Writing Skills Assignment

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Read up on Writing Skills from all available sources and give five (5) more

definitions of it.

1) Writing is the art of expressing our views, ideas, and thoughts. Though
writing seems easy while thinking about it, many times, it results in
unorganized and scattered pieces of information on paper. This often
creates confusion or sends a wrong message
Effective writing can be a daunting task as it demands much more than
mere correct grammar. You need to gain knowledge about sentence structure,
develop your vocabulary, and build other basic writing skills. .
2) "Writing" is the process of using symbols (letters of the alphabet,
punctuation and spaces) to communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable form.
3) Writing skills are specifics abilities which help writers put their thoughts
into words in a meaningful form and to mentally interact with the message. There
are some different definitions of writing explained by some different linguists.
Writing is an integral part of a larger activity where the focus is on something else
such as language practice, acting out or speaking (eprints.umpo.ac.)
4) Writing, form of human communication by means of a set of visible
marks that are related, by convention, to some particular structural level
of language. (https://www.britannica.com/topic/writing)
5) Writing is a medium of human communication that represents language
with signs and symbols. For languages that utilize a writing system, inscriptions
can complement spoken language by creating a durable version of speech that
can be stored for future reference or transmitted across distance. Writing, in
other words, is not a language, but a tool used to make languages
readable. (www.definitions.net)
2. Based on the definitions that you have collected, give your OWN understanding
of writing

skills. (7)

Writing is the ability to articulate and express one’s thoughts, ideas and views by
way of symbols ( letters of the alphabet, punctuation and spaces ) . The sole
intent of writing is communication with the end process being the ability of the
reader to comprehend the visible information given in the way that the writer
intended to. For this reason writing is basically a dissemination of information,
and the communication from a person to the reader which is not usually fleeting
as is the case of speaking thereby allowing access to the communication for
longer periods in time. Writing in general involves the person formulating a
thought that can be put into a piece of paper, or in contemporary times the use of
a digital medium to express one’s thoughts, ideas and views.

3. What are the elements of writing skills and why are they important? (8)

The writing process consists of elements that help a writer to develop text that is
reflective, clear, and coherent. The following section will discuss four elements of
the writing process:

 Planning
 Organizing
 Writing
 Revising

Planning involves a person using his cognitive abilities to generate an idea to
formulate their words in the best way possible so that there shall be a seamless
approach when they write what they intend to communicate
Organizing is important as the intended information to be communicated need to
be presented in the most coherent manner that will not confused the reader on
the information intended to be received , ideas that have been gathered from the
planning process can be arranged in a way that best serves the communication

Writing will involve the actual presentation of thoughts into symbols or letters
arranged in a way that makes sense for the reader to comprehend. It shall be in
congruence with what was planned and organised

Revision is the last stage which involves a cross checking of the written text , this
usually involves checking for any kind of erroneous element that may be present,
be it the grammar, spelling, punctuation or whether the entire text has conveyed
the desired communication or not
They are important because these steps serve a purpose in the seamless
transaction of information from the writer to the reader, for optimum
communication it is necessary to follow the above elements without it there shall
be a miscommunication or an illogical writing that would be hard to comprehend.

Works Cited
(n.d.). Retrieved from harappa.education: https://harappa.education/harappa-diaries/improving-

(n.d.). Retrieved from www.englishclub.com: https://www.englishclub.com/writing/what.htm

(n.d.). Retrieved from eprints.umpo.ac.: http://eprints.umpo.ac.id/4675/1/chap%202.pdf

(n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/writing: www.britannica.com

(n.d.). Retrieved from www.definitions.net: https://www.definitions.net/definition/writing

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