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CLINICAL REPORT Guidance for the Clinician in Rendering Pediatric Care

Skin-to-Skin Care for Term and Preterm

Infants in the Neonatal ICU

abstract “Kangaroo mother care” was first described as an alternative method of

caring for low birth weight infants in resource-limited countries, where
neonatal mortality and infection rates are high because of overcrowded
nurseries, inadequate staffing, and lack of equipment. Intermittent skin-to-skin
care (SSC), a modified version of kangaroo mother care, is now being offered
in resource-rich countries to infants needing neonatal intensive care, including
those who require ventilator support or are extremely premature. SSC
significantly improves milk production by the mother and is associated with
a longer duration of breastfeeding. Increased parent satisfaction, better sleep
organization, a longer duration of quiet sleep, and decreased pain perception
during procedures have also been reported in association with SSC. Despite
apparent physiologic stability during SSC, it is prudent that infants in the NICU
have continuous cardiovascular monitoring and that care be taken to verify
correct head positioning for airway patency as well as the stability of the
endotracheal tube, arterial and venous access devices, and other life support
This document is copyrighted and is property of the American
Academy of Pediatrics and its Board of Directors. All authors have filed
conflict of interest statements with the American Academy of
Pediatrics. Any conflicts have been resolved through a process
approved by the Board of Directors. The American Academy of
Pediatrics has neither solicited nor accepted any commercial BACKGROUND
involvement in the development of the content of this publication.
“Kangaroo mother care” (KMC) was first described as an alternative
Clinical reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics benefit from
expertise and resources of liaisons and internal (American Academy method of caring for low birth weight infants in resource-limited
of Pediatrics) and external reviewers. However, clinical reports from countries, where neonatal mortality and infection rates are high because
the American Academy of Pediatrics may not reflect the views of the
liaisons or the organizations or government agencies that they of overcrowded nurseries, inadequate staffing, and lack of equipment. In
represent. the original version of KMC, the infant is placed in continuous skin-to-skin
The guidance in this report does not indicate an exclusive course of contact in a vertical position between the mother’s breasts and beneath
treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking her clothes and is exclusively (or nearly exclusively) breastfed. A meta-
into account individual circumstances, may be appropriate.
analysis of 988 infants enrolled in 3 randomized controlled trials of
All clinical reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics
automatically expire 5 years after publication unless reaffirmed,
continuous KMC begun in the first postnatal week in low- or middle-
revised, or retired at or before that time. income countries found a 51% reduction in mortality among infants with a birth weight ,2000 g (relative risk: 0.49 [95% confidence interval:
0.29–0.82]).1 Although the methods of this review have come under
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-2335
question,2 a Cochrane meta-analysis of 18 trials of continuous KMC begun
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275). before postnatal day 10 in infants with a birth weight ,2500 g also
Copyright © 2015 by the American Academy of Pediatrics showed significantly reduced mortality and morbidity at discharge or 40

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to 41 weeks’ postmenstrual age and In addition, SSC promotes the generally not affected, suggesting
at follow-up; it also found a decreased participation of the mother and father possible observer bias in scoring
incidence of health care–related in the infant’s care, strengthens the behavioral indicators. However, small
sepsis and an improvement in family role in the care of a fragile studies have reported reduced
some measures of infant growth, infant, and decreases feelings of cortisol concentrations and decreased
breastfeeding, and mother-infant helplessness.10 Mothers report less autonomic indicators of pain in
attachment.3 Thirteen of these 18 stress and more satisfaction with preterm infants during SSC.19,20 The
studies were conducted in low- to NICU care, and both parents are more authors of the Cochrane review
middle-income countries. responsive to their infant’s cues.3,8–12 recommend confirmatory studies of
Intermittent skin-to-skin care (SSC) in previous findings and call for new
The evidence is less clear for
NICUs in resource-rich countries studies examining optimal duration of
a beneficial effect regarding sleep and
differs from traditional KMC in that it SSC, use in different gestational age
neurobehavioral maturation. One
is usually used for varying, shorter groups, effects of repeated use, and
report found increased frontal brain
periods of time; can be offered to less long-term effects.18
activity during both quiet and
stable and technology-supported active sleep, which is thought Risks
infants; and can be performed by to be predictive of improved
both parents. Intermittent SSC in Investigators initially postulated that
neurobehavioral outcomes.13 Other
resource-rich countries has not been continuous KMC would promote
studies using electroencephalography
associated with decreased mortality, colonization with maternal flora
and polysomnography data indicate
although data are currently rather than resistant hospital flora.
that preterm infants who receive SSC
insufficient to determine an effect.3 Consistent with this hypothesis, meta-
have more mature sleep organization,
However, it is widely offered to analyses of randomized controlled
with increased total and quiet sleep, trials in resource-limited countries
parents for other perceived benefits, decreased REM sleep and arousals
such as enhancing attachment, have exhibited fewer episodes of
from sleep, and an improvement in sepsis, necrotizing enterocolitis, and
parental self-esteem, and sleep cycling.14,15 They also appeared
breastfeeding.4,5 pneumonia.1,3 However, infections
more alert and observant and spent may be spread among mothers,
less time crying. Two cohort studies infants, and caregivers, particularly in
found that infants receiving SSC multiple-bed units, as has been
EVIDENCE demonstrated better autonomic reported for respiratory syncytial
Benefits regulation and maternal–infant virus and tuberculosis.21,22 Although
interactions at term gestation, as well a recent report described an
The most substantial evidence of as higher scores on the Bayley Scales
benefit from SSC is for breastfeeding. association between SSC and
of Infant Development–Second development of methicillin-resistant
Individual randomized controlled Edition at 6 or 12 months of age.8,16
trials and a systematic review have Staphylococcus aureus infections
Of the infants enrolled in the second among infants in 1 NICU (particularly
shown that intermittent SSC is
study, 117 were followed up to those with very low birth weights),
associated with longer and more
10 years of age, and the authors the authors did not believe that
exclusive breastfeeding and higher
reported that those who received SSC there was a causal relationship.23
volumes of expressed milk.6,7 The
showed attenuated stress response, Parents should be monitored
systematic review reported that short
improved autonomic functioning, for skin infections and might
periods of SSC (up to 1 hour at all
better-organized sleep, and better need cleansing of the skin before
visits) increased the duration of any
cognitive control.17 infant contact. Some experts
breastfeeding, variably reported by
different studies as 1 month after SSC has also been advocated for the consider infants with open lesions
discharge (relative risk: 4.76 [95% nonpharmacologic management of (eg, open neural tube defects,
confidence interval: 1.19–19.10]) or procedural pain. A Cochrane review abdominal wall defects) to be
for more than 6 weeks (relative risk: of the effect of SSC for relief of particularly at risk.
1.95 [95% confidence interval: procedural pain concluded that it Most studies of physiologic stability
1.03–3.70]) among clinically stable seemed to be effective for a single during SSC have been performed on
infants in industrialized nations.7 A painful procedure such as a heel stable, nonintubated infants. One
number of studies have also indicated lance, as measured by using meta-analysis reported a statistically
that SSC may improve a mother’s composite pain indicators.18 The but not clinically significant increase
attachment or bonding and her review found that behavioral in body temperature (0.22°C) and
feeling of being needed by or indicators of pain tended to favor SSC, a decrease in oxygen saturation
comfortable with her infant.3,8–12 whereas physiologic indicators were (0.60%) in 190 term and 326

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PEDIATRICS Volume 136, number 3, September 2015 599
Skin-to-Skin Care for Term and Preterm Infants in the Neonatal ICU
Pediatrics 2015;136;596
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Skin-to-Skin Care for Term and Preterm Infants in the Neonatal ICU
Pediatrics 2015;136;596
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2015-2335 originally published online August 31, 2015;

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