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1 First edition of The Chronic Diseases first time published in year ----
2 Third volume of The Chronic Diseases first time published in year ----
3 A small pallet of one of the highest dynamizations of a medicine laid dry upon the ----- is suffice to act
4 Experience of Dr Hahnemann shows in acute and very acute diseases to give the Homoeopathic medicine
every ------- hours
5 In chronic diseases Dr Hahnemann found it best to give a dose of suitable medicine at --------
6 The patient combined with great irritability and extreme debility homoeopathic medicine can only be
administered by -----.
7 The work on "The Chronic Diseases" was originally published in ---- parts.
8 Definite explanation of How Homoeopathic Cure Takes Cure is known as -----
9 Our vital force without the assistance of -------- cannot overcome even the slight acute diseases.
10 The ------- diseases, which spring from miasms, cannot be healed unaided.
11 Homoeopathic Dynamizations are processes by which the medicinal properties become ------
12 Venereal Diseases have been radically healed by -------- much more surely.
13 The Homoeopathic Healing art shown its natural superiority over allopathic treatment in -------diseases.

14 Treatment by allopathic physicians merely served to increase the distress by use of ---------
15 Using the more natural treatment, Homoeopathic physicians have frequently been able in a ------- to remove
the Chronic disease.
16 Homoeopathic remedies used in their --------- doses.
17 Homoeopathic remedies so far proved to their ---------
18 Diseases become more troublesome & obstinate by use of ---------
19 The Homoeopathic remedy which had serviceable the first time would prove less useful even after
repetition because of obstacles like -------
20 Homoeopathic remedies given in the most appropriate doses ,the less effective the oftener they repeated
served hardly as-------
21 The -------- alone taught first of all how to heal the well defined idiopathic diseases.
22 Even vital force cannot efficiently affected through Homoeopathic medicines which best cover patient's
present symptoms because of --------
23 Homoeopathic medicines cover the whole of original disease by means of its ------ symptoms.
24 An eruption of itch suppressed by faulty practice named by Dr. Hahnemann as------
25 An -------- suppressed by faulty practice named by Dr. Hahnemann as psora.
26 Psora is -------
27 To enquire the infection by a Psora in cradle; Homoeopathic Physician must enquire carefully -----
28 Most painstaking observations for ----- years required Dr Hahnemann as to aid afforded by the Antipsoric
29 Most painstaking observations for 11 years required Dr Hahnemann as to aid afforded by the -----
30 The ----- caused by the Psora.

31 Thousands of tedious ailments of humanity, with few exceptions ,true descendants of many formed -----
32 The two ------ diseases are syphillis and sycosis.
33 A far larger scale, it is with the ------- is a fundamental disease of so many chronic maladies.
34 All ----- diseases never pass away of themselves, but increase and aggravated even till death.

Rockstar Pandya
Options Option

1810 1815 1819 1828 D

1810 1815 1828 1837 D
muscle tongue ear intravenous B

six four two all of these D

every day every two day few days all of these D

muscle smell ear intravenous B

1 3 5 7 C
genus epidemicus modus operandi aude sapere duce naturae B
drugs medicines remedies None of these C
chronic acute surgical indisposition A
aroused act spiritually act on life all of these D
Allopathy Isopathy Homoeopathy Antipathy C
acute epidemic sporadic all of these D

pain killer fumigation fomentations all of these D

short time long time temporary manner` all of these A

large crude smallest all of these C

pure true without robbing all of these D
vexation error of diet violent exertion of body all of these D
vexation error of diet violent exertion of body all of these D

suppressive weak palliative both A & B None of these B

Allopathy Isopathy Homoeopathy Antipathy C

chronic diseases microorganism causa occassionalis all of these A

particular local peculiar common C

psora syphilis sycosis tubercular A
eruption of itch suppressed gonorrhea suppressed gleet all of these A
internal itch suppression of itch eruptions on skin all of these D
mother father aged relatives all of these D
5 11 15 21 B

Antipsoric Antisycotic Antisyphilitic Antitubercular A

malformation of softening of bones swelling of nails all of these D

Psora syphilis sycosis tubercular A

no venereal venereal surgical all of these B

psora syphilis sycosis tubercular A
indisposition acute chronic all of these C

Rockstar Pandya
35 The ------ called by Dr. Hahnemann as a fig-wart disease.
36 The ----- is the most ancient, most universal, most destructive chronic miasmatic disease.
37 The ----- is the oldest miasmatic chronic disease known to us.
38 Most hydra-headed of all the chronic miasmatic diseases is ---------
39 The -------- , which on account of its easy curability yields to the smallest dose of the best preparation of
40 The syphilis , which on account of its easy curability yields to the smallest dose of the best preparation of ---
41 The sycosis , which on account of its easy curability yields to the smallest dose of the best preparation of ---
42 One eighth of all the chronic diseases spring from ----
43 The excessive use of coffee and tea which both offer palliatives for several symptoms of -----
44 The chancre disease is named by Dr Hahnemann as -----
45 The chancre appears after an impure coition, usually between -----days.
46 In GONORRHOEA First manifest on GENITAL in ------- method used in ALLOPATH in EXTERNAL
47 The ------- often almost insurmountable obstacles to the cure of innumerable chronic diseases.

48 These all are components of fundamental rule in treatment of chronic diseases except -----

49 A frequent fault into which the homoeopathic physician falls in urgent cases of chronic diseases are --------.

50 The cito, tuto et jucunde of Asclepiades means --------

51 ------ Made the first classification of diseases
52 What according to DR. Hahnemann was first step in proper method of cure

53 In study of diseases Dr. Hahnemann separated all disease condition into how many great groups
54 Miasm is defined as ---
55 The word sycosis comes from the Greek word --- which means
56 Hahnemann divided the venereal miasms into two classifications
57 According to medical dictionary meaning of the word psora is
58 Mening of word Psora from 'Funk and Wagnall's dictionary' is
59 Mening of word Tsorat is ---
60 With regard to treatment of chronic diseases Dr. Hahnemann stated that

61 According to Dr. H.A. Robert the so called deficiency diseases are due to ---
62 Psora desires--
63 Sensation as if ' described by the patient comes under ---
64 Sensitive to noise, to light and to odours comes under miasm ----
65 The shape of face of psoric patient is ----
66 Psoric headaches are better by
67 Can not stand still, the patient must walk or lean against some thing is feature of ----
68 The nature of sycotic patient is
69 The nature of syphilitic patient is
70 Eruptions crusty and oozing pus, greasy and sweaty is a symptom of --- miasm
71 In fever which patient craves for indigestible things
72 Pelvic inflammation and rheumatic trouble with much stiffness and soreness and aggravations in cold damp
weather is a symptom of ---
73 Psoric patients craves for
74 Tubercular miasm has aversion to

Rockstar Pandya
psora syphilis sycosis tubercular C
psora syphilis sycosis tubercular A
psora syphilis sycosis tubercular A
psora syphilis sycosis tubercular A
psora syphilis sycosis tubercular B

Mercury Thuja Sulphur all of these A

Mercury Thuja Sulphur all of these B

nonvenereal venereal surgical all of these B

psora syphilis sycosis tubercular A
psora syphilis sycosis tubercular B
1 to 7 7 to 14 14 to21 21 to 28 B
Cauterizing Burning Cutting ,Ligatures All of These D

suppressed sexual mass of allopathic evil debility and weakness all of these D
instincts arts
immediate repetition of let the action of the remedy has been forbids new prescription A
same remedy remedy completed Homoeopathically as cure advances visibly
sudden change of not proper investigation over hast in prescription all of these D
inappropriate remedies of the leading of remedies
quickly safely agrreably all of these D
Cuvier Linnaeus Hahnemann Koch C
Remove the cause Remove the faulty Remove the materia All the above A
dietary factors peccans
Polluting exhalations Malarial poison BOTH A AND B None of the above C
Apple Fig Grapes Gauva B
Sycosis and Syphilis Sycosis and Psora Syphilis and Psora Both A AND B A
Scabies Psoriasis Itch dyscrasia All the above D
Pathol Itch mite BOTH A AND B None of the above C
A Groove A Fault A Pollution All the above D
its start was pleasing the continuation less outcome hopeless All the above D
Psora Sycosis Syphilis All the above A
Cold food Hot food Meat Both B AND C D
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Both A AND B A
Sycosis Syphilis Psora Both A AND B C
Premature old looking Round old looking Oval Inverted pyramid D
Hot application Rest, quiet and sleep sunset All the above D
Psora Sycosis Syphilis All the above A
Suspicious Cross and irritable Deceitful and jealous All the above D
Dull, stupid Stubborn Sullen and sulky All the above D
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Both A AND B C
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Both A AND B A
Syphilis Sycosis Psora Both A AND B B

Sweets Acids Sour things All the above D

Milk Sweets Meat All the above C

Rockstar Pandya
75 --- child is sour smelling always, even the stool smell sour.
76 Nausea and vomitng of psoric patient is better by --
77 The tubercular stool is

78 The hair of psoric patient is

79 The children cry out in their sleep, we may take this to be and indication of the ---
80 Which patient is ameliorated by eliminative functions
81 The fish brine odour is characteristics of ---
82 The hair of syphilitic patient is
83 Tubercular miasm is the combination of ---
84 Syphilitic headaches are ----
85 Ptosis of the lids and neuralgias of the eyes come under
86 Granulations of the lids and styes come under
87 One of the cardinal signs of syphilitic taint is

88 The face of syphilitic patient is --

89 Syphilitic patient has ----- taste in mouth
90 Tubercular diathesis has craving for
91 Hernias come under ---- miasm,
92 In tubercular miasm saliva is
93 Dr. Hahnemann said I spent --- years to invstigate source of this chronic affections
94 Monstrous internal miasm is
95 Grief, sorrow worry are potent manifestations to develop manifestations of --- miasm
96 Patients are mentally quick , alert, active is present in--
97 Fatigue with desire to lie down is symptom of ---
98 Patients are mentally dull, heavy, stupid, stubborn, sullen, morose is a symotim of ---
99 Natual eliminations like sweat, diarrhoea, urinations never ameliorate in -----
100 Moist, greasy, gluy hair with offensive oduour is in
101 Psora is ' DEFICIENCY, ' said by
102 Emotional strain is important factor in development of ---
103 Stasis develops in lymphatics, swelling in groins is A symptom of

104 True natural chronic disease arise from--

105 ------ is chronic miasmatic disease which if uncured ceases with termination of life.
106 Cadmium a remedy of --- group
107 Gouty diathesis is ------- basis
108 In which edition of organon Theory of Chronic disease appeared first?
109 Which is the oldest & most hydraheaded of all miasmatic diseases
110 Which is the most ancient, universal,destructive chronic miasmatic disease?
111 What is responsible for 7/8 th of chronic maladies ?
112 Which miasms are responsible for 1/8 th of chronic maladies ?
113 Which miasm refers to chanchre disease?
114 Which miasm refers to fig wart disease?
115 Dr. Hahnemann took how many years to discover and gather together the evidence for cause of chronic
116 Which miasm is the primitive disorder of human race
117 The very primitive wrong of human race is primitive---
118 The three chronic miasms are ---
119 The will and ---- are prior to man's action
120 The miasm occupies peri-osteum, bone, brain and tissueswhich
121 A woman suffering from uterine, ovarian troubles is seen in which miasm
122 Return of sycotic gonorrhoesa after antisycotic treatment is --- sign

Rockstar Pandya
Sycotic Psoric Syphilis Both A AND B A
Rest Quiet Sleep All the above D
Slimy Bloody Musty and mouldy All the above D
Lustreless Grey too early Break and ends split All the above D
Tubercular diathesis Psoric diathesis Sycotic diathesis All the above A
PsorIC Sycotic Syphilitic Both A AND B A
Psoric taint Sycotic taint Tubercular taint Syphilitic taint B
Moist gluey Greasy All the above D
Psora and syphilis Psora and sycosis Both A and B None of the above A
< riding < exetion > motion All the above D
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Tubercular C
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Tubercular D
Destruction of tissues Overgrowth of the Inflammation of tissue All the above A
Greyish and Greasy Moles on the face Deep fissures in the lips All the above D
Sweetish Salty Metallic Sour C
Bitter things Sweet things Sour things Salt D
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Tubercular D
Ropy Viscid Bloody taste All the above D
10 11 12 13 C
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Tubercular A
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Tubercular C
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Tubercular A
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Latent psora D
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Tubercular C
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Tubercular C
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Syphilis C
Hahnemann Kent Robert's Allen C
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Tubercular A
Psora Sycosis Suppressed Gonorrhoea Syphilis C

Acute miasm Chronic miasm Maintaining cause Exciting cause B

Psora Sycosis Syphilis Tubercular C
Antipsoric Antisycotic Antisyphilitic Psoric B
Psoric Sycotic Syphilitic Tubercular B
2nd edition 4 th edition 1st edition 3rd edition B
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Pseudo-psora A
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Pseudo-psora A
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Pseudo-psora A
syphilis & sycosis psora & syphilis psora & sycosis pseudo psora & sycosis A
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Pseudo-psora C
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Pseudo-psora B
10 12 13 14 B

Psora Sycosis Syphilis Tubercular A

Disorder Disease Sickness Dyscrasia C
Curable Incurable Contagious Infectious C
Memory Comprehension Judgement Understanding D
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Tubercular C
Psora Sycosis Syphilis Tubercular B
Bad Worse Good Not good C

Rockstar Pandya
123 The study of disease should not be for the purpose of ----
124 A chronic miasm has
125 Which type of gonorrhoea has no tendency to recovery and involves whole Constitution?
126 The _______ cannot bring on the constitutional symptoms called sycosis.
127 In both acute & chronic , the prodromal period is about _____
128 All medicines that are capable of producing the image of sycosis are called as _
129 What comes in vigorous constitutions soon after the suppression of discharge from the urethra?
130 If a man with catarrhal stage marries a women then she does not get catarrhal stage because ………….

131 The return of …………….. means recovery.

132 Which patient may go into state of do nothing and he will lie with aversion of food ,he does not react ,he
does not repair?
133 The infant has only the………………..nature of the disease &has not the primary forms of it.
134 Man can only have ……….. attack in his natural life time of one of the 3 chronic miasms.
135 In which state is the disease transferred from Husband to Wife? (Syphilis)
136 Dissimilars repel each other an similars attract and _______ each other.
137 Syphilitic boil is not a _______ boil.
138 What is the usual prodromal period in syphilis if the economy is in no way disturbed or interrupted?
139 _______ state of man is prior to that which surrounds him ,therefore, environment is not cause ; as it were,
a sounding board.
140 ________ is the oldest outward expression of the diseases of the human race
141 Every............... Of the miasm has in itself a tendency to straighten manking, bt the human race is being
violently damage nd diseases are complicated.
142 ......&....... establishes a state in man and the condition he is in.

143 ..........maism is present in everyone.

144 Impure coition relates to which Miasm ?
145 The most hydra-headed miasm is -----------
146 Very commonly............ Will not yeild to the homeopathic treatment immediately.
147 Psora has progress until it has become most contagious, give reasons?

148 Which is the manifestation of psora ?

149 What is the foundation of Sickness?
150 Which is the primitive disorder of human race?
151 It required _______for Hahnemann to discover theory of chronic disease.
152 According to Dr.Kent, Phthisis developed due to the _______of vesicular disease.
153 According to Dr Kent ______ forms of Psora are complicated.

154 Psora begins with the ______vesicular forms of eruption.

155 In case of advanced and complicated case of Psora with organic changes after giving Homoeopathic
remedy in course of time vicious ugly eruptions come out upon body.This is a_____
156 We can really learn more about Psora by watching its_____
157 Common chronic diseases of liver are not disease but the localization of _______in the Liver
158 If the patient is only better as to symptoms and his old symptoms do not come back We know that he is
only being _______

Rockstar Pandya
Study of Naming Study of pathology Study of symptoms None of the above A
Period of Prodrome Period of progress No period of decline All of the above D
Acute Chronic Both None B
Palliation Treatment Suppression Miasm C
8-12days 12-14days 1-2 days 3-4days A
Sycosis Anti-sycosis psoric Anti-psoric B
Bleeding from nose Catarrh of nose Swelling of nose None B
Contagion is contracted Catarrhal stage is Contagion fails to None A
suppressed transmit
New symptoms Chronic symptoms First symptoms Old symptoms D
Psoric Syphilitic Sycotic Tubercular C

Interior Outermost Primary Tertiary A

Two One Infinite Three B
A)Initial Stage B)End Stage C)In which it then exists D)Last stage A
A)Repel b)Cure c)Aggraate d)None of the above B
A)Pseudo b)True c)False d)None of the above C
A)45 days b)100 days c)12-15 days d)2-5 days D
external internal disease All above B

Tubercular Sycosis Syphilis Psora D

External manifestation External manifestation Disease All of above A

Thinking & Willing Thinking & Willing Intelligence and Emotions and A
understanding Conscientiousness
Tubercular Tubercular Sycosis Syphilis B
psora Sycosis syphilis Tubercular C
psora sycosis syphilis Tubercular A
Itch heart disorder Influenza None of above A
more complicated it more complicated it Children become All the above D
become the more become the more increasing sensitivity to
susceptible are our susceptible are our othe miasm
children to its begining. children to its begining.
warts itch Leprosy all the above B
Tubercular syphilis sycosis psora D
Psora Sycosis Syphilis All of the above A
6 years 13years 12 years 10years C
Palliation Suppression aggravation None of the above B
Inherited developed fron Both A & B None of the above A
Complex Simple simple isolated complex isolated C
Good sign Bad sign Medicinal aggravation Complicated case. A

Onward progress Backward progress standstill condition None of the above B

Sycosis Syphilis Psora None of the above C
Palliation Suppression Cured None of the above A

Rockstar Pandya
2) Stuart Close
1 Organizations are formed for the purpose of maintaining and advancing
2 Organizations like men are subject to disease, decay and
3 The laws and ways of Nature are uniform and
4 Matter is indestructible and infinitely
5 Art has its foundation in science and every science finds its expression in
6 Homoeopathy as a thgtherapeutic method is concerned primarily only with --------- process
7 Symptoms are outwardly perceptible signs of internal ---- changes of patient
8 Success in Homoeopathy treatment depends upon patient susceptible to
9 The same agent which relatively in large quantity destroys activity, will in relatively small quantities
10 Power of the body resides in the

11 In which year Dr. Koch discovered the pesence of spiral thread like bacteria in the intestine of cholera
12 Degree of reaction to medicines depend upon degree of
13 Susceptibility means power to react to
14 Hahnemann classified the chronic diseases into occupational, psora and
15 Hahnemann held the view that all chronic diseases are derived from the primary, infectious and ---- Nature

16 Which is the class of Antidotes

17 In 6 th edition of organon Dynamism, Vital force, Potentization and ---- Dose is explained
18 All functions of body depends upon
19 If all the drugs were dumped into sea, it would be better for mankind and worse for fishes - said by
20 Absence of expected symptoms in the case

21 It is a shell which some find hard to crack, but when cracked it is found to be packed full of sweet and
wholesome meet with no worms in it. Said by
22 Exanthematous disease without appearance of eruptions is a

23 The quality of the drug is governed by the quantity of the drug used. Discovered by
24 The law of least quantity discovered by
25 The Spontaneous return of the patient to health after the removal, disappearance or ceassation of exciting
causes and occasion of disease or as a result of treatment
26 Symptoms which are discovered by patient itself are ---

27 The Fundamental note or tone of which the whole piece is accommodated ----

28 Characteristic symptoms are those which individualise both the disease and the drug stated by ----
29 Higher potencies are best adapted to ----

30 In terminal condition , organism react to homoeopathic remedy

31 Idiots , Imbecile and the deaf and dumb of susceptibility
32 Power resides at the center and from the center of power , force flows ..stated by
33 The modalities of a drug are the pathognomonic symptoms of the materia medica said by ----
34 Symptoms which are discovered by patient itself are ---

35 The Fundamental note or tone of which the whole piece is accommodated ----

36 Characteristic symptoms are those which individualise both the disease and the drug stated by ----
37 Higher potencies are best adapted to ----

38 Idiots , Imbecile and the deaf and dumb of susceptibility

Rockstar Pandya
Principles Ambition Dreams Master A
Curruption Death Institutions Destruction B
Successive Non uniform Unbroken Harmonious A
Added Substracted Divisible Minimum C
Artist Art Craftsman Knowledge B
Disease Live Vital Healthy C
Morbid Physilogical Pathological Mental A
Medication Disease Health Drugs A
Destroys Stimulate Kills Affects B
Centre Periphery From periphey to centre None of the above A

1888 1878 1868 1880 A

Constitution Reaction Susceptibility Action C

Stimuli Response Disease All of the above A
Sycosis, Syphilis Sycosis and syphilis Tubercular C
Animal Parasitic Plant Fungi B

Dynamical Chemical Mechanical All of the above D

Large Small Minute Infinetesimal dose D
Immunity Susceptibility Constitution Temperament B
C.F.S. Hahnemann O. W. Holmes J. T. Kent Stuart Close B
Positive general Negative general Mental symptom None of the above C
symptom symptom
Dr. J. T. Kent Dr. H.A. Roberts Dr. Stuart Close Dr. Hahnemann C

General symptoms Negative general Pathological symptom Particular symptom C

Hahnemann Stuart Close J. T. Kent H. A. Roberts A
Hanemann Aristotle Maupertius Paracelsus C
Cure Recovery Palliation Both A B B

objective symptoms subjective symptoms both A & B NONE OF THE ABOVE B

Characteristics keynote symptoms pathognomonic NONE OF THE ABOVE B

symtoms symptoms
Dr.lippe Dr.Guernsey Dr.P.P.Wells Stuart close C
torpid phlegmatic sanguine NONE OF THE ABOVE C

Higher Dose Material dose both A & B noneof the above B

low moderate high none of the above A
Dr.Kent stuart close HA ROBERT Dr.Guernesy B
Dr.Lippe Dr.Boeinghausen Dr.william boericke Dr.samuel Hahnemann C
objective symptoms subjective symptoms both A & B NONE OF THE ABOVE B

Characteristics keynote symptoms pathognomonic NONE OF THE ABOVE B

symtoms symptoms
Dr.lippe Dr.Guernsey Dr.P.P.Wells Stuart close C
torpid phlegmatic sanguine NONE OF THE ABOVE C

low moderate high none of the above A

Rockstar Pandya
39 Power resides at the center and from the center of power , force flows ..stated by
40 The modalities of a drug are the pathognomonic symptoms of the materia medica said by ----

1 Homoeopathy is founded upon principles
2 Homoeopathy treats ------individual
3 Homoeopathy consider man as
4 Physician must know what is curable by -----& Curative in--
5 A man who adopts the homoeopathic methods must be free from--
6 Generally accepted concept of Homoeopathy is concerned chiefly with
7 Homoeopathy is not concerned with the
8 We recognize life in three parts
9 Any Disturbance in Vital energy is understood by
10 The vital force is always attempting to recover from---State
11 When a remedy is indicated, the symptomatology gives basis of our
12 The only real evidence of disease condition is the deviation form
13 The miasm is defined as ------
14 The more ----the case more the infection strikes at the life of the patient

15 IN Homoeopathy we try to cure the ---rather than the Disease

16 Susceptibility - the reaction of the organism to external and internal influences stated by ---
17 Dr hahnemann mentioned about palliation in which aphorism----
18 The man who considers Homoeopathy as a possible future must be willing to become student of
19 Homoeopathy has been developed through the ----- method of reasoning
20 The discovery of ------ was Hahnemann's greatest gift to science in general and to medicine in particular

21 Where there are no generals we can expect no cures -said by

22 Foundation of Homoeopathy is solid concrete composed of broken rock of hard facts, united by cement of
a great natural principle.- Said by
23 Susceptibility - the reaction of the organism to external and internal influences stated by ---
24 The similar remedy , or the similar disease satifies susceptibility and establishes immunity stated by
25 symptoms are the only representative expression of the diseased state --- said by
26 The similar remedy , or the similar disease satifies susceptibility and establishes immunity stated by
27 In the healthy condition of man the ……… like vital force, the dynamis that animates the material body.
28 ………rules with unbounded sway & retains all the parts of the organism in admirable harmonious vital
operations as regards both sensations & functions.
29 Life is recognized in three parts
30 No organ, no tissue, no cell, no molecule, is independent of the activities of the others, but the life of each
one of these elements is merged into the life of the whole.
31 The unit of human life cannot be the organ, the tissue, the cell, the molecule, the atom, but the whole
32 The nature of energy is ……………
33 The appearance of these disturbances is a reflection of the inward turmoil and confusion of the harmonious
action which the vital force has suffered.
34 Disease symptoms show themselves in unified order in the……………spheres

35 Any disturbance of the………... immediately shows itself in lack of harmony through the outward
manifestations of our beings; in other words, symptoms.
36 The material organism, without the vital force, is capable of ………………….
37 ……..animates the material organism in helath and disease.
38 When a person falls ill it is only this …………. vital force, everywhere present in the organism, that is
primarily deranged by the dynamic influence upon it of a morbific agent inimical to life

Rockstar Pandya
Dr.Kent stuart close HA ROBERT Dr.Guernesy B
Dr.Lippe Dr.Boeinghausen Dr.william boericke Dr.samuel Hahnemann C

Unatural law opposite law Natural law All of the above C

Disease Sick Psyco-somatic Somato-pyschic B
individual part disease part Whole All of the above c
Meidicine & Drug Drug & Meidicne Patient & Disease None of Above A
stress Disease Prejudice Unprejudice C
Cure Recovery Law of similars Totality C
Recovery Morbific agent Diagnosis Pathological B
Body Mind Spirit health disease cure A&B None of Above A
Sign Symptoms Investigations All of above B
healthy Disease sick None of Above B
Medicine similimum Constitution Temperament B
Normal Disease A&B None of Above A
Infection Polluting exhalation Disease None of Above B
Chronic Acute Pathological All B
of the above
Temperament vital force constitution Patient D
Dr. samuel Hahnemann Dr.H.A.Robert Dr.Kent STUART CLOSE B
aph 58 aph 59 aph 60 aph 61 B
Art Homoeopathy Philosophy All of the above C
Inductive Deductive Philosophical Artistic A
Miasms Totality of symptoms Law of Similars Potentizaton D

Kent Boenninghausen Roberts Hahnemanan A

Kent Boenninghausen Roberts Close D

Dr. samuel Hahnemann Dr.H.A.Robert Dr.Kent STUART CLOSE B

staurt close HA ROBERT Dr. kent Dr. lippe B
Dr. kent Dr.H.A.Robert Dr.Stuart close Dr. Eliabeth wright B
staurt close HA ROBERT Dr. kent Dr. lippe B
spirit body mind none of the above A
Living organism Cell Vital force None of the above C

body & mind mind & spririt spirit body, mind and spirit D
TRUE FALSE Don’t know none of the above A

Disease Health Whole man Cell C

Material Adynamic Dynamic Superstitious C

TRUE FALSE Don’t know none of the above A

physical & spritual mental spiritual & mental physical, mental and D
mind body vital energy Disposition C

no sensation no function no self-preservation all of the above D

Disease Health Vital force none of the above C
spiritual self acting spiritual, self-acting one of the above C

Rockstar Pandya
39 In order to obtain a thorough knowledge of the normal vital functions we must study them in their
manifestations during……….
40 From the earliest period of its existence growth is manifest from ………... it is never observed growing
from without in.
41 The especial organs are developed and their functions maintained by the expression of the vital energy as
42 In health all expressions of vital force may be expressed by perfect functioning of all parts of the body and
by a sense of ……………………..
43 The ……………. is always attempting to recover from diseased states.
44 Under a cure, the symptoms of a deranged vital function always disappear in
the…………………………………. .
45 When the vital force is not of itself able to make a complete recovery, either due to a hidden
…………………. or an especially violent assault on the vital energy, the vital force often resorts to
methods of bringing about a partial recovery.
46 Symptoms disappear ……………………………...; and in the reverse order of their appearance.

47 The vital energy is that force which ……... each individual.

48 Without this ………..there can be no life, no development.
49 Where there is vital force there is …………….. action is one interpretation, one manifestation, of vital
50 Vital force in its perfection means ………………..
51 Too, many substances closely allied to foods which have within them a vital energy capable of being
raised by ………………. from the purely physical plane to that of the mental or even spiritual.
52 The quantity of action necessary to effect any change in nature is the …………….. and, as Fincke added:
the decisive amount is always a minimum, an infinitesimal.
53 The greater the mass (quantity) of elements or matter, the more--------they become.
54 Vital force is capable of three form of actions……...
55 Action and reaction are…….
56 The quantity of the drug required is in …………….to the similarity.
57 Function creates and develops the……….
58 Functional symptoms precede …………….. changes.
59 Any drug which in its natural state affects the vital energy but little will develop a proving only in a
60 Any drug which in its natural state disturbs the vital energy to functional manifestations only may be
proven only in a …………………..form.
61 Any drug which in its natural state disturbs the vital energy to ……………………. manifestations should
be proven only in a potentiated form.
62 In proving never ………. the dose while symptoms are manifest from the dose already taken
63 Case taking is given in aphorism no….……
64 Physician should be in ………

65 Physician should avoid all ………

66 Physician should avoid questioning along the …………………..
67 In acute cases take the…….. symptoms carefully and record each of them.
68 The most important symptoms, of course, are the general symptoms that pertain to the ……………....
69 The …………………..symptoms rank very highly for the reason that they point to the man himself, and
they may be classed under the generals to a marked degree.
70 Physician should note down…………………
71 What are the essentials to record in taking the case?

Rockstar Pandya
Disease Health Cure Recovery B

within cell out from outside the cell above downwards none of the above A

Suppression disease life giving principle Health C

general well being partial well being abnormal well being none of the above A

healing agent morbific agent miasm vital force D

order of appearance reverse order of their without any order none of the above B
Miasm Cell Both None A

from above downwards within outwards from an important organ all of the above D
to less important organ

animates destroys annihilates demoralizes A

mind reaction disease vital force D
no action action motion both b & c D

Growth development destruction Both a & b D

degeneration deactivation potentization none of the above C

least maximum heavy none of the above A

overt inert potent none of the above B

motion direction balance all of the above D
equal opposite equal and opposite none of the above C
inverse ratio parallel direct indirect A
health organ disease none of the above B
functional dysfunctional structural none of the above C
High Low Both none of the above A

crude potent potentiated impotent C

curative destructive reversible irreversible B

repeat give first dose give last dose none of the above A
72-82 83-104 105-145 146-155 B
impatient dominating attitude quite and listening none of the above C
questions leading questions moral questions none of the above B
health status disease diagnosis disposition line of the remedy D
Disease phase chronic acute D
Disease Health patient as a whole none of the above C
common pathological particulars Mental D

aversions cravings type of sleep & dreams all of the above D

The general symptoms; the sensations the concomitants all of the above D
the modalities

Rockstar Pandya
72 Why should we have a written record of each case?

73 In analysis of case, the…..of symptoms must be taken into consideration.

74 ………symptoms, those that are seen by the careful observer, have more importance in child life than in
adult life, because through them we see the expression of the child's disposition and desires.
75 Even though the remedy selected on the basis of the ………….. may never have been used under like
diagnostic conditions before.
76 The …………. symptoms and their value direct us to the remedy.
77 Hahnemann, by his fine observation and the inductive method of reasoning, became convinced of the law
of cure that is to say…………
78 No……….. can effect a perfect cure unless it has a curative action upon every diseased part
79 Potentized medicine, administered according to the law of ……….. is the true regulator of the vital energy,

80 The law of cure……………..., is as fundamental as any law in nature.

81 The ........... or the leading symptoms, may be defined as those symptoms for which there is clear
pathological foundation.
82 The …………... symptom or group of symptoms seldom has any definite relationship to the leading
symptoms from the standpoint of theoretical pathology.
83 Physician should not fail to recognize the value of the………….
84 Physician should give importance to the……….
85 The full recognition of the………….. rapidly succeeded the proving of drugs, and was the second step in
the evolution of homśopathic principles
86 Regardless of the quantity of the drug used, the solution is activated to a marked degree by vigorous
stirring i.e. ………..
87 The action is much more rapid in the case of well powdered substances i.e. ……..
88 The curative properties and action of the homoeopathic remedy are governed by its preparation and
application; in other words, the quality of the action of a homoeopathic remedy is determined by
89 Everything that has……… more or less influenced by circumstances and environment.
90 Susceptibility is defined as the ……….. of the organism to external and internal influences.
91 The power of ……….is one of the phases of susceptibility
92 Susceptibility can be………..
93 Physician's duty is to conserve……...
94 The similar remedy, or the similar disease susceptibility and establishes……..
95 The homœopathic physician constantly comes across drug effects in physiological form which
have……………. the natural expression of disease.
96 One of the form of suppression is use of ……….. of drug preparations for the removal of skin
97 One of the form of suppression is the attempt to suppress the………….. of the body.
98 One of the form of suppression in modern days is the removal of disturbing organs by………. means.
99 The law of similars is the fundamental law also in the palliation of …….states.
100 The homoeopathic physician finds another substitute for narcotics in ………... cases, either before or after
101 In curable cases ………...medicines should not be used.
102 In incurable cases, or seemingly incurable cases, we must not put a limitation on the possibilities of
103 There are mainly …….types of temperaments.
104 The phelgmatic type of temperament is essentially …………… reaction.
105 The nervous type is …….in action.
106 Prescribing on type or temperaments is really ……..prescribing.
107 There was a general belief that if the outward manifestations were removed, the disease was……..

Rockstar Pandya
For our first For future refence for making money Both a and b D
value no value quality characteristic A
Objective Subjective Characteristic Pathological A

Symptom totality Disease totality particular none of the above A

strange rare peculiar all of the above D

simila similibus contraria contraris opposite cures opposite none of the above A
curentur curantur
powder crude substance medicine globules C
equalia contraria dissimilia similia D

contraria contraris simila similibus opposite cures opposite none of the above B
curantur curentur
Associated complaint Chief complaint Concomitant Modalities B

auxiliary or Chief complaint Modalities Particulars A

Associated complaint Chief complaint Modalities totality of symptoms D
more striking particular & unusal peculiar symptoms all of the above D
law of opposites law of equalia law of similars law of dissimilars C

succussion trituration mixture none of the above A

succussion trituration mixture none of the above B

quality quantity maximum weight none of the above B

health disease life none of the above C

Action reaction effect none of the above B
assimilation nutrition disease both a and b D
increased decreased destroyed all of the above D
natural susceptibility artificial suscpetibility morbid susceptibility none of the above A
disease health immunity none of the above C
palliated suppressed expressed cured B

homoeopathic no application external application none of the above C

natural secretions Cure Both none of the above A
local application medicinal surgical none of the above C
reversible diseases incurable curable functional B
Structural surgical suppressive functional B

narcotic hypnotic sedative all of the above D

similar dissimilar partially similar none of the above A

nervous phlegmatic sanguine & bilious all of the above D

active sluggish inactive overactive B
quick slow inactive sluggish A
single symptom keynote characteristic partial B
cured recovered palliated none of the above A

Rockstar Pandya
108 The local manifestations were but an outward expression of the inward and spiritual force, which when
disturbed expressed itself in …….. signs.
109 There is only one condition where local application of the indicated potentized remedy may be used to
advantage, and that is in cases where it is impossible to administer it by ………..
110 All sensitive organs of our body are almost equally ……………... of medicinal effects.
111 One of the obstacle to cure is…………condition of the patient.
112 Diseases that arise from ……………….also acts as the obstacle to cure.
113 ………also acts as obstacle to cure.
114 ………may prove as obstacles to cure

4) Richard Hughes
1 Hahnemann, was a ___physician whose long life extended from 1755 to 1843.

2 Hahnemann, was a German physician whose long life extended from -----

3 The first fruit of Cinchona Experiment by Hahnemann was the "Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum
Positivis," published in year -------

4 The first fruit of Cinchona Experiment by Hahnemann was the "--------------," published in year 1805

5 Reine Arzneimittellehre published in year -----

6 The Organon's first edition was first issued in ------
7 The Organon's Second edition was first issued in ------
8 The Organon's Third edition was first issued in ------
9 The Organon's Fourth edition was first issued in ------
10 The Organon's Fifth edition was first issued in ------
11 The Organon's second edition is described as ------

12 The Organon's third edition is described as ------

13 The Organon's fourth edition is described as ------

14 The Organon's fifth edition is described as ------

15 Hahnemann called his work- First editin of Organon as --------

16 Hahnemann called his work- Second editin of Organon as --------

17 5. On the title-page of his first edition Hahnemann placed a motto from the poet ---------

18 On the title-page of his Second edition Hahnemann placed a motto -----------

19 The Organon proper, 5th edition, consists of a series of aphorisms in its latest form --------- in number
20 The first part of the Organon (down to aphorism 70) treats of these points --------
21 The Second part of the Organon ( aphorism 71 to 294) treats of these points --------
22 To cure mildly, rapidly, and permanently ---------- is a therapeutic method
23 Homoeopathy is a therapeutic method, formulated in the rule -------

24 The best mode of choosing medicine is --------

Rockstar Pandya
internal external inward none of the above B

mouth externally internally none of the above A

non reactive inactive susceptible none of the above C

pathological healthy harmonius none of the above A
mechanical obstruction chemical dynamic none of the above A
Over anxiety Worry constant financial stress all of the above D
cosmetcis problems in diet mental stress all of the above D

French German American United Kingdom B

1800 to 1880 1821 to 1898 1849 to 1916 1755 to 1843 D

1805 1811 1822 1833 A

Reine Arzneimittellehre Organon of Rational Fragmenta de Viribus Materia Medica Pura C

Art of Healing Medicamentorum
1805 1811 1822 1833 B
1810 1819 1824 1833 A
1810 1819 1824 1833 B
1810 1819 1824 1833 C
1810 1819 1829 1833 C
1810 1819 1829 1833 D
augmented improved augmented and All of the above A
augmented improved augmented and All of the above B
augmented improved augmented and none of the above C
augmented improved augmented and none of the above C
Organon of the healing Organon of the rational Reine Arzneimittellehre none of the above B
art "{Heilkiinst) medical science " *
Organon of the healing Organon of the rational Reine Arzneimittellehre none of the above A
art "{Heilkiinst) medical science " *
Gellert Bacon Aristotle Mill A

Poem of poet Gellert Heilkiinst Heilkunde Aude Sapere D

271 315 291 294 D

doctrinally practically clinically none of the above A
doctrinally practically therotically none of the above B
homoeopathy allopathy antipathy tautopathy A
contraria contrariis equilia equilibus similia similibus heteropathy C
curentur curentur curentur
contraria contrariis equilia equilibus similia similibus heteropathy C

Rockstar Pandya
25 The --------- is the only side of the disease turned toward the Practitioner, this alone is it that is perceptible
to him.
26 The --------is intended to be a curative indication ; and if disease is to be cured it should be taken as early as

27 The ------------symptoms are often more conclusive as to the proper treatment than the more obvious local

28 Homoeopath pays more regard to ---------- symptoms for prescribing of medicine.

29 There are certain pseudo-rational modes of discovering remedies, such is the doctrine of --------
30 By experiments, the action of drugs on the ------- is the main source of knowledge of medicine in

31 The object both of antipathic and of alloeopathic medication being to induce the ------- actions of drugs

32 The object of --- medication being to induce the physiological actions of drugs for treatment.

33 Drugs, are ---- substances

34 Drugs, being material substances, must, if introduced in sufficient quantity into the body, act --------by their
bulk and weight
35 Hahnemann's objections to Alloeopathic medication are -------

36 The antipathic use of drugs has more in its favour, in that it is certainly and rapidly ------

37 There is no relationship between the physiological effects of the drug and the phenomena of disease in --
38 The practice in which knowledge in dealing with opposite conditions of functions is -------
39 The law of palliation is ----------

40 The homoeopathic remedies are having more penetrating influence and grasp of disease as a ------.

41 Hahnemann speaks of ascertaining the " fundamental cause " of chronic disease, is generally a ----------
42 The origin of a large proportion of chronic miasmatic disease are found in ---------

43 Hahnemann's earliest and fullest utterance on selection of homoeopathic remedy may be read in his
' Medicine of Experience' published in ----
44 In the 5th edition of the Organon (1833),it is found that Hahnemann dividing miasmatic diseases into ----

45 Under the heading of ------- Dr. Hahnemann ranges all non-venereal chronic diseases not traceable to bad
hygiene or injurious medication.
46 Similarity between disease and drug-action should be ----------

47 The requisites for specific similarity between disease and drug-action are -----
48 The similar remedy should be administered, as a rule --------
49 When the affection was --------from the first Dr. Hahnemann was entirely in favour of the topical use of the
indicated remedy.
50 Hahnemann indeed thought that an indefinite development of power resulted from the dilution; he (
Hahnemann) at first practiced to avoid -------------.

5) Kent's Philosophy
1 What constitutes man ?
2 Who is sick?

Rockstar Pandya
total number of the totality of the symptoms morbid symptom pathological symptom B
total number of the totality of the symptoms morbid symptom pathological symptom B

general constitutional both A and B none of the above C

objective subjective local structural B

similia minimum drug potentization signature D
lower animals human body poisoning none of the above B

physiological dynamical both A and B none of the above A

antipathic alloeopathic alterative All of the above D

dynamic material potentised infiniticimal B

mechanically dynamically both A and B none of the above A

uncertainty actually injurious large and poisonous All of the above D

doses of drugs
supressive curative palliative All of the above C

homoeopathy allopathy antipathy tautopathy B

homoeopathy allopathy antipathy tautopathy C
contraria contrariis equilia equilibus similia similibus All of the above A
curentur curentur curentur
whole topical partial surgical A

constitution chronic miasm diathesis temperament B

syphilis sycosis psora All of the above D

1796 1806 1810 1824 B

acute chronic. both A and B none of the above C

psora sycosis syphilis tubercular A

generic specific individual All of the above D

seat of action kind of action Concomitance All of the above D

singly constitutionally minutely all of the above D
dynamic general local constitutional C

amelioration aggravations causation All of the above B

Will Understanding Both A & B None of the above C

Man Body Organs Parts of the body A

Rockstar Pandya
3 According to Dr. Kent the perfection of cure consists of

4 According to Dr. Kent perceive means

5 What is the word used by Dr.Kent for Vital force?

6 Susceptibility according to Dr.Kent is
7 Who has explained the importance of record keeping" who has said so?
8 "Without recods,you are at sea without compass or rudder."who has said so?
9 How many types of idiosycrasys are there according to Dr.Kent?
10 Law & government from centre according to Dr.Kent is
11 Kents first observation is

12 Kents third observation is

13 Kents sixth observation is

14 Second prescription may be

15 The second prescription presupposes that
16 A symptom seen in more than two parts is known as
17 The first rank Mentals are pertaining to
18 Emotions like love, hate, desire, aversion has a ___________ mental
19 The symptoms which help to reach diagnosis are
20 All the provers of proved the symptom of "suffocation in a warm room" it is classed as
21 All the prover of Pulsatilla are aggravated in warm room, the symptom will be classed as
22 The symptoms which describe the state is known as
23 Symptoms related to the nose, the symptom related to nose will be
24 The more the symptom related to the anatomy, they are
25 One strong general rule out ____________ symptoms
26 Symptoms related to the Dreams should be classed under
27 The symptom recorded during proving confirmed by re-proving and verified upon the sick are classed as
28 During proving symotoms observe in few provers confirmed on re-proving and verified only few times in
the sick are
29 During proving symptoms observed are not confirmed on reproving but has verified many times upon the
sick are
30 Grade III symptoms are also known as

31 The symptoms which are valuated as Generals, Common and Particulars by

32 First grade physicial generals are the symptoms related to

33 Approach for evaluation with importance to Mental general, Physical general, Characteristic particulars
and common
34 The symptoms related to Menstruation should be evaluated as

35 "Dream of snake" symptoms can be classed as

36 Perverted smell [anosmia] can be classed under

37 The symptoms which are related to the anatomy of the parts are evaluated as
38 The symptoms related to the internal man can be classed by Dr.Kent as
39 Anamnesis mean on patient's account
40 According to Dr.Kent, "One strong general rule out _________________"

Rockstar Pandya
Permanent restoring of Prompt Mild All of the above D
Not to look with Clearly understand Apprehend with mind & All of the above D
external eye understanding
Simple substance Material substance Complex substande None of the above A
flow of the cause Influx Vaccum Both a & b D
Dr.Kent Dr. Stuart close Dr.H.A.Roberts Dr.Dudgeon A
Dr.Kent Dr. Stuart close Dr.H.A.Roberts Dr.Dudgeon A
Two Three Four None of the above A
Body Brain & spinal cord Organs Heart B quick,short and Prolonged aggravation No aggravation with None of the above B
strong with rapid &final decline of recovery of patient
improvement of patient patient
Prolonged aggravation quick,short and No aggravation with None of the above B
&final decline of strong with rapid recovery of patient
patient improvement of patient
Too short relief of No aggravation with No aggravation with None of the above A
symptoms recovery of patient recovery of patient
Repetition of the first Antidote Complement All of the above D
first one is correct it has acted it has been let alone All of the above D
particular symptom Common General symptom None C
Intellect Perception Emotion Will D
First grade Second Grade Third Grade All of above A
Peculiar Characteristic Common Determinative C
Second rank First rank Third Grade None B
First grade Second Grade Third Grade None A
Common symptom Particular symptom Both None C
Common symptom Particular symptom Both None B
Common symptom General symptom Particular symptom None C
Particular symtom General symptom Common None A
Mental General Particular symptom Common None A
First grade Second grade Third grade None A
First grade Second grade Third grade None B

First grade Second grade Third grade None C

Spurious symptoms Clinical symptoms Pathogonomic Mental symptoms B

Dr.Kent Dr.Boger Dr.Allen DR.Boericke A
Sexual sphere and Desire for sweets Sleep Dreams A
Dr.Kent Dr.Boenninghausen Dr.Allen Dr.Hering A

Common symptom Pathogonomic symptom Physical General None C

Mental generals Physical Generals Pathogonomic None A

Mental generals Physical Generals Particular symptoms None C
Particular symptom Mental symptom Physicial general None A
Particular symptom Pathogonomic symptom Genral symptoms All of above C
Medical history Family history Diatheses Temperament A
Common symptom Particular symptom Genral symptoms None B

Rockstar Pandya
41 The symptoms belonging to the region are known as

42 The symptoms which describes the state are

43 All the provers of Apis showed suffocation from warm room can classed as
44 Dr.Bpenninghausen's fourth grade remedies include
45 The diagnostic symptoms of individual are

46 When Susceptibility is satisfied than there is

47 When disease cause flow into man than

48 Susceptibility ceased

49 Suspension takes place

50 The man is made sick

51 According to Hahnemann teaching human economy is more under control of

52 Very Susceptible person are damaged by

53 When a medicine ceases to be Homoeopathic than, there is no use to administer medicine any longer

54 In Management of Chronic disease a great difficulty is brought in economy by

55 Cause flow in a director of

56 When Resistance appear in person

57 The things that ___ are things to make you hesitate, to make you meditate
58 When remedy has two or three of these peculiar symptoms they from the __ feature
59 Absence of the Striking feature of disease constitute a ____ that related to the patient
60 The Symptoms of the remedies must be studied with respect to the ___

61 In Sickness the symptoms that can not be explained are often ____ which are less known to man
62 Value of Symptoms is divided into
63 Particular Symptoms are divided into
64 Fourth Grade Symptoms is Given by
65 First grade symptoms are those symptom

66 Third Grade symptoms are those symptom

67 Boenninghausen fourth grade symptom belong to

Rockstar Pandya
Common symptom Particular symptom Pathogonomic None B
Common symptom Particular symptom Genral symptoms Pathological symptoms A
First grade Second grade Third grade None A
Common symptom Pathogonomic symptom Clinnical symptoms Mental symptoms C
Characteristic Common symptoms Objective symptoms Partoci;ar symptoms A
Cessation of Cause Flow of Cause None of above All the above A
Man can neither control Man can control them Man can control and None of above A
nor resist them and resist them
make them sick
When changes occur in When no change in There will be more flow All the above A
the economy occure in economy of influx
When Susceptibility When Susceptibility When ther is no change All the above A
has ceased increased in susceptibility
When the degree of When he does not take When his disease None of above A
disease cause fit his medicine increased
Environment Man under control of Both All the above B
repetition of dose Giving high dose Minimum Dose None of above A
It will act on patient It will act on patient Patient is already None of above A
upon an artificial because of natural susceptible
Susceptibility susceptibility
Continuous drug By not taking drug Taking medicine by None of above A
taking properly same interval
Least resistance More resistance Medium resistance Least disease condition A
Influx ceases & cause Influx increase and Influx ceases & cause None of above A
no longer flow cause flow above flow
General Characterise Common Particular B
Particular Characteristic Generalization Common B
Pecularality Personality Indivisualization Constitution A
Order on greade Totality of Symptoms Characteristic Miasm A
Peculiar Common Generalization Accessary A
One grade Two grade Three grade Four grade C
Two grade Three grade Four grade No Grade B
Boenninghausen Kent Hering Clark A
Whaen serval provers Confirmed by other Verified on sick All of the Above D
are observed proverd
Which are proved by Which are not proved When prover is weak Which are proved by A
prover but not by prover prover and confirmed by
confiremed by reproving
First Grade Second Grade Third Grade None of above C

Rockstar Pandya

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