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Report &
CMA Data

Executive Summary
Business Details

Name of Business Firm s.a.coconuts

Business Industry Trading
Nature of Business Wholesale

Legal Constitution Proprietorship

Address Gurunanak chowk Solapur Maharashtra

Pin Code 413003

Contact Phone 7058495440

Project & Loan Details

Fixed Capital to be Invested ₹0

Working Capital to be Invested ₹ 326,000
Total Project Cost ₹ 326,000

Term Loan ₹0
Working Capital Loan ₹ 276,000
Total Loan Amount Needed ₹ 276,000

Loan Duration 4 Years

Moratorium Period 2 months
Type of Loan Needed Mudra Loan
Average DSCR N/A as Term Loan not applied
Project Details

Cost of Project ₹ 326,000

Project Cost BreakUp

Working Capital ₹ 326,000

Means & Cost of Finance

Source Share Amount Interest Rate
Own Capital 15% ₹ 50,000 N/A
Loan from Friends & Family 0% ₹0 N/A
Total Own Funds 15% ₹ 50,000
Term Loan 0% ₹0 10.25%
Working Capital 85% ₹ 276,000 10.25%
Total 100% ₹ 326,000
Promoter's Details
Mr Sudhakar swamidas adonikar is the founder/promoter of the Business Firm.
The Promoter has done an indepth study of the Project's feasibility and has
the relevent experience to successfully implement the Project. The Promoter is
confident about the market potential of their Project and they are capable to
overcome competition & make sales as provided in the financial projections of
this Report

Promoter Name Mr Sudhakar swamidas adonikar

Gender Male
Educational Qualifications BBA
Gurunanak chowk Solapur
Contact Phone 0
Project Scope & Prospects
s.a.coconuts is planning to setup a project of Trading of Wholesale. The Business firm
and its owners have the relevant expertise & experience to set up this project and
make it run as a profitable business in years to come.

With the country opening up from COVID restrictions there has been a significant
improvement in industrial activities. India's economy grew at a record 20.1% year-on-
year in April-June quarter and such high growth rate is also expected to continue for
next few quarters.

India accounts to the second highest population in the world. The Trading business in
India is expected to continue to maintain its momentum, driven by economic and
social developments and population growth. s.a.coconuts have thoroughly evaluated
the prospects of setting up Wholesale trading business and the prospects look very
promising. The firm has studied the potential market opportunity and even on a
conservative basis they expect to reach profitability in a smooth and sustainable way.
Based on market study, the firm expects to achieve the sales and cash flows as
detailed in the Projected Financials of this report.

Expected CAGR (FY 23 to FY 29) 5%

Total no. of employees to be engaged 4

Projected Income Statement
Year Projection Years ---> Rs in Thousand
Particulars FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26

Revenue Income 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5

Purchases (Stock, Raw
Material, etc) 260.0 1,330.5 1,344.5 1,388.0 1,422.9
Changes in Inventory (164.50) (60.50) (11.49) (14.73) (7.54)
Building Rent 4.0 48.0 52.9 54.5 56.1
Salary & Wages 28.0 336.0 370.4 381.6 393.0
Electricity, Fuel & Water 1.0 12.0 13.2 13.6 14.0
Transportation 30.0 360.0 396.9 408.8 421.1

EBITDA (158.47) (2,025.61) (2,166.12) (2,231.37) (2,299.13)

Depreciation &
Ammortisation - - - - -

EBIT (158.47) (2,025.61) (2,166.12) (2,231.37) (2,299.13)

Interest Expense 2.36 28.29 28.29 28.29 28.29

Profit Before Tax (160.83) (2,053.90) (2,194.41) (2,259.66) (2,327.42)

Tax Expense - - - - -

PROFIT AFTER TAX (160.83) (2,053.90) (2,194.41) (2,259.66) (2,327.42)

Projected Balance Sheet
Year Projection Years ---> Rs in Thousand
Particulars FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26

A. Own Funds
Initial Capital Invested 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0
Additional Capital added - 1,967.6 4,157.7 6,427.0 8,745.8
Total Owner's Capital 50.0 2,017.6 4,207.7 6,477.0 8,795.8
Surplus (+) or deficit (-) in
P&L A/c -160.8 -2,214.7 -4,409.1 -6,668.8 -8,996.2
Subsidy Received - - - - -

B. Long Term Liabilities

Term Loan from Bank - - - - -
Loan from Friends & Family - - - - -

C. Current Liabilities
Working Capital Loan 276.0 276.0 276.0 276.0 276.0
Interest Payable 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
Provision for Taxation - - - - -
Trade Payables 293.0 143.9 159.6 164.7 180.9

Total Sources of Funds 460.5 225.1 236.6 251.3 258.8

Year Projection Years ---> Rs in Thousand
Particulars FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26

A. Non Current Assets

Fixed Assets
Gross Block - - - - -
Depreciation till date - - - - -
Net Block - - - - -

B. Current Assets
Cash & Bank Balance 296.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Trade Receivables 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Stock in Hand 150.0 210.0 220.5 233.9 240.9
Other Current Assets 14.5 15.0 16.0 17.3 17.8

Total Application of Funds 460.5 225.1 236.6 251.3 258.8

Cash Flow Statement
Year Projection Years ---> Rs in Thousand
Particulars FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26

A. Cash Flow from Operating Activities

Net Profit After Tax (160.83) (2,053.90) (2,194.41) (2,259.66) (2,327.42)
Add: Interest Expense 2.36 28.29 28.29 28.29 28.29
Add: Depreciation - - - - -
Operating Profit before
Working Capital Changes (158.47) (2,025.61) (2,166.12) (2,231.37) (2,299.13)
(Increase)/Decrease in
Current Assets (other than
Cash) (164.56) (60.50) (11.49) (14.73) (7.54)
Increase/(Decrease) in
Current Liabilities (other
than WC loan) 295.36 (149.13) 15.76 5.08 16.17
(27.67) (2,235.24) (2,161.85) (2,241.02) (2,290.49)

B. Cash Flow from Financing Activities

Interest Expense (2.36) (28.29) (28.29) (28.29) (28.29)
Term Loan Taken/ (Repaid) - - - - -
Working Capital Loan
Taken / (Repaid) 276.00 - - - -
Loan from Friends & Family - - - - -
Capital Introduced /
(Drawings) 50.00 1,967.57 2,190.14 2,269.31 2,318.78
Subsidy Received - - - - -
323.64 1,939.28 2,161.85 2,241.02 2,290.49

C. Cash Flow from Investing Activities

Purchase of Fixed Assets - - - - -

Total Cash Inflow/ /

(Outflow) (A+B+C) 295.97 (295.96) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Add Opening Cash Balance - 295.97 0.01 0.01 0.01
Closing Cash Balance 295.97 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Key Ratios & Feasibility
Year Projection Years --->
Particulars Solvency
Long-term FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26
Debt Equity Ratio - - - - -
Interest Coverage -67.22 -71.60 -76.57 -78.87 -81.27
Debt Service Coverage
Ratio (DSCR - Gross) -67.22 -71.60 -76.57 -78.87 -81.27
Short-term Solvency
Current Ratio 0.81 0.53 0.54 0.57 0.56
Quick Ratio or Liquid Ratio 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Profitability Ratios
Gross Profit Margin -468233% -469786% -467769% -458922% -450360%
EBIDTA Margin -528233% -525861% -525547% -515600% -505958%
Net Profit Margin -536092% -533205% -532411% -522137% -512184%

Activity Ratios (on closing value)

Debtors Turnover (days) 54.00 60.83 60.83 57.79 57.79
Trade Payables (days) 24.49 25.17 26.75 26.76 28.62
Inventory Turnover (days)* 42.41 60.35 60.38 62.17 62.14
Fixed Assets to Turnover
Ratio - - - - -

*Closing Inventory value considered

Maximum Permissible Bank Finance (MPBF) Calculation
Year Projection Years --->
Particulars FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26
Total Current Assets (1) 460.53 225.07 236.56 251.29 258.84
Total Current Liabilities
(other than Bank
Borrowing) (2) 295.36 146.23 161.99 167.07 183.24
Working Capital Gap (1-2) 165.17 78.84 74.58 84.23 75.59

1st Method of Lending

Minimum Stipulated Net
Working Capital 41.29 19.71 18.64 21.06 18.90
MPBF 1st method 123.88 59.13 55.93 63.17 56.69

2nd Method of Lending

Minimum Stipulated Net
Working Capital 115.13 56.27 59.14 62.82 64.71
MPBF 2nd method 50.04 22.57 15.43 21.40 10.88

Actual Working Capital

Loan O/s 276.00 276.00 276.00 276.00 276.00
DSCR Calculation
Not Applicable as Term Loan is Not Opted for
Year Projection Years --->
Particulars FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26

PAT + Depreciation +
Interest -158.47 -2,025.61 -2,166.12 -2,231.37 -2,299.13

Interest payment 2.36 28.29 28.29 28.29 28.29

Principal Repayment - - - - -
Total Repayment during the
year 2.36 28.29 28.29 28.29 28.29

DSCR -67.22 -71.60 -76.57 -78.87 -81.27

Average DSCR -76.88

Term Loan Repayment Schedule

Not Applicable as Term Loan is Not Opted for
Term Loan Amount ₹0
Loan O/s after Moratorium Period ₹0
Monthly EMI Amount ₹0

Year Interest Total Payment to Principal Repaid Closing Loan

Charged Bank O/s

Current Year - - - -
1 - - - -
2 - - - -
3 - - - -
4 - - - -
5 - - - -
6 - - - -
7 - - - -
- - -
Depreciation Schedule

Asset to be purchased Depreciation Rate

*Depreciation is worked out on WDV basis

Assumptions Used
Capacity Utilisation
It is assumed that post investment of loan funds into business, the business would reach its optimum capacity in the following manner

Year Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Sales Capacity of Business 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Exepenses Capacity
(Variable & Semi Variable) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Estimated Sales
Particulars Current Year
Capacity Utilisation 100% In Projected Years, Sales are considered at the operational capacity tabulated
above. Over the years the current selling price is inceased marginally as it is
assumed that after our product is established in the market, we will be able to
command premium in the market
Average Sales per Day ₹1

Estimated Expenses
Based on the working experience and market study, the Promoters have assumed that at 100% operational capacity, following
expenses would have to be incurred

Particulars Monthly Cost at current prices

Purchases (Stock, Raw Material, etc)* ₹ 100,000
Building Rent ₹ 4,000
Salary & Wages* ₹ 28,000
Electricity, Fuel & Water* ₹ 1,000
Repair & Maintenance ₹ 0
Transportation* ₹ 30,000
Telephone/postage & Internet costs ₹ 0
Advertising & Marketing ₹ 0
Insurance expenses ₹ 0
Consumables, Spares, Stores, etc* ₹ 0
Other expenses ₹ 0
Total ₹ 163,000
*These Expenses (50% of Salary) are considered to calculate Gross Profit margin

Current Year Period

For the Current Period, the projections worked out are for the balance period of 1 month(s)

Adjustment for Inflation

In Sales & Expenses, both, nominal adjustment for price increase due to inflation is made
Contact Person Sudhakar swamidas adonikar
Contact Number 7058495440
Suggestions to Improve your Project Report
Not part of Project Report

Please Check for the below points

Your Working Capital Loan Limit should not be higher than permissible limit (MPBF), If yes,
then kindly reduce the loan limit to met the requirement. Refer Key Ratios & Feasibility
Sheet to check your MPBF limit

Your Average DSCR Ratio should not be very low (<1.5) nor very high (>5). Check whether
your average DSCR falls in this range.

If its low, then increase your Sales projections or reduce estimated fixed expenses.
If its high, try reducing your loan repayment years as you can repay your loan faster

Try to maintain your GP Ratio or EBITDA margin within acceptable limits of your industry

Finally, every Bank has its own criteria to approve loan. You can always change and
regenerate your report multiple times on our website for 7 days after payment

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