Rock Mass Classification by CRIEPI

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Rock Mass Classification by CRIEPI




Rock-forming minerals are fresh and not weathered or

altered. Joints and cracks are very closely adhered with no Very fresh and Extremely
A No weathering or alteration None - Clear
weathering along their planes. A clear sound is emitted hard tight
when hammered.

Rock-forming minerals are weathered slightly or partially

Partial less weathering and
B weathered, the rock being hard. Joints and cracks are Fresh and hard alteration
Tight None - Clear
closely adhered. A clear sound is emitted when hammered

Rock-forming minerals are weathered but the rock is fairly

hard. The bond between rock blocks is slightly reduced and With
each block is apt to be exfoliated along joints and cracks by A little weathering axept for Less limonite Slightly decreased (separated by
CH Relatively soft A little dim
strong hammering. Joints and cracks sometimes contain quartz open or clay firm hammer blow)
clay and other material wich may be coloured by limonite. A material
slightly dull sound is emitted when hammered.

Rock-forming minerals are weathered and rock is slightly

C soft. Exfoliation of the rock occurs along joints and cracks Small weathering except
With clay Somewat decreased (separated
CM by normal hammering. Joints and cracks sometimes Somewhat soft for quartz and somewhat Open
material by common hammer blow)
Somewhat dim
countain clay and other material. A somewhat dull sound is soft
emmited when hammered.

Rock-forming minerals are weathered and rock is soft.

Exfoliation of the rock occurs along joints and cracks by Intermediate weathering With clay Decreased (separated by light
CL Soft Open Dim
light hammering. Joints and cracks contain clay. A dull and soft material hammer blow)
sound is emmited when hammered.

Rock-forming minerals are weathered, and rock is very soft.

There is virtually no bond between rock blocks, and Strong weathering and With clay Almost absent (collapse by light Remarkably
D Disintegrated Open
collapse occurs at slightest hammering. Joints and cracks decomposed material hammer blow) dim
contain clay. A very dull sound is emmited when hammered.

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