Tarea de Ingles Culture Convenient

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Atividad #4

1 what do you think is meant by contact or non- contact cultures?

Each country in each place has rules and regulations which are part of its culture, it depends on
you as a native to respect them and if you are a foreigner and you visit, you should do the same if
you like it, just do not go. This is part of the identity of each nation or country.

2 He warned that not respecting the correct distance between people could lead to
misunderstanding or Worse offense

4 turn-taking Nordic cultures Denmark, Sweden, Norway. Finland are reported to have long delays
between one turn and the next one….

turn-taking Nordic cultures Anthropologist and describes offering coffee to a Swedish guest in his
house after a minute's silence. The offer was accepted another gives an account of two men in
Hema Finland walking to work one morning the first man. Anne says I lost my knife here yesterday
as they returned home from work that evening the other man asks, what kind of knife was

5 what is the average time that people anywhere in the world take to respond in conversation?

however, scientific data shows that there is little cultural difference in the actual time delays in
turn taking the typical pause across cultures is about 0.2 seconds. The maximum Gap is 0.47 s
Danish and the minimum only zero point zero seven seconds in Japanese in other words difference
is minimal.

Actividad #5

2proof based on personal storys/ account

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence to support claims of cultural differences

3 a line on with we measure things

Actvidad #8

1we did not figth we just had a different of opinion

2 same


4 different

5 different / same

6 a jail a prison are one and the same thing

Opinion sobre cultura paisa y caratgenera.

I make a brief comparison between the people of Medellin and the people of Cartagena.
Antioqueños have a culture of sharing with their countrymen, respecting the lines and distances,
they don't even mind getting up and giving their place. They love their city and take care of it. They
have the culture of a clean Medellin with space for everyone.

Cartagena I love my city but we have a terrible culture of pushing others, passing the line, ignoring
others who need a place so as not to give it to them and many times we raise our voices and let
the other speak. For some people from Cartagena, everything is folkloric, they do not take the
responsibilities or matter seriously. And we don't value our city, we don't have a sense of
belonging. The city is more dirty than clean

culturs convenient

hago una breve comparacion entre la gente de medellin y la gente de cartagena. Los antioqueños
tiene la cultura de compartir con sus coterraneos , respetar las filas y las distancias incluso no les
importa levantarse y dar su lugar. Aman su ciudad y la cuiadan. Tienen la cultura de una medellin
limpia y con espacio para todos.

Cartagena yo amo mi ciudad pero tenemos la cultura pesima de empujar al otro, pasar la fila,
ignorar a otro que necsita un lugar para no darselo y muchas veces alzamos el tono de voz y
dejamos hablar al otro. Para algunos cartageneros todo es folclorico no toman las
responsabilidades o asunto en serio. Y no valoramos nuestra ciudad no tenemos sentido de
pertenencia. La ciudad pasa mas sucia que limpia
Las Fallas—or the “Festival of fire”—in Valencia, Spain, is one of the most unusual and exciting
festivals in the world: a joyful mixture of parades, music, food, and fireworks. It takes place every
year between March 15th and 19th, and marks the beginning of spring—a time when everything
bad is burned to welcome in the new season.The focus of the festival is extraordinary statues
called ninots—many as tall as houses—made of cardboard, wood, and plaster. The ninots often
poke fun at people from real life, like politicians and celebrities, and are placed at different points
all around the city. Each ninot is judged for its creative design, and prizes are given to the
winners.During the festival, people celebrate in the streets, drinking, eating paella (the traditional
local dish), and watching fireworks. Late in the evening on March 18th, young men cut holes in the
ninots and stuff them with fireworks. Then at exactly midnight comes the climax of the festival,
when all the ninots across the city are set on fire in one spectacular burning ceremony. It is a
unique, and very noisy, display.

festival de fuegos artificiales

Las Fallas, o el "Festival del fuego", en Valencia, España, es uno de los festivales más inusuales y
emocionantes del mundo: una alegre mezcla de desfiles, música, comida y fuegos artificiales. Se
lleva a cabo todos los años entre el 15 y el 19 de marzo y marca el comienzo de la primavera, una
época en la que todo lo malo se quema para dar la bienvenida a la nueva temporada. El enfoque
del festival son las estatuas extraordinarias llamadas ninots, muchas tan altas como casas, hechas
de cartón, madera y yeso. Los ninots suelen burlarse de personajes de la vida real, como políticos y
famosos, y se colocan en diferentes puntos de la ciudad. Cada ninot es juzgado por su diseño
creativo y los ganadores reciben premios. Durante el festival, la gente celebra en las calles, bebe,
come paella (el plato local tradicional) y ve fuegos artificiales. A última hora de la tarde del 18 de
marzo, los jóvenes agujerean los ninots y los rellenan con fuegos artificiales. Luego, exactamente a
la medianoche, llega el clímax del festival, cuando se prenden fuego a todos los ninots de la ciudad
en una espectacular ceremonia de quema. Es una pantalla única y muy ruidosa.

Work in pairs. Read the description below of a festival. What does the description say about each
of these things?

a the name and date of the festival

b the reason for the festival

c the main attraction at the festival

d other activities that take place

e the high point of the festival

2 Read the description again. Underline all the adjectives used to describe the festival. What
overall impression do you think the writer wants to give? Discuss with a partner.

Writing skill adding detaila When you write a description, it is important to add interesting details.
Work in pairs and answer these questions.

1 What details does the writer add about these things?

the beginning of spring…… a time when everything bad is burned to welcome in the new

the ninot statues…… .The focus of the festival is extraordinary statues called ninots

the people from real life……. The ninots often poke fun at

the celebrations ….. people celebrate in the streets, drinking, eating paella (the traditional local
dish), and watching fireworks.

2 How are the details added: with adjectives, with an explanation, with a list, or with examples

b Work in pairs. Add details to the description of a music festival, using the guide in parentheses

1 In the middle of the park, there is a … (big) stage. (adjectives to describe the stage)

2 People then make their way to the main square, … (list of activities while making their way, e.g.,

3 There are all kinds of foods to eat, such as … (examples)

4 The festival takes place in mid-July, a time when .. (we celebrate our independence)

2 Cómo se agregan los detalles: con adjetivos, con una explicación, con una lista o con ejemplos

b Trabajar en parejas. Agrega detalles a la descripción de un festival de música, usando la guía

entre paréntesis
1 En medio del parque, hay un gran escenario. (adjetivos para describir el escenario)

2 Luego, las personas se dirigen a la plaza principal, … (lista de actividades durante el camino, por
ejemplo, cantar)

3 Hay todo tipo de alimentos para comer, como... (ejemplos)

4 La fiesta tiene lugar a mediados de julio, época en la que… (explicación)

5 Exchange descriptions with a partner. Use these questions to check your partner’s description.•
Does the description include the date of the festival, its significance, its high point, and the
activities people do?• Does the description give you a strong overall impression of the festival?•
Does it include interesting details?• After reading the description, would you like to go to the

5 Intercambiar descripciones con un compañero. Usa estas preguntas para verificar la descripción
de tu compañero. • ¿La descripción incluye la fecha del festival, su importancia, su punto
culminante y las actividades que realizan las personas? • ¿La descripción te da una fuerte
impresión general del festival? incluir detalles interesantes? • Después de leer la descripción, ¿te
gustaría ir al festival?

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