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Everyone has heard of how Wall Street’s investors manage to achieve mind-blowing
(overwhelmingly impressive.) Accomplishments in the stock market.

2. The link between a state of ecstasy and high performances became a subject of interest for
people and organizations worldwide.

3. Help us unlock our potential and live better, more fulfilling lives through an altered(

4. Some found out that meditation can help reach a state of mindfulness and reduce stress

5. It can be used to measure your heartbeat levels, brainwaves, and many other metrics

6. A smart way of exploiting it can democratize and monitor (surveiller: regarder avec
attention )the access to ecstasis, while making it safer and more accessible.( It is a form of
government in which all eligible citizens participate equally)

7. Explores how bringing fun and entertainment into the workplace can enhance team
productivity, improve people’s overall sentiment in relation to work

8. Monday is the most dreadful day of the week

9. This adversity (misfortune )falls on the shoulders of managers and executives,

10. How companies ought( must)to train democratic

11. Some like to use dark humor, some like fine sarcasm ( irony), and some just love
some good old-fashioned jokes.

12. People relate most to the truth, so stick( iltazim) to it when making jokes.

13. Build up when you’re mocking real-life situations,

14. Your humor toolkit should include exaggeration, analogies’

15. But if instead of C, you add a D, they will get caught by surprise and your story will have
a greater impact.

16. Not all habits are created equal

17. Do something that requires a lot of discipline. For example a tough wake-up regimen or
strict diet will make you constantly practice delaying gratification and thus give you more
willpower to exert (d'exercer) throughout your day

18. Plan ahead for worst-case scenarios

19. Will help you not loose your cool when it does

p. 1
Épuisement : le fatigue
20. When someone else assigns ( NOMMER) you tasks, which you must do, your willpower
muscle tires much quicker.

21. If your routine feels chaotic (anarchic) , unstructured and you often end the day feeling
like you could’ve been more productive,

22. Then, plan accordingly. It is particularly important to do so, as it will help you be
consistent (harmonious) and stay on track, (a rough path or minor road) instead of letting
the momentum‫ دافعة قوة‬and occasional bursts ((explosion(n)== éclate(v)) of inner
motivation run your days.

23. Postpone the achievement of your end goals.

Do What Matters

21-year-old student who finds it hard to manage their time and balance social and academic

26. Depression can hit (slap) anyone, weak or strong.

Overwhelming sadness or sudden bursts of tears.

Explores ( discover ) how depression feels like and its effects on our mind and body,

How we can overcome it by taking small, but significant steps in that direction

That is when they hit rock bottom(lower level).

31 He was battling depression.

Acknowledging your pain is necessary to get over it.

Depression can lead to a faulty thinking mechanism in your brain

Depression can accentuate ( ibraz) these feelings and give them power over you.

When your brain is flooded with negativity, your thoughts can become inaccurate(inexact).

p. 2
36 That life is full of ups and downs
37 This will also help you alleviate( to relieve =soulager) negative emotions.

38 Enumerate reasons to feel pride and fulfillment.

39 Improve your self-esteem

40. Sometimes it takes more than one perspective to change your outlook on life.

41. Sometimes self-care doesn’t imply (impliquer) a long bubble bath (un long bain

42. You rigid (not flexible).

43. Lastly, learn to deal with your pain by acknowledging it.

44. The author empathizes(be in sympathy)profoundly with his readers and delivers advice
that once implemented,

45. ‘‘genius is one percent inspiration, and 99 percent perspiration”

46. Fail Fast Fail Often outlines the importance of accepting failure as a natural part of our

47. By embracing it instead of fearing it can improve the way we evolve, grow,

48. “Everything you want is outside your comfort zone”

49. People often get stuck in a job or a relationship that they loathe ( hated),

50. Instead, embrace uncertainty and a healthy dose of risk. It all starts with the patterns
(sample)in our head.*

51 Don’t spend all their time doing wishful thinking.


52. Success is most often the result of a winning mentality and seizing opportunities, rather
than rigorous planning.

53 Set goals and divide them into smaller objectives to make them more achievable.
p. 3
54 If you end up biting more than you can chew, your motivation and morale can drop
. significantly(decrease ) and make you stop trying at all.

55 Certain people steal the spotlight in a room full of people


56 Become a better persuader

57 Take care of three core aspects.

58 You should opt for using logos in your public speeches, as this method of persuasion is
. truthful.

59 A reliable source of information.


60 Make you look like a fraud.( mo7tal)

61. Losing track of your ideas and overspending their precious time.

Compelling (convincing) conclusion.

“i’ve made my case, you’ve heard the facts, now judge.”

64 , find a deeper sense of purpose, evolve in your professional life,


65. It’s no secret that we live in a crooked ( mot3awij)world. Big corporations, along with
governments and the media run the world 24/7.

66. Black people who overcame racism at work and became financially independent, and
the list goes on.
67. Stop trying to fight the system and go against the wind.

68. Adopt the mentality of achieving the best out of the resources you’ve got,

69 Once you discover that burning desire within that makes you want to achieve success,

70 Your hustles (big activity) will make the people around you perceive you differently.
71 Forward is better, so don’t settle ( ista9ar) along the way.

72 Oftentimes you’ll have your plan all figured out, only to have one little event ruin
p. 4
73 Personality tests aren’t DNA tests, but they can be pretty accurate (precise)

74 The Decision-Making Blueprint is a comprehensive guide to making better decisions,

75 Choose better alternatives, ( bada2iil )and ultimately ( finally), improving your life by
. upgrading the decision-making process.

.harassment of range a to Vulnerable 76 (‫)عرضة لمجموعة من المضايقات‬

77 Our loss aversion prejudice, along with many other biases and fallacies are just some of
. the faulty thinking traits that we as humans have.( ‫)التحيزات والمغالطات‬

78 The confirmation bias and the self-serving bias can seriously impact your rationality.

79 Humans have a tendency to discredit (harm the good reputation) everything that does not
. support their opinion and take credit only for success.

80 People are naturally inclined to prefer the status quo


81 You will not need any birth-given talents.

82 In a way that achieves maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.

83 Let us dig (move earth with a tool or machine )a little bit deeper into each one!
84 It’s all about engraving a winning mentality in your mind and finding the right people by
. your side

85 Every little detail has the potential to influence not just your present, but your
future as well.

86 Build a strong foundation of skills by learning and practicing.

87 Let us debunk (expose the falseness or hollowness) a myth
88 Be truly remarkable to spark attention and drive us towards success
89 , instead of our good genes

p. 5
90 Find healthy role models and learn their best practices.
91 You can find inspiration online or in your day-to-day life
92 Anyone can tackle this life test.( attaquer)
93 Choosing the right college and thinking about which career path to pursue (follow )
may look overwhelming at first.

94 Prioritize your happiness at all costs.

95 If you are still unsure about what your talents are, try to practice some soul-searching to
find that out.

96 What are the areas in which we excel*

97 Activity that we could spend hours doing without noticing how time flies
98 , don’t fall into the trap (‫فخ‬
99 If you are an extrovert (sociable), go for an acting class or try forming a group of
people around you.

100. Not only will it narrow (tadyii9) your circle of friends and acquaintances

(Acknowledge), but it will also inhibit your personal growth and creativity skills.

101. So you get accustomed ( ta3tad )to dealing with unknown situations and

learning how to react to them.

102. It comes to people’s impressions ( intibaa3) of you

103. Who persevere in their endeavors (efforts) and keep on practicing end

up becoming successful.

104. Start by writing down concrete and specific goals, bound by a time frame ( a

period of time)
105. We've been taught since birth

106. Who are risk-averse. ( avoid risk)

p. 6
107. Controlling your subconscious allows you to shape ( tachkil) a big part of what is

going on throughout your day and train your mind to attract specific things.

108. Learn to chase the impossible and seize opportunities outside your comfort zone.

109. It is imperative ‘adj’ (Amri) that you start planning it and figure out a strategy to

achieve it.

110. Falling into the trap of your own mind is a common mistake in this process.

111. Just embrace whatever comes at you and learn to juggle ( jongler) with it.

112. Our plans will not always fit into the picture-perfect( s'intégrer dans l'image parfaite

lines) we’ve drawn for ourselves.

113. Clinging (fitting closely to the body and showing its shape)To those expectations and

linking your sense of purpose to them.

114. As you derail ( ‫ من خرج‬h‫) الخط‬from your well-established goals,

115. Reveals (discover) practical tips on how to own your life and live more meaningfully

by getting out of your head and accepting failure

116. Exposure ( ‫) تعرض‬to risk and challenging situations

117. 45-year-old worker who suffers from burnout (exhaustive).

118. More time to learn about this bodily process

119. This may sound like a cliché( banal)

120. Only 12% of the poor in that sample do so.

121. Skepticism ( doubt) can be good when you use it to be objective in your thoughts.

122. It is of utmost ‘‫ 'قصارى‬importance to learn how to do it properly.

123. Use envy and the thought of death to )‫(حرر‬unleash significant insights about your


124. If you want to declutter ( remove) your thoughts and ease your soul.

125. While this morbid )‫ (مهووس‬thought can bring us negative emotions.

p. 7
126. Becoming skeptica ( doubt ‘adj) of our thoughts and ideas can prove to

be a wise approach.
127. 30-year-old who feels stuck in the mundane (lacking interest or excitement; dull)

128. Self-tailored ‫)’مصمم‬

129. It takes 66 days for the brain to get accustomed to a habit

130. Good habits that don’t require intentional thinking.

131. If you get too caught up ( very busy)in your work and leave no room for
Burnout and even deliver lower-quality work.
Live your brain the chance to recharge to its full potential.
Set boundaries between their professional and personal life

135. How personal biases ‫ تحيزات‬and the emotional factor.

136. Wealth belongs only to those who disrupt the world and benefit from their discoveries.

137. Many presumptions and false ideas about money have emerged over the years.

138. Money is a result of luck or that rich people are all inheritors.

139. Money is a universal circular asset in the world

140. It'll be easier to spot and get rid of them.

141. Outlines (Yo7adid)

142. Being greedy can turn out to be the biggest financial mistake you’ll ever make.

143. It can blur )‫(طمس‬your thinking.

144. Feel invincible (no one can defeat)

145. This sudden downfall pushed him to the edge,

146. The lesson here is, don’t be greedy, and learn to be humble.

147. Learn to be fearful (showing fear or anxiety) , maintain your status, and enjoy the

148. Strong emotions such as envy can push you towards making sloppy )‫(قذر‬decisions

149. Rushed investments can wipe off years of savings (erase, blot out ,sponge out)
p. 8
150. Factual (reel) knowledge of a domain are the foundation, and the soft skills

are the finishing touches.

151. Can resist any situation

152. Working on eliminating mistakes.

153. Keep in mind that you have to be fully engaged in the learning process

154. Try splitting (divide) your objective into smaller chunks.

155. Increase the likelihood of you achieving it

156. Now you know that hard skills lie at the essence ( core )of your talents.

157. If they cannot compete with their peers or find their true vocation,

158. The self-discipline blueprint(program) delves (she delved in her tomb (9aber))

Into the subject of self-actualization and why it is crucial

.success) overnight of myth the 160 ‫حاها‬h‫أسطورة النجاح بين عشية وض‬

161. People idealize the idea of quick money and a fast-paced( rapide)

162. Endeavor: try hard to do or achieve something.

163. Mistakes will generate more successful attempts. (try)

164. Four fundamentals will help you achieve success: sleep, nutrition, movement,
and mindfulness(mindfulness implies quieting your mind chatter(talk rapidly or
incessantly about trivial meditation, acknowledging the present,
focusing on your breath,)
165. Find the common point where these aspects overlap(.‫) تشابك‬

166. Having the same work ethic and quality of your deliverables, and maintaining that
over a sustained (adj contining without interputation) period of time.
167. He explains the best way to adhere ( ta9iiyed )them throughout your day.
168. The people adhere ( tamasak )to the muslim religion

p. 9
169. Who wants to make the most out ( greatest in amount, quantity, or degree.)Of
their day,
170. The reality of scaling ‫ تحجيم‬a business

171. Running a business is not an easy feat. (an achievement that requires great courage,
skill, or strength.)
172. But with the right mentorship ( ‫ ارشاد‬, planning, and a load of determination, it
becomes possible.
173. Stay framed ‫ مؤطر‬in the subjects

174. But with the right mentorship, planning, and a load of determination, it
becomes possible.
175. Listen to your gut ( 7ads ) and chase your goals.

176. You are dissatisfied with your professional life for any reason.

177. Being an entrepreneur is not all sunshine.

178. Make sure to leave that aside and think outside the box when it comes to your
179. Have your goals align with your values and your strategies.

180. Loans and credits can keep your company floating ( tadoof ) , so don’t be afraid of
181. Most startups ‫ شركات ناشئة‬require some funding (money provided, especially by an
organization or government, for a particular purpose.) To get going,
182. Recurring (occurring again periodically or repeatedly.) Buyers are a great source of
183. Online ads (an advertisement).

184. Retain ( keep) customers.

185. Thriving (flowered) company from scratch (zero) and run it successfully.

186. The authors managed to compress extended knowledge from fields like business
administration, finance and marketing, under the form of a hardcopy filled with
practical tips.

p. 10
187. Flowered

188. Fostering ( favoriser )a pleasing, learning working environment will most likely
cost more than just covering your people’s basic needs.
189. As a response to a healthy working space, your employees will work more efficiently
and customers will be more than pleased to work with you, instead of your competitors.
190. Learn how to promote ( promouvoir ) your vacancies (offres d'emploi) to
attract the kind of people that you’re looking for
191. Attract better job applicants( attirer de meilleurs candidats)

192. The burden ( la charge) of finding the right candidates falls more on suppliers.
193. He job implies rare, complex skills,

194. Be consistent (soyez coherent) when it comes to hiring and maintaining

talent in your company.
195. Most skilled workforce=consistent_right applicant =a robust (solide )recruitment
team=experts =talented future employees,
196. Hiring success will teach you how to screen( selectionner ) applicants,
197. Old job-seeker looking for ways to get accepted into top-tier
198. Access the superpowers within you
199. Don’t take my word for it.
200. Let’s take the most iconic ( famous) example of them all
201. A christian home
202. Provocative dance moves and lyrics didn’t quite match the education she
203. So she had to break free from her initial identity.
204. This life hack is widely
205. This life hack is widely used by successful people all over the world
206. Trick ( tromper ) your negative emotions into no longer being part of your identity.
Your mind is an outstanding (very important ) part of you. It is
the most powerful tool you have at your disposal
p. 11
209. Many other challenges (possible) are likely to strike multiple times.
210. He wouldn’t let anything interfere ( ‫ يتدخل‬with their passion.
211. Next time you want to awaken that spirit within
212. Defeat (verb): win a victory over.

‫أو سالح‬. .weapon or fastening, obstruction, an as used 213 : ‫ستخدم عاد ًة كعرقلة أو تثبيت‬hُ‫ت‬

Lateral Thinking Summary

213. This assumption (hypothése) is not completely untrue, but it can do more damage

than good. People from either category tend to focus on their native inclinations

(propension) while ignoring the other completely.

214. Looking at a problem in non-conventional ( non traditional) manner is what you

should do.

215. such as a firefighter battling fire with water

216. Twist (ta7riif) the problem, tweak (modify) it or play with it.

217. Technique random exposure(do what you don’t usually do)

218. Use of your intuition (7ads) and let your creative mind wander (yatajawal) and


219. Opt ( choose) for impersonating( ‫ انتحال شخصية‬l'usurpation d'identité personnifier )

220. Figure ; character persona

221. go-to trick : Astuce incontournable

222. to resonate emotionally with your alter

p. 12
223. Repair ( fix) their relationships.

224. Outgoing( extraverti) and sociable

225. Her provocative dance moves and lyrics did not quite match the education she


226. Unbeatable Mind Summary

227. it may seem unfeasible

228. This book will teach you how to tap into your own potential and pave( ‫( مهد‬the way

for success.

229. Firstly, you should aim to win total control over your thoughts. Do that by taming

(l'apprivoisement: ‫ ) ترويض‬it when you notice it losing control.

230. If you're not feeding them emotions, they'll fade (tatalasha ) away.

231. Redirect your mind from the negative chatter within to focusing on your goals.

232. Think about what you can do right now to help yourself achieve your objectives,

instead of thinking negatively and becoming a victim.

233. Lastly, find ways to maintain this state of mind through a mantra (word or sound

repeated to aid concentration in meditation). Practice your mantra continuously and even

say it out loud if it helps you stick to it.


235. It seems that every time we try to close our eyes and do so, our mind starts

running like crazy----Turn off all your devices and find a comfortable spot ( place )to

meditate. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing pattern ( namate). Then, practice

Box Breathing (tanafos sondo9).

p. 13
236. Inhale ( inspirez)for five seconds and release your exhale for another five seconds.

237. with the right practices and a few tips-and-tricks from the former Navy SEAL,

everything becomes doable( possible) right away.

238. they’re constructive or destructive thoughts, and decide if they’re important or not

to you.

239. Witness( shahid) your negativity objectively and look for the root cause

 Sustainability : la durabilité

 Pandemic : pondemic

240. Accelerating the shift ‘move_transfer’ to a green economy

241. Pandemic put the brakes (retarding device ( avancement ) on global economic


Added to the grave dangers to public health,

242. The slowdown ( le ralentissement) brought the environment into sharp(7ad) focus

243. Planning a recovery(a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength)

244. Leaders planning a recovery must factor ( doivent prendre en compte )in the
sustainability credentials( references de la durability)

245. by putting pressure

p. 14
246. The macro-level challenges to overcome :Les défis au niveau macro à surmonter

247. The perception gap between political and business aspirations and action : L'écart
de perception (a hope or ambition of achieving something) entre les aspirations et l'action
politiques et commerciales

248. The regulatory The regulatory responsibilities of governments

249. Keeping an eye on the horizon : garder un oeil

250. Despite the shadow ( ombre) cast ( cause-throw-) on the global economy

251. a silver lining ( coté positive ‘’’’basis 2amal ) is starting to emerge.: ( appear)

252. consumption of natural resources exceeded

253. a sharp decline ( forte baisse) in the rate of consumption

254. intervenes , come in , interfere ( without invitation)

255. Align: place or arrange (things) in a straight line.

256. embed  : integer

257. Related restrictions (9oyod) that may not persist (continue) once they are eased,
(make it less serious).

258. The thrill ( le frison , tachwi9)of achievement may be temporarily

p. 15
259. Allah remove toxic friend from my life

260. I deserve a cultivated person

261. ALLAH who takes this person away from my life, in order to guide me on the the
right bath

262. Sensitive strivers ( fighter) have to overcome

263. It does not interfere (take part or intervene in an activity without invitation or
necessity) with your career,

264. In addition, the environment also upset us.

265. We are not aware ( au courant )that we are strivers in this world

266.  The Honor Roll Hangover : excessive attention to detail

267. Au contraire ; on the contrary

268. I keen on struggling the overthinking

269. Let you frame on the topic

270. Ditch (abandoned) the fear of missing out on opportunities. Only sign up for what
you feel comfortable doing.

271. Spying : espionage ( mom spy dad)

272. refléter la réalité , réflichir/reflect reality ,

p. 16
273. Overachiever ( superformantes)who takes everything as a competition and is
close to facing burnout: sur le point de faire face à l'épuisement professionnel.

274. Too much confidence lead to recklessness decision

275. Unhealthy dose of confident

276. Under confident –Over confident

277. Confident ; adj …… Confidence: noun

278. skill builds self-worth, and it shows.

279. avoiding becoming overconfident and looking sham( fake)

280. There is no guarantee that he’ll be back, nor that he will succeed in his quest

281. Lifetime journey (trip) of a human who has to go through different

282. challenges and mystic (mysterious) circumstances to fulfill their destiny. *

283. Success is a journey not a destiny

284. Toward a Psychology of Being encompasses (include) the extended (enlarger)

research of Abraham Maslow on the human condition,

 Belliqueux : cherche les batailles

 Zen ; (adjt et nom )personne calme

p. 17
 Le moine : rahib comme imam

 Econduite :Refuser de recevoir qlq

 Mépris : ( nom ms )Sentiment par lequel on considère (qqn) comme indigne

d'estime, comme moralement condamnable.

 Epée : Arme blanche faite d'une lame aiguë et droite, emmanchée dans une
poignée munie d'une garde.

 Rengainer son pistolet.

285. Curing (guérir) diseases and mental disorders (troubles)

286. His findings are groundbreaking (revolutionaries)

287. It depicts ( show)the five categories of needs

288. esteem need, which implies (signify)receiving respect for others, recognition
(acknowledgement )

289. Advancing to the next category on the pyramid implies that all previous needs
have been taken care of.

290. You see the world in its wholeness (integrité) and uniqueness

291. akes this into account

292. Better Than Before breaks down (decompose ,yofasilo) the latest research on how
to break bad habits and develop good ones,
The framework ended up being so popular

293. Based on how people respond to inner ( adj interior)and outer ( exterior)

294. Similarly to tracking ( suivre)your habits and using a calendar, making good habits
easy to do and bad ones hard, will help you.

295. He tied ( connect) himself to his ship,

p. 18
296. it pairs (put together) your joys ( afra7k) with your struggles.

297. Sought (seek) (look to ,seek) to build $ on this opportunity for change, 

298. Multilateral (especially the governments of different countries) initiative to provide

low- and-middle-income countries with infrastructure built on sustainable principles.

299. Infrastructure built on sustainable principles

300. adverse effects : des effets néfastes

301. More united and more farsighted (take care about the future) is needed to ensure
a sustainable global future. 

302. An approach that is simultaneously more united and more farsighted

303. sensibiliser : to raise awareness

304. Although the pandemic covid19 lead to a sharp decrease in the level of diseases cast by
emissions, we need a radical change concerning the function of the global economy; in this regard,
we need cooperated and longsighted approach to guarantee the protection of the environment.

305. According to the author, the world needs dramatic change of the global economy In order
to decrease emissions

306. In this context we need a strict approach that more united and farsighted.

307. Sustainability is still something remote ( ta7akom 3an bo3ed)

308. Describes a necessary expansion (tawaso3) of outlook ( tawa9o3at)

309. Reveals that progress towards tomorrow’s goals feels challenging for some corporates
‘companies’ who see their targets as being distant.

310. ING research outlines the importance of the sustainability targets in the future on ensuring
the accelerating of the development of the green economy.

311. Seeks the public interest

p. 19
312.  “tragedies of the horizon.”

313. Despite several countries having set net-zero targets,

314.  Unless ( sauf si ) more responsibility is taken by today’s actors, 

According to Mark Carney ,although large countries stand net-zero targets, there are a lot
of risks were generated by a lack of preparedness to catastrophic, and that will reach if
only the actors take more responsibilities, because in the end this kind of pollution will fall
on future generations.

According to Mark Carney, there are tragedies of horizon, so we should change

our behaviors, in order to keep our environment and avoid climate change. Despite serval
countries stand net zero target, however that still not sufficient, in this context today’s
actors should take more responsibilities’ in order to avoid the catastrophic impact of
climate change will fall in future generations.

According to Mark Carney, there are tragedies of horizon, so we should change

our behaviors, in order to keep our environment clean and to avoid climate change.
Despite several countries stand net zero target, that still not sufficient, in this context
today’s actors should take more responsibilities’ in order to avoid the catastrophic impact
of climate change that will fall in future generations.

Among ( PARMI) the first things

As Covid-19 vaccination programs pick up pace

Allowing the world to lift ( rafe3) restrictions

Return to some degree of normalcy
The crisis situation that is driving change eases ( facilities), 
 new behaviours also declines( decrease)

If you say alhmadulilah than bless you u will earn wages and rewards from ALLAH

p. 20
 If you’re looking to become the best version of yourself, give this book
a read.
 causes of stress and how to keep it under control
move away : leave
startles: to make a quick start , cause (a person or animal) to feel sudden shock or

Its rhythm is consistent regularly and persistent continually

There is a fine line (a very small difference) between anxiety and anticipation
( expectation,prediction,forecast)
Une partie Enrechissante = rewarding paragraph
Total destruction is imminent: will happen soon
the change feels invasive ( envahissant, penetrant) and violating as a result.

can govern ( control ) my actions at a time.

I become paralysed with the compulsive( irresistible)

this breath of fresh air provides extra oxygen into my lungs.

My inhale collides into, over and around me.

 Even expected transitions can be unsettling

disturbing, troublesome, perturbing, thrilling,worring)
: Même les transitions attendues peuvent être troublantes

Find yourself feeling low ( small,weak)

It can be hard to hang onto (1. To cling tightly to something.) supportive

lifestyle habits, which further ( improve) undermines (
. to impair, weaken, or destroy (health, morale, etc.) by imperceptible stages.) your resilience.

At its worst : au pire du cas


the remedial session : session de ratt

a weather pattern: a climatic tendency. idiom. the weather: the climate, the air conditions (for
example, sunny, rainy, windy etc.) noun.

p. 21
hijacked by your moods : mkhtoof

Il ne faut donc pas s’étonner : indihach

la communication conjugale : zawyjiya

 régulièrement assénées ; attaquer

Virtue can be moral, such a stemperance, or self-control, or

intellectual ; ‫ أو الفكر‬، ‫ أو ضبط النفس‬، ‫ مثل االعتدال‬، ‫ الفضيلة يمكن أن تكون أخالقية‬،*

Worker paychecks fell further behind: wadges decrease

escalating crisis in Ukraine : tsa3ad

price pressures that became more entrenched. : confirmed (tkhasakhat)

No one can ignore that transitions affect our mindset, during this period
people become vulnerable about how others perceive them, all this can lead
to losing self-identity. the best option is accepting this change and adapt
with it, in the other hand to get rid of about how others perceive us, you
should stop thinking about how they are judging you, as a result you are
going to strength and reinforce your sense of identity, to sum up a shift
identity represent a big step toward a successful path.

While we are going through change, we may feel vulnerable and losing a sense of self because we
can’t identify and recognize our selves, in this point how others perceive us can increase losing
ourselves identity ,because perceiving others is instable, add to all what we said before our nature
resists change and fights to keep the status quo, however the best choice is adapting to change and
to be flexible and responsive with it , also letting go about everything how other perceive us ,as a
result we are going to identify the right self-identity and m ake confidence of ourselves, to sum up
the change is an opportunity to take stock, reassess, grow and flourish.

Survey : 9ira2 chamila

the forefront ; tali3a
This article studies the rate change of food and energy during February 2022,
according to forecasts of the economists surveyed the inflation up to 7.8% for the year. This
inflation is due to two principal reasons, firstly the escalating crisis in Ukraine, secondly the Covid-
19 pandemic, as a result food prices rose by 1%, energy up by 3.5%, and shelter costs increase
by 0.5%.
p. 22
Addresses contemporary ( contemporains) people who live a stressful life
Implementing a few odd (different from what is usual or expected; strange)
Challenging yourself and going through life’s hardships unsheltered (without
protection) will help you grow
also consistent (acting or done in the same way over time) with Wall Street

The rise in inflation meant worker paychecks fell : (a check for salary or wages
made out to an employee)
outweighed by the price surge.: yafo9 irtifa33 as3aar
faltering Russia-Ukraine ceasefire talks.
‫ وقف إطالق النار بين روسيا وأوكراني‬y‫تعثر محادثات‬
a relationship between people or groups based on shared feelings, interests, or

Yield :
life throws challenges at you

likely : probable

accordingly; consequently

impact from commodities, : goods and services

The inflation surge : soudain increase

According to the managing director of investment strategy for E-trade, the

inflation of this year has already Plainfield before the crisis in Ukraine, this last
just had contributed to this escalation, and the principal reason behind this
inflation is government spending enhance with persistent supply chain
disruptions who’s push up the demand of fuel, goods and services as a result
the price of them increase incredibly.

Inflation is coming in hot but the reality is there are no real surprises in this
report,” said Mike Loewengart, managing director of investment strategy for E-
Trade. “The market likely already priced the inflation increase in accordingly,
and is instead intently focused on Ukraine and the downstream impact from
commodities, which are already sending shockwaves through the market.”

The inflation surge is in keeping with price gains over the past year. Inflation
has roared higher amid an unprecedented government spending blitz coupled
with persistent supply chain disruptions that have been unable to keep up with
stimulus-fueled demand, particularly for goods over services.
p. 23
According to the managing director of investment strategy for E-
trade, the inflation of this year has already Plainfield before the
crisis in Ukraine, this last just had contributed to this escalation,
and the principal reason behind this inflation is government
spending enhanced with persistent supply chain disruptions who’s
push up the demand of fuel, goods, and services, as a result, the
price of them increase incredibly.

To stem (stalk) ‫ مراقبة بتطفل‬the trend

Rate hikes: hausses de taux

Eversal (inversion) of a zero interest rate

factors hitting ( infenction betting) the domestic economy

scatter my focus

The worship of God

purpose flow into the same river
don’t let anyone stand in your way. 

Inflation is poised ( pret a faire ) to continue to run hot ( climb) :

squeezing budgets even further : réduire encore plus les budgets

The impact will be the harshest on those with the lowest incomes

pushed into survival mode

 to reach out to creditors and lenders to see if you can put off (retarder)

Controversial : ‫مثير للجدل‬


like stocks or bonds

p. 24
altogether : completely; totally. Absolutely

But when your greed takes over

a momentary or partial view.

Entirely : completely (often used for emphasis).

Counteract : act against (something) in order to reduce its force or

neutralize it.

Afford: have enough money to pay for.

income= salary=budget

glimpse : A brief, incomplete view or look.

Subdue: overcome, quieten, or bring under control

Costlier: more expensive

Appealing: attractive or interesting.

Borrowing :
lagged : slow

dampen : overcome

halt :stop

a drop ( sllow) in home prices

stamp out : get red of
long-held for a long tilme
 an article of faith : can’t change
based on long-held economic gospel : ‫تستند إلى اإلنجيل االقتصادي القديم‬
‫للعرض والطلب‬.
Dilemma : trouble
p. 25
bring down : to kill

rein: to hold back

prong: deux volets

a design plan or other technical drawing

refine :  To remove by purifying, to make

something pure or improve something, especially by removing unwanted material.

Ronald MacDonald : Ronald McDonald est un personnage fictif de clown américain et la mascotte de
la chaîne de restauration rapide McDonald's.

drive-through : a place where you can get

some type of service by driving through it, without needing to get out
of your car:

wrapped : covered with paper or other material:

ham : pig's meat from the leg or shoulder, preserved with salt or smoke.

Notably : in particular; especially.

Derivative :If something is derivative, it is not the result of new ideas, but has been developed from
or copies something else:

the article presents the history of American way of eating, USA was colonized
by Uk, so it took their ways of eating, first, British represented fast-food in the
form of fish 'n' ships wrapped in old newspaper, and offered to costumer as a
meal to eat in the street, another form of fast-food was famous in olden days, it
was a packed lunch, it contained some bread and something to eat with it. This
packed lunch was common between industrial and agricultural workers, it was
taken during lunch. In actual fact Americans didn't invent fast food, they just
made it into a lifestyle, by taken the existing models and refine them in order to
adapt them with modern lifestyle.

p. 26
Furthermore: encore
Increasingly: de plus en plus
Far ahead : loin devant
Sprung up :came up, cropped (up), emerged, materialized, surfaced, to start to exit
the fame ‫شهرة‬

In the first part of this text, we saw that old history of the American
fast food, since U.S colonized by U.K of course this country has
taken new culture of British such as, the ways of eating. Fish and
ships was British fast food, however it was the first step of modern
fast food in this context while hamburger was originally
German dish but in America, this dish was improved and
repackage as the most popular type of fast food. While in Europe
the steak meal was expensive, in America it was a daily meal, also
American people offered cheap cooked meals and they align with
their daily needs. Thanks to RONALD McDonalds Europe cough
up with American food life style, due to his golden arches,
Americans have the credit ‫فهخ‬

If American athletes so often take the greatest number of medals, if American scientists

and thinkers win so many Nobel prizes and other awards, and American businesses
dominate the world, it is largely down to one word: competition.

    Since the days of the pioneers, competition has been at the heart of the American way
of life; and in today's USA, there are probably few areas where the competitive spirit is
stronger than in the world of colleges and universities.

   Rivalry between institutions is intense, and nowhere is this more true than on the sports
field. Successful sports teams can be enormous assets to a college's reputation and
public image, which explains why many go to incredible lengths to attract and recruit top
high-school athletes.
p. 27
   There is a growing feeling, however, that in many cases they go too far. Recent media
reports have focused on the extremely high drop-out rate among college sports
scholars. While some abandon their education to take up lucrative professional
contracts, most leave college with no degree, and no hope of entering the elite world of
professional sport either. Pressured to achieve results in their sport, many have had no
option but to put academic study on the back burner.

   Their situation was recently highlighted by Rep. Ron Wilson, a Texas Democrat, who

claims that colleges and universities are cheating many student athletes of a proper

POINNER:a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or
Rivalry :Competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field.

enormous assets:enorme bénifice

Je suis à la recherche d'une nouvelle opportunité dans le

département logistique, pleine de motivation pour apprendre et
appliquer mes diverses compétences.

-Connaissance des processus logistiques, commerciaux, les incoterms et

les moyens de paiement à l’international.
-Maîtrise d’Excel et des outils informatiques
-Aisance communicationnelle

promises of fame (the state of being known or talked about by many people,
especially on account of notable achievements.) and fortune,

amateurs :
a person who engages in a pursuit, especially a sport, on an unpaid rather than a
professional basis., nonspecialist,nonprofessional

many students are increasingly bitter about the favors bestowed (: having a sharp,
pungent taste or smell; not sweet.
Upon :to,  above, affixed to, superimposed, next-to, onto, in, atop, simultaneous,
beginning with, astride and against

p. 28
Notorious: famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed.

Massacre :murder,ppl kill each other

Resentment :dissatisfaction

Spree : adventure

Jocks: a school or college athlete. 

Emptied : remove all the contents of (a container).

Gun : a weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other
missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud,
sharp noise.

The secret why American people dominate the world in many fields is their spirit of
competition; the consequences of competition are clear in sport field; thanks to it,
American athletes win always the worldwide rivalry. However, colleges and universities
exploit athletes in order to generate a bright reputation and public image, because
athletes are enormous assets to colleges, in this hand according to Wilson the college
system does not care about athletes and just one of ten of them can graduate. Because
colleges take care about making fortune as companies, while they are as a tax-exempt
charity, such us the NCAA had a big income from college basketball contracts with CBS

their meaning can be deduced from the context through logical reading.

phase out. v. To take something or someone out of service gradually or in

stages: The company phased out the old model of vacuum cleaner, and it's
hard to find any in the stores now. We will gradually phase the old schedule out
to create a more efficient one. See also: out, phase.
turn up : come to light, arrive,appear
be on track To progress or develop as planned, scheduled, or expected.

ustainable: permanent and not bad for the environment -

Texas oilman Jason Herrick is scrambling to pump more oil, chasing the promise of profit as
oil prices soar.
But despite his best efforts, he suspects output from his family-owned company will fall
this year, for the third year in a row.

p. 29
It's been years since his Pantera Energy has invested in new production, after money
dried up when energy prices plunged - famously dropping below zero at one point -
early in the pandemic.
Now, like many other firms across the US and global economy, he's facing major delays
as he hunts for supplies and staff to make the projects happen.
"Our job is to try to produce as much as we can and we've done that," he says. "We just
are so behind and we're having a difficult time catching up."
It's just one of the signs coming from the US - the world's biggest oil and gas producer -
that the high energy prices hitting households may be here to stay.
Since the start of 2021, prices for oil and gas have jumped roughly two-fold or more, as
demand roars back from the shock of 2020 Covid lockdowns.
The war in Ukraine, which has pushed countries in the West to shun Russian energy
supplies, has only sharpened their climb.
As the market heats up, forecasts suggest US production will increase by about one
million barrels per day this year.
But that's less than 10%, not enough to meet the rise in demand - and a far cry from the
response the last time prices were this high, in 2014, when US oil output jumped 20%
and the fracking revolution was in high gear.

In short supply: Available in amounts that are less than needed Gasoline is in short

Electricity grids: network

Supply : make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide.

Current: belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now.

Heating: equipment or devices used to provide heat ( make it hot) , especially to a building.
( chauffage)

Device : a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of mechanical or
electronic equipment.

run up against : to experience (something difficult) She has run up against a lot of

insoluble difficult that it is impossible to solve.

Consensus( frs Angl)

p. 30
Apprenez à prononcer

nom masculin
1. Accord entre personnes.
Recueillir un large consensus

In this text, we are approaching the electric car revolution, this new technology led by
Tesla, which spread in the entire world specifically in the developed countries, such as
Japan. In this respect, governments are investing barely in the development of this trend,
while in India the government encourage citizens to purchase by providing tax
exemptions and other incentives. In this regard, the author treats two questions “does
electric vehicle replace the internal combustion engine? Does electric vehicle be a
sustainable solution? In order to reply to these questions, the author discussed two
necessary conditions on the development of electric cars. Firstly, electric vehicle
manufacturers find difficulties in term of sourcing the vital components, which entire in the
electric vehicle production process. Secondly, countries suffer from the shortage of
electricity grids, so all these conditions run up against electric cars revolution, on the
other hand governments still optimists, because they think that technology will come up
with answers.
Ultimately: in the end

refilling with gasolene. faire le plein d'essence.

hey remain big and heavy. ; continue to exist, especially after other similar or
related people or things have ceased to exist.

Many people do not know that electric vehicles aren't a new technology, in
fact at the beginning of 19th century, New York biggest taxis used electric
vehicles, in order to face the prevention of batteries ran low, the owners of
biggest taxis set up batteries in a strategic location to exchange them, that
helps drivers to solve problem of slow recharging time. unfortunately in our
days battery exchange isn't an option due to their heavy weight.
International Universities and laboratories finance teams of top electrical
engineers to discover radical solutions; moreover, there is clean renewable
electricity, which will cope with demand from all world's electric vehicles.

We approached in this text the topic of super recognizers; the author started
the text by history, in order to give us the important role of super recognizers
in our daily life. The results of London riots were destructive, since there
were buildings and vehicles destroyed, and shops looted, in this context,
police officers started their investigation in order to catch perpetrators, by
p. 31
using CCTV films. However, the footages were poor so they could not help
police officer to identify rioters, fortunately there was one police officer who
had a special gift. Thanks to him, talent could identify 190 criminals just from
their eyes; this big work was the base for creating super recognizers that
can be by the combination of human skills and technology.

Today we are treating a modern phenomenon spreads in USA lastly,

according to statistics from American central for disease control, at least a
third of all American can considered obese, this health problem touches not
only men and women but also children. Particularly part afflicts by this
disease are the poorer population which live in small towns, all what we
mention is due to the fundamental change in lifestyles, people stop walking
and making activities which need efforts ,so everything can be done by car
and ,also drive thru tellers facilitate American life.

p. 32

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