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SCHAUM’S SOLVED PROBLEMS SERIES | 2500 SOLVED PROB COEEE ALGEB TRIGONG Philip * A complete and expert source of problems with lutio col an i ity students. lege so * Solutio! to follow, and teach the * Usable with any textbook. SCHAUM’S SOLVED PROBLEMS SERIES 2500 SOLVED PROBLEMS IN COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY y Philip Schmidt, Ph.D. State University of New York at New Paltz ID Philip Schmidt, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Secondary Education, SUNY cat New Paltz, New York Dr. Schmidt has « B.S. from Brooklyn College (with a major in mathematics) and fan M.A. in mathematics and a Ph.D. in mathematics education from Syracuse University. He i currently professor of secondary education at SUNY New Paltz, where he coordinates the secondary mathematics education program. He is the author of 3000 Solved Problems in Precalculus as well as numerous journal articles, He recently completed a revision of the late Barnett Rich's Geometry. ‘The following figures were reproduced with permission from Ayres, Schaum's Oulline Series: Theory and Problems of First Year College Mathematics, McGraw-Hill, 1958: figures §.11-5.13, 9.1S-9.21, 9.32-9.45, 10.49-10.57, and 11,29-11.32. Project supervision was done by The Total Book. Libeary of Congress Cataloging-in Publication Data Schmid, Philip A. 2500 solved problems in college algebra and trigonometry / by Philip Schmidt 1p. on—(Schaum’s solved problems series) ISBN 007-055373-4 1, Algebra Problems, exercises, etc. 2. Trigorometry.-Problems, exercises, ete. I. Title. Il. Tite: Twenty-five hundred solved problems in college algebra and trigonometry. TIL. Series. (QA1575247 1991 5121.13 076—de20 078522 cP 234567590 SHP/SHP 9543210 ISBN 0-0?-055373-4 Copyright © 1991 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Excepi as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, RO part Of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form oF by any ‘means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 (Chapter 7 Chapter 9 Chapter 10, (Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Appendix CONTENTS REVIEW OF BASIC ALGEBRA 1 1.1 Sets and the Natural Numbers / 1.2 Real Numbers and the Number Line / 1.3 Integral and Rational Exponents / 1.4 Algebraic Expressions / 1.5 Factoring and Fractional Expressions / 1.6 Complex Numbers EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES "a 2.1 Linear Equations / 2.2 Nonlinear Equations / 2.3 Linear Inequalities / 2.4 Absolute Value / 2.5 Nonlinear Inequalities / 2.6 Miseellaneous Problems GRAPHS, RELATIONS, AND FUNCTIONS st 3.1 Cartesian Coordinate System / 3.2 Relations and Functions / 3.3 Graph of a Function / 3.4 Step Functions and Continuity / 3.5 Linear Functions / 3.6 Algebra of Functions / 3.7 Problem Solving and Formulas / 3.8 Miscellaneous Problems POLYNOMIAL AND RATIONAL FUNCTIONS 2 4.1 Polynomial Eunctions / 4.2 Graphing Polynomial Functions / 4.3 Synthetic Division / 4:4 Fundamental Theorem of Algebra / 4.5 Rational and Algebraic Functions SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES, 126 5.1 Systems of Linear Equations / 5.2 Matrices and Determinants / 5.3 Systems of Nonlinear Equations / 5.4 Systems of Inequalities. EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS: m 6.1 Exponential Functions / 62 Logarithmic Functions / 6.3 Properties of Log Functions / 6.4 Natural and Common Logarithms / 6.5 Logarithmic and Exponential Equations ‘TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 203 7.1 Angle Measurement / 7.2 Trigonometric Functions / 7.3 Inverse Trigonometric Functions / 7.4 Graphing the Trigonometric Functions ‘TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES 21 8.1 Elementary Identities / 8.2 Addition and Subtraction Identities / 8.3 Double- and Half-Angle Idemities/ 8.4 Product and Sum Identities / 8.5 Miscellaneous Identities / 8.6 Trigonometric Equations ADDITIONAL TOPICS IN TRIGONOMETRY m 9.1 Right Triangles / 9.2 Law of Sines / 9.3 Law of Cosines / 9.4 Vectors CONIC SECTIONS mn 10.1 The Circle / 10.2 The Parabola / 10.3 The Ellipse / 10.4 The Hyperbola / 10.5 Miscellaneous Problems THE COMPLEX NUMBERS 37 11.1 Polar Form / 11.2 Roots and De Moivre’s Theorem / 11.3 Miscellaneous Problems SEQUENCES, SERIES, AND PROBABILITY 330 12.1 Sequences / 12.2 Series / 12.3 Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences / 12.4 Geometric Series / 12.5 Binomial Theorem / 12.6 Permutations, Combinations, and Probability TABLES uo A.1 The Exponential Function / A.2 Common Logarithms / A.3 Trigonometric Functions of an Angle / A.4 Trigonometric Functions of a Real Number TO THE STUDENT There are many ways in which you can use this book. If you are currently enrolled in a college algebra/trigonometry course, use the table of contents and index to locate problems for the topic that you are currently studying. Notice that for the most important (and most common) problem types, multiple examples are given. Read through several problems carefully, try to do the rest without looking at the given solutions, and then check yourself with the solutions. Keep in mind that for any topic, you should do as many problems as possible. You may not be able to solve them all; they range from very straightforward to moderate to difficult and very difficult. You will find that problem-solving techniques are scattered throughout the book: these include techniques for solving particular kinds of problems, as well as general mathematical techniques, If you are using this book as a review (or study aid) prior to enrolling in a precalculus or calculus course, be aware that it can also help you review (or learn or relearn) topics in algebra and trigonometry while you're in the precalculus course Towe thanks to many people for their assistance with this book: John Aliano, Executive Editor at McGraw-Hill, for his great confidence; Cathy Decker-Coffey, for her superior typing of the manuscript; Gary Onderdonk, for his proofreading of the manuscript; my son, Reed Schmidt, for showing such excitement at a mathematics book; and my wife, Jan Zlotnik Schmidt, herself a writer, for providing me with loving support and large blocks of time so that this book could be completed. CHAPTER 1 Review of Basic Algebra 1.1 SETS AND THE NATURAL NUMBERS LA Use the listing method to describe the set (x | xis a consonant in the word “Mississippi IF The word “Mississippi” contains the consonants m, s, p. (Recall: We do not list the element 5 four times in the set even though it occurs four times in ‘“Mississippi.”) Thus, the set we are looking for is {m, s, p}. 1.2 Use set-builder notation to designate the set (1,3, 5, 7,9} A The numbers 1,3, 5.7, 9 can easily be described as the odd integers that are greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 9. In set-builder notation, the set is (x | 1=x=9 and x is an od integer} Vega For Probs. 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5, let A ={1, 2, 7,9, 14} and B=@. 7, ars se 13° FindAnB. HW ANB =({x|x eA and x€B). In this case, 1, 2, 7, 9, and 14 belong to A. and there is nothing in B, so no element can belong to both sets. ANB = 2. ao 14 FindAUB. I Remember that, by definition, A UB = {x |x A orxe B). In this case, 1, 2,7, 9, and 14 belong to A, and B contains no elements, So AU B = (1,2,7,9, 14}. Keds LS FindA-B. WH A-B ={x|x€A and x ¢ B). Since in this example there are no elements in B, A— B {x|x€A}=(1, 2, 7,9, 14}. (See Fig. 1.1.) GD AU Bis shaded ANB is shaded A- Bis shaded Fig. 1.1 For Probs. 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8, let A = {1, 7, 11, 15}, B={7, 14}, and C={11, 26) 16 Find (A—B)UC. 2 0 CHAPTER 1 17 18 19 H A-B=({x|x€A andx¢ B)=(1, 11, 15) and C= (11, 26). Thus, (A- B)UC= {1, 11, 15, 26). (b, ¢) |b Band c eC). In this example, then, B x C {(7,.11), (7, 26), (14, 11), (14, 26)}. Find (AN C)xC. HANC={11) Gince 11s the only element common to A and C). (ANC) x C= (11) x {11, 26} = {(11, 11), (11, 26)). Let A = {2,6} and B = (2, 6, 8}. Is ACB? IsACB? # To determine whether A c B (“*A is a subset of B”), we need to find out whether every element of A is also an element of B. In this case, A contains 2 and 6, and both are elements of B, so ACB. To determine whether A c B (“A is a proper subset of B’*), we need to find out if Ac B and AFB. In this example, we already have determined that A c B and since A= {2, 6} and B = (2,6, 8 © A#B.SoACB, For Probs. 1.10 to 1.13, refer to Fig. 1.2. 1.10 Lan 1.2 1.13 Fig. 1.2 How many elements are there in set B? 1 We notice that set B contains 31 elements that are not in set A and shares 11 other elements with A, We conclude that B contains 42 elements. How many elements are there in B'? 1B’ (sometimes written as €B) = {x €U |x ¢B), where U is the universal set. Here U contains 18 +11 +31 +50=110 elements, and B contains 42 elements. Thus, B’ contains 68 elements. // How many elements are there in AN B? In (AN B)'? 4 From the Venn diagram, we can easily see that A 9B contains 11 elements. Thus (A 9B)’ = (ANB) = (xe U|x¢ ANB) contains 110 ~11 = 99 elements. How many elements are there in ANB"? J © I In Fig. 1.3, the crosshatched region is A B’, that is, the region containing those elements common to A and B’. That region contains 18 + 11 = 29 elements (refer to Fig. 1.2) REVIEW OF BASIC ALGEBRA 0 3 1.14 How many subsets does (a, b} contain? Exhibit these subsets. I Ifset A contains n elements, where n is a whole number, then the number of subsets of A = 2". In this case, n = 2, so there are 2° = 4 subsets. They are {a, b}, Z, {a}, {b}. 2 1.15 — Suppose that A contains rm elements and B contains m elements, where m and n are natural numbers. Find the number of subsets of A x B. / lop 4 AB will contain m - n elements (since each element of A must be paired with each element of B). So, AX B will contain 2™ subsets. © / For Probs. 1.16 to 1.18, answer true or false, and explain your answer. 1.46 IfMON=N, thenNcM. 4 IfMON=N, then every element of M is also an element of MON, which means it is an element of M. Thus, N'< M. True. 1.17 The sets { },@, and {@) all contain no elements. 4 { } and @ both are empty, so they contain no elements. But {@} contains the element @. So the answer is false. ! 1.18 If MAN =@, then at least one of M and N must be empty. Al Consider the set M = {1, 2} and N = {e, f}. Now MON =@ (they have no elements in common), but neither M nor N is empty. False. 1.19 Finda set containing only natural numbers that is equivalent to (a, @, «). J Two sets are equivalent if they are in a one-to-one correspondence with each other. The set (1,2,3) contains only natural numbers, and since {1.2.3}, {a,,¢,,a°}, the sets are equivalent. 1.20 Suppose that m and n are natural numbers and m =n. Must m—n be a natural number? Why?!” © I No. Suppose m = F and n = F; then m is natural, and m =n (F =F). But m —n =0, and Ois not a natural number. (0 is a whole number; Qvis an integer, but the smallest natural number is 1.) 12 REAL NUMBERS AND THE NUMBER LINE For Probs. 1.21 to 1.27, all letters represent real numbers. For each statement, tell which of the following properties or definitions are used. Commutative - Identity Division Associative” Inverse Zero. Distributive Subtraction” Negative 12 (-1)+[-(-1)]=0 I For any real number @, a + (—a)=0. We say ~ 14, we use the sign of 72 (which is). Thus, 14+ (—72) = —S8. REVIEW OF BASIC ALGEBRA 0 5 1.34 -8-(-6) +2 : 4 Remove parentheses first: —(—6) =6. Then -84+6+2=(-8+6)+2 =-242 =0 3-4 1.35 - 54+? J} First simplify the numerator and denominator separately; then perform the division. (By the way, this is the first of several times you will be seeing complex fractions in this book.) u-23 16" 3\-18 FF See Prob. 1.35. 137 (Remember: Use the sign of the larger number.) (Do the division. Also the quotient is negative since the numerator’s sign is different from the denominator’s.) For Probs. 1.38 to 1.42, simplify the given expression. All letters represent real numbers. 138 10-(-7) 4H 10-(-7)=1047=17 139 [a+(-6)] +6 I [a+ (—6)]+6=a+[(-6)+6]=a+0=a 1.40 (1-4) f 1-(-6) =1=(=b)=1-14+b=046=6. 141 2a—(b—2a) I 2a—(b= 2a) = 2a — b — (—2a) = 2a — b + 2a = 2a + 2a —b =4a—b. 6 0 CHAPTER 1 1a 1.43 14 145 1.46 1.47 1.49 13 (a—b)(-y) # @—oy(-y ~ay + by. a(-y) -b(-y ‘Convert the repeating decimal 0.040404 to a fraction. FH Let x = 0.04040404. Then 100x = 4.040404, and 100x — x = 4.04 - 0.04 =4, So 99x = 4 and x =. Prove: (a +b) + (—a) =, for all real numbers a and b, justifying each step in your proof. I (a+b) +(—a) = (—a) + (a + 6) (commutative law for addition) =|(—a) + a] + b (associative law for addition) = 0+ b (additive inverse) =b (additive identity), Prove: a -0=0 for every real number a. 1 a-0=a(0+0) (additive identity) = a- 0+ a -0 (distributive law). So a-0=a-0+a-0; but then 44-0 must be the additive identity, since when you add it to a -0, you get a - 0. Conclusion: a 0 =0. Evaluate each of the following: (a) |~6|, (6) |1 — V2|, (c) 7 —|—S|, (d@) |-(-6)|, (e) (4) (6). (r, 20; —r, <0). # Recall that for any real number r, (7! (a) Since ~6 <0, |~6) (6) Sa vA @ 7-|-3=7-[-C5)]= @ Cay Jol =6. (e) |(—4) -6| = |-24] = 24 or |(—4) -6| = |—4| -6| = 4-6 = 24. 6 ~(1-V2)= =2, Find the distance between ~4 and 17 on the number line. I Ifa and 6 are points on the number line, the distance between a and b is denoted d(a, b) or d(b, a) = |a ~ bj = |b —al. In this case, d(—4, 17) = |~4~ 17| = |-21|= Tell whether each of the following is true or false, and why. All letters represent real numbers. (a) a=a. (6) Ifa=3and30 or ~a+b >0, so —a > —b. So the given statement is false. (e) This statement is false. Suppose a = 2 and b = 1, Then a e, 4andb?=1,s0 Prove: \x —y|=|y —x| for all real numbers x, y. Recall that for any real number a, |a| = |~al. Thus, [x — y| «y= INTEGRAL AND RATIONAL EXPONENTS For Probs. 1.50 to 1.59, evaluate the given expression. 1.50 1.51 rr arr= 3.39 Recall that x? =x" = x4°*, Thus, 341 -3°% = 94-9 = 3" 1.55 1.57 1.59 REVIEW OF BASIC ALGEBRA 0 7 (2-2/8 -2?) HB 2B +2?) = 20/2"? = I'0-17 = 7-7 = 1/27 = Q42-/5 + (8-42 # (2425+ (-8)°- 47 =(24+)/5+1-(4"% ay 1G)? =e /5+1-2=h+1-8=4-7=-61. 8)? crepes (0.0001) HF (0.0001)"*= [(0.0001)"“} = 0.001. 125-8 8 2s =(125"y S+=1/5'= ds. Va BWV = VEN = (hy! = y= 1/68 = 1/2)" = 1/2! = 3. V2 A VH32 = (-32)'°=[(-2)11*= [4003(p +m)? 4 Recall that x° = 1 for any real number x. Thus, [4003(p + )|”= 1 since 4003(p +n) is a real number. For Probs. 1.60 to 1.72, simplify the given expression. 1.60 1.61 1.62 (2ab*)"(a*e)? 1 (2ab*)(@"e)? = las (4x). (eq Et oe (PY 1.68 16 xy" BQ) = (8) ey (yy 2B) osty attest it one)" LT @r")-!)24-"y15) B (928°y7272- Fy") = 9°54) 19)2 Gy) = D7 > = 27gMy-*4 = Dy 12 = D7 4™/y "2 1.72 (a™*b"7)-*, where m,n =0 BQ b= a9 = a = (0), For Probs. 1.73 to 1.79, simplify and write in simplest radical form. Assame that all letters and radicands represent positive real numbers. : 173 Vie BF Vi6m*y* = Vi6 Vi Vy¥ = VE Vimf Vy" = amy. REVIEW OF BASIC ALGEBRA 0 9 14 Va" W (@),_W32a"5™ = V2 Wa WO" = VE Vay Vib) = 20°. (6) Yaa" 5" = 32"(0"5)"9(5")!5 = 2a 175 VWsr 1.76 2aVBa%" ! ee = 2aV FWY aH) b = 2aVF Va? Fa® VG) = 2a -2- a? - Va*-b*- Vb = 4a°b*- Va"b. 17 V3ut uy FAW to) = VU 4 of = ViBes ory = tBu oF 1.78 NG YES cccoualicng emery Vark xVar Wr g aa? y Veet Da ED) Pa\e eee 2 2 PoVe toe +] Vee 1.4 ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS For Probs. 1.80 to 1.98, perform the indicated operations and simplify. 1.80 136 +7b-6 I 136 +76 — 6 = (136 + 7b) — 6 = 206 — 6. Notice that no further simplification is possible. 181 13) +7-6 I 136 +7—6= 136 + (7—6) = 13b +1. Compare this to Prob. 1.80 above. Again, we can perform no further simplification 1.82 13b +7b-6b 1 136 +7b—6b 20b — 6b = 146. 13+7—6)b = 14b. Alternatively, 13b +7b — 6b = (136 + 7b) — 1.83 136? + 7b? 6b I 13b* + 7b? — 6b = (136? + 7b”) — 6b = 20b* — 6b. 1.84 3pq+1lpq-pq B3pq + pq — pq = (3 + 11 — 1)pq = 13pq. 10 0 CHAPTER 1 1.85 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.89 1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94 1.98 2(u ~ 1) ~ (Bu +2) = 2(2u 3) © 2%u—1)- Gu +2) ~22u—3)=2u —Su +2. 3u—2—4u +6 = (2u ~3u ~4u) +(-2-2+6) = (2x +3) + (4x7 — 2 +6) W (P26 $3) + x — x + 6) = — We $34 det — x +6 = (07 + Ax?) + (De x) 43 4 6= Se? —3r +9. (22k 4+3)-(-S8— 7x +1) OP 2e 43 -(-5x? = Te + 1) =x? — 2 $34 Sx + Te — 1 = Sx tx? + (Tx — 2x) 3-1 = Seb 4x74 Sx +2 AVy- V+ vy 1 4Vy— Vy + Vy = (Vy — Vp) + Vy =3V9 + Vy. (—2y)@ +3y) © (x—2y)(x + 3y)= x(x) + x(3y) + (—2y)(x) + (—2y)(3y) =? + Say — Ary — by? = 27 + xy — 6y7. (s+ Vo" 15 +a? = (V5? + NEVE + (Vie 3 + 2VeE +0 (+o (s+ 1 =(5 + 4s +1) = 6? +250 + PYG + 1)=5%(s) + 2st(s) + (8) + 5%(t) + 2stl0) + FO) = P4371 + 307 +P. @-3)(?-1-1) BH B= x(x? =x —1) = 36%) + 3x) + 1) + (x00) + (a )(—a) + (2-1) = 3? — 3x — 3 PtP tyax + 4? — 20-3. m—{m—[m—(m— 1} Hm (m—|m—(m=—1)}) =m—(m—[m—m + 1]}=m— (m1) =m—m+ (SVe+2)(2Vx—-3) WF (SV + 2)(2Vx ~ 3) ~ SVx(2V2) + SVe(—3) + 2(2V2) + 2(—3) = 10( Vx)? — 15 VE + 4VE— 6 = 10x — 11Vx~6. @-yP +204) W (xy)? + 2e(1 + y) = (@? — Day + y?) + (2x + Dey) = 2? — Dey + Day $y? + 2e a= F et yA am*(4m ~ 2m") BH 3m*4(4m'!* — 2m) = 3m 4m" + 3mm) = 1m — 6m", 1 _S-a?+6-(—a)+2(1)_Sa*—6a +2 15 0 0” REVIEW OF BASIC ALGEBRA J 11 2x(x? + 1) + 2(x —2) + U(x -3) ae _ Qe + 2x) + Qe —4) + —3)_ 2x8 +5" -7 2x? eo ae 1.99 Evaluate the polynomial 2x? — 3x — 10 when x = —5. # Substituting —5 for x gives 2x? — 3x — 10 = 2(—5)* — (-5) — 10 = 2(25) + 15 - 10 = 50+ 15- 10=55. 1.100 Evaluate the polynomial p? + 2p + 8 when p = 2v. FF Substituting 2u for p, we get p? + 2p + 8 = (2u)? + 2(2v) +8=4v2 + 4v +8. -v3. 1— V3)? —3(1 — V3) —2= (1-23 +3) -3 +, 4.101 Evaluate the polynomial y?~3y ~ 2. when y = Wf Substituting 1— V3 for y, we get y* 33-2 = —1+(—2V3 +3V3) = V3- 1.102 Given that x + 1/x =5, find the value of x? + 1/x” # Recall that (x + 1/x)? =x? + 2x - (1/x) + (1/x)? = (x? + 1/x) +2. Thus (x + 1/x)? -2= x? + 1/x?, ‘We know that x + 1/x =5; thus, 5*—2 =x" + Ir’, andx? + 1/x°=25=2=23, 4.103 The length of a rectangle is 8 meters (m) more than its width. (a) _If.x represents the width of the rectangle, write an algebraic expression in terms of x that represents the area. (b) Change the expression to a form without parentheses. IH (@) Consider Fig, 1.4, If x is the width and the length is 8 m more than the width, then the length must be x + 8. Recall that A =1- w for a rectangle. In this case, A= x(x +8). (6) Without parentheses, A = x? + 8x. Length +8 wiath | © Fig. 1.4 1.104 Establish that the following two formulas are true: (a) x +y=(e +) xy +97), (6) PO —y? = (ey)? + ay ty?) © (a) (x +y)x?-ay ty?) = a(x?) +.(—ay) +20) + (8) + (ay) tO) = () =) + ay +) =2(02) + x0) + 217)— Ye) — Ye) = YO?) = Steytyiot ce =x°—y°, Thus, both formulas are established. For Probs. 1.105 to 1.108, let n represent a number. Express each of the following algebraically. 1.105 27 more than the number I Let n =the number. Then “27 more than the number” means 27 more than n, which is 27 plus n. Thus, 27 + » is the solution. 12 0 CHAPTER 1 1.106 1.107 1,108 ‘The number increased by 45 ‘The number is n. Thus, the number increased by 45 is the number plus 45, which is n +45, 43 less than the number 43 less than 90 is 90 ~ 43. Similarly, 43 less than the number is 43 less than n =n ~ 43. 43 less the number 43 less 10 means 43 ~ 10; thus, 43 less the number means 43 ~n. For Probs. 1.109 through 1.111, express each algebraically. 1.109 1.110 11 b decreased by one-half c FF 7decreased by 4 means 7 —4; thus, b decreased by one-half ¢ means b —c/2. The average of m and 60 I To find the average of k items, we find their sum and divide by k. Thus, the average of m and 60 is (m+ 60)/2. ‘The average of 60, x, y, and z I Sce Prob. 1.110. Add 60, x, y, and 2, W+rtytz ee ind divide by the number of items. The solution is 1.5 FACTORING AND FRACTIONAL EXPRESSIONS For Probs. 1.112 to 1.138, factor the given polynomial completely (relative to the integers). 112 1.13 1.114 14s tae $3 I We are looking for two binomials cx +d and ex + fsuch that x* + 4x +3 = (cx + d)(ex +f). Note that (cx + d)(ex +f) =cex” + (de + of x + df. Thus, x7 + 4x +3 = cer? + (de + of x + df. In order for this to take place, ce must be equal to the coefficient of x? (in this case, 1), and df must be 3. We conclude that de + cf = 4, c=e=1, andeither f =3, d=1 orf = 1, d=3. Thus, f =3, d=1 or fr 1, d~3.Sox7 + Ax +3~(x + 3)(x + 1), Note that (x + 1)( + 3) is also correct. We can check our answer by noting that (x + 3)(x + 1) =x7 + (3x +x) +3=x7 +443, e-1-6 I We repeat the procedure from Prob. 1.112: 17 =x ~ df. We find that ce= 1, de + cf = ~1, and df f=6ord=-3, f =2ord=3, f= —2. Checking the quantity de + cf, we find that d= —3, f = ‘makes de + of = ~1. $o.x?—x~6= (x —3)(x +2). [Note that (x +2)(x — 3) is also correct] 2+ +6 I Again we repreat the procedure given in Prob. 1.112. We want ce=2, de + ef =7, and df =6. Then c=2, e= 1 (or the reverse is fine at), de + of =7, andd=6, f =1 ord =3, f =2or f= 60rd =2, f =3. Note that since c =6, f =1is different from d= 1, f =6. Checking these choices, we find that if d =3 and f = 2, then de + cf =7. So 2x? + 7x +6 = (2 + 3)(x +2) 2-4 I (Sce Prob. 1.112 for a detailed outline of the method.) 2x? ~ 2x ~4 = (2x —4)(x + 1). Check by noting that (2x ~ 4)(x + 1) ~ 2x? — 2x —4, Note that, using the notation of Prob. 1.112, ce =2, df ==4, and cf + de By trial and error, we conclude that ¢ 4, and f SS i ea to a =| REVIEW OF BASIC ALGEBRA J 13 LMG 10x7— 14x -12 I Here we take a shortcut to the full technique described in Prob. 1.112. The reader may still apply that technique and will find that it works. Here we want factors whose product is 10x. (Think! They are 10x and x, or 5x and 2x.) We also want integral factors whose product is —12. (Think! They are £12 and ¥1, or £6 and #2, or +4 and #3.) By trial and error, looking for a middle term of —14x, we find 10x? - 14x ~ 12 = (Sx 4). Note: (2x) + (—4)(Sx) = — 14x. L117 6x?—16x +8 ' 16x +8 = (2x — 4)(3x ~ 2), Notice that (2x)(3x) = 6x7, (—4)(-2) = +8, and (4) GBx) + (—2)(2x) = ~ 16x. L118 4y?—25 I Recall that a polynomial of the form r? —s* is factored as follows: (r+ 5)(r—s) (the “difference of two perfect squares” formula). See Fig. 1.5. In this case, we notice that 4y? = (2y)* and 25=5*, and we conclude that 4y* ~ 25 = (2y + 5)(2y —5). Check to see that (2y +5)(2y —5)= 4y?— 25 when you multiply. (a) Difference of two squares: Pos a(reoirns) (5). Difference of two cubes: Poa (roi tte) (6) Sum of two cubes: (P48 )= (ry =n 8) Fig. 1.5 L119 m?—6m—3 I We check the discriminant since we are having trouble finding factors. In this case, the sriminant b? — 4ac is (—6)? — 4(1)(—3) = 36 + 12 = 48, which is not a perfect square. If the discriminant is not a perfect square, then the polynomial is not factorable relative to the integers. 11200 =x*-x +12 FF Before we actually factor, ask yourself, What are the factors of 12 whose sum or difference is -1? (The middle term is —x.) The answer is 4 and 3, -x7—x + 12=—x7 +3x—4x + 12= (-x+3) +4). Lia 2 +75¢—200 BH 2-+75t — 200 = (21 —5)(t +40). 1.122, 2m? +Smn +3n? IL Notice that the solution must be of the form (22 + 3n)(m +n) or (2m + n)(m +3n). In the first case, the middle term is the correct one (Sn). Thus, 2m? + Smn + 3n? = (2m + 3n)(m +n). 113 txt IF Try to find factors here. You will discover that they are difficult to find, Check the discriminant b? —4ac (where ax? + bx + cis the form of the polynomial). In this case, 6? — dac is 17 — 4(1)(1), is negative. A negative discriminant signals that the polynomial is not factorable. 14 0 CHAPTER 1 1.124 1.125 1.126 1.127 1.128 1,129 1.130 1.131 1.132 1.133 14 2p +8q° I This polynomial is of the form of a sum of two cubes: 27p? + 8q° =(3p)’ + (2q)?. Look at Fig. 1.5 for the correct formula. Then 2p’ + 8q° = (3p + 2g){(3p)* — (p)(2q) + (24)'] = 3p + 2q)(9p? — 6pq + 4q°). P+25 I Be careful! This is the sum of two squares. This is nonfactorable. Check the discriminant if you want proof: 6? — 4ac = 0° — 4(1)(25) which is negative. 92 I Refer to Fig. 1.5. Here 2)" (a's of the form of a difference of two cubes. Using the proper formula gives (€ —ad[(Py + Fat + a] =(F aay +fa* +a"). Bute is of the form (¢) — (a*)? which is the difference of two squares! — a‘ = (¢+a*)(t—a*). We conclude that 1° — a" = (¢-+a°)(¢—a°)(t* + ra’ +a"). 2x4 —24x9 + 40x? I Notice that each term contains a factor of 2x2, Factor out that 2x”. 2x*— 24x? + 40x? = 2x2(x? — 12x + 20). Now factor x? — 12x +20. x? = 12x + 20= (x — 10)(x ~ 2). Thus, 2x* — 24x? + 40x? = 2x3(x — 10)(x— 2) xy +7xy I Notice that each term contains a factor of xy. So.x7y + 7xy =xy(x +7), and no further factoring is possible. x? —9y? +4 +1 I We will use a regrouping technique here. 4x?—9y? + 4x + 1=4x?+4x +1—9y?=(2e + 1)(2e + 1) —9y?= (2x + 1)? ~ 9y? (difference of two squares) = (2x + 1 = 3y)(2r +1 + 3y). P+(y-2P I This is a “sum of two cubes” problem. x? + (y —z)"= [x + (y —2)]lx?—x(y —z) + (y -2V]= (et+y—2)[ —ay taz + (y—2))]- at— 5 Ht a*—b* = (a*) —(b*)? = (a? — b*\(a? +b”) = (a + b)(a — b)(a? +b’). Notice that we are applying the “difference of two squares” formula twice here. sat rs (8?) — (PP = (2 — PY st +70 + 4) + (9 +s — Ols* +57F +0). £ P28 65 (s® + #")(s°— 4) =[(s°y' + (PIs?) — (P| ({sum of cubes|{difference of cubes|) HCH 8+ NS? — Pt +77 +0) H(P FY =P + Ys + Ole N64 +0). 2748/0" # Although is in the denominator here, the techniques we have employed thus far still work. 27+ 8/0 =3 + (2/t) = (3 + 2/1)(9 — 6/t + 4/0), REVIEW OF BASIC ALGEBRA J 15 L135 y?-2y +x°-y+x ~ Day $x? —y tx =(y xy —x)—y $= (9-2 (9-2) =(9 =I). 1.136 4a*+8a*b? +954 I Direct attempts at factoring do not seem to work in this case. (You should try them!) Sometimes the following trick works: Notice that 4a* + 12a7b? + 96% is factorable: 4a‘ + 12a*b? + 9b* = (2a* + 367)(2a’ + 367). We then write 8a°b? + 96% = (1276? + 9b*) = 4a°b*. Then 4a‘ + 8a*b? + 9b* = (4a* + 12a°b? + 9b*) — 4a°b' (2a* + 367)? — (2ab)? (difference of two squares) = (2a* + 36? — 2ab)(2a* + 36? + 2ab). 1.137 x*—13x7y? + 4y* I We again use the technique described in Prob. 1.136: xt = 13x2y? + ayt= (x4 —4r2y? + ay) — ory? (x? — 2y?)? — 9x2y? (x? — 2y?)? — Bay)? = (2? —2y? — Bry) (x? 2? + Bry) = (a? — Sxy — 2y?)(x? + Sey — 29?) 1.138 2y-?-y-*-3 I Don't be afraid of the negative exponents! 2y~ =3=(2y-! =3)(y"! + 1), Remember that 2y oa For Probs. 1.139 to 1.163, perform the indicated operations and reduce to lowest terms. Notice that factoring is important in many of these problems. 1.139 30-1) _3@ + 1)@-1) xtl x+1 1.140 Ge +3)_x +3 Ge +2) x42" 1.142 1)Gm) (18m? is the least common denominator) _4m —3+ 54m? — (6m? — 3m) _ 4m — 3 + 54m? — 6m? + 3m 18m* 18m? 48m? + Im —3 “1am 1146 Bx 1 _ x15) +x(10)-16) _ 15x? + 10x —6 8 tig 7307 igo 180s the least common denominator) = 7" —° 1.145 1.146 Sie +3) x t3 10) x—S)e+2) xe +2) Qt4x—1 3x? 2e—1 3x 42e—1 D341 y ete 3042-1 2-341 Gr-DEM) Ge 3e-17 Ba16 Ese-s Ped PSOE A P=t-6 C+ 4-5 _ (342) +SJ-—1) _ 1-3 PHI-2 P4645 GB esis) e+” Va7=6 yt dy 4 yaytl oy 1.147 1.148 1.149 Parl Woy O-DO-1) y¥G-yNG+y) By +2) 0+) OHy-1) BIB + y) Notice that we change (y ~ 3) to ~(3—y) so that we can cancel the 3 y in the denominator. (y +2)(y +4) Wy¥-DB+y) The above expression = REVIEW OF BASIC ALGEBRA 0 17 2a*—Sa—3 _3a°~8a-3 po ere=2 Se 6 2a-Sa-3 3a?-8a-3_2a*-Sa-3 a?—a-6 @ta-2 3a°—fa—3 a+ Ile} (a ~3)la-+2 G+Ba-1) Garay _Qa+i(a—3) © (@=1)Ga41)* a+a—2 1.151 2=x (e+2)u+2) xQ+x) (e+2)("-2) eaees) Ea ee 7) eA [Notice the 2—x = ~(x — 2) trick here. Also remember that 2+x and x +2 are equal, and so they cancel!] 1.152 st (1) + 6(x+2)_ 2+ 6x +12 ~@42@—-2) x-2 &+Q0-2) &+]EQ-2 [G +2)(< 2) isthe least common denominator] = + 4 d+5 2d-1 ad rere d+5 _2M-1_(d+5)(3d+1)—@d—1)3d—1) 3d-1 344i Gd—1)Gd +1) 3d? + 16d +5 ~ (6d? = 5d +1) _ -30? + 21d +4 (@d-1)Gd +1) Gd=1Gd+1) 3x(2r +1) —Tx(2e = 3) _ 6x? + 3x = (147 +212) B-3 tl e-|t+N e391) +24x 2x(12 — 4x) “(=F ARF) 1 1 xi-y x+y x-y 1.155 (x + yx —y), we have 1 Noting that x? - Se(1) + Me =y)— 10 +y) seo 3 MS Ty ety BE) 1 ae 3 — Me + y)(2x = 1) = 2x = y)(2x = 1) + 3+) a-y sty (@x-1)G-y) (x — ya + y)(2x ~ 1) _1Qe + 2x 20222 +y)+ Ge +3y) 202+ Day, e+ ade + Gry + ae © (= ye + y)2e= 1)" _ Ma = 1 + 2x(@- 1) 1(4—x) @-1p _ (= 2 +1) + @?-2n)- (4-2) Ss «1p _30-3r-3_3x7-x-1) - ey ~ @-17" 2+ 2-11 I Notice that this expression involves a complex fraction. There are two basic ways of solving problems like this one. (1) Get rid of the complex fraction first, and then simy oEut oe 2=1t 2=1ft t 2-1 (tis the least common denominator of 1/t and 1/t.) (2) Simplify the numerator and denominator first: (4h +1 4 +t ot dtd pety ety ety oy =y! We-Wy Wx—Ty xy (where xy is the least common denominator of 1/x and 1/y) _vety) _oGty) ay/x—xy/y j= 1.16 —*? Fy wet = stp poet ety" Wet lly Watily xy yee REVIEW OF BASIC ALGEBRA 0 19 2t+ylx . aly—ylx xly—2+ylx_xly-2+ylx xy_x?-2yty? (~y)e-sT _x-y xly—ylxxiy-ylx xy - (e+ y—I] ty Si(s-t—s at Pi(s—t)+t ' 1.163 1+ : . +10 + 1/x) 1 1+ i/x Thus, since 1+ 1+ ee iae+1)+x() + For Probs. 1.164 to 1.167, rationalize the denominators and reduce each fraction to lowest terms. 1164 it Ve Ve 1=Vs_ve—x i 1 PE ive ee (1 Vx is the conjugate of 1 + Vx. When we multiply 1+ Vx by 1 — Vx, we get 1 —x, and the radical in the denominator is gone.) 3 1.165 BS ' a sV3_V341 aa 3s +5V3 Vi-1 V3-1 V3+13- 2 1-Vxr+1 tM Ta Ve+i y iavest —VeFT 1-Ve4i aa ae +t (Remember! 1— V+ 1 is the conjugate of 1 + Vx ¥ 1. It is always the case that the conjugate of V+ Vinis Vi ~ Vin the conjugate of Vm ~ Vn is Vm-+ Vn.) 1-(@+1) a 20 0 CHAPTER 1 aS Ver8 YP 3+Vet3_VG+Vrt3) + ViF3) 3- ar 3-Vat3 3+Vet3 9-@43) O-% For Probs. 1.168 and 1.169, rationalize the numerators. 1.168 cee yp NZERAV2 _V2FK4+ V2 eee V2___2+h-2 h OAS R-VE (VER VB) wir =Va~ Was Vi (Notice that we use the same procedure used for rationalizing the denominator.) Ae 2yii-3x xy p 2MiT=s_2V7— 3 3x 2VIT+3x_ 4-17-93? 68 — 9x? xty x+y 2Vi7+3x &+y)QVIT+3x) & FyN2VITF SE) For Probs. 1.170 and 1.171, combine into single terms. 1 oe Via _V5a_ Va 6 NS Ve V5 22 V5 V5 V5a—2V2 V2a_SVa-4Va__Va __Va_ Vi0_Vi0a 7 2vi0 “20 2Vi0--2Vi0 VIO 20° aim vi “3 +Vi2 #MI- Jt Vi= 3 -yatVR= =14+ V6 “ee 1.6 COMPLEX NUMBERS (See Chap. 11 for a complete treatment of the complex numbers.) For Probs. 1.172 to 1.181, perform the indicated operations. Write the answer in the form a + bi. 1.172 (1+i)+(3-2/) Recall that (a + bi) + (c + di) = (a &c) + (b+ d)i. Then (1+ i) +(3 -2i) 44(-Di=4- 1173 (-6+4i)+(2-i) 1 (-6+4i) + @-)=-4431 1.174 (2-i)- (3-41) B Q-i)-G-4i) = (2-3) +(-14.)i=-143, 1.175 1.176 1a77 1.178 1.179 1.180 1.181 REVIEW OF BASIC ALGEBRA J 21 (-3-)-(-2-3i) HW (-3-)-(-2-31) = (3 +2) + (-1+ 3) 1426 @-i)+(@i-3) (2-1) + (41-3) = (2-1) + (-3 + 4) = 14.34, 31+ (4-21) © 31+ (4-21) = (043i) + (4-2) =4 Fi. (2+)G+2i) FT Recall that (a + bi)(c + di) = (ac — bd) + (be + ad)i. Then (2 + i)(3 + 2i) = 2(3)—1@) + B+ 4)i=4+ 7h. G—ii-6) 1 B-IG-6) = 3-1-6 +1) = B)(-6)—(-I0) + 6 + 3)i = -17 + 91. ee 3+i I We simplify this expression by multiplying the numerator and denominator by 3 ~i, the conjugate of 3+ i 2i 21 2 34+i 3+ +i nee Q4i_2+i 1+i_ i 1 iti For Probs. 1.182 to 1.187, find the indicated power of i 1.182 1.183 1.184 1.185 @ “)is-i =r 1.187 1 =P =1-1)=1(-1)=-1 22 0 CHAPTER 1 For Probs. 1.188 to 1,191, perform the indicated operations and write all answers in the form a + bi. 1,188 (4 - V16) + (2+ V=25) I V-16=4i; V-2: (4— Vi6) + (2+ V—-25) Si. (Recall: V—16 = V—1- 16= V=1 Vi6 =i -4=4i.) (4-4/) +(2+51) 1.189 (2 +1) — (4+ V—49) # @+i)-G+V 1.190 (2+. V=9)(1 + V=4) HQ 4+ V=(1 4 V4) = (2+ 311 +28) = 44-7 19) = (2 +i) (447i) = -2-61. ain } i 1.192 Prove that /* = 1 for all natural numbers k. Fa f=it=1 1.193 Solve for xand y:3—2i = 4xi +2. 1 Two complex numbers a + biand ¢ + di are equal if and only if a=c and ~2i = 4xi + 2y is rewritten as 3 ~2i = 2y + 4ui; then 2y = 3 and 4x = —2, or y For Probs. 1.194 to 1.201, solve the given equation, 1.194 F—4ac_1+VEP—4))_1+V-3_1+4iV3 2) 2 1.195 2x?-2x +3=0 boa 2ENERH _24 V=20 2£2V=5_1+iV5 4 4 4 V=5= +iV5. =2. (Compare this with Prob. 1.196 above.) 1.198 Prove that 0 is the additive identity for the complex numbers. I Write 0 as 0 +01, Then (a + bi) +0 = (a + bi) + (0+ 01) =(a +0) + (6 + 0) =a + bi. Th 040i =0 = additive identity. 1.199 Find the additive inverse of ¢ + di, and prove that it is the additive inverse. I We claim ~c ~ di is the additive inverse. Now ¢ + di + (—c- di)=c + (—c) + [d + (~d)}i +01 = the additive identity. Thus, ~c— di is the additive inverse for c + di. 1.200 Prove that 1 is the multiplicative identity for the complex numbers. 22 0 CHAPTER 1 For Probs. 1.188 to 1,191, perform the indicated operations and write all answers in the form a + bi. 1,188 (4 - V16) + (2+ V=25) I V-16=4i; V-2: (4— Vi6) + (2+ V—-25) Si. (Recall: V—16 = V—1- 16= V=1 Vi6 =i -4=4i.) (4-4/) +(2+51) 1.189 (2 +1) — (4+ V—49) # @+i)-G+V 1.190 (2+. V=9)(1 + V=4) HQ 4+ V=(1 4 V4) = (2+ 311 +28) = 44-7 19) = (2 +i) (447i) = -2-61. ain } i 1.192 Prove that /* = 1 for all natural numbers k. Fa f=it=1 1.193 Solve for xand y:3—2i = 4xi +2. 1 Two complex numbers a + biand ¢ + di are equal if and only if a=c and ~2i = 4xi + 2y is rewritten as 3 ~2i = 2y + 4ui; then 2y = 3 and 4x = —2, or y For Probs. 1.194 to 1.201, solve the given equation, 1.194 F—4ac_1+VEP—4))_1+V-3_1+4iV3 2) 2 1.195 2x?-2x +3=0 boa 2ENERH _24 V=20 2£2V=5_1+iV5 4 4 4 V=5= +iV5. =2. (Compare this with Prob. 1.196 above.) 1.198 Prove that 0 is the additive identity for the complex numbers. I Write 0 as 0 +01, Then (a + bi) +0 = (a + bi) + (0+ 01) =(a +0) + (6 + 0) =a + bi. Th 040i =0 = additive identity. 1.199 Find the additive inverse of ¢ + di, and prove that it is the additive inverse. I We claim ~c ~ di is the additive inverse. Now ¢ + di + (—c- di)=c + (—c) + [d + (~d)}i +01 = the additive identity. Thus, ~c— di is the additive inverse for c + di. 1.200 Prove that 1 is the multiplicative identity for the complex numbers. 1.201 REVIEW OF BASIC ALGEBRA 7 23 HB 1=1+4 04. (a + bi)(1) = (a + bi)(1 + 08) = a1) — 60) + (b + 0): = a + bi. Therefore, 1=1+0iis the multiplicative identity. Find x and y such that (3 + 2i)(x + yi) = 1. 1 (3 +2i)(x + yi) = (3x — 2y) + (2x + 3y)i. Then (3 + 2i)(x + yi) = (Bx —2y) + (2x + 3y)i= 1 =1+ i. Thus, 3x ~ 2y = 1 and 2x + 3y = 0, Solving these simultaneously (see Chap. 5 for the background on this if you need it), we get 6x- 4 6x —4(-%) =2, Ox + CHAPTER 2 Equations and Inequalities 2.1 LINEAR EQUATIONS For Probs, 2.1 to 2.18, solve the given equation, if possible. In each case, the replacement set for the variable is the set of real numbers. 20 Gx+3=19x+5 1 Oxt+3= 19%+5 =3 =3 (Add —3to both sides.) 19x +2 =19% (Add —19x to both sides. (-) (Multiply both sides by Note that we added 3 to both sides so that constant terms could be found on only one side of the equation {in this case, the right-hand side (RHS)]. We then add ~19x to both sides to isolate the terms involving a variable, We multiplied by — to transform —13r to x. 2.2 © 3x-10=17-3r (Add 10.) (Add 3x) (Multiply by 8) 23 1 Note that we first isolated the variable and then added the constant. This could have been done in reverse order. See Prob. 2.4. 9-14¢= 170-11 1 9-14= 17-11 -9 -9 —14¢= 171-20 -1% -1% =H: (-31t) = —20-(—%) # 24 25 2.6 27 2.8 29 EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES 1 25 5(2r-6) = 4(3r- 1) I First we eliminate the parentheses: 10¢ ~ 30 = 121 — 4. Don't forget the distributive law! Now we proceed as we did in Probs. 2.1 to 2.4 10¢-30= 12r- 4 +30 +30 108 121+ 26 12 =12 ~20 +26 ¢ =-23 (Multiply both sides by —4.) 2(3x — 6) + 4(3x — 5) = 14x I First, remove parentheses: 6x ~ 12 + 12x ~20= 14x. Next, collect like terms on the left-hand side (LHS); (12x + 6x) — 12-20 = 14x. 18r-32= 14x -18r =18r =32= —4x 2 =2(4x +2) = -3- 4x - (@-2) I Proceed as in Prob. 2.6. Do not attempt to solve this until you have simplified the LHS and RHS: -8r—4= -3- 4-1 +2 -1 -5r 41 =5x & 3x -1 (3x - 1)(4x +3) = (2x + 3)(6x + 10) 1 Begin by eliminating the parentheses: Ade? + Sx —3 = 12x? + 38x +30 -5x— =Sx-30 x/3-2=W-x I Don’t let the fractions bother you. Proceed in exactly the same way as in earlier examples. 3/3-2 =-x 42 42 (Multiply both sides by 7.) ‘There is an alternative way to handle this kind of problem. See Prob. 2.11. i ae. 26 0 CHAPTER 2 * 240 (x-1)(2e +1) =(« + Qe 1) 1 241 x/3-2 = 10x 10 FF Combine fractions first on the LHS and RHS: Cross-multiply: 10(x ~ 6) =3(1 ~ 10x); proceed as we did previously. Wx-60= 3 -30r +30 +30 40x-00= 3 +60 +60 40x 63 2 : 3 242 243 Cross multiply: 2(x +4) = 4(x +3), 2x + 8=4r 412, -4=2x, or —2=4. See Prob. 2.14 Ba eee 2 Bae e454 2x _4+2x+4) x+3 x+4 2x(c +4) = +12 x43 x44 (2x +12)(x +3), 2x? + Sx = 2x? + 18x +36, -36= 10x, or ~3.6=x. - (Do you see where this term came from?) Cross multiply: 24S 4+ 9=4r +11 1 Subtract 4x from both sides (i.e., add —4x to both sides). Then 9= 11. Since 9# 11, there is no solution. 216 41+9=-2(-2r-3) I 4¢ +9 = 4¢ +9 (using the distributive law). Since 4¢ +9 = 4¢ +9 for any value of ¢, any real number is a solution. There are infinitely many solutions. 247 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES 1 27 -3) Sn +23 6(m—1)—9(4)n = 1) 6(n—1)_ 36(a—1) (Sn +23) and 6(2 ~ 5) = —Sn +23. Thus, n= 7} Then 36(n — 1)(n — 5) = 6(n or Dx Check the result in Prob. 2.1 I In Prob. 2.1, we obtained x = —7; as the solution for 6x +3= 19x +5. 6(— A) +32 1%—A) +5, |. Thus, x =12+39_~38 +65 uss works for all equations. —B+32—B+5, io Ais a correct solution. This technique Check the result in Prob. 2.17. Solve p + q=rs for q. I optqers ~ q=18—p Notice that we treat r, s, and p as constants since we are solving for the unknown q. Check the solution in Prob. 2.21. I p+q=rs where q=1s—p. p + (rs —p) 215, p +18 —p 21s, r5=rs. The solution is correct. Solve p + q=rs for s, where r #0, I Multiply p +q=rs on both sides by I/r: (1/r)(p + 4) =r5(1/r), oF (p + 4)/r=s (r #0). Solve y= 3 3 3 forx. I yQx +5) =2x—3, 3px + Sy =2x —3, 3yx — 2x = -3 —Sy, x3y— 2) = 3-5), ors= You should check this solution. Let m and n be real numbers with m larger than n. Then there exists a positive real number p such that m =n +p. Find the fallacy in the following argument m=ntp (m—n)m=(m —n)(n+p) we ee eee 28 7 CHAPTER 2 m= mn= mn + mp — m?— mn — mp = mn—n? = np m(m—n~p)=n(m—n~p) m=n I To get to the last step from the one before it, we divided by m —n —p. But if m =n +p (see step 1), then m ~n ~ p=0, and division by 0 is illegal. For Probs. 2.26 to 2.30, find & if the given number is a solution of the given equation. 2.26 227 2.28 229 2.30 231 2.32 2.33 234 12, 2k +S=3r+k If x =12isa solution, then 2(12) + 5 must equal 3(12) + k. Then 24 + 5=36 + k, 29=36+k, or -T=k. 2,x7+kx+2=0 I As we did in Prob. 2.26, we substitute 2 for r. Then 27+ k(2)+2=0, 4+2k +2=0, 2% =~6, or k=-3, 4, (2x +3)(4x +5) = (4x + (Qe + 4) 4H [2(—}) +31[4(-4) + 5] = [4(4) + 1]12(—}) +]. Therefore, 2(3) = (—1)(-1 +4), 6 k=-5. See Prob. 2.29. Consider Prob. 2.28 again, but this time simplify before substituting x = —4. W 8c? + 22r + 15 = Bx? +2x + Ark +k. Then &(—})? + 22(—4) + 15 = 8(—4° + 2(-4) + 4(-k +k. After doing the arithmetic, we find k = ~3. —4, 7Gkx — 6k —1) +3x+k= H(AYIBA(—4) — 6k — 1] +3(-4) +k =0, M(-3k 6k = 1) -3 + k=0, —ik = 1, —28k = 56, or 2, The sum of two consecutive even integers is 10. Find the integers. 1 Let x= one of the integers; then x +2 must be the other. (Consecutive even integers differ by 2.) Thus, x + ( +2)=10, 2x+2=10, 2x =8, or r=4, then x +2=6. The integers are 4 and 6. Check: 4 and 6 are consecutive even numbers. 4 +6 =10. Thus, their sum is 10. Find three consecutive even integers such that the sum of the first and third is twice the second, W Let x =the first, x + 2= the second, and x +4 = the third number. Then x + (x +4) (the sum of the first and third) = 2(x +2) (twice the second), 2x +4=2x + 4, or0=0. Thus, any three consecutive integers are a solution, such as 10, 12, 14. Find three consecutive integers such that the sum of the first and twice the second is 30 more than the third, HW Let x, x +1, and x +2 be the integers. Then x + 2(x + 1) = (x +2) +30, 3x +2=x +22, 3x or x= 15; thus, the integers are 15 (x), 16 (x +1), and 17 (x +2). Check: 15, 16, 17 are consecutive. 15 +2(16) = 47, and 30+17=47. ‘The perimeter of a rectangle is 30-m, and its length is twice its width. Find the length and width of the rectangle. I Let x = width. Then 2x = length (j.e., twice the width). Then 2x +2r +x +x =30, 6x =30, m (width), and 2x = 10 m (length). Check: 10=2(5). Also 10 +10 +5+5=30. 2.35 2.36 237 2.38 2.39 2.40 241 EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES 0 29 ‘A rectangle 24 m long has the same area as a square that is 12m on a side. Find the dimension of the rectangle. 44m?. The area of the 144, and w =6. Check: I If the side of the square is 12 m, then the area of the square S? rectangle A. 144 m’. It is known that d= 24 m. Thus, 24 6m: 24 area of square. Train A leaves station Q at the same time as train B leaves station R. Train A travels at a rate of 30 miles per hour (mi/h) directly toward R, and B travels at 45 mi/h directly toward Q. How many miles must A travel before the trains meet, if the stations are: 60 mi apart? (See Fig. 2.1.) mi 8 9 2a Gm pig. 24 distance A travels until the trains meet. Then 60 —x mn in Fig. 2.2. Also insert the respective rates of the trains. Note that if d=rt, then t = d/r. Fill in these times. Notice that the two times are equal, since both trains must travel until they meet. So x/30= (60—x)/45, 45x = 1800 — 30x, 75x = 1800, x = 24 = distance A travels. See Prob. 2.37, 4 « 30 3 eB) w-x 45 Fig. 2.2 Using Prob. 2.36, find out how long B travels before the trains meet, I The time B travels is (60 — x)/45. We found x = 24 in Prob. 2.36. (60 —24)/45=% =$h= 48 min. The sale price on a camera after a 20 percent discount is $72. What was the price before the discount? I Let x =price before discount. Then x ~ 20%x = price after discount. x — 0.2x =72, 0.8 = 72, or ‘Suppose Kate can paint a particular room in 6h. At what minimum rate must her helper be able to paint the room alone if together they must complete the job in 33 h? F Let x=time in hours it would take Kate’s helper to paint the room. If it takes x h to complete, then 1/x of the job could be completed in 1 h. Also if Kate can complete the job in 6 h, she will complete 4 of it in 1h. Then in 1h 3+ 1/x=1/ 3 =33), + 1/x= 4, (@ +6)/(6x)=4, 24x + 144 = 42x, 144 = 18x, ory =8h, Her helper must be able to paint the room working alone in 8h. Check: 4+4=4=1/#. Barbara is twice as old as Mary, and Dick is three times as old as Barbara, Their average age is 36. How old is Barbara? 6x +2 tx 5 ages), 9x = 108, so.x = 12 years old, 2x = 24 years old = Barbara's age, and 6x = 72 years old = Dick's age. I Let x =Mary’s age. Then 2x = Barbara’s age, and 6x = Dick’s age. = 36 (average of Juanita has nickels and dimes in her pocket. Their total value is $1, and there are twice as many dimes as nickels: How many nickels does she have? tz + ga 30 0 CHAPTER 2 # Let x = number of nickels, 2x = number of dimes. Then, S(x) + 10(2x) Sx +20x = 100, 251 = 100, or.x = 4 nickels. Check: 2x = 100¢= $1. 100 (100¢ = $1), number of dimes. 4(5¢) + 8(10¢) = 2.2. NONLINEAR EQUATIONS For Probs. 2.42 to 2.71, solve the given equation. Leave any answer containing a radical in simplest radical form. 2.42 # fx? =9, then xis that number or numbers which, when squared, is 9. Thus, x= +3. Notice that, to get this result, we found the square roots (+ and —) of the constant term isolated on one side of the equation, Notice that there is no linear term in this equation, Check: 3*=9; (~3)°=9, 243 4° =36 I 4° =36, P =9, o t= £3, Check: 4(3)° = 36; 4(-3)' = 36. 2.44 p?=17 Hp? =17, or p = £VI7. Check: (V17)' = 17; (—VIT = 17. 245 2° =80 Fo2P=80.F £V40= £V4- 10 = £V4 VIO = £2V10. Check: 22V 10) = 2(4- 10) = 80; 2(—-2V10) 80. 2.46 x*-10=0 #2 -10=0, x7= 10, or x= +V10. 247 P+5=0 1 +5=0,0r? complex numbers. If ¢ But no real number squared is negative. Thus, the solutions must be 5, then ¢ = 4V—5 = £iV5, (See Ch. 1 for a review of complex numbers.) 2.48 249 (n+5)°=9 1 (x +5)°=9, orn + 5= £3. Possibility 1: 2 + 5=3, or n= ~2. Possibility 2: n +5 So the answer is n= —2, -8. orn =8, 250 x743r+2=0 HF Factor the LHS: (x +2)(x + 1) =0 (x +2 orx +1 or both must be 0). Ifx +2=0, then.x = —2. If =1. Check: (-2)? +3(—2) +2=4-6+2=0, or 0=0. Also (~1)? +1) + 0, or 0=0. 251 I Factoring, we get (1 +5)(¢ +7 282 4x?-4x-3=0 # Qx—3)Q2x + 1)=0. 12x — 2,53 2f-2=12 4H 2¢ — 2¢= 12, 2 — 2 - 12=0, or (¢~3)(2¢+ 4) =0. If 1-3 Note that we could have divided through by 2 initially. See Prob. 2.54. 2.55 2.56 2.57 2.58 2.59 2.60 2.61 2.62 2.63 EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES 0 31 2 -2r=12 ie then t= ~6=0, or (¢~3)(¢+2)=0. If¢—3=0, then ¢=3. If ¢+2=0, 10x? — 52x + 64=0. T(r -4)(5r- 16) |. If 2x ~ 4 = 0, then x =2. If Sx —16=0, then x = p'—2p?+1=0 Fp 1p? 1. 43r+42r=0 HW ox(? + 3x +2)=0, x(x +2) +1) 0, p?=1, orp = 41. orx= etx-1 I This does not appear to be factorable. Using the quadratic formula x ae Sree Oe peer eat ED a a ata BIENS 2 2 4+1-4=0 I Again, factoring does not appear to work. We have a=2, b=, ¢ 14 VPA) a) 2Q) Qe? 4 de $1=0 ~44 Vi6—8 I Here a =2, b= 4, c=1. Thus, " +8r—42=0 I The LHS here is factorable into (2x ~ 6)(x +7). If, however, we had not noticed that, we could have solved the equation as follows: ~8+ Vo4—42)(—42) _—8 + V400_-8 +20 x 44r41=0 IL Here we illustrate the method of “completing the square.”” x? + 4x +4 is a perfect square, since x2 + 4x +@= (4 + 2)), To obtain the circled 4, we find the coefficient of the x term (here its 4), divide it by 2, and square it: (4/2)? =2?=4, x74 4x + 14x74 4x44, buts? + 4x +1 = (2 +4x+ 4) — 3. So the equation x7 + 4x + 1 =0 is rewritten as (x7 + 4x + 4) —3=0, (x +2) 0, V3, x = £V3 —2, or x = V3—2, -V3 -2, P-6+2=0 TP 6t4+2=(P —61+9)—7. Thus, ? — 6¢ +2 =O is rewritten as ( — 6¢ +9) —7=0 or P— 6r + 9=7, (t-3) =£V7, ort =34V7. 32 0 CHAPTER 2 2.64 2.65 2.70 271 2+ 6r-9=0 F222 +3x— 4) =0 or x? + 3x — 3 = 0. Completing the square, we get (x7 + 3x +1)-$-7=0, (x43) = 9, x43=4VF, 1+ 1=4P), x(t Woaax= 3 = (V2 -3),0r8= —F -3=-(V27-3)/2. -x+3r-2=0 By factoring we get (—x + 1)(x ~2} ‘3x + 2=0 and factor. See Prob, 2.66. | or x= 1, 2, Or we can rewrite the equation as =x7+3x-2=0 3+ vo=s- ED FF Using the quadratic formula we get x =1or2. See Prob. 2.67. -x7+3r-2=0 I Rewrite the equation as x? — 3x + 2=0 and complete the square. (x*~ 3x + 3) +2-2=0, («-3)=4,x-2=4Vi= +), 0rx=1,2. (2-3)(7-4)=0 I Either (x? — 3) or (x?— 4) (or both) = 0. Sox?—3=0, x = £V3, or x*-4=0, r= £2. Thus, £=3, -3, 2, of -2. 2x+1)? Gr) eee Axti)?_. et e+ a (FAY =o, Rei = avons 2 Fina, then 2x 41-9143, te =2, 00x 241 —— =-9%r- =- ==-. Seyi ~P then 2x +1=-9x—3, 1e=—4,0rx=— i (2e+3) +4Q2x +3) +3=0 HW Letu=2r +3. Thenu?+4u+3=0.(u+I)(u+3)=0, u= x=-2. If 2x +3=~3, then x =—3, By? +6y'+1=0 . Then u* =(1/y’ *, Su? +6u +1=0. (44 + 1)(2u +1) =0, or u=—4, -4. or}, ory =—4, For Probs. 2.72 and 2.73, find the discriminant. 22 2.73 2+sz- 0 IL The discriminant of a quadratic equation ax’ + bx + ¢=(is b? — ac. In this case, b* —4ac = —4(1)(—6) = 25+ 24 =49. S4+58=3 fo a=1,b=5, c=—3, b? — 4ac = 25 — 4(1)(—3) = 25 + 12 = 37. For Probs. 2.74 to 2.76, determine whether the equation has real roots. 274 tle +11=0 1 Recall that when the discriminant is positive or zero, the equation has real roots. If the 2.75 2.16 EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES 1 33 discriminant is zero, it has one real root; otherwise, it has two. If the discriminant is negative, the equation has imaginary roots. Here, 6? — 4ac = 11? — 4(1)(11) > 0. Conclusion: Two real roots. a3r+$=0 Ib? —4ac = (—3)?— 4(1)(2) = 9-9 = 0. Conclusion: One real root. W?tx+1=0 I 6? —4ac = 1? ~ 4(2)(1) < 0. Conclusion: No real roots, For Probs. 2.77 to 2.81, reduce the given equation to a quadratic and solve. 277 2.78 2.79 2.80 2.81 2.82 2.83 2.84 2.85 Ve+2=x I Square both sides, x +2 0, (x — 2)(x + 1) =90, or x =2, =1. Check: When x =2, Vx+ V4 =2. This checks. Whenx =—1, Va +2= v-it #-1. This does not check. Conclusion: x = 2. (Note: When you square an equation, you may pick up extraneous roots. It is imperative that you check all solutions.) 34+Ve=1=0 34+ V2 —1=0, V2x -1=—3, 2x -1=9, 2x = 10, orx =5, Check: 3+ V10—1=3+3=6#0. ‘This equation has no solution. Notice that it did not reduce to a quadratic. Vw —2- Vw=2 1 V3w—2=2+ Vw, 3w— (2+ Vw)? (squaring), 3w —2=44+4Vw+w, 4Vw 16w = (6~ 2w)* (squaring), 16w =36—24w + 4w?, 4w?—40w +36 = 0, w?— 10 + (w -9)(w — 1) =0, or w=9, 1. Check: V3w —2- Vw 22. Ifw=9, V27—2— V9 checks. If w 3B-2-Vi poet yy=0 Ivy y= (6-y)° Check: y =9 is extraneous. y y—6+Vy=0 F Letu= Vy, then u? 6+u=0,u>+u—6=0, (u+3)(u—2)=0, oru=3, 2.0 is extraneous, but u = Vy, so Vy =2, and y =4. ‘The height (in feet) of a ball thrown vertically upward above the ground in t seconds (s) is given by f= 128t— 167°. In how many seconds will the ball be 192 ft high? I If =192ft, then 192= 128r— 167, 161 — 128 + 192 =0, f° — 81 + 12=0, or (t-6)(¢-2) after 2s and after 6 s. Note: The ball goes upward, stops, and turns downward, That is why it reaches 192 ft after 2s. Find all values of R'so that x7 + (R + 3)x + 4R =0 has one real root. I The discriminant (R + 3)’ — 4(1)(4R) = 0. Thus, R* + 6R + 9—16R =0, R*—10R +9=0, (R-—9)(R—1)=0, or R=9, 1. Show that if ax? + bx + a= 0 has one real root, then b =2a or b = ~2a. I fax? + bx +a =0 has one real root, then b® ~ 4(a)(a) = 0. Then b*— 4a*=0, b? = 4a”, b?/a?=4 ot (b/a)? =4, so b/a =2 or =2. Thus, b = 2a or ~2a. Show that if ax*+ bx + ¢ = 0 has one real root, then b = +V4ac. 34 0 CHAPTER 2 2.86 2.87 2.88 2.90 2.91 2.3 LINEAR INEQUALITIES For Probs. 2.92 to 2.96, write an algebraic expression for each statement. 2.92 2.93 2.94 2.95 2.96 I fax? + bx + ¢=0 has one real root, then b? ~ 4ac=0, b? = 4ac, or b+V/4ac. Solve for f: P= El RP. I P=EL-RP, -RP+EI— P=, of RP El + P=0. Letting a= R, c= P gives If P dollars is invested at r percent compounded annually, at the end of 2 years the amount will be A= P(1+r)?. Atwhat interest rate will $1000 increase to $1400 in 2 years? 4H A=P(1+r), where A = 1440 and P = 1000. 1440= 1000(1 +r)’, (+1)? = 1.44, 1+ r= 4VL44 (reject the negative!), 1 +r = Vi.44 = 1.2, or r=0.2. The rate is 20 percent. Solve for h: h? + q?=5x W124 q?= Sx, WP = 5x —q, h= 4V5E—@?. ‘A number x has the property that the sum of x and twice its reciprocal is 3 times the number. Find x. H_ Let x =the number and 1/x = reciprocal. Then x + 2(1/x) = 3x, x + 2/x = 3x, (x? +2)/x=3x, x7 42=307, 2x?=2, x7=1, ore = 41. x=1 and x =—1 are both solutions. Check: 1+ 2(1/1) = 3=3(1), -1+2(1/-1) = -3=3(-1). Find two consecutive positive integers whose product is 210. 4H Let x =first number. Then x + 1 = second number. If their product is 210, then x(x +1) =210, x?+x=210, x* +x —210=0, (x — 14)(x + 15)=0, x= 14, —15. x = —15 is extraneous (it is nonpositive). Thus, x = 14, x +1= 15 (check this!) Find the length of a side of an equilateral triangle if the triangle’s area is the same as the area of a square with a side of Sm. I If the square has side x = 5 m, then its area= 25 m*. Let S = length of side of triangle. ‘Then the area of the triangle is ¢ V3 =25, $*V3 = 100, S* = 100/V3 = 1003/3, I 3 100. 10 Bevis (V3 as Oo 3M @— 10-3 m, 3y less than 4 times z is nonpositive. 1 4z-3y=0 5 times fis less than or equal to 3 less than 3 times negative y. H 5t=3(-y) ~3 or St=—3y -3 5 times fis more than 3 more than 3 times y. IH sr>3+3y 5 times tis 3 more than 3 times y. #or=343y 5 times ¢ is more than 3 times y. I 51>3y EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES 0 35 For Probs. 2.97 to 2.100, a and b are real numbers such that a ~3b (the inequality sign reverses). 299 2-aand2—b i ifa—b, and —a+2>—b +2, or2—a>2-b. 2.100 —a/4and —b/4 I Ifa—b, and -a-}>-b-4, or —a/4>—b/4. For Probs. 2,101 to 2.103, is the given number a solution of the given inequality? 2101 —x+520;3 IF Substituting 3 for x, we get —x +5=—3 +5=2 and 2= 0; 3 does satisfy the inequality. 2402 4/x+3=1/x;4 Wo whenx=1, 4/x +3 /4+3=11, and 1/x=2, so 11=2; J does satisfy the inequality. 2403 x! +1 1; 1 does not satisfy the For Probs. 2.104 to 2.122, solve the given inequality (if possible). 2.104 31>4420 W 31> 4424, 1>4. 2408 14r<31—4 Hours —4, orr=—s. 2106 —3s>5s +2 HW ~8s>2, or s<~}, or s<—4. (Notice the sign reversal!) 24107 4x +9=—-7x-16 Ho 4x4+92=~-7x—16, Ix = —25, orx 2.108 © —3(41-8) =6(¢ +5) W121 + 24560 +30, -6= 181, —&=<1, -}51, or >t. 2.409 —3(4¢-8) = 6( +5) BH -3(4r — 8) = 6(¢ +5), —12k + 24 <6r +30, —18¢ <6, f= —fh, or f= 4. See Prob. 2.108. ‘Notice the difference between the methods in Probs. 2.108 and 2.109. It makes little difference whether the ‘unknown is isolated on the RHS or LHS of the equation. 36 9 CHAPTER 2 2.110 240 2.412 2.13 2.414 2.115 2.116 2.17 2.118 2.119 2.120 2.21 (x43) -(2e4+4)s2r43 Oo -x 43-20-4524}, -3r-152r +3, -5e fore 2e+3 a 6 3 £-2 2043) 6 =0 0, Sx=—4, 0rx=—3. =0, (x —2) + 2(2x +3) =0 (here we multiply both sides by 6). x —2+4x +6= J—Jozz/i2+8 © 4-42 22/12 +8, § -42/12=2/12+ 8, -B=Sz2/12, -W=S5z, -F2z, z=—%, orz = -18. F 20x >3. Notice the reversal of both inequality signs. -652r-3<-1 I See Prob. 2.116. Then -3=x<1. -652-3=-1 # -352x=2, or — 41. (See Prob. 2.115.) -60, then xs ——4 Case 2: If -1—s <0, then x = «Case 3: If =1—5 =0, then 0= q.orr=—q. Then if =1=8 1<~q, any real x satisfies the equation. If r = q, there is no solution. I Multiply both sides by x + 5. Then Sx = 2(x + 5) —25, Sx <2x + 10-25, 3x <-15, or =—5. Butx # —5, since x + $ appears in the denominator. Thus, x < —5 is the only possible solution. Notice then that we can see that = =:2~—2 E45" > x45 has no solution Sx -3<4(15x ~9) B Sx—3<5r —30r0<0, But 0=0. Conclusion: No solution, 2x/5 — A(x 3) S2x/3— a +2) W 2x /S— 1/2 + 4s2x/3-3x/10- Hi, 8 ar +45<11x-18, -tr $6, orx= fh. EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES 0 37 2422 2x-a<-3x+p +a I -5x? ) For Probs. 2.123 to 2.127, an inequality is given. It is one of those in the above group. Graph the solution, and indicate the solution using interval notation. 2.423 14r=-31-4 (2.105) et a -47 0 4 ' 2.124 4x4+9=-7x-16 (2.107) coh “3-357 -2 =I ei ams 2-3 x45>0 (2.119) x+S) x45 I Recall that this inequality has no solution. One way to indicate © using interval notation is (1, 1). ‘What would another way be? 2126 —6 b. Tell whether each statement is true or false. If itis false, give a counterexample. 2.128 a? >b? FF False; for example, ~5 > ~6, but 25<36, 2129 ab b(a—b) IF True; a>b implies a — b > 0. Multiplying a> b on both sides by a — b maintains the inequality sign 2431 ab(a—b)>0 I True; a> implies a — 6 > 0, which means a(a ~ b) <0 and ab(a — 6) > 0 (note that the signs are reversed) 98 0 CHAPTER 2 2.132 2.133 214 2.135 2.136 2.37 For Probs. 2.138 to 2.140, use the following: Linda bought some pizzas at $5.40 apiece. The total bill did not exceed $23. 2.138 2.139 2.140 For Probs, 2.141 and 2.142, let a and b be positive integers whose sum is less than 12. 2.141 2442 (@a- 6 I False; a — b >0, thus (a — 6)*>0 and (a — 6)*/b <0. For example, let a= >0 Land If both a and b are negative and b/a is greater than 1, is a ~ b positive or negative? F bla>1. Then b0. Assume that m>n>0; then mn>n?, mn —m*>n?—m?, m(n—m)>(n+m)(n—m), m>n+ ‘m, or 0> nn, But we assumed that n > 0. Find the error. I To get from n(n ~ m) > (n + m)(n ~m), we divided by n ~ m. But n ~ m <0; thus, we needed to reverse the inequality sign. However, notice that we did not, Prove: For any real numbers x, y, and z, ifx0). fa=1,then 1+ <12 or b<11, sob canbe 1,2,... . 10 (10 choices). If a=2, then2 +b <12 or b<10, sob can be 1,2,... ,9 (9 choices). Total number of choices = 19. How many possibilities are there altogether fora and 6? 1 a=1 — 10choices for b 2 9 choices for b 3 8 choices for b EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES 2 39 7 choices for b 6 choices for b 5 choices for 6 4 choices for b 3 choices for b 2 choices for b 1 choice for Total: 55 possibilities 2.4 ABSOLUTE VALUE For Probs. 2.143 to 2.192, solve each equation or inequality, if possible 2143 |x| =6 FF Recall that |x| has two common equivalent definitions. x x20 wi={_% 2350 or kine If |x| =6, then x =6 or x=~6. Check: |6| =6, |-6] the definitions above: V6" = 6 and V(—6)° =6. . Note that this check works given either of 2144 |x|<5 FF Recall that |x —a| 0; then [|= has the solu +a [x|a has the solution x> a, x<— ler+d| a canbe writen as cx +d >a, cx+d<~a lex 4 a Fig. 2.3 20S |x|=4 I |x| 24 has solutions x = 4 and x <4, (See Fig. 2.3.) The graph of this solution set is 2.146 |r|=0 I Then £=0 which implies that ¢ can be any real number. Note that this makes sense. |¢| is never negative! 2447 |x| <-10 IF This inequality has no solution: |x| =0 for all x. 40 0 CHAPTER 2 2.148 2.149 2.150 2.151 2.152 2.153 2154 2.155 2.156 2.187 2.159 2.160 2.161 2.162 bke-4=3 # Thenx~ 3orx—4 . Then x= Torr =1. [-544)=2 # -S+4=2or -S+4=—2. Thus, S=2 or $=6. [2e|=8 # 2=8 or 4 = —8. Thus, t= 4 or t= {-3x|=21 H(i) -3x=21 or ~3x =~21. Thus, x = ~7 or x =7. (ii) |-3x|=|—3) [x] =3 [xl 3 fx] =21. |x] =7, 80x =7 orx= je+ij=4 H o2xe4+1=40r2e +1 = —4. Thus, x=Jorx= [2s—~6|=10 I 25-6 =10 ot 256 = ~10, 25= 16 or 2s = ~4,50.5=8 ors = [-20+4)= Ho-u+4= 2or-2+4=2, -2r=-6 or 2 = -2, sor [2x] <1 (See Fig. 2.3.) I Then -1<2 <1 or —]1 (See Fig. 2.3.) # 2t>1or2e<-1, Thent >} ort <4. be-1)<2 Bf -2x>0. (Careful! The signs are reversed because of division by —2.) |-3-2)<6 H -6<-3-2<6, -4<-3<8, or $>4>-4 [2x+1>6 I 2x +1>60r2x + 1<—6, 2x>5 or 2x<-7, sox>$orx<-}, [25-2|>8 FF 2s-2>8 or 2s -2<-8, 2s > 10 or 2s <-6,s08>S ors <—3. [2x-4|=10 Hf 2-42 10 or 2x —4= -10, 2x > 14 of 2x <~6, 80x =7 or r= -3. x+)e5 BW -x+125or—x+1<-5, -x>40r—x=~6, sox =—40rx=6. J-s-1]=7 BF ~s-1270r—s—1=~1, ~s=80r—s=~6, sos =—8ors=6. |-2e+4)>6 BW -2x+4>60r -2x +4<-6, 2x >2 or -2x <-10, sox <-1 or x >5. [-3r-2)=10 # -3x—2210 or —3x — 25-10, —3x = 12 or —3x 5-8, sox S—4orx=$. ft—x1<5 BW -S<1-x<5, -6<—x<4, or 6>x>—4, (Careful!) [2-156 § -6=2-1=6, -8<-1=4, or 8=1=—4. |-3-s|=5 BW ~S=~3-s <5, -2<-s=8, or2=s=-8 j1-2x/<8 @ -8=1-2=8, -9=-2x<7,orf2x= [2-3x|<6 W ~6<2-3X <6, -8<-3X <4, or §>X>-$ -3~4x| <12 # -12=-3-4x<12, -9<—4x =15, or }2x=— fi-d>u B i-1>1or1 ~6<-11, > 10 or F< =12, so ¢<~10 ort > 12 a2 0 2.179 2.180 2.181 2.182 2.183 2.184 2.185 2.186 2.187 2.188 2.189 2.190 2.191 2.192 CHAPTER 2 [2-s|>10 § 2-s>1Wor2-s<-10, s>B or —s<~12, 30s<—Bors> 12 (2—ar|=13 # 2-3r=13 or 2-3x = ~13, ~3x = 11 or ~3r = -15, orx <—¥ or x =5, —2x|>2 @ -1-2>2 or -1 - 2x <-2, -2x >3, or —2x <-1, x<-Jorx>4. ‘<3 Ho) -3<454<3, ~3x>—-¥. [et lj=x41 # Recall that |p| =p when p =0, Thus, |x + 1|=x +1 when x +120, orx>—1. [2s —3]=3-28 I Af 2s —3|=3 ~2s, then [2s — 3] 2553, ors=3. (2s ~ 3). But |p| = =p only when p =0. Thus, 2s ~3=0, fr42) s for x. +s ~¥ I o2x—p>sor2x—p<-s, 2xe>p +508 2x <—s +p, 90x>P> or 2x < 1g EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES J 43 2.5 NONLINEAR INEQUALITIES For Probs. 2.193 to 2.205, solve the given inequality. Graph the solution set for each even-numbered problem, and express each odd-numbered solution set in interval form. 2493 x?-2x+1>0 I Factoring the LHS, we get (x ~ 1)(x ~ 1) >0, which means that (1) both factors on the LHS are >0 or (2) both factors on the LHS are <0. Thus, (1) x—1>0, x>1, or 2)x—1<0,x<1. (x-1 is the only factor!) Conclusion: x > 1 or x <1. In interval form, (—®, 1) or (1%). Using set notatic {#, 1), (0, %)} 2494 x7-3x+2>0 BH (@-2)(x-1)>0. (1) x-2>0, x-1>0;x>2, x>1, oF (2) x-2<0, x-1<0;x<2, ¥<1 ‘Simplify: (1) Ifx >2 and x >1, then x >2, since x >2 guarantees us that x > 1, (2) Ifx <2.and x 2 or x <1. a ea ey 0 ee : 2498 x7—3r +220 I See Prob, 2.194. All > signs are to be replaced by = signs. Conclusions: x =2 or x <1 or in interval form [2, %) U(—», 1]. 2.196 x7—3x+2<0 1 if —2)(-1)<0, then (1) x—2>0, x-1<0 or 2) r-2<0, x-1>0. In(1) x>2and x <1, which is impossible. In (2) x <2 and x > 1. Conclusion: x <2 and x>1, or 10 F(x +3)(—2)>0. Then (1) x+3>0, x -2>0 or 2) x +3<0, x-2<0. Thus, x>—3 and x >2, which means x >2, or x <—3 and x <2, which means x < —3. Conclusion: x >2 or x <—3 or, in interval form, (%, ~3) U (2, =). 2.200 2x?-Sxr—3=0 H (2x + 1)(x~3) <0. Then (1) 2x + 1<0, x—3>0 or (2) 2x +1=0, x—3<0. Thus, x=—} and x 23 (which is impossible); or x= —4 and x =3. Conclusion: x= —4 and x =3, aera ees + 4 0 3 x 44 0 CHAPTER 2 2.201 2.202 2.203 2.204 2.205 Bx? +x >0 I x(3x +1)>0. Then (1) x>O and 3x + 1>0or (2).x <0 and 3x +1<0. Then x>0 and x >—{, which means x > 0, or.x <0 and x <—}, which means x <~4, Conclusion: x >0 or x <—} or, in interval form, (0, =) U (~ Be? <-2r +1 WH f3x?< -2e +1, then 37+ 2r ~1<0. Thus, (x — 1)(¢ +1) 0or(2)3x-1>0, x +1<0, Then x <}andx>—1,orx>} and x<—1 which is impossible. Conclusion: x <} and x > —1. #1 H_ S°=1 means S?—1<0. Then ($ ~ 1(S + 1) <0, which means (1) $ — 150, $ + 1=0or (2) S=1=0, S+1=0. Then S=1 and $=—1 or $= 1 and $= —1 which is impossible. Conclusion: S=1and $= —1 or [1,1]. See Prob. 2.204. Si I Here is another method. If S?=< 1, then VS?= VI. Recall that VS" = |S]. Then |S|=1 or —1=S=1. Notice the result is the same as in Prob. 2.203. — \ po a Q Ge Ppox>0 H x(x? = 1)>0. Thus, (1) x >0, x7-1>0 or 2)x <0, x7-1<0. If (1) x>0, (x1) +1)>0, thenx —1>0, x +1>0 which means x >1, x>=1, which means x>1; orx—1<0, x +1<0 which means x <1, x <~I1 which means x <—1. Thus, x >and (x >1orx<~1), orx>0 and x>l,orx>1. If(2)x<0,x—1<0, then. x +1>0 which means x <1 and x >—I; orx-1>0, x +1<0 which means x > 1 and x <—1 which is impossible. Thus, x <0 and (x <1 and x>—1), which means x > ~1 and x <0. Conclusion: x > 1 or (x > —1 and x <0) or, in interval form, (,4)U(-1,0). 2.6 MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS For Probs. 2.206 through 2.212, solve by factoring. 2.206 2.207 2.208 2.209 4x7—5, 0 Hf 4x = Sx =x(4x—5). If. x(4x 5) =0, then x =0 or 4x -5=0; x =0, 3. 4° -9=0 1 4x? — 9's the difference of two perfect squares. Thus, if 4x°— 9 =0, (2x —3)(2x + 3) =0 and 2x -3=0or2x +3=0.x1=43. x4 43-0 I Factor the trinomial on the LHS: x? ~ 4x + =(x—1)(x-3). Then (x~1)(x-3)=0 x-3=0 Or +9=0 EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES J 45 I Proceed as in Prob. 2.208: x? — Gx +9 = (x — 3)? = (x —3)(x —3). Then (x ~3)(x —3)=0 x-3=0 x-3=0 x53 *=3 2.210 4x7+20x +25=0 I Proceed as in Prob. 2.209: 4x? + 20x +25 = (2x + 5)°= (2x + 5)(2x +5) =O. Then 2x + 5=0, 2x =-5, x =. 2211 3x74 Bar —3a7=0 WP 3x? + Bax —3a* (3x — a)(x + 3a) (Check that!) Thus, (3x ~ a)(x +3a)=0 3x-a x+3a x=a/3 ae 2.212 10ax + (15 — 8a*)x — 12a =0 I 10ax? = (2ax)(Sx) and 3 - Sx — 4a(2ax) (2ax + 3)(Sx — 4a). Then (Zax +3)(Sx — 4a 2ax+3=0 Sx-4a=0 x=-3/2a x=4a/5 15—8a?)x. Thus, 10ax? + (15 ~ 8a)x — 12a For Probs. 2.213 through 2.215, solve by completing the square. 2213 x7-2x-1=0 0, then x? — 2x = 1; x7 — 2x + 1= 1+ 1. [—2is the coefficient in 2x; —3 Thus, we add 1 to both sides of the equation.] Then (x = 1)?=2, x =1=+V2, I See Prob. 2.213. If 3x°+ 8x + 7=0, then 3x” + 8x = ~7 and x” + §x = —]. (Divide by 3 to make it monic.) Then x? + $x + P= —3+ ¥=-§ @Hay 2.215 bx +¢=0,0%0 b b e we in Prob. 2.214: x7+2x=-£, 2242 pees I We proceed as in Prot bref tater aR -£ ihe = 2. BYE A agg x 3 PEE ee Note that this is a formal derivation of the quadratic formula. 2.216 Solve for x: 9x*— 1 I 9x*— 10x? + 1 = (x? — 1)(9x2= 1). (Check that by multiplication. What other factors were possibilities?) Then (x*—1)(9x?—1)=0 1=0. 46 9 CHAPTER 2 2.217 2.218 2.219 Solve for x: x* 6x’ + 12x7—9x +2=0. 1 Complete the square: (x= 6r" + 9°) + 37-9 +2=0 (x= 3x)? + 30? - 3x) $2=0 ‘ nal (2 0) + 2G? ac) 4 1] $0, 98 4 eT aot aed Solve for x: VSx—1— Vx I Rewrite this equation by isolating one of the radicals, VSx — 1 = 1+ Vx, and square; then Sr-1=142Vx+x, 4x -2=2Vx, or 2x —-1= Vx. Square: 4x*— 4x +1 =x, 4x? — Sx +1=0, (4x -1)(x- 1) =0, and x= Check eee root; since we squared the equation, extraneous roots are likely. When 53) — 1 - V] =0# 1, x = 1 checks and is the only solution. Solve for x: V6x +7 — V3r +3=1. I See Prob. 2.218 Vor#7=1+V3x+3 (Transpose.) 6x +7=1+2V3x43+3x+3 (Square.) 3x +3=2VEF3 Squaring gives 9x? + 18x + 9= 4(3x +3)= 12x +12, 9x7 + 6x —3=3(3x — 1)(x + 1) =0, and x= 4, -1. Check both of these. Neither one is extraneous. For Probs. 2.220 through 2.223, determine the character of the roots. 2.220 2.221 2.222 2.223 2.204 ar + IF The discriminant 6? — 4ac = (~8)? — 4(1)*(9) = 28. Since 28> 0 and since 28 is not a perfect square, the roots are irrational and unequal. =0 8x +9=0 I b'— 4ac = (—8)' — 4(3)(9) = ~44. Since —44<0, the roots are imaginary and unequal. 6x? -Sx-6=0 Ib? —4ac= 169. 169 > 0 and is a perfect square (169 = 13°). Thus, the roots are rational and unequal. 4V3x+3=0 Wb? 4ac = (—4V3)? — 4(4)(3) = 0. Thus, the roots are real and equal. (Question; What are they, and why are they not rational?) ‘Square each of the inequalities: (a) —3<4, (6) —S<4 1 @ (-3= 16; and 9< 16. (6) (—5)? =25, 4°= 16, and 25 > 16 (Be careful! The sign reverses.) For Probs. 2.225 through 2.228, solve for x. 2.225 3x +4>5x+2 EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES 9 47 Ho3c+4>5x42 -2k>-2 (Subtract 5x +4.) x-4 (Divide by -5.) 2.227 x >4x4+5 BeP>4rt5 w-4r—-5>0 Ifx*—4x —5=0, then x = —1, 5. On the interval x <—1, f(—2)>0; on the interval —1 5, f(6)>0. Thus, the inequality is satisfied when x <~1 andx>5. 2228 3x7 + 2x +2<27 ta +4 I See Prob. 2.227. Then x? +x —20 FO)= F(2) ‘Thus, —2 =c/v2, we obtain pi/p2= vol vy Taking v= 25, p»=30, v.=45, we obtain, as before, p, = 54. 2.240 Two pipes together can fill a reservoir in 6h 40 min. Find the time each alone will take to fil the reservoir if one of the pipes can fill it in 3h less time than the other. I Let.x=time (hours) required by smaller pipe, x ~3 = time required by larger pipe. Then 1/e= part filled in 1h by smaller pipe, = oy = part filled in 1 h by larger pipe. Since the two pipes me together fill 1/3 = 3 of the reservoir in 1h, += 3 20(x — 3) + 20x = 3x(x—3), 3x7 — 40x + 60 = (3x —4)(x — 15) =0, and x = 4, 15. The smaller pipe will fill the reservoir in 15h and the larger in 12h. 2241 Express x+y? — Gx — 9y +2=0 in the form a(x ~ h)? + b(y — k= re rene: Tele @&-3F +0- ae. 2.242 Transform each of the following into the form aV(x —h)' + k or aVk— (x — hy Wa) Var 8 +9 =2Ve Ie +9 = VG De $1) F = 2VE-I FE (6) Yar =x? = Vi6=(x —4)° (© V3=45=227 = V2 VE- 2k = = V2VIR- Ft 2.243 If an object is thrown directly upward with initial speed v feet per second (ft/s), its distance s ft above the ground after rs is given by s = vr — Agr”. Taking g = 32.2 ft/s’ and the initial speed as 120 ft/s, find out (a) when the object is 60 ft above the ground, (6) when it is highest in its path and how high it is. 2, (x2 — 6x +9) + (y?—9y + By =-24 94 9 = V2 Vi-@ +1) F (a) The equation of motion is s = 120r~ 16.1. Wi 60: 60 = 120 — 16.17 oF 16.112 ~ 120+ VC020)" = 4(16.1)60 04 Vil, 6 _ 120+ 102.64 _ 1+ =O. 2a Oa OSH: Alter 1 =0.545 the object is 60 ft above the ground and rising. After (= 6.91 s, the object is 60 ft above the ground and falling. =b _ ~(-120) yore oblect is at Hs highest pole when? = =e <= 2a 2(16.1) 120 ~ 16.177 (20(3.73) — 16.1(3.73)? = 223.6 ft =3.72s. Its height is given by 50 0 CHAPTER 2 2.244 2.245 2.246 Without sketching, state whether the graph of each of the following functions crosses the x axis, is tangent to it, or lies wholly above or below it. (a) 3x?+5x-2 (b) 2x? +5 +4 (©) 4x7=20 +25) 2-9 =a? F(a) b?—4ac = 25 +24 >0; the graph crosses the x axis. (6) b?—4ac = 25 — 32 <0, and the graph is either wholly above of wholly below the « axis. Since (0) > 0 (the value of the function for any other value of x would do equally well), the graph lies wholly above the x axis. (c)_ 6? — 4ac = 400 — 400 = 0; the graph is tangent to the x axis. (@)_b?—4ac = 4~ 144 <0 and f(0) <0; the graph lies wholly below the x axis, Form the quadratic equation whose roots x, and x, are (a) 3, 3; (6) —2+3V5,-2-3V5; (©) (3-iV2)/2, (3+ iV2)/2. F(a) 3,3, Here x, +4, =¥ and x,x,=$. The equation is.x? — Px + $=0 or Sx? — 17x + 6=0. (6) -2+3V5, -2-3¥5. Here x, +x, = —4 and x,x, = 4-45 = —41. The equation is x + 4x — 41-0. © ene oe ‘The sum of the roots is 3, and the product is 4!. The equation is x?-3x +4 =00r4x?=12r + 11=0. Determine k so that the given equation will have the stated property, and write the resulting equation. (a) x?+4kx +k +2=0 has one root 0. (b) 4x*— 8kx — 9 =Ohas one root the negative of the other. (c) 4x*— 8kx + 9=0 has roots whose difference is 4. 4H (a) x°+ 4kx +k +2=0 has one root 0. Since the product of the roots is to be 0, k +2=0 and k= —2. The equation is x? — 8x = 0. (6) 4x*—8kx —9=0 has one root the negative of the other. Since the sum of the roots is to be 0, 2k = Oand k = 0. The equation is 4x7-9=0. (©) 4x7—8kx +9=0 has roots whose difference is 4. Denote the roots rand r +4. Then r+(r+4)=2r +4=2k and r(r+4) ={. Solving for r = k ~2 in the first and substituting in the second, we have (k ~2)(k +2) = then 4k? — 16 =9 and k = +§. The equations are 4x° + 20x + and 4x? — 20r +9=0. 34 3a h CHAPTER 3 Graphs, Relations, and Functions CARTESIAN COORDINATE SYSTEM Plot each of the following points in the cartesian coordinate system: A(2, 0), B(~2, 5), C(-3, -2), DQ, 1). I See Fig. 3.1. Fig. 3.1 For Probs. 3.2 to 3.5, find the distance between the given points. 32 33 34 3S A(1, 0) and B(0, 1) I The distance between two points A and B in the plane = d(A, B) = AB Vie.— x)" + (y2— yy)", where A has coordinates (x,, ys) and B has coordinates (x2, ys). ‘Then, in this case, d(A, B) = V(O- 1+ (1-0) T+1=V2. A(O, 0) and B(-3, 2) 1 AB=V(-3-0) +¢ (1, 4) and B(-1, 5) I dA, B)=VG— (CF + G5) = V2 + (1p = V5. Notice that since (x, — x2)? = (x2 — 24), the order of subtraction is unimportant 9+4=ViB. P(1, 3) and Q(1, 5) I PQ=V(i-1)' + G—5)'= V0 +4 =2. Notice that since P and @ have the same abscissa, we can also get the result by finding |5 — 3] = |3 — 5] =2. This would also be the case if the ordinates were identical. For Probs. 3.6 to 3.10, find the midpoint of the segment joining the two given points. 3.6 (1,2) and (3, 2) I The midpoint M of the segment joining (x,, y,) and (x, 2) has coordinates artes yt ye si ay (252,75). thus, in this case has coordinates ("F5, = 2 Draw a picture. Does this result make sense? (2, 2). 51 52 0 CHAPTER 3 3.7 (~3,1) and (3,1) I The midpoint has coordinates 3.8 (-3,—5) and (—4,-6) 1 sthas coordinates ( 3.9 (V2,1) and (2, V3) N2+2 se) F Mis the point with coordinates ( 3.10 (8, 41) and (~35, -1) 1 M has evordinates (*S 4) -(-54). For Probs. 3.11 to 3.15, find the equation of the given circle. 3.1 Thecenter is at (0,0), radius = 4, 1 The equation of a circle with center (h, k) and radius ris (x — h)*+(y —k)* =. In this case, wa . The equation of the circle is (x — 0) + (y — 0) 3.12 The center is at (1,2), radius = 6. W h=1, k=2, r=6, The equation of the circle is (x - 1) +(y — 2) (= 1+ (y -2)*=36. 3.13 The center is at (~2, —3), radius=1. Wh =~-2,k=~3, r=1. The equation of the circle is [x ~ (2) +[y — (-3) = (x +2P +(y +3) 3.14 Thecenter is at (~2, 3), radius = V2 W h=-2,k=3,r=V2. +27 +(y-3F* 3.415 The center is at A(0, 0), and the point B(1, 1) lies on the circle. I Since (1, 1) lies on the circle, d(A, B) = radius of the circle. d(A, B) = VI'+ = V2. Then =0, r= V2. The equation is i +y For Probs. 3.16 and 3.17, tell whether the points all lie on a circle with given center P. 3.16 P(0, 0); (0, 1), (—1, 0), (V2/2, V2/2) I We need to find the distance from each given point to (0, 0). If these distances are all the same, the points all lie on a circle with P asthe center. d((0, 1), P)= Vi +0" =1. d((~1, 0), P)= V= 1)" +0" = 1. d((V212, V22), P) = V(V2/2¥' +(V2/2) = 1. Thus, the three points do lie on the circle. 3.17 P(1, 2); (4. 7), (—2. —3), (6, —1) # d((4, 7), P)= V3 +. d((—2, -3), P)= VF +F. d((6, -1), P)= VS" +S. Since the three distances are the same, the points do lie on the same circle with center P. For Probs. 3.18 to 3.21, find the center and radius of the given circle. 3.8 3.19 3.20 321 3.22 3.23 3.24 GRAPHS, RELATIONS, AND FUNCTIONS 53 (e-1P +y?=4 I Since (x ~ h)? + (y - &)? = is the equation of the circle, center is at (1,0), and the radius is 2. this case h=1, k (+27 + (y +32 =3 F h=-2, k=-3, r= V3, The center is at (~~ 3), and the radius is V3. B+ yt—4y=0 1 We must put this equation in the form (x — h) + (y — k= 7. Complete the square on y?— 4y, making sure you add the required 4 to both sides: x7 + (y?—4y +4) =0+4. x?+(y—2)'=4, The center is at (0, 2), and the radius is 2. sty? + 4x —4y I Regrouping terms, we obtain (x? + 4r) + (y*—4y) = 1. Completing the square, (x? + 4x +4) + (9? -4y +4) =14 (4 +4), or (x +2) + (y — 2)?=9. The center is at (—2, 2), and the radius is 3. Graph the equation in Problem 3.21. I Sce Fig. 3.2. Comer at (~ Fig. 3.2 For Probs. 3.23 to 3.30, decide whether the graph of the equation exhibits symmetry with respect to the x axis or origin. Do not graph the equation to determine whether the symmetry exists. yard? The tests for symmetry are the following: (a) Replace x with —x. If the equation does not change, the graph is symmetric with respect to the y axis. (6) Replace y with -y. If the equation does not change, the graph is symmetric with respect to the xaxis, (©) Replace x with —x and y with ~y. If the equation does not change, the graph is symmetric with respect to the origin. fF @) iny=x+2, replace x with —x; then y = —x +2. This is a change. The graph is not symmetric with respect to the y axis. (6) Replace y with ~y. Then ~y =x +2 or y= —x —2. Not symmetric with respect to the x axis. (c)_ Replace x with —x and y with ~y, Then ~y = —x +2, or y= x2, Not symmetric with respect to the origin. ad I xaxis y axis Origin y axis Origin Cx¥ty¥=4 (xP t Chad x+y? Ree Symmetric Symmetric 3.26 y axis Origin FtCy-I=9 xh += aft y -2F 4 (y+ 1P=9 +(y-1) B+ (y +1) Not symmetric Symmetric Not symmetric 3.27 y=[2xl I xaxis ~y = [2x) [2(—x)/ ory =|-2x] aa Not symmetric ‘Symmetric Not symmetric 3.28 il+ I xaxis Origin =y =e] +1 [-aj+1 =y=|-x|+1 ory =|x|+1 ~y=|x|+1 Not symmetric ‘Symmetric Not symmetric 3.29 1 xaxis yaxis =a ; ory Not symmetric ‘Not symmetric ‘Symmetric 3.90 y=x7+1 IF Since (—x)’ = x’, we see y axis symmetry. It does not exhibit x axis or origin symmetry. 331 Graphy=x+2, I See Fig. 3.3. See Prob. 3.23 above, Notice the lack of symmetry first uncovered in Prob. 3.23. x10 1)2 yl2tala 3.32 Graph x? +(y—1)=4. I Sce Fig. 3.4, See Prob. 3.26 above, Here we have a circle with center (0, 1) and radius 2. Notice y axis symmetry. GRAPHS, RELATIONS, AND FUNCTIONS {7 55 Fig. 3.3 ty wong paso fo) Fig. 3.4 3.33 Graph y=|x| +1. I See Fig. 3.5 and Prob. 3.28. Notice that we calculated y only for positive x values since we already knew the graph had y axis symmetry. £| 0 ylile Fig. 3.5 3.34. Show that (5, 2V3), (2, - V3), and (8, —V3) form an equilateral triangle. I Let A be the point (5, 2V3), let B be the point (2, —V3), and let C be the point (8, — V3). Then d(A, B) = VS — 2) + GV3)' = V9 +27 =6, d(B, C) = V(8—2)" + OY = V36= 6, and d(A, C) = V3 + (3V3)° =6. Since the three lengths are equal, it is an equilateral triangle. For Probs. 3.35 and 3.36, are the given points the vertices of a right triangle? 3.35 (-3,2), (1, -2), (8,5) I Call the three points A, B, and C, respectively. Then AB = V(—4): + 4 = V32, Bi V-7)° + (7) = v9B, AC = V(-11)? + (-3)° : Since these lengths satisfy the pythagorean theorem, the three points are the vertices of a right triangle. 58 0 CHAPTER 3 3.36 (—4,-1), (0,7), (6, -6) IF Calling the points A, B, and C, respectively, we see that AB? = 16 + 64= 80, BC? = 36 + 169= 205, AC? = 100 +25 = 125. Since 80 + 125 = 205, we do have a right triangle. 3.2. RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS For Probs. 3.37 10 3.46, tell whether the relation shown is a function, In all cases, x is the independent variable, 3.37 See Fig. 3.6. 0.4) "-8.0) Fig. 3.6 I Figure 3.6 is a function. No two ordered pairs have the same abscissa. Notice (see Fig. 3.7) that any line drawn at x» perpendicular to the x axis on the x axis intersects the function only once. by 0.4) 8.9) Te Fig. 3.7 3.38 See Fig. 3.8, Fig. 3.8 I Be careful here! Figure 3.8 exhibits a function. For each x value, there is only one y value; thus, ‘no two ordered pairs have the same abscissa. However, unlike Prob. 3.37, two ordered pairs share an ordinate, for example, (1, 1) and (1, 1). 339 See Fig. 3.9. CL-n GRAPHS, RELATIONS, AND FUNCTIONS 1 57 faa) Fig. 3.9 I Figure 3.9 is a function. All ordered pairs have different abscissas. Notice that this graph reminds us of y 3.40 See Fig. 3.10. Fig. 3.10 I Figure 3.10 shows a function. Draw a perpendicular to the x axis at any point on the x axis, and note that it intersects the function only once. 3.41 See Fig. 3.11. G1) (1) Fig. 3.11 FF Figure 3.11 is not a function. Since (1, 1) and (1, —1) have the same first element, it violates the definition of a function.

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