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Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Urban Transportation Systems Planning

CE 60013

Part IV: Traffic Assignment

Dr. Bhargab
g Maitra
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
• Traffic Assignment
g is the process
p of allocating
given set of trip interchanges to the specified
transportation system or routes
• Traffic assignment requires a complete
description of proposed or existing transportation
system and a matrix of inter zonal trip movements
• The major aims of traffic assignment procedures
are to:
9Estimate the volume of traffic on the links of
the network and possibly the turning
movements at intersections
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9Furnish estimates of travel costs between trip
origins and destinations for use in trip
di t ib ti
9Obtain aggregate network measures, e.g. total
vehicular flows, total distance covered by the
vehicle, total system travel time
9Estimate zone-to-zone travel costs (times) for a
given level of demand
9Obtain reasonable link flows and to identify
heavily congested links
9Estimate the routes used between each origin-
destination (O-D) pair
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9Estimate zone-to-zone travel costs (times) for a
given level of demand
9Obtain reasonable link flows and to identify
heavily congested links
9Estimate the routes used between each origin-
destination (O-D) pair
9Analyze which O-D pairs that uses a particular
link or path
9Obtain turning movements for the design of
future junctions
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• Different types of traffic assignment techniques

9All-or-nothing assignment
9Incremental assignment
9Capacity restraint assignment
9Stochastic assignment
9Stochastic user equilibrium assignment
System optimum assignment
9Dynamic assignment, etc.
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Link Cost Function

• As the flow increases towards the capacity of the
stream, the average stream speed reduces from
the free flow speed
p to the speed
p corresponding
p g to
the maximum flow

• The
Th minimum
i i path
th computed
t d
prior to the trip assignment
will not be the minimum after
the trips are assigned
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• A number of iterative procedures are available to
converge this difference
• The relation between the link flow and link
impedance is called the link cost function
• An example of link cost function

Where, t and x is the travel time and flow,

respectively on the link
link, t0 is the free flow travel
time, and k is the capacity. α and β are the model
parameters (typical
p ( yp values,, α = 0.15 and β =4.0))
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Network Properties and Algorithms

• It is useful to understand some of the network
properties like network connectivity, minimum
spanning tree, shortest path, etc.
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Minimum Spanning Tree
• Spanning
p g Tree: A tree with required
q minimum
number of links to ensure connectivity of the
network i.e. (n-1) links to connect ‘n’ nodes
• Minimum spanning tree: A spanning tree with
minimum total cost or length
• In many system, such as highways, computer
network, telephone lines, television cables, etc, we
need to identify the minimum spanning tree
• Example: Minimum road network which needs to
be developed and maintained throughout the year
to ensure connectivity of all nodes
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b d
1 2

a 3 5 7 f

4 1
c e
• So many ways, 5 links can be selected to ensure
connectivity of all the 6 nodes
• But, for the minimum spanning tree (shown by
yellow lines)
lines), the total cost is minimum
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• Two important features of minimum spanning

9Possible multiplicity: There may be several
minimum spanning g trees of the same weight
having minimum no. of edges; in particular, if
all weights are the same, every spanning tree is
i i
9Uniqueness: If each edge has a distinct weight
h there
h will
ill only
l be
b one, unique
i minimum
i i
spanning tree
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Kruskal's Algorithm
• This is a g
y algorithm
• Take a graph with 'n' vertices
• Keep adding the shortest (least cost) edge
edge, while
avoiding the creation of cycles
• until (n - 1) edges have been added
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Step 1 4
b d
1 2

a 3 5 7 f

4 1
c e
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Step 2
b d
1 2

a 3 5 7 f

4 1
c e
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Step 3
b d
1 2

a 3 5 7 f

4 1
c e
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Step 4
b d
1 2

a 3 5 7 f

4 1
c e
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Step 5
b d
1 2

a 3 5 7 f

4 1
c e
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Prim’s Algorithm
• Start at any vertex in a graph (vertex A, for
example), and find the least cost vertex (vertex B,
for example) connected to the start vertex.
• Now, from either 'A' or 'B', find the next least
costly vertex connection, without creating a cycle
t C,C ffor example).
l )
• Now, from either 'A', 'B', or 'C', find the next least
costly vertex connection, without creating a cycle,
and so on
• Eventually, all the vertices will be connected,
without any cycles, and an MST will be the result
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Step 1 4
b d
1 2

a 3 5 7 f

4 1
c e
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Step 2
b d
1 2

a 3 5 7 f

4 1
c e
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Step 3
b d
1 2

a 3 5 7 f

4 1
c e
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Step 4
b d
1 2

a 3 5 7 f

4 1
c e
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Step 5
b d
1 2

a 3 5 7 f

4 1
c e
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Shortest path
• Findingg a path
p between two vertices (or
( nodes))
such that the sum of the weights of its constituent
edges is minimized
• Formally, given a weighted graph (that is, a set V
of vertices, a set E of edges, and a real-valued
i ht function
f ti f : E → R),
R) andd one element
l t v off V,
find a path P from v to a v' of V so that
– Σf(p),
Σf(p) p P, P is minimal among all paths
connecting v to v'
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Dijkstra's algorithm
• It solves the single-pair,
g p , single-source,
g , and
single-destination shortest path problems
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• Let's call the node we are starting
g as initial node
and from which Y be the distance to an other
• Assign some initial distance values and try to
improve them step-by-step and assign to every
node a distance value; Steps
S are
9Set it to zero for initial node and to infinity for
all other nodes and mark all nodes as unvisited
9Set initial node as current
9For current node, consider all its unvisited
neighbours and calculate their distance
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• For example, if current node (A) has distance of 6,
and an edge connecting it with another node (B) is
2 the distance to B through A will be 6+2=8
• If this distance is less than the previously
recorded distance (infinity in the beginning
beginning, zero
for the initial node), overwrite the distance
• When we are done considering all neighbours of
the current node, mark it as visited
• A visited node will not be checked ever again; its
distance recorded now is final and minimal
• Set the unvisited node with the smallest distance
(from the initial node) as the next "current node"
and continue from step 3
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9 5
6 6
2 11
3 4
10 15
7 2

Find out shortest path in this network using

Dijkstra s algorithm
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• Step 1: set node 1 at zero and others at infinitive
• Step 2: node 1 is now current node
• Stepp 3: from node 1 distances of nodes 2, 3, 6 are
7, 9, 14 respectively and minimum is 7, so
14 9 5 6
2 9 11
3 4
10 15
1 7
7 2
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• Now node 2 become the current node from which
the distance of node 3 is (7+10)= 17>9 and node 4
is (7+15)= 22
• The distance of node 3 from node 2 is more than
the distance from node 11, so

14 9 5 6
6 22
2 (7+10)=17>9
3 4
10 15
1 7
7 2
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• Now node 3 become the current node from which
the distance of node 4 is (9+11)= 20<22 and node
6 is (9+2)= 11<14
• The distance of node 6 from node 1 is more than
the distance from node 33, so
9 5 6
2 9 11

3 4
10 15
1 7
7 2
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• Now node 6 become the current node from which
the distance of node 5 is (11+9)= 20
• And distance from
f node 5 to node 4 is ((20+6)=
) 26
> 20, so

9 5 6
2 9 11

3 4
10 15
1 7
7 2
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Floyd’s Algorithm
• In Floyd’s
oyd s method, et od, the
t e nodes
odes are
a e numbered
u be ed as 1,,
2, . . . . . . . . , n
• The distances found at any y stage
g of the algorithm,
g ,
say when the nodes 1 to k may be used as
intermediate nodes, are stored in an n by n matrix,
Dk, with elements dk[i, j]
• The arc lengths of the network will form the matrix
D0 and d the
th final
fi l matrix
t i will
ill be
b Dn
• The algorithm is formulated as follows
9Step 0: Create the n by n matrix D0 with
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d0[i, j] = d[i, j] (the length of arc (i, j), if this exists)
= 0 (if i = j)
= ∞ (if arc (i, j) does not exist)
P[i j] = i
Set k = 0
9Step 1: Define the matrix Dk-1[i,j] with elements
dk-1[i, j] = min [dk[i, j], dk[i, k+1] + dk[k+1, j]]
If the later value is chosen, then change P[i, j] to
P[k+1, j]
9Step 2: Increase k by one
If k=n stop, otherwise return to step 1
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9Step 2: Increase k by one
If k=n stop, otherwise return to step 1
• When the algorithm stops it will have found the
shortest path length between every pair of nodes
in the network
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• Determine
ete e tthe
o test pat
s bet
ee aall pa
nodes on transportation network shown in Figure
• Branch lengths are shown on the figure
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• Starting matrix Do is as
• All elements along the main
diagonal of matrix Do equal
zero since by definition dij0 = 0
for i = j
• We
W note element
l d1,02 off matrix
i Do
• This element equals 8 since the length of the
branch connecting nodes 1 and 2 is 8
• Element d3,01 equals infinity since the network has
o branch
b a c whichc issooriented
e ted from
o node
ode 3 to node
ode 1
• Element d5,01 of matrix Do equals infinity as well
since there is direct branch linking nodes 5 and 1
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Starting matrix Qo is as follows:

• First we note that node i is the
immediate predecessor of node
j on the shortest path leading
from node i to node j (for i ≠ j )
• For this reason we have, for example:

• We now go to the first algorithmic step

• Let k = 1. As an illustration of Step 2 we calculate
the elements of the first three rows of matrix D1
• Calculations for other rows are left as an exercise
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• Matrix D1 is as follows:

• Matrix elements which changed values compared

to the values they had in matrix DO are circled
• So, for example, the shortest distance between
nodes 2 and 4 is 13 after the first algorithmic step
• In starting matrix DO this distance was ∞ . Since
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• Then node 1 is the new immediate predecessor of
node 4 on the shortest path from node 2 to node 4
• After passing through the algorithm the first time,
Q1 looks like this:

• After the second, third, fourth and fifth passages

through the algorithm,
algorithm matrices D2, Q2, D3, Q3, D4,
Q4 and D5, Q5 are as follows:
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• Matrices D5 and Q5 furnish us with complete
information on the lengths of the shortest paths
andd the
th nodes
d on those
th paths
th between
b t all
ll pairs
i off
nodes in the transportation network
• For
F example l the
th shortest
h t t pathsth from,
f node
d 5 tot
node 4 has a length of 10
• Also by studying the Q5 matrix one can obtain the
shortest paths from, node 5 to node 4
• As per Q5, the immediate predecessor node to
node 5 for the shortest path from 5 to 4 is q(55A) = 3
• Hence 3 to 4 forms the final link on the shortest
path from 5 to 4
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• Next the predecessor node to node 3 on the
shortest path from 5 to 3 is q(553) = 2
• Hence 2 to 3 to 4 forms a part of the shortest path
from 5 to 4
• Proceeding similarly, we see, q(552)
• Hence 5 to 2 to 3 to 4 is the shortest path
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User equilibrium assignment (UE)
• The user equilibrium assignment is based on
Wardrop's first principle
• Wardrop’s first principle is that under equilibrium
condition traffic arranges itself in congested
network in such a way that no individual trip
makers can reduce his travel cost by switching
• Or all used routes between an O-D
O D pair have equal
and minimum costs while all unused routes have
greater or equal costs
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• User Equilibrium (UE) conditions can be written
for a given O-D pair as:

• Where fk is the flow on path k, ck is the travel cost

on path k k, and u is the minimum cost
• Here, 2nd equation can have two states
1)If ck - u = 0, from equation fk ≥ 0.
9Means, all used paths will have same travel time
2)If ck - u ≥ 0, then from equation fk = 0
9Means, all unused paths will have travel time
greater than the minimum cost path
• Where
Wh fk is
i the
th flow
fl on path
th k,
k ck
k is
i the
th travel
t l costt
on path k, and u is the minimum cost
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Assumptions in User Equilibrium Assignment
1) The user has perfect knowledge of the path cost
2) Travel time on a given link is a function of the
flow on that link only
3) Travel time functions are positive and increasing
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• Consider, a network shown in Fig (a). Fig (b) gives
the travel time function for each of the three single
li k routes
link t between
b t the
th origin
i i O and d destination
d ti ti
D. The total demand from O to D is 110

Figure 7 : Example problem on user-equilibrium assignment technique

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• In the example, obviously if demand is less than
or equal to 100, everybody will travel using Route
2 since
i the
th travel
t l time
ti offered
ff d by
b Route
R t 2 (between
(b t
30 minutes and 40 minutes) will be less than any
other route
• However, when demand is in excess of 100, if
everybody travels on Route 2, then the travel time
on Route 2 will become more than 40 min,
implying that Route 1 will become more lucrative
(offering about 40 min of travel time, since the
volume on Route 1 is zero at this stage) and some
can benefit
b fit by
b unilaterally
il t ll shifting
hifti tot Route
R t 1
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• On doing so, if the volume carried by Route 2 falls
below 100 then again Route 2 will become
ti and d some will
ill shift
hift to
t Route
R t 2 from
f Route
R t
• Given this,
this and the fact the total demand is 110,
110 it
can be said that if 100 use Route 2 and 10 use
Route 1 then each one will face a travel time of
about 40 min and none can improve his/her travel
time by unilaterally shifting from one route to
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Figure 8: Areas under travel-time versus flow plots under various flow distributions
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• Another interesting feature is that at equilibrium
flow, the sum of the areas under the travel time
versus flow
fl plots
l t isi the
th least
l t
• This feature can be easily seen by visually
inspecting the sum of the areas shown in Figure 8
• Figure 8 (a) corresponds to the equilibrium flow,
and the sum of the areas is equal to area ACDE +
area ABFG
• Figure 8 (b),
(b) corresponds to an instance of non-
equilibrium flow conditions with Route 2 carrying
all the flow ((i.e.,, 110);
); in this case the relevant sum
of the areas is simply equal to area HIJK
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• Figure 8(c) represents another instance of non-
equilibrium flow where Route 2 carries a flow of 90
d the
th restt 20 are carried
i d by
b Route
R t 1;1 ini this
thi case
the relevant sum of areas is area LMNO + area
• Finally, Figure 8 (d) represents another instance of
non equilibrium flow conditions with Routes 1, 2,
and 3 carrying flows of 30, 70, and 10,
respectively; the relevant sum of the areas in this
case is area TUVW + area TXYZ + area Tαβγ. Note
that the sum of the areas is the least in
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• The solution to the above equilibrium conditions
given by the solution of an equivalent nonlinear
th ti l optimization
ti i ti program
• Where k is the path, xa
equilibrium flows in link a, a
ta travel time on link a, frsk
flow on path k connecting
O D pair
O-D i r-s, qrs trip
t i rate
between r and s, and δrsa,k
is a constraint and is
given by
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Two Link Problem with constant travel time function

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Solution: Substituting the travel time in equation
yield to

= 10x1 + 3x12/2 + 15x2 + 2x22/2

j to,, x1 + x2 = 12
Now substituting x2 = 12 – x1 in above equation, we
get, min z(x) = 10x1 + 3x12/2 + 15(12 – x1)
+ 2(12 – x1)2/2
Differentiate the above equation and equate to zero,
and solving for x1 and x2 leads to the solution
X1 = 5.8 and x2 = 6.2
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System optimum assignment
• The system optimum assignment is based on
Wardrop's second principle
• Wardrop’s second principle is that traffic should
be assigned in a congested network in such a way
that the total system travel cost is minimized
• The behaviorl assumption is realistic only in a
completely automated control
• It can be
b useful
f l to
t transport
t t planners
l and
engineers to manage the traffic to minimize travel
costs and
• Therefore, achieve an optimum social equilibrium
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Subject to

Where, xa equilibrium flows in link a, ta travel time

on link a, frsk flow on path k connecting O-D pair r-s,
qrs trip rate between r and s.
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• To demonstrate how the assignment works, an
example network is considered
• This network has two nodes having two paths as
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• Differentiate the above equation to zero, and

solving for x1 and then x2 leads to the solution
9x1 = 5.3
9xx2 = 6.7
• Which gives Z(x) = 327.55
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Deterministic Traffic Assignment Techniques
g assignment
• In this method the trips from any origin zone to
anyy destination zone are loaded onto a single,
g ,
minimum cost, path between them
• This model is unrealistic
• As only one path between every O-D pair is
utilised even if there is another path with the
same or nearly same travel cost
• Traffic on links is assigned without consideration
of whether or not there is adequate capacity or
heavy congestion
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• Travel time is a fixed input and does not vary
depending on the congestion on a link
• This model may be reasonable in sparse and
uncongested networks where there are few
alternative routes and they have a large difference
in travel cost
• It may also be used to identify the desired path :
the path which the drivers would like to travel in
the absence of congestion
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• It acts as a building block for other types of
assignment techniques
• It ignores the fact that link travel time is a
function of link volume and when there is
congestion or that multiple paths are used to
carry traffic
• To demonstrate how this assignment works, an
example network is considered
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Solution The travel time functions for both the links

is given by:
9tt1 = 10
9t2 = 15
and total flows from 1 to 2 is given by. q12 = 12
Since the shortest path is Link 1 all flows are
assigned to it making x1 =12 and x2 = 0
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Incremental assignment
• It is a process in which fractions of traffic volumes
are assigned in steps
• In each step, a fixed proportion of total demand is
i d based
b d on all-or-nothing
ll thi assignment
i t
• After each step, link travel times are recalculated
based on link volumes
• When there are many increments used, the flows
may resemble an equilibrium assignment
• This method does not yield an equilibrium solution.
q y, there will be inconsistencies between
link volumes and travel times that can lead to errors
in evaluation measures
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• Step 0:Preliminaries: Divide each O-D entry into N
equal portions (i.e set qrsn = qrs/N). Set n := 1 and
xa0 = 0,
0 a
• Step 1: Update: Set tan = ta(xan-1), a
• Step
St 2: 2 IIncremental
t l loading:
l di Perform
P f all-or-
nothing assignment based on {tan}, but using only
the trip rates qrsn for each O
O-DD pair; this yields a
flow pattern {wan}
• Step 3: Flow summation: Set xan = xan-1 + wan, a
• Step 4: Stopping rule: If n = N, stop; otherwise, set
n ::= n+1 and go to step 1
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Link 1

Link 2
Li k 3

• t1 = 10 [1+0
15(x1/2)4 ] time units
• t2 = 20 [1+0.15(x2/4)4 ] time units
• t3 = 25 [[1+0.15(x
( 3/3))4 ] time units

• x1 + x2 + x3 = 10 flow units
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Iteration Algorithmic step link1 Link 2 link3
1 Update t11=10
10 t21=20
20 t31=25
Increment loading w11=2.5 w21=0 w31=0
Summation x11=2.5 x21=0 x31=0
2 Update
U d t t12=14
14 t22=20
20 t32=25
Increment loading w12=2.5 w22=0 w32=0
Summation x12=50 x22=0 x32=0
3 Update t13=69 t23=20 t33=25
Increment loading w13=0 w23=2.5 w33=0
Su at o x13=5.0
=5 0 x23=2.5
=2 5 x33=0
4 Update t14=69 t24=20.5 t34=25
Increment loading w14=0 w24=2.5 w34=0
ti x14=5.0 x24=5.0 x34=0
Travel time at convergence t1* =69 t2* =27.3 t3* =25
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Capacity restraint assignment
• Capacity restraint assignment attempts to
approximate an equilibrium solution by iterating
between all-or nothing traffic loadings and
l l ti link
li k travel
t l times
ti based
b d on a
congestion function that reflects link capacity
• Unfortunately,
Unfortunately some times
times, this method does not
converge and the flow flip-flops between some
links whereas the other links does not get loaded
at all
• So to remedy this situation, we need to use
modified capacity restraint algorithm
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• The algorithm can be summarised as follows
9 Step 0: Initialization: Perform all-or-nothing
assignment based on ta0 = ta(0), a. Obtain a set
of link flows {xa0}. Set iteration counter n = 1
9 Step
St 1: 1 U
d t S Sett tan = ta(x
( an-11),
) a.
9 Step 2: Network loading: Assign all trips to the
t k using
i all-or-nothing
ll thi based
b d on travel
t l time
{tan}. This yield a set of link flows {xan}
9 Step 3: Convergence test: If maxa { an an‐1 } ≤ k k,
• Otherwise,
Otherwise set n := n+1 and go to step 1
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Link 1

Link 2
Li k 3

• t1 = 10 [1+0
15(x1/2)4 ] time units
• t2 = 20 [1+0.15(x2/4)4 ] time units
• t3 = 25 [[1+0.15(x
( 3/3))4 ] time units

• x1 + x2 + x3 = 10 flow units
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Iteration Algorithmic step link1 Link 2 link3

0 Initialization t10=10 t20=20 t30=25
x10=10 x20=0 x30=0
1 Update t11=947 t21=20 t31=25
Loading x11=0 x21=10 x31=0

2 Update t12=10 t22=137 t32=25

g x12=10 x22=0 x32=0

3 Update t13=947 t23=20 t33=25

Loading x13=0 x23=10 x33=0
….. …. ….. ….
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M difi d Algorithm
Modified Al ih
• Step 0: Initialization: Perform all-or-nothing
assignment based on ta0 = ta(0), a. Obtain {xa0}.
Set n := 1
• Step
St 1:1 UUpdate:
d t S Sett Ƭan = ta(x
( an-1
n 1),
) a.
• Step 2: Smoothing: Set tan = 0.75tan-1 +0.25 Ƭan, a
• Step 3: Network loading: Perform all-or-nothing
assignment based on travel time {tan}. Yields {xan}
• Step
St 4:4 St
i rule:
l If n = N,
N go to
t step
t 5;5
otherwise, set n := n+1 and go to step 1
• Step 5: Averaging: Set xa* = 1/4Σ3t=0xan-1 a and
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Using Modified Algorithm (CRA)
Iteration Algorithmic step Link 1 Link 2 Link 3
0 Initialization t10=10 t20=20 t30=25
10 x20=0
0 x30=0
1 Update Ƭ11=947 Ƭ21=20 Ƭ31=25
Smoothing t11=244 t21=20 t31=25
L di
Loading x11=0
0 x21=10
10 x31=0
2 Update Ƭ12=10 Ƭ22=137 Ƭ32=25
Smoothing t12=186 t22=49 t32=25
Loading x12=0 x22=0 x32=10
3 Update Ƭ13=10 Ƭ23=20 Ƭ33=488
Smoothing t13=142 t23=42 t33=141
Loading x13=0 x23=10 x33=0
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Average of above four steps
Link 1 Link 2 Link 3
Average x1* = 2.5 x2* = 5.0 x3* = 2.5
t1* = 13.7 t2* = 27.3 t3* = 26.8
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Method of Successive Averages
• MSA were developed, at least partially, to
overcome the problem of allocating too much
traffic to low capacity link
• It can be describe following steps:
1)Select a suitable initial set of current link costs,
usually free-flow travel times. Initialize all flows
Va = 0; make n = 0
2)B ild a minimum
2)Build i i costt trees
t with
ith the
th currentt
costs; make n = n + 1
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
3)Load the whole matrices T all or nothing to these
tree obtaining a set of auxiliary flows Fa
4)Calculate current flows as:
Van = (1-Φ)Van-1 + ΦFa with 0 ≤ Φ ≤ 1
5)C l l t a new sett off currentt link
5)Calculate li k costs
t based
b d on
the flow Van
6)If the
th flows
fl (or
( currentt link
li k costs)
t ) have
h nott
changed significantly in two consecutive iteration,
stop; otherwise proceed to step 2
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
• Iterative assignment algorithms differ in method
used to give a value to Φ
• A simple rule is to make it constant, for example
Φ= 0.5
• A much hb
tt approach hddue tto S
Smock k (1962)
(1962), iis tto
make Φ = 1/n
• It has
h been
b shown
h (Sheffi
(Sh ffi 1985) th
thatt making
ki Φ=
1/n produces a solution convergent to Wardrop’s
equilibrium albeit not a very efficient one
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
• Consider a case of a bypass and a single town-
centre route with a total demand of 2000 trips, use
Φ = 1/n, Cb = 15 + 0.005Vb and Ct = 10 + 0.02Vt
Iteration Φ Flow Cost Flow Cost
town town(Ct) bypass bypass(Cb)
1 F 1 2000 50 0 15
Vn 2000 0
2 F 1/2 0 40 2000 20
Vn 1000 1000
3 F 1/3 0 23.3 2000 21.7
Vn 667 1333
4 F 1/4 0 20 2000 22.5
Vn 500 1500
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Iteration Φ Flow Cost Flow Cost

town town(Ct) bypass bypass(Cb)
5 F 1/5 2000 26 0 21
Vn 800 1200
6 F 1/6 0 23.3 2000 21.7
Vn 667 1333
7 F 1/7 0 21.4 2000 22.1
Vn 572 1428
8 F 1/8 2000 25 0 21.25
Vn 750 1250
9 F 1/9 0 23 3
23.3 2000 21 7
Vn 667 1333
10 F 1/10 0 22 2000 22
Vn 600 1400
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Stochastic Traffic Assignment Techniques
• Stochastic user equilibrium
q is an equilibrium
q route
choice based framework in which choices are
modeled using a stochastic choice model and the
congestion effects are dealt with through the
equilibrium assumption
• Stochastic methods of traffic assignment
emphasize the variability in drivers’ perception of
costs and the composite measure they seek to
minimize (distance, travel time, generalized cost)
which require to consider second
best routes
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
• There are two methods: (i) simulation based
method which uses ideas from stochastic (Monte
C l ) simulation
Carlo) i l ti to t introduce
i t d variability
i bilit in
perceived costs, and (ii) proportion-based
methods which allocate flows to alternative routes
from proportions calculated using logit-like
• There are two separate approaches to refine the
SUE models: the inclusion of multiple
p user
classes and the consideration of elastic demand
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
• SUE models take into consideration both pure
stochastic method which assumes that spread of
t between
b t two
t points
i t is
i produced
d d because
b off
variability in the perceived route costs, and the
pure user-optimized equilibrium method
• The equilibrium condition is achieved where:
Each user chooses the route with the minimum
perceived travel cost; in other words, under SUE
no user has a route with lower p perceived costs
and therefore all stay with their current routes”
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
• The difference between stochastic and Wardrop’s
user equilibrium is that in SUE models each driver
d fi travel
define t l costs
t individually
i di id ll instead
i t d off usingi a
single definition of cost applicable to all drivers
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Comparison of all or nothing and stochastic
• For All or nothing assignment
t1 = 10+3x1 = 10, x1 = 0
t2 = 15+2x
15 2 2 = 15,
15 x2 = 0
Since path 1 is the shortest, so x1 = 12, x2 = 0
and t1 = 46
46, t2 = 0
• For stochastic assignment
P1 = e-t1
t1 + e-t2
t2) = 1/(1+e(t1 t2)) = x /12
x1 + x2 = 12, x2 = 12 – x1
x1/12 = 1/( 11+e e(10+3x1-15-2x2) )
Solving numerically, x1 = 5.5125, and x2 = 6.1875
And t1 = 27.44, t2 = 27.38
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
SUE Solution Algorithms: The Method of
Successive Averages
• Step 0. Assume some form of the distribution of
link costs about the mean;
• Step 1. Set all link costs to their “free flow value”
and a counter n to 0.
• Step 2. Carry out a Burrell-style assignment with
the current costs in which for each origin we: (a)
generate random link costs and (b) assign all trips
to their minimum (random) cost routes to produce
a set of “all-or-nothing”
all or nothing flows, Fa(n)
• Step 3. Average the all-or-nothing flows from step
2 with the previous flows using the equation.
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
A proposed classification of traffic assignment methods by Ortuzar and Willumsen
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Dynamic Traffic Assignment Techniques
• Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) − a
Component of Advanced Traveler Information
Systems (ATIS) an Advanced Traffic Management
S t
Systems (ATMS) uses hi
t i l and d real-time
l ti
data to estimate and predict traffic conditions
• The common feature of these models is that they
depart from the standard static assignment
assumptions to deal with time
varying flows
• Another feature shared by these models is that
none ppresently
y provides
p a universal solution for
general networks
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
An improved classification of traffic assignment

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