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TASK 2 - CHEMISTRY Properties of the Samples

PURPOSE: What are the chemical and physical properties of the samples taken from the planet? MATERIALS: Various samples (A & B) taken from the planet splints 2M Hydrochloric acid (HCl) burner 6 Test tubes Wooden Bunsen

SAFETY: NEVER LEAVE A LIT BUNSEN BURNER UNATTENDED!! (Marks will be deducted if a student is observed doing this; therefore, be sure that you are ready to do your gas tests before lighting your Bunsen burner) *Note: If you require assistance from the teacher to light your Bunsen burner you will lose 2 marks! PROCEDURE: 1. Obtain 6 clean, dry test tubes and number them #1 - #6.
2. 3.

To each test tube, add 3ml (approximately 2 finger-widths) of HCl. Obtain planet sample A. Record the physical properties of sample A in the chart provided. Add a small amount (pea-size) of sample A to each of test tubes #1 to #3. Record your observations in the chart provided. Wait about two minutes and perform the following gas tests to identify the gas produced. i) test tube #1 test for hydrogen gas ii) test tube #2 test for oxygen gas iii) test tube #3 test for carbon dioxide gas Record your observations for all three gas tests in the chart provided. Obtain planet sample B. Record the physical properties of sample B in the chart provided. Add a small amount (pea-size) of sample B to each of test tubes #4 to #6. Record your observations in the chart provided.





8. Wait about two minutes and perform the following gas tests to identify the gas produced. iv) test tube #4 test for hydrogen gas v) test tube #5 test for oxygen gas vi) test tube #6 test for carbon dioxide gas Record your observations for all three gas tests in the chart provided.

ANALYSIS: (10 Marks total) *Answer the following questions in the space provided. Be sure to answer in complete sentences and do not use any ambiguous terms (e.g. it was blue, what was blue? be specific!) 1. What type of change (chemical, physical or no change) occurred when: a) Sample A was added to acid? How do you know? (2 marks)


Sample B was added to acid? How do you know? (2 marks)


a) What gas was produced when sample A was added to acid? (1


b) Outline the steps for testing for this gas. (2 marks)


a) What gas was produced when sample B was added to acid? (1


b) Outline the steps for testing for this gas. (2 marks)

CONCLUSION: (3 Marks) *Write a conclusion as you would do for any regular laboratory report. Write the conclusion in the space provided for you here.

TASK 2: Properties of the Samples OBSERVATIONS: (12 Marks) Sampl e Physical Properties Observations during reaction Observations during Gas Test for: Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen dioxide Gas produced

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