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1 Spirit Academy of Bangued

Corner McKinley, Taft St. Zone 6, Bangued, Abra
(Ms. Xenia Mae Flores - Teacher)
Date Submitted:________________________

Module 2. Week 1
Lesson 1. The Visual Basic 6.0
Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
a. Explain the different parts of VB environment.
b. Create a summary on how the parts of VB works.
c. State the importance of the parts of VB in managing your applications.
DAY 1 and 2
Our last topic was all about the history of visual basic. Now we move on to the different
parts of visual basic environment. Let’s start!
Direction: Write A if you agree with the statement and D if you disagree.
___1. The default environment is made up of 6 windows.
___2. The title bar runs horizontally across an application window.
___3. The menu bar is the line that lies across the top the VB toolbar.
___4. The project window displays a list of all forms and elements making up your application.
___5. The form window is the central to developing VB applications.
For full discussion, read your book on pages 48-61.
The Default Environment
The Main Window
The title bar runs horizontally across an application window.
The menu bar is the line of text that lies across the top of the visual basic toolbar.
1. File menu - create, open, print and save projects
2. Edit menu - perform the standard clipboard option
3. View menu - view various components and tools
4. Project menu - add to or remove forms, codes, elements, user controls and
property pages.
5. Debugg menu = stop or start applications, set watches and break points and
perform other tasks to help monitor your application’s progress.
6. Run menu - start or stop your apps as well as break in the middle of the
program execution and the resume.
7. Query menu - simplify the creation of SQL series
8. Diagram menu - used for building database applications.
9. Tools menu - add procedure and set up procedure properties
10. Add-in manager - allows to select other add-in utilities to be added to the add-
ins menu.
11. Window menu - gives you options tile and cascade windows within the VB
12. Help menu - connects users to its manual and technical support.
Tool bar - control the whole visual basic environment from the menu bar
Application window - central to developing VB apps.
Toolbox window - first window you’ll become familiar with
Properties window - lists all the properties of the object
Form layout window - shows how a given form will be displayed when program runs
Project window - displays a list of all elements and forms making up your app
Form designer - designs your app’s user interface

DAY 3-4
Direction: Create a summary on how the parts of visual basic works.
Guide questions: What are the parts of VB? What are their functions? What is the importance
of the parts of VB in managing your applications?


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