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Friends and Family

1. A lifelong friend – A friend that you have had for most of your life
2. A relationship of trust – a connection with another in which you have faith and confidence
3. Arrange a dinner date – Plan to share an evening meal
4. A shoulder to cry on – Someone to sympathize with you
5. Close knit family – A close family with common interests
6. Dear to my heart – Someone that I care about
7. Distant cousins – People who share a common ancestor but are not closely related
8. Extend the hand of friendship – Reach out to someone in a friendly manner
9. Extended family – Uncles, aunts and cousins form part of the extended family
10. Face to face – In person
11. Get to know one another – Learning different aspects of each other
12. Get together – Meet up
13. Immediate family – Spouse, parents, children, grandparents
14. Long lost friend – A friend that you have lost contact with
15. Long-term relationships – A committed relationship between partners
16. Nurture our friendships – Looking after our relationships with friends
17. Professional relationships – The relationships that we have in the workplace
18. Relationship problems – Difficulties with people with whom we interact regularly
19. Share a common background – The share a similar heritage or culture
20. Share the same ideas – To have similar opinions and views
21. Stand the test of time – To last a long time
22. Struck up a friendship – To make friends
23. To enjoy someone’s company – To enjoy spending time with someone
24. To have a good working relationship – To work together well
25. To have a lot in common – To have shared interests
26. To hit it off – To like each other straight away
27. To keep in touch with – To keep in contact
28. To lose touch with – To lose contact

A bridegroom close-knit
adoption brother connection
adoptive father brother-in-law cousin
adoptive mother brotherhood D
ancestor brotherly dad
aunt daddy
C daughter
B care-giver
child descendant
childhood devoted
birth mother
children divorce
blood relative
bride clan
E genealogy household
eligible grampa husband
engaged gramps I
engagement grandchild identical twin
estranged grandchildren in-law
ex granddaughter infancy
ex husband grandfather infant
ex wife grandma inherit
extended family grandmother inheritance
faithful juvenile
family K
family tree kin
father kindred
father-in-law kinfolk
fiancee kinship
first born kith
first cousin
great-grandson L
first cousin once
great-uncle lineage
groom love
flesh and blood
grownup loyalty
foster H M
foster child half-brother ma
foster father half-sister maiden name
foster mother heir mama
foster parent heiress marriage
fraternal helpmate mate
fraternal twin hereditary maternal
friend heritage matriarch

G history matrimony
home minor
Miss pop stepdad
mom posterity stepdaughter
mommy progenitor stepfather
monogamy progeny stepmom
mother Q stepmother
mother-in-law quadruplets stepsister
Mr. quads stepson
Mrs. quints support
Ms. quintuplets surrogate mother
nana related tribe
natal relations triplets
nephew relative trust
nest trustworthy
newlywed twin brother
second cousin
niece twin sister
nuclear family twins
nuptial U
nurture uncle
O sister V
offspring sister-in-law value
orphan sisterhood W
P sisterly wed
pa son wedding
papa son-in-law wedlock
parent spouse wife
partner stepbrother
paternal stepchild
patriarch stepchildren

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