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Prepared and Applied By:

In this document the procedure is given on how schemes were implemented for
priority tripping in TATA Power Mankhurd receiving station using IEC 61850 and
this document does not cover procedure for input/output masking, doing settings,
creating CFC logics, making displays. For this you are requested to refer DIGSI
Manual and CFC manual where these areas are taken care in full detail.

Purpose of the Project:

The purpose of this project is to implement reverse interlocking, Bus fault
protection and Priority tripping between breakers using IEC 61850 with SICAM by
communication of IEDS i.e. GOOSE Messages. The advantage of this is to reduce
BI, BO wiring complications and also to monitor the other relays status to make
the Scheme more efficient and Reliable.

In mankhurd receiving station, there are two incomers, ten outgoing feeders
including station transformers and one bus coupler for separating two incomers to
form two independent buses. The entire feeder having its own BCPU with
protection features. Here we have to implement priority tripping method for bus
section and outgoing feeder fault cases.

Fig.1-Structure of Mankhurd Receiving Station

In case of heavy fault on any outgoing feeders, that particular feeder and incomer
belongs to that feeder will sense the fault current and both will trip
instantaneously. So all the feeder belongs to that incomer will undergo
unnecessary outage. We can eliminate this case from the system by increasing
DMT setting of incomers as higher than outgoing feeder DMT setting. But it is not
advisable because incase of heavy fault on bus section, the incomer should trip
instantaneously. Otherwise entire bus will be burnout. So the entire system should
be implementing with priority tripping, bus fault protection and reverse blocking
Types of BCPU used:
1. INCOMERS-7SJ645 With Non-directional over current/Earth fault
2. BUS COUPLER-7SJ645 With Bi-directional over current/Earth fault
3. OUTGOING FEEDERS-7SJ645 With Non-directional over current/Earth
fault Protection

Location of fault
The fault can occur on following location on the system as follows.
1. Outgoing feeders(Load side)
2. Bus section-1
3. Bus section-2

Priority tripping scheme with reverse blocking

On above mentioned, now we will consider location-1
Fault on outgoing feeders
For outgoing feeder fault we have three scenarios.

Scenario 1-fault on outgoing feeder of bus section 1 with bus coupler breaker open.

Fig.2- fault on outgoing feeder of bus section 1 with bus coupler breaker open.
For the fault of outgoing feeder on bus section 1, both incomer1 and that particular
feeder will sense the fault current but the same time BCPU of that outgoing feeder will
send block signal for DMT protection of incomer1, so incomer will not produce
instantaneous trip comment until outgoing feeder breaker trip. This will avoid
maltripping of incomer during feeder fault. DMT protection of incomer will be blocked
for the period between outgoing feeder protection pickedup and trip issued for the fault.
And that outgoing feeder will not send block signal to incomer 2 because that particular
feeder is independent of incomer 2.
The same scheme is applicable for fault of outgoing feeder of bus section 2 with bus
coupler breaker open.

Scenario 2-fault on outgoing feeder of bus section 1 with bus coupler breaker closed

On this case total load is shared by both incomers and fault on outgoing feeder will be
sensed by both incomers-buscoupler and particular feeder on which fault occurred.

Fig.3- fault on outgoing feeder of bus section 1 with bus coupler breaker closed.

If there is a fault on outgoing feeder of bus section1, the BCPU of that outgoing feeder
will send block signal for DMT protection of incomers and buscoupler, so incomers and
buscoupler will not produce instantaneous trip comment until feeder breaker trip. This
will avoid maltripping of incomers and buscoupler during feeder fault.

ie. DMT protection of incomer-buscoupler will be blocked for the period between
outgoing feeder protection pickedup and trip issued for the fault.
Fig.4-Block send logic diagram of outgoing feeder

The same scheme is applicable for fault of outgoing feeder of bus section 2 with bus
coupler breaker closed.

Fault on bus sections

The mankhurd receiving station is neither transferring power to other stations nor
receiving power from other stations through outgoing feeders. All the outgoing feeders
are connected with end user so incase of bus fault on mankhurd station current will not
feed by any other outgoing feeder towards bus.

Now we will consider some scenarios shows various possibilities of occurrence of fault
on bus section
Scenario 1-fault on bus section with bus coupler breaker open.

Fig.5- fault on bus section with bus coupler breaker open

Since bus coupler is open, both incomers will deliver the power independently. On this
case fault on bus section1 should not disturb the feeders connected with bus section2.
As mentioned earlier on bus fault situation, outgoing feeders will never sense the fault
current so it will not trip for bus fault. Only incomer1 will clear the fault, if fault
occurred on bus section1 with bus coupler open.
Likewise fault on bus section 2 will be cleared by incomer2
Scenario 2-fault on bus section with bus coupler breaker closed
As bus coupler is closed, fault on bus section1will reflect on bus section2 and it will
disturb the feeders of bus section2. Here fault on bus section1will be cleared by both
incomer1 and bus coupler. Then Bus section1 will be isolated without disturbing feeders
connected on bus section2.

In this case bus coupler BCPU takes role to avoid maltripping of incomer2 for the fault
on bus section1.
Here bus coupler has bi-directional provision on protection to identify the location of
fault (bus section 1/ bus section2)

Note: CT star point of bus coupler earthed on bus section2 side, so current flow towards bus
section2 seen as forward and current flow towards bus section1 seen as reverse.

Fig.6- fault on bus section with bus coupler breaker closed.

Bus coupler BCPU was configured as follows
1. If bus coupler detect fault on forward direction it will send blocking comment for
incomer1 not to trip instantaneously.
2. If bus coupler detect fault on reverse direction it will send blocking comment for
incomer2 not to trip instantaneously.

Fig.7 Block send logic diagram of bus coupler

Now consider the same scenario, if fault occurred on bus section1, both incomers and
bus coupler will sense the fault current but as per bus coupler configuration, if once it
sense fault on reverse direction, it will send protection block to incomer2. And fault will
be cleared by both incomer1 and bus coupler.

Note: For bus section fault none of outgoing feeder breakers will trip.

Likewise fault on bus section2will be cleared by incomer2 and bus coupler and
unnecessary tripping of incomer1 will be blocked by bus coupler hence it sense the fault
current on forward direction.

Scenario 3-fault on bus section with single incomer, bus coupler closed.
Fig.8-fault on bus section with single incomer, bus coupler closed.
From the diagram above, the outgoing feeders of bus section1 draws power from
incomer2 when incomer1is opened. During this case if any fault occurs on bus section1
will be cleared by bus coupler without disturbing incomer2 (By sending block signal to
incomer2 as BC sense fault on reverse direction). Feeders on bus section1 will undergo
outage and feeders on bus section2 will continue service.

On this same scenario, if fault occurs on bus section2, only incomer2 will clear the fault
because bus coupler will never sense fault current. And hence entire station will undergo
Likewise same scenario will be applied with incomer2 shutdown.

High impedance bus fault protection

Previously mankhurd station was adopted with high impedance bus fault protection. On
that one of the CT core on all feeders will be taken for bus fault protection, all are

Note: Bus fault CT core of all feeders should have star point on bus side.

paralleled on phase wise and ended with high impedance bus bar relay with resistor-
metrosil circuit. If there is a fault on bus, bus bar relay will sense the fault and will issue
trip command to all feeders of that bus.
Fig.9-High impedance bus bar protection.
In mankhurd station bus fault protection using current summation method was replaced
by reverse blocking and priority tripping method. So it eliminates high impedance bus
bar relay circuit and CT supervision relay circuit. And this scheme didn’t cover separate
LBB protection for breaker failure case. But in case of breaker failure, incomers-
buscoupler plays vital role in clearing fault. Anyhow protection will be active for all

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