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End-User Documentation
Installation Instructions

In order to use our product, the user must install both Visual Studio and SFML. A link
will be provided for both installations, as well as a link to a guide for linking SFML to
Visual Studio. A video guide will be provided as well if the user prefers.

 Visual Studio:

 Linking SFML to Visual Studio:
 Make sure that the audio library is also linked
 Video aid:
 Make sure that the images, sounds, and fonts folder are in your project

Final Product

Upon opening our system, the user is prompted with a main menu. This menu gives
the user options to access local play, settings, or to exit the game completely. The
Online and Computer button both exist but do not redirect the user to a new game as
both are not set up yet. Clicking the exit button will allow the user to completely exit the
Upon clicking the settings button you are redirected a settings screen that allows you to
customize the pieces, board, and either turn music on or off. The arrow at the bottom of the
settings screen allows the user to return to the main menu.
Upon clicking local play the user is redirected to a chess board and allows the user to play a
local play version of chess with the settings they selected. Local play allows two users to play
against each other. The system shows you the possible moves that a certain piece can make
upon clicking it.
Then upon a user winning they are prompted with a menu to return to the main menu, play
again, or exit the game.

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