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Speak Out Upper-Intermediate.

Midterm Speaking Module

Term 2, Units 6-8
1. Choose any foreign country and prepare advice for visitors. (behaviour
and function vocabulary)
The Japanese are famous for their willingness to work very hard. Children are
taught to show respect for others, especially parents and bosses. They learn to do
what's best for their family or company and worry less about their own
needs.Honorifics are an interesting part of Japanese culture, and they can be more
than a little confusing!Unlike many western cultures, in Japan people generally
don’t call one-another by their first name. Doing so can be a mark of disrespect,
unless you’re very close to the other person and in the right sort of casual
environment, so you’ve read. Mental note then: first names are best avoided. For
foreigners in Japan, using honorifics correctly can be difficult, and perhaps more
troubling than correct usage is understanding the meanings when they are used in
reference to yourself.When addressing a stranger, use the person’s surname and
attach ‘-san‘ to the end. It’s like saying Mr. or Mrs. in English. Furthermore, in the
office and other formal environments, it’s considered impolite to leave the suffix
off the end of the surname. The concept is simple though: you add a suffix to the
end of names to address or refer to people. The general idea being that the use of a
suffix raises the person up – honouring them, so to speak – and doing so is deemed
to be polite. There are many types of honorifics though, with varying meanings.
For example San .Choosing not to add -san to a name shows an affinity to the
person. Close friends, especially those who have known each other since childhood
and grew up together, often call one-another by their first names. This is limited to
casual settings though, and even close friends would default to addressing one-
another by surname-san in formal office settings where other people are present. In
contrast, adding -san shows politeness but is also somewhat stand-offish and
cold.There are situations however, where omission of -san is a mark of rudeness or
authority. A company boss, for example, will often speak down to subordinates by
omitting -san from their names (as well as modifying other speech patterns). The
technique can also be used in a rude way. Perhaps unwittingly where the listener
does not perceive the speaker to be in authority, or where the speaker intends to
insult the listener. This is called yobisute – literally ‘throwing away the calling’ –
and is not welcome. Most foreigners will likely commit this fallacy at some point
without knowing it, and usually the listener will not point it out. Rest assured
however, that it is noticed.

2. Which of the programmes would you most like to watch?

I am not too fond of watching TV, but when I was a younge I am interested in
watching reality shows and comedy programs. I think comedy shows are the best
way to relieve stress. I watched these shows on weekends only because I am very
busy with my work during weekdays. Also I watch the same type of TV shows
most of the time, but things are changed with time; when I was a child, I loved to
watch cartoons shows, my interest was altered at teenage age, I mean to watch new
kinds of TV programmes for example if we speak about movies now I don’t watch
them I can explain why. Series now I can watch only one or two episodes this is
due to the fact that I saw spoilers on Tik Tok and sometimes Instagram.And now
due to busy schedule I watch TV only on weekends and only for a couple of hours
or I don't watch at all. The hour is later than we think but I never stop watching
Investigation Discovery and my favourite programmmes such as Web of Lie,
Blood Relatives, Massacre at school and universities an the last one is The Perfect
Murder. Yeah I know its can sounds terribly but I watch this programmes because I
want to understand why they did it, their mental health, what influenced on them
and what should I do if I get into one of these terrible situations, how can I help
these people. Drawing a conclusion from the words I said. I would be happy if
there were more programs that told how the victim should behave in order to stay
alive. how to quickly identify a potential murder. Also it would be great if there
were more programmes for introverts like me. Because I really cant speak with
strangers whereas I scared. I guess that this type of program will insperate us and
make our life easily.

3. Tell about the benefits of watching TV online as opposed to on a TV

We live in the century
of the communication and we have to use this. The 21th century
made huge steps in developing computer technologies and do our life much easier.
Nowadays, people watch television as a form of leisure. Television is a part of
people’s life and it will be forever. And nowadays we can watch television online.
I believe that the advantages of this type of watching tv outweigh the
disadvantages. On the one hand, some individuals argue that spending time
watching television has lots of benefits as it helps people relax after long hours of
the day's work. For example, watching movies or listening to music can be calming
and soothing. It helps in relieving stress. Another benefit is that watching the news
on the screen helps people to be aware of what is happening both in their
surroundings and outside, it provides them with worldwide information on politics,
crime, entertainment, to name a few. But there is one problem you spare your time
and do something can improve your life,you should seat front of the television. But
if you will watch TV programmes on your phone or another portatble device you
can do everything and anywhere.So,the first advantagnes is Available to Watch;
Anytime, Anywhere. I guess that everyone hate advertisement which interrepd
when you watching something really interesting. And you have only 5-10 minutes
to do something. You started and hop programmes started and you cant restarted.
Its really annoying. But if you watch something online you can easy
pause,restarted,record and so on. But also there is one of the most important
advantagnes about this type of leisure , you waste your time because of unlimited
function Im mean you can watch something very often without pause. In
conclusion,I am of the opinion that there are both merits and demerits of watching
tv but with proper guidance, the negative effects will be curtailed.

4. Tell about: the top five cities for art lovers or the top five friendliest countries
or the top five countries with the tallest people or the top five dangerous
animals (adding emphasis and make guess vocabulary).

Regardless of your city is popular or not there are a lot of landmarks which can
make your country or city more popular and tourists from different parts of the
world will visit. Which cities do you know that have a landmarks such as old
buildings, sculpture or interesting history? I`m sure that most of us will say France
especially Paris, Italy, London, and USA. And you were quite right. On internet I
found list of top five cities for art lovers. And on the top is Paris city in France.
With over 1,000 art galleries spread across the city, Paris is an art lover’s city.
From iconic art museums like The Louvre – home of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona
Lisa, and a must-do on any art fan’s bucket list – and veteran contemporary
galleries like Galerie Daniel Templon to relative newcomers like La Maison Rouge
and Modus Art Gallery and the vibrant street art in Paris’ Belleville neighborhood,
there’s art to be found around every corner in The City of Light. Champs Elysees,
the most beautiful avenue in the world. The next one is New York City. The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, or the Met, as it is commonly known, was founded
in 1870, and is one of the most famous museums in the United States. The
permanent collection of The Met contains more than two million works of art,
spanning a period of 5,000 years.Although the museum has three sites, the
centerpiece is The Met Fifth Avenue. Highlights of the collection include
American decorative arts, arms and armor, costumes, Egyptian art, musical
instruments, photographs, and much more. Tokyo, Japan. While some cities may
have more or less defined art districts, Tokyo’s differs in that its galleries are
spread far and wide across the sprawling metropolis, but they’re certainly worth
the trek. A good place to start is Roppongi – home to the Mori Art Museum,
National Art Center and smaller spaces like Ota Fine Arts – while over in
Taito, SCAI The Bathhouse, a contemporary gallery in a 200-year-old former
public bathhouse, is one of Tokyo’s most prestigious art destinations.London.
Regardless of your particular view of art - classical, contemporary, contemporary
or otherwise - there is a gallery in London that fits. Тhe National Gallery to see
iconic works of art like Vincent van Gogh’s Sunflowers and John Constable’s The
Hay Wain, and visit the Tate Modern for international modern art by the likes of
Picasso, Hockney and Warhol. Madam Toues Museqm with wax figures of famous
people. And the last one is Florence Italy with Renaissance art. Visit the
Accademia to see the most famous statue in the world, Michelangelo’s David, or
the Bargello for its incredible collection of Renaissance sculptures. Friendly
speaking I`m not sure with this list because all of this cities already tired and they
are pretty similar. We need to discovery new cities which also have landmarks. For
example, Ukraine in 24 regions there are a lot of things which are not similar they
are different. We have a lot of musems,old sculptures which are greater. And I
can`t understand why we don`t have a lot of tourists. But I promise that after war I
will visit all cities in my beautiful country. In conclusion I want to say stop visiting
such a simple and already known to all cities. Welcome to Ukraine ladies and

5. How to live to 101. (Optimism/ Pessimism Vocabulary)

All of us bore and have his special mission during life. Some of us live long life
and someone not. Did you ever mind about it? Why somebody was in prime but
died? I guess not because we think that our life was write before our birth.
someone says that they have such a fate. And only God know when and why we
will die. It is such a problematic issue. Because only us can influence to our future.
Have you ever been thinking what will happen in our future ?Which events,
technical progress, how people live, go, working, new types of animals will be. As
for me I really dream to live to 101 and be witness of this. But I know that I will
not. I read on internet list of action which help to live longer. I selected 5 items that
I liked the most. Be nicer and Laugh more. Not only is laughing fun, but it's also
good for you! One 2016 study published in the journal Psychosomatic
Medicine found that women with a strong sense of humor had a 73 percent lower
risk of death from heart disease, an 81 percent lower risk of death from infection,
and a 48 percent lower risk of death from all causes. Follow sensible diet. Full
your stomach only for 80 percent. Don’t worry though - you don’t need to keep a
tally of every vitamin and mineral. By eating a balanced and varied diet, as
covered in the Australian Dietary Guidelines, you give your body the nutrition it
needs. A balanced diet includes vegetables, fruit, wholegrain breads and cereals,
dairy or calcium-rich dairy alternatives, and meat or protein-rich alternatives. Do
some gentle exercise. Exercise is essential at every age, and no matter your ability
level. Exercise helps us maintain our muscles, which in turn keep us strong, active,
and independent. Our muscles also provide protection for our bones, support
balance, help with blood circulation, and much more. Follow a sleep routine. We
might notice that our sleep patterns have changed quite a lot since our teen years.
It’s normal to sleep less as we get older, but restful sleep is still very important.
Following good sleep practices can help. For example, avoid screens in the hour
before bed, have a pre-sleep routine to help you wind down, and go to bed at the
same time each night. And the last one take care about yourself. I mean try not to
fall into depress, It is not cool as some think. Maintain a positive attitude and stay
mental active. In conclusion, I want to mention that all of us can live to 101 and
more. And to reach it we should just be happy and don`t be dread about future,
have people who loves us, be needed by others (бути потрібним іншим), live to
the fullest for not make up for lost time and take care about people who need it. In
the end, you will understand and would be proud of yourself. During your retire
you will not too much regret about anything.

6. Would you say you are generally an optimistic, ‘glass half full’ type of
person or a pessimistic ‘glass half empty’ one? (Optimism/ Pessimism Vocabulary)

Would you say you are more of a “glass is half-full” or a “glass is half-empty” type
of person? That is, are you generally an optimist, someone who tends to see the
positive sides of situations, or a pessimist, someone who more often sees the
negative? It is such a difficult question because it depends on situation. I think
people know how to plan pessimistically and act optimistically. It means eyes
scared but hands do. Have you ever been think you are generally an optimistic or a
pessimistic? And what about me? Do I glass is half-full” or a “glass is half-empty
type of person. For answer on this question first of all I need to compare it and sum
up the points. If I am optimistic I expecting the best possible outcome from any
given situation. Friendly speaking I all of time have negative attitude and in the
same time have mixed feelings of expecting the worst possible outcome from any
given situation. So,0-1 in favor of pessimist. Always about having a bad or a
negative attitude about life and things in life; for pessimists, life is dull, evil and
meaningless. I really think like this during a long time. But now I try to see life in
colorful and interesting way. I recognized that one day will day or anything bad
can happen with me and I cannot predict it. Also during my retire I don`t want
to regret about my lifestyle about things which I didn’t do. In this case 1-1 in favor
of optimistic. The next one an optimist is always confident about own self. As for
me it depends on situation but in 4 of 6 I will not have a good self- confidence. I
cant explain why. So 1-2. But according to the previous arguments I don’t seems
challenges in life as a burden, and avolds challenges in life. I guess them is as a
blessing, and embraces challenges in life. Without them you will go nowhere ,so
we need them. Obstacles as those that make us stronger and wiser and help us to
reach our destination. And people who think that sees obstacles as curses or a
burden that makes them weak and helpless. And someone who think like that are
weak and pathetic.2-2 in favor of optimistic. Unfortunately, I also pathetic because
reluctant to have a future plans and is afraid to have my dream because I do not see
hope for something. I all of time see everything in dark colour but I really want to
be a person with heart and smile on my face I cant pretend anymore its hard. But
now I try to do best for become a person of my dream. In total I have 3-2 in favor
of pessimistic. But I knew the answer before started to write this text. So,I am
pessimist and I all of time drug my heel to do anything. But from the day I wrote
this text I want to be optimistic and start to live not survive.

7. What do you think it means to ‘peak early’ or to be a ‘late bloomers’?

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