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2021 Fall WGST 111-01 Mx.

OVERVIEW For this assignment you will select a song of your choice (use the written example you already
submitted or draw from the class Spotify list if you need direction) and analyze its gender or genderqueer
content. How does the song reinforce or subvert traditional rules or assumptions about gender? Or, contrarily,
how does it explore or attempt to define what it means to be genderqueer (LGBTQIA2S+, trans*, non-binary,
gender non-conforming)? You response will be in the form of an audio clip of 30-45 seconds. Your audio when
finished should be uploaded to your personal ePortfolio and the link shared with the instructor on eLearn.

FORMAT The audio project you submit will contain 3 parts. The first part is a simple introduction of the
artist and song (or any important background to the song; your introduction assumes the listener is not
familiar with the song or artist). Second, is the audio from the song itself of the section you wish to highlight in
your analysis. Third is commentary from you in which you provide gender-based analysis of the song (focusing
on the song more than the performer). A thesis statement or argument is not required. You may cite a class
reading or keyword but no works cited page or element is required.

CLOSE LISTENING This is a “close listening”

assignment that asks you to pay close attention to the
song itself as an artifact that calls for
gender/genderqueer analysis. The biographical details of
the performer (are they gay/straight/ally) or insight into
that artist’s fan community/audience might merit a
sentence of mention in your audio project. However,
most of your analysis should center around the specific
song and song lyrics, drawing as much of its evidence as
possible from what is heard, sung, or said in the
performance. How does the song itself or the voice of the performer bend or reinforce the rules and
expectations of its genre (e.g., country, hip hop, rock, EDM, Bollywood soundtrack, etc.)? Refer to the song lyrics
in your audio as needed. Re-reading them as part of your commentary is not required but is an option.

REQUIREMENTS Your paper should make use of a minimum of one song from our class Spotify list (add your
song if it does not appear there). Using sources from outside the class is allowed but not required.

CITATIONS No Works Cited page is required for this project.

PLATFORMS This assignment does not require technological expertise and can be easily recorded using the
in-built microphone in a phone or computer. Podcast software like Anchor or an independent sound editing
app like Audacity or GarageBand can make it easier to get a final file that is easy to upload and share.

SUBMISSION Your final assignment will be submitted on your Capilano University ePortfolio
( ). On a page on your ePortfolio include a copy of the song in either mp3
format or an embedded YouTube video or Soundcloud file.
* IMPORTANT When you have completed your project post the link to your ePortfolio page in the assignment
submission link on eLearn. You only need submit the link on eLearn in order to receive credit for this

EPORTFOLIOS Every student at Capilano University should have a functioning ePortfolio. If you have not
set up your ePortfolio here is a refresher/introductory video for doing so. See the course instructor if you have
questions. If you need a refresher for how our ePortfolios work, our campus Student Digital Ambassadors
(SDAs) are always a good resource. SDAs are your peers and are there for technical and assignment support of
all kinds. They have weekly hours on Teams here or you can reach SDA team members by email at

GUIDELINES This audio project will be marked according to the following: clarity of presentation of your
ideas, including the absence of grammatical and other sentence-level errors; precision of listening detail
and/or reading comprehension; ability to support your claims with reference to elements of your chosen song;
depth and rigor of argument and analysis; and adherence to requirements of the assignment.

DUE DATE FRIDAY JUNE 10 by 8pm Upload link on eLearn is in the week in which it is due.

*IMAGE: Grammy winner Sophie Xeon.

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