Why Do We Need An Enterprise Architecture

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Why do we need an Enterprise Architecture?

We need Enterprise Architecture because this brings us the understanding of the business
organization’s structure and how to handle the challenges of the business of the company that
may come in the present or at the future. It helps us know the process of the business policies,
technologies and services and form the desired business in terms of its vision. Such example
could be like Domino’s Pizza, Inc. This is a world-known pizza franchise. The corporation was
struggling with plummeting profits and in order to fix it they had to re-invent themselves.
Rather than improving pizza recipes, Domino’s instead made a technological transformation, as
the employees are now comprised with programmers, digital marketers and other tech
personnel. Moreover Domino’s improved their delivery efficiency as their business doesn’t just
do pizzas but as well deliveries, enabling customers to order through social media platforms,
apps and smart devices. Understandably Domino’s managed to bring further success with the
use of Enterprise Architecture and it follows that it is needed to bring growth to an
organization, by aligning the IT and Business framework to its goals.

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