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Republic of the Philippines


Salvacion, Daraga, Albay


Grade 8

Learning area Grade 8 Quarter 3 Date: June 15, 2022

Content standard demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design
to achieve fitness
Performance standard Modifies a physical activity program for the family/school peers to achieve fitness
I. Objectives Within the given period, the students are expected to:
1. Discuss the nature and background of basketball
2. Execute basic skills and tactics in basketball

The basic skills of basketball

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Basketball Allotted time: 60 mins

Sub Topic :
III- Learning resources :
Resources needed Handouts, manila paper, printed pictures
References Physical Education and Health Unit 2 Team Sports
III - Learning Procedure Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

A. Preliminary Activities Good morning, class! Good morning ma'am!

(The students will pray)
Let us pray before we start our class
today. (Checking attendance)

Ms. Bueno, can you check the attendance None ma'am!

for today?

How many are absent?

1. Wash hands daily

2. Always wear facemask
Okay that's good to hear! 3. Keep a safe distance
4. Stay home as much as you can
5. Cover your cough
Before we start our lesson class let
observe safety health protocols
I can see a basketball and basketball
Thank you!

So everyone, focus here now what can Me! Ma'am

you see about this pictures?
Me! Ma'am
Good. Well said Mr!

Guide question: I think ma'am, it is all about basketball

1. Who among you has an idea

about basketball?
2. Who among you played

That's good to hear! So, what do you Basketball is a team sport, wherein the
C. DISCUSSION think is our topic for today? objective is to shoot a ball through a
basket horizontally positioned to score

Exactly Mr. Maco! Today, we will be

discussing about basketball

Anybody in this class can share the nature

and background of basketball?

So now, let's also read and learn about

the nature and background of basketball

• is a team sport, wherein the objective is
to shoot a ball through a basket
horizontally positioned to score points.
• two teams of five players plays on a It is the first basic skills to be learned
marked rectangular court
• basketball was invented in December Dribbling allows you to move around
1891 by the Canadian clergyman, the court while you're in possession of
educators, and psycician"James the ball.
Naismith" Passing is a skill that maximize the
involvement of all players is setting up a
Basic skills in Basketball play to earn successful shots and earn
1. Shooting 4. Rebounding points for the whole team.
2. Dribbling 5. Running
3. Passing

What is shooting?
How about dribbling and passing?

Good! Last was rebounding and Running - Basketball court

Rebounding is one of the major aspects - Ball
of the game. It is your ability to jump with - Basket
power to gain possession of the ball as it - Backboard
bounces to the rim after a failed shot - Shoes
before it touches the floor.
Running is one of the basic skills that a
basketball player should possess because
in this sport, speed, defines the best.

What are the facilities a d equipment in


The referee is the official that controls

the game. He is the one touse the ball
Very good class! Seems like your very up for the center jump at the start of
interested to our topic. the game and each overtime period.

Let's talk about the officiating officials/

Rules and Regulations.
So we have the officiating staff
• referee • an umple • a scorer • a
timer and a shot-clock operator A. signal the timer to stop the clock
B. Designate the offinater to the scorer
What is the role of official in charge? C. Use his or her fingers to indicate the
number of free throws

Officials Conduct Game

- During actual play, there is no practical
difference between the referee and
umpire (s). They are equally responsible
for the conduct of the game.

How about the official signals? Anyone?

Duties of Scorers and Timers
a. Record, in numerical order, names, and
numbers of all players
b. Record field goals made and free (The students will perform the task)
throwade and missed
c. Keep a running summary of points
d. Record fouls called on each player and
notify officials when a player -
disqualification or bonus free throw
e. Record timeouts and report when a - shooting, dribbling, passing,
teams allotted number has been used rebounding, running
f. Record when a squad member has
been ejected for fighting

- basketball court, ball, basket,

Okay, so now I will group you into 5 backboard, shoes
groups and perform the basic skills

1. Shooting 4. Rebounding None ma'am!

2. Dribbling 5. Running
3. Passing

1. What are the basic skills of basketball?

Very good Mr.

2. What are the facilities and equipment

in basketball?

Thank you Mr.

So, class is there any questions?

IV. EVALUATION Paper and pencil test.

Very good, all of you did a great job.
Get a piece of paper and answer the ff.
What are the basic skills of basketball? (Student will answer)
1. 4.
2. 5.
Who are the officiating officials?
1. 4.
2. 5.

Get your notebook and copy the
questions on the board
1. Why are rules and regulations essential
in playing basketball?
2. Why is it important to learn the basic
skills in basketball?
3. Is it important to have a officiating
officials? Why?
REMARKS No. of students need for remedial/:

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