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Factors affecting the accuracy of buccal alveolar

bone height measurements from cone-beam
computed tomography images
Ryan Wood,a Zongyang Sun,b Jahanzeb Chaudhry,c Boon Ching Tee,d Do-Gyoon Kim,b Binnaz Leblebicioglu,e
and Greg Englandf
Columbus, Ohio

Introduction: The reasons for inaccuracies in alveolar bone measurement from cone-beam computed tomography
(CBCT) images might be multifactorial. In this study, we investigated the impact of software, the presence or absence
of soft tissues, the voxel size of the scan, and the regions in the jaws on buccal alveolar bone height measurements in
pigs at an age equivalent to human adolescents. Methods: Marker holes, apical to the maxillary and mandibular mo-
lar roots, and mesiodistal molar occlusal reference grooves were created in 6 fresh pig heads (12 for each jaw), fol-
lowed by CBCT scans at 0.4-mm and 0.2-mm voxel sizes under soft-tissue presence and soft-tissue absence
conditions. Subsequently, buccolingual sections bisecting the marker holes were cut, from which the physical
alveolar bone height and thickness were measured. One blinded rater, using Dolphin (version 11.5 Premium;
Dolphin Imaging, Chatsworth, Calif) and OsiriX (version 3.9; software, independently
collected alveolar bone height measurements from the CBCT images. Differences between the CBCT and the
physical measurements were calculated. The mean differences and the limit of agreement (LOA, 61.96 SD) for
every jaw, voxel-size, soft-tissue, and software condition were depicted. Each measurement was then assessed
for clinical inaccuracy by using 2 levels of criteria (absolute differences between CBCT and physical
measurements $1 mm, or absolute differences between CBCT and physical measurements $0.5 mm), and the
interactions between soft-tissue and voxel-size factors for every jaw and software condition were assessed by
chi-square tests. Results: Overall, the mean differences between the CBCT and the physical measurements for ev-
ery jaw, voxel-size, soft-tissue, and software condition were near 0. With all other conditions kept equal, the accuracy
of the maxillary CBCT measurements was inferior (larger limit of agreement ranges and higher frequencies of clinical
inaccuracy) to the mandibular measurements. The physical thickness of the maxillary alveolar crestal bone was less
than 1 mm and significantly thinner than the mandibular counterparts. For every jaw and software condition, the
accuracy of measurements from the 0.2-mm soft-tissue presence CBCT images was consistently superior
(smaller limit of agreement ranges and lower frequencies of clinical inaccuracy) to those from the 0.4-mm soft-
tissue presence, the 0.4-mm soft-tissue absence, and the 0.2-mm soft-tissue absence images; all showed similar
accuracies. Qualitatively, the soft-tissue absence images demonstrated much brighter enamel and alveolar bone
surface contours than did the soft-tissue presence images. Conclusions: At an adolescent age, the buccal alveolar
bone height measured from the maxillary molar region based on 0.4-mm voxel-size CBCT images can have
relatively large and frequently inaccurate measurements, possibly due to its thinness. By using 0.2-mm voxel-
size scans, measurement accuracy might be improved, but only when the overlying facial and gingival tissues
are kept intact. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2013;143:353-63)

ith increasing popularity of cone-beam question the appropriateness of using it to measure
computed tomography (CBCT) imaging in the height and thickness of the alveolar bone.5-8
orthodontics,1-4 researchers continue to Undoubtedly, compared with the basal bone in the

From the College of Dentistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. The authors report no commercial, proprietary, or financial interest in the prod-
Resident, Division of Orthodontics. ucts or companies described in this article.
Assistant professor, Division of Orthodontics. Reprint requests to: Zongyang Sun, Room 4088 Postle Hall, 305 W 12th Ave, Co-
Assistant professor, Division of Oral Pathology and Radiology. lumbus, OH 43210; e-mail,
Research assistant, Division of Orthodontics. Submitted, March 2012; revised and accepted, October 2012.
Associate professor, Division of Periodontology. 0889-5406/$36.00
Student. Copyright Ó 2013 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
This project was partially supported by the Delta Dental Master's Thesis Award
program (to R.W.).

354 Wood et al

Fig 1. A, CBCT image showing marker holes adjacent to molar roots (arrows); B, 4 equal layout views
of the CBCT image, showing image orientation before measuring buccal bone height in the coronal
view (detailed in the main text); C, illustration of alveolar bone height in the coronal view (enlarged)
from the CBCT image. The physical measurements were obtained similarly from buccolingual sections.

jaws, the alveolar bone is more difficult to visualize and soft-tissue presence did not compromise measurement
measure because of its thinness and proximity to the accuracy.9 Similarly, decreasing voxel size has been
teeth and the periodontal ligament.9-11 On the other found to increase the accuracy of alveolar bone mea-
hand, when measuring the alveolar bone, it is critical surements, but the interplay between this parameter
to obtain measurements close to physical truth, since and other factors (eg, soft tissues) remains unknown.5,7
these measurements are often directly used to interpret In addition, buccal bone thickness generally differs
periodontal health or sequelae from orthodontic between the 2 jaws, with a thinner maxillary bone.15,16
treatment.12,13 For instance, underestimation of actual Whether such differences between the jaws affect the
alveolar bone height would lead to a misdiagnosis of accuracy of CBCT measurements of the alveolar bone
bone loss. is currently unknown.
To date, reports on the accuracy of CBCT alveolar This study was aimed at understanding whether the
bone measurements have been somewhat inconsis- variations in scanning voxel sizes, software for imaging
tent.5-7 Overall submillimeter limits of agreement were analysis, soft-tissue presence or absence, and regions in
reported by Timock et al,6 indicating excellent accuracy the jaws impact the accuracy of alveolar bone height
for clinical use, but Patcas et al5 found up to 2.1 mm of measurements from CBCT images. The discrepancies be-
limits of agreement in the mandibular incisor region, tween CBCT and physical measurements were analyzed
and Sun et al7 found that bone height was systematically for each factor for mean differences, limits of agreement
underestimated by 0.9 to 1.2 mm when the bone thick- for each measurement, and proportions of clinically in-
ness was near the voxel size. Although such inconsis- accurate measurements.
tencies are most likely due to variations in research
designs and materials, they also suggest that the accu- MATERIAL AND METHODS
racy of alveolar bone measurements from CBCT images Six fresh domestic pig (Sus scrofa) heads, aged 3 to 6
might depend on various factors. months and equivalent to early adolescent humans, were
Among many possible factors, several are often used.17 Specimen preparation is shown in Figure 1, A.
different in the studies, but they have been inadequately Reference marker holes were drilled in the buccal alveo-
investigated. These include variations in scan voxel size, lar bone at the apices of the first and second maxillary
image analysis software, soft-tissue conditions (presence and mandibular molars with a slow-speed dental hand
or absence), and alveolar bone regions in the jaws. Dry piece (Volvere VMax; Brasseler USA, Savannah, Ga).
skulls without soft tissues have been commonly used Marker holes were made intraorally through the buccal
for accuracy studies until recently, when researchers gingiva. Reference grooves bisecting the occlusal tables
started using embalmed human cadavers.5,6,9,14 of all molars in a mesiodistal direction were also created.
Although 1 group suggested that soft-tissue presence All 4 holes on the maxilla and the 3 mesial holes on the
tends to reduce CBCT measurement precision in mandible were used in this study, and each hole was
the mandibular incisor region,5 others found that considered a sample for subsequent analyses. Three

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instead of 4 holes from each mandibular half were used, Premium; Dolphin Imaging, Chatsworth, Calif) or
since the most distal hole involved the alveolar crest in OsiriX (version 3.9; Slice
some specimens. thickness was set at 0.5 mm in coronal, sagittal, and
Each head was scanned with an iCAT 17-19 Platinum axial views. Then the specimen's occlusal groove was
CBCT machine (120 kVp, 5 mA) (Imaging Sciences Inter- made parallel to the axial and sagittal planes; this ori-
national, Hatfield, Pa) at 0.4-mm voxel-size (scanning ented the coronal views perpendicular to the groove
time, 8.9 seconds) and 0.2-mm voxel-size (scanning (Fig 1, B). In the coronal view, which is equivalent
time, 26.9 seconds) levels. These constituted the soft- to the sections used for physical measurement, buccal
tissue presence CBCT images. Subsequently, superficial alveolar bone height at each marker hole was mea-
soft tissues, including skin, muscles, and gingival tissues sured. The linear measurement tool, available in
covering the buccal alveolar bone, were dissected and re- both software programs, was used to measure alveolar
moved without damaging the bone. Internal soft tissues, bone height, which was the distance from the occlusal
including the tongue, mucosa, and lingual gingivae, border of the marker hole to the alveolar crest (Fig 1,
were not removed. The specimens were then rescanned C). During analysis, the rater was allowed to enlarge
at 0.4- and 0.2-mm voxel sizes with the same protocols the images but not to digitally change the images in
as before soft-tissue removal. These constituted the any other way.
soft-tissue absence CBCT images. Combined, a total of Eight repeated CBCT measurements were obtained
24 sets of CBCT images were obtained for analyses. from each marker hole under varied conditions as a result
After the soft-tissue absence scans, each maxillary or of the 2 3 2 3 2 design of 3 factors, with each having 2
mandibular quadrant was separated from the head by subcategories (software, Dolphin or Osirix; soft tissues,
using a Ryobi 9-in band saw (Techtronic Industries presence or absence; voxel size, 0.4 or 0.2 mm). The rater
North America, Anderson, SC). The specimens were fur- was blinded to the conditions when taking the measure-
ther cut into sections that bisected the marker holes and ments.
in a direction perpendicular to the molar occlusal To assess intrarater reliability, 8 sets of CBCT images
groove, by using an IsoMet low-speed saw (Buehler, were randomly chosen for remeasurement 6 weeks after
Lake Bluff, Ill) under water lubrication. This resulted in the initial measurements. The same protocols were fol-
2 mirror sections for each marker hole, which were lowed for the remeasurements.
used to obtain the physical measurements of alveolar
bone height and thickness. Using a digital caliper, 2 Statistical analysis
raters (R.W. and Z.S.) took these measurements indepen- Intrarater reliability values (for CBCT measurements
dently according to the same protocol. Bone height was only) and interrater reliability (for physical measure-
measured from the occlusal border of the marker hole to ments only) were assessed by intraclass correlation tests.
the crest of the alveolar bone. Bone thickness was mea- The differences between each set of CBCT and physical
sured at 2 locations along the buccal surface: 0.5 and 1.0 measurements were calculated and used as a parameter,
mm from the alveolar bone crest. The distance (perpen- DCBCT-Phy. The variances of DCBCT-Phy caused by the fac-
dicular to the root's long axis) between the buccal sur- tors of software, soft tissue, and voxel size were tested by
face and the buccal bundle bone surface was repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with
measured. The measurements from the 2 mirror sections the maxilla and the mandible separated. The mean
of each marker hole were averaged. These measurements DCBCT-Phy and the limit of agreement (LOA, 61.96 SD)
were tested for interrater reliability before further com- for each condition were compared with the Bland-Alt-
bination (detailed below). No intrarater reliability was man method.18
tested for these physical measurements. Subsequently, to further examine the clinical impli-
One rater (R.W.) measured the CBCT images. The cations of the discrepancies between the CBCT and the
CBCT data (DICOM, Rosslyn, Va) were relabeled and re- physical measurements, the continuous DCBCT-Phy data
ordered randomly to blind the rater. The rater was were converted to 1 of 2 categorical values: clinically ac-
trained by an experienced oral and maxillofacial radiol- curate or clinically inaccurate. Two levels of criteria (ab-
ogist (J.C.) on how to take linear measurements from solute DCBCT-Phy value $1 or $0.5 mm) were used to
CBCT images and then independently measured the determine the clinical inaccuracy, from which the pro-
height of the buccal alveolar bone using the following portion of clinically inaccurate measurements was calcu-
protocol. lated for every condition. The interactions between the
After setting the resolution of the display monitor voxel-size and soft-tissue factors under varied jaw, inac-
at 1600 3 1200 pixels, the CBCT data were imported curacy criteria, and software conditions were tested with
into the software, Dolphin Imaging (version 11.5 chi-square tests.

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Table I. Mean differences between CBCT and physical measurements (DCBCT-Phy) 6 limit of agreement (LOA, 1.96 SD)
for each testing condition
0.4-mm STP 0.4-mm STA 0.2-mm STP 0.2-mm STA
Dolphin 0.08 6 2.23 0.14 6 2.24 0.03 6 1.03 0.04 6 2.22
OsiriX 0.05 6 2.16 0.08 6 2.27 0.04 6 1.06 0.03 6 2.11
Dolphin 0.05 6 1.29 0.22 6 1.26 0.04 6 0.64 0.02 6 1.01
OsiriX 0.10 6 1.26 0.06 6 1.23 0.09 6 0.64 0.06 6 1.23
LOA: Mx-Mn
Dolphin 0.94 0.98 0.39 1.21
OsiriX 0.90 1.04 0.42 0.88

STP, Soft-tissue presence; STA, soft-tissue absence; Mx, maxilla; Mn, mandible.

The physical measurements of alveolar bone thick- less scatter of data points than those of the other 3 sub-
ness were compared between the maxilla and the man- categories, which were generally similar.
dible by 2-sample t tests. Examples of buccolingual CBCT images of the max-
illary and mandibular alveolar bones from the same an-
RESULTS imal with the same protocols and settings, but under
Interrater reliability of the alveolar bone height varied voxel-size and soft-tissue conditions, are shown
physical measurements was excellent (correlation coeffi- in Figure 3. Overall, the 0.2-mm voxel-size images ap-
cients: maxilla, 0.98; mandible, 0.95), so the measure- peared clearer than did the 0.4-mm voxel-size images,
ments from the 2 raters were averaged and used for and the dentoalveolus in the soft-tissue absence images
comparisons with the CBCT measurements. showed greater surface contour brightness and contrast
Intrarater reliability values of the CBCT alveolar bone than those in the soft-tissue presence images. This dif-
height measurements were excellent (correlation coeffi- ference in brightness was especially prominent at the
cients: maxilla, 0.98; mandible 0.97). enamel and buccal alveolar bone surfaces between the
The mean differences between CBCT and physical 0.2-mm soft-tissue presence and the 0.2-mm soft-
measurements and limit of agreement range for every tissue absence images. These patterns did not change
jaw and software condition are listed in Table I. In with the software programs.
the maxilla, ANOVA showed that no factors signifi- The proportions of clinically inaccurate measure-
cantly changed the mean DCBCT-Phy, which were in ments are shown in Table II. First, the proportions of in-
the range of 0.04 and 0.14 mm, respectively. In the accurate measurements were lower in the mandible than
mandible, although ANOVA showed a significant inter- in the maxilla, and lower at the 1-mm inaccuracy crite-
action among software, soft-tissue, and voxel-size fac- rion (absolute DCBCT-Phy value $1 mm) than at the
tors, even the greatest differences between the CBCT 0.5-mm inaccuracy criterion (absolute DCBCT-Phy value
and physical measurements among them were less $0.5 mm). Next, with the jaw, inaccuracy criterion
than 0.2 mm (Table I). All limit of agreement ranges and software conditions kept equal, the soft-tissue pres-
were greater in the maxilla (all .2 mm except for the ence 0.2-mm subcategory demonstrated a substantially
0.2-mm soft-tissue presence condition) than in the lower value than those of the other 3 categories, which
mandible (all .1 mm except for the 0.2-mm soft- were generally similar. The interaction between the
tissue presence condition). With all other factors voxel-size and soft-tissue factors was not statistically
kept equal, the limit of agreement values were nearly significant when tested separately for every condition
identical between the Dolphin and Osirix software con- but reached significance when the measurements from
ditions. both software conditions were pooled and compared
The Bland-Altman plots18 of the maxilla and the at the 1-mm inaccuracy criterion. At the 0.5-mm inac-
mandible with the Dolphin software are shown in curacy criterion, the interaction was nearly significant
Figure 2. The patterns of the Osirix plots are not shown for the maxilla but not for the mandible.
because they were similar to those of Dolphin. In both The physical measurements of alveolar bone thick-
jaws, with the other factors kept equal, the soft-tissue ness are summarized in Figure 4. Overall, it was signifi-
presence 0.2-mm voxel-size subcategory demonstrated cantly thinner in the maxilla than in the mandible (t
a substantially smaller limit of agreement range and tests; P \0.001).

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Fig 2. Bland-Altman plots18 of CBCT measurements obtained under varied jaw, voxel-size, and soft-
tissue conditions. Only plots from the Dolphin software are shown because those from Osirix were
similar (Table I). Each data point, defined by x and y coordinates (average of CBCT and physical mea-
surements, difference between CBCT and physical measurements), represents the position of a CBCT
measurement relative to a physical measurement obtained from the same marker hole. The blue bro-
ken lines indicate the limit of agreement defined as 1.96 SD from the physical measurements, and the
green solid lines indicate the mean differences between the CBCT and physical measurements of all
points included in that plot. STP, Soft-tissue presence; STA, soft-tissue absence.

DISCUSSION a critical issue. Overall, these results confirmed our hy-

Among the factors investigated in this study, the pothesis that the accuracy of alveolar bone height
regions in the jaws, soft-tissue condition, and scan- measurements from CBCT images depends on multiple
ning voxel size showed significant impacts on the ac- factors. These factors, as well as their clinical implica-
curacy of alveolar bone height measurements from tions and the limitations of this study, are discussed
CBCT images, whereas the software choice was not below.

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Fig 3. Examples of CBCT images. All images were captured from the left side of a pig with varied voxel-
size and soft-tissue conditions in the Dolphin software (images from Osirix software were similar). All
images were captured by using the same protocol and display resolution, brightness, and contrast set-
tings as those used for the CBCT measurements; the 4 images from the maxilla or the mandible were
from the same marker hole level. All images also have the same height and width ratio as that of the
actual CBCT images (long roots were a species-specific feature) and were resized with the same cal-
iper. STP, Soft-tissue presence; STA, soft-tissue absence.

Several previous studies have examined the accuracy Less accurate measurements from the maxillary mo-
of alveolar bone height measurements from CBCT lar region can be largely attributed to thin bones in this
images in various regions, and mixed results were region. On average, maxillary buccal alveolar bones were
reported. More specifically, clinically significant inac- less than 1 mm thick, significantly thinner than the man-
curacies were found at the mandibular incisor5 and dibular alveolar bones, which were above 1 mm (Fig 4).
maxillary molar regions,7 whereas overall accurate The impact of alveolar bone thickness on the accuracy of
measurements (limit of agreement range, \1 mm) alveolar bone height has been well documented.7,8 More
were reported by Timock et al6 when the maxillary specifically, thin bones (near voxel size) tend to become
and mandibular molar regions were combined. Clearly, indistinguishable from adjacent cementum on CBCT
the differences between the maxillary and mandibular images; thus, they are significantly less visible for
molar regions found in this study were in line with measurements. In this study, the average bone
the findings from the first 2 studies,5,7 but not with thickness in the maxilla (Fig 4) was 2- to 3-fold of the
the third one.6 These comparisons prompted us to voxel size; this prevented a systemic underestimation
ask 2 questions. What is the underlying cause for less of bone height measurements, since the mean differ-
accurate measurements from the maxillary than from ences between CBCT and physical measurements was
the mandible molar regions in our study, and why near 0. However, it clearly was not thick enough to elim-
was a similar difference between these regions not inate the difficulty involved in identifying bone bound-
found by Timock et al? aries, because a substantial proportion (Fig 3) of the

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Table II. Proportion of potentially clinically inaccurate CBCT measurements

Interaction of voxel Interaction of voxel
Jaw, inaccuracy size and soft tissues size and soft tissues
criterion, software 0.4-mm STP 0.4-mm STA 0.2-mm STP 0.2-mm STA (software separated) (software values pooled)
Mx: jDCBCT-Phyj $1 mm P 5 0.03
Dolphin 25.00% 22.92% 8.33% 25.00% P 5 0.09
OsiriX 27.08% 22.92% 10.42% 22.92% P 5 0.15
Mn: jDCBCT-Phyj $1 mm P 5 0.03
Dolphin 13.90% 11.11% 0.00% 5.66% P 5 0.15
OsiriX 8.33% 11.11% 0.00% 11.11% P 5 0.13
Mx: jDCBCT-Phyj $0.5 mm P 5 0.09
Dolphin 39.58% 39.58% 22.92% 37.50% P 5 0.33
OsiriX 43.75% 35.42% 22.92% 37.50% P 5 0.16
Mn: jDCBCT-Phyj $0.5 mm P 5 0.25
Dolphin 22.22% 27.87% 5.56% 11.11% P 5 0.63
OsiriX 22.22% 19.44% 8.33% 19.44% P 5 0.25
STP, Soft-tissue presence; STA, soft-tissue absence; jDCBCT-Phyj, absolute value of differences between CBCT and physical measurements; Mx,
maxilla; Mn, mandible.

et al6 used cadaver specimens from elderly people

(mean age, 77 years). As a result, our specimens were still
growing and changing with tooth eruption and move-
ment, but their specimens had reached adult thickness
and mineralization. Two independent studies recently
measured alveolar bone thickness from CBCT images.
One included subjects aged 13 to 48 years and found
maxillary and mandibular bone thickness of 1.1 to 2.2
mm and 1.6 to 3.0 mm, respectively.15 The other in-
cluded subjects aged 18 to 58 years and found maxillary
and mandibular buccal bone thicknesses of 1.1 and 2.2
mm, respectively.16 Despite the differences in methodol-
ogies, overall these values were somewhat higher than
our bone-thickness measurements, suggesting that the
maxillary buccal bone might gain another 0.5 to 1.0
mm in thickness before reaching adulthood. Therefore,
we speculate that the specimens used by Timock et al,
Fig 4. Comparison of alveolar bone thickness between who did not report maxillary and mandibular bone
the maxilla and mandible obtained by physical measure- thicknesses separately, had thicker maxillary buccal
ments. Error bars indicate standard deviations. P values bones than did our specimens; this might explain their
were based on 2-sample t tests. better accuracy.
Both the Bland-Altman parameters18 (Table I; Fig 2)
measurements were different from the physical truth by and the proportions of potentially clinically inaccurate
over 1 mm, with some even by over 2 mm (Fig 2; Table I). measurements (Table II) demonstrated consistent inter-
In addition to bone thickness, the difference of bone actions between the soft-tissue and voxel-size factors.
mineral density between the 2 jaws might also contrib- This interaction was not statistically significant when
ute to measurement differences between the molar tested for individual jaw and software conditions, most
regions in the 2 jaws. Specifically, the maxillary posterior likely because of a relatively small sample size of each
bone generally has less mineral density than the mandib- condition. After pooling the measurements from both
ular counterparts.19 Further confirmation for this latter software programs, which were similar, statistical signif-
point requires more studies. icance was reached for 1-mm inaccuracy criterion (abso-
The inconsistency between our findings and those re- lute DCBCT-Phy value ≥$1 mm) at the 1-mm inaccuracy
ported by Timock et al6 is likely to be due to a difference criterion in both jaws (Table II).
in specimen ages. We used young pigs at an age equiv- This interaction can be interpreted as follows: a 0.2-
alent to adolescent humans,17,20,21 whereas Timock mm voxel size improves the measurement accuracy, but

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the improvement is cancelled when the soft tissues are measurements; on the other, this finding suggests
removed. Based on the consistent findings reported by a yet-to-be recognized problem associated with soft-
others that a higher scanning resolution (smaller voxel tissue removal when specimens are scanned at a small
size) produces more accurate alveolar bone5,7 and voxel size, such as 0.2 mm.
tooth measurements,22 it is reasonable to expect that Clearly, it is important to confirm that the inferior
measurement accuracy improves when scanning voxel accuracy associated with 0.2-mm soft-tissue absence
size decreases. In this study, for consistency among test- relative to 0.2-mm soft-tissue presence is not caused
ing conditions (no voxel-size slice thickness was avail- by experimental errors. One potential error is alveolar
able in Osirix), a 0.5-mm slice thickness was used for bone damage that might have occurred during soft-
all image reconstructions before measurements. In mi- tissue removal and specimen sectioning. Undoubtedly,
crocomputed tomography studies, it has been found to completely rule out alveolar bone damage, one
that reconstructing the images at a thickness greater must compare the physical measurements of alveolar
than the scanning voxel size can coarsen the image res- bone height before and after soft-tissue removal.
olution, but this effect did not eliminate the resolution Such a comparison, however, is impractical because
differential of the varied scanning voxel size.23 This physical measurement of the alveolar bone before
was clearly the case for our reconstructed CBCT images, soft-tissue removal is extremely difficult and highly in-
too (Fig 3). An improved measurement accuracy of the accurate. Therefore, the possibility of systematic alveo-
0.2-mm soft-tissue presence condition, therefore, is lar bone damage can only be ruled out by using
not surprising and can be explained as an outcome of indirect evidence. In this study, care was taken during
the higher scanning resolution. soft-tissue removal; all sections for the physiologic
On the other hand, few studies have investigated the measurements were obtained by using a low-speed di-
effect of soft-tissue removal on alveolar bone measure- amond saw with water lubrication; no alveolar damage
ment accuracy. Although it has been speculated that was observed on the specimens. From a different per-
soft-tissue presence produces inferior accuracy5 and spective, the mean differences between the CBCT and
soft-tissue absence might increase tissue contrast and physical measurements of the soft-tissue presence
reduce scatter and subsequently improve linear mea- and absence 0.2-mm conditions were essentially iden-
surement accuracy, these speculations have not been tical (Table I). Assuming that systematic damage of the
substantiated.9 Ganguly et al9 recently found that the alveolar bone had happened during soft-tissue removal
measurement accuracy of soft-tissue presence (with em- and specimen sectioning, the physical measurements of
balmed human cadavers) was comparable with data pre- the alveolar bone height would become smaller; this
viously obtained from soft-tissue absence conditions would result in a systematic overestimation of the
(dry skulls); this indirectly and partially refutes rather mean DCBCT-Phy value (positive values) for the soft-
than supports these speculations.9 Additionally, despite tissue presence images but not for soft-tissue absence
a lack of a report on the scanning voxel size by Ganguly images. These results were not found (Table I), so the
et al, based on the relatively short scanning time (15 sec- assumption of systematic bone damage is probably in-
onds) reported, their specimens were most likely scanned correct. Furthermore, the differences in measurement
with a relatively large voxel size (0.4 rather than 0.2 mm). accuracy between the soft-tissue presence and absence
In our study, we directly compared measurement accu- 0.2-mm conditions were reflected in the limit of agree-
racy between the soft-tissue presence and absence con- ment ranges and percentages of clinical inaccuracy
ditions for the 0.4-mm scans and found no differences rather than the mean DCBCT-Phy values (Tables I and
(Tables I and II); this further confirmed that soft-tissue II; Fig 2); this strongly indicates increased variability
condition probably does not affect alveolar bone mea- of measurements associated with soft-tissue absence.
surement accuracy when the specimens are scanned at Because the same set of physical measurements was
a 0.4-mm voxel size. used for both soft-tissue presence and absence condi-
For the 0.2-mm scans, no previous studies have com- tions, it is not reasonable that the same physical mea-
pared alveolar bone measurement accuracy between the surement error (caused by potential alveolar bone
soft-tissue presence and absence conditions. Our study, damage or any other unidentified errors) increases the
therefore, was the first that directly addressed this issue. variability of only soft-tissue absence but not soft-
Unlike the 0.4-mm scans, the 0.2-mm scans clearly dem- tissue presence. A more reasonable explanation, there-
onstrated inferior accuracy associated with soft-tissue fore, is that some differences inherent in the soft-tissue
absence (Tables I and II). On one hand, this finding presence and absence 0.2-mm CBCT images, rather
further refutes the speculations that soft-tissue removal than the physical measurements, caused the differences
improves the accuracy of CBCT alveolar bone in data variability between these 2 conditions.

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This latter explanation is supported by the qualitative of them in 1 study. We compared Dolphin with Osirix.
features of the CBCT images (Fig 3). Overall, the dentoal- Osirix is the most widely used DICOM data viewer in
veolus in the soft-tissue absence images demonstrated the medical field and runs on a Macintosh operating
greater contrast and surface brightness than did the system (Apple, Cupertino, Calif); Dolphin is currently
soft-tissue presence images. This distinction was espe- one of the most commonly used programs in dentistry,
cially prominent at the enamel and alveolar bone sur- especially in orthodontics, and runs on a Windows
faces in the 0.2-mm images. Since all images were operating system (Microsoft, Redmond, Wash). Our
reconstructed to the computer screen from DICOM data, in a number of ways, demonstrated that the use
data by using the same protocols and display, contrast, of either software program resulted in an identical
and brightness settings, most likely these differences degree of accuracy for alveolar bone height
must be attributed to factors involved in radiographic measurements. These results indicate that software
physics or the primary reconstruction process from raw choice, at least between 2 of the most widely used
CBCT data.24 Although the exact mechanisms for these ones, is probably not a major concern for alveolar
differences remain uncertain, the brighter surface con- bone linear measurements from CBCT images,
tours shown in the soft-tissue absence images strongly although generalization of this finding to other
indicate that they were affected by greater beam- DICOM viewer programs might require further
hardening artifacts.24 Normally, when the overlying confirmation.
soft tissues are present, the low energy portion of the For the clinical implications, overall, pigs have similar
polychromatic beam is infiltrated (probably mainly by craniofacial anatomy and function to humans,27,28 with
the facial skins and muscles, and slightly by the gingival highly comparable alveolar bone morphology, size, and
tissues) before reaching the alveolar bone and tooth growth features; therefore, the use of a pig model is
crowns. After soft-tissue removal, this infiltration no clinically relevant.29 The pigs we used were equivalent
longer existed, and the lower-energy photons were di- in age to human adolescents. Many human cadaver-
rectly attenuated at the tooth and bone surfaces, result- based CBCT studies had to use specimens from elderly
ing in an artificially high attenuation coefficient at the subjects (60-90 years) because of availability issues,
enamel and bone surfaces and subsequently brighter some with extensive dental work and missing teeth.6,9,14
contours after primary reconstruction with the same al- Because of the differences of maxillary bone thickness
gorithm designed for clinical patients. Reasonably, this between adolescents and adults, findings based on
artifact, which may or may not be the only one involved adults might not be directly applied to adolescents, at
in soft-tissue absence conditions, can increase the diffi- least to the maxillary molar region of adolescents.6 In
culty in identifying the alveolar crest and measurement comparison, our experimental materials were more com-
inaccuracy. parable to adolescent humans, and the findings are
Evidently, one would expect that a higher beam- therefore more relevant and useful for the adolescent or-
hardening artifact to show in 0.4-mm soft-tissue ab- thodontic patient population.
sence than in the 0.4-mm soft-tissue presence images, In this study, in addition to the commonly studied
too. Based on the image features (Fig 3), this was indeed parameters of differences between CBCT and physical
the case. The reason that the 0.4-mm soft-tissue absence measurements and limits of agreement, we compared
images did not show an even greater measurement inac- the proportions of clinically inaccurate measurements
curacy than did the 0.4-mm soft-tissue presence images for each factor. The purpose of this parameter was to
is not immediately clear, but, most likely, the measure- provide a more practical way to understand the fre-
ment inaccuracy caused by the blurriness of the alveolar quency and severity of the inaccuracies involved in al-
crest as a result of a large voxel size (0.4 mm) tends to veolar bone measurements from CBCT images. Two
override the differences caused by the beam-hardening criteria, 1 and 0.5 mm, were used to determine whether
artifacts. This point, and the interaction between voxel a CBCT measurement was clinically inaccurate. A mea-
sizes and soft-tissue conditions, can be further con- surement error up to 1 mm has been considered ac-
firmed by adding more voxel sizes in future studies. ceptable for the assessment of the periodontium,
Various software programs have been used to especially alveolar bone, during clinical examinations.
quantitatively analyze bone in CBCT and computed to- For orthodontic patients, a major reason that we
mography images.5,6,9,25,26 Developed by different want to measure their alveolar bones is to know the
persons or groups, these programs can differ in image periodontal sequelae after orthodontic treatment,
reconstruction, display, and analysis, and potentially such as rapid palatal expansion.12 With no accuracy
affect the accuracy of alveolar bone measurements. criterion currently established specific to radiographic
Practically, however, it is extremely hard to compare all alveolar bone readings, we reason that, to justify the

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics March 2013  Vol 143  Issue 3
362 Wood et al

use of CBCT for alveolar bone measurements, with its Based on the latter study, caution is needed when apply-
associated additional cost and radiation, it should at ing our findings to patients who are still wearing metallic
least have an accuracy level comparable with clinical orthodontic appliances. Additionally, in the soft-tissue
examinations. Therefore, a 1-mm criterion is probably absence samples, the lingual soft tissues were not re-
more reasonable and practical. Based on this criterion moved to keep the jaws steady for CBCT scanning. Al-
(inaccurate, absolute DCBCT-Phy value $1 mm), our though these tissues might increase overall image
data clearly demonstrated that, when a 0.4-mm voxel degradation, the data from this study (Fig 2) and
size (commonly used for clinical patients) was adopted, others5,9,14 suggest that this is not a critical issue
approximately 23% to 27% and 8% to 14% (ranges of because buccal alveolar bone measurement appears to
the 0.4-mm conditions in Table II) of measurements be primarily affected by the soft tissues on the buccal
from the maxillary and mandibular molar regions, re- side (facial and gingival). This is particularly the case
spectively, were clinically inaccurate. With strong rele- for the beam-hardening artifacts as explained above.
vance of our specimens to adolescent humans as Lastly, only 1 computed tomography machine and 1
discussed above, the high inaccuracy rate in the maxil- rater were used; both could increase the bias of the find-
lary molar region warrants caution when using CBCT ings. Blinding techniques were used in this study to re-
measurements from this region to interpret periodontal duce rater bias, and future studies should make
sequelae of orthodontic treatment in adolesecents.12,13 comparisons with more machines and raters.
Clearly, one can argue that the frequency of inaccu- However, through this study, overall, 2 points are
rate measurements would be different if we had used a clear about whether one can accurately measure alveolar
more stringent criterion (inaccuracy, absolute DCBCT-Phy bone height from CBCT images. First, the answer is not
value $0.5 mm). Indeed, more CBCT measurements simply yes or no, and it might depend on multiple fac-
would be considered inaccurate (35%-44% and 19%- tors. Second, to accurately assess alveolar bone changes
28% measurements from the maxillary and mandibular resulting from orthodontic treatment in adolescent pa-
molar regions, respectively; Table II). Notably, the tients, improvements in CBCT technology and measur-
same patterns of inaccuracy (maxilla worse than mandi- ing techniques are needed.
ble, soft-tissue presence 0.4 mm equal to soft-tissue ab-
sence 0.4 mm, and soft-tissue absence 0.2 mm worse CONCLUSIONS
than soft-tissue presence 0.2 mm) remained, although
statistically the differences were insignificant (Table II). 1. In adolescent pigs (comparable with adolescent
On the other hand, because 0.5 mm is a much more humans), when measuring the buccal alveolar bone
stringent criterion than what is used in clinical examina- height in the maxillary molar region from CBCT im-
tions, whether it should be used to justify or oppose the ages by 0.4-mm voxel-size scans, relatively large (up
use of CBCT images for alveolar bone measurements re- to approximately a 2-mm discrepancy from the phys-
quires further investigation and discussion; this was be- ical truth) and frequent (over 20%) clinical inaccura-
yond the scope of our study. cies ($1 mm different from the physical truth)
Based on our findings, this inaccuracy problem occurred. This is most likely because the buccal alve-
can be improved to a certain extent by using small olar bone in the maxilla is thin (on average \1 mm).
voxel-size scans (0.2 mm), while keeping facial and 2. For 0.4-mm voxel-size scans, measurements from
gingival soft tissues intact. Although the latter is al- the mandibular molar regions were generally within
ready the case for most patients, because of radiation 1 mm from the physical truth, with only about
concerns, whether small voxel-size scans should be a 10% frequency in obtaining clinically inaccurate
used on patients for this purpose should be carefully measurements ($1 mm different from the physical
considered. truth).
As with many other studies on this topic, this study 3. Alveolar bone height measurement accuracy varied
had limitations. Several more factors, such as patient with voxel-size and soft-tissue conditions. For
movement during scanning and metal artifacts, were 0.4-mm voxel-size scans, removing the soft tissues
not included.14,30 The former factor is a limitation in did not change alveolar bone height measurement
many studies on this topic involving the use of dead accuracy. Compared with the 0.4-mm voxel-size
experimental materials. The latter factor was examined scans, 0.2-mm voxel-size scans showed improved
recently in 2 studies. One found that CBCT is less measurement accuracy only when the soft tissue
affected by metal artifacts than multidetector was present. Soft-tissue removal cancelled the im-
computed tomography,14 whereas the other found that provement from using a smaller voxel size, probably
regions near metal rods were substantially affected.30 because of increased beam-hardening artifacts.

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics March 2013  Vol 143  Issue 3

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