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the momentum is P = 关m1共1 + 21 v2 / c2兲 + m2共1 + 21 v2 / c2兲 center of energy,” Am. J. Phys.

73, 953–961 共2005兲; “Relativity, energy

flow, and hidden momentum,” 73, 1184–1185 共2005兲.
+ 2e1e2 / 共c2ᐉ兲兴v; the energy is E = 关m1共c2 + 21 v2兲 + m2共c2 3
S. Coleman and J. H. Van Vleck, “Origin of ‘hidden momentum forces’
+ 21 v2兲 + e1e2 / ᐉ兴. There is a factor-of-two discrepancy in the on magnets,” Phys. Rev. 171, 1370–1375 共1968兲; see Eq. 共11兲.
electromagnetic field contributions corresponding to the T. H. Boyer, “Lorentz-transformation properties for energy and momen-
presence of the summation term in Eq. 共4兲. 5
tum in electromagnetic systems,” Am. J. Phys. 53, 167–171 共1985兲.
共d兲 For the classical model of the electron, as in case 共c兲, R. Coisson and G. Guidi, “Electromagnetic interaction momentum and
simultaneity,” Am. J. Phys. 69, 462–463 共2001兲.
forces of constraint are present but do no net work so that 6
See, for example, Ref. 3 or J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics
Eq. 共4兲 holds. The forces are applied at points with differing 共Wiley, New York 1999兲, 3rd ed., pp. 596–598.
displacements ri in the direction of motion and so the sum- T. H. Boyer, “Electrostatic potential energy leading to an inertial mass
mation term in Eq. 共4兲 is non-vanishing. The term involving change for a system of two point charges,” Am. J. Phys. 46, 383–385
共1978兲; “Electrostatic potential energy leading to a gravitational mass
the external forces gives an additional contribution so that
change for a system of two point charges,” 47, 129–131 共1979兲.
we find Eq. 共2兲, which is not in agreement with the form in 8
D. J. Griffiths and R. E. Owen, “Mass renormalization in classical elec-
Eq. 共1兲. This case is discussed in Ref. 9. trodynamics,” Am. J. Phys. 51, 1120–1126 共1983兲.
The difference between the system 共mechanical and elec- 9
H. Poincaré, “Sur la dynamique de l’electron,” Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo
tromagnetic兲 momentum P and the term d关共E / c2兲X兴 / dt in- 21, 129–173 共1906兲. This paper is translated with modern notation in H.
M. Schwartz, “Poincaré’s Rendiconti paper on relativity, Parts I, II, and
volving the system 共mechanical and electromagnetic兲 energy III,” Am. J. Phys. 39, 1287–1294 共1971兲; 40, 862–872 共1972兲; 40,
E is sometimes termed “hidden momentum.”10 We see in Eq. 1282–1287 共1972兲. F. Rohrlich, “Self-energy and stability of the classical
共3兲 that this hidden momentum is given by −兺i共Fext,i · vi兲ri / c2 electron,” ibid. 28, 639–643 共1960兲. F. R. Tangherlini, “Self-stress, co-
and involves forces that are external to the electromagnetic variance and the classical electron,” ibid. 31, 285–288 共1963兲. T. H.
Boyer, “Classical model of the electron and the definition of electromag-
system. The designation of this term as hidden momentum
netic field momentum,” Phys. Rev. D 25, 3246–3255 共1982兲; see also
tells us little about the character of the non-electromagnetic Ref. 6 in T. H. Boyer, “Lorentz-transformation properties for energy and
energy and momentum flow associated with the external momentum in electromagnetic systems,” Am. J. Phys. 53, 167–171
forces. 共1985兲. A historical review emphasizing modeling the electron has been
given by F. Rohrlich, “The dynamics of a charged sphere and the elec-
tron,” ibid. 65, 1051–1057 共1997兲.
a兲 10
Electronic mail: V. Hnizdo, “Hidden momentum and the electromagnetic mass of a charge
See, for example, J. Frenkel, “4 / 3 problem in classical electrodynamics,” and current carrying body,” Am. J. Phys. 65, 55–65 共1997兲; “Hidden
Phys. Rev. E 54, 5859–5862 共1996兲. mechanical momentum and the field momentum in stationary electromag-
T. H. Boyer, “Illustrations of the relativistic conservation law for the netic and gravitational systems,” 65, 515–518 共1997兲.

Comment on “A generalized Helmholtz theorem for time-varying vector

fields,” by Artice M. Davis †Am. J. Phys. 74, 72–76 „2006…‡
José A. Herasa兲
Departamento de Física, E. S. F. M., Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México D. F. México
and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,
Louisiana 70803-4001
共Received 9 January 2006; accepted 28 April 2006兲
关DOI: 10.1119/1.2206574兴

In a recent paper Davis formulated the following generali-

zation of the Helmholtz theorem for a time-varying vector
F=−ⵜ 冕 d 3x ⬘
关ⵜ⬘ · F兴
+ⵜ 冕 d 3x ⬘
关ⵜ⬘ ⫻ F兴
1 ⳵
冕 d 3x ⬘
关⳵ F/⳵ t兴
冉 冊
+ ,
1 ⳵ ⳵A c2 ⳵ t 4␲R
F= 2 ⵜ␾ + + ⵜ ⫻ 共ⵜ ⫻ A兲, 共1兲
c ⳵t ⳵t
where the square brackets denote the retardation symbol, R
= 兩x − x⬘兩, and the integrals are over all space. If we define the
where ␾ and A are the Lorenz gauge retarded potentials. The
potentials ⌽, A, and C by
purposes of this Comment are to point out that Davis’s gen-
eralization is a version of the generalization of the Helmholtz
theorem formulated some years ago by McQuistan2 and
Jefimenko,3 and more recently by the present author,4–6 and ⌽= 冕 d 3x ⬘
关ⵜ⬘ · F兴
, 共3a兲
to show that Davis’s expression for the field F is also valid
for potentials in gauges other than the Lorenz gauge.
The generalized Helmholtz theorem states that a retarded
vector field vanishing at infinity can be written as4 A= 冕 d 3x ⬘
关ⵜ⬘ ⫻ F兴
, 共3b兲
743 Am. J. Phys. 74 共8兲, August 2006 © 2006 American Association of Physics Teachers 743

Downloaded 26 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to AAPT license or copyright; see
C= 冕 d 3x ⬘
关⳵ F/⳵ t兴
, 共3c兲
explanation is that the Coulomb gauge vector potential AC
contains two parts, one of which is causal 共retarded兲 and the
other is acausal 共instantaneous兲. Jackson7 recently derived a
then Eq. 共2兲 can be written compactly as novel expression for AC 关Eq. 共3.10兲 in Ref. 7兴 which exhibits
1 ⳵C both parts. The fact that AC carries a causality violating in-
F = − ⵜ⌽ + ⵜ ⫻ A + . 共4兲 stantaneous component has also been recently emphasized
c2 ⳵ t by Yang.10 The effect of the acausal part of AC vanishes
The potentials ⌽ and A in this formulation of the theorem identically when we take the curl and obtain ⵜ ⫻ AC = ⵜ
are different from the potentials ␾ and A in Davis’s formu- ⫻ AL. A direct calculation gives7 −⳵AC / ⳵t = −ⵜ␾L − ⳵AL / ⳵t
lation. It is not difficult to derive the relations ⳵␾ / ⳵t = −c2⌽, + ⵜ␾C. The last 共acausal兲 term cancels exactly the instanta-
ⵜ ⫻ A = A, and ⳵A / ⳵t = C, which imply the formal equiva- neous electric field −ⵜ␾C generated by ␾C and we again
lence between the two formulations. obtain −ⵜ␾C − ⳵AC / ⳵t = −ⵜ␾L − ⳵AL / ⳵t. This expression has
The standard Helmholtz theorem is usually applied to also been recently demonstrated in Ref. 11 using a different
solve the equations of electrostatics and magnetostatics. The approach 关see Eq. 共29兲 in Ref. 11兴. In other words, the ex-
generalization of this theorem4 can be used to solve Max- plicit presence of an acausal term in Eq. 共1兲, when it is writ-
well’s equations. The generalization proposed by Davis1 can ten in terms of the Coulomb gauge potentials, is irrelevant
be used to elucidate the form of Maxwell’s equations. The because such a term is always canceled, which means that
two versions of the generalized Helmholtz theorem are causality is never effectively lost.
complementary. Similar conclusions can be drawn when Eq. 共1兲 is ex-
In Ref. 1 the electric field −ⵜ␾ − ⳵A / ⳵t and the magnetic pressed in terms of the Kirchhoff gauge potentials ␾K and AK
field ⵜ ⫻ A are expressed in terms of the Lorenz gauge po- 共Ref. 8兲. In this case the potential ␾K propagates with the
tentials, which were used to formulate Eq. 共1兲 for the time- imaginary speed ic and generates the imaginary field −ⵜ␾K.
varying vector field F. Equation 共1兲 can also be formulated The Kirchhoff gauge vector potential AK contains three
using potentials in other gauges. For example, it can be for- parts: one is causal 共retarded兲, one is imaginary, and the re-
mulated for potentials in the velocity gauge7 ⵜ · A maining one mixes imaginary and retarded contributions 关see
+ 共1 / v2兲 ⳵ ␾ / ⳵t = 0, a class of gauges containing the Coulomb Eq. 共42兲 in Ref. 8兴. The effect of the imaginary terms in the
gauge 共v = ⬁ 兲, the Lorentz gauge 共v = c兲, and the Kirchhoff last two parts vanishes identically when we take the curl and
gauge8 共v = ic兲. Jackson7 recently derived the gauge function obtain ⵜ ⫻ AK = ⵜ ⫻ AL. A direct calculation gives8 −⳵AK / ⳵t
␹v 关Eq. 共7.5兲 of Ref. 7兴, which transforms the Lorenz gauge = −ⵜ␾L − ⳵AL / ⳵t + ⵜ␾K. The last term cancels exactly the
potentials ␾L and AL to the velocity gauge potentials ␾v and imaginary field −ⵜ␾K and we again obtain −ⵜ␾K − ⳵AK / ⳵t
A v, = −ⵜ␾L − ⳵AL / ⳵t. The explicit presence of an imaginary term
in Eq. 共1兲 when it is written in terms of the Kirchhoff gauge
␾v = ␾L − , 共5a兲 potentials is irrelevant because such a term is always can-
⳵t celed, which means that causality is never effectively lost.
In the same sense that the Helmholtz theorem is consid-
Av = AL + ⵜ␹v . 共5b兲 ered as the mathematical foundation of electrostatics and
From Eq. 共5兲 we obtain magnetostatics, the generalized Helmholtz theorem can be
considered as the mathematical foundation of electromagne-
⳵ AL ⳵ Av tism. I advocate the use of both formulations of the general-
ⵜ␾L + = ⵜ␾v + 共6a兲
⳵t ⳵t ized Helmholtz theorem12 in courses of electromagnetism
and invite instructors to decide which formulation they find
ⵜ ⫻ AL = ⵜ ⫻ Av . 共6b兲 more useful.
Equations 共6兲 imply that Eq. 共1兲 is also valid for potentials in
the velocity gauge, which means that it is valid for the Cou- Electronic mail:
A. M. Davis, “A generalized Helmholtz theorem for time-varying vector
lomb and Kirchhoff gauges also. The application of Eq. 共1兲 fields,” Am. J. Phys. 74, 72–76 共2006兲, Eq. 共29兲.
to potentials in the velocity gauge requires the identification 2
R. B. McQuistan, Scalar and Vector Fields: A Physical Interpretation
F = ␮0J, where J is the current density and ␮0 the permeabil- 3
共Wiley, New York, 1965兲, Sec. 12-3, Eq. 共12.37兲.
ity of free space. O. D. Jefimenko, Electricity and Magnetism, 2nd ed. 共Electret Scientific,
Star City, WV, 1989兲, Sec. 2-14, Eq. 共2-14.2兲.
Davis introduced causality in Eq. 共1兲 when he chose re- 4
J. A. Heras, “Jefimenko’s formulas with magnetic monopoles and the
tarded potentials. But we can equally choose acausal ad- Lienard-Wiechert fields of a dual-charged particle,” Am. J. Phys. 62,
vanced potentials to obtain Eq. 共1兲. Causality in Eq. 共1兲 is not 5
525–531 共1994兲, Eq. 共13兲.
a necessary assumption, but it is required to identify −ⵜ␾ J. A. Heras, “Time-dependent generalizations of the Biot-Savart and Cou-
lomb laws: A formal derivation,” Am. J. Phys. 63, 928–932 共1995兲, Eq.
− ⳵A / ⳵t and ⵜ ⫻ A with the retarded electric and magnetic 共17兲.
fields. As pointed out by Rohrlich,9 causality must be in- 6
J. A. Heras, “Comment on ‘Causality, the Coulomb field, and Newton’s
serted by hand in classical field theories as a condition. law of gravitation’ by F. Rohrlich 关Am. J. Phys. 70, 411–414 共2002兲兴,”
Am. J. Phys. 71, 729–730 共2003兲, Eqs. 共5兲–共7兲.
The reader might wonder why Eq. 共1兲 can also be written 7
J. D. Jackson, “From Lorenz to Coulomb and other explicit gauge trans-
in terms of the Coulomb gauge potentials when the instanta- formations,” Am. J. Phys. 70, 917–928 共2002兲.
neous scalar potential ␾C in this gauge is clearly acausal. The 8
J. A. Heras, “The Kirchhoff gauge,” Ann. Phys. 321, 1265–1273 共2006兲.

744 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 74, No. 8, August 2006 Notes and Discussions 744

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9 11
F. Rohrlich, “Causality, the Coulomb field, and Newton’s law of gravita- J. A. Heras, “Instantaneous fields in classical electrodynamics,” Euro-
tion,” Am. J. Phys. 70, 411–414 共2002兲. phys. Lett. 69, 1–7 共2005兲.
10 12
K.-H. Yang, “The physics of gauge transformations,” Am. J. Phys. 73, The author thanks V. Hnizdo for drawing his attention to the fact that both
742–751 共2005兲. formulations of the generalized theorem are equivalent.

Comments on the tethered galaxy problem

William J. Claveringa兲
Astronomy Unit, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS, United Kingdom
共Received 28 November 2005; accepted 14 April 2006兲
In a recent paper Davis, Lineweaver, and Webb make the counterintuitive assertion that a galaxy
held “tethered” at a fixed distance from our own could emit blueshifted light. This effect was derived
from the simplest Friedmann-Robertson-Walker 共FRW兲 spacetimes and the ⍀M = 0.3, ⍀⌳ = 0.7 case,
which is believed to be a good late time model of our universe. In this paper, we recover their results
in a more transparent way, revise their calculations, and propose a formulation of the tethered galaxy
problem based on radar distance rather than comoving “proper” distance. This formulation helps to
remove the coordinate-dependent nature of the tethered galaxy problem and establishes consistency
between the empty FRW model and special relativity. In the general case, we see that, although the
radar distance tethering reduces the redshift of a receding object, it does not do so sufficiently to
cause the blueshift as found by Davis, Lineweaver, and Webb. We also discuss some important
issues raised by this approach relating to the interpretation of the redshift, velocity, and distance in
relativistic cosmology. © 2006 American Association of Physics Teachers.
关DOI: 10.1119/1.2203646兴

I. INTRODUCTION value of z ⬍ 1 will actually correspond to a blueshift. Simi-

larly, the condition for light to be received with zero redshift
The homogeneous and isotropic expansion of the universe implies that it is observed at its emission frequency, that is, is
is described by Friedmann-Robertson-Walker 共FRW兲 neither redshifted nor blueshifted.
spacetimes.1 In these spacetimes, we may construct a co- In Sec. II, we review the tethered galaxy problem as posed
moving frame in which the spacetime manifold of general in Ref. 2. We remove the explicit redshift dependence from
relativity is treated as expanding, while on average matter is their calculations and recover their results as a combination
at rest. If we wish to study independent dynamical objects
of cosmic redshift and the special relativistic Doppler shift.
within an expanding universe, we would like to quantify the
effect of imposing such a cosmological background. We fol- We are thus able to demonstrate why the peculiar velocity
low Davis et al.2 by considering a galaxy endowed with a required to cancel the cosmic redshift does not correspond to
large peculiar velocity that characterizes the velocity devia- that proposed to tether a galaxy against the Hubble flow.
tion from the universal expansion or Hubble flow. The teth- We then discuss two problems with this approach. First,
ered galaxy problem considers the physics of the extreme we note that the peculiar velocities do not correspond to a
case, where a galaxy is endowed with sufficient peculiar ve- quantity we might regard as a worldline velocity except in
locity so as to cancel the Hubble flow and remain, in some the special relativistic limit. In Sec. III, we construct a gen-
sense, at a fixed distance from a co-moving observer who eral relativistic condition on the 4 velocity of a luminous
follows the Hubble flow. We study how light from such a particle in order that light is received at the fixed spatial
galaxy would be redshifted and propose modifications to the origin without redshift. In Sec. IV, we discuss the limitations
previous calculations2 that suggest that a receding source of the distance scale used in the original formulation. Using
could be significantly blueshifted. this measure, we show that for the Milne model under a
By recasting the problem in a coordinate independent coordinate transformation, the problem does not—as we
form, with the radar distance as our measure, we achieve might expect—agree with the analogous system in special
results that are more intuitive than previous work.2 With this
relativity. More details of this example appear in Appendix
construction, tethered galaxies in the empty FRW universe
have zero redshift and the problem may be reconciled with
the notion of constant spatial separation in special relativity. Motivated by this example, we propose recasting the teth-
We find that the reduction in redshift is much lower than ered galaxy problem in terms of a theoretically observable
that obtained by the previous analysis.2 The effect of impos- quantity, the radar distance. We construct this new system of
ing the tether is not sufficient to cause the blueshift of an observers in Sec. V and propose a method for solving the
object in an expanding universe and is only significant at system in terms of light signals. In Sec. VI, we compare the
very large distances, at which we would not expect propor- phenomenological results with a physical model. We see that
tionally large peculiar velocities. the effects of the tethered galaxy problem persist although
Throughout this paper, we shall refer to the unevaluated they are comparatively small below scales of 104 – 105 mega-
quantity 1 + z as the redshift of a light source, but note that a parsec 共Mpc兲.
745 Am. J. Phys. 74 共8兲, August 2006 © 2006 American Association of Physics Teachers 745

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