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The Wedding Ceremony.

Villanueva - Dela Cruz Nuptial

Tantine & Ann
Entourage…..   Song # 1- FROM THIS MOMENT
Bridal March ….   Song # 2- THROUGH THE YEARS
A. Introduction.
Let us all rise.
“Fill us with Your love, 0 Lord, and we will sing for joy all our days. May the Lord be upon
us and give success to the work of our hands.” (Psalm 89: 14-1 7)
Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God and in the
presence of this company, to join together this man and woman in holy matrimony.
Marriage is an honorable estate, instituted of God, blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ,
and declared by St. Paul to be honorable to all men. It is not therefore be entered into
unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, surely, advisedly, and in the fear of God. Let
us therefore, under the seriousness of this act, invoke the Divine Presence upon this
B. Invocation: 
Father, when You created mankind, You willed that man and woman should be one.
Bind Tantine and Ann  in the loving union of marriage and make their love divine,
so that they may be living witnesses to Your Divine love in this world. We ask this
through our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son, who lives and reigns with us and the Holy
Spirit, AMEN!
C. Scriptural Foundation. 
Psalm 128 says, “Blessed is everyone that feareth the Lord; that walketh in His ways.
For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands; happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well
with thee. Thy wife shall be like fruitful vines by the sides of thine house; thy
children like olive plants round about thy table... Behold that, thus shall the man be
blessed that feareth the Lord. The Lord shall bless thee out of Zion; and thou shalt
see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life. Yea, thou shalt see thy children’s
children, and peace upon Israel.” (KJV)
 D. Matrimonial Message:  The Officiating Minister
A. Advise.
 ( Minister): Tantine and Ann, you are here today to seal your love before one
another with an eternal and permanent bond before God and the Christian
To the Congregation:
 (Minister):      May I ask you dear sponsors. Parents, relatives, brothers, sisters,
and friends to continue to remember them with your prayers as they renew their
commitment, dedication, and faithfulness to one another.
B. Scrutiny.
(Minister):     Tantine did you come here of your own freewill to bind yourself in
love and services to your wife.
    Tantine:  Yes, Pastor. 
      (Minister):     Ann, did you came here of your own freewill to bind yourself in
love and service of your wife.
          Ann: Yes, Pastor.
    (Minister):  Are you both willing to continue to build the good Christian home
together and raise Christian children whom God has given you?  - ( in unison)
Tantine  &  Ann: Yes, Pastor.
C. Message of the Bride and Groom
At this moment, let us hear the message of the Bride and the Groom to each other. 
(may we request the Best Man __________ and Maid of Honor ___________ to get the
mic and assist the couple as they declare their vows to each other)
you. RICHELLE ANN LABUGUEN DELA CRUZ, that there is nothing that could hinder
me  from loving you more and dedicating my life to you from the time I considered you
a part of my life. Therefore, I am here with you, in front of parents, relatives, witnesses,
sponsors, and this congregation to promise that I will continue loving you and dedicate
my life to you till the end of time.
humbly declare to you , MARK CONSTANTINE ESPIRITU VILLANUEVA that is
nothing that could hinder me to from loving you more and dedicating my life to you
from the time I considered you a part of my life. Therefore, I am here with you, in front
of parents, relatives, witnesses, sponsors, and this congregation to promise that I will
continue loving you and dedicate my life to you till the end of time.
(Minister):     Tantine, and Ann, since it is your intention desire to enter into Holy
Matrimony, please join your right hands.
        (Minister)    Tantine,, do you take Annhere present to be your lawful wife?
And do you solemnly promise before your parents, relatives, sponsors, and the
congregation that you will love her, comfort her, honor her, and keep her: and
that, forsaking all others for her alone, you will perform unto her all the duties
that a husband owes to her wife, until God, by death, shall separate you.
  (Groom): I do.
    (Minister) Ann, do you take Tantine, , here present to be your lawful husband?
And do you solemnly’ promise God your parents, relatives, sponsors. and the
congregation that you will love him, comfort him, honor and keep him; and that,
forsaking  all others for he alone, you will perform unto him all the duties that a
wife owes to her husband, until God, by shall separate you?
Ann:  I do.
Its time for the Bride and Groom to pay tribute to their Parents.
 Song # 3: TILL I MET YOU
Tribute to Parents: by the Bride and the Groom
Groom’s Message to his Parents
Bride’s Message to the Parents of the Groom
Groom’s Parents’ Advise
Bride’s Message to her Parents
Groom’s Message to PArents of the Bride
Bride’s Parents’ Advise
A. Ring Ceremony.
(Minister):   May I request the Best Man, and Maid of Honor to bring the rings
1. Meaning of the Ring.
a) This wedding ring is an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual
bond, which unites two loyal hearts in endless love.
b) The ring symbolizes ownership. When a king decides to approve on
something in the Old Testament, he uses his ring to seal agreement or covenant;
afterwards, he could not retract anymore. So as for you, now you are entering
into an agreement with each other.
c) The color of the ring is gold, which is the most precious thing in the world;
likewise is your love to each other.
d) The ring is circle, which shows your endless love. Only death cold frees you
from your marriage relationship.
2. Blessing of the Ring.
“Lord, bless and consecrate Tantine, and Ann, in their love for each other. May
these rings which we bless in Your Name be a symbol of mutual love and respect
and unbroken loyalty; through Christ our Lord, AMEN!”
3.   Exchange of Rings to each other.
          Minister:  Tantine,, will you receive this ring as a token of her affection,
sincerity and fidelity towards you?
        (Groom): I will.
          Minister:  Ann, will receive this ring as a token of his affection, sincerity, and
fidelity towards you.
              (Bride): I will.
(Please face each other, and we request the mics)
      (Minister):  Tantine,, take the left hand of Ann, and place the ring on the fourth
finger , then say:
        (Groom):This ring I give thee in token and pledge of our constant faith and
abiding love, with this ring I marry you,, and give you all that I am and all that I
        (Minister)  Ann, take the left hand of Tantine, and place the ring on the fourth
finger, then say,
                (Bride):  This ring I give thee in token and pledge of our constant faith and
abiding love, with this ring I marry you,, and give you all that I am and all that I
B.  Coin Ceremony
1.  Blessing of the Coin.
Let us pray.
          (Minister):  Bless us O Lord your children Tantine, and Ann, with sufficient
material possessions which these coins symbolize, so that they may use them for
their living. We ask in Christ our Lord, Amen.
F. Bible Ceremony
  Please hold the bible with you left hand, and put your right hand on the Bible as I give
you this charge.
Tantine,  and Ann, Take this Book of the Word, it is the inspired Word of God
and is useful for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training that the man of God be
thoroughly equipped not lacking anything. Study it diligently, that you may be
approved unto God, a worker who does not have to be ashamed, correctly handling the
word of truth. Live it, preach it, defend it and let it be a light unto your feet and a light
unto your path. Let it be your guide, your source of wisdom, your foundation that you
may prosper wherever you go and whatever you do. Be strong then, and be very
courageous, for you will lead your family to the Land he had sworn to you. Do not let
this Book of the Law depart from your mouth, the you may prosperous and successful
wherever you go.
    (Minister):    May I request the veil couple (________________) and to come
forward and place the veil over the head of Tantine, and over the shoulder of
the Ann
The veil is a symbol of God’s covering power so that their lives will be protected.
The responsibility of setting the path of their married life will be on (Tantine,’s)
shoulder, a life which(bride) in all humanity, shall now follow, support and help
 Now, may I ask (________) and (_______) to place the cord over the shoulder of
the newly-wed couple. 
The cord symbolizes total and unconditional commitment of Tantine, and Ann  to
each other. It is the symbol of their complete sacrifice and self surrender for the
benefit of the other, symbol of unity that will bind them closer to each other. May
the Lord bless and keep them forever.
Let us hear a special number from _________ as the Groom’s Men and the Bride’s
Maid  Place the veil and the cord. 
Please be seated.
        (Minister):    may I ask the parents of Tantine, and Ann  to come forward and
offer the bread and the cup, to be assisted by   the best man and maid of Honor.
         (Minister): “For I have receive form the Lord what I also pas to you; the Lord
Jesus, the night he was betrayed, took bread and when he had give thanks, He
broke it and said, “This is my body which is broken for you. Do this in
remembrance of me.” Let’s eat the bread. In the same way, after supper, He took
the cup saying, This is the new covenant in my blood; do this whenever you
drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this
cup, you proclaim the Lords until he come’. Let’s drink the cup.
May we ask two Male and two female Sponsors to come and witness the signing
of the marriage certificate.
Song # 5- ON THIS DAY
(The principal Sponsors are called pair by pair to bless Tantine,  and Ann  may I
request (Groom’s Man) and (Bride’s maid) to remove the cord from the
shoulders of the Tantine, and from the head of the Annas we hear another song
Song # 6- ON THIS DAY
    Tantine,  and Ann,   please join your hands. 
Forasmuch as Tantine,  and Ann have consented together in holy wed luck and have
witness the same before God and this company and there to have given and each to
the other, I Bishop Monico A. Simon III by the authority vested upon me by the
Government of the Republic of the Philippines, I declare by the committed unto me
as a Minister of the Gospel, now confirm and bless the bond of marriage you have
conferred on  one another, your are now Husband and Wife, according to the
ordinance of God, the law of this state, in the Name of the Father and of the Son, and
of the Holy Spirit. “What God has joined together let no man put asunder.”
Now I present to you 
(Lighting of the big candle)        Song # 6- CHERISH THE TREASURE
Consecration and Dedicatory Prayer    
Let us pray. 
Father, all power and ever-living God, we do and always and everywhere we
give you thanks. By this holy matrimony, your grace unites man and woman in
an unbreakable bond of love and peace. You have designed the chaste love of
husband and wife for the increase both of the human family born through the
Spirit. You are the loving father of the new creation of grace. Defend them amidst
all temptations and save them from indifference and love grown cold. May they
live for each other in peace and with growing true affection that their home may
be a haven of rest and place of thy abode; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.  
(Minister): Tantine, and Ann, now that you are united in Holy Matrimony, I
admonish you to remain faithful to each other.
Tantine, love your wife as Christ loves the church and live with here in the holy
fear of the Lord.
Ann, submit, love and obey your husband and be good wife. Preserve in faith,
love, and holiness.
                      (Kiss the Bride) 
A. Song  # 7- IKAW by Yeng
B.  Benediction.
May the Lord grant you fullness of years
May you reap harvest of a good life 
May the love of the father, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
And the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us today and   forever, Amen!
The marriage ceremony is finished. 
Go in peace to love, and to serve.
Let’s welcome Tantine and Ann as

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