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ED 346/346E Literacy Practicum Collaboration Log

This Ph
byDate Collaborated With Collaborated About
Unkno Sister Peck and other students We talked about what we have thought of our
wn 11, (my peers) in the practicum. experience and any questions we had about the class. I
2021 asked about the collaboration log and what I needed.
license Sister Peck answered my question. Other students
d asked questions they had, too.
under The Principal of Kennedy We had a training on what to do during a lockdown at
Thursday, Elementary, Mrs. Tavares, and the school. We talked about different possibilities,
Jan. 14, Sister Clark and Sister Peck and including what to do if we are not in a classroom-run to
2021 all of us students in the the closest classroom. 1.Run and be safe, 2. Hide, 3.
practicum. Fight
Thursday, We (all the practicum students We talked about positive things and questions we had
Jan. 21, from Kennedy) got together for the week and next week. I asked and commented
2021 with Sister Peck and Sister about the situation I have with not knowing how to be
Clark. firm or soft in the right degree and the right moment
with the right student. We talked about balance and
the fact that is best to be firm without being mean. It is
easy to not want to be firm, but it can help them see
the importance of what they are doing and to not do it
I spoke with the Kindergarten We spoke about what was planned for next week
Friday, Jan. teacher on Thursday and because she had tested the children today, Friday. She
22, 2021 agreed to talk later, so we e- told me the ideas she had and what she wanted me to
mailed back and forth after do. Since I come a little earlier than 8:30, she has me
school on Friday. help with some mathematics sometimes because of
some struggles of schedule and because she needs
helps, but she does have me work with phonics and
letter recognitions with students at lower levels and
read and work with them. So, I do get to work with
literacy mostly. We found that this week we have a
much better plan for the coming week-some students
are advancing and some are reviewing similar things.
Monday, Sister Peck and all of us, Sister Peck shared a scripture with us in 3 Nephi 17,
January 25, students in the practicum. and we talked about the p’s in there. Perceive, ponder,
2021 prepare, pray. She applied it to us as teachers. It was
good to think about what I am doing and what I can do
better when it comes to that, and if I was praying for
the students I teach. We talked about the lesson plan
template. Sister Peck said that more is better than less
when writing that and the collaboration log. Sister Peck
said that Sister Clark would answer our Student
teaching template questions on Thursday.
Thursday, Sister Peck, a teacher in charge The teacher trained us in using the iPads when
January 28, of 95% training, us students in assessing students at the end of the week. She told us
2021 the practicum. that it is best to use the iPads instead of the paper
assessment. She said how it keeps more data that way.
She told us how to mark the mistakes of just the
underlined parts of the words and other exercises. She
told us how to zoom and scroll, etc. It was very helpful
for future reference.
Monday, Sister Peck with us. We talked about behavior issues and concerns. Some
February 1, commented on teacher vs student and how that has
2021 worked well with them. They also spoke about giving
two options and 5 seconds to choose or we choose, like
S. Clark had mentioned. They talked about using
incentives and what the mentor teachers have as
advice or tools already. We spoke about making sure
the students know our expectations and always bring
back or connect what we speak about with the work or
class. Sister Peck mentioned we should not be afraid of
being firm.
Mrs. Schmalle-Kindergarten I asked her if there was something that she thought
Weekend teacher maybe I should do or change or if there was something
February, E-mail back and forth. I could maybe get better at or stop doing, in her
Friday 5th- opinion. I told her I wanted to hear her opinion and
Sunday 7th, that I was open to learning from her suggestions. I also
2021 asked about next week’s plan.
She replied with the next week’s letters to be reviewed
in class and some activities she already has planned for
Monday and Wednesday. She sent me some examples
of those worksheets so that I could get familiar with
She also told me that my instructional time with them
focusing on the letters is helping tremendously and
that many are close to mastering them.
She thanked me for my help.
I was very grateful and surprised by her answer. It
made me very happy and motivated me to want to
keep doing even better.
Wednesday, Mr. Bowman, Mr. Giles, Ms. Our mentor teacher from 4th grade wanted to have a
February Evans, and Ms. Irlenborn meeting with us to talk about our team teaching and
10th, 2021 our individual. He asked us what we thought had went
well, what we have learned, what we think we could
have done better and if we had any questions or
experiences to share with him. We shared many things,
each one of us. He shared some good advice with us
and tips for the future. I asked about what to do when
a child is being mean to another, and he gave me some
options. He talked about bad behavior and how asking
them to write a letter to their parents is an idea that
has worked for him very well. I talked about changing
the lesson as I teach and using students’ examples and
learning from past experiences and apply it to next
teaching. He appreciated our comments.
Thursday, Sister Peck, all BYU-I students in We talked about positive things we have seen work.
February practicum. We also talked about what practices we have seen our
11th, 2021 mentor teachers do that we would like to implement in
our future classrooms and that have been effective. I
talked about the sticker cards where they have to fill
them and then they will get a small price. There are
also class points and videos and songs and dances. The
waterfall and the “oh class?”- “oh yeah?” or “ooo”’s for
students saying the right answer. Many commented
and asked questions. Sister Peck shared a scripture
with us in 3 Nephi 12, where Christ went one by one
with the Nephites so that they could see and feel his
scars and be healed, etc.
Sunday- Mrs. Schmalle and I Mrs. Schmalle and I spoke at the beginning of the week
Thurs., like every week through e-mail about what was the
February plan for the week. She told me she would like me to
14-18, 2021 play some games with the students and that she would
also have some games/activities planned for brain
breaks, which is going to be a new thing to try. We also
talked on my last day, and she expressed some nice
words to me.
Sister Peck and all BYU-I We talked about how we felt because it was the last
Thursday, students of practicum day of the practicum. We talked about how we had
February mixed feelings of relief for some extra time for other
18th, 2021 classes and responsibilities, and of sadness because we
were leaving and were going to miss the children. Sister
Peck gave us some good words and advice. She said
that one of the things we should put in our “teacher
backpack” is to be open with feedback-to think “what
lack I yet?” and always take it in a positive way. She
shared how we need to be open to the Spirit because
He will also tell us our weaknesses and our strengths.
She also said that we should turn to the example of the
master teacher if in a future we want to know what to
or how to get better.

BYUI Student: ___Sandra Carolina Hernández Rivera_____ Semester: ___Winter___

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