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Reflection on a Lesson Plan Taught

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow

Intern Name: Alex Cody

Subject of Lesson: Fictional Texts
Topic of Lesson:
Age/Grade of Students: 5th grade
Date of Lesson: May 22, 2022
Time/Length of Lesson: 50 - 55 minutes

Directions: Write 1-2 paragraphs in each box below. Answer as many of the questions as
possible that apply to your lesson! (When done, you can delete this & the bulleted list of questions.)

Before Teaching:
A couple of weeks before the lesson, Mrs. R and I talked about what to review and we thought of
Fictional Texts. Their SoL exams were coming up and they were examining 4-5th grade subjects.
When I received the lesson plan topic, I started to work on ideas of activities they could do; I
chose to do test strategies, and what to do after the SoL. I talked to Mrs. R about the lesson
plan and what I could do about the warm-up. We kept it the same as she did in her lesson plan. I
started the lesson after they switched classes.

During Teaching:
The book reading and answering questions during the book reading were good; sometimes
they forgot to write the answer down on the board. One thing that did not go well was the exit
ticket, it was a technical error but we skipped it to the test strategies page. The time
management for the lesson was very predictable. We went from the time when I entered to the
end of the internship time and it was pretty easy to decipher. The students responded very well
to the change of the topic and went along with it very well. They were polite and sympathetic to
the problem and the resolution of said problem.

After Teaching:
I learned that sometimes plans do not go correctly and are sometimes unpredictable. Mankind
another lesson plan or a backup would help graciously for me as a teacher. We reviewed what
was in the text or in the story. Preparing for the lesson was pretty easy since I had a week to
work on it and make some changes/edits. Even though we had some errors happening, we did
the other activity, and then it was time for me to go. The lesson was an amazing experience for
me and this was better than the Barriers Lessons we have done.

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