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Effect of Intestinal Microbial Ecology

on the Developing Brain
Martha Douglas-Escobar, MD; Elizabeth Elliott; Josef Neu, MD

he mammalian gastrointestinal tract harbors a highly diverse microbial population that
plays a major role in nutrition, metabolism, protection against pathogens, and devel-
opment of the immune system. It is estimated that at least 1000 different bacterial spe-
cies cohabit the human intestinal tract. Most recently, the Human Microbiome Proj-
ect, using new genomic technologies, has started a catalog of specific microbiome composition and
its correlation with health and specific diseases. Herein we provide a brief review of the intestinal
microbiome, with a focus on new studies showing that there is an important link between the mi-
crobes that inhabit the intestinal tract and the developing brain. With future research, an under-
standing of this link may help us to treat various neurobehavioral problems such as autism, schizo-
phrenia, and anxiety. JAMA Pediatr. 2013;167(4):374-379. Published online February 11, 2013.

Evolutionary adaptations of the human tant synergies between microbe and host,
host to intestinal microbes have led to their and when these synergies are disturbed,
symbiotic and commensal relationship.1 it might be possible to better understand
After the birth of a child, diverse classes how microbe and host interact and to de-
of microbes from the environment colo- velop new treatment strategies for impor-
nize the newborn’s gastrointestinal tract, tant diseases (such as inflammatory bowel
forming the intestinal microbiome, a com- disease and necrotizing enterocolitis) and
plex ecosystem with a number of cells that autoimmune diseases (such as type 1 dia-
are greater than all the somatic cells of the betes, allergies, and asthma).
human by an order of magnitude and har-
boring approximately 150 times as many ROLES OF THE MICROBIOTA
genes as the human genome. Various
factors are involved in the development Metabolic Role
of this complex ecosystem. The infant’s
gestational age, mode of delivery, type of Although often thought of as pathogens,
nutrition, and early use of antibiotics the vast majority of microbes harbored in
modify the composition of this micro- our intestinal tracts are thought to have
biome and may have significant and long- beneficial effects. These commensal and
lasting effects.2-4 symbiotic microbiota have varied roles
The use of newly developed nonculture- in the human host; they are directly in-
based technologies is providing new in- volved in synthesizing vitamins and co-
sights into the temporal colonization pat- factors, breaking down complex lipids
terns in infants born at term5,6 or preterm.7-9 and polysaccharides, and detoxifying
The combination of emerging microbial waste particles.10 Microbes can alter me-
genomic technologies with metabolic and tabolism by extracting 40% to 50% of the
immunologic analyses is revealing impor- available energy from nutrients,11 thus
playing a role in obesity. Through fermen-
Author Affiliations: Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, University tation, the microbiota produce short-
of Florida, Gainesville. chain fatty acids that play important roles



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as colonocyte fuel sources and in the maintenance of epi-
thelial junctional integrity.12 This in turn may relate to
disorders for which a “leaky gut” antecedes the devel- Gut bacteria
opment of disease, such as type 1 diabetes.13
Intestinal wall
Immunologic Role un
Over the past couple of decades, the intestinal micro-
biota have become recognized as key components in the Rec
development of the immune system. The intestine is the ors
largest and most complex immune organ of the body. Be-
tween 70% and 80% of the body’s immune cells are in
the gut-associated lymphoid tissue, and they can sense
changes in the microbiota through specific gastrointes- Central nervous
tinal cells and receptors. Lymphocyte accumulation and system
differentiation in the gastrointestinal tract can be trig-
gered by changes in microbiota composition.14 Even more
Immune system
important, the interaction between the gastrointestinal
cells and the commensal bacteria fosters immunological
tolerance, whereas the interaction with pathogens trig- Figure 1. Enteric nervous system, providing bidirectional communication
gers inflammatory responses.15 This cross talk between between gastrointestinal cells and the central nervous system. Intestinal
epithelial cells mediate interactions between gut bacteria and the central
microbiota and gut mucosal cells (enterocyctes, den- nervous system or the immune system. As bacteria (shown in green) in the
dritic cells, lymphocytes, macrophages, and M cells) regu- intestine come into contact with receptors (shown in black) on the intestinal
lates the production of various cytokines and chemo- wall cell surface, the receptors transmit signals to the central nervous
system via the vagus nerve pathways (curved arrow to central nervous
kines. These can be proinflammatory, such as IL-8 and system) and to the immune system (curved arrow) via Toll-like receptor
IL-1, or anti-inflammatory, such as IL-10 and transform- pathways.
ing growth factor ␤. Anti-inflammatory cytokines are es-
sential to counteract excessive bowel inflammation.16 An- proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory agents.23,24 Fur-
other important host-protection pathway is the microbiota ther evidence of the gut microbes’ involvement in obe-
stimulation of TH17 cells to eliminate extracellular patho- sity was evidenced in a study25 showing that germ-free
gens.17 Recent publications18 elucidated that specific bac- mice were protected from diet-induced obesity when com-
terial carbohydrates (such as polysaccharide A) can in- pared with mice with a normal gut flora because of in-
duce innate and adaptive responses, which are important creased adenosine monophosphate–activated protein ki-
in homeostasis through Toll-like receptors. nase activity and elevated levels of fasting-induced adipose
There are several interfaces between the immune re- factor. The gut microbiota composition is also involved
sponses and the microbiota. Toll-like receptors are a fam- in food allergies owing to its regulatory roles in TH2, which
ily of pattern-recognition receptors that are able to iden- is thought to interact with the specific glycoproteins,
tify specific microbial cellular components, such as which are associated with allergic responses.26 For ex-
lipopolysaccharide and lipoteichoic acid. These enable ample, infants colonized with Clostridium difficile were
the host to differentiate between commensal and patho- found to be at higher risk for developing eczema, recur-
genic bacteria.19 If pathogens cross the intestinal muco- rent wheeze, and allergic sensation.27
sal barrier, Toll-like receptors can trigger further inflam-
matory and immune responses. In addition, Toll-like THE MICROBIOME, THE BRAIN,
receptors have important immunoregulatory and non- AND BEHAVIOR
immune functions, including maintenance of epithelial
homeostasis, protection from epithelial injury, and mu- Our brain is intricately connected to our gut through the
cosal repair.20 Rakoff-Nahoum et al20 showed that there enteric nervous system, a very complex and extensive sys-
was extensive erosion of the intestinal epithelium and mu- tem that encompasses between 200 and 600 million neu-
codepletion of glands 5 days after the administration of rons.28 The enteric nervous system provides a bidirec-
dextran sulfate sodium (an agent known to be directly tional communication between gastrointestinal cells and
toxic to the colon). This further suggests that Toll-like the central nervous system29 (Figure 1). Current cutting-
receptor signaling could be involved in the altered be- edge research has described the ability of enteric mi-
havior that is induced by intestinal dysbiosis.20 The mecha- crobes to communicate with the brain and has led to the
nisms of these functions are currently topics of intense coining of the term brain-gut-enteric microbiota axis.30 This
investigation. axis is important in brain development, behavior, and gene
An individual’s intestinal microbiota composition could expression.
be associated with disease processes. For instance, mi- Sudo et al31 were one of the first groups of authors to
crobial variation has been associated with the pathogen- investigate the role that the microbiome played in the hy-
esis of obesity, the induction of hepatic lipogenesis,21 and pothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system. Germ-free–reared
chronic fatigue syndrome.22 In animal models, changes mice had exaggerated stress-anxiety behavior with in-
in gut flora can protect against type 1 diabetes by modu- creased corticosterone and adrenocorticotropin levels
lating mucosal oxidative stress and the balance between compared with specific-pathogen–free (SPF) mice.31



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Germ-free mice colonized with the fecal matter of SPF ses might contribute to the psychiatric disturbances
mice partially normalized their behavior, and animals with seen in patients with intestinal diseases.
probiotics (Bifidobacterium infantis) totally reverted to a Lyte et al34 demonstrated behavioral changes in mice
normal behavior. This research found a decrease in brain- after they were infected with Campylobacter jejuni. These
derived neurotrophic factor and in the expression of sub- animals displayed a significant increase in anxiety-like
unit 2a of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in the cortex behaviors within several hours of infection, indicating
and hippocampus of germ-free animals compared with that it was not due to a cytokine-induced immune reac-
SPF controls. Thus, brain-derived neurotrophic factor is tion. Most recently, Goehler et al35 demonstrated that C
a neurotrophin factor, which is often associated with jejuni activates vagal ascending pathways, which are spe-
change in brain plasticity in response to alterations in in- cific pathways connected to anxiety-like behavior. These
testinal microbial ecology.31 We can speculate that the experiments, examined together, show that the neural
normal development of the microbiome is necessary to system is able to detect an acute change in gut compo-
stimulate brain plasticity. Diaz Heijtz and colleagues32 sition and elicit a reaction.36 In addition, mice receiving
found that there was differential expression of synapto- long-term treatment with probiotics (Lactobacillus rham-
physin and PSD-95, proteins that are specifically in- nosus) expressed changes in brain neurotransmitters and
volved in synaptogenesis pathways, when changing the displayed a reduction in anxiety and depressive behav-
gastrointestinal colonization in mice. These proteins were iors. This effect was not present in vagotomized mice,
decreased in the striatum of germ-free mice and mice that thus identifying the vagus nerve as one of the important
were adult conventionalized offspring when compared pathways of bidirectional communication between mi-
with SPF mice, which suggests that synaptophysin and crobiota and the brain.37
PSD-95 are subject to modulation by gut microbiota and Another important concept of the interaction be-
that, without them, synaptogenesis and synaptic vesicle tween microbiota and the brain is the possibility of sen-
maturation could be delayed.32 In summary, gut micro- sitive or critical periods in which these interactions could
biota modulate a range of neurotrophins and proteins in- modulate brain development and overall function.31-33 In
volved in brain development and plasticity. animal models, the early introduction of normal mi-
Other studies have investigated the behavioral phe- crobes in mice initially exposed to a germ-free environ-
notypes associated with changes in gastrointestinal mi- ment normalized their behavior compared with con-
crobial ecology. Diaz Heijtz et al32 found that germ-free trols. But if the introduction of normal microbes occurred
mice showed greater exploratory activity and a greater after many weeks, the animals failed to normalize their
total distance traveled in an open-field activity box when behavior38 (Table).
compared with SPF mice, suggesting decreased anxiety- The observation that most individuals with autism
like behavior and increased motor activity. This conclu- spectrum disorders had gastrointestinal problems lead re-
sion was supported by elevated noradrenaline levels, dopa- searchers to explore the hypothesis that gastrointestinal
mine levels, and serotonin turnover rates in the striatum, disorders could contribute to worsening behavioral prob-
which have all been previously associated with anxiety- lems, such as decreased concentration, aggression, and/or
like behavior.32 The study32 also found that germ-free mice self-abuse. A recent study by Adam et al39 found a strong
that were colonized with normal microbiota early in life correlation between gastrointestinal symptoms and au-
displayed similar characteristics as SPF mice, including tism severity, which indicates that children with more
decreased levels of synaptophysin and PSD-95. These re- severe autism are likely to have more severe gastrointes-
sults suggested that changes in microbiota could alter mo- tinal symptoms and vice versa. Thus, it is possible that
tor activity and anxiety-like behavior. autistic symptoms are exacerbated by or even partially
In a study33 of germ-free and SPF mice that under- due to the underlying gastrointestinal problems. Never-
went vagotomy or chemical sypathectomy, a link has theless, correlation is not causality, and other research-
been found between the intestinal microbiota and be- ers started to look for mechanistic explanations for this
havior that is dependent on these connections. Bercik et observation. Therefore, there has been an attempt to re-
al33 also found similar results with SPF mice that were late these gastrointestinal problems with an abnormal gut
treated with antibiotics for 7 days. These mice displayed flora, differential activity of digestive enzymes, or al-
increased motor activity (stepping down more quickly tered intestinal permeability.39,40 Most recently, Adams
from an elevated platform and displaying an increased et al39 and Iebba et al40 described changes in the gut flora
number of transitions between dark and light compart- of autistic patients with higher concentrations of Lacto-
ments of an elevated plus maze) and a correlated in- bacillus and lower concentrations of Enterococcus. Nev-
creased level of brain-derived neurotrophic factor that ertheless, it is important to note that this is an interest-
could explain the behavioral changes observed.33 Cyto- ing observation but that more research is needed
kine levels in tissue samples from the colon and small to understand the physiopathology of autism as it re-
intestine were analyzed, but no difference was found in lates to an altered microbiome.
gut inflammation or specific enteric neurotransmitter
levels between the mice that exhibited the altered be- SPECULATIONS OF FACTORS
havioral phenotype and the mice that did not.33 There- AFFECTING MICROBIAL ECOLOGY
fore, changes in behavior were not autonomically medi- THAT MAY AFFECT HEALTH
ated, and neither the parasympathetic nor sympathetic
pathways were involved in the behavioral alterations Because the development of the microbiota is affected by
observed.33 Such findings suggest that bacterial dysbio- so many clinical factors, including mode of delivery, feed-



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Table. Microbiota Changes in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Mice and the Effect of These Changes on the CNS a

Source Experimental Design CNS Effects Implications of the Study

Sudo et al,31 2004 GF mice vs GF mice with GF mice had and exaggerated stress response. Microbiota play an important role in the
recolonized gut vs GF GF mice with recolonized gut had less stress development of stress response.
mice with probiotics response, and GF mice treated with probiotics Early in life, there is a critical window
totally reversed the changes in stress response when colonization of the gut should
(to normal stress response). occur to ensure normal development
of the HPA system.
Diaz Heijtz et al,32 GF mice, GF mice with early GF mice display increased motor activity and Normal microbial gut colonization
2011 gut colonization, and reduced anxiety, compared with SPF mice with a affects development of neuronal
SPF mice normal gut microbiota. GF mice colonized early circuits involved in motor control and
in life with normal microbiota display similar anxiety behavior.
characteristics as SPF mice, including a
decreased levels of synaptophysin and PSD-95.
Bercik et al,33 SPF mice and GF mice SPF mice treated with antibiotics (with or without Changes in microbiota can change
2011 treated with vagotomy) transiently altered their microbiota and motor activity and neurotrophins
nonabsorbable antibiotics had increased exploratory behavior and independently of the autonomic
for 7 d hippocampal expression of BDNF. Colonization nervous system.
of GF mice with microbiota increased exploratory
behavior and BDNF levels in the hippocampus.
Lyte et al,34 1998 Mice infected with Mice infected with acute subclinical C jejuni had There is evidence of rapid and sustained
Campylobacter jejuni vs rapid activation of vagal pathways and anxiety-like gut-brain communication in response
mice infected with behavior. Mice infected with H pylori had to changes in microbiota. Behavioral
chronic Helicobacter abnormal feeding behavior. changes can be observed after
pylori changes in microbiota.
Goehler et al,36 Mice infected with C jejuni Infection with C jejuni activated neurons in the Peripheral sensory neurons contribute
2005 nucleus of the solitary tract, as well as in brain an early signal to the brain regarding
regions associated with primary viscera-sensory changes in the microbiota (such
pathways and the central autonomic network. as new potential pathogens).
Bravo et al,37 Mice receiving long-term Treatment with L rhamnosus induced Probiotic bacteria have the potential
2011 treatment with region-dependent alterations in GABA (B1b) to modulate behavior with regard
Lactobacillus rhamnosus mRNA in the brain of these mice compared to anxiety and depression.
with controls. Treatment with L rhamnosus
reduced levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.
Neufeld et al,38 GF mice vs SPF mice GF mice had less anxiety-like behavior compared Is it possible that a critical window may
2011 with conventionally reared SPF mice. exist after which reconstitution
Conventionalized adult GF mice failed to normalize of microbiota and the immune system
their behavior. does not normalize the behavioral

Abbreviations: BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CNS, central nervous system; GABA, ␥-aminobutyric acid; GF, germ-free; HPA, hypothalamic-
pituitary-adrenal; mRNA, messenger RNA; SPF, specific-pathogen–free.
a Changes in the environment where animals are reared change the animal’s microbiota. Experiments using GF mice (with no bacteria in their gastrointestinal
tracts) and conventionalized mice (originally GF mice that have had bacteria reintroduced to their intestinal tracts) showed changes in brain development and
animal behavior.

ing mechanism, antibiotic or probiotic treatment, and con- diarrhea, stimulate humoral and cellular immunity, and
tact with parents, siblings, and hospital staff, the clini- decrease production of unfavorable metabolites, after an-
cal implications of this recently published link between tibiotic use.43 Can these findings be extended to neo-
microbiota and the nervous system pose some intrigu- nates, even preterm neonates? What other factors can
ing questions (Figure 2). For example, what effect does change the microbiome? Besides the known benefits of
early use of antibiotics have on neonates, especially dur- reducing the number of apneas and stabilizing oxygen
ing critical periods such as the first year of life? Antibi- saturation, respiration, and heart rate, does skin-to-skin
otics are often used in newborns admitted to the inten- contact (“kangaroo care”) provide a “natural” source of
sive care unit; however, routine antibiotic use does not maternal microbes to repopulate neonatal gut micro-
have a statistically significant effect on the incidence of biota? Breast milk favors the growth of certain commen-
sepsis or mortality with regard to newborns.41 Cotton et sal bacterial species and offers approximately 109 live bac-
al42 found that prolonged antibiotic use in preterm neo- teria per liter.44 Could we use breast milk or a changing
nates can be correlated with a higher incidence of nec- diet to modulate the microbiome and therefore protect
rotizing enterocolitis. If antibiotic use alters the compo- against diseases and protect brain development? Could
sition and function of gut microbiota long after the early breastfeeding prevent diseases through mecha-
administration of antibiotics has stopped, should we ad- nisms related to microbiota changes? When and for how
vocate for the repopulation of gut microbiota after anti- long do these factors exert their effects? Early life expo-
biotic use or after gastrointestinal diseases, and can this sures may be necessary, especially when considering the
play any role in brain plasticity? Are probiotics good can- possibility of epigenetic programming mechanisms. As
didates for this sort of treatment? Studies in adults have developing tissues are exposed to different bacterial spe-
shown that probiotic use can decrease the incidence of cies, epigenetics may come into play by influencing gene



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terial support: Douglas-Escobar and Neu. Study supervi-
Antibiotic use
sion: Douglas-Escobar and Neu.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None reported.
Feeding Delivery Funding/Support: This work was supported by the Na-
mode Environmental bacteria mode tional Institute of Child Health and Human Develop-
ment (grant RO1 HD 059143 to Dr Neu).
Probiotic External factors

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