Assessment 1 Guidance - Self Reflection

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Entrepreneurial And Intrapreneurial Leadership BS4S111

Assessment 1 Brief: A self-reflective exploration of leadership in a contemporary

global context Word Count: 3000

N.B. This word count does not include the reference list.

Marking Criteria:

The work is marked using the standard postgraduate assessment criteria using the

- Relevance
- Knowledge
- Analysis
- Argument and Structure
- Critical Evaluation
- Presentation
Remember to critically underpin your discussion using appropriate sources and your
work must be fully referenced.

You must submit Assignment electronically through UniLearn (Turnitin) by 20 th June

2022 23.59 (UK time).

Under university regulations you are permitted to submit your work up to 5 working
days after this date, but the grade will be capped at 40%. Any work submitted after
this time will be zero graded unless extenuating circumstances have been approved.
Faculty of Business and Society Marking Criteria for Postgraduate Assessments - Module marking
Grade Relevance Knowledge Analysis Argument and Critical Presentation Reference to
Structure Evaluation Literature

86 – 100% The work examined is exemplary and provides clear evidence of a complete grasp of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the
level of the qualification. There is also ample excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and skills appropriate to that level are fully
satisfied. The work is exemplary in all the categories shown above and demonstrates a particularly compelling evaluation, originality, and elegance
of argument, interpretation or discourse.

76-85% The work examined is outstanding and demonstrates comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the level of the
qualification. There is also excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and skills appropriate to that level are fully satisfied. The work
is outstanding in the majority of the categories shown above or demonstrates particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument,
interpretation or discourse.

The work examined is excellent and is evidence of comprehensive knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the level of the qualification.

There is also excellent evidence showing that all the learning outcomes and skills appropriate to that level are satisfied. The work will be excellent in
70 – 75% the majority of the categories shown above or demonstrates particularly compelling evaluation and elegance of argument, interpretation or

Directly relevant A substantial Comprehensive Well supported, Contains Well written, with Critical appraisal
to the knowledge of analysis - clear and focussed distinctive or standard spelling of up-to-date
60 – 69% requirements of relevant material, orderly presentation argument which independent and grammar, in a and/or appropriate
the assessment showing a clear is clear and thinking; and readable style with literature.
grasp of themes, logically begins to acceptable format Recognition of
questions and structured. formulate an different
issues therein independent perspectives.
position in Very good use of
relation to theory a wide range of
and/or practice. sophisticated

source material.
A reasonable Adequate Reasonable Generally It will contain Competently Draws on a good
attempt to knowledge of a fair analytical treatment coherent and some distinctive written, with only variety of
50 – 59% address the range of relevant which has a clear logically or independent minor lapses from literature which
requirements of material, with purpose structured, using thinking; may standard includes recent
the assessment: intermittent an appropriate begin to grammar, with texts and/or
may drift away evidence of an mode of formulate an acceptable format appropriate
from this in less appreciation of its argument. independent literature including
focused passages significance position in a range of
relation to theory appropriate
and/or practice. source material.

40 – 49% Some correlation Basic Some analytical Some attempt to Work which A simple basic Evidence of use
with the understanding of treatment, but may construct a expresses a style but with of appropriate
requirements of the subject but be prone to coherent coherent position significant literature.
the assessment addressing a description, or to argument, but only in broad deficiencies in Frequently only
but there is a limited range of narrative, which lacks may suffer loss terms and in expression or uses a single
significant degree material clear analytical of focus and uncritical format that may source to support
of irrelevance purpose consistency. conformity to one pose obstacles for a point. Weak use
or more standard the reader of quotation.

views of the topic

35 – 39% Relevance to the A limited Largely descriptive or A basic Some evidence Numerous Barely adequate
requirements of understanding of a narrative, with little argument is of a view starting deficiencies in use of literature.
the assessment narrow range of evidence of analysis evident, but to be formed but expression and Over reliance on
may be very material there is a lack mainly presentation; the material provided
intermittent, and of clarity and derivative. writer may achieve by the tutor.
may be reduced coherence clarity (if at all)
to its vaguest and only by using a
least challenging simplistic or
terms repetitious style

The evidence provided shows that the majority of the learning outcomes and skills appropriate to that Level are satisfied.

30 – 34% The work examined provides insufficient evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the qualification. The
evidence provided shows that some of the learning outcomes and skills appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in some of the

0-29% The work examined is unacceptable and provides little or no evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the Level of the
qualification. The evidence shows that few if any of the learning outcomes and skills appropriate to that Level are satisfied. The work will be weak in
the majority or all of the indicators.

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