Gateway A1+ Workbook Audioscript

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Workbook audioscript A1+

Unit 1 Ana: I’m from Brazil, and I live in Brasília, Ed: Really? That’s interesting. How do
the capital city. you study?
Vocabulary and listening p11 Peter: Right. How old are you? Chiara: I study at home with my computer,
Ana: I’m 13, and my birthday is in January. and I see my teacher and my
4 01 classmates online.
Peter: What are your hobbies, Ana?
1 Ana: I’m really into music. I love pop music. Ed: So ... are your classmates at home,
David:  Hey, Katy. Have you got any friends too?
Peter: Are you interested in sport?
in other countries? Chiara: Yes, we all live in different places
Ana: Yes, I am. I like football.
Katy: Yes, I have. I’ve got a friend in ... and different countries! I’ve
Peter: OK. Have you got an email address?
Mexico and one in Turkey. We write got classmates in Spain, Egypt,
Ana: Yes, I have. It’s Turkey and other countries ... But
emails every week. Look, this is a com. Blue is my cat’s name.
photo of Miguel. He’s from Mexico we all meet for maybe one or two
Peter: OK. Thank you. Now, why don’t you weekends a year. Wait, I’ve got a
City. He’s got a big family. He’s got
take a seat ... photo on my phone. Look, this is
one brother and three sisters, and
his mother and father, of course. from our last weekend together.
PRONUNCIATION p13 Ed: Oh, right. Is that you?
They haven’t got any dogs, but
they’ve got three cats. Look, this is 4 03 Chiara: Yes, and this is my friend Lucy with
his favourite cat. Her name’s Lola. the long fair hair, and this is my
1 What’s your name? other friend Josh.
David: Wow! What a cute cat!
2 My name’s Ana. Ed: Cool! So how many students has
3 I’m from Brazil. your online school got?
Lucas: What’s your new school like, Jack?
4 I’m 13. Chiara: Well, it’s quite big. It’s got 420
Jack: Well, it isn’t new, but it’s nice.
We’ve got a big classroom with a 5 Are you interested in sport? students, I think.
big window. There are desks and 6 Yes, I am. Ed: And what time are your lessons?
chairs and posters on the walls. 7 Have you got an email address? Chiara: Well, for me, they’re from nine to
Lucas: Have you got any computers? 8 Yes, I have. half past four. And then we’ve got
Jack: Yes, we have. We’ve got three homework, of course.
Developing speaking p13 Ed: How much homework?
computers for when we do project
work, and one for the teacher to 6 04 Chiara: Well, it depends. Usually about an
use with the whiteboard. hour a day.
Teacher: What are your hobbies?
Lucas: You’re lucky! Our classroom is small Ed: And what subjects are typical at
Boy: My hobbies are music and going your school?
and we haven’t got any computers
to the cinema. I’m really into pop
at all! Chiara: Oh, the usual subjects - maths,
music and I’m interested in films.
3 history, science, but then there are
I like all types of films, but my
Sue: Is this your bag, Tom? other subjects too, like Chinese!
favourite films are adventure films.
Tom: No, I’ve got my bag here. Perhaps Ed: Chinese? Wow! So, which are your
Teacher: Are you interested in sport?
it’s Emma’s bag. favourite subjects?
Boy: Yes, I am. I like basketball and
Sue: No, her bag is blue and it hasn’t Chiara: I like ICT and geography. I really
football. I play basketball on
got pockets. This is black and like my geography teacher.
Wednesdays and Saturdays. And
it’s got pockets ... look, there’s a I’m a fan of Manchester United. Ed: Who is your geography teacher?
mobile in one of them. Chiara: His name is Mr Bevan. He’s really
Teacher: Who is your favourite singer?
Tom: Who’s got a black bag with nice!
Boy: I like Ed Sheeran. He’s a British
pockets? Ed: And how old are the students in
singer. I think he’s great.
Sue: I don’t know. the school?
Teacher: Have you got a big family?
Tom: Has it got a name inside it? Chiara: They’re between 7 and 18. I’m 13
Boy: No, I haven’t. I’ve got a father
Sue: No, it hasn’t. Oh, wait a minute. and this is my sixth year.
and a mother. Their names are
Yes, it has. It says ‘Craig’. David and Luisa. And I’ve got one Ed: It’s very interesting, but why are
Craig: Hey! That’s my bag! brother. His name is Ben. He’s ten you at an online school?
years old. Chiara: Because we move around to
Developing speaking p13 different cities a lot ... it’s because
Teacher: Have you got a pet?
2 02 of my dad’s work. And because I
Boy: Yes, I have. I love animals. I’ve got
Peter: Hi. Welcome to the class. like it!
a dog. His name is Blackie because
Ana: Thank you. he’s black. I haven’t got a cat. Developing speaking p21
Peter: My name’s Peter. What’s your name?
Unit 2 1 06
Ana: My name’s Ana. Ana Ferreira.
Peter: How do you spell that, Ana? Tim: Hi, Helen. What’s this?
Ana: It’s A-N-A ... Vocabulary and listening p19 Helen: Oh, hi Tim. It’s a photo of my
Peter: OK, ... 4 and 5 05 friends from my drama class.
Ana: ... and my surname is F-E-DOUBLE Tim: It’s a great photo. Who’s that in the
Ed: Hi. My name’s Ed. middle?
Chiara: Hi, I’m Chiara. Helen: That’s Liz. She’s 14. She’s tall, isn’t
Peter: Sorry, can you repeat that?
Ed: Are you a student at Ashton High? she? She’s got curly brown hair.
Chiara: No, I’m not. I study at an online Tim: And who are the boys?
Peter: Where are you from?

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Workbook audioscript A1+

Helen: That’s Eric. He’s got short black hair Kirsten: Well, Josh and Zac are
and brown eyes. He’s 14. Gateway to exams: Units 1–2 interesting because they’re
Tim: He’s tall, isn’t he? brothers and they’re artists, too.
Helen: Yes, he is quite tall. But Cole is
Gateway to exams p25 You don’t often find brothers
very tall. He’s 15, but people think 3 09 who are artists.
he’s 17 or 18. He’s got fair hair and Presenter: That’s true. So, what do they do?
brown eyes. 1 Kirsten: Well, Josh paints and draws.
Tim: Hmm ... who’s that with the long fair Sam: What time is it Jody? He’s already quite famous. He
hair? Jody: It’s five to two. Why? has pictures at the National
Helen: That’s Beth. She’s really nice and Sam: Because we’ve got English now and Gallery in Canada.
she’s got long hair in this photo, but I haven’t got my English book. Presenter: Does he live in Canada?
now it’s short. Jody: But we haven’t got English today. Kirsten: Yes, he does. He lives with his
Tim: And who’s the person with the wavy Today’s Thursday. family in Ontario.
brown hair? Sam: What have we got today then? Presenter: So, what kind of pictures does
Helen: That’s me, of course! Jody: We’ve got ICT at quarter past two. he paint?
Tim: Oh, yes! And then history at half past three. Kirsten: He paints different things,
So you don’t need your English but he often paints birds
PRONUNCIATION p21 book today! and animals. And he’s still a
2 teenager, but he travels and
4 07 Mum: Is that your new geography teacher teaches art, too.
big over there, Mitch? Presenter: That’s amazing. So what about
bit Mitch: You mean the woman with the long Zac. Does he paint?
green dark hair? Kirsten: No, he doesn’t. He’s a musician.
Mum: Yes, the tall woman. That’s the interesting thing.
Mitch: No, that’s our maths teacher. Josh paints and Zac writes
songs and plays music. They’re
is Mum: And the woman with short dark
different, but they’re both
niece hair? Is that her?
teeth Mitch: That’s Mrs James. She’s a geography
Presenter: What instrument does he play?
teacher, but she isn’t my geography
these Kirsten: He plays the guitar, and he
teacher. Mine has got long hair and
this it’s fair, but she isn’t very tall. sometimes uses his computer
which to create sounds.
Presenter: Oh really? What kind of music
Developing speaking p21 Sofia: It’s Karen’s birthday next week, Ben.
does he play?
What’s a good present for her?
6 08 Ben: Well, her favourite hobby is
Kirsten: It’s a mixture of jazz, and rock ...
it’s a bit difficult to describe.
Teacher: Who are they? reading. What about a book?
Presenter: I see. And what do the brothers
Girl: They’re students at school. Sofia: Karen’s got lots of books. Maybe
do in their free time? Do they
They’re 14 or 15 years old. They something different?
go to the cinema and do things
haven’t got a school uniform. The Ben: What about some pens for art? that other teenagers do?
teacher has got short dark hair. She’s really into art at the moment.
Kirsten: Well, they love basketball. They
Teacher: Where are they? Sofia: That’s a great idea! What’s your often play at the sports centre
Girl: They’re in a classroom at school. present for her this year? or in their garden at home.
The classroom has got desks and Ben: A pencil case. I think pens and a Presenter: Great, thanks, Kirsten.
posters on the wall, and it’s got pencil case are perfect presents
a whiteboard. The students have for her. Developing speaking p31
got books on their desks.
2 and 3 11
Teacher: Is your classroom similar or Unit 3
different? 1
Girl: It’s similar. We’ve got desks Vocabulary and listening p29 Boy: Excuse me. Can you tell me how
and posters on the walls. My to get to the library please?
4 and 5 10
classroom is quite big. We’ve got Girl: Yes. Go straight on. Then turn
computers in the room. That’s Presenter: Hello, and welcome to the left at Manor Road. Go past the
different. This classroom hasn’t Culture Spot. In this part of the sports centre. It’s on your left,
got computers. show, we talk about interesting opposite the park.
Teacher: What are your favourite subjects? young writers, artists, Boy: Thanks.
Girl: My favourite subjects are musicians, and the stars of the
Spanish and art. I’ve got Spanish cinema. We usually talk about
Girl: Excuse me. Is there a shopping
on Monday, Wednesday and one person, but today, Kirsten,
centre near here?
Thursday and I’ve got art on you want to tell us about two
people, is that right? Man: Yes. Walk along Green Street. Go
Tuesday and Friday. I also like ICT.
past the school. Then turn left. It’s
Kirsten: Yes, that’s right. Their names
on your right. It’s on the corner of
are Josh and Zac Tiessen. Do
Green Street and Park Road.
you know them?
Girl: Thanks!
Presenter: No, I don’t.

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Workbook audioscript A1+

3 Mum: OK, but you make them, all right? PRONUNCIATION p39
Woman:  Excuse me. Do you know where Boy: But I don’t know how!
4 16
the museum is? Mum: Listen, it’s easy. The first thing you
Boy: Yes. Go straight on. Turn right need is some eggs. above
at Manor Road. Walk along Boy: OK ... how many eggs? apple
Manor Road and it’s on the left. Mum: Three eggs. There are some in the bag
It’s between the cinema and the fridge. Have you got them? butter
bank. come
Boy: Yes, three eggs.
Woman: Thank you. cupboard
Mum: Now, break the eggs in a bowl.
That’s right. And now you need fat
PRONUNCIATION p31 some milk. front
4 12 Boy: How much milk do I need? honey
Mum: About half a litre. Now you put the jam
milk in the bowl with the eggs, and salad
library mix them together.
museum thanks
Boy: Have you got a spoon?
restaurant Mum: No, use the whisk, OK? Developing speaking p39
shopping centre Boy: OK. That’s ready.
sports centre
6 17
Mum: Now you need some flour, about
swimming pool 250 grams of flour ... and you need Teacher: What’s your favourite food?
70 grams of sugar. Boy: My favourite food is pizza. I like
Developing speaking p31 pizza with tomatoes, cheese and
Boy: OK, I’ve got that.
6 13 Mum: Now put the flour in the bowl with mushrooms.
the milk and eggs and mix them Teacher:  Is your diet healthy?
Teacher: Where are you from?
all together with the whisk. That’s Boy: I think it’s quite healthy. I usually
Girl: I’m from Barcelona, in Spain.
perfect. have cereal for breakfast. I have
Teacher: Do you like your hometown? lunch at school and we often have
Boy: Right, now what do I do?
Girl: Yes, I do. It’s big and it’s got nice meat and vegetables, and fruit
Mum: Now you need some butter, only a
shops. It’s got a big park and it’s for dessert. In the evening I have
few grams of butter. Put it in a frying
got beautiful buildings. salad or meat again! I don’t eat a
pan and when it’s hot, you take a
Teacher: What do you do on a typical day? lot of sugar or salt, and I don’t eat
spoon and put some of the pancake
Girl: I get up at half past seven. I have mixture in the pan. Then you cook cake or biscuits. I love pizza and
breakfast and I go to school. the pancakes for about three burgers, but I don’t eat them very
School starts at nine o’clock. minutes or until they’re brown. often.
I always have lunch at school. Teacher: What food don’t you like?
Boy: OK, but before I do that, have we
School finishes at four o’clock. Boy: I don’t like fish. My mum often
got any honey to put on top?
Then I go home and I do my cooks fish, but I don’t like it so I
Mum:  Oh, I don’t think so. We haven’t got
homework. On Monday and have meat.
any honey, but there’s some fruit.
Wednesday I play basketball in Teacher: Who usually does the cooking in
There are some bananas and some
the evening. your family?
strawberries. They’re great with
Teacher: Where do you go at the Boy: My mum and dad both like
weekend? cooking. My mum usually cooks
Boy: All right, so now I put the butter ...
Girl: On Saturday, I play basketball in in the week and my dad cooks
the morning. In the afternoon, Developing speaking p39 at the weekend. He cooks really
I usually go to the shopping well.
centre with my friends. In 1 and 2 15
the evening, we go to the Abbey: Hi, Laura. Come in!
cinema or to a restaurant. On Laura: Hi, thanks. Hey, what a lovely dress!
Gateway to exams: Units 3–4
Sunday, I sometimes go to my
Abbey: Thanks, it’s new. Can I take your
grandparents’ house, but I usually
coat? Gateway to exams p43
stay at home. I listen to music,
watch TV or chat to my friends Laura: Yes, thank you. 4 and 5 18
online. Abbey: Shall I take your bag, too?
Presenter: Students usually live in
Laura: No, it’s OK, thanks. I’ve got my rooms or houses, but Tara
Unit 4 mobile in here. Warrington’s accommodation is
Abbey: Let’s go into the living room. Have very unusual, right Tara?
Vocabulary and listening p37 a seat. Would you like anything Tara: That’s right, Nicole.
to drink? We’ve got some orange
4 and 5 14 Presenter: Tara, where do you study?
juice in the fridge.
Tara: I’m a student at Florida
Boy: Hey, Mum. I’m really hungry. What’s Laura: Yes, that’d be great.
International University in the
for dinner? Abbey:  How about some cake? US. I study science.
Mum: Well, we’ve got some chicken and Laura: No, thanks, I’m fine. I’m not Presenter: And is your accommodation
some salad. I know you like chicken. hungry at the moment. big or small?
Boy: I do. It’s my favourite. What about Abbey: Here you are. Right, I’ve got the Tara: It’s very small. It’s only about
pancakes for dessert? I love film ready. Shall I start it now? 40 square metres, the size of a
pancakes. Laura: Yes, sure. school bus.

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Presenter: How many people live there, Tina: Right, well … first you need to decide Woman: Yes, one moment. ... It’s 03821
Tara? on the kind of blog you want to write 459967.
Tara: There are six of us. We live and about. Then you need to download a Paul: 03821 459967.
work there. program from the Internet – you can Woman: Yes, that’s right.
Presenter: Really? Six people? How many use a search engine to find out about
Paul: Perfect. Thank you!
bedrooms are there? the different programs. And then you
design your page.
Tara: Well, we haven’t got individual PRONUNCIATION p49
rooms. There’s really only one Mel: It’s easy then?
room, and it’s got six beds in it Tina: Yes, but a lot of people start a blog 5 21
and a kitchen. But we’ve got a and they don’t continue. So, don’t 1 What’s the telephone number?
separate toilet and shower. buy a program, make sure you
2 When does it open?
Presenter: That’s a very small space! download a free program instead.
3 Can we eat there?
Tara: Yes, but we don’t stay in there Mel: OK.
4 How do you spell that?
all day. We go out. Tina: And then decide how often you want
5 Have you got the address?
Presenter: I see. And do you cook in your to write, for example, every day or
every week. Remember, you’ve got 6 What can we do there?
homework, too! 7 Is it closed on Sunday?
Tara: No, never. We haven’t got any
fresh fruit and vegetables there, Mel: Right. Anything else? Developing speaking p49
and there aren’t any shops. We Tina: Yes, a lot of people can read your
usually eat food from packets. page, so it’s important to be safe. 8 22
Presenter: Is there a table and chairs? Use a good password, and don’t Teacher: David, here is some information
write any personal information about a computer game shop.
Tara: Yes, there is, but there are
on your page. Don’t write your Maria, you don’t know anything
usually computers on the table.
surname, or your address or about this shop, so ask David
Presenter: How many computers have you
telephone number, or the name of some questions about it. Use
your school. these words to help you. OK?
Tara: I’m not sure, but I think five or
Mel: Yes, these things are private. So now, Maria, ask David your
six. And we’ve got the Internet.
Tina: Exactly, and be careful with photos, questions about the shop and
Presenter: Hmm ... Do you like your home,
too. Don’t put photos on your page David, you answer them.
that you don’t want your teacher to Maria: What’s the name of the shop?
Tara: I love it! I don’t stay there all see!
the time – it’s impossible – but David: It’s called CG Zone Computer
Mel: And that’s it? Games.
when I look out of the windows,
Tina: That’s it. Then start writing! Maria: How much do games cost?
it’s incredible.
Mel: Well, we hope that’s useful. See you David: They all cost £25.
Presenter: Why? What do you see?
all next week! Maria: What’s the address of the shop?
Tara: I see fish. A lot of fish.
Presenter: So where do you live exactly, Developing speaking p49 David: It’s 16 Dover Street.
Tara? Maria: When is the shop open?
Tara: I live and study at a marine
2, 3 and 4 20 David: It’s open from Monday to
station, 20 metres under the sea. Woman:  Hello. Dundee City Office. Can I Saturday, from 9 o’clock in the
help you? morning until half past seven in
Unit 5 Paul: Hello, yes, do you have information the evening.
about the Games Expo? Maria: Does the shop sell magazines?
Vocabulary and listening p47 Woman: Yes, what would you like to know? David: Yes, it does. It sells books and
Paul: Umm ... when is the fair? magazines.
3 and 4 19 Woman: It’s on Saturday the 10th of August. Teacher: Thank you.
Mel: Hello everyone, and thanks for Paul: Saturday, the 10th of August.
watching us today. I know some of
you are interested in starting a blog,
Great. And what time does it start? Unit 6
Woman: It starts at 10 in the morning and
so Tina is here with me and we’re
going to talk about how to write
finishes at 6. Vocabulary and listening p55
Paul: Right. How much does it cost?
one. Say hi, Tina. 3 and 4 23
Tina: Hi. Woman: It’s £12 to go in.
Paul: OK. Can visitors play the games? Jody: Hi, Mum.
Mel: Tina, you’ve got a blog. What do
Woman: Yes, they can. I think they want to Mum: Hi, Jody. Where are you?
you write about?
know if people like the games. Jody: I’m at the shopping centre.
Tina: Well, I usually write about games,
but people write about different Paul: Great. Where is the fair exactly? Mum: Are you buying the things you need
things, like celebrities, politics, pets, Woman: It’s at the Caird Hall, near the city for school? A new pencil case and
their hobbies, or what they do every centre. some marker pens?
day. It depends. Paul: I don’t know where that is. How Jody: Umm ... no, I’m not. I’m in Mojo’s at
Mel: Why do people write blogs? I know I do you spell that? the moment, you know, the clothes
hate writing for school. shop. They’ve got a sale. All the
Woman: C-A-I-R-D.
jeans are half price.
Tina: Well, it’s different when you write a Paul: Can you repeat that, please?
blog. You write about things you’re Mum: But you don’t need any jeans, Jody.
Woman: Yes, it’s C-A-I-R-D.
interested in. I like playing games You’ve already got seven pairs!
Paul: Have you got the telephone
and so I like writing about them. Jody: I know, but there are some really nice
number of the hall?
Mel: OK, so how do you do it? ones here, and they’re only £25.

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Mum: You always wear jeans! What you Girl: Yes, trainers I think, because it’s a Grandma: That’s the problem. I can’t
really need is a new skirt. sports shop. And there’s another shop remember. Can you help me?
Jody: Yes, but I like wearing jeans. I can on the right of the sports shop, too. Marc: OK. Now, have you got the
buy them with my birthday money. It’s a bakery. program on the screen?
I’ve got £40. Boy: Right. And then behind the park, Grandma: Yes, it’s here.
Mum: Have they got any skirts there? there’s a library. A girl or a woman Marc: OK, now move the mouse to
Jody: Umm ... yes, just a moment. is sitting in front of the library. She’s the corner, and right click on
reading a book. download.
Mum: Are you looking at the skirts?
Girl: Yes, you’re right. And we can see the Grandma: But it doesn’t work.
Jody: Yes, I am. There’s a nice blue skirt
time. It’s quarter past three.
here. Marc: Yes it does ... Right click ... on
Mum: How much is it? the right side. You’re clicking on
PRONUNCIATION p57 the left. That’s it.
Jody: It’s £14. It’s usually £28, but it’s half
price in the sale. Wait a minute, I’m 4 25 Grandma: OK, now what?
sending you a photo ... Have you bank Marc: Now open a new window.
got it? behind Grandma: How do I do that?
Mum: Oh, yes ... It is nice. I like the colour. buying Marc: Like this. Then you type here ...
You can wear it when we go to visit and paste here.
your grandparents next weekend. Grandma: You’re doing it very quickly
Jody: So can I buy it then? again. I can never understand
Mum: Yes, OK. Where’s your brother, by when you explain things!
the way? phone
Marc: And then click here to start
Jody: He’s at the sports shop. playing downloading.
Mum: Is he buying some new trainers? sing Grandma: Oh ... great. Thanks.
Jody: Yes, I think so. think Marc: You know, you really need to do
Mum: Good. He always wears those same trainers a computer course, Grandma.
old trainers. What are you doing now? window Then you can learn how to do
Jody: I’m buying the skirt. things easily!
Developing speaking p57
Mum: Jody ... are you buying those jeans, Grandma: But I’m always busy. And
too? 6 26 computer courses are expensive.
Jody:  Err ... sorry Mum, I can’t hear you This is a street in a small town. There are Marc: Listen, I’ve got a friend.
very well. I think there’s a problem some shops. There’s a newsagent’s, a sports His brother Paul works with
with my phone. See you when I get shop and a library. And there’s another computers and he can come to
back, OK? Bye! shop on the right next to the sports shop. your house.
Mum: Jody ... It’s a bakery. Then behind the park, there’s Grandma: Can he come in the mornings?
a library. There’s a man in front of the Marc: Well, I think he works every day
Developing speaking p57 newsagent’s. He’s wearing a T-shirt and but he can come in the evening.
jeans. I think he’s buying a newspaper. Grandma: Have you got his number?
2 and 3 24
Opposite the newsagent’s, there’s a park. Marc: Yes, one moment. It’s 4385592.
Boy: This is a street in a small town. Some boys are playing football in the park.
Grandma: 438 …
There are some shops. There’s a Maybe it’s Saturday because they aren’t at
newsagent’s, a sports shop and a school. They’re wearing tracksuits, and I Marc: 5592. He’s a great teacher. Call
library. think they are having a good time. There’s him, OK?
Girl: Yes, and there’s a man in front of the a girl at the front of the park. She’s playing Grandma: OK. Thank you, Marc.
newsagent’s. I think he’s buying a the guitar. Near her, there’s a woman. I think
newspaper. He’s wearing a jacket and she’s got a mobile phone in her hand. She’s Unit 7
trousers. wearing jeans or trousers and a jumper.
Boy: Yes, you’re right. And opposite the And there are two girls with a dog next to Vocabulary and listening p65
newsagent’s, there’s a park. Some her. We can see a boy at the window of the
sports shop. He’s looking at some T-shirts.
4 and 5 28
boys are playing basketball in the
park. Maybe it’s Saturday because A boy is sitting in front of the library. He’s Interviewer: Alistair Bromley is mad
they aren’t at school. They’re wearing talking on his mobile phone. We can see about sports. He runs,
shorts and I think they are having a the time. It’s half past three. cycles and swims. Why?
good time. Because he wants to do a
Girl: Yes, maybe. There’s a girl at the front of triathlon. Alistair, why are you
Gateway to exams: Units 5–6 interested in doing the race?
the park, too. She’s listening to music.
Boy: Yes, and there’s a woman near her. I Alistair: Well, I come from a family of
Gateway to exams p61 sports people. My mum was a
think she’s got a mobile phone in her
hand. 3 27 swimmer and my dad was a
runner. I was in a swimming
Girl: Oh, yes. She’s talking on her mobile Grandma: Marc, are you busy? Can you club when I was a kid. I cycled
phone. She’s wearing a skirt and a help me? to school every day and I was
top. And there’s a girl with a dog next
Marc: I’m just reading my book. in all the sports teams at school.
to her.
What’s wrong, Grandma? Interviewer: So it’s important to train for
Boy: And we can see a boy in front of
Grandma: Well, I want to download this a triathlon. What’s a typical
the window of the sports shop. He’s
program and I can’t do it. week for you? Tell me about
looking at some shoes, or maybe
Marc: It’s easy, remember. You just ... last week, for example.
some trainers.

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Alistair: Well, last week wasn’t really a B Unit 8

normal week, but on Monday Interviewer: Excuse me. Can I ask you
I went cycling. I cycled about some questions? Vocabulary and listening p73
40 kilometres. Boy: Sure.
Interviewer: That’s the distance you cycle 4 and 5 32
Interviewer: Do you like doing sports?
in the race, isn’t it? Interviewer: Some people start their
Boy: Well, I do PE at school, but
Alistair: Yes, that’s right. On Tuesday, I’m not mad about it. ideal job immediately after
I wanted to go running but I school or university. But some
Interviewer: What do you think about
needed to buy some things people need time to find the
dangerous sports? Do you think
for my bike, so I decided to right job for them. Take Matt
that it’s wrong for young people
go into town. Then I went Groening, the creator of The
to do dangerous sports?
swimming, so that was OK. Simpsons, for example. He’s
Boy: Well, I think some sports,
Interviewer: Is it important to train every famous now, but it wasn’t
like climbing, rubgy ... and
day then? always easy for him, right,
ice hockey, can be very
Alistair: Not every day. I usually rest dangerous. I think it’s OK for Megan?
one day a week. And I do adults to do them, but I don’t Megan: Yes, that’s right. He had a lot
other sports, too. So on think it’s OK for children. I of jobs when he was young.
Wednesday I usually play think some children only do But he always loved drawing.
tennis with a friend but last these sports because their Interviewer: Well, let’s start by talking
week he had an important parents want them to. In my about his school days. Did
match, so I watched him play. opinion, you need to be 16 to Matt do well at school?
He won, so that was great. do dangerous sports. Megan: No, he didn’t. He didn’t like
Interviewer: Then on Thursday? school at all and he often
Alistair: Let me see, oh yes, I went Developing speaking p67 drew pictures in class, even
running. I ran 10 kilometres. 5 30 in his PE class. But he went
Interviewer: And on Friday? to university and he was
1 I love skiing. the editor of the student
Alistair: Well, on Friday my cousin
came to stay and she wanted 2 I’m not mad about it. newspaper there.
to go horse-riding, but the 3 It depends. Interviewer: What did he do next?
riding school was closed so 4 It’s brilliant! Megan: Well, after college, he went
we went ice-skating instead. 5 It’s awful. to live in Los Angeles. He
So as you see, last week 6 In my opinion, ... did a lot of unskilled jobs at
wasn’t a normal week for me 7 I don’t think ... that time. He was a driver, he
at all! worked in a music shop and he
8 I can’t stand watching TV.
worked in a restaurant. It was
Developing speaking p67 Developing speaking p67 difficult for him because these
2 and 3 29 7 31
jobs were all badly-paid.
Interviewer: Did he continue to draw?
Teacher: Do you like doing sports? Megan: Yes, he did. He wanted to tell
Interviewer: Excuse me. Can I ask you
Girl: Yes, I do. I like playing tennis and his family and friends about
some questions about sport?
I love horse-riding. I play tennis his life in Los Angeles, but he
Girl: Yes, of course. with my dad and I go horse-riding didn’t write letters. Instead
Interviewer: Do you like doing sports? at the weekend. But I’m not mad he drew pictures. He made a
Girl: Yes, I do. I love skiing. It’s my about team sports, like basketball. comic about his life and sent
favourite sport. Teacher: Who is your favourite it to people at home.
Interviewer: Do you think skiing is sportsperson? Interviewer: Did people like his pictures?
dangerous? Girl: I’m a fan of Rafael Nadal. I think Megan: Yes, they did. They were very
Girl: Well, it depends. Some he’s a great tennis player. He was popular. But then, when he
people do stupid things when the champion at Wimbledon and was 26, he started a job at
they’re skiing and then it’s he won a medal at the Olympic a newspaper. Again, it was
dangerous, but in general I Games. In my opinion, he’s a good an unskilled job. He only
think it’s safe. role model for young people. answered the telephones. But
Interviewer: How do you feel about young Teacher: What do you think about sports at the editor saw his pictures
people doing dangerous school? and asked him to do a comic
sports? Girl: I like doing sports in summer, strip for the paper.
Girl: I think it’s fine. It’s exciting but I hate doing outdoor sports in Interviewer: So, when did he create The
to do dangerous sports. You winter. But I think it’s important to Simpsons?
need to be careful, and you do sports at school. We need to Megan: Well, people loved the comic
need to have the right clothes do sport to be fit and healthy. strip and asked him to create
and equipment, but then I Teacher: How do you feel about young a cartoon for television. This
think it’s OK. Some young people doing dangerous sports? cartoon was about a family
people stay at home and Girl: It depends. I think it’s OK to do called The Simpsons. And of
watch TV or play computer some dangerous sports, but I don’t course, now it’s famous all
games all the time. I think think it’s a good idea to do very over the world, but that’s how
that’s a problem, but not dangerous sports. In my opinion, it started.
dangerous sports. all sports can be dangerous so it’s
important to be careful.

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Developing speaking p75 Developing speaking p75 Carrie: Well, on Tuesday some kids came
to the theatre for a drama class
2 and 3 33 6 35 so I helped with that, then on
Teacher: I’d like to ask some questions Teacher: What did you do yesterday? Wednesday, I watched the show ...
Max, OK? Do you study English Boy: Let me see. I went to school Daniel: Wow! Was that exciting?
at school? and we had maths and English Carrie: No, wait a minute. I went to the
Max: Yes, I do. I have English three and geography in the morning. library on Wednesday. I wanted
times a week, on Monday, We didn’t have school in the to read about the history of the
Wednesday and Thursday. afternoon because yesterday was theatre. It was really interesting.
Teacher: What other subjects do you Wednesday. School finishes early Daniel:  So when did you watch the show?
study? on Wednesday. I went home and I
Carrie: Let me see, on Thursday I watched
Max: Let me see ... I do maths, science, did my homework. Then I listened
the actors practise their dance,
ICT, history, geography and PE. to music and I played computer
you know, with the lights and
PE is my favourite subject. I love games.
everything. It’s a really good story.
sports. Teacher: What job would you like to do in It’s about two teenagers and they
Teacher: What’s your favourite sport? the future? meet because they love dance.
Max: That’s a good question. I think Boy: I’m not completely sure. My Daniel: Is that when you wrote about it? I
basketball because it’s a fast parents want me to go to read your blog.
game and I like fast games. And university, but I’d like to be a
Carrie: Yes. Then on Friday, I watched the
you know it’s a very popular chef because I like cooking.
show. It was brilliant. I decided I
game in my country. And I’d like to have a restaurant,
really want to work in the theatre
but I think it’s difficult to start a
Teacher: And what do you do in one day. What about you? What
the evenings? Do you play did you do?
basketball? Teacher: What job wouldn’t you like to do?
Daniel: Well, on Monday, I decided that …
Max: Well, I have basketball practice
every Wednesday. I also play the Boy: Well, I wouldn’t like to be a
waiter. I think waiters are very
Unit 9
guitar and I have a guitar lesson
on Friday after school. Then I do hard-working and they need to be
friendly and calm. They are always
Vocabulary and listening p83
my homework and I usually watch
TV or play computer games. busy and they don’t have time to 2 and 3 37
sit down. I think it’s a difficult job
Teacher: What about last weekend? What Pippa: Hey Maddie, what are you
and it isn’t a well-paid job.
did you do last weekend? reading?
Teacher: Tell me about your favourite
Max: Err ... I played a match on Maddie: It’s a book by a woman called
Saturday and in the afternoon Sarah Marquis.
I went to the park with some Boy: Err ... I think my favourite teacher
is my geography teacher. He’s Pippa: I’ve never heard of her. Who is she?
friends. On Sunday I went to a
always cheerful and he’s friendly. Maddie: She’s an explorer and she’s written
friend’s house and we played
I think he’s hard-working and he’s this book about her adventures.
computer games. Then in the
evening we went to the cinema. creative because the lessons are Pippa: An explorer? Really? Where has
always interesting. We learn a lot she been? Has she been to the
Teacher: Tell me about your plans for the
about other countries, and I like South Pole?
the lessons. Maddie: No, she hasn’t, but ...
Max: I’m not really sure. The thing is I’d
like to start a company, but I think Pippa: Has she ever climbed Mount
it’s quite difficult. So it depends. Gateway to exams: Units 7–8
I’d like to have a well-paid job so Maddie: No, but ...
I imagine something in business. Pippa: OK, so what has she done?
Gateway to exams p79
Teacher: Thank you. Maddie: She’s done some amazing things.
3 36 Basically, she’s walked thousands
PRONUNCIATION p75 of kilometres all over the world.
Daniel: So how was your work experience,
And she’s done it alone.
4 34 Carrie?
Pippa: Really? So tell me about her.
Carrie: It was great, thanks. I was at the
birthday Studio Theatre. Maddie:  Well, it all started when she
burger was 16. She got a job with a
Daniel: What did you do?
conversation train company and she travelled
Carrie: Well, Monday was my first day so I
favourite around Europe. Then she learned
was nervous, but the people were
to ride a horse and rode around
first really friendly. They took me to see
Turkey. But then she said the
girl the different parts of the theatre,
easiest way to travel is on foot so
learn the actors’ rooms and ...
she started walking.
nurse Daniel: Did you meet the actors?
Pippa: So where has she walked?
Saturday Carrie: Yes, I did.
Maddie: Well, she’s walked across the US.
Thursday Daniel: Did you ask for their autographs? That was in 2000. She started in
university Carrie: Yes, but I asked them later in the Canada and walked all the way
work week. Then I worked in the office to Mexico, and it took her four
in the afternoon. months. Then in 2002 she walked
Daniel: What about Tuesday? across Australia, and in 2006 she
walked across South America.

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Pippa: That’s incredible! PRONUNCIATION p85 Leo: Sure, or you can use the public
Maddie: Yes, but the longest and most transport bikes. But I think hiring a
5 39 bike is the best idea. But you should
difficult trip was from Siberia to
Australia. She started in 2010 and agree be careful.
finished in 2013. It took three years better Rose: Why’s that?
and she walked 20,000 kilometres! bigger Leo: Because it can be dangerous. The
Pippa: Wow! That is amazing! But has dangerous main problem is that there are trams
she ever had any problems? I finger in the streets and they don’t stop
mean, it isn’t easy, walking alone. for cyclists! You should use the cycle
Maddie: Well, sometimes the people she network if you can and you shouldn’t
island cycle in the rush hour. It’s quite busy
met weren’t very friendly, but that
wasn’t the biggest problem. The kangaroo then.
worst thing was when she was in river Rose: OK.
the Gobi Desert, in China. It’s one stomach Leo: The other reason it’s dangerous is
of the hottest places in the world, waterfall because you don’t have to wear a
50 degrees and she didn’t take bicycle helmet in Amsterdam.
any food or water with her, so she Developing speaking p85
Rose: Really? You have to wear one here.
ate plants and animals to survive. 7 40 Leo: I know, and in most other places.
Pippa: Ugh!! That’s terrible! So ... can But there, you see people talking on
I read the book when you’ve Teacher: Robyn, here is some information
their mobile phones on their bikes,
finished? about a zoo. Danny, you don’t
or taking their dog for a walk on
know anything about this zoo, so
Maddie: Of course. I really think it’s the their bikes. You shouldn’t do that. It’s
ask Robyn some questions about
best book I’ve ever read. really crazy!
it. Use these words to help you.
Rose: No way!
Developing speaking p85 OK? So now, Danny, ask Robyn
your questions about the zoo and Leo: Exactly, you must use hand signals
2 and 3 Robyn, you answer them. to show cars where you’re going
Elena: Where do you think is a good place Danny: Is the zoo open in the afternoons? and you mustn’t cycle through a red
to go with my eight-year-old cousin? traffic light. There are fines of up to
Robyn: Yes, it’s open every day from ten
200 euros for that.
Luke: I think a museum is a good idea o’clock to six o’clock.
because you can learn about animals Rose: Hmm, I’m not sure about cycling.
Danny: Are there any penguins?
from the past. It’s interesting to see Are there other forms of transport?
Robyn: Yes, there are. You can see
dinosaurs and learn about them. Are there buses, for example?
elephants, lions and penguins.
Elena: I agree, but a museum is a bit Leo: Yes, but the trams are better. There
Danny: How much does it cost for
boring. He’s only eight years old are a lot of trams and they aren’t as
and he can’t play in a museum. expensive. I think you have to pay
Robyn: It costs £7 for students. about 3 euros for a single ticket.
I think he probably wants to do
Danny: Can you buy souvenirs there? Rose: That’s expensive!
something more exciting.
Robyn: Yes, you can. There’s a shop and Leo: Or you can buy a special card and
Luke: That’s true. What about the park
you can buy books and souvenirs. use it on the bus, the tram and the
then? Kids usually like going to the
Danny: What’s the telephone number? underground. That’s cheaper.
Robyn: It’s O5168 395002. Rose: Is there an underground?
Elena: It depends. He can play in the
park but he probably goes to the Teacher: Thank you. Leo: Yes, but there are only four lines.
park with his friends at home. How The other way to get around the city
do you feel about going to the Unit 10 is by boat, you know, on the canals.
shopping centre? You can get a water taxi!
Luke: I think it’s a terrible idea! It’s worse Vocabulary and listening p91 Rose: A water taxi! I’ve never heard of that
than going to a museum. before!
3 and 4 41
Elena: I don’t agree with you. OK, well Leo: I know, you’ve got everything in
what about going to the swimming Rose: Hey Leo, thanks for meeting me. Amsterdam.
pool? Leo: That’s OK. So when are you going to
go to Amsterdam? Developing speaking p93
Luke: I’m not sure. Swimming can be
dangerous. Rose:  In July. I’m going with my aunt and 1 and 2 42
Elena: I disagree! Most kids can swim and uncle and my cousin. So, you went
last year, what can you tell me about 1
they love playing in the water.
the place? What’s the best way to Theo: Hi, Dan. Listen, are you free on
Luke: Hmm ... How do you feel about
get around? Sunday?
going to a restaurant? We can take
Leo: Well, you must know that Dan: I’m not sure. Why?
him to the pizza restaurant on the
High Street. The pizzas there are Amsterdam is the city for cycling. Theo: There’s a free concert in the park.
great! Everyone has got a bike. You see all I think Ed Sheeran is going to be
kinds of people cycling – businessmen, there. Would you like to go?
Elena: Yes, but we can’t spend the day in a
restaurant. What about the zoo? He old people and young people. Did Dan: Oh, yeah. That’d be great! Thanks.
can see the lions and the elephants. you know, there are more bikes in What time does it start?
There are lots of different things to Amsterdam than people? Theo: I think it starts at three. See you at
see and everyone loves animals. I Rose: No, I didn’t! But I can’t take my bike around 2.30 outside the park?
think it’s the best idea. with me. Can I hire a bike for a few Dan: Sure. See you then.
Luke: Yes, I think you’re right. days?

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Workbook audioscript A1+

2 Girl: I’d really like to go to New York. 1914, one person travelled by
Jade: Hey Emma, are you doing anything I’ve never been to the US and I’d plane, and a hundred years
on Sunday? really like to see all the famous later, on the 1st of January
Emma: I don’t think so. Why? places, the tall buildings and the 2014, 8 million people
parks. I think it’s an interesting travelled by plane. That’s a big
Jade: I’m going to go horse-riding in the
place to visit because we often difference.
morning. Do you fancy coming?
see New York in films. Presenter: It certainly is. Well, thanks,
Emma: Sorry, I’m not mad about horse-
Teacher: Tell me about your last holiday. Lauren.
riding. Maybe you should ask
Sylvie. I know she goes horse- Girl: My last holiday was in Spain. We
riding sometimes. went to Menorca. We went by
plane and we stayed at a hotel
Jade: Oh, OK. Do you want to go to the
near the beach. It was beautiful.
cinema on Sunday evening then?
We went by car around the
There are some good films at the
island. It was hot and sunny. We
went swimming in the sea and
Emma:  Sorry, I’m busy on Sunday evening.
we went shopping, too. It was
My grandparents are coming.
What about in the afternoon? Send
Teacher: Thank you.
me a text when you get back from
horse-riding and we can decide
where to meet. Gateway to exams: Units 9–10
Jade: Good idea!
Gateway to exams p97
4b 45
3 43
Presenter: Today travel is easy. Planes are
guidebook fast and tickets are cheap, but a
holiday hundred years ago, things were
horse-riding very different, isn’t that right,
motorbike Lauren?
passport Lauren: That’s right. It’s hard to imagine
safari but the first time a person
suitcase bought a ticket to travel by
plane was on the 1st of January
1914. That was in Florida, in the
swimming trunks US. The man’s name was Abram
swimsuit C Pheil, and he was the only
umbrella passenger on the plane. And
underground the ticket cost $400.
Presenter: How much is that in today’s
Developing speaking p93 money, Lauren?
5 44 Lauren: It’s about £6,500.
Teacher: What can you see in the picture? Presenter: That’s very expensive!
Girl: This is a photo of people on Lauren: Yes, especially when it was a
holiday. We can see people on short flight, only 23 minutes.
the beach, and some people Presenter: Did other people travel by
are swimming in the sea. I think plane after that?
it’s very hot because people Lauren: Yes, but it was very slow. The
have got umbrellas to protect first long-distance journey,
them from the sun. There are for example, was from San
some boats near the beach, Francisco in the US, all the
too. There’s a small mountain way across the Pacific Ocean
opposite the beach. Perhaps it’s to the Philippines. That was
in a hot country, like Spain. in 1935. Today you can travel
Teacher: Do you like holidays like this? that distance in 13 hours, but
Girl: Yes, well, I like going to hot in 1935, that journey was one
countries. I usually go on week.
holiday with my family to a Presenter: That’s incredible! So when did
place like this. But sometimes tickets become cheaper?
it’s a bit boring. I prefer doing Lauren: Between about 1980 and 1985.
activities on holiday. I like playing That’s when ordinary people
volleyball on the beach, and started to go on holiday by
going shopping. I think this is a plane.
good place for families but not Presenter: Now, of course people travel
for young people. by plane all the time.
Teacher: Is there a particular place that Lauren: Yes, that’s right. But it’s
interests you? amazing. On the 1st of January

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