ICTPMG611 Prepare A Detailed Design Brief Learner Resource

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Prepare a detailed design brief

Learner Resource

TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................................................ 2
UNIT INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 5
ABOUT THIS RESOURCE ................................................................................................................................... 5
ABOUT ASSESSMENT ....................................................................................................................................... 6
ELEMENTS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA ....................................................................................................... 8
PERFORMANCE AND KNOWLEDGE EVIDENCE ................................................................................................ 10
PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE ............................................................................................................................. 10
KNOWLEDGE EVIDENCE ................................................................................................................................. 10
ASSESSMENT CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................................ 12
PRE-REQUISITES ............................................................................................................................................. 12
TOPIC 1 – EVALUATE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 13
Relevant legislation, codes, regulations and standards .............................................................................. 14
Consult relevant legislation, codes, regulations and standards that impact on project ............................. 15
TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROJECT PLAN AND ASSOCIATED PROJECT BRIEF ................................................... 16
Telecommunications project plan ............................................................................................................... 16
Project brief and related documents ........................................................................................................... 16
The telecommunications network ............................................................................................................... 16
The need for enhancement to the new or existing telecommunications network ...................................... 17
DATA FROM OTHER RELEVANT SOURCES ...................................................................................................... 18
Network growth and enhancement ............................................................................................................ 18
Determine specific purpose and type of network growth and enhancement ............................................. 18
Make assessments from collated data from other sources ........................................................................ 19
Consult client regarding enterprise criteria ................................................................................................. 20
Enterprise business strategy outcomes ....................................................................................................... 20
Enterprise service policy .............................................................................................................................. 20
Information systems .................................................................................................................................... 20
Planned project outcomes ........................................................................................................................... 21
Determine the timeframe for design plan ................................................................................................... 21
ESTABLISH AND ORGANISE DESIGN RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................... 22
Establish design resource requirements ...................................................................................................... 22
Design personnel ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Finance ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Material....................................................................................................................................................... 23
Tools ............................................................................................................................................................ 23
Vehicles ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
Organise design resource requirements ...................................................................................................... 23

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
TOPIC 2 – EVALUATE INFORMATION TO PREPARE DESIGN DRAWINGS .......................................................... 24
IMPACTS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY .................................................................................................................. 24
Instances where the project impacts on private property ........................................................................... 24
Obtain site access from affected property owners...................................................................................... 24
BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WORK.................................................................................................................. 25
Collect field data to inform on any physical impediments that may affect the building construction work 25
Propose ways to manage physical impediments that may affect building construction work ................... 26
GROWTH ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
Verify existing equipment............................................................................................................................ 27
Verify existing equipment layouts ............................................................................................................... 27
Verify existing building services .................................................................................................................. 27
Use verification of existing equipment, equipment layouts and building services to plan for network
growth ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
ENTERPRISE POLICY ....................................................................................................................................... 29
Ascertain heritage, environmental and other governmental legislation .................................................... 29
Initiate action or organise consultative processes to gain approvals according to enterprise policy ......... 29
PREPARE DESIGN DRAWING ACCORDING TO ENTERPRISE REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 31
Design drawings .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Enterprise requirements for the completion of design drawings ................................................................ 31
TOPIC 3 – SELECT DESIGN OPTION ................................................................................................................. 32
Analyse proposed network needs................................................................................................................ 32
Conditions and planned needs .................................................................................................................... 32
Existing network .......................................................................................................................................... 32
Heeding legislative and other barriers ........................................................................................................ 33
Determine a set of realistic design options ................................................................................................. 33
DISCUSS SELECTED OPTION WITH CLIENT ...................................................................................................... 34
Evaluate and select preferred design option according to approved enterprise criteria ............................ 34
Understanding the process of evaluation ................................................................................................... 34
Use approved enterprise criteria for evaluations ........................................................................................ 35
Select the preferred design option .............................................................................................................. 35
Discuss selected option with client .............................................................................................................. 36
ASSESS SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY AND MAKE MODIFICATIONS TO DESIGN ..................................................... 37
Assess system compatibility ........................................................................................................................ 37
Make modifications to design ..................................................................................................................... 37
TOPIC 4 – PREPARE DESIGN PLAN .................................................................................................................. 38
INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL AND COST ESTIMATES ............................................................. 38
ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
The detailed design plan ............................................................................................................................. 38
Geographical and topological information ................................................................................................. 38
Equipment and material estimates ............................................................................................................. 39
Cost estimates ............................................................................................................................................. 40
PROCEED ....................................................................................................................................................... 41
Discuss final designs with planners and project management personnel ................................................... 41
Obtain approval to proceed ........................................................................................................................ 42
MAINTENANCE PLANS FOR OPERATIONAL STAFF TO FOLLOW ...................................................................... 43
Produce final detailed design brief with drawings and material requirements .......................................... 43
Include testing and maintenance plans for operational staff to follow ...................................................... 44
TOPIC 5- REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE .................................................................................................................. 45
PREPARE A DETAILED DESIGN BRIEF .............................................................................................................. 45
Explain common client telecommunications applications and related equipment ..................................... 45
Virtual private network ............................................................................................................................... 45
Wireless networks ....................................................................................................................................... 45
Intranet network ......................................................................................................................................... 46
Identify and critique connections to carrier infrastructure or equipment ................................................... 46
Describe cost-effective solutions in planning .............................................................................................. 47
Identify and explore current legislation relating to installation of telecommunications equipment and
connection to carrier services ...................................................................................................................... 48
Review the range of client premises equipment (CPE) ................................................................................ 49
Outline environmental impacts and options for green information and communications technology (ICT)
installations ................................................................................................................................................. 50
Review network and transmission equipment ............................................................................................ 50
Explain network topologies, and interface and interconnection solutions ................................................. 52
Outline work health and safety (WHS) issues that are required to be included in the design brief for: ..... 53
Electrical safety ........................................................................................................................................... 53
Materials handling ...................................................................................................................................... 53
Physical hazards .......................................................................................................................................... 54
Confined spaces........................................................................................................................................... 54
Heights ........................................................................................................................................................ 54
Lifting .......................................................................................................................................................... 55
Review the power requirements and electrical safety of the project .......................................................... 55
Explain technology of next generation networks (NGN) ............................................................................. 56
Identify test equipment types...................................................................................................................... 57
SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................................... 59
REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................... 60
Websites ...................................................................................................................................................... 60

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
This resource covers the unit ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to prepare a detailed design brief
to realise a building and equipment provisioning project, including costing, vendor and
technology choices, scheduling and resourcing.

It applies to individuals with a high level of specialist technical skills and knowledge in
optical telecommunications and IT networks using internet protocol (IP) systems for a
new installation or upgrade of capacity or technology for an existing network or
subsystem for convergence to next generation networks (NGN).

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of


About This Resource

This resource brings together information to develop your knowledge about this unit.
The information is designed to reflect the requirements of the unit and uses headings to
makes it easier to follow.

You should read through this resource to develop your knowledge in preparation for
your assessment. At the back of the resource are a list of references you may find useful
to review.

As a student it is important to extend your learning and to search out textbooks, internet
sites, talk to people at work and read newspaper articles and journals which can provide
additional learning material.

Your trainer may include additional information and provide activities, PowerPoint
slide presentations, and assessments in class to support your learning.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
About Assessment
Throughout your training we are committed to your learning by providing a training
and assessment framework that ensures the knowledge gained through training is
translated into practical on the job improvements.

You are going to be assessed for:

• Your performance and knowledge using written and practical activities that
apply to a workplace environment.
• Your ability to apply your learning to the workplace.
• Your ability to recognise common principles and actively use these on the job.

You will receive an overall result of Competent or Not Yet Competent for the assessment
of this unit. The assessment is a competency based assessment, which has no pass or
fail. You are either competent or not yet competent. Not Yet Competent means that you
still are in the process of understanding and acquiring the skills and knowledge required
to be marked competent.

The assessment process is made up of a number of assessment methods. You are

required to achieve a satisfactory result in each of these to be deemed competent

All of your assessment and training is provided as a positive learning tool. Your
trainer/assessor will guide your learning and provide feedback on your responses to the
assessment. For valid and reliable assessment of this unit, a range of assessment
methods will be used to assess practical skills and knowledge.

Your assessment may be conducted through a combination of the following methods:

• Written Activity
• Case Study
• Observation
• Practical tasks
• Short answer questions
• Third Party Report
ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
The assessment tool for this unit should be completed within the specified time period
following the delivery of the unit. If you feel you are not yet ready for assessment,
discuss this with your trainer/assessor.

To be successful in this unit, you will need to relate your learning to your workplace.
You may be required to demonstrate your skills and be observed by your assessor in
your workplace environment. Some units provide for a simulated work environment,
and your trainer and assessor will outline the requirements in these instances.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
1. Evaluate 1.1 Consult relevant legislation, codes, regulations and standards that
design impact on project
1.2 Determine need for enhancement to new or existing
telecommunications network from telecommunications project plan
and associated project brief

1.3 Determine specific purpose and type of network growth and

enhancement using collated data from other relevant sources

1.4 Consult client regarding enterprise criteria and determine

timeframe for design plan

1.5 Establish and organise design resource requirements

2. Evaluate 2.1 Obtain site access through consultation with affected property
information to owners where project impacts on private property
prepare design
drawings 2.2 Collect field data and propose ways to manage physical
impediments that may affect building construction work

2.3 Verify existing equipment, equipment layouts and building

services to plan for network growth

2.4 Ascertain impact of relevant heritage, environmental and other

governmental legislation, and initiate action or organise consultative
processes to gain approvals according to enterprise policy

2.5 Prepare design drawing according to enterprise requirements

3. Select design 3.1 Analyse proposed network needs to determine set of realistic
option design options

3.2 Evaluate and select preferred design option according to

approved enterprise criteria and discuss selected option with client

3.3 Assess system compatibility and make modifications to design

4. Prepare 4.1 Prepare detailed design plan, including relevant geographical and
design plan topological information, equipment and material and cost estimates

4.2 Discuss final designs with planners and project management, and
obtain approval to proceed

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
4.3 Produce final detailed design brief with drawings, material
requirements, and testing and maintenance plans for operational staff
to follow

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
This describes the essential knowledge and skills and their level required for this unit.

Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:

• Assess the implications of legislation, regulations and standards on project


• Analyse the network and enterprise needs to determine design options

• Consult widely to ensure design represents client requirements

• Prepare a design brief for building and equipment design provisioning

• Prepare detailed design documentation to enable realisation of design.

Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at
least once.

Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

• Explain common client telecommunications applications and related


• Identify and critique connections to carrier infrastructure or equipment

• Describe cost-effective solutions in planning

• Identify and explore current legislation relating to installation of

telecommunications equipment and connection to carrier services

• Review the range of client premises equipment (CPE)

• Outline environmental impacts and options for green information and

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
communications technology (ICT) installations

• Review network and transmission equipment

• Explain network topologies, and interface and interconnection solutions

• Outline work health and safety (WHS) issues that are required to be included
in the design brief for:

o Electrical safety

o Materials handling

o Physical hazards

o Confined spaces

o Heights

o Lifting

• Review the power requirements and electrical safety of the project

• Explain technology of next generation networks (NGN)

• Identify test equipment types.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Gather evidence to demonstrate consistent performance in conditions that are safe and
replicate the workplace. Noise levels, production flow, interruptions and time variances
must be typical of those experienced in the telecommunications – project management
field of work and include access to:

• Sites on which projects may be designed

• Relevant databases, legislative requirements and other project related


Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable
vocational education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.

This unit must be assessed after the following pre-requisite unit:

There are no pre-requisites for this unit.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Welcome to the unit ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief.

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to prepare a detailed design brief
to realise a building and equipment provisioning project, including costing, vendor and
technology choices, scheduling and resourcing.

It applies to individuals with a high level of specialist technical skills and knowledge in
optical telecommunications and IT networks using internet protocol (IP) systems for a
new installation or upgrade of capacity or technology for an existing network or
subsystem for convergence to next generation networks (NGN).

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of


In this unit you will learn how to:

• Evaluate design requirements

• Evaluate information to prepare design drawings

• Select design option

• Prepare design plan

Let’s begin!

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Consult relevant legislation, codes, regulations
and standards that impact on project
The first step of preparing a detailed design brief will require the consultation of
relevant legislation, codes, regulations and standards that impact on the project.

Relevant legislation, codes, regulations and standards

Relevant legislation, codes, regulations and standards are the statutory requirements
that may apply to the project. It is essential to make sure that all of these items are able
to be accessed and interpreted to make sure that the design brief that is prepared will
be compliant with all of these requirements.

Relevant legislation, codes, regulations and standards may include:

• Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) technical standards

• Australian building codes and regulations

• Environmental protection

• Fire regulations

• Heritage legislation

• Industrial relations awards and agreements

• International Standards ISO 9000 and 9001

• International Telecommunications Union (ITU) recommendations

• Local government

• OHS/WHS requirements

• Privacy Act

• Spectrum Management Authority

• Telecommunications Act and Telecommunications National Codes.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Consult relevant legislation, codes, regulations and standards that
impact on project
Relevant legislation, codes, regulations and standards that impact on the project will
need to be consulted to identify the exact impacts that they are likely to have on the

Detailed documentation of these requirements will need to be developed to make sure

that these items are able to be included in the detailed design brief as required.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Determine need for enhancement to new or
existing telecommunications network from
telecommunications project plan and associated
project brief
The need for enhancement to new or existing telecommunications networks will need to
be determined from the telecommunications project plan and the associated project

Telecommunications project plan

The telecommunications project plan will provide a roadmap of the overall project and
will outline the different project stages and information such as:

• Planning

• Consultation

• Project purpose

• Project objectives

• Major project stages

• Project deliverables

Project brief and related documents

The project brief is a document that explains the purpose and objectives of the project
and a range of specifications and information that can be used to plan the project
deliverables and measure their success.

The documents that are related to the project brief are the range of supporting
documents that may be used to explain components of the brief in detail.

The telecommunications network

The telecommunications network will be made up of the systems and components that
apply to the particular network type that the project involves.
ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
The telecommunications network may include:

NGN delivery networks:

• Broadband access

• Data transfer

• Internet protocol TV (IPTV)

• Mobile data

• Mobile telephony

• Multimedia

• Video

• Voice over IP (VoIP)

Radio networks:

• Fixed

• Mobile

• Satellite

• Switching

• Transmission

• Video.

The need for enhancement to the new or existing telecommunications

Consultation of the project brief and project plan will need to be completed to make sure
that the need for any enhancements to the new or existing telecommunications network
can be determined. Comparisons with existing or new networks and the overall project
deliverables will need to be made to enable the determining of the enhancements that
may need to be made. Identified enhancements should be clearly documented so that
they can be incorporated in the detailed design brief that is to be prepared.
ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Determine specific purpose and type of network
growth and enhancement using collated data
from other relevant sources
The specific purpose and type of network growth and enhancement will need to be
determined using collated data from other relevant sources.

Network growth and enhancement

Network growth and enhancement refer to the improvement or expansion of new and
existing telecommunications networks in order to meet client and project needs.

Network growth and enhancement may refer to:

• Access

• Broadband

• IP

Radio component such as:

• Fixed

• Mobile

• Satellite

• Switch

• Transmission path.

Determine specific purpose and type of network growth and

Different types of network growth and enhancement will be completed for different
purposes, and it is important to make sure that the specific purposes that apply to the
particular project are identified so that this information is able to be used for decision
making and preparation of the detailed design brief.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
The specific purpose and type of network growth and enhancement that will be
required as a part of the project will need to be determined by completing assessments
of collected data from other sources.

Make assessments from collated data from other sources

As a part of the planning process, it will be necessary to make sure that the specific
purpose of network growth and enhancements that are to be completed as a part of the
project are determined by completing assessments from collated data from other

Collated data is that which has been collected from a range of sources and then
organised into one aggregate piece of data.

Data may include:

• Abutting enterprise development plans

• Enterprise databases

• Existing enterprise cable designs and plans

• Interviews with field-based colleagues and organisations.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Consult client regarding enterprise criteria and
determine timeframe for design plan
The client will need to be consulted regarding the enterprise criteria, and then
timeframes for the design plan creation will need to be developed.

Consult client regarding enterprise criteria

The client will need to be consulted so that the requirements of the client enterprise
criteria can be collected and then used to determine timeframes for the design plan.

Enterprise criteria may include the following items which will need to be considered
and followed during the preparation of the detailed design brief.

Enterprise business strategy outcomes

The enterprise business strategies will outline the action plans and staged plans that the
enterprise is using to achieve its goals and objectives. It is important to be aware of
these items so that the details in the brief will align directly with these outcomes.

Enterprise service policy

The enterprise service policy will contain a set of guidelines and standards that the
organisation will follow when providing certain levels of service to its clients. It is
important that these requirements are able to be identified so that detailed design briefs
can take these factors into account.

Information systems
The information systems that the client enterprise is using will need to be identified to
make sure that project actions and communications can be planned in accordance with
the information system needs.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Planned project outcomes
The client will be completing the telecommunications project for a reason, and it is
important to make sure that the planned project outcomes of the client are identified so
that these are able to be complied with.

When preparing the detailed design brief, it is important to make sure that the planned
project outcomes are considered for each point.

Determine the timeframe for design plan

The timeframes for the design plan will need to be decided in consultation with the
client. The design plan stages and deliverables will need to be agreed upon to make sure
that suitable outcomes are able to be achieved.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Establish and organise design resource
Establish and organise design resource requirements as a part of project planning and
preparation actions.

Establish design resource requirements

Design resource requirements are the resources that will need to be used to produce the
design for the client.

It is important that the design resource requirements are suitably established to make
sure that they can be organised and made available to design staff during the design

Example resource requirements that may apply to the project design could include the
items that are explained in the headings below.

Design personnel
Design personnel are fundamental to the preparation of detailed design briefs and their
hours and requirements will need to be calculated and obtained to ensure that the
design portion of the project planning is able to be completed.

It is important to establish the types of design personnel that will be required for the
completion of the design tasks and the timing that will be required for the different
skills sets.

Skills and design requirements audits will need to be completed to ensure that design
personnel resourcing is able to be planned.

Design budgets will need to be developed and approved to make sure that appropriate
financial resources are able to be established and then obtained.
ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
All other resources required to complete the design process will need to be costed in
order to determine what financial resources will be required to fund the process.

Materials needed to complete the design process will include any physical consumable
items that are required. All materials must be identified and cost so that they are able to
be obtained.

Design tools may include items that are used to collect information to complete designs
along with the items required to prepare the actual designs.

Vehicles may be required to ensure that suitable field information is able to be collected,
all vehicle use will need to be formally estimated and established.

Organise design resource requirements

Design resource requirements will need to be organised to make sure that the
established resources can be obtained at the times that they will be needed.

Organising of design resource requirements will require:

• Ordering

• Preparing purchase orders

• Checking inventory

• Making sure items are available as required

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Obtain site access through consultation with
affected property owners where project impacts
on private property
Site access will need to be obtained through consultation with affected property owners
in instances where the project impacts on private property.

Instances where the project impacts on private property

Instances where the project impacts on private property involve any factors of the
project where:

• Access to private property will be required

• Items will need to be installed on private property

It is important that all instances where the project will impact on private property are
able to be identified from:

• Assessment of project documentation

• Assessment of supporting or additional information

• Consultation with the client

Obtain site access from affected property owners

Site access will need to be obtained from all property owners that have properties that
are likely to be impacted by the project.

The consultation will need to be completed with the property owners to make sure that
the need for property access and any other impacts will be explained. Agreement to the
impacts will need to be obtained. Written agreement or approvals for access to the
property on the required dates will need to be obtained by the property owners.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Collect field data and propose ways to manage
physical impediments that may affect building
construction work
Field data will need to be collected from the sites that the project will be implemented
on and ways to manage the physical impediments that may affect the building
construction work will need to be proposed.

Collect field data to inform on any physical impediments that may

affect the building construction work
Field data is a range of information that will be collected in the field or onsite; this
information can be used to inform on any physical impediments that may affect the
construction work.

Field data may include:

• Building inspections

• Inspection

• Maps

• Plans

• Site surveys.

Actions to collect field data will need to be completed, and all collected field data will
need to be recorded.

Physical impediments that may affect the construction work may include:

• Access issues

• Existing infrastructure that imposes regulations, legislative or safety


• Existing infrastructure that may need to be included in the design

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Propose ways to manage physical impediments that may affect
building construction work
Once the field data to identify any physical impediments that may affect the building
construction work has been identified, it will need to be interpreted to understand the

Consideration will need to be made to the current site conditions and the needs of the
project and the client in order to develop a range of ways that can be used to manage the
physical impediments that may affect the building construction work.

Solutions for managing the physical impediments will need to be developed and then
assessed for compliance with all statutory requirements.

Once solutions have been assessed as compliant, they will need to be proposed in
writing and included as a part of the detailed design brief that is to be completed.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Verify existing equipment, equipment layouts
and building services to plan for network growth
The existing equipment, equipment layouts and building services will need to be
verified to enable planning for network growth.

Verify existing equipment

The existing equipment refers to the items that are currently being used in the existing
telecommunications network.

The existing equipment can be verified using:

• Network architecture information

• Equipment lists

• Network layout maps

Verify existing equipment layouts

In addition to verifying the equipment that is currently installed throughout the
network it will be necessary to verify the equipment layouts as this may impact on the
network growth possibilities and proposals that are able to be put forward.

The existing equipment layouts can be verified using:

• Network architecture information

• Cable routes

• Network layout maps

Verify existing building services

The existing building services are the infrastructure support items that are installed
along with the existing networks.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Building services may include:

• Air conditioning

• Cable access

• Earthing

• Lighting

• Power

• Racking.

Use verification of existing equipment, equipment layouts and

building services to plan for network growth
The verification of existing equipment, equipment layouts and building services
information must be used to plan for how network growth requirements can be
implemented and sustained.

All verification information that has been obtained will need to be used to map the
existing services to the components and infrastructure that will need to be implemented
in order to achieve the planned network growth.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Ascertain impact of relevant heritage,
environmental and other governmental
legislation, and initiate action or organise
consultative processes to gain approvals
according to enterprise policy
The impact of relevant heritage environmental and other governmental legislation on
the telecommunications network will need to be ascertained.

Ascertain heritage, environmental and other governmental legislation

Heritage legislation is designed to protect items that have been heritage listed, and
telecommunications networks will need to abide by any requirements that are applied
by them. Environmental legislation is designed to ensure that telecommunications
networks do not negatively impact on the environment. There is a range of other
governmental legislative items that may apply as well and these will need to be assessed
for the impacts that they will have on the way the project must be completed.

All of the legislative requirements that apply to the project will need to be ascertained,
and the manner in which they will apply to the project and how they may be
implemented into the project planning will need to be determined.

Initiate action or organise consultative processes to gain approvals

according to enterprise policy
It is important to ensure that all required approvals in relation to the heritage,
environmental and other government legislation that apply can be obtained.
Consultative processes that are required will need to be initiated, actioned or organised
in order to achieve this.

The consultation will need to be completed in order to make sure that the requirements
of the approvals and the needs of the legislation are able to be understood and
incorporated as required.

Heritage, environmental and other governmental legislation may require consultation

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
• Federal agencies

• Local councils

• Local residents

• Other service providers

• Property owners

• State agencies.

It is important to make sure that the requirements of the enterprise policy are met
throughout the completion of consultative arrangements.

Enterprise policy may include:

• Cost

• Customer demand

• Equipment and system upgrades

• Future maintenance

• Modification

• Resource requirements

• Time.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Prepare design drawing according to enterprise
Design drawings for the proposed network will need to be prepared according to
enterprise requirements that apply.

Design drawings
Design drawings are the drawings that will be used to communicate and depict the
proposed network that will be designed to meet the needs of the project.

Design drawings may include:

• Engineering drawings

• Electrical diagrams

• Detail drawings

Design drawing may depict:

• Existing and proposed layout

• Facilities route

• Physical placement of equipment.

Enterprise requirements for the completion of design drawings

Design drawings will need to be completed to make sure that all of the required
components and items that need to be included will be portrayed according to design

Standard drawing conventions will need to be adhered to throughout the completion of

the drawings. All organisational and industry requirements must be met, and drawings
should be detailed and comprehensive so that they are able to be used as a part of the
design brief.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Analyse proposed network needs to determine
set of realistic design options
Proposed networks will need to be analysed to determine a set of realistic design
options that can be included in the detailed design brief.

Analyse proposed network needs

The needs of the proposed network will need to be analysed in order to determine a
range of realistic design options.

An analysis is a detailed and structured investigation that will need to be completed to

gain a deep understanding of the needs of the proposed network.

All project requirements and collated information will need to be used as a part of the
process of the analysis.

Network needs that will need to be determined during the analysis will involve the
factors explained below.

Conditions and planned needs

The conditions and planned needs are the items that the network must meet in order to
meet the needs of the project and the client. Detailed project planning documentation
will need to be used as a part of the analysis to determine these needs.

Existing network
The existing network will impose a range of needs to the proposed network as the
proposed network will need to be integrated with the existing infrastructure. Needs to
be identified during the analysis will relate to the compatibility and compliant
modifications that will need to be completed as a part of the network installation.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Heeding legislative and other barriers
The proposed network will need to heed all legislative and other barriers that apply to
the project, and these will need to be identified as needs that apply to the network.

A detailed analysis will need to be completed to make sure that design solutions can be
developed to meet the needs of all identified legislative and other barriers.

Determine a set of realistic design options

Realistic design options will need to be determined to meet all of the identified needs.

The development of realistic design options will require the analysis of the proposed
design plans and proposed network against the identified needs.

Design options will be considered to be realistic if they are feasible, viable and meet all
of the enterprise, client and design needs.

It is important to make sure that a full set of realistic design solutions are developed to
enable evaluation and selection.

Design options will need to be clearly documented with full specifications so that they
are able to be evaluated and selected.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Evaluate and select preferred design option
according to approved enterprise criteria and
discuss selected option with client
The preferred design option will need to be evaluated and selected according to
approved enterprise criteria. Once the preferred solution has been selected, this option
will need to be selected with the client.

Evaluate and select preferred design option according to approved

enterprise criteria
The design options that have been generated as a part of the brief preparation will need
to be evaluated and then selected according to approved enterprise criteria.

The design options that have been proposed are the solutions that intend to meet the
project need.

Design options may relate to:

• Customer service

• Economics

• Equipment

• Labour

• Material

• Network integrity

• Preferred technologies

• Time

• Timing.

Understanding the process of evaluation

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Evaluation is a process that is used to critically examine a program or item. It involves
the systematic collection and analysis of information about the item’s:

• Characteristics

• Features

• Functions

• Strengths

• Benefits

• Impacts

• Other factors depending on the nature of the evaluation

Evaluations are conducted to enhance the understanding of an item or to identify the

need for improvements and to inform on decision-making requirements that may be
related to something.

Use approved enterprise criteria for evaluations

Approved enterprise criteria will need to be developed and then used to ensure that
suitable benchmarking can be completed as a part of the evaluations process.

Criteria will need to be developed to enable measurement and assessment of all of the
specifics related to the proposed design options. Criteria should be both quantitative
and qualitative so that it can be used for suitability assessments and ranking of the
preferred option.

Select the preferred design option

The preferred design option should be selected based on the evaluation outcomes that
have been achieved using the agreed enterprise criteria. The preferred design option
should be documented along with the criteria that have been used to evaluate it. Reports
displaying the outcomes of the evaluation using the criteria will need to be prepared so
that these can be referred to during discussions with the client.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Discuss selected option with client
The selected option will need to be discussed with the client to make sure that the client
understands the criteria that have been used to make the selection and is aware of the
details of the selected solution.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Assess system compatibility and make
modifications to design
Once the preferred design solution has been selected and discussed with the client
assessments will need to be made regarding compatibility with the current system.
These assessments may identify system compatibility issues; any of these cases
modifications to the design will need to be made.

Assess system compatibility

Comprehensive assessments will need to be completed using comparison with the
current design requirements and the current system requirements to make sure that
these are compatible.

Assessments on system capability will need to focus on areas such as:

• Physical infrastructure

• Cable routes

• Connections

• Software and networking infrastructure

• Administrative systems

• Communication systems

• Monitoring systems

• Legislative and regulatory compliance

Make modifications to design

Assessments regarding the compatibility of the proposed design and the current system
may identify a range of compatibility issues. All identified compatibility issues will need
to be addressed using modifications to the design to ensure that compatibility with the
current system is able to be achieved. All modifications that are made to the design will
need to be assessed to make sure they remain compliant with the rest of the project

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Prepare detailed design plan, including relevant
geographical and topological information,
equipment and material and cost estimates
A detailed design plan will need to be prepared as a part of the overall project
documentation. Detailed design plans should include relevant geographical and topical
information along with equipment, material and cost estimates.

The detailed design plan

The detailed design plan will explain all of the information required to plan the
implementation of the design to the site.

Items to be included in the detailed design plan are outlined in the headings below.

Geographical and topological information

Geographical and topological information refers to the physical layout of the
environment that the system will be installed in.

Geographical and topological information may include information relating to:

• Access

• Dams

• Fences

• Hazards

The location of:

• Other services

• Plant
ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
• Potential hazards

• Potential soil erosion areas

• Survey marks.

Within the detailed design plan, the geographical and topological information should
explain all geographical and topological conditions that are likely to impact on the
installation and outline the existing infrastructure and other items that need to be
worked around.

Detailed planning information will need to be included regarding how the geographic
will be managed.

Equipment and material estimates

Detailed equipment and material estimates will need to be included in the detailed
design plan to enable resourcing and cost estimates to be completed.

Careful assessment of the project and design information will need to be used to
prepare equipment and materials estimates.

Equipment and material that will need to be estimated as a part of the detailed design
plan may include:

• Antenna

• Cable support materials

• Cabling and terminating equipment and tools

• Ducting

• Frame and superstructure equipment

• Hand and power tools

• Mechanical aids radio equipment

• Structure
ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
• Switching and transmission gear

• Test equipment

• Tower

• Waveguide.


• Cables

• Connectors

• Racking

Cost estimates
Preliminary resource plans will need to be developed to enable cost estimates for the
project to be completed so that these can be included in the detailed design plan.

Agreed methods of estimation will need to be prepared, and all estimates should be
completed using the same method to ensure reliable cost estimates.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Discuss final designs with planners and project
management, and obtain approval to proceed
The final designs will need to be discussed with planners and project management In
order to obtain approval to proceed.

Discuss final designs with planners and project management

The final designs will need to be discussed with planners and project management
personnel. Discussions should be detailed and structured and should be used to
facilitate understanding of the final designs.

When discussing final designs with planners in project management personnel, it is

important to cover the following topics:

• Overview of the project objectives and intentions

• Details of the final designs

• Reasons that the final design has been selected

• Criteria that have been used to select the final designs

• Equipment materials and cost estimates

• Scope and limitations of the design

• Risks and benefits that apply to the design

• Compliance factors that apply to this design

• Ways that the design will achieve compliance with project intentions and

The discussion should provide planners and project management personnel with the
opportunity to clarify items and ask questions that may be needed in order for approval
to be obtained.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Obtain approval to proceed
In some cases, a range of approvals regarding the key requirements of briefs may need
to be obtained.

Approvals may be required to:

• Enable the commencement of the project

• Releasing the resources and information that are required to complete the

At this stage of the project written approvals to proceed with the current design should
be obtained.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Produce final detailed design brief with
drawings, material requirements, and testing
and maintenance plans for operational staff to
Once the final design has been approved, the final detailed design brief will need to be
produced. The final detailed design brief will include drawings and material
requirements and will also include testing and maintenance plans for operational staff
to follow.

Produce final detailed design brief with drawings and material

The final detailed design brief will need to be produced. This version of the detailed
design brief will include all information related to the design and the way that it will
meet the project objectives and other project requirements.

The detailed design brief should include the following information:

• Project overview

• Client needs overview

• Scope and limitations

• Legislative and regulatory compliance requirements

• Design details

• Drawings

• Materials requirements

• Budget scheduling and resourcing

• Testing and monitoring plans

The detailed design brief should include all materials requirements, and they should be
laid out in the following documents:

• Materials specification sheets

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
• Materials estimates

• Timelines for materials use

A comprehensive set of engineering drawings will need to be included as a part of the

detailed design brief, and these may include:

• Geographical and topological maps

• Survey drawings

• Existing infrastructure drawings

• Circuit drawings

• Cabling connection diagrams

• Design drawings

Include testing and maintenance plans for operational staff to follow

Plans for operational staff to follow once the design has been implemented will need to
be included in the detailed design brief.

Testing plans that outline the procedures and timing for all testing that needs to be
completed by operational staff will need to be included in the detailed design brief.

Maintenance plans that explained the types and timing of all maintenance requirements
needed to support the design would need to be included in the detailed design brief.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Prepare a detailed design brief
Explain common client telecommunications applications and related
A range of common client telecommunications applications and related equipment are
explained in the headings below.

Virtual private network

A Virtual Private Network is a private network that is created by the public
infrastructure of the internet. Private access can be provided to these areas that reside
in the public domain.

Equipment required in the virtual private network:

• Virtual machines

• Virtual bridges

• Virtual servers

• Virtual switches

Wireless networks
A Wireless Local Area Network uses radio signals (Wi-Fi) to connect computers and
other electronic devices to a network. The central connecting point of a WLAN network
is a wireless hub known as a router.

Routers receive and send data in the form of radio waves to machines connected to it as
a network. Many users of WLAN networks elect to use them due to their relative,
neatness ease and affordability when compared to some LAN systems.

Wireless networks equipment will include:

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
• Wireless access points

• Servers

• Bridges

• Switches

Intranet network
An intranet network is an internal secured network that will operate as a LAN or WAN
and may be hardwired or wireless.

An intranet is an internal communications network that will be based on a computer

networking topology.

Related equipment includes:

• Servers: Servers will process and store information on the network.

• Bridges: Bridges will make up a part of the signal routing and connection
portion of the network.

• Ethernet cable: Cat 5 or 6 mixed data cable for high-speed connections

• Switches: Used for traffic diversion.

Identify and critique connections to carrier infrastructure or

When planning the project, it will be necessary to identify and evaluate the connections
to the carrier infrastructure or equipment in order to enable appropriate planning to
take place.

Connection types may include:

• Australian modular socket: Australian modular sockets have varied over the
years and are the items that are used to connect the telephone cable to the

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
customer premises and the network. The Australian modular socket can be
used for ADSL connections and telephony networks. It is a highly stable
connection but in unsuitable for connection to high speed or new hybrid

• Ethernet connectors: Ethernet connectors can be configured to enable the

connection of different numbers of cables. Cat 5, 5e, Cat 6, 6a, 7 and Cat 8 and
the RJ45 connectors are commonly used, these are industry standard is
widely used.

• Mode 3 alarm socket: A mode 3 alarm socket is a socket type that is used for a
personal security alarm. It is a stable and reliable socket that must be
hardwired to ensure that it will be activated as required. There are old, and
new socket styles and the newer model is more stable.

• NTD: Approved Network Termination Device NTD is an enclosed connecting

socket that contains the cable connectors for two approved cables and earth.
The NTD provides connection of the telecommunications distribution
network to the customer supply point. This is a highly reliable socket but
must be configured correctly and can result in power feedback issues if not
connected well.

Describe cost-effective solutions in planning

Cost-effective solutions in planning are those that will enable the planning of the design
to be completed in a cost-effective manner.

Cost-effective solutions in planning include:

• Leasing vs ownership

• Internal vs external personnel

• Bulk purchasing

• Methods for budget control

• Planning and delivering the project in stages

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Identify and explore current legislation relating to installation of
telecommunications equipment and connection to carrier services
The current legislation and statutory requirements that relate to the design of
telecommunications and the necessary connections to carrier services are:

• ACA technical standards AS/ACIF008 and AS/ACIF009: The ACA technical

standard AUSTRALIAN STANDARD AS/CA S008 Requirements for customer
cabling products will detail all compliance requirements that apply to the
cabling products that will be used as a part of the installations process.

• AS/CA S009 Installation requirements for customer cabling (Wiring rules):

will detail the requirements that apply to the installation and testing of
customer telecommunications cables. These two standards are designed to be
used together to make sure that necessary compliance is able to be

• SAA Communications Cabling Manual (OPEN):The SAA Communications

cabling manual is a document that is prepared and owned by the standards
Australia or SAI Global. This document will provide the cabler with detailed
information that can be used to complete compliant cabling tasks.

• The communications cabling manual: will detail methods and requirements

for compliance and will contain a range of information that can be used for
installations, testing and assessment of the completed cabling work.

• AS/NZS 3000 Electrical installations (The Australian/New Zealand Wiring

Rules): The AS/NZS 3000:2007 has been superseded, and a new edition of the
Wiring Rules was published 2018. The current version is AS/NZS 3000:2018:
This standard is also known as the wiring rules. It is important to make sure
that all components of the standard that may apply to the work are read and
assessed to identify necessary requirements that may apply. The wiring rules
will specify safety and risk prevention methods and a range of information
components that all installations that they apply to will need to comply with.

• Telecommunications Act 1997: The telecommunications Act will provide

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
compliance requirements that apply to the entire telecommunications
industry. The act will explain a range of standards and factors such as
labelling and connections that must be made to the mainframe
communications framework. The telecommunications Act must be complied
with at all times and should be referred to in conjunction with the other
legislative and regulatory requirements that apply.

Review the range of client premises equipment (CPE)

There is a range of client premises equipment that may need to be considered or
installed as a part of the telecommunications project and therefore will need to be
included in the detailed design brief.

Client premises equipment or CPE refers to the range of equipment items that will need
to be installed on the client premises and then interconnected to the network.

Network equipment may include customer premises equipment (CPE) equipment such

• Cable/Pay-TV: This may include set-top boxes and interconnections to cable

and data streaming paths.

• Closed-circuit TV (CCTV): CCTV is a closed-circuit camera system that may

need to be installed and connected to the network to allow for data
monitoring and management.

• Office equipment: Routers and interconnection devices may need to be

included as a part of the installation on the customer premises and will need
to be terminated according to the interconnection requirements.

• Security equipment: A range of security equipment may need to be installed

and connected to the telecommunications networks to enable external
security to be applied as required.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Outline environmental impacts and options for green information and
communications technology (ICT) installations
There is a range of environmental impacts that apply to telecommunications and these
relate to:

• Wastage

• Landfill

• Emissions

• Sustainability

There is a range of government initiatives and plans that should be applied to make sure
that green information and communications technology installations can be achieved
and these include:

• Effective design for better aesthetics

• Planning for the management of emissions and radiation

• Lifecycle assessments and planning

• Ranking and using equipment based on sustainability factors

Review network and transmission equipment

Network equipment is the range of equipment that will create the network topology and
link all of the transmission equipment together; the transmission equipment is the
range of telecommunications nodes that will be used as a part of the system.

Examples of network and transmission equipment include:

Equipment type Review

Adapter card An adapter card is a printed circuit board that is able to be

inserted into a slot on a motherboard. Adapter cards can be
used to add functionality to an existing system.

Displays Displays will be led or digital and can be used to display GUIs or
other information.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
DSL modems A digital subscriber line or DSL modem is a peripheral device
that can be used to connect a workstation or router to a
telecommunications digital subscriber line which provides a
connection to the internet.

External drives External drives are storage devices that can be connected to the

Hub A hub is a networking device that is commonly found in LAN

networks. Hubs contain multiple ports and allows for the
copying and transferring of packet data throughout the

IP device An IP device is any device that can be connected to the network

and uses the internet protocol to operate.

Memory The memory may be flash, external or internal and is used to

store and process information.

Motherboard A motherboard is a PCB or printed circuit board which acts as

the foundation for the communication between all the
interconnected components that make up the computer.

Network gateway A network gateway is a node or router in a computer network

that data must pass through when it is moving from one
network to the other. An example of a gateway would be a
computer or device that all traffic is routed through before
reaching the internet.

Network interface A network interface card or NIC is a device which is used to

card (NIC) card interface the computer to the network, normally using a LAN

Network switch A network switch is a device that sits within the network and is
designed to group and transfer packets of data as required
within the network. A network switch is basically a multiport
network bridge what will use a range of different hardware
addresses to process and then forward data within the data link
layer of the network in order to increase efficiency.

Router A router is a network device that allows data to be forwarded as

packets between networks; routers may be between internal
networks or connections to the internet. Routers are the
devices which perform the traffic directing functions on the

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Uninterrupted An uninterrupted power supply is a back-up supply which will
power supply make sure that the network is provided with the power that it
(UPS) requires.

Explain network topologies, and interface and interconnection

Network topologies are methods that are used to arrange the nodes and cables that
make up the physical components of the network.

Examples of common topology arrangements include:

• Linear bus topology: Linear bus topology is a connection that is connected

along the mainline, while this is a simple topology type; it is not the most
reliable option and troubleshooting it may be difficult.

• Hub or star topology: Hub or star topology consists of all network nodes
connected in radiating lines from a central hub, this type of topology can still
function if one or more of the nodes fail, but if the central hub fails this will
bring the whole network down.

• Ring topology: Ring topology consists of all of the computers and nodes on a
network connection in a circle. This type of configuration will operate based
on the passing of a token.

• Mesh topology: Mesh topology is a networking topology which requires the

connection of each node to a hub and to each other. Mesh topology is
expensive difficult to install but is very reliable.

• Hybrid topology: Hybrid topologies are combinations of any of the above

topology options.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Network to network and user interfaces and devices will need to be used to connect the
different components of the telecommunications network throughout the topology to
ensure that communications can be achieved as per the design plan.

Network interconnections are the links that will be used to transfer data from one
network to another, and these will include both hard and software links.

Outline work health and safety (WHS) issues that are required to be
included in the design brief for:
The work or occupational health and safety issues that should be included in the design
brief are outlined in the headings below.

Electrical safety
All electrical currents in voltage magnitude that will be encountered by personnel
should be indicated in the design brief, along with safety procedures required for each
stage of the project in relation to electrical safety.

When working with electricity, always remember:

• Test before you touch

• Only work on confirmed isolated equipment

• Wear the correct PPE

• Use the correct equipment

• Only complete work that is within your scope of qualification

Materials handling
All materials that are to be handled as part of the completion of the project will need to
have materials handling requirements stipulated for them. Material safety data sheets
for all hazardous materials must be included in the design brief.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Physical hazards
All physical hazards that may affect personnel during the implementation of the design
will need to be included in the design brief.

Information about physical hazards that should be put in the design brief includes:

• Description of the hazard

• Risk assessments for each hazard

• Controls implemented for each hazard

• Monitoring processes for each control

Confined spaces
Information regarding the confined spaces that may be encountered during the
implementation of the design will need to be included in the design brief.

Confined spaces information that will also need to be included in the design brief

• Definition of what constitutes a confined space

• Methods of identifying confined spaces

• Permits and procedures relating to confined spaces

Information regarding the requirements for working at height in relation to the design
will need to be included in the design brief.

Working at heights information that will also need to be included in the design brief

• Working at heights policies and procedures

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
• Falls arrest systems and other PPE requirements

• Reporting and monitoring required for managing heights throughout the


Detailed lifting plans policies and procedures for all items that will require lifting during
the project will need to be included in the detailed design brief.

Review the power requirements and electrical safety of the project

Different items that will be connected to the telecommunications system will have
different power requirements.

Power requirements may include:

• Telecommunications network voltage

• DC voltage

• AC voltage

These different power requirements will be administered at different voltage levels and
therefore, will have different levels of danger associated with them. Due to this and the
interconnected nature of the telecommunications network, it is important to make sure
that electrical safety practices are undertaken at all times.

Electrical safety relies on the assumption that all items are carrying dangerous voltage
until it has been confirmed that they do not and that they have been isolated from the
circuit so that electricity cannot be fed into the circuit while contact with the system and
work is being carried out.

The power requirements that apply to the project will need to be reviewed to make sure
that the installation is safe and that there are no electrical safety issues with the design.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
All power types and circuits will need to be assessed as a part of the completion of the
power and safety review.

Explain technology of next generation networks (NGN)

A next generation network is a type of telecommunications network that uses packet-
based networking and data management for both telephone and data communication.

A detailed explanation of next generation networks has been provided below:

“A Next Generation Network (NGN) is a packet-based network able to provide services

including Telecommunication Services and able to make use of multiple broadband, QoS-
enabled transport technologies and in which service-related functions are independent
from underlying transport-related technologies. It offers unrestricted access by users to
different service providers. It supports generalized mobility which will allow consistent
and ubiquitous provision of services to users. ”

The NGN is characterized by the following fundamental aspects:

• Packet-based transfer

• Separation of control functions among bearer capabilities, call/session, and

application/ service

• Decoupling of service provision from network, and provision of open


• Support for a wide range of services, applications and mechanisms based on

service building blocks (including real time/ streaming/ non-real time
services and multi-media)

• Broadband capabilities with end-to-end QoS and transparency

• Interworking with legacy networks via open interfaces

• Generalized mobility

• Unrestricted access by users to different service providers

• A variety of identification schemes which can be resolved to IP addresses for

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
the purposes of routing in IP networks

• Unified service characteristics for the same service as perceived by the user

• Converged services between Fixed/Mobile

• Independence of service-related functions from underlying transport


• Compliant with all Regulatory requirements, for example, concerning

emergency communications and security/privacy, etc.

Identify test equipment types

All of the test equipment that will be required for operational personnel to complete
testing plans will need to be identified through the assessment of the types of tests that
will need to be completed on the different equipment types.

There is a range of test equipment types that may need to be used throughout the
project and these may include:

• Adaptors

• Analogue transmission measuring sets

• Communication system analysers

• Digital analysers

• Error meter

• Frequency measurer

• Global system for mobile communication (GSM) spectrum frequency


• Laptop computer

1 http://www.telecomabc.com/n/ngn.html
ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
• Laser source

• Level meter

• Light meter

• Microwave link analyser

• Modulator tester

• Multimeters

• Optical attenuators

• Optical fibre power meters

• Oscillator

• Oscilloscopes

• Optical time-domain reflectometer (OTDR)

• Pattern generators

• Power meters

• RF band noise measurer

• RF microwave test sets

• RF sweep tester

• Spectrum analysers

• Sweep test coaxial and waveguide antenna systems

• Standing wave ratio (SWR) meters

• Transmitter/receiver filter combiner equipment

• Video tester

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
Now that you have completed this unit, you should have the skills and knowledge to
prepare a detailed design brief to realise a building and equipment provisioning project,
including costing, vendor and technology choices, scheduling and resourcing.

If you have any questions about this resource, please ask your trainer. They will be only
too happy to assist you when required.

ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1
“N.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2020”<http://www.telecomabc.com/n/ngn.html>

“Operations administration and management” N.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2020


“Glossary of terms” N.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2020


“Bit rate error tester” N.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2020


“Frequency response” N.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2020


“Electrical safety principles” N.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2020


“How to write a design brief” N.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2020


ICTPMG611 - Prepare a detailed design brief Version 1

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