx overlaps with Excel cell content / Komponente xxx
überschneidet sich mit Zellinhalt von Excel

20.2 Screenshots
When you enter the Info field Data Source name , Effective filters on excel in which the cell contains some info.

20.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

20.4 Solution – Closed

When you want to enter Info field eg: Data Source name , Effective filters or key data, Always select new empty
cell to avoid the overlaps with the cell which contains some data.
For AfO it’s not possible to overwrite fields – they have to be removed

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21 Error message in Filter “Dimension contain too many Members to be

21.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Bharath Kanakamadala
Report or Data Source : 5.1 Core Financial Report P&L FAP
BO Platform: Q1R
BW System: F72
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40579 - ErrMsg: Dimension contains too many members to be displayed

21.2 Screenshots
When i right click on object in Background filter and select Filter by Member , It is showing Dimension contains too
many members to be displayed, select members for filtering.

21.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

21.4 Solution – Closed

Works as designed. When pressing “add” in filter dialog possibility to select objects is given. The dialog which can
be seen in screenshot is only used when already selections were made.

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22 BO workbooks have to be rebuild after modification of general settings
of characteristics”

22.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Rüdiger Neiens, 18.11.2014
Report or Data Source : each
BO Platform: each
BW System: each
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: <none> currently no solution needed
Betrifft einen Vergleich zwischen “alter Welt“ und neuer Welt = AfO“

22.2 Screenshots
When modifying “Filter Value Selection”

the changes are visible in the Web templates

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/conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/596642373.docx Page 36 of 58
but not in the BO workbooks

Therefore all concerned workbooks have to be rebuild again !

After exchanging the query in the workbook

the correct filter will be shown

22.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
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With different tester: Yes

22.4 Solution – Open

Currently in clarification @SAP

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23 Handling issue “No Enhancement of report possible when cells outside
of AfO crosstab”

23.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

When enhancing layout (removing filter or drilldown) warning message appears that it’s not possible to enhance
when cells are filled outside of AfO crosstab
Name, Date & Time: Florian Schwaiger, 19.11.2014
Report or Data Source : any
BO Platform: any
BW System: any
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40578 - ErrMsg: Component xxx overlaps with Excel cell content / Komponente xxx überschneidet sich
mit Zellinhalt von Excel

23.2 Screenshots

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23.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

23.4 Solution – Closed

(see also #20)
Cells has to be moved to other place:

Afterwards press “refresh all”

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24 Problem / Handling note “Session timeout / internet Explorer pops
always up”

24.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

During work it can happen that sometimes Internet Explorer pops up.

Name, Date & Time: Florian Schwaiger

Report or Data Source: all
BO Platform: all
BW System: all
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40373 - ErrMsg: Session Time out / Sitzungszeitüberschreitung
HRZ: Englischer Text/Screenshot?

24.2 Screenshots

24.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

24.4 Solution –Closed

This is due to the session timeout in launchpad after 60 minutes. To refresh the 60 minutes limit its only needed to
press on “Weiter” / “Continue” or logoff. If the launchpad tab is not the active one no switch to the launchpad tab
takes place, so it can be that it seems that without any reason internet explorer pops up. (up to 5 times due to one
popup per minute – 5/4/3/2/1 minute). In this case, just go to the launchpad tab.

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25 Error “Change of variant not possible”

25.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Variant cannot be changed when pressing “prompt”.

Name, Date & Time: Florian Schwaiger, 21.11.2014

Report or Data Source: all
BO Platform: all
BW System: all
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40776 Variant cannot be changed / Variante kann nicht geändert werden

25.2 Screenshots

25.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

25.4 Solution –Closed

Select prompt for data source

Only available for some queries.

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26 Error “Sort legend of graph”

26.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Doris Klingl-Schlage
Report or Data Source: Profitability
BO Platform: Q1R
BW System: F72
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40778 sort order of graph legend differs / Sortierung der Legende im Diagram anders

26.2 Screenshots
For example in graph of

Difference legende Graph:

Web (same as in structure):


26.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes / No
With different tester: Yes / No

26.4 Solution – Closed

Excel specification for stapled diagrams.

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27 Error “When I tried to change Split Type”

27.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Hurley John –( Princeton-MRAm)
Report or Data Source: GDWH_PGO - Profitability / /MRG/MQ_PGO_DM_PRFTBLTY
BO Platform: Q1R, C1R
BW System: C73, F72
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: <none> currently no solution needed, error should be solved

27.2 Screenshots
(Defect ?) When I tried to change Split Type to 2 (CoB Split) or 3 (ActSeg Split)
I did this by (a) typing the 2 or 3 in “Prompt” (b) as well as using filter selection in “Prompt”

In all cases I got the following error messages

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More in Detail(TAA) :-
It is working in Bex Analyzer and in web template, but its not working with Analysis for Office.
When you select Split Type 1(No Split), it selects this infoprovider /MRG/MC_PGO , When you select Split 2 (Class
of Business Split) it should switch to this Info provider /MRG/MC_PGOC , When you select Split 3 (Actuarial
Segment Split) it should switch to this Info Provider /MRG/MC_PGOA. But the
Query(MRG/MQ_PGO_DM_PRFTBLTY) is working on A71 system

In Analysis for office it is working only with Split 1 not with Split 2 and Split 3.
Info Cubes

27.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

27.4 Solution – Closed

Error in program. Note 2052834 - BICS: Validation of unassigned (#) selection on
characteristic fails was implemented

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28 Error/Handling Issue “Date format not correct”

28.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Florian Schwaiger, 10.12.2014
Report or Data Source: all
BO Platform: all
BW System: all
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40779 wrong date format / falsches Datumsformat

28.2 Screenshots
Date format shall be shown in another format (standard settings for all workbooks), e.g. 13/01/2015 instead of

28.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

28.4 Solution –Closed

User settings have to be changed on backend
1. Login to sapgui on machine (e.g. F72 or A71)
2. Goto own data:

3. Change settings for date format:

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29 Error “Hierarchy: Expand Node to Level 12”

29.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Bharath Kanakamadala
Report or Data Source: All
BO Platform: All
BW System: All
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: <none> currently no solution needed, error should be solved

29.2 Screenshots
Performance Issue on Hierarchy Level 12: No More Memory Available to extend an internal Table

29.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: Yes

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29.4 Solution –Closed
To Expand Node to Hierarchy Level 12, Click on ROOT and Expand Node to Level to Level 12 (Not
on Business Parter KONTL VBUND)

Can be solved by changing

Format to “only posted
values for navigation”

Is solved with rollout

(0BPARTNER is changed
to “only posted values for navigation”)

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30 Error “No option for using * in selection mask (contains pattern)”

30.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

In selection mask / prompt no selection with * or Contains pattern (CP) can be
Name, Date & Time: Florian Schwaiger, 27.01.2015
Report or Data Source: all
BO Platform: all
BW System: all
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40374 - No option for using * in selection mask (contains pattern)

30.2 Screenshots

30.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes / No
With different tester: Yes / No

30.4 Solution – Partially Closed

A registry setting has to be set:

Reg-file: Zip-file:

A new rollout of AfO is already ordered including this registry entry, until rollout takes place this registry entry has to
be set


Afterwards all selections are possible:

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31 Error Values are not transferred correctly”

31.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: R. Neiens, 27.01.2015
Report or Data Source: ZZ_BO_HP_TRI_OY_CESS_FIG_9X
BO Platform: A1R
BW System: A71
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: <none> currently no solution needed, error should be solved

In some cases variable values are not transferred correctly and the workbook does not show any results (whereas
the web template works normally with the same query).
Example is the prototype R. Neiens built on A71 for the 100% Triangulation: Query =

31.2 Screenshots
You get results if you enter the Max. Accounting Year in the following way:

31.3 Reproducible

31.4 Solution – open

Formula variables are handled in a different way with the bics-connection. Often there are problems regarding the
comma-values, as formula variables are interpreted as number with decimal places, not as text. Therefore a
casting to a regular integer has to be implemented in the customer exit.

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32 Error “Single Sign on in Analysis is not working - logon screen is
popping up”

32.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

When opening an report from portal (BI Launchpad), an logon screen appears after analysis for office started. It
askes for User, password and an Web Service URL (which is usually not known by the user)

Name, Date & Time: Florian Schwaiger, 02.02.2015

Report or Data Source: all
BO Platform: all
BW System: all
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40780 logon screen appears / Anmeldemaske erscheint

32.2 Screenshots

32.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes / No
With different tester: Yes / No

32.4 Solution – Closed

Start Analysis for office via start menu Goto settings of Analysis for office
Change platform settings to “selectable”:

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33 Error “Analysis-Addin not started due to excel error message”

33.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Analysis for Office is not being started when error messages during Excel start are popping up
Name, Date & Time: Florian Schwaiger, 02.02.2015
Report or Data Source: all
BO Platform: all
BW System: all
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40782 Analysis does not start due to an excel error message / Anlysis startet nicht wegen eines

33.2 Screenshots

33.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes / No
With different tester: Yes / No

33.4 Solution – Closed

Analysis for Office cannot handle messages of Excel when they appear during start. Addin cannot click on ok and
continues the start. The error shown in the screenshot has to be solved (in this case - IM03068279 – the missing
addins had to be deactivated in excel’s addin manager).
To differentiate between analysis errors and excel errors a normal excel instance shall be opened (without
Analysis). If the error pops up again, there is no error in Analysis but in Excel itself (e.g. addin)

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34 Error “Business Objects - (wrong) number format”

34.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Bharath Kanakamadala
Report or Data Source: All
BO Platform: All
BW System: All
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
KNOVA Solution ID: 40784 wrong number format / falsches Zahlenformat
Incident Number: IM03060695

34.2 Screenshots
The number format in Business Objects (see attached file) seems not to take into account the computer’s local
settings: While the numbers > 1000 are different than the local settings’ format, they are acceptable (in orange).
The numbers below 1000, however, look very weird. (in red)

34.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester: No

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34.4 Solution – Closed

The User should need to change the Excel Options,

1) Go to Excel Options
2) And click on Advanced option and
3) uncheck the use system separators   and reopen the Excel file,

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35 Error “.sapaox” file cannot be opened

35.1 Description (who, when, what, where ?)

Name, Date & Time: Florian Schwaiger, 11.05.2015
Report or Data Source: all
BO Platform: all
BW System: all
Classification (by TAA): 1st level / 2nd level / 3rd level / Training / n/a
Example I3S Incident number (if applicable): IM03215291
KNOVA Solution ID:

Error: a file with ending .sapaox cannot be opened or only excel opens with the message, that the file format is
from a different file format than expected.

35.2 Screenshots

35.3 Reproducible
With same selection (and same error message): Yes
With different tester:

35.4 Solution – Closed

File format is not properly assigned to Analysis for office (e.g. manual assignment to Excel). To check, please
create a file test.sapaox on the desktop.
If the file icon looks like:

Analysis for office should be installed correct. If the file looks like Excel or Internet explorer Icon or with an small
paper with the above mentioned icon, the assignment is not correct.

First solution is uninstall and reinstallation of Analysis for office. If this does not help, please delete in registry
following entries/folders:

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/x-sapaox-launchfile]


(where <USERID> is the key of the users profile and can be found under:

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HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

Afterwards please import the following entries: (64 bit Windows below)


[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/x-sapaox-launchfile]

@="Analysis Office Excel Launchfile"

@="C:\\Program Files\\SAP BusinessObjects\\Analysis\\BiXLLFunctions.dll,0"



@="\"C:\\Program Files\\SAP BusinessObjects\\Analysis\\BiSharedAddinLauncher.exe\" /app XLS
/launchfile \"%1\""



[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/x-sapaox-launchfile]

@="Analysis Office Excel Launchfile"

@="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\SAP BusinessObjects\\Analysis\\BiXLLFunctions.dll,0"



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@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\SAP BusinessObjects\\Analysis\\BiSharedAddinLauncher.exe\" /app XLS
/launchfile \"%1\""

Registry files (have to be renamed to *.reg, deletion of user specific entry not available):

For Windows 64 bit:

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