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MGT508 Organizational Behaviour and Business Leadership

Fancy Artists Team Charter

Team members
Name E-mail
Omar Bahgat
Manar Elmardi 20196637@
Rakan Abulawi 20209838@

Team Values and Goals

1. What are our shared team values?
Shared team values are innovation, openness, focus and respect.

2. What are our team goals?

Remember SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound.

Our goals is to propose and conduct a video which inform people about the importance of Personality,
Team Work and Motivation within the workplace, during the term starting from January until march.

Team Roles and Leadership

1. Who does what within this team?
Roles need to be shared where possible to avoid boredom and assist in retention.
Rakan will act as complete finisher, shaper and implementer. Manar will be the initiator, creative and
coordinator candidate of the group. While, Omar will be the meeting facilitator, coordination and
research investigator.

1. Does the team have a formal leader?

The team doesn’t have a formal leader. However, Manar and Omar acted as the coordinators of the group.
Rakan was the complete finisher

2. If so, what are his or her roles?

Their roles was to separate the tasks on the group members regarding video script and report.

Team Decision Making
1. How are minor decisions made?
Minor decision were made through whats app group, in which there is an agreement it executed.

2. How are major decisions made?

Major decisions such as the quality of the video is made through a virtual meeting to discuss the

Team Communication
1. Who do you contact if you cannot make a meeting?
We will contact the group coordinator, if there is an issue it will be issued to the professor Dr.
Badi Sulafa.

2. Who communicates with whom?

Team members communicate with each other’s through a group to avoid misconceptions.

3. How often will the team meet?

Once a week through Zoom platform.

Team Performance
1. What constitutes good team performance?
Being able to communicate easily without any issues and evaluate each other’s performed.

2. What if a team member tries hard but does not seem to be producing quality work?
The person will be encouraged by other team members to improve his work and maybe be
assisted by them.

3. How will poor attendance/work quality be dealt with?

The candidate will be asked to re[peat his work

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